
FDOTSS2 Maintenance Release 4 (MR4)

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FDOTSS2 Maintenance Release 4 (MR4)
FDOTSS2 Maintenance Release 4 (MR4)
FDOTSS2 MR4 contains updates necessitated by changes to Design Standards, Plans Preparation Manual
(PPM), and the Basis of Estimates (BOE) as well as bug fixes to address reported issues. In an effort to
make applying the updates easier they have been combined into a single zip file. This zip file contains all
of the updates made since FDOTSS2 was originally released. Below you will find an explanation of the
updates contained in the zip file.
LDM Version 1.01.10
 Fixed column widths issue for Excel between different machines
running with different DPI
 Text files are now placed as cells instead of Text Nodes, so that
they can use the same rotation functionality put in place for
Word and Excel.
 The angle at time of placement for Text, Word, and Excel is
related to the view rotation instead of true north in the design
 LDM now recognizes the rotation and scale of Word, Excel, and
Text placed in a design file. If a Linked File is scaled or rotated
after being placed, then LDM will use that same scale and
rotation when updating the graphics.
 Added text style for Word documents. FDOT Bold (LDM)
 Fdot.LDM.Structures.xml
o Added Summary of Protection of Existing Structures to
the template drop down list of boxes from Roadway. Also
added a new drop down category for link to the Soil
Survey Sheet under the Roadway section.
o Changed the Excel TextStyle setting to use FDOT Bold
(LDM). Corrected file name and description for the
Summary of Monitor Existing Structures.
 Many LDM templates were updated for formatting
 The following LDM templates were added:
o DrainStructNotes.txt
o KSComponents.txt
Changed project type default to Digital Delivery.
Corrected bug in adding and removing tab pages and report
Added Retroreflective Strip entries for Estimates Bulletin 15-05
and Traffic Operations Bulletin 04-15.
Deleted the new aluminum bullet railing (515-4-A). It is used for
Bridge applications only. Deleted blocked fence items 550-10919, 550-10-929, and 550-10-959. These items have been
Modified TMS items
Corrected Signal Cable Items.
Modified Desilting Pipe items by changing Computation Method
to Std. Unit = LF, removing dependency on the 3pc file. Modified
design key-in to Acbook Influence. Deleted 102-8-1 (Crash
Cushion Gating) This item is per project with approval
Corrected the level in the Key-ins for 700-13-AB
(ActivePointCell_dp) Added items to Paint and Thermoplastic for
PMStripe(2-2-2) and PMStripe12W(2-4).
Removed MOT channelizing device items for barricade, cone,
drum, etc for the 102-74-1 pay item. Modified the 102-74-1
using the generic channelizing device cell and it is the only one
approved for use in the plans. Modified the computation
Deleted MOT Lighting Devices per Rdwy bulletin 15-10. Added
SortBy adhoc for LDM. Added Concrete Pavement for
Roundabout Aprons (350-30-AA).
Deleted Steady Burn Lights 102-79.
Corrected items set to the default level.
Corrected various misspelled words per Randy & Ray's e-mails.
Corrected the adhoc value for guardrail length for the TL-3 end
anchorage assemblies. Changed the dotted thermo lines back to
standard (1) from the open graded & other (5&6).
Corrected the thermoplastic pay items for the 2-4 and 6-10
dotted lines to remove the standard class and add the classes for
the Standard, Open Graded Asphalt Surfaces and Standard,
Other Surfaces.
Centerline rumble strips were getting duplicate quantities when
calculating with the Pavement Markings category selected.
Modified the attribute tags to make them unique to correct this
Business Signs (102-61) had the correct unit but the wrong
method. Corrected this to be Standard Unit to calculate EA.
Changed the 12" 3/9 for the Permanent Tape items to use the
Standard Unit computation GM:3:9.
Corrected pay item number on adhoc name for the 12" black
permanent tape.
Added back the white island nose paint pay item under the
effective 7/1/15 category.
Updated Drainage wall thicknesses for pipes.
Sheet Navigator 3.30.29
This version adds the ability to create Print Sets for a specific
Revision Level.
Updated link to BOE and locked for distribution.
Standard Menu
Actions Menu
changed 'Create Edit/File' to 'Create File/Project'
Deleted cells Cones, ConesD, Drums, DrumsD, TCZ03,
TCZ03D, TCZ06, TCZ06D, TCZ07, and TCZ07D. These are all
plan view cells for proprietary devices which are NOT to be
used in the plan view anymore. Only ChannelDev is to be
Removed all Lights and Flags from all the cells. Deleted
cells: Flag, FlagD, Light, LightD, TCELightB, TCELightBSV,
TCZ02, TCZ02D, TCZ04, TCZ04D, TCZ05, TCZ05D, TCZ08,
TCZ08D, TCZ09, TCZ09D, TCZ11, TCZ11D, TCZ12, and
TCZ12D. Updated cells.
Updated Project Information Signs to be be more suited for
the Design Standards.
Deleted cells for Retroreflective Strip entries for Estimates
Bulletin 15-05 and Traffic Operations Bulletin 04-15.
Added Retroreflective Strip entries for Estimates Bulletin 1505 and Traffic Operations Bulletin 04-15.
Added New FTP-TrucksEnter sign per request of District 1.
Cleaned up Filename Descriptions to remove special
characters, naming inconsistencies, Upper Case lettering,
the MasterStandards.xlsx and Control Files
Update minor changes to match MasterStandards.xslx
filenames and descriptions
Cleaned up Filename Descriptions to remove special
characters, naming inconsistencies, Upper Case lettering,
the MasterStandards.xlsx and Control Files
Cleaned up Filename Descriptions to remove special
characters, naming inconsistencies, Upper Case lettering,
the MasterStandards.xlsx and Control Files
Control Files
Modified the Text Styles for FDOT Bold (Small) and FDOT
Bold (LDM). Changed the default setting for the underline
offset to 0.25.
 Added Text Style to use with LDM. Copy of FDOT Bold
(Small) renamed to FDOT Bold (LDM) and Line Length
changed from 120 to 250. This was needed to correct the
issue with the lines wrapping in merged cells before
reaching the limits of the cell.
Created new levels:
 #7577 PMStripe(2-2-2) Pavement Marking 2/2/2 Skip
Traffic Stripe 6in Contrast 0 0 2 [NOTE: Need new
Line Style/Linetype!]
 #7578 PMStripe12W(2-4) Pavement Marking 2/4 Skip
Traffic Stripe 12in White 0 0 4
FDOT True Type Fonts 
Updated fonts to include the <= and >= characters.
Updated linestyles for new rumble stripe and pedestrian
channelizing device.
+CAPABILITY_RASTER_ALL_TYPES” Variable to allow Raster
attachments in MicroStation’s DWG_Workmode.
FDOTSS2 Maintenance Release 3 (MR3)
FDOTSS2 MR3 contains updates necessitated by changes to Design Standards, Plans Preparation Manual
(PPM), and the Basis of Estimates (BOE) as well as bug fixes to address reported issues. In an effort to
make applying the updates easier they have been combined into a single zip file. This zip file contains all
of the updates made since FDOTSS2 was originally released. Below you will find an explanation of the
updates contained in the zip file.
Create Project
Added new application to create FDOT project directories.
Add room for JAN and JUL in the note referencing the
Removed the Description field located to the right of the
Project Manager field from the Key Sheets.
Removed tab and report listing of required ED files for Digital
delivery projects.
