
ORIGINATION FORM  Proposed Revisions to the Specifications  (P  

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ORIGINATION FORM  Proposed Revisions to the Specifications  (P  
ORIGINATION FORM Proposed Revisions to the Specifications (Please provide all information ‐ incomplete forms will be returned) Specification Section: 544
Crash Cushions Sheppard
Originator: Derwood
Articles/Subarticles: 544-3
Telephone: (850)
email: [email protected]
Date: 11/4/2015
*NEW* 544-4 Field Assembly Supervision
Will the proposed revision involve Design Standard Index changes? Yes No Roadway Design staff contacted (name): Derwood
Structures Design staff contacted (name): N/A Will the proposed revision involve PPM changes? Yes No Roadway Design staff contacted (name): Derwood
Will the proposed revision involve CPAM changes? Yes No Construction staff contacted (name): Will the proposed revision involve Pay Item changes? Yes No Estimates staff contacted (name): Will the proposed revision involve SDG changes? Yes No Structures staff contacted (name): Yes No Will the proposed revision involve Material Manual changes? Yes No State Materials Office staff contacted (name): Estimates Bulletin Materials Bulletin Yes Will the proposed revision involve APL changes? Product Evaluation staff contacted (name): Will this revision necessitate any of the following: Design Bulletin Construction Bulletin Are all references to external publications current? No If not, what references need to be updated? (Please include changes in the redline document.) Why does the existing language need to be changed? Delineation requirements were out of date and did not include current retroreflective sheeting requirements. Also had to add a
reference to the new installation supervisor requirement in Section 105 (see associated proposed revision).
Summary of the changes: Department preference is now to apply retroreflective sheeting directly to the Crash Cushion and use a Type 1 Object Marker as
an alternative. Added reference to installation supervisor personnel requirements in Section 105.
Are these changes applicable to all Department jobs? Yes No If not, what are the restrictions? Contact the State Specifications Office for assistance in completing this form. Daniel Scheer 850‐414‐4130 [email protected] Debbie Toole 850‐414‐4114 [email protected] Frances Thomas 850‐414‐4101 [email protected] Olivia Townsend 850‐414‐4303 [email protected] Florida Department of Transportation
605 Suwannee Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0450
December 15, 2015
Specification Review Distribution List
Daniel Scheer, P.E., State Specifications Engineer
Proposed Specification: 5440000 Crash Cushions.
In accordance with Specification Development Procedures, we are sending you a copy of
a proposed specification change.
The changes are proposed by Derwood Sheppard of the State Roadway Design Office to
provide training requirements for an on-site supervisor of proprietary Guardrail Approach
Terminals and Crash Cushions.
Please share this proposal with others within your responsibility. Review comments are
due within four weeks and should be sent to Mail Station 75 or online at
http://www2.dot.state.fl.us/ProgramManagement/Development/IndustryReview.aspx .
Comments received after January 12, 2015, may not be considered. Your input is encouraged.
All Jobs.
(REV 12-11-1512-14-15)
SECTION 544 is deleted and the following substituted:
544-1 Description.
Install redirective crash cushions as shown in the Plans. Redirective crash cushions are
safety devices with capabilities to redirect the impacting vehicle along the full length of the
544-2 Approved Product List (APL).
Use crash cushions listed on the APL. Manufacturers seeking approval must submit and
meet all crash testing requirements of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program
Report 350 (NCHRP 350) or the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware 2009 (MASH-09). Any
new or revised highway safety hardware review request submitted to and received by FHWA
after January 1, 2011 shall must meet all the crash test requirements of MASH-09.
544-3 Construction Installation.
Perform all installation and repair operations under the direct supervision of a Roadside
Hardware Installation Supervisor.
Handle and install manufactured materials or articles in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and the Design Standards.
Delineate crash cushion endss with Type IV or better retroreflective sheeting in
accordance withmeeting the requirements of Section 994. ApplyInstall retroreflective sheeting
with a minimum surface area of 360 square inches and a minimum height of 15 inches. As an
alternative, a Type 1 Oobject Mmarkers, in accordance withmeeting the requirements of
Section 705, may be used to delineate the crash cushion end. LocateCenter the Oobject Mmarker
centered 3 feet in front of the crash cushion end.As an alternative, the Contractor may install
Type III, Type IV or Type VII reflective sheeting on the nose of the crash cushion in accordance
with Section 994 and the APL drawings.
Perform repairs necessary due to defective material, work, or operations without
additional cost to the Department.
Restore crash cushions damaged by the traveling public after the installation is
completed, accepted and serving its intended purpose on an open section of bridge or roadway
within 24 hours.
544-4 Field Assembly Supervision Requirements.
Provide a Roadside Hardware Installation Supervisor for the installation and repair of
all crash cushions in accordance with Section 105.
544-54 Compensation.
Price and payment will be full compensation for the complete system or module in place
and accepted, including object marker or sheeting.
All Jobs.
Relocation of an existing crash cushion to a permanent location called for in the Plans
will be paid for at the Contract unit price for relocating existing systems. Price and payment will
be full compensation for relocating and reinstalling the system in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions and the Design Standards.
Payment will be made under:
Item No. 544- 74Relocate Crash Cushion - each.
Item No. 544- 75Crash Cushion - each.
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