Florida Utilities Installation Adjustment Department
Florida Department of Transportation Notice of Proposed Rule 14-46.001- Utilities Installation or Adjustment Comes now, the Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group, (FCG) by and through its undersigned counsel and pursuant to section l20.5aQ)@), Florida Statutes and the above referenced notice of proposed rule, and files this information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs regarding proposed rule 14-46.001- Utilities Installation or Adjustment, and states the following: 1. The FCG is the umbrella organization in the State of Florida, which represents member investor-owned electric utilities, rural electric cooperatives, and municipal electric utilities on issues affecting the electric utility industry in the state. 2. FCG has been the organization, tasked by the effected utilities, with the responsibility to negotiate the content of the proposed rule 14-46.001, F.A.C. 3. The proposed rule adversely impacts the day-to-day operations of the above referenced utilities and cooperatives in the State of Florida. 4. The proposed rule adversely impacts the day-to-day operations of the FCG. 5. Because the proposed rule impacts the day-to-day operations of the above referenced utilities and cooperatives, their substantive interest, as well as FCG's substantive interest, are affected. 6. The affected utilities as members of FCG have designated FCG as its representative in this matter. 7. Rule 14-46.001 incorporates by reference the Utilities Accommodation Manual (UAM). 8. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), has an existing rule 14-46.001, adopted in20l0, which included the 2010 UAM as a part of that rule adoption. 9. The FDOT has utilized the 2010 UAM, as the basis for regulating utilities use of FDOT rights of way, from the adoption of the rule, in 2010, to the present. 10. FDOT in its "Notice of Proposed Rule," did not provide a "statement of Estimated Regulatory Costs." 11. FDOT has made substantial changes to the 2010 UAM under its proposed rule to adopt the 2015 version of the UAM. 12. FCG states that the proposed changes to rule 14-46.00I, F. A. C., specifically the changes to the 2010 UAM, will have an impact on the affected utilities, its representatives and the FCG, in excess of $200,000.00, in the aggregate, in this state within I year. 13. Specifically, in one area alone, the requirements of section 3.17 .2.1, Tree Replacement, of the UAM, will have an impact in excess of $200,000.00 per year on the industry. Please see the document entitled "Proposal for a lower costs regulatory altemative which is included as Attachment A) 14. FCG has provided the analysis of Tom Wientz, an international Society of Arboriculture, Certified Arborist. Mr. Weintz has determined that the requirements of section 3.17.2 of the UAM would cost more than $200,000.00 per year. (Attachment B). 15.The 2015 UAM imposes additional costs to the regulated utilities in changes to section 2.4.I, sections 16),I7), and 18). 16. The 2010 UAM provided that trafhc control plans (TCPs) could consist of the FDOT typical applications in UAM Section 1.5.1. The proposed 2015 UAM does not do so, but instead suggests that site specific TCPs be drawn that comply with the series 600 Indexes of the FDOT Design Standards. The 2015 UAM proposes to require utilities to explain in sufficient detail as to how the right of way will be "restored" to the satisfaction of FDOT, before a permit application will be approved, whereas section 337.402 simply requires the utility to restore the right of way to its original condition before such damage. The added effort will impose additional cost and permit approval times to utilities. In similar fashion, the 2015 UAM proposes to require utilities to explain in sufficient detail how erosion is to be controlled, with no specific guidelines.In the absence of such guidelines, approvals will be subjective, and likely the cause of additional costs and permit approval times. 17. Section 3.I4.3 provides: 3.14.3 Aboveground Utility Relocation, and Adjustment Requirements FDOT may request the relocation or adjustment of existing aboveground utilities in order to construct projects. When requested, the UAO shall comply with the following: l) On projects intended to correct specific safety issues and not intended to bring all conditions within the R/W to FDOT's standards, the UAO shall relocate or adjust the existing aboveground utilities that interfere with the correction of the specific safety issue. 