LDM Templates Updated
sbfldt.xlsx - Updated to match latest PPM.
Removed the Rumble Striping pay items for the Rumble Strips
out of the list to be included in the summary box. The
centerline and edgeline ground-in rumble strips are to be
documented in the Tabulation of Quantities Sheets.
Removed the pay item for gravity walls. It is to be documented
in the Summary of Walls.
Deleted columns for Temporary Sidewalk. Separate
quantity/payment is not made for the temporary pedestrian
special detours. Special detour quantities are no longer to be
documented in the plans. Adjusted column values to match
new Excel spreadsheet.
In an effort to consolidate notes and reflect notes shown in the
PPM, several of the TXT files were removed and those
remaining were renamed according to their use.
Template Updates:
o Summary_of_Fencing - added missing fence options and
corrected special fence pay item numbers
Fixed issue with Partial Project Return Package processing.
Added new application to digitally sign a XML file.
CAiCE Feature
Updated PE and TE descriptions
Add 1544 EasePerpLine and 1546 EasePerpText
Add PE Perpetual Easement (proposed)
Add 5029 EasePerpLine, 5030 EaseTempLine
Changed North Arrows to non-annotation cells.
Corrected Flashing Beacon so Flashing Beacon Signs were called
up instead of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon. Now there is
a selection for both individually and more option to match the
Corrected payitem in Multipost Remove.
Added missing sign sizes to M1-4, M1-4O and M1-4S Route
Added CRW (Curb Ramp Warning), PE (Perpetual Easement)
brought up to roadway side standards.
Add PE (Perpetual Easement Proposed)
Scale Correction to SPR and UDBX point features.
Adjust misc. point text justifications and description labels.
Added 102-3, Commercial Material for Driveway Maintenance.
Used an average thickness for of 4" for calculations (may
Added adhocs for calculations and automation. (THICKNESS,
Corrected the rounding to the nearest thousandth for Litter
Removal and Mowing pay items.
Added adhoc for CL Station.
Corrected special fence gate pay item numbers; added concrete
traffic railing.
Modified the Rumble Stripe items. Unit of measure changed
from PM to NM. Now only one item in the ddb to draw and
calculate the 2 pay items. Regular rumble strips will be
changing units as well. Added the new pay items effective July
Added guardrailrubraildbl1 for rubrail single sided pay item
Corrected the level for Buried Underground Cable TV (D).
Updates to Signalizations items per Estimates Bulletin 14-05.
Note: there are still some outstanding questions to get answers
to before this update will be complete.
Added items for Thermo, Preformed, Route Shields. Added
missing fence items.
Added items to place cells for TO NORTH EAST SOUTH and
WEST to the Thermo, Standard, Pavement Messages. (As noted
in Estimate Bulletin 14-07)
Removed the option for Temporary Sidewalk in the help adhoc
for 339-1, Miscellaneous Asphalt.
Added Profiled Thermoplastic pavement markings that are
replacing the audible & vibratory markings. Added Rumble
Stripe category to the painted pavement markings category.
Added pavement marking changes per Estimates Bulletin 15-01.
NM=GM, skip (except 10/30) is now dotted, some items are
now obsolete.
Permanent Tape Corrections.
Added the Standard Unit GM2 which will calculate the NM
items using the GM unit. This is needed to handle the changes
per Estimates Bulletins 15-01, 02, & 03.
Corrected Sidewalk Component Sort code by changing by
Designer counter from eccc to eswkc.
Component names were formerly being determined by the
name of the component folder containing the DGN file. Now
the component name (and folder path) is being determined by
the component as determined using the component logic rules
in the SheetInfo.xml. So Drainage sheets will now be part of
the Roadway component and a separate Excel file will not be
generated for Drainage.
The sort order is now based on the Print Order and not the
Sheet Number.
Fixed issues with drainage files being sorted and autonumbered correctly.
The following files were not defined correctly in the sheet order
section: DRXSRD01, CTLSRD01, UTVHRD01
Added RDGEO to the sheet order section.
Updated according to Estimates Bulletin 14-05.
Updated cell positions to be placed correctly.
Added Color Route Marker Pavement Marking cells.
Added the cells for NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, and TO
along with their existing counterparts to be used with the
new Route Marker cells.
Added New 15ft by 6-8ft Painted Signage cells and
removed the old ones as they are not needed.
Removed the BIKE, BIKEONLY and BIKELANE cells.
Updated note on key sheets referencing specifications
note to add room for JAN and JUL.
Updated annotation scale options on cells.
Removed the cells DBCoordinate and DBCurve. These cells
have been replaced with LDM templates.
Added NoteDrainMap. This note is a disclaimer to be
placed on the Drainage Map Sheets.
Removed the ‘Description’ data field from the bottom right
of all the key sheet cells. This description is not
documented in the PPM. The 2 districts that do include a
project description do not use this location.
Dropped the nested cells in the 1 section 4 way signal head
Corrected the spelling for the word Pedestrian in the cell
Made changes to table on index 5200.
Changed note on drainage details.
Removed the FHIS from the Typ Section.
Data Sheet
Cell Webpages
Updated cell webpages to reflect changes in cell libraries.
Control Files
Changed GNNTRD filename description from 'General
Notes' to 'Project Notes'
Updated levels: Patternlines1_dp from 'Pattern Lines' to
'Pattern Lines and Sample Lines (Civil 3D)'
Added new level: Tables_dp - Data Tables and all
Autodesk Tables
Updated Level Filters
Added Autodesk Level: 170 Tables_dp
Corrected 407 and 409 level names.
Added selector tool to right-click and main task tools.
Added new right-click to GKLNRD file.
Added tools for Drainage Plans.
Updated cell scales.
Delete Handrail_ep (1052), add in its place Railing_ep
Changed general notes to project notes.
Added new filename: RDTMRD, Standards dtmrd.
Changed general notes to project notes.
Removed reference to Microsoft Windows Common
Added Grouped Hole selection.
Fixed bug that would not set the FONT until the
application was run a second time.
Fixed cells coming in too large (12x).
Modified path to the XSSLaleler.xml file.
DGNLIB Libraries
Set variable for Print Organizer to open files read only
when printing.
FDOTSS2 Maintenance Release 2 (MR2)
There have been several significant updates since the release of FDOTSS2 MR1. In an effort to make
applying the updates easier they have been combined into a single zip file. This zip file contains all of the
updates made since FDOTSS2 was released. Below you will find an explanation of the updates contained
in the zip file.
 Revised State Plane Zone to 902 West.
 FDOTUtil-lis - Revised old quality levels A,B,C,D to QLA,QLB,QLC,QLD
Cell Libraries
 Pavement Markings Cell Library - Increased the size, rotation and direction of the Bike Symbol to
make sure our cell library stays consistent with the Design Standards.; BikeLaneSym has been
fixed. It would not ID or compute when placed with the D&C Manager.
 Signalization Cell Library - Updated Flashing Sign cell scale.
 Roadway Cell Library - Centered Key Sheet title text; Guardrail changes. See Guardrail Updates.
 Roadway Cell Library - Removed the guardrail linestyle from the guardrail end anchorage
assembly cells; corrected the origin point for the CRT end anchorage cells.
 Roadway Cell Library - Florida Map verbiage corrected by adding an apostrophe (') to the
"FLORIDA'S TURNPIKE" label in the kmfloridamap and keysheet (ks...) cells.
 Roadway Cell Library - Modified the EndAnch cells for the Type II, Melt, and CRT. Updated to
match dimensions in the index.
