
Topic No. 700-000-000 Construction Project Administration Manual Effective: July 23, 2002 Preconstruction Activities

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Topic No. 700-000-000 Construction Project Administration Manual Effective: July 23, 2002 Preconstruction Activities
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
Section 3.3
This procedure describes the review and approval of the Contractor’s Quality Control Plan
(QCP) when required per Contract Documents. This procedure also describes the process
of acceptance of a Contractor’s Quality Control Manual (QCM) on a statewide basis.
When accepted by the Department, the QCM can be referenced in a project specific QCP,
thereby reducing the amount of information submitted for review and approval on a
contract-by-contract basis.
Section 334.048, Florida Statutes (F.S.)
Section 105 of the Florida Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road
and Bridge.
In compliance with FHWA 23 CFR 637, the Department chose to implement the “Contractor
option”. This option allows the Contractor to be responsible for Quality Control (QC) on
Department projects. Section 105 of the Florida Department of Transportation
Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction details the requirements of
a Contractor’s QCP.
Quality Control Manual
Review and Approval
The Contractor may elect to submit a Quality Control Manual (QCM) to have it approved
for statewide use. In the event that the Contractor has an approved QCM, the Contractor is
still required to submit a contract specific QC plan but can include information from the
Contractor’s QCM by reference.
The QCM is not required, but is provided as an option to the Contractor as a vehicle to
allow the majority of the Quality Control information to be pre-approved once prior to any
contracts beginning. The QCM can be submitted to the Director, Office of Construction at
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
any time. The Contractor does not need to have a contract with the Department to submit
a QCM. The Contractor would not be allowed to submit a QCM for approval concurrently
with a contract specific QC plan for a particular project, but is encouraged to submit a QCM
as early as possible.
The Contractor’s QCM shall be reviewed by all the following responsible parties using the
checklist provided as a guide in Attachment 3-3-1, Quality Control Manual Review
Central Office Level Responsibilities
The Contractor submits a QCM in accordance with Section 105 of the Specifications for
approval to the Director, Office of Construction or designee. The Director, Office of
Construction or designee shall send a notification of receipt of the QCM within five (5)
working days after receiving such plan. A sample letter is provided in the Guidance
Document 3-3-A, Receipt of Quality Control Manual.
The Director, Office of Construction or designee, within five (5) working days, will forward
the QCM to all the District Construction Engineers (DCEs), and the Director, Office of
The Director, Office of Materials or designee shall review the QCM and provide written
findings and recommendations to the Director, Office of Construction or designee within 20
continuous working days from date of receipt from Director, Office of Construction or
Upon receipt of the findings and recommendations, the Director, Office of Construction or
designee will review and resolve all findings with the DCEs and the State Materials Office
(SMO). Response to the Contractor with acceptance or request for additional information
shall be within 50 calendar days of receipt of the QCM. Any additional information
submitted by the Contractor shall be reviewed and responded to within 10 calendar days of
the receipt of such information. A sample letter for QCM approval is provided in the
Guidance Document 3-3-B, Approval of Quality Control Manual.
Upon approval, the QCM shall be posted on the State Construction Office (SCO) Infonet
District Level Responsibilities
The DCEs or their designees shall review the QCM and provide written findings and
recommendations to the Director, Office of Construction or designee within 20 working
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
The following conditions may result in the disapproval of the QCM:
Failure to comply with the requirements of Specifications Section 105 and
Material Manual (MM) Section 5.6.
Repeated failure to meet Specification requirements.
Failure to take immediate corrective action relative to deficiencies in the
performance of the QC program.
Notification from the SMO and/or District Materials Office (DMO) in
accordance with MM Section 5.6.
Numerous disapprovals of QCPs on multiple contracts.
If in the opinion of the Director, Office of Construction, based on input from the DCEs,
DMEs and/or the Director, Office of Materials, the above stated condition(s) are the result
of a company-wide problem, the QCM shall be disapproved.
A sample letter for QCM disapproval is provided in the Guidance Document 3-3-C,
Disapproval of Quality Control Manual.
Quality Control Plan
Review and Approval
The Contractor has 21 calendar days after the award of the contract to submit a Quality
Control Plan (QCP) in accordance with Specifications Section 105 for approval to the
Project Administrator (PA).