2) On projects designed to resurface the roadway, the UAO shall relocate the aboveground utilities to as close to the R/W line as practical with regards to the aboveground utility practical considerations n IIAM Seclion 3.14.5 whenthe aboveground utility meets either of the following conditions: a) The aboveground utilþ has been hit three (3) or more times in the latest hve (5) year period, b) The aboveground utility is located where the edge of travel lane is being moved closer to the aboveground utility than prescribed n (IAM Section 3.14.4. 3) On FDOT projects other than projects described in l) and 2) above, the UAO shall relocate or adjust the existing aboveground utilities to meet all the following conditions: a) Where practical, behind existing barriers (such as guardrail, or concrete barriers), and not within the barrier's deflection area. b) Not within the median. c) Outside the aboveground utility offsets in (lAM Section 3.14.4 and d) As close to the R/W line as practical with regard to the aboveground utility practical considerations in UAM Sectìon 3.14.5. 18. This section of the UAM is governed by section 337.403, Florida Statutes. That section states that a utility is required to relocate when the utility is "uffeasonably interfering" with the FDOT's use of the right of way. The above language greatly expands the criteria for relocation and will increase cost to the utilities. 19. FCG represents that the new requirements of the 2015 UAM will impose additional costs on the utility industry, in excess of $200,000.00 per year, in the aggregate in a year for the first year. 20. FCG represents that the f,rrst year impact of the changes to the 2010 UAM, outlined in the 2015 UAM, are significant to the extent that they may likely to have an adverse impact on economic growth, private sector job creation or employment, or private sector investment in excess of $l million in the aggregate within 5 years after the implementation of the rule. 21. FCG represents that should the rule have the impact outlined in paragraph 20, above, that FDOT must submit the rule to the President of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives 22.FCG represents that the 2010 UAM has been adopted by the FDOT since 2010 and is less costly alternative that substantially accomplish the statutory objectives, outlined a above. 23. FDOT in its notice of proposed rule, made the following statement regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs: SUMMARY OF STATEMENT OF ESTIMATED REGULATORY COSTS AND LEGISLATIVE RATIFICATION: The Agency has determined that this will not have an adverse impact on small business or likely increase directly or indirectly regulatory costs in excess of 5200,000 in the aggregate within one year after the implementation of the rule. A has not been prepared by the Agency. SERC 24. FCG states that, based on the information provided herein, FDOT is required to prepare a statement of estimated regulatory costs. 25. Section 120.54(3Xb) states: (b) Special matters to be considered in rule adoption.1. Statement of estimated regulatory costs.-Before the adoption, amendment, or repeal of any rule other than an emergency rule, an agency is encouraged to prepare a statement of estimated regulatory costs of the proposed rule, as provided by s. 120.541. However, an agency must prepare a statement of estimated regulatory costs of the proposed rule, as provided by s. 120.541, ifz a. The proposed rule will have an adverse impact on small business; or b. The proposed rule is likely to directly or indirectly increase regulatory costs in excess of $200,000 in the aggregate in this state within I year after the implementation of the rule. (Emphasis added) 26. Had FDOT determined that the impact of the proposed rule was in excess of $200,000.00, FDOT by statute was required to prepare a statement of estimated regulatory costs. 27.Regañless of the decision by FDOT not to provide a statement of estimated regulatory costs, upon submission of this information regarding a statement of regulatory costs, FDOT is required to prepare a statement of estimated regulatory costs. 28. Section 120.541(l)(b) states: (b) If a proposed rule will have an adverse impact on small business or if the proposed rule is likely to directly or indirectly increase regulatory costs in excess of $200,000 in the aggregate within 1 year after the implementation of the rule, the agency shall prepare a statement of estimated regulatory costs as required by s. Florida Department of Transportation Notice of Proposed Rule 14-46.001- Utilities Installation or Adjustment Proposal For A Lower Costs Regulatorv Alternative Comes now, the Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group, (FCG) by and through its undersigned counsel and pursuant to section l20SaQ)@),1, Florida Statutes and the above referenced notice of proposed rule, and files this good faith written proposal for a lower costs regulatory altemative to proposed rule 14-46.001 - Utilities Installation or Adjustment, and states the following: 1. The FCG is the umbrella organization in the State of Florida, which represents member investor-owned electric utilities, rural electric cooperatives, and municipal electric utilities on issues affecting the electric utility industry in the state. 