 Roadway Cell Library - Added EngOfRecord-SheetNav to work with Sheet Navigator. It needed
the cell origin in a different location.
 Cell Web Pages – Updated images.
 Structures Cell Library – updated cell webpage as per request by SDO.
Create/Edit File
 Fixed the Project Selection combo box to show full path even if longer than the box itself.
 Exist_Slope.x - Corrected syntax - it broke in SS2 with the comments within the lines of the
Define_dgn variable. Removed the comments and added the type back in.
Custom Line Styles
 Updated line styles. Updated tree line styles to close gaps in line; Updated water line style that
got corrupted; Updated the easement line style to scale properly; Updated Conduit line styles to
match new standards.
 Added new line styles for rumble stripes and pedestrian channelizing device.
Drainage Updates
Drainage Report Format
 The FDOT_SpreadTab_format.drf and FDOT_StormTab_Format.drf
files have errors in them. This error will cause the debugger to
come up to the following point in the code. Fixed.
Drainage Report Format
 The FDOT_SpreadTab_format.drf and FDOT_StormTab_Format.drf
files have errors in them. This error will cause the debugger to
come up to the following point in the code. Fixed.
Drainage Pattern Lines
 Updated to avoid VBA picture error
Drainage Cross Section
Pipe Cell
 The origin for the pipe cell was inadvertently moved during the
transition to be compliant with Annotation Scale.
Draw Sign
 The Draw Sign Program was not selecting the correct pay item. In fact, based on the Sign
Assembly configure the Auto Select function on the Post Properties tab simply didn't work. This
was due to a missing end bracket in the 3pc code and a few mismatched Mounting titles in the
DrawSignPostOptionControl.csv file and the 3pc file.
 Fixed the Remove and Relocate on the Multi-post entries throughout the 3pc file as they were
set to the Proposed Post Symbols instead to of the existing post symbols. Updated file modified
date to 3-7-2014. Fixed the Remove code for Single and Multi-post where it was not selecting
the correct existing post symbol representing removal. There were also code issues with the
Proposed/Remove function that was fixed. The _s_GenericAlternatePayItem in the
Proposed/Remove entries were missing causing the Proposed/Remove selection to only place
the proposed post symbol.
 Updated modified date within the compute_signpost_payitem.3pc file.
 Updating Payitems to be consistent with TRNSPORT Payitems within the
compute_signpost_payitem.3pc file.
 Fixed issue with multiple quantities generated with Proposed/Remove items. Added Flashing
Beacon as separate pay item instead of AS.
FDOT Group Filters
 Added groups for zones 5, 6 and XSections. I have also added zones 1 & 2 as a criteria along
with ground for the GDTMRD groups and added ground as a criteria to go along with zone 4 for
the Bridge DTM groups. Along with these changes I have removed the Baseline, Baseline
Control, Reference lines, and Cross Sections from the TOPORD groups and pointed them to their
own zones or groups. These changes will alleviate the need for users to make changes to fit
district workflows and will give them more flexibility than the original groups.
 Added QCStop before the FDOT Menu Configuration.
 Updated version number for hotfix - erroneously omitted in last update.
 Added Quantity Rounder to the menu under the Trnsport items.
RW Menu
 Change notes containing "Minimum Technical Standards " to "Standards of
Traffic Plans
 The Traffic Plans menu was released with the Create Edit links specifying the
CreateEdit.ini file that does not exist. The correct INI file is CreateEditV8.ini. This
change was made in the Traffic Plans.xml file which also makes it consistent
with the other FDOT Menu Bar discipline Create Edit links.
FDOT Toolboxes
 Updated FDOT Lighting Workflow to include conduit level name changes.
 Updated lighting toolbox to include new conduit levels.
 Both Classical and Digital Deliveries required _meta_info folder. Removed code differences,
excluding _meta_info folder form required folders.
 Changed the computation spread rate back to 165 lbs/sy for Friction Course FC-12.5. This was
modified in the BOE prior to the release of MR1 and changed back to original values shortly
after. Also, modified the compute parameter to use Equation with adhoc for THICKNESS instead
of using the Standard Unit for TN to quantify. (Per Roadway TAC decision.) Set the 4.75 items to
a default thickness of 0.5" and spread rate of 110 lbs/sy/in Per Developmental Specifications.
 Replaced the cell ESIGN2 with ESign2Post for the items ExistingSign2, RemExistingSign2, and
 Corrected accuracy settings for the Pavement Marking items.
 Added 8" Yellow NM Pavement Marking items to 2 reactive component, paint, and
thermoplastic. Also added back the 8” LF pavement markings.
 Deleted blocked items from High Performance Preformed Tape category (All but GM items).
 Fixed Compute Parameters for the wrong way directional arrow under thermoplastic. Changed
from Standard Unit to Adhoc Attributes so that the calculations will include the 17 rpms per
 Corrected Digital Video Decoder pay item 684-4-AB.
 Deleted Managed Ethernet Hub Switch (now Managed Field Ethernet Switch).
 Added SU_QLA_ep back into the Existing Plan Utilities under Unknown.
 Updated the Guardrail End Anchorage Assembly items.
 Added new pay items: 102-62 (Barrier Mount Work Zone Signs) and 102-74-5 (Pedestrian
Longitudinal Channelizing Device).
 Changed the description for the Temporary Barricade items to Channelizing Device.
 Minor corrections made in fdotss2.ddb database through testing.
 Added Shop Bent Panels (536-2 LT & RT).
 Added Rumble Stripes to Thermo Standard markings. (546-72-52 & 546-72-53).
 Added Rumble Stripe options for Open Graded Thermoplastic.
 Added Shop Bent Panel (LT & RT) 536-2 to guardrail category.
 Corrected level for CATVBur Level D from C to D.
 Updated the compute settings to remove the option (if checked) to Round Up. This option
along with the rounding option for conservative in Quantity Manager resulted in higher
quantities to be calculated than what LDM was getting when using the computed value and then
having Excel round using the nearest option. Now the results are correct and match in all 3
 Removed the option to round up to the nearest 12.5' for the guardrail panels. The designer
should be designing the guardrail to accommodate the standard panel lengths. Having this set
can potentially calculate incorrect quantities resulting in an excessive length of guardrail.
 Deleted blocked concrete pay items.
 Added Category for Beacons under the Signing discipline and removed all adhocs from the items
used by the Draw Sign program.
Quantity Manager
 Modified the configuration variable, item_total_quantity_rounding, in the qm.cfg file to have
Quantity Manager round quantities to the nearest number instead of using conservative and
always rounding the totals up.
Geospatial Workspace
 Updates to workspace per Expo comments within features and operations.
Guardrail updates
 Includes FDOTSS2.itl, roadway cell library, line style rsc file, and fdotSS2.ddb. Deleted the End
Anchorage Assembly cells for the options BEST, ET, FLEAT, HBA, LET, REGT, REGTC, SKT, and SRT.
Modified the generic flared and parallel cells to match the new standards. Added cell for the
parallel at curbed locations for both TL-2 and TL-3 conditions. DDB - Modified the flared and
parallel items to include the changes to the cells. Added items for the new cells. Users will now
draw cells with a default item and calculate with the compute item.
 Add existing levels (GSSign; GSOutline; GSDims; GSColorFill; GSBWFill) to strlevels.dgnlib for
use of the GuidSIGN in the Structures environment to create the Vertical Clearance Gauge
LandXML Grouper
 Updated help file.
