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Document 2812557
Joanne L. Goodwin
Associate Professor, Department of History
Box 455020
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-5020
Office Phone (702) 895-1026
Office FAX (702) 895-1782
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
Summer Institute, Columbia University Oral History Program, 2005.
Ph.D. U.S. History, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1991
M.A., U.S. Women’s History, Sarah Lawrence College, Bronxville, New York, 1983
B.F.A. Fine Arts, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1973
Executive Director, Women’s Research Institute of Nevada, UNLV, 1999-- present.
Professor, Department of History, UNLV, July 2014—present.
Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas,
Nevada, 1997—2014.
Assistant Professor, Department of History, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Las Vegas,
Nevada, 1991—1997.
Lecturer, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 1989-1990.
Changing the Game: Women at Work in Las Vegas, 1940-1990 (University of Nevada Press,
forthcoming Fall 2014).
Claudine Williams: A Life in Gaming, interview and editing by Joanne L. Goodwin (Las Vegas,
NV: Women’s Research Institute of Nevada, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2007).
Gender and the Politics of Welfare Reform: Mothers’ Pensions in Chicago, 1911-1929. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press, 1997.
Reference Works:
[digital] “Our History: Profiles of Nevada Women,” digital biographical encyclopedia. Launched
March 2011 with over 100 entries which include text, image, sound, and video sources.
[digital] Co-editor. Nevada Online Encyclopedia. The Nevada Humanities. 2004-2006.
Co-editor. Joyce Appleby, Eileen Cheng, and Joanne Goodwin, eds. Women in American History,
1585—present. New York: M.E. Sharp Publishers, 2002.
Articles in Refereed Journals:
“Wages, Rights, and Civic Life: Women’s Lives in Las Vegas, 1940-1990,” (under revision with
the Journal of Social History).
“From the Ground Up: building archival sources for the history of women in Las Vegas,”
Nevada Historical Society Quarterly (Winter 2006): 263-276.
“Mojave Mirages: Gender and Performance in Post-war Las Vegas,” Women’s History Review:
Special Issue: U.S. Women and the Performing Arts, 11:1 (Spring 2002): 115-131.
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“’Employable Mothers’ and ‘Suitable Work’: A Re-evaluation of Welfare and Wage-earning in
the Twentieth Century United States,” Journal of Social History (December 1995), 253-274.
Nominated for the Berkshire Conference on the History of Women Article Prize.
“An American Experiment in Paid Motherhood: The Implementation of Mothers’ Pensions in
early Twentieth-Century Chicago,” Gender & History (Autumn 1992), 323-42.
Refereed Book Chapters, Contributions, Introductions, and Review Essays:
“Women at Work in Las Vegas, 1940-1980,” In Oral History, Community, and Work in the
American West. Ed. Jessie Embry (Tucson AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2013), 175-96.
“Revealing New Narratives of Women in Las Vegas.” In Finding Women in the Sources. Eds.
Nupur Chauduri, Sherry Katz, and Elizabeth Perry (Champaign, IL: University of Illinois
Press, 2010), 177-191. This collection won the Barbara "Penny" Kanner Prize of the Western
Association of Women Historians.
“Employment” and “Education” chapters in The Status of Women and Girls in Nevada a report
sponsored by the Nevada Women’s Fund and released November 2005 (Reno: NWF, 2005).
“Mothers’ Pensions in Chicago, 1911-1931.” In Major Problems in the History of American
Families and Children. Anya Jabour, pp. 302-311 (NY: Houghton Mifflin, 2004).
“’She Works Hard for Her Money’, A Reassessment of Las Vegas Women Workers, 1940-1980.”
In The Grit Beneath the Glitter: Tales from the Real Las Vegas. Edited by Mike Davis and
Hal Rothman, 243-259. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.
“Industry, Modernity, and Diversity: a Historical Overview of the Twentieth-Century.” Joyce
Appelby, Eileen Cheng, and Joanne Goodwin, eds. Vol. 3, pp. 1-5. Women in American
History, 1585—present. New York: M.E. Sharp Publishers, 2002.
“Bigger than a Ballot Box.” Review essay of Sara Hunter Graham, Woman Suffrage and the New
Democracy. Yale University Press, 1996; Anne Meis Knupfer, Toward a Tenderer Humanity
and a Nobler Womanhood: African-American Women's Clubs in Turn-of-the-Century
Chicago. New York University, 1996; Carol Cornwall Madsen, ed. Battle for the Ballot:
Essays on Woman Suffrage in Utah, 1870-1896. Utah State University Press, 1997; and
Suzanne M. Marilley, Woman Suffrage and the Origins of Liberal Feminism in the United
States, 1820-1920. Harvard University Press, 1996. In Journal of Women’s History 11:1
(Spring 1999): 219-28.
“’Employable Mothers’ and ‘Suitable Work’: A Re-evaluation of Welfare and Wage-earning in
the Twentieth Century United States.” Journal of Social History (December 1995), 253-274.
Reprinted in Mothers and Motherhood: Readings in American History, Janet Golden and
Rima Apple, eds. Ohio State University Press, 1997.
Review essay of Anne Firor Scott, Natural Allies: Women's Associations in American History.
