Steel Bridge Decks Factors Affecting Casting Sequence Dennis Golabek, P.E.
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Steel Bridge Decks Factors Affecting Casting Sequence Dennis Golabek, P.E.
Steel Bridge Decks Factors Affecting Casting Sequence Dennis Golabek, P.E. Assistant State Structures Design Engineer AGENDA - Steel Bridge Decks Factors Affecting Casting Sequence FDOT Survey Factors Design Criteria Design Example FDOT SURVEY Constructed between 2000-2013 11 / 7 2/1 2-Span Continuous Steel 25 / 5 3/2 9/6 67 Bridges 30 - No cracks 10 / 5 12 - Cracks in Pour 1 27 – collect data - 13 no cracks - 14 with cracks 7/1 FDOT SURVEY Design Code L1/L2 or L/D Ratio Concrete Strength Deck Placement Placement Termination Reinforcement L1 L2 LPLC1 PLC 1 LPLC2 PLC 3 PLC 2 FDOT Survey General Observations Deck Placement Sequence 70% L1 PLC 1 70%L2 PLC 3 PLC 2 Deck termination L1 L2 Span/Span ratio AVG L1/L2 = 1.05 for uncracked Reinforcing Termination AVG L1/L2 = 1.12 for cracked FACTORS Shrinkage and Temperature Spec 400-7.1 cold and hot weather Spec 400-16.1 Surface Moisture Spec 400-16.4 curing for bridge decks Wind velocity – Section 400-7.1.3 Temperature difference during the day Contractor changes deck placement sequence Designers do not properly consider the deck placement sequence in design CRITERIA AASHTO LRFD BDS FDOT Structures Manual Criteria - Longitudinal tension stresses in the concrete deck AASHTO LRFD BDS – Load Combination Service II 1.0 DL + 1.3 (LL+IM) – Factored Construction Loads Criteria - Detailing AASHTO LRFD BDS 1% Steel – 2/3 in top layer Criteria - longitudinal tension stresses in the concrete deck FDOT Structures Design Guidelines 4.2.7 Minimum Negative Flexure Slab Reinforcement [] - Any combination of DL and LL is considered 4.2.8 Crack Control in Continuous Decks [5.10.8] - Deck Casting Sequence Limit Pours Camber Diagrams Concrete Strengths Longitudinal Tension Stresses per LRFD [] 4.2.9 Concrete Decks on Continuous Steel Girders - Longitudinal reinforcing steel per LRFD [] Criteria Deck Casting Sequence Limit Pours Concrete Strengths Camber Diagrams 200 to 400 cy Criteria FDOT Structures Design Guidelines/Detailing Manual 2.13.1 Constructability Limit State Checks (Rev 01/14) EXAMPLE – Calculate longitudinal tension stresses in the concrete deck Bridge Configuration Deck Placement and Live Load Analyses Deck Stresses Check for Uplift EXAMPLE Bridge Information Span length N = 1.23 Typical Section Leff/D = 26 Girder Elevation EXAMPLE Deck X-sect Area Deck Placement End Bent Width= 55.083 ft Thickness= 9 in PLC 1 PLC 3 PLC 2 L (ft) 90 70 130 Vol (cy) 138 107 199 End Bent Pier 90 ft ~ 70% PLC 1 130 ft 40 ft 30 ft PLC 3 130 ft ~ 80% PLC 2 160 ft EXAMPLE Section Properties SDG Table 2nd Placement – 1st placement 3 days old EXAMPLE Deck Placement and Live Load Analyses End Bent Pier End Bent 90 ft PLC 1 130 ft 3 days PLC 2 EXAMPLE Deck Placement Analyses Pier End Bent 6 days PLC 3 Live Load Analysis End Bent 28 days End Bent 70 ft Pier 3 days End Bent EXAMPLE Uplift Steel 9k 86k 25 k PLC 1 71 k 64k 9k EXAMPLE σconc = σsteel/n Longitudinal tension stresses in deck Dist.