LDM Automation
This update includes fixes for the reported errors being encountered when automating the summary
boxes along with some enhancements.
 Corrected pay item 210-1-A and added new concrete pay items in Summary of Pavement xml
 Changed adhoc case to all caps to match the fdotSS2.ddb (Summary of Driveways & Summary of
 Deleted pay item number from the Summary of Temporary Driveways since it is supposed to be
included on the Summary of TTC.
 Corrected start row in the Summary of Underdrain xml.
 Removed blocked pay item 520-1-8 in the Summary of Curb & Gutter and Traffic Separator xml.
 Corrected column designations and changed thickness adhoc to all caps so it comes in in the
Summary of Miscellaneous Asphalt xml.
 Added sorting adhoc for 6” sidewalk in the Summary of Sidewalk.
 Corrected pay item number for soil tracking prevention device in the Summary of Erosion
Control xml.
 Added plastic erosion mat to the Summary of Performance Turf.
 Specified the correct pay item for the riprap rubble - ditch lining in the Summary of Ditch
Pavement (It was creating confusion since the other options do not go on this summary box.
They need to go with the appropriate summary for the application.).
 Per request from construction, added summary box template for temporary signalization which
includes quantity columns (pay items not to be included in the summary of TTC).
 Added Summary of Temporary Signalization and Detection to the Computation Summary Boxes
drop down list.
 Modified the Summary of Temporary Crash Cushions (This summary box is to now include the
quantity and the pay item is not to be included in the summary of TTC).
 Corrected end row for box 1 of Roadway Summary of Underdrain Expanded report.
 Updated the array and x,y values from sheet origin for new automation in the
 Recreated to fix an issue with the automation in the Summary of Turf and Prepared Soil
Expanded report. It was not deleting the correct columns and acting inconsistently.
 Corrected syntax for Roadway summary reports: Summary of French Drain Expanded, Summary
of Permanent Crash Cushions, and Summary of Temporary Crash Cushions.
 Updated rounding for the subtotals of Roadway summary reports and computation summary
 Added Unit Precision Tag to the Fdot.LDM.Roadway.xml and Fdot.LDM.xml files.
 Changed the rounding for T, L, and R to round to the nearest hundredth within the dbcurv.xlsx
 Un-hide column C in the Roadway Summary of Verified Utilities template.
 Added the Summary of Box Culverts so that it is available in the structures workspace under
Summary Boxes - Roadway.
 Summary of French Drain Expanded - Removed extra space behind pay item number. It is
causing an issue with Take-Off Manager.
 Summary of Edge Drain - Fixed pay item in box2.
 Summary of Edge Drain - Removed extra space behind pay item number. It is causing an issue
with Take-Off Manager.
 Corrected the Table Array tag to the correct syntax.
 Deleted example data from the Summary of Temporary Signalization and Detection template.
 Updated to match index. (Index 17743 Standard Mast Arm "D" & "E" Assemblies (Rev.07/14))
 Adjusted column widths in Special Mast Arm Assemblies Data Table.
 Updated to match the index. (Index 17745 Mast Arm Assemblies (Rev 07/14))
 Deleted Ref Sheet column in Tabulation of Quantities. No one knows what it is used for and
confirmed with Chester it would ok to delete. Room is needed in the Description column. Also
deleted 2 sets of the sheet quantity columns.
 Updated columns in the Summary of Turf and Prepared Soil Expanded report for the added pay
 Added Sheets group to the graphic settings and the Template File drop down list to include the
rw tabulation sheets.
 Summary of Erosion Control - Corrected sub-total and total designation. (Was still plan total and
final total...)
 Corrected the pay item numbers for the Plastic Erosion Mats on the Summary of Performance
 LoadVba - Add FDOT_COMPRESSONCLOSE If statement. Removed reference to MSCOMCTL.ocx
 SiteFDOT.txt - Added config variable FDOT_COMPRESSONCLOSE = 1. If set to 1 the file will be
compressed on close.
 ReportOfCoreBorings.mvba - Updated elevation, casing length, and water elevations to ignore
foot tick marks in input fields.
 A plot scale related error message occurs when using the 'Add Columns' VBA without the plot
scale set within a MicroStation design file. This file adds a reminder message for the user to set
the plot scale without the VBA crashing.
 CurveDataTable.mvba - Changed the rounding on the Seconds field to be whole seconds with no
Master Standards/Levels
 Corrected rw levels to match dgnlib.
 Corrected striping line styles to match dgnlib;
 Added new Civil 3D layers/levels to the fdot_common_levels.dgn, Rules - DSGNRD & DRMPRD,
and Filters in the SiteFDOT.txt
 Added config variable FDOT_COMPRESSONCLOSE = 1. If set to 1 the file will be compressed on
 Updated Filters for DSGNRD and DRMPRD to
 Added new Civil 3D layers/levels: Assembly_dp, Corridor_dp
 Removed unused C3D levels: xreference_dp, xreference05_dp, xreference06_dp,
xreference07_dp, xreference08_dp, xreference09_dp, xreference10_dp
 Renamed Conduit line styles naming convention to match level naming convention
 Removed obsolete Conduit levels: ConduitBG, ConduitBG-ep, ConduitC, ConduitJ, ConduitJ-ep,
ConduitSM, ConduitSM-ep, ConduitUG, ConduitUG-ep, ConduitUP, ConduitUP-ep
 Removed obsolete Conduits from Rule filters: Level #8500-8510 From Rules: DSGNLT; DSGNSG;
 Added levels for Pedestrian LCD and Rumble Stripes (Bulletin coming soon).
 Survey Levels – corrected wells_ep to Plot = ON
 RW Levels – Added GIS Raw and Promoted filters; Added SU_QLA back to level library and filter
 Menu/Configuration
Print Styles
 The FDOT Print Styles were updated in MR1 to reduce the search for print borders to the Master
file and reference files that start with the letters BD. This caused an issue in the Structures
workspace where the referenced sheet borders are stored in a file named StrBorders.dgn. This
updated FDOT_PrintStyles.dgnlib now searches for print borders to the Master file and
reference files that start with the letters BD and StrBorder.
 Updated printer name to lpt3 in FDOT_Letter.pltcfg.
 Shaded level overrides so they will be printed if they are turned on in the view attributes of the
file. FDOT_PrintSytles.dgnlib
QC Software
 Fixed bug when QCBatch form is canceled dgn file would reload.
Right of Way Updates
 Added chord bearing curve option; removed last end of curve call
(not needed).
RW ftb and tbl
 matched level number changes in dgnlib
Row Cell library
 Order element front to text for all parcel bubbles.
 Changed cover sheets certification "MINIMUM TECHNICAL
 Added RWTAB2 for use with LDM template.
 Changed "Minimum Technical Standards" to "Standards of Practice"
in: consur.txt, manintcnt.txt, maintsr.txt, monumt.txt.
 Assign the TOPORW to the OPEN rule file. SAMTAC discussed the
fact that Right of Way Mapping is using any and all design survey
RW Seed file
 Set the default font to FDOT Vert and saved settings. rwseed2d.dgn
 Added CRW to TOPO Other. Added SMA, SMAE to TOPORW.
 Added SMA (support mast arm) to TOPORW point list.
 Removed subsurface Steam lines.
Seed Files
 Since our FDOTSS2 MR1 release we have been receiving calls on the Structures Seed
File, but more specifically the PlotBorder_dp level was plotting on the Structures
Sheet Borders. This was due to the Plot option being toggled on in the Level
Manager. Deleted PlotBorder_dp from the 2D & 3D seed files.