All the following responsible parties shall review the QCP using the checklist provided as a
guide in Attachment 3-3-2, Quality Control Plan Review Checklist. No phase of work
covered under the QC program, as specified in Specifications Section 105, can begin
until the Resident Engineer (RE) or designee has approved the QCP for that phase of work.
If a portion of the QCP is in compliance, the Contractor may begin work for that phase, but
not for phases that are non-compliant. This 21 day review process includes all participants
within that timeframe and does not allow for each to be allocated more than the total 21
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
As an example: Contractor submits QC Plan to the PA on August 1st, the DCE reviews the
plan until August 10th and submits to the PA on August 11th. The PA has until August the
22nd to respond to the Contractor. If the DME reviews the QC Plan until August 19th, the
PA still has to respond to the Contractor by August 22nd.
Resident Level Responsibilities
The PA will review the QCP for requirements of construction operations and compliance
with the specifications. Upon completion of review, the Contractor’s QCP and comments
will be forwarded to the DME for review and concurrence. This review period should take
into consideration that the total review period is 21 calendar days and should allow
sufficient time for others to review the QCP within that constraint.
The QCP can be approved in part or all-inclusive.
The RE or designee will review the DME’s findings and recommendations and resolve any
conflicts presented by the DME and respond to the Contractor. The RE or designee has a
total 21 calendar days from the date of receipt of the QCP by the PA to respond to the
Contractor. A sample letter for QCP approval is provided in the Guidance Document 3-3D, Approval of a Quality Control Plan.
The PA shall furnish a fee schedule that will be used to establish a credit on the monthly
estimate in the event that resolution tests performed by a Department compare favorably
with the Verification test results. The PA can obtain the fee schedule from the SMO
In the event the QCP is disapproved, such disapproval must clearly state area(s) of
concern and non-compliance with the Specifications and requirements of the Department.
A sample letter for QCP disapproval is provided in the Guidance Document 3-3-E,
Disapproval of Quality Control Plan.
District Level Responsibilities
The DME will review the QCP in accordance with Specifications Section 105 and MM
Section 5.6 and will make appropriate recommendations, if any, to the PA within the 21
calendar days after receipt from the Engineer. The DMRE shall also review the PA’s
findings, and comment on possible conflicts with the requirements.
The PA will forward a copy of the Contractor's QC Plan to the DCE office. The DCE will
review the QCP in accordance with Specifications Section 105 and will make appropriate
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
recommendations, if any, to the PA within the 21 calendar days. The PA should take into
consideration that the total review period is 21 calendar days and should allow sufficient
time for others to review the QCP within that constraint.
State Materials Office Level Responsibilities
The Director, Office of Materials shall publish a fee schedule that will be used to establish a
credit on the monthly estimate for resolution tests performed by a Department’s laboratory
that compare, in accordance with the Specifications, with the Department’s Verification
test results. Such fee schedule shall be published annually, at the beginning of the fiscal
year, for contracts let that fiscal year.
The following conditions may result in the disapproval of the QCP, in part or all-inclusive:
Failure to comply with the requirements of Specifications Section 105 and
MM Section 5.6, such as failure to timely supply information.
Repeated failure of materials to meet specification requirements.
Failure to take immediate corrective action relative to deficiencies in the
performance of the QC program.
Notification from the State Materials and/or District Materials Office in
accordance with MM Section 5.6, such as certifying materials that are not
produced under an approved Quality Control Program for use on Department
Notification from the State Construction Office of disapproval of a QCM.
Resident Level Responsibilities
The RE or designee shall notify the Contractor, within two (2) working days of finding a
condition or conditions warranting the disapproval of the QCP. Notification of such
disapproval shall clearly state area(s) of concern and non-compliance with the
Specifications and requirements of the Contract. If the Contractor has been given a
verbal warning that all or part of his QC Plan is in non-conformance the PA will address this
in his Daily Report of Construction or Daily Work Report. If after that point the Contractor
does not correct this finding(s) then the PA shall issue a Deficiency Warning Letter
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
The PA shall issue a DWL to notify the Contractor of shortcomings/non-compliances
with QC Plan. Prior to issuing a DWL, the Project Administrator should discuss the
performance concerns with the Resident Engineer. A single DWL can be used to
address concerns in more than one performance category. However, blatant violations
or non-compliances may result in a Deficiency Letter (DL) being issued by the RE
without a warning. Disapproval of the QCP could result in issuance of a DL by the RE if
the Contractor ignores to correct his QC Plan or continues to perform outside of the QC
Plan guidelines or Specifications. Refer to CPAM Section 13.1, Contractor’s
Performance for processing DWL and DL.
