312" 1 2" 1 2" 5 5 W3.4 Spiral Ties @ 6" pitch, full length 5 Turns @ 1" Pitch ** 1" 6" Pitch 16 Turns @ 3" Pitch 16 Turns @ 3" Pitch Spacing 1" 3" Cover (Typ.) »¿ 3" 512" 3" 1 2" A 3 Spiral Tie 512" 5 Turns @ 1" Pitch 8 ~ No. 10 4 ~ No. 8 Bars Dowels (Full Length) »¿ W3.4 Spiral Ties 3 4" A x 3" Chamfer (Typ.) SECTION D-D (See Nondrivable Unforeseen Reinforced Precast Splice Detail) ELEVATION 312" 512" 512" 512" 312" 3" Cover (Typ.) »¿ 512" C: \d\projects\standards\structures\current\ready4release\2014BOOK\20618-1of1. dgn W3.4 Spiral Ties ** See Note No. 4 on Index No. 20601 8 ~ No. 10 ALTERNATE STRAND PATTERNS 12 ~ 1 2" 16 ~ 1 2" (Special), Grade 270 LRS, at 34 kips , Grade 270 LRS, at 26 kips Strands »¿ 12 ~ 0.6" , Grade 270 LRS, at 35 kips 18" Prestressing Dowels SECTION E-E (See Drivable Prestressed Precast Splice Detail) 20 ~ 716" , Grade 270 LRS, at 21 kips 3" Cover 2" 24 ~ 38" , Grade 270 LRS, at 17 kips 18" (Typ.) 7" 7" W3.4 W3.4 Spiral Ties Spiral Ties 7" 3" Cover (Typ.) 2" See Alternate »¿ Strand Patterns SECTION A-A 7" 8 ~ No. 9 Bars (10’-6" long) (shift as required sm 970re to clear strands) 8 ~ No. 10 Dowels NOTES: 1. Work this Index with Index No. 20600 - Notes and Details for Prestressing Strands »¿ Square Prestressed Concrete Piles and Index No. 20601 - Square SECTION F-F 7: 55: 23 PM Prestressed Concrete Pile Splices. 2. Any of the given Alternate Strand Patterns may be utilized. (See Drivable Preplanned Splice Detail) The strands shall be located as follows: Place one strand at each corner and place the remaining PILE SPLICE REINFORCEMENT DETAILS strands equally spaced between the corner strands. 6/24/2013 The total strand pattern shall be concentric with the nominal LAST REVISION 01/01/12 REVISIO N concrete section of the pile. DESCRIPTION: INDEX FDOT 2014 DESIGN STANDARDS 18" SQUARE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PILE NO. 20618 SHEET NO. 1of 1