 Set the default font to FDOT and saved settings
Sheet Navigator Update
 Fixed the issue with print definition not being loaded correctly for models other than those
named “Default".
 Print Sets without DGN sequence number - The filename is no longer being included in the Print
Order column. The Rule “value” attribute is used from the application settings file - without the
ending *.dgn specification. If the Rule node is not found the default ordering is “99.999”.
 Rotated sheets not being printed correctly - When the sheets are rotated they need to be
loaded during the creation of the print definition because the rotated sheets do not match the
PSET template. As a speed enhancement we were previously only loading the sheets when the
model name was not “Default”, but now we also load the sheet print definition when the sheet
is rotated.
 Added the signXX*.dgn file to the indexing order for each component.
 Changes made for Standard Index Files to work with Sheet Navigator.
 Added QCStop command before Sheet Navigator is executed to SheetInfo.xml and on the
Actions Menu.
 Added file exclusions for redline files and duplicate files. Added CTLSRD and RDSSGEO to the file
list in the roadway component section of the sheetinfo.xml.
 Modified component index Excel template to work with LDM.
Support App
 Updated phone numbers
 Add John Hazlip to the support page.
 Added configuration variable, ECSDK_GEOMETRY_STROKING_TOLERANCE=0.1 to end of file.
Text Style Fixes
 Corrected the Text Styles and the FDOT True Type Font Text Styles specifying Arial as the set
font. Also, the fdot2dseed.dgn had 4 embedded text styles that would not allow the following
text styles to synchronize with the FDOT_Styles.dgnlib:
FDOT (Large)
FDOT (Medium)
FDOT Bold (Large)
FDOT Heavy (Large)
 Corrected the strslevels.dgnlib file delivered with MR1 that had messed up fonts assigned to the
text styles with all the fonts set to Arial.
 We have also enhanced the Text Styles with a set .25 underlined which by default is turned off.
However, all the user will have to do is toggle on the underline for the text style and the
underline is already set to a .25 offset.
XML Quantity Rounder
 This version fixes the rounding issue. It was using Banker's rounding rules which rounds towards
the nearest even number for midpoint values (decimal values ending in 5). Now the application
always rounds midpoint values away from zero, so that 1.5 is rounded to 2 and 2.5 is rounded to
FDOTSS2 Maintenance Release 1 (MR1)
FDOTSS2 MR1 contains updates necessitated by changes to Design Standards, Plans Preparation Manual
(PPM), and the Basis of Estimates (BOE) as well as bug fixes to address reported issues. Listed below are
the significant enhancements:
CAiCE Related Files
Survey_ss2.cel  Revised PIL line style to 3.
 Added "_" before the A-D on FOPower, Oil, SanitaryFM, and WaterNP.
 Added Curb Ramp Warning feature for CurbRampWarning_ep.
 Added #1578 LARWLine and associated text level.
 Added #1579 LARWLine_ep and associated text level.
 Added #1600 Murphy_TIITF_Line and associated text level.
 Added Curb Ramp Warning feature for CurbRampWarning_ep.
 Removed all utility quality A line feature codes.
 Added Curb Ramp Warning feature for CurbRampWarning_ep.
 Removed all utility quality A line feature codes.
FDOT_SS2rw.tbl  Removed all utility quality A line feature codes.
FDOT_SS2rw.ftb  Removed all utility quality A line feature codes.
 Added Curb Ramp Warning feature for Curb Ramp Warning devices.
 Removed quality level A linear features
 Removed quality level A linear features from UTEXRD.
 Added Curb Ramp Warning device to TOPORD.
 Added the Utility Quality Levels B-D.
 Added Quality level Point Features, EOI,QLA,B,C,D,QDEL,THA, to UTEXR
Cell Libraries
 Corrected FTP-85-14 to FTp-85-13 to match Standard Index 17355 pg 10 of
 Draw Sign/Signtool - FTP-85-14 should be FTP-85-13
 Corrected FTP-85-14 to FTP-85-13 to match Standard Index 17355 pg 10 of
 Updated 4 cells (Sharrow, 25, BikeLaneSym, PASS) to work with ddb
 Deleted the DelinFlexbl cell.
 Added cell 4SHOR for 4-Section Horizontal signal clusters.
 Added cell SIG4_1 for 4-Section 1-Way signal clusters.
 Updated FlashSign cell to use scale of 1.0.
 Fixed Standard EOR note cell position to match all other EOR cells.
 Updated guardrail cells.
 Cells removed from the roadway.cel cell library and associated support
files: SHCantileverSignDS, SHCantileverSignFT, SHMastArmTab1,
SHMastArmTab2, SHMonoTube, SHOptMatSys1, SHOptMatSys2,
SHOptMatTab1, SHOptMatTab2, SHPoleData1, SHPoleData2, SHSoilSurvey,
SHSpanSign, SHSpecialMastArmDsgn, SHStandardMastArmDsgn,
SHStrainPole, SHTabQuant, SHTabQuantLD, and SHVHUtils.
 Revised cells to Annotation Scale: BL, BLOCKNUMBERED,
 Set delineator arrows to annotation scale. Revised origin of MON cell
 Revised PIL line style to 3.
 Revised to Annotation Scale, BL, CL and all Monuments.
 Added new cell:
 Modified font to 'Comic Sans' on cells:
 Added new cell:
 Modified font to 'Comic Sans' on cells:
 Corrected the Guardrail cells to work with placement by criteria in cross
section files.
 Updated for SDB 14-02.
 Corrected cells for use with drainage criteria.
 Corrected misspelled model name XEPropoertyLines to XEPropertyLines
 Fixed Scale/Size and unchecked Use as Annotation Cell and Propagate
Annotation Scale in the Model Properties for the following Cells:
XTerm, XPFence, XEFence, XEEasement, XEPropertyLines, XELARow,
XEPerpEasement, XERow, XPLARow, XPRow, XTempEasement, and
 Corrected invalid levels in Cells:
XEEasement Changed old level: EasementPerp_ep
To: EasePerpLine_px
XELARow Changed old level: LAROW_ex To: LARWLine_ex
XEPerpEasement Changed old level: EasementPerp_px To:
XERow Changed old level: Level 19 To: RWLine_ex
XPLARow Changed old level: LAROW_px To: LARWLine_px
XPRow Changed old level: ROW_px To: RWLine_px
XTempEasement Changed old level: EasementTemp_px To:
Corridor Modeling/Roadway Designer
DTM File Replicator
 Added to assist in design collaboration when using Corridor Modeling on
large projects that have been split between multiple designers.
 Added the Gravity Wall for Cut conditions created by Jimmie Prow and
addressed points in a number of other wall component templates that were
not properly constrained.
 Corrected Component style/material on Restricted Turn Lane Raised
Concrete Median components from Concrete to XS - Concrete.
 Added Urban/Suburban Variable Median Offsets. These templates have the
Vertical and Horizontal Offsets for the different median conditions in our
Variable Median templates and the component sets are separated out for
easier template edits.
Help Files
 Added MOTW code to allow images to display in the IE 11 browser from a
local or network source (other than a web server).
Electronic Delivery
 Fixed bug returning the MicroStation DataPath from the registry.
 Updated configuration to define current FDOT software.
 Corrected type "Begining" to "Beginning".
FDOT Menus
Support About Image  Updated Image
 LstPick.Items(0).Selected = True
 Edit Engineering links.