2. The proposed rule adversely impacts the day-to-day operations of the above referenced utilities and cooperatives in the State of Florida. 3. The proposed rule adversely impacts the day-to-day operations of the FCG. 4. Because the proposed rule impacts the day-to-day operations of the above referenced utilities and cooperatives, their substantial interest, as well as FCG's substantive interest, are affected. 5. The members of FCG have designated FCG as it representative in this matter. 6. Rule 14-46.001 incorporates by reference the Utilities Accommodation Manual (UAM). 7. The FDOT has an existing rule 14-46.001, adopted in 2010, which included the UAM as apart of that rule adoption. 8. The FDOT has utilized the 2010 UAM, as the basis for regulating utilities use of FDOT rights of way, from the adoption of the rule, in 2010, to the present. 9. FDOT has made substantial changes to the 2010 UAM under its proposed rule, which would adopt the 2015 version of the UAM. ATTACHMENT A 10. Section 120.54(1Xd), Florida Statutes states: (d) ln adopting rules, atl agencies must, among the atternative approaches to any regutatory objective and to the extent atlowed by [aw, choose the atternative that does not impose regulatory costs on the regutated person, county, or city which could be reduced by the adoption of less costly alternatives that substantiatty accomptish the statutory objectives. 1 1. FDOT, as an agency of the state of Florida is required to abide by the above referenced statutory section in rule adoption. 12. FCG states that FDOT has increased regulatory costs to utilities regarding tree replacement costs in the 2015 UAM, as outlined in the proposed rule. for in the 2010 UAM is a less costly altemative to the 2015 UAM, regarding tree replacement costs. 13. FCG represents that the language provided UAM was adopted by FDOT, it is by default a viable alternative to the 2015 UAM outlined tree replacement costs. 14. Since the 2010 "information regarding a statement of estimated regulatory costs,"; provided separately, the tree replacement costs outlined in the 2015 UAM will exceed by at least $200,000.00 per year the costs of tree replacement under the 2010 UAM. 15. As outlined in the UAM tree replacement costs is a less costly alternative to the 2015 UAM tree replacement costs and because it complies with the statutory requirements, it 16. Therefore, the 2010 substantially accomplishes the statutory objectives of FDOT. I7 . To that end, FDOT has referenced section s 337 .401 , 337 .402, 337 .403 and 337 .405 , as the laws to be implemented, under the proposed rule. 18. Section 337.402, Florida Statutes states: 337.4O2 Damage to public road caused by utility.-When any pubtic road or pubticty owned raiI corridor is damaged or impaired in any way because of the insta[[ation, inspection, or repair of a utility located on such road or publicty owned raiI corridor, the owner of the utitity sha[[, at his or her own expense, restore the road or pubticly owned rail corridor to its original condition before such damage. 19. This section provides the means and methods for a road by a utility to restore damage to a public utility and only requires the restoration of the road to its original condition. 20.To accomplish the intent of this section in the 2010 UAM, FDOT provided the following language: 4.6.2Tree Trimming The UAO shall trim trees to ensure and maintain the safe operation of utilities. Such trimming shall employ recognized and approved methods of modern vegetation control, with emphasis on tree health. When trimming does irreparable damage or causes trees or shrubs to die, the UAO shall replace this vegetation as described in the UAM Section 4.5. The UAO may use mechanical tree trimming machines for routine maintenance. The UAO shall remove all waste and debris associated with the trimming from R"/W unless FDOT specifies otherwise in writing. 21. Section 4.5 of the 2010 UAM stated the following: 4.5 RESTORATION 4.5.1 Restoration of Pavement When restoring pavement, the UAO shall do all of the following: l) Maintain temporary patches providing a smooth, all weather surfaces at all times until all other installation work is complete. 