(ft) 0.0 7.8 15.5 23.3 31.0 31.0 45.8 60.5 75.3 90.0 90.0 92.8 95.5 98.3 101.0 Steel Only PLC 1 PLC 2 Construction Strength I PLC 3 M (k-ft) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M (k-ft) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M (k-ft) 0 -166 -331 -497 -662 -662 -978 -1293 -1608 -1923 0 0 0 0 0 Deck σ (ksi) 0.000 -0.046 -0.092 -0.139 -0.185 -0.161 -0.238 -0.314 -0.391 -0.468 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 M (k-ft) 0 25 50 75 100 100 147 194 242 289 0 0 0 0 0 φfr = 0.358 ksi LL+I Service III Moment (k-ft) Deck σ (ksi) 0 0.000 -124 -0.070 -247 -0.140 -371 -0.210 -495 -0.280 -495 -0.243 -730 -0.359 58’ -965 -0.475 -1201 -0.591 -1436 -0.707 -1436 -0.390 -1480 -0.402 -1524 -0.414 -1568 -0.426 -1612 -0.438 φfr = 0.458 ksi EXAMPLE Reinforcing Detailing SDG 4.2.11 Temp & Shrinkage – No. 4 (min) at 12-inch (max) LRFD BDS – No. 6 max, 12-inch max and 1% Steel – 2/3 in top layer Spa Deck X-sect Area size area no in2 Width= 55.083 ft Thickness= 9 in Top Bot sacrificial= 0 in area = 5949 in2 1 % steel = 59.5 in2 Total in2 12 5 0.31 55 17.1 12 6 0.44 51 22.4 6 4 0.2 92 18.4 4 0.2 8 1.6 59.5 total steel % = 1.00% top steel % = 0.66% EXAMPLE - Reinforcing Detailing EXAMPLE Reinforcing Detailing Negative moment regions End Bent Pier 90 ft 40 ft 72 ft Inspection reveals extensive lateral cracking near end of Pour 1 30 ft PLC 3 PLC 1 End Bent Plans 130 ft PLC 2 Example Other Ways Change placement limits Change sequence Deck X-sect Area Example Other Ways Change limits (50%L) - Width= 55.083 ft Thickness= 9 in PLC 1 PLC 3 PLC 2 L (ft) 65 145 80 Vol (cy) 100 222 122 Placement quantity Deck longitudinal tension stress Uplift Reinforcement termination End Bent End Bent Pier 65 ft 65 ft 80 ft 80 ft PLC 2 PLC 3 PLC 1 130 ft 160 ft Example Change limits (50%L) End Bent 65 ft 65 ft 80 ft 80 ft PLC 2 PLC 3 PLC 1 Dist.(ft) 0.0 7.8 15.5 23.3 31.0 31.0 39.5 48.0 56.5 65.0 90.0 End Bent Pier Steel Only PLC 1 PLC 2 Construction Strength I PLC 3 M (k-ft) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M (k-ft) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M (k-ft) 0 -76 -151 -227 -302 -302 -385 -468 -551 -633 -1923 Deck σ (ksi) 0.000 -0.021 -0.042 -0.063 -0.084 -0.073 -0.094 -0.114 -0.134 -0.154 -0.468 M (k-ft) 0 38 76 114 151 151 193 234 276 317 289 φfr = 0.358 ksi LL+I Service III Moment (k-ft) Deck σ (ksi) 0 0.000 -124 -0.047 -247 -0.094 -371 -0.141 -495 -0.187 -495 -0.163 -630 -0.208 -766 -0.253 -902 -0.297 -1037 -0.342 -1436 -0.707 φfr = 0.458 ksi Deck X-sect Area Example Change sequence Placement quantity Width= 55.083 ft Thickness= 9 in PLC 1 PLC 3 PLC 1 L (ft) 78 148 64 Vol (cy) 120 226 98 Uplift Deck longitudinal tension Stress Reinforcement termination End Bent 78ft (60%L1) PLC 2 130 ft End Bent Pier 52 ft 96 ft 64ft (40%L2) PLC 3 PLC 1 160 ft EXAMPLE Uplift Steel 9k 86k 25 k 6k 30k 67 k PLC 1 Example Change End Bent placement limits End Bent Pier 78ft (60%L1) 52 ft 96 ft 64ft (40%L2) PLC 3 PLC 2 PLC 1 Steel Only PLC 1 PLC 2 Construction Strength I PLC 3 Dist.(ft) M (k-ft) M (k-ft) M (k-ft) Deck σ (ksi) M (k-ft) 96 100 104 107 111 111 123 136 148 160 SPAN 1 90.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -503 -474 -445 -416 -387 -387 -290 -193 -97 0 -1923 -0.110 -0.104 -0.097 -0.091 -0.085 -0.091 -0.068 -0.045 -0.023 0 -0.468 1612 1519 1425 1332 1239 1239 929 619 310 0 289 φfr = 0.358 ksi LL+I Service II Moment (k-ft) Deck σ (ksi) -701 -661 -620 -580 -539 -539 -404 -270 -135 0 -1436 0.021 0.019 0.018 0.017 0.016 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 -0.707 φfr = 0.458 ksi Example Change End Bent placement limits End Bent Pier 78ft (60%L1) 52 ft 96 ft 64ft (40%L2) PLC 3 PLC 2 PLC 1 Steel Only PLC 1 PLC 2 PLC 3 Construction Strength I Dist.(ft) M (k-ft) M (k-ft) M (k-ft) M (k-ft) Deck σ (ksi) 0 8 16 23 31 31 43 55 66 78 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -36 -71 -107 -142 -142 -196 -250 -304 -358 0.000 -0.011 -0.021 -0.032 -0.043 -0.037 -0.051 -0.066 -0.080 -0.094 φfr = 0.358 ksi LL+I Service II Moment (k-ft) Deck σ (ksi) 0 -124 -247 -371 -495 -495 -682 -870 -1057 -1245 0.000 -0.030 -0.059 -0.089 -0.119 -0.103 -0.143 -0.182 -0.221 -0.260 φfr = 0.458 ksi SDG 4.2.8 – 2015 Revisions