 Modified Help UI
 Corrected level changes in all applicable rules & tabs to match dgnlibs:
 strlevels.dgnlib - 2012 Railroad - line style changed from 'rr2' to 'RD-RailroadExisting'
 rwlevels.dgnlib - 1600 Mruphy_TIITF_Line - line style changed from 'TIITF' to
- 1919 RRBaseline - line style changed from 'RD- Railroad' to 'RD-RailroadBL'
 survey_levels.dgnlib - 1032 Docks_ep - corrected Description
- 1192 FOPower_ep - changed line style from 'UT_OverheadFiberOpticExisting' to 'UT-BuriedFiberOptic-Existing'
 fdot_v8_levels.dgnlib - 8526 ConduitDB - changed line style from 'SGConduitUP-Proposed' to 'RD-DirectionalBore'
- 7085 Duct - changed line style from 'UT-Duct_Proposed' to 'UT-DuctProposed'
- 5029 EasePerpLine - changed line style from 'RW-PerpetualEasment' to 'RWPerpetualEasement'
- 6027 EasePerpLine_px - changed line style from 'RW-PerpetualEasment' to
- 7045 SteamPipe - changed level name to 'Steam'
- 7086 PipeEncase - changed level name to 'Casing'
 Corrected line style on Level: SawCuts to '3'
 Add to TOPORD feature - SMAE. Revise TOPORD feature BL to BaselineSurvey
level, Removed from UTEXRD Original feature BTD. Revised UTEXRD feaures
 Corrected File Type (Cross Sections) for Drainage File Name: DRXSRD
 Corrected Template File (drxsrd.dwt) for Roadway File Name: DRXSRD
 Corrected Template File path
(Data\templates\Sheets\Structures\StructuresPlanProfile.dwt)for Structure
File Name: B#PlanElev*
 Corrected line Style to "0" within the TOPORW rule. These are set to display
differently than set in the dgnlib:
Level Name Level Description
Color Style Weight
Street Light / Pole
Flag Pole
Parking Meter
PolePower_ep Power Pole with Transformer 3
PolePower_ep Share Pole
PolePower_ep Share Pole with Transformer 3
PolePower_ep Power Pole
Telephone Pole
 Changed Level: PMStripe(10-10-20) linestyle to PM-Stripe-10'Skip
 Corrected Descriptions for feature codes of level Shrub_ep
 v2013.1.2.4 fixed problem of not be able to create QC Quick datagrid when
custom hilite color was selected in dgn file.
 v2013.1.2.8 Updated batch process form to display correctly when Windows
font is large/larger
 v2013.1.2.9 Fixed button events in Batch mode that stopped working in
2013.1.2.8 (never released)
 v2013.1.2.10 Fixed possible problem searching for QCYear in QCBatch when
file is not part of a valid project folder structure
 Added double click action for file processing in QCBatch
 Fixed issue with Fix Level in CS, MM, and RW.
Draw Sign
 Corrected payitems to match BOE changes.
 Corrected FTP-85-14 to FTP-85-13 to match Standard Index 17355 pg 10 of 12.
 Removed pay items that were valid through 12-31-2013 and renamed items
that included the text "effective 1-1-2014" to remove the text "effective 1-12014".
Sheet Navigator
 Changes to include SQ sheets.
 Added the Sheet Set Position in the print definition name, generating print
 Added Remove “.dgn.xxx” suffix from Print Definition When generating the
print set, the final “.dgn.xxx” suffix of the Sheet Set Order is now being
removed and not included as part of the print definition name.
 Added “Print Order” column to the Navigator View There is now a “Print
Order” column in the Navigator View, and it is now the column used as the
default Sort setting when an index is first opened. This column contains the
name of the sheet’s Print Definition, so that it will match sorting used in the
Print Set.
 Only setting the Print Definition Model Name when not “Default” When
creating the Print Set, the model name for each Print Definition is now only
being set if it is not named “Default” – which is the model name used by the
template Print Definition. This is intended as a possible speed enhancement
when generating the Print Set.
Typical Sections
 Fixed missing cell references on the Typical Sections menu
Cell Web Pages
 Cell Web Pages have been updated with images and links to modified cells and
newly created cells.
 Reopens MicroStation or PowerGeopak 32 or 64 bit after resetting the
workspace back into the current DesignFile
 Fixed excel version reference back to 2007 (v12)
 Fixed the broken 6 cell name references in the Resurfacing Section.
 Remove the ability to save the Font settings for now.
 Corrected Font issue. It now saves and uses TTF.
 Below is the link to the latest version of MergeFiles. This version retrieves the
current Annotation Scale value from the “Settings>Drawing Scale” dialog prior
to merge and then restores the value after merge. There are a few things you
might want to consider/test and have me change:
1) I’m not setting the current state of the Annotation Scale lock, just the
scale selection in the drop-down.
2) After restoring the original annotation scale setting, I am calling
“PropagateAnnotationScale” so that all elements will reflect the change in
annotation scale. Someone should just check to make sure that the scale of all
elements using Annotation Scale are being scaled as expected after the merge.
3) These new settings for PlotScale, Geographic Coordinate System, and
Drawing Scale are only being loaded/restored from the active model. They
may need to be applied to all models in the design file. If that’s the case, verify
that this is working for the active model first and then I can apply the same
process to all models in the design file.
 Removed PlotScale.
Reportofcoreborings.  Fixed excel version reference back to 2007 (v12)
 Added:
GNE Label when no water encountered
Termination depth for Zero elevation borings
Scale Label (Depth or Elevation)
Removed space in custom labels
Toggle to place Lab Test sample depth output
 Added Sheets for Excel 2013.
 Added code to delete empty output files.
Standards Menu
 Added “FDOT Basis of Estimates Manual” menu option to the FDOT
Standards Menu and sorted the section by alpha numeric.
 Removed FDOT Standard.xml Menu option: "FDOT Excel Compbook
Roadway Menu
 Updated all sheets and cells to use annotation scale.
 Corrected the level for the white skip vibratory paint item. It was on the default
 Corrected the Audible Vibratory Paint items.
 Added: Type B fence option with vinyl; Light pole complete w/ special foundation
options; Riprap - Rubble for ditch lining & bank & shore; modified the
LocDescription adhoc to be all caps for LDM.
 Moved the bike lane symbol, bike RR, bike arrow, and shared use symbol from
thermoplastic to preformed thermoplastic.
 Added adhoc to asphalt items to sort the quantity data in QM.
 Added Design Length adhoc to the Permanent Crash Cushion items
 Removed blocked pay items.
 Added asphalt and friction course items not included that is listed in BOE.
Modified spread rate for friction course FC-12.5 from 165 to 110 as it is stated in
the BOE. Removed the spread rate from the description for the friction course
 Modified the delineator items to use the same cell DelinFlexblss and deleted the
single sided delineator item.
 Deleted pay item 102-81-13.
 Removed <50 from item description for 102-89-1 (Temporary Crash Cushions).
 Added adhocs for automation to item 102-89-1 (Temporary Crash Cushions).
 Deleted the Quality Level A item from the Existing Utilities categories.
 Added new concrete pavement items (350-3, 350-4, 350-5, 350-6).
 Deleted special curb (520-1-8)
 Modified the paved shoulder hatch items to use the new linestyles.
 Added signal cable remove items (632-7-6 & 632-7-7).
 Added fiber optic cable remove items (633-1-610 & 633-1-620).