2) Notifo the Local Maintenance Engineer at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to application of the permanent patches. 3) Install permanent patches as soon as all other installation work is completed. 4) Maintain the permanent patches for a period of two (2) years from the date of installation. To reduce the time traffic is taken off of an existing facility, FDOT may approve the use of flowable fill. 4.5.2 Restoration of Landscape Except for trees or shrubs removed in accordance with the permit for purposes of complying with horizontal clearances, the UAO shall replace all planted or naturally occurring trees and shrubbery irreparably damaged or destroyed by the UAO during utility work on the R/V/. Such replacements shall be like-sized. The UAO shall determine replacement plant sizes as follows: l) If existing trees or shrubs have a clear trunk up to the diameter at breast height (DBH) measured four and one-half (4.5) feet above the ground, the UAO shall calculate the total DBH of affected trees and/or shrubbery. 2) If the trunk has vegetation and does not have a clear area below the DBH, the UAO shall calculate the total average height ofaffected trees and/or shrubs. The UAO shall do all of the following: l) Measure trees and shrubs before cutting to determine DBH. 2) Measure replacement material in the nursery industry standard of caliper inches (measured six (6) inches above grade of nursery stock). FDOT shall direct which replacement method is appropriate for trees or shrubs cut down before measurement. On FDOT approved landscape projects, the UAO shall notifo the maintainer of the landscape (typically the local government) and the Local Maintenance Engineer, of the scope of work to be done. 22.The 2015 UAM provides the following language for the same regulatory process outlined above in the 2010 UAM. It states: 3.18.2 Tree Trimming The UAO shall trim trees to ensure the safe installation, maintenance, and operation of the UAO's utilities. Where the UAO trims trees, the UAO shall comply with the,4N^11 A300 Standurd Prsctices. Where trimming does irreparable damage to a tree, the UAO shall replace or pay for the tree as described n UAM Seclion 3.17.2. Such trimming shall employ recognized and approved methods of modern vegetation control, with emphasis on tree health. The UAO may use mechanical tree trimming machines for routine maintenance. The UAO shall remove all waste and debris associated with the trimming from the R/W unless FDOT specifies otherwise in writing. I ZZ. Section 3.172 of the20l5 UAM provides the following procedures: 3.17 Restoration 3.17.1 Restoration of Pavement When restoring pavement, the UAO shall do all of the following: l) 2) Maintain temporary patches providing a smooth, all weather surface at all times until all other installation work is complete. Notifl the Local Maintenance Engineer at least two (2) business days prior to application of the 3) 4) permanent patches. Install permanent patches as soon as all other installation work is completed. Maintain the permanent patches for a period of two (2) years from the date of installation. To reduce the time traffrc is taken off of an existing facility, FDOT may approve the use of flowable fill. 3.17.2 Reptacement or Payment For Trees The UAO shall replace trees removed or irreparably damaged by the UAO. In lieu of replacing trees, the UAO may elect to pay FDOT for the value of the trees as determined below. The UAO is not obligated to replace or pay for trees with offsets less than the offsets established for aboveground utilities described in UAM Seclíon 3.14.4. The UAO is not obligated to replace or pay for trees that are listed as a Category I invasive species in the Invasive Species Lisl. The UAO shall attach to a permit application a plan view showing the boundary where trees are to be removed. Tree Replacement For a tree replacement, the UAO shall do all of the following: 1) 2) 3) Provide a plan view showing the boundary where trees are to be removed. Provide the mitigation value, as determined by a tree appraiser with the qualifications described in UAM Section of all trees to be removed in accordance with "Determining the Mitigation Value of Roadside Vegetation" as incorporated in Rule 14-10.057, F.A.C. Show in the permit application the replanting locations approved by the Local Maintenance Engineer. 