Central Office Level Responsibilities
In the event of repeated QCP disapprovals, the SCO or designee can disapprove a QCM.
Should the SCO or designee disapprove a QCM, each PA will make the determination
whether or not to disapprove each individual QCP that reference the QCM. Each QCP will
be evaluated as a stand-alone document and will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The disapproval of a QCM will not automatically result in the disapproval of all QCPs that
reference the QCM.
Addendum to QCP
The Contractor’s QCP is often needed revising due to issues such as personnel changes,
changes in design mixes, or plants, etc. Without the Contractor having to go through the
revision process of these type changes, the Department will accept addendums to the
already approved QCP. The Contractor will provide the proper information required to fulfill
the changes/modifications of their QCP. These changes can be accepted and approved by
the Project Administrator and will be added to the already approved QCP. These
addendums may be received in writing or via E-mail from the Contractor or QC Manager.
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
Attachment 3-3-1
What needs to be in the Contractor's Quality Control Manual?
The Contractor should address the following items for all applicable materials, identified in
Specifications Section 105-5, that would be used and for various scenarios that may be
encountered. It is not the intent to address all possible scenarios but address as many as
possible at the onset and amend later as others become evident. This checklist is to be
used as a guide for review and should not be used for acceptance. The right hand column
on the checklist identifies who’s responsible for describing information input into the QC
Manual. Keep in mind, ultimately this Quality Control Manual is generated by the Prime
Contractor, but may incorporate information from a known Sub-Contractor or Supplier.
Quality Control Manual Review Checklist
Company: __________________________________ Vendor#: ___________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code:___________
FIN: _________________ Project Description: ________________________________
Contact Person: ___________________________ Phone # _____________________
E-Mail Address: __________________________ Fax #: _______________________
QCP Received: ____________ QCP Dated: _________ Date Reviewed:___________
Evaluated By: __________________________________ Accepted (Y / N):__________
QCM Item
QCM Page #
Required By
105-5.2 Personnel
Contractor /
105-5.2.1 – Qualifications
QC Plan
Not Applicable to QCM.
105-5.2.2 – Level of Responsibility
Contractor /
Not Applicable to QCM, however the Contractor
QC Plan
can define the line of responsibility with a
generic organization chart.
Does the QCM outline the QC Manager’s
Contractor /
QC Plan
105-5.3 Raw Materials Raw Materials for the Contractor are defined as materials he receives to produce
or construct the final product, for example a load of aggregates, asphalt, concrete, prestressed concrete
products, metal and plastic pipes, timber, precast drainage structures or earthwork materials.
Contractor /
105-5.3.1 – Sources
(May include
Does the QCM identify the sources of raw
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
QCM Item
materials including names, locations, plant or
mine number and approved lists, when
105-5.3.2 – Certification
Does the QCM detail how the verification of any
raw materials would be handled?
105-5.3.3 – Disposition of Failing Materials
Does the QCM describe detection methods for
failing materials?
Does the QCM describe preventative
Does it detail actions that the Contractor would
take once failing materials was detected?
Does it detail the process of notifying the
Department of failing material?
105-5.4 – Storage Facilities for Raw Materials
Does this section detail storage methods and site plan if
the Contractor were to stockpile any raw materials
(such as embankment material) on the project or off?
Does it describe how segregation, contamination and
degradation would be avoided?
105-5.5 – Production Equipment
Does the QCM describe calibration frequencies,
maintenance schedule and procedures for production
105-5.6 – Plant Requirements
105-5.6.1 – Plant Identification
Not Applicable to QCM.
105-5.6.2 – Process Control System
Not Applicable to QCM.
105-5.6.3 – Loading and Shipping Control
Not Applicable to QCM.
105-5.6.4 – Types of Products Generated
Not Applicable to QCM.
105-5.7 – Other Requirements
105-5.7.1 – Copy of Certifications
Does the QCM provide examples of any
certifications NOT already specified in the
105-5.7.2 – Statement of Compliance
Any general statements of compliance from the
Contractor would be in this portion.