 Added delete options for twisted pair cable (633-4-6, added multi-conductor
communication cable back to the ddb per BOE (633-8-A).
 Added remove option for span wire assembly (634-4-600).
 Replaced electric power service items with new (639-1-ABC).
 Added and removed items to the ddb to reflect the latest posting of the BOE.
 Added 8" yellow thermoplastic NM pay items.
 Removed "Signals" from description for Fiber Optic Cable, Electric Power Service,
and Electric Service Wire.
 Corrected pay item format for wood strain poles.
 Corrected the valid date for signal pay items 2014 not 2013.
 Set all of the Sign items to use Set Scale = 1 instead of Active Scale.
 Removed the Quality Level A linear feature.
 Added Curb Ramp Warning device to TOPORD folder.
 Add CRW to TOPO Other.
 Added Parcel Category with Tangent Bearing instead of Chord Bearing.
 Added GIS Categories for raw GIS Plotting.
compute_signpo  Removed pay items that were valid through 12-31-2013 and renamed items that
included the text "effective 1-1-2014" to remove the text "effective 1-1-2014".
Criteria Files
 Common.x - Modified the criteria so that it will label and dimension the survey
bl. It was being called from NewPavement which does not always get called.
Moved the code to overlay.x. Also added the variable to OncePerSection so that
it would reset the variable on each section. It labeled once per run not on each
section. Modified the labels so that it was labeling the alignments correctly.
 New_Pavement.x - Modified the criteria so that it will label and dimension the
survey bl. It was being called from NewPavement which does not always get
called. Moved the code to overlay.x. Also added the variable to OncePerSection
so that it would reset the variable on each section. It labeled once per run not
on each section. Modified the labels so that it was labeling the alignments
 Overlay.x - Modified the criteria so that it will label and dimension the survey bl.
It was being called from NewPavement which does not always get called. Moved
the code to overlay.x. Also added the variable to OncePerSection so that it
would reset the variable on each section. It labeled once per run not on each
section. Modified the labels so that it was labeling the alignments correctly.
 Help Files - Added MOTW code to allow images to display in the IE 11 browser
from a local or network source (other than a web server).
Comp Book Style  Update from 2010 did not get moved forward to SS2
 Old Compbook Reports for QM have been removed from the FDOTSS2 platform
due to the introduction of LDM.
 Added point codes for linear elements.
 Updated the cells being called to use the "_PS" to use the proper scale.
Linked Data Manager (LDM)
 Fixed the issue with incorrect station values when there are regions that decrease in value.
 Fixed the issue with station equations.
 Modified the default save location for Create New from Quantities
When using the “Create New from Quantities” button in the Link Information form, the default
save location is now the folder “\{ProjectRoot\Calculations”. ProjectRoot is retrieved using the
“_PROJDIR” configuration variable. All other suggested save paths used by the application
default to the same folder as the current design file.
 Added the ability to apply actions to multiple selected links
In the main form, the user can now select multiple linked file rows from the datagrid (and the
graphics-bounds highlights are shown for all currently selected rows in MicroStation). Multiple
file rows can be can be selected by dragging the cursor across multiple rows, or by using the
SHIFT and CTRL keys when selecting individual rows. When multiple rows are selected, the rightclick context menu will only have the following options enabled: “Update Now”, “Delete Link”,
and “Delete Link and Graphics”. If any of these options are selected, they will be applied to all of
the currently selected linked files. NOTE: You can also use CTRL+A as a shortcut to quickly select
all rows in the datagrid.
 Added MRU (Most Recently Used) drop-down lists
MRU drop-down lists have replaced two fields that were previously text controls:
1) “Source Path” in the Link Information form
2) “Quantity Manager Database” in the Quantity Manager Summary Reports form.
In both cases, they allow the user to select from the five most recent selections made for each
field. The selections are saved and loaded from the LDM user settings file:
 Modified quantity total to appear on the first row only
When extracting quantities, the Total is now only being shown on the first row for each pay
item and is not repeated even when the pay item spans multiple pages.
 Now using Excel Print Area
When creating a link to an Excel file, if a Print Area is defined then only the range defined by the
Print Area is used to draw corresponding table graphics in MicroStation. This includes handling
for hidden columns.
 Now using Excel Leading Spaces
The application now allows spaces to be placed in front of text within Excel cells, so spaces can
now be used to represent an indent.
 Added Adhoc Secondary Sorting
The application can now use Adhoc values as a secondary sort order. To use, include the new
optional node “/ComputationSummaryBox/AdhocSort” in the report settings document. For
<WorksheetNaming name="Box" startSuffix="2"/>
If this node IS included in the report settings document, then the sort order is: Pay Item, Adhoc
Value, Stationing
If this node IS NOT included in the report settings document, then the sort order is: Pay Item,
The adhoc values are sorted in ascending order. If the adhoc type is a number, the application
uses a numeric sort, otherwise it uses a string compare. Adhoc type comes from
ADHOC_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE in the database.
 Added Adhoc Filtering
Adhoc values can now be used to optionally filter which quantity entries are used for specific
pay items. This new functionality is implemented differently based on the type of report:
Report Type “SharedQuantityColumn”: There is now an optional “adhoc” attrribute that can be
used on PayItem nodes to qualify which quantity entries are included in the report. For
<PayItem name="0160 4" adhoc="PavementType:Private Driveway, Public Driveway" />
 New version to address "Delete Link" not working and "Source Path" drop down not populating the
dialog box when a file is chosen.
 This version addresses the issue with blank entries in MRU drop-down lists reported.
 Corrected the description for the summary of utility adjustment. Not for use with "JPA with
utilities" (not JTA)
 Added the new Summary of Walls
 Modified the descriptions for the wall summary boxes
 Modified the padding setting to 2 from 6. Set up roadway summary boxes for structures' use.
 Matched the Roadway line spacing setting for consistency
 Added Summary of Special Detour to the Roadway option.
 Templates have been created, modified and/or updated for use with LDM.
 Added Walls summary box. Unlocked the cells for construction's use so that they can still access the
contents when the sheets are write protected.
 Added columns for Final quantities to all sheets and only showed sub-total and total rows at the
bottom for consistency.
 Added "& DETECTABLE WARNINGS" to Box2 worksheet title to the Summary of Sidewalk template.
 Added "TEMPORARY" to the title in Box2 worksheet to the Summary of TCP template.
 Added pay items 327-70-21, 350-72, & 350-78. Modified the adhoc value to all caps for the
LOCDESCRIPTION to the Summary of Pavement template.
 Modified the templates so that there is only a sub-total and total row at the bottom, made sure
there were P and F columns for every pay item.
 Added pay items for vinyl coated type b fence to the Summary of Fencing template.
 Moved columns for the area id, length, and width such that there are a set for each of the pay items
for the Summary of Litter Removal and Mowing template.
 Modified columns to make them fit on a plan sheet with all columns in use to the Summary of
Pavement template.
 Added deduction columns to the Summary of Curb and Traffic Separators template.
 Addressed "Delete Link" not working and "Source Path" drop down not populating the dialog box
when a file is chosen.
 Set Print Area for tables.
 Added the sort adhoc "Lift" to sort the entries by the pavement thickness and then by station to the
Summary of Pavement template.
 Addressed the issue with blank entries in MRU drop-down lists reported.
 Added now that we have the ability to sort to the Summary of Miscellaneous Asphalt template.