4) Replant an equal value of trees in accordance with Florida #1 as described in the Grades and for Nursery Planls and the approved permit. Maintain the replanted trees for a period of one (l) year to Florida #1 as described in the Grades and Stundards for Nursery Plants. Standards 5) Payment for Trees For payment, the UAO shall do all of the following: 1) 2) Provide a plan view showing the boundary where trees are to be removed. Provide the mitigation value, as determined by a tree appraiser with the qualifications described in UAM Section of all trees to be removed in accordance with "Determining the Mitigation Value of Roadside Vegetation" as incorporated in Rule 14-10.057, F.A.C. 3) 3.17 .2.3 Pay FDOT the mitigation value ten (10) days prior to the required two (2) day notihcation in UAM Section 2.1(5). Tree Appraiser Qualifications Those determining the mitigation value shall have one of the following: l) Approval from both FDOT and the UAO as an individual qualified to perform the mitigation 2) 3) Registration as a Landscape Architect pursuant to Chapter 481, Pørt II, F.S. Certification from the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) as a Certified Arborist with advanced haining in roadside vegetation or equivalent credentials from another nationally recognized arboricultural organization. value. 24.The 2015 UAM imposes additional costs to the regulated utilities in changes to section 2.4.I, sections 16), 17, and 18). The 2010 UAM tied the traffic control plan to the FDOT design standards to be used with the traffic control plan. The proposed 2015 UAM does not do so. The 2015 UAM will require increased costs to utilities due to not providing direction to utilities on how to provide information to FDOT on erosion control. [suggest this mirror the language contained in other documentl 25. Section 3.14.3 provides: 3.14.3 Aboveground Utility Relocation, and Adjustment Requ¡rements FDOT may request the relocation or adjustment of existing aboveground utilities in order to construct projects. When requested, the UAO shall comply with the following: 1) On projects intended to correct specific safety issues and not intended to bring all conditions within the R/W to FDOT's standards, the UAO shall relocate or adjust the existing aboveground utilities that interfere with the correction of the specific safety issue. 2) On projects designed to resurface the roadway, the UAO shall relocate the aboveground utilities to as close to the R/W line as practical with regards to the aboveground utilþ practical considerations in UAM Section 3.14.5 when the aboveground utility meets either of the following conditions: a) The aboveground utility has been hit three (3) or more times in the latest five (5) year period, b) The aboveground utility is located where the edge of havel lane is being moved closer to the aboveground utility than prescribed in UAM Sectìon 3.14.4. 3) On FDOT projects other than projects described in 1) and 2) above, the UAO shall relocate or adjust the existing aboveground utilities to meet all the following conditions: a) Where practical, behind existing barriers (such as guardrail, or concrete barriers), and not within the barrier's deflection area. b) Not within the median. c) Outside the aboveground utility offsets in UAM Section 3.14.4 and d) As close to the R/W line as practical with regard to the aboveground utility practical considerations in UAM Section 3.14.5. 26. This section of the UAM is governed by section 337.403, Florida Statutes. That section states that the utilities are required to relocate when the utility is "unreasonably interfering" with the FDOT use of the right of way. The above language expands the criteria for relocation and will increase costs to the utilities. 27. Section 2.3.1 under the 2015 UAM imposes additional costs as compared to the similar language in the 2010 UAM. This is because the new language of the 2015 UAM requires a permit when it was not required before. Section 2.3.1 of the 2015 UAM provides: 2.3 Work Not Requiring New Permits 2.3.1 Work Types The UAO may perform work on the UAO's previously permitted utilities without applying for a new permit for only the work types listed below and when the work constrants in UAM Sectìon 2.3.2 are followed: l) 2) Placement of mid-span poles, replacement of existing poles, removal service poles in compliance with UAM Seclion 3.14. Placement of underground service lines in of existing poles or placement of compliance with UAM Section 3.16.7 provided they are perpendicular to the roadway. 