105-5.7.3 - Information on Approved Producer's
Not Applicable to QCM. The QCM could
identify plants. If so, Does the QCM provide
detailed information about the plant, including
FDOT Facility Number that will produce the
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
QCM Page #
Required By
Producer /
Producer /
Producer /
Producer /
Producer /
Contractor /
(May include
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
QCM Item
QCM Page #
Required By
required materials for the Contractor?
105-5.7.4 – Describing Documentation Procedure
Does the QCM describe document-handling
Contractor /
processes for all documentation related to
(May include
quality control, including but not limited to the
Suppliers /
density logbook, control charts, inspection
Sub info)
reports and others?
105-5.8 – Final Manufactured Product – Plant Operations
Producer /
105-5.8.1 – Storage
Not Applicable to QCM.
105-5.8.2 – Disposition of Failing Materials
Producer /
Does the QCM describe detection methods for
failing materials?
Does the QCM describe preventative
Producer /
Does it detail actions that the Contractor would
Producer /
take once failing materials was detected?
Does it detail the process of notifying the
Department of failing material?
105-5.9 – Final Manufacture Product – Field Operations for the Contractor are defined as methods he
performs to construct the final placement of a product, for example how he will handle drainage pipe on
the project and the installation to ensure proper procedures.
Contractor /
105-5.9.1 – Transportation
(May include
Does the QCM describe specific loading and
Suppliers /
hauling operations, and/or trucking
Sub info)
operation/maintenance common to the product?
105-5.9.2 – Storage
Does the QCM describe specific storage
requirements/recommendations for all or
specific materials? Are any specific additional
(May include
handling requirements or testing addressed? Is
a maximum storage time listed for all/specific
105-5.9.3 – Placement
Does the QCM describe specific placement
techniques common to the products being
Contractor /
placed? Has preparation and cleaning of
previous layers/substrates been addressed?
105-5.9.4 – Disposition of Failing Materials
Does the QCM describe detection methods for
failing materials?
Does the QCM describe preventative
Does it detail actions that the Contractor would
take once failing materials was detected?
Does it detail the process of notifying the
Department of failing material?
105-6 – Lab Qualification Program
Not Applicable to QCM. If testing Laboratories are
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
QCM Item
known, they can be listed in the QCM.
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
QCM Page #
Required By
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
Attachment 3-3-2
What needs to be in the Contractor's Quality Control Plan?
The Contractor should address the following items for all materials, identified in
Specifications Section 105, applicable to the Contract. For the purposes of this checklist,
it is assumed that the Contractor has an approved Quality Control Manual. If the
Contractor does not have an approved QCM, all information required on the QCM would
need to be included in the QCP 1 . This checklist is to be used as a guide for review and
should not be used for acceptance.
There are some instances that the Prime Contractor may utilize a Sub-Contractor to
perform certain operations where materials used are included in the QC Program. As an
example the Prime may contract for a Sub-Contractor to perform concrete drain pipe
installation. Section 105-5.9 Final Manufactured Product-Field Operations requires the
Contractor to describe transportation, storage, placement and disposition of failing
materials. The Prime Contractor may choose to incorporate certain parts of the SubContractor’s QC Plan for this operation. For example, the Sub-Contractor’s QC Plan may
describe how the pipe will be transported to the project and how and what type equipment
they will be using to offload the pipe, or how the pipe will be stored to prevent damage. The
Sub-Contractor’s QC Plan would describe the installation of the pipe and how they would
make sure its flow line is correct and pack the haunches uniformly to keep the pipe
stationary while backfilling, as well as ensuring pipe joints and rubber gaskets are installed
to specification. These are examples of what might be on the Sub-Contractor’s QC Plan
that could be incorporated into the Prime Contractor’s QC Plan.
However, it is the Prime Contractor’s responsibility to carry out these operations and he
must describe them in his QC Plan. For example, what corrective measure will he take if
the fill material is not suitable? Or what action will he take if the Sub-Contractor installs a
cracked pipe?