 Added adhoc information so that the quantities can be sorted to go into the separate summary
boxes from 1 QM database to the Summary of Driveways Expanded and the Summary of Pavement
 Modified the summary box to work with the automation. Only 1 column for the thickness, deleted
the extra columns out of the template in the Summary of Miscellaneous Asphalt template.
 Added Design Length column to the Summary of Permanent Crash Cushions template.
 Deleted columns for blocked pay items to the Summary of Permanent Crash Cushions template.
 Corrected column heading for duration to DAYS for Phase III for Summary of TCP template.
 Added all available options from BOE for Asphalt and Friction Course for Summary of Pavement
 Added all available options from BOE for Asphalt for Summary of Driveways Expanded template.
 Deleted old quantity summary boxes that are no longer valid.
 Added location columns and a total column to include the items that need to be quantified by
 Removed old summary box template options and renamed the category to Misc Boxes to include
the summary of vvh's.
 Removed the Pay Item number from the Summary of Special Detour summary box.
 Added tags for gross quantity and deductions for the Curb & Gutter summary boxes. All quantities
now use the computed value from Quantity Manager instead of the rounded value.
 Added missing Friction Course pay items (40 - 45) to the Summary of Pavement summary box.
 Added the Quantity Deduction columns to the Summary of Curb and Traffic Separators summary
 Added code for Area Units. This allows for LDM to fill in the Area ID column when automating.
 Added column information to include the gross length and deduction columns for the Summary of
Curb and Traffic Separators summary box.
 Added rows to the Summary of General Items summary box.
 Added the Summary of Temporary Crash Cushion summary box to the list of automated summary
 Added the Summary of Utility Adjustments summary box to the list of automated summary boxes.
 Modified the font size for the body to 7.5 and adjusted column widths to increase the width of the
description column for the Tabulation of Quantities box.
 Corrected pay item for 210-1-A.
Plot Files
 Disabled most optional content to speed up printing.
 Disabled most optional content to speed up printing.
Workspace Configuration
MicroStation reopen
 Reopens MicroStation or PowerGeopak 32 or 64 bit after resetting the
workspace back into the current DesignFile
 Rewrote to make it a windows Console application.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
Fdot_common_levels.csv  Added GIS levels 400-420.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Added GIS levels 400-420.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Updated print styles to search for sheet borders in the master file or
reference files that begin with BD.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 #6027 EasePerpLine_px - changed line style from 'RWPerpetualEasment' to 'RW-PerpetualEasement'
 #8526 ConduitDB - changed line style from 'SG-ConduitUP-Proposed' to
 Change the "Line Style" of level: PMStripe(10-10-20) to PM-Stripe10’_20’Skip
 Added new survey level CurbRampWarning_ep to TOPORD Standard
Rule filter.
 Removed all utility quality A levels.
 #6027 EasePerpLine_px - changed line style from 'RWPerpetualEasment' to 'RW-PerpetualEasement'
 #8526 ConduitDB - changed line style from 'SG-ConduitUP-Proposed' to
 Change the "Line Style" of level: PMStripe(10-10-20) to PM-Stripe10’_20’Skip
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Added new survey level CurbRampWarning_ep to TOPORD Standard
Rule filter.
 Updated Level group filters: PLPRRD, TCDSRD, TYPDRD, TYPSRD,
 Removed all utility quality A levels.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Updated Sign toolbox.
 Deleted Scale Text tool from FDOT text tool bar.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Revised all level priorities that were set to 400, to zero (0).
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Revised all level priorities that were set to 400, to zero (0).
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 #2012 Railroad - changed line style from 'rr2' to 'RD-Railroad-Existing'
 #2012 Railroad - changed line style from 'rr2' to 'RD-Railroad-Existing'
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Revise FOPower_ep line style to UT-BuriedFiberOptic-Existing (was
incorrectly set to overhead fiber optic)
 Revised description of WaterMisc_ep to remove "Well". Added "Well"
to Wells_ep.
 Added CurbRampWarning_ep #1196 for Curb Ramp Warning feature.
 Removed all utility quality A levels.
 Added TopoDOT temporary levels.
 Revise FOPower_ep line style to UT-BuriedFiberOptic-Existing (was
incorrectly set to overhead fiber optic)
 Revised description of WaterMisc_ep to remove "Well". Added "Well"
to Wells_ep.
 Added CurbRampWarning_ep #1196 for Curb Ramp Warning feature.
 Removed all utility quality A levels.
 Added TopoDOT temporary levels.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Updated Attenuator Linetsyle.
 Updated guardrail and tree line LineStyles/FDOT_Rdwy.rsc
 Updated Cable Barrier file.
 Updated vibratory linestyles.
 Updated 10/20 Skip Linestyle
 Removed all Quality Level A utility linestyles.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Removed unused fonts by running the delete unused fonts keyin.
 Line 222 Changed prof.lsff to prof.lsf
 Added path for v7 linestyles.
 Corrected level changes in all applicable rules & tabs to match dgnlibs:
 strlevels.dgnlib - 2012 Railroad - line style changed from 'rr2' to 'RDRailroad-Existing'
 rwlevels.dgnlib - 1600 Mruphy_TIITF_Line - line style changed from
'TIITF' to 'RW-TIITFMurphyResLine'
- 1919 RRBaseline - line style changed from 'RD-Railroad' to 'RDRailroadBL'
 survey_levels.dgnlib - 1032 Docks_ep - corrected Description
- 1192 FOPower_ep - changed line style from 'UT_OverheadFiberOpticExisting' to 'UT-BuriedFiberOptic-Existing'
 fdot_v8_levels.dgnlib - 8526 ConduitDB - changed line style from 'SGConduitUP-Proposed' to 'RD-DirectionalBore'
- 7085 Duct - changed line style from 'UT-Duct_Proposed' to 'UT-DuctProposed'
- 5029 EasePerpLine - changed line style from 'RW-PerpetualEasment'
to 'RW-PerpetualEasement'
- 6027 EasePerpLine_px - changed line style from 'RWPerpetualEasment' to 'RW-PerpetualEasement'
- 7045 SteamPipe - changed level name to 'Steam'
- 7086 PipeEncase - changed level name to 'Casing'
 9/12/13 Add to TOPORD feature - SMAE. Revise TOPORD feature BL to
BaselineSurvey level, Removed from UTEXRD Original feature BTD.
Revised UTEXRD feaures CATVA-D to CATVCA-D
 Corrected File Type (Cross Sections)for Drainage File Name: DRXSRD
 Corrected Template File (drxsrd.dwt)for Roadway File Name: DRXSRD
 Corrected Template File path
(Data\templates\Sheets\Structures\StructuresPlanProfile.dwt) for
Structure File Name: B#PlanElev*
 Corrected line Style to "0" within the TOPORW rule. These are set to
display differently than set in the dgnlib:
Level Name
Level Description
Street Light / Pole
Color Style Weight
MiscEquip_ep Flag Pole
MiscEquip_ep Parking Meter
PolePower_ep Power Pole
PolePower_ep Power Pole with Transformer 3
PolePower_ep Share Pole
PolePower_ep Share Pole with Transformer
Telephone Pole
 Changed Level: PMStripe(10-10-20) linestyle to PM-Stripe-10'Skip
 Corrected Descriptions for feature codes of level Shrub_ep
 Created New Survey Level CurbRampWarning_ep 4
Detectable Warnings on Curb Ramps (Existing)
0 for
 Removed “Sand Fence” verbiage from the fence description in standard
rule files.
 Removed all utility quality A levels from the UTEXRD standard rule.
Fly UP