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Temporary utility work approved by the FDOT Resident/Project Engineer during FDOT construction projects in compliance with UAM Section 2.1(2). Maintenance, replacement, alterations or additions of aerial components on existing pole lines. Maintenance, alterations, but not the replacement, of existing underground utilities. Placing and/or removing utilities within existing conduits, provided no additional pull-boxes or other utility appurtenances are installed. Installation of antennae for remote metering or switching devices to operate the permitted utility provided no excavation is performed. Vegetation control in compliance with UAM Section 3.18. Potholing for physical exposure of underground utilities in accordance with UAM Sectìon 2.1(9). zs. The similar section of the 2010 UAM is section 3.3.I. it provides: 3.3 WORK NOT REQUTRTNG NEW PERMITS 3.3.1 Work Types The UAO shall not perform the work on previously permitted utilities without obtaining a new permit unless the type of work is listed below and limited to the UAO's own facilities and the work conshaints in UAM Section 3.3.2: l) Placement of mid-span poles, replacement of existing poles, removal of existing poles or placement of service poles in compliance with UAM Section 4.2.2. 2) Placement of underground service lines in compliance with UAM Section 4.3.8 provided trenching is perpendicular to the roadway. 3) Temporary utility work approved by the FDOT Resident/Project Engineer during FDOT construction projects. 4) Maintenance, replacement, alterations or additions of aerial components on existing pole lines. 5) Maintenance, but not the replacement, of existing underground facilities. 6) Placing additional lines or ducts within existing conduits, provided no additional conduit, pullboxes or other utility appurtenances are installed. 7) Installation of antennae for remote communication or switching devices to operate the permitted utility provided no excavation is performed. 8) Tree trimming as described in UAM Section 4.6.2. 9) Routine maintenance of vegetation as described in UAM Section 4.6.3. l0) Potholing for physical exposure of buried utilities in accordance with UAM Section 4.9. The UAO shall be responsible under the original permit for any added lines or other utility modif,rcations for which a new permit was not required. The UAO shall not add third party facilities or use on FDOT R"/W without a utility permit. 29.The changes to this section will impose additional costs to the utility industry because of the requirement for permits. 30. FCG would submit that the 2010 requirements are a lower costs alternative to the 2015 requirements. 31. FDOT has added language to section 2.4.1,2), f) of the 2015 UAM. This added language will increase costs to the utility industry. That language states: f) For trenchless installations, the proposed method of installation, materials, function, type, size of proposed installation and largest reamer when used., bore diameter, and any areas ofexcavation such entry points, exit points, slurry pits, relief and or observation holes when used. 32.The 2010 UAM for section 3.4.1,2),f) provided the following: f) For trenchless installations, the proposed method of installation, materials, function, type, size of proposed installation and largest reamer when used. 33. FCG represents that the changed language will require increase costs to the utility industry. 34. FCG request that the FDOT keep the language altemative. in the 2010 UAM as a lower 35. Section 3.14.6 of the 2015 UAM imposes additional costs on the requiring permits. That language states: costs Utility Industry by 3.14.6 Pole Replacement and Service Pole Installation. The UAO may remove and replace poles consistent in compliance with the requirements of the replaced pole was originally permitted under. The UAO shall install service poles outside the aboveground utility offsets in UAM Section 3.14.4 and as close to the R/W line as practical. 36. The 2010 version of this language did not require permits: it states: 3.3.1 V/ork Types The UAO shall not perform the work on previously permitted utilities without obtaining a new permit unless the type of work is listed below and limited to the UAO's own facilities and the work constraints in UAM Section 3.3.2: l) Placement of mid-span poles, replacement of existing poles, removal of existing poles or placement of service poles in compliance with UAM Section 4.2.2 37. The additional requirement of permits will result in increased costs to the utility industry. 38. FCG request that the FDOT keep the language altemative. in the 2010 UAM as a lower costs 39. Section 4.2 of the 2015 UAM, if adopted will result in increased costs to the utility industry. That section has stricken language that allow for options for the utility industry. It provides: 4.2 Yertical Clearance The UAO shall provide at least twenty-four (24) feet vertical clearance for aboveground utilþ utilities above any limited access roadway. 