While the Prime Contractor may incorporate certain areas of Sub-Contractor’s QC Plans,
keep in mind that the Prime Contractor is ultimately responsible for the Quality Control
Operation on a project. So when using this checklist as a guide, make sure that the Prime
Contractor has incorporated the proper details of what policies, methods and procedures he
will use to insure the quality of the products. The right hand column on the checklist
identifies who’s responsible for describing information input into the QC Plan. Ultimately,
the Quality Control Plan is generated by the Prime Contractor, but may incorporate
information from a Sub-Contractor or Supplier.
If the Contractor has not submitted a QCM, refer to Attachment 3-3-1 in order to ensure that the QCP information
is complete.
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
Quality Control Plan Review Checklist
Company: __________________________________ Vendor#: ___________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: _______ Zip Code:___________
FIN: _________________ Project Description: ________________________________
Contact Person: ___________________________ Phone # _____________________
E-Mail Address: __________________________ Fax #: _______________________
QCP Received: ____________ QCP Dated: _________ Date Reviewed:___________
Evaluated By: __________________________________ Accepted (Y / N):__________
QCP Item
105-5.2 Personnel
105-5.2.1 - Qualifications
Are all qualified personnel along with their level of
qualifications and TIN listed? The PA should
check the database on CTQP website for
validation of qualifications on a random basis.
105-5.2.2 – Level of Responsibility
Does the QCP incorporate this information from
the QCM by reference 1 ?
Does the QCP identify specific individuals to carry
out these responsibilities?
Does the QCP identify the QC Manager and their
role and list the TIN? The PA should check the
database on CTQP website for validation of
QCP Page #
Required By
If the Contractor has not submitted a QCM, refer to Attachment 3-3-1 in order to ensure that the QCP information
is complete.
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
QCP Item
QCP Page # Required By
105-5.3 Raw Materials Raw Materials for the Contractor are defined as materials he receives to
produce or construct the final product, for example a load of aggregates, asphalt, concrete,
precast drainage products or earthwork materials.
Contractor /
105-5.3.1 – Sources
(May include
Does the QCP identify the suppliers? The DME or
designee should verify whether the Suppliers listed
are on the approved list. This information can be
referenced from the QCM 1.
105-5.3.2 – Certification
Does the QCP incorporate this information from
the QCM by reference1?
105-5.3.3 - Disposition of Failing Materials
Does the QCP incorporate this information from
the QCM by reference1?
105-5.4 – Storage Facilities for Raw Materials
Does the QCP incorporate this information from the QCM
by reference1?
105-5.5 – Production Equipment
Does the QCP incorporate this information from the QCM
by reference1?
105-5.6 – Plant Requirements
105-5.6.1 – Plant Identification
Not applicable to the QCP.
105-5.6.2 – Process Control System
Not applicable to the QCP.
105-5.6.3 – Loading and Shipping Control
Not applicable to the QCP.
105-5.6.4 – Types of Products Generated
Not applicable to the QCP.
105-5.7 – Other Requirements
105-5.7.1 – Copy of Certifications
Does the QCP incorporate this information from
the QCM by reference and does it identify the
individual who would provide these certifications?
105-5.7.2 – Statement of Compliance
Does the QCP incorporate this information from
the QCM by reference and does the QCP identify
the individual who would execute the Statement of
Producer /
Producer /
Producer /
Producer /
Producer /
If the Contractor has not submitted a QCM, refer to Attachment 3-3-1 in order to ensure that the QCP information
is complete.
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
QCP Item
105-5.7.3 - Information on Approved Producer's
Does the QCP incorporate Producer's QCP by
listing the producers of 105-3 materials, including
FDOT Facility Number? The DME or designee
should verify whether the Producer is on the list of
Producers with an Accepted QC Program.
105-5.7.4 – Describing Documentation Procedure
Does the QCP incorporate this information from
the QCM by reference1?
105-5.8 – Final Manufactured Product – Plant Operations
105-5.8.1 – Storage
Not applicable to the QCP.
105-5.8.2 – Disposition of Failing Materials
Not applicable to the QCP.
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
QCP Page #
Required By
Contractor /
(May include
Contractor /
(May include
Suppliers /
Sub info)
Producer /
105-5.9 – Final Manufacture Product – Field Operations for the Contractor are defined as methods he
performs to construct the final placement of a product, for example how he will handle drainage pipe on
the project and the installation to ensure proper procedures.
Contractor /
105-5.9.1 – Transportation
(May include
Does the QCP incorporate this information from
Suppliers /
the QCM by reference 1 and provide any
Sub info)
supplementary information?
