
ORIGINATION FORM  Proposed Revisions to the Specifications  (P  

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ORIGINATION FORM  Proposed Revisions to the Specifications  (P  
ORIGINATION FORM Proposed Revisions to the Specifications (Please provide all information ‐ incomplete forms will be returned) Specification Section: 6, 8, 400, 436,
452, 571, 942, 949, 982,
Originator: Amy Tootle, P.E.
Articles/Subarticles: Varies
Telephone: 850-414-4364
email: [email protected]
Date: 10/26/15
Will the proposed revision involve Design Standard Index changes? Yes No Roadway Design staff contacted (name): N/A Structures Design staff contacted (name): N/A Will the proposed revision involve PPM changes? Yes No Roadway Design staff contacted (name): N/A Will the proposed revision involve CPAM changes? Yes No Chris
Construction staff contacted (name): John
Lewis, Juan Castellanos,
Rich Hewitt,
Alan Autry
Will the proposed revision involve Pay Item changes? Yes No Estimates staff contacted (name): Maria Irizarry Will the proposed revision involve SDG changes? Yes No Structures staff contacted (name): Yes No Will the proposed revision involve Material Manual changes? Yes State Materials Office staff contacted (name): Will the proposed revision involve APL changes? Product Evaluation staff contacted (name): No Estimates Bulletin Materials Bulletin Yes Will this revision necessitate any of the following: Design Bulletin Construction Bulletin Are all references to external publications current? No If not, what references need to be updated? (Please include changes in the redline document.) Why does the existing language need to be changed? The State Construction Office is looking at efficiency gains and converting business practices into a paperless environment. For
consistency with e-Construction requirements, the existing specification language needs to be revised, so that stakeholders doing
business with the Department submit construction documentation electronically.
Summary of the changes: Revised specification language to allow for all construction documentation to be submitted electronically including but not limited
to removal of references to paper and multiple copies of documents.
Are these changes applicable to all Department jobs? Yes No If not, what are the restrictions? Contact the State Specifications Office for assistance in completing this form. Daniel Scheer 850‐414‐4130 [email protected] Debbie Toole 850‐414‐4114 [email protected] Frances Thomas 850‐414‐4101 [email protected] Olivia Townsend 850‐414‐4303 [email protected] Florida Department of Transportation
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450
November 5, 2015
Specification Review Distribution List
Daniel Scheer, P.E., State Specifications Engineer
Proposed Specification: 4360000 Trench Drain.
In accordance with Specification Development Procedures, we are sending you a copy of
a proposed specification change.
This change was proposed by Amy Tootle of the State Construction Office to require all
construction‐related documentation to be submitted by electronic means for consistency with the
State Construction Office e-Construction initiative.
Please share this proposal with others within your responsibility. Review comments are
due within four weeks and should be sent to Mail Station 75 or online at
http://www2.dot.state.fl.us/ProgramManagement/Development/IndustryReview.aspx .
Comments received after December 3, 2015, may not be considered. Your input is encouraged.
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(REV 10-26-15)
SECTION 436 is deleted and the following substituted:
436-1 Description.
Construct Trench Drain, with one of the materials listed below, for the purpose of
collecting and removing surface run-off from paved areas. Furnish and install trench drain in
accordance with the Design Standards, at the locations shown in the Plans or as directed by the
436-2 Materials.
Provide preformed channels or pipe with sufficient strength to withstand construction
handling and placement of concrete backfill without deforming or deviating from line and grade.
Furnish the Engineer with certification Submit certification to the Engineer from the
manufacturer that the trench drain system meets the requirements of this Section.
436-2.1 Channels/Pipe: Meet the following requirements:
Steel Pipe ............................................................Section 943
Aluminum Pipe ...................................................Section 945
Polyethylene ......................... Section 948 and ASTM D3350
Polymer Concrete............................................ASTM D6783
Fiberglass ........................................................ASTM D3517
436-2.2 Concrete Backfill: Use concrete that meets the requirements of Section 347.
436-2.3 Grates: Provide steel grates and supporting frames that meet the requirements of
Section 962. Ductile iron frames and grates must meet the requirements of ASTM A536. Ensure
that ductile iron grates and frames are compatible and from the same manufacturer. Frames must
be anchored into the concrete backfill with studs bolts or lugs. Grates must have at least 30%
open area and fasten securely to frames to avoid rattling, Grates must be removable for the entire
channel length and have vandal resistant locking devices. Ensure that frames have a minimum of
4 inch long studs, bolts or lugs at all four corners.
436-2.4 Clean-Out covers for Type 1 Drains: Install steel or ductile iron covers that
meet the requirements of Section 962.
436-2.5 Outlet Pipe: Connect outlet pipe to the trench drain with standard manufactured
connectors. Unless a particular type is called for in the Plans, use any of the following types of
Concrete ..............................................................Section 449
Steel.....................................................................Section 943
Aluminum ...........................................................Section 945
Polyvinyl Chloride .................................................... 948-1.7
Polyethylene ...............................................................948.2.3
436-3 Installation.
Submit to the Engineer the proposed method of installation, noting any deviation from
the manufacturer’s recommendations. Place concrete backfill in the trench against undisturbed
material at the sides and bottom of the trench in a manner that will prevent floating or shifting of
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the trench drain, and will prevent voids in, or segregation of the concrete. Tamp and spade to
prevent honeycombing. Form the top surface to the lines shown in the Plans. Remove any
foreign material that falls into the trench prior to or during placement of concrete.
436-4 Method of Measurement.
The quantity to be paid for will be plan quantity, in place and accepted. The plan quantity
will be measured from the inside wall of the structure as shown in the Plans, along the centerline
of the pipe/channel.
436-5 Basis of Payment.
Price and payment will be full compensation for all work specified in this Section,
including all materials, tools, equipment, concrete backfilling, outlet pipe, connections to new or
existing structures and all incidentals necessary to complete the work.
Payment will be made under:
Item No. 436- 1Trench Drain - per foot.
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