40. The language in the 2010 UAM is located in section 4.8.2. That language states: 4.8.2Yertical Clearance The UAO shall provide at least twenty-four Q4) feet vertical clearance for aerial facilities above any limited access roadway. The UAO shall comply with this section unless a utility exception to these requirements is approved in accordance with UAM Chapter 5. 41. The elimination of exceptions to this section will impose additional costs on the utility industry. 42.FCG request that the FDOT keep the language in the 2010 UAM as a lower costs alternative. 43. Section 2.3.2 of the 2015 UAM now requires permits. Permits were not required under the 2010 UAM. The 2015 UAM states. 2.3.2 Work Constraints To perform the work in UAM Section 2.3.1, the UAO shall comply with all of the following conditions; otherwise, a new permit is required: 1) The UAO shall notify the appropriate maintenance engineer of the location, general scope and timeframe of the work. The UAO may immediately commence work after notification when the work is anticipated to take two (2) hours or less to complete. The UAO shall not commence work earlier than two (2) business days after notification when the work is anticipated to take more than two (2) hours. 2) The UAO shall restore FDOT R/W to the condition prior to the work within seventy-two (72) hours of completion of the work. 3) The UAO shall be responsible under the original permit for any added lines or other utility modifrcations for which a new permit was not required. 4) The UAO shall maintain vehicular and pedestrian trafhc using the FDOT 2014 Design Støndurds indexes listed below: Index Title 600 General Information for Traffrc Control Through Work Zones 601 Two-Lane, Two-Way, Work Outside Shoulder 602Two-Lane, Two-Way, Work On Shoulder 603 Two-Lane, Two-Way, V/ork Within the Travel Lane 604 Two-Lane, Two-Way, Vy'ork In Intersectio 605 Two-Lane, Two-Way, Work Near Intersection 611 Multilane, Work Outside Shoulder 612 Multilane, Work On Shoulder 613 Multilane, Work Within the Travel Lane - Median or Outside Lane 615 Multilane, Vy'ork In Intersections 616 Multilane, Work Near Intersection - Median or Outside Lane I I I 660 Pedestrian Control for Closure of Sidewalk 44.The stricken language will require permits, which will increase costs to the utility industry. 45. Permits were not required under the 2010 UAM. 46. FCG request that the FDOT keep the language alternative. in the 2010 UAM as a lower costs 47.FCG represents that the new requirements of the 2015 UAM will impose additional costs on the utility industry. 48. FCG represents that the 2010 UAM has been adopted by the FDOT since 2010 and is a less costly alternatives that substantially accomplish the statutory objectives, outlined above. 49. Pursuant to Section 120.541, Florida Statutes, FCG request that the FDOT not adopt the above referenced language in the 2015 UAM 50. For the reasons outlined above, FCG request that FDOT continue to use the language provided for in the 2010 UAM, in all pertinent sections. 51. Pursuant to Section 120.541, Florida Statues, FCG request that FDOT prepare a statement of estimated regulatory costs as provided in section 120,541(2), Florida Statutes. November 10,2015 Williams J\ ENVIROCHEM L:Ii i',r( lLli,.i Il]r!r,)lrrrl,rl.r LI ì 1l1i' \ .¡Ll,'¡,1 l)rr., :,, 1-¡, r [l I,iDTNVIRONMENTAL :r i I I'lrone l{}'/.-ill9,ll I li¡ tIrit rt t rgtl;Llitriìtìl;ilrtgfi i.Coi¡t November 9,2015 Williams Law Group, P.A. Thornton V/illiams 800 N. Calhoun Street, Suite Tallahassee, Florida 32303 RE: lB Preliminary review and opinion of economic impact of UAM 2015 changes (Section 3.17.2 Restoration) Mr. Williams: After reviewing of the document 2015 UAM (section 3.17.2) and our prior discussions, I feel I can help shed some further light on the matter from an arboreal standing. Since 2006, I have been working with the FAC I 4-1 0.057 (previously 14-40.030) in a consultation capacity to the outdoor advertising industry. I have handled many individual vegetation permit applications with mitigation plans and calculations to the FDOT under this section of the FAC and I am quite familiar with the cited mitigation methodolo gy "Determining the Mitigation Value of Roadside Vegetation" as incorporatedin FAC 14-10.057. As it relates to mitigation plans I have worked with, calculated, and subsequently have been approved by the FDOT, I will list the following values þer inch of diameter) for some common species found in the roadside environment (these are taken from some of my most recent mitigation plans and calculations). Please feel free to share this with your client and their foresters / right-of-way managers: ' ' Oak Species (Quercus) using a Live Oak (Quercus virgíniana) replacement