105-5.9.2 – Storage
Contractor /
Does the QCP incorporate this information from
(May include
the QCM by reference1 and provide any
Supplier /
supplementary information?
Sub info)
105-5.9.3 – Placement
Does the QCP incorporate this information from
Contractor /
the QCM by reference1 and provide any
supplementary information?
105-5.9.4 – Disposition of Failing Materials
Does the QCP incorporate this information from
the QCM by reference1 and provide any
supplementary information?
105-6 – Lab Qualification Program
Does the QCP identify all testing laboratories to be used
on the contract or incorporate this information from the
QCM by reference1? The DME or designee should verify
whether the laboratory listed is qualified.
If the Contractor has not submitted a QCM, refer to Attachment 3-3-1 in order to ensure that the QCP information
is complete.
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
Guidance Document 3-3-A
Sample letter for Receipt of a Quality Control Manual
Contractor Name
Contractor Address
City State Zip
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Department is in receipt of your Contractor Quality Control Manual (QCM). The
manual will be reviewed in accordance with Chapter 3, Section 3 of the Construction
Project Administration Manual.
Please note that the receipt of the Quality Control Manual does not relieve the
Contractor of the responsibility to submit a contract specific Quality Control Plan (QCP)
in accordance with Section 105 of the Specifications to the Project Administrator for
review and approval.
The Department will notify you of the outcome of the review within 50 calendar days of
the receipt of this plan. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact <name of
the person> at <telephone number>.
David A. Sadler, P.E.,
Director, Office of Construction
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
Guidance Document 3-3-B
Sample letter for Approval of a Quality Control Manual
Contractor Name
Contractor Address
City State Zip
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Department has reviewed and approved your Quality Control Manual (QCM). The
information contained in the QCM can now be incorporated in the Contract Quality
Control Plan by reference. Continued approval of the QCM is contingent upon the
successful execution of Contractor Quality Control on specific construction contracts.
The Contractor, in accordance with Section 105 of the Specifications, is still required to
submit a contract specific Quality Control (QC) Plan to the Project Administrator for
review and approval.
Approval of the QCM does not constitute an approval to any deviations to the Contract,
unless otherwise specifically authorized separately in writing by the Engineer.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact <name of the person> at
<telephone number>.
David A. Sadler, P.E.,
Director, Office of Construction
Director, Office of Materials
District Construction Engineers
District Materials Engineers
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
Guidance Document 3-3-C
Sample letter for Disapproval of a Quality Control Manual
Contractor Name
Contractor Address
City State Zip
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Department has reviewed your Quality Control Manual (QCM). Your QCM is
hereby disapproved due to:
Disapproval of the QCM could result in disapproval of any Contractor Quality Control
Plans (QCP’s) that incorporate this QCM by reference.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact <name of the person> at
<telephone number>.
David A. Sadler, P.E.,
Director, Office of Construction
Director, Office of Materials
District Construction Engineers
District Materials Research Engineers
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
Guidance Document 3-3-D
Sample letter for Approval of a Quality Control Plan
Contractor Name
Contractor Address
City State Zip
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Department has reviewed and approved your Quality Control Plan (QCP).
Continued approval of the QCP is contingent upon the successful execution of such
Approval of the QCP does not constitute an approval to any deviations to the Contract,
unless otherwise specifically authorized separately in writing by the Engineer.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call <Name of the Project Administrator>
at<telephone number>.
Resident Engineer
District Materials Research Engineer
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
Topic No. 700-000-000
Construction Project Administration Manual
Preconstruction Activities
Effective: July 23, 2002
Revision Date: November 21, 2008
Guidance Document 3-3-E
Sample letter for Disapproval of a Quality Control Plan
Contractor Name
Contractor Address
City State Zip
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Department has disapproved your Quality Control Plan (QCP) due to:
Furthermore, the Department directs the Contractor to cease the phase of work(s)
covered under the QC Plan that has been deemed to be non-compliant, hence resulting
in the disapproval of the QC Plan. Resumption of such phase of work(s) shall be
dependent on the Contractor submitting a revised QC Plan and the Engineer’s review
and approval of such plan.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call <Name of the Project Administrator>
at<telephone number>.
Resident Engineer
District Materials Research Engineer
Contractor's Quality Control Plan
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