value derived from wholesale nursery prices: o Less than 6" diameter tree - $91 .67 to $98.33 (per inch removed) o 6" - 36" diameter tree - $ 187.50 ro fi235.42 þer inch removed) Sabal Palm (Sabal palmetto) using a Sabal Palm (Sabal palmetto) replacement value derived from wholesale nursery prices: o 8'-20' tall tree - $126.88 (per tree removed) For the sake of time, I will keep this brief, and allow this to serve as a cost example for your clients to start with, so they can then research their own inventories and begin to estimate and assess the economic impact to their organization. It is my professional over $200.000 upon the utility indus4v as an aggregate across the entire State ofFlorida. Please take note that the mitigation methodology set forth is based upon finding the wholesale nursery prices for at least 3 different nurseries with the same species and size (caliper/diameter for trees, feet/height for palms). As you might imagine this can be a cumbersome task alone. Many times the species cannot be located in the required size and therefore replacement species values have to be substituted in, which in many cases will be the Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) valuation due to its widespread availability and stable market prices. Many times we will also look to the Florida Grades and Standards to find other species in the same matrix that would be suitable replacement values to use in lieu of the species being removed (mitigated for). Sincerely, EnviroChem Environment al LLC z/ø Thomas M. Weintz President ISA Certified Arborist FL-5436A ATTACHMENT Enclosures B Tree Species: Queicusvitginlona / løu¡tolio 67 t34 2 Method 2 lt¡ees 6"-36"1 2 Nursery prices for a 6" (200 cal) Quercus vitg¡nÍond 2 Calusa 2 County Line creek Ornamental $o.oo 2 s900.0o div by2 2 2 2 Price installation multiplier replacement tree Avg 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Total inches removed Avg price per inch Total mitigãtion válue = diminution (depreciation) factor (the higherthe number, the h¡gher qual¡ty of tree) r+Mitigation method based upon:¡ng%20M¡tigationg62ovalues%2OlSA.pdf Method 1 (5" caliper ôr less) replacement cost méthod Melhod 2 (6'L 36" caliper) replacemenl cost method 5450.00 2 2 *DF S450.00 5450.00 25 51,125.00 div by 6" per d¡ameter inch cost 5187,50 Tree Species: Quercvs r¡irginíanø L 0.4 Fair 2 0.4 Fair 3 o.4 Fair 4 0.4 Fair 5 o.2 Poor 6 0.4 Fait 7 o.4 Fai¡ 9 o.4 Fair 10 0.4 Fair 11 o.4 Fair L2 o.4 Fair 13 o.4 Fair IA 0.4 Fair 15 0.4 Fa¡r 16 0.4 Fair / louriÍoliø 2.3 3.2 2.4 2 2.2 2.4 3.9 3 2.4 2.7 3.7 2.5 2.7 2.2 z-4 0.92 1 1.28 7 0.8 I ! 0.96 0.44 1 0.96 7 1.56 7 L.2 1 0.96 t 1.08 1 1.48 1 r I 0.84 1 0.88 1 0.96 t 1 1 1 7 1 1, 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 t 1 1 Total inches temoved Avg pr¡ce pet inch Total mitigation value aDF = diminution (deprèqlation) factqr (the h¡ghei the number, the higher quEl¡ty of tree) "Miti8ation method based upqn: http://wwdot.state.fl.!s/emo¡/beauty/Deteim¡n¡ngy¿20Mitigation%2OValues%20lSA.þdl Mèthod 1 (6" caliper or less) replacement cost methôd Method 2 (6'L 36" callÞer) repfacemeDt cost method Method 1 ltrees uo to 6"1 s275.00 div by 3 Price installation multiplier replacement tree Avg 591.67 2.5 5229.L7 div by 2.5" per díameter inch cost EÉ Method 1 lÙees uD to 6"1 div by 2.5" per dleñeter inch cost $98.33 Quercus vißrn¡ønd Tree Species: 2 o.7 5 o.7 7 o.7 74.6 7I 8.6 t0.22 Method 2 ltrees 6"-36"ì 5.46 Nursery prices for a 6" (200 gal) Quercus v¡rg¡n¡ono 6.02 Calusa Creek s450 00 County Line Orna s4so 00 Becker Tree s79s 00 s1,69s oo div by 3 Price ¡nstallation multiplier replacement tree Avg 5565.00 2.5 51,412.50 div by 6" per d¡ameter ¡nch Total inches removed 27.7 Avg price per ¡nch S23s.4z Total m¡tigation value +DF ** = d¡minution (deprec¡ation) factor (the h¡gherthe number, the higher quality s5,108.61 oftree) Miti8ation method based upoo: http://www dot¡nB%2OMitigation%2ovalues%2Ol5A. pdf Method 1 (6" caliper or less) replacement cost method Method 2 (6'L 36" caliper) replacement cost method cost 52!5.42 Sabal Palm Mitiqation Galculation (f) l1' tall Sabal Palm fiees (Sabal pøImetto) are removed A replacement 8'-12' tall Sabal Palm (Sabal palmelto) averages $68.33 per tree: Nursery pricès for a 8'-20'Sabal Palm Gateway A Qual¡ty J& J Farms Plant 575.00 565.00 Pàlms S6s oo s20s.00 dlv by 3 Avg Price/Replacement ' . . . $68.33 x 2.5 (install cost factor) : $ 1 Tree 568.33 70.83 per tree $170.83xdiminution of *'lAYó:$119.58 Mitigation cost per tree : $l 19.58 Total number of trees to be removed (l) x $119.58: $119.58 (deprec¡ãt¡on) factor (the h¡gher the number, the h¡gher quality oftree) 'DF = dimihutión