University of Illinois Press, 1991; Noralee Frankel and Nancy S. Dye, eds. Gender, Class,
Race, and Reform in the Progressive Era. University of Kentucky Press, 1991; and Ruth
Hutchinson Crocker, Social Work and Social Order: The Settlement Movement in Two
Industrial Cities, 1889-1930. University of Illinois Press, 1992. In SIGNS, Journal of Women
in Culture and Society 20:2 (Winter 1995): 455-58.
Invited Contributions:
“Nevada Civil Rights Act of 1965.” Nevada Lawyer (February 2012): 25
“Pioneering Women in Nevada Law” “Nevada Female Lawyer Firsts,” with Kathleen J. England,
Nevada Lawyer, published March 2011, pp. 6-12.
“Gender.” In Encyclopedia of American Urban History. David R. Goldfield, ed. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage Publications, 2006. Vol. 1: 299-302. 2500 word essay describing the way in which
gender plays out in urban history.
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“Social Services and Charity.” In Encyclopedia of American Urban History. David R. Goldfield,
ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2006. Vol. 2:745-749. 2500 word essay
describing the evolution of social services in urban history.
“The Progressive Era and the 1920s.” In Poverty in the United States: An Encyclopedia of
History, Politics, and Policy. Gwendolyn Mink and Alice O’Connor, eds. Santa Barbara,
CA: ABC-Clio, 2004. 3500 word essay describing the major currents in social welfare
during the specified time period.
“Mothers’ Pensions,” In Encyclopedia of Social Welfare History in North America. John M.
Herrick and Paul H. Stuart, eds. Sage Publications, forthcoming 2004. 1500 word essay on
the origins of publicly funded local programs for single mothers.
Three articles on “Social Services,” “Mothers’ Pensions,” and “Charity Organization Societies.”
In Encyclopedia of Chicago History. James Grossman, et.al. eds. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2004.
34 individual entries. In Women in American History, 1585-present. Vol. 3 The Twentieth
Century. Goodwin, et.al. eds. New York: M.E. Sharp Publishers, 2002.
“Maude Frazier.” In American National Biography. John Garraty and Mark C. Carnes, eds. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
“Historical Background on Nevada.” Statewide Child Care Strategic Plan for Nevada. Nevada
Institute for Children, UNLV, 1998.
Four entries. In Encyclopedia of the American West. 4 vols. Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod,
eds. New York: Macmillan Reference Co., 1996.
The Encyclopedia of Multiculturalism, ed. Susan Auerbach (New York: Marshall Cavendish
Corp., 1994). Thirty-eight entries on women’s history subjects.
Book Reviews:
James P. Kraft. Vegas at Odds: Labor Conflict in a Leisure Economy, 1960-1985. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. In the Pacific Historical Review, Volume 80: Issue 2,
pp. 324-325.
Jill Gerson. Hope Springs Maternal: Homeless Mothers talk about making sense of adversity.
New York: Gordian Knot Books, 2007. In The Oral History Review, 37:1 (January 2010), pp.
S.J. Kleinberg, Widows and Orphans First: the family economy and social welfare policy, 18801939. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2006. In American Historical Review
112:3 (2007): 879-880.
Rebecca J. Mead. How the Vote Was Won: Woman Suffrage in the Western United States, 18681914. New York and London: New York University Press, 2004. In Journal of Peace and
Change 32:2 (April 2007): 227-229.
Maureen A. Flanagan. Seeing With Their Hearts: Chicago Women and the Vision of the Good
City, 1871-1933. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002. In Journal of the Gilded Age
and Progressive Era 3:4 (October 2004): 411-414.
Michael Katz, The Price of Citizenship, redefining the American welfare state. Metropolitan,
2001. In Journal of American History (June 2002): 315-316.
Suzanne Mettler, Dividing Citizens: Gender and Federalism in New Deal Public Policy. Cornell
University Press, 1998. In Law & History Review 19:2 (Summer 2001): 460-461.
Elizabeth Rose, A Mother’s Job, The History of Day Care, 1890-1960. Oxford University Press,
1999. In Children and Youth Services Review 22:1 (January 2000): 75-76.
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Review essay of Sanford M. Jacoby, Modern Manors: Welfare Capitalism since the New Deal.
Princeton University Press, 1997; Steven A. Sass, The Promise of Private Pensions: The First
Hundred Years. Harvard University Press, 1997. In American Historical Review (December
1999): 1703-1704.
Kriste Lindenmeyer. A Right to Childhood: The U.S. Children’s Bureau and Child Welfare,
1912-1946. In Journal of Mississippi History 61:2 (June 1999): 199-200.
Eileen Boris. Home to Work: Motherhood and the Politics of Industrial Homework in the United
States. In Journal of American History (June 1995): 277-78.
Beverly Stadum. Poor Women and their Families: Hard Working Charity Cases, 1900-1930.
State University of New York Press. 1992. In History of Education Quarterly 33:4
(Winter 1993): 613-15.
Oral Histories/Interviews (selected):
Myrna Williams (2009)
Claudine Williams (2007)
Florence McClure (2007).
Stella Butterfield (2006).
Emilie Wanderer (2005).
Bernice Jaeger (2003).
Gail McQuary (2003).
Betty Francisco (2003).
Janet Kravenko (2003).
Ruth Poirier (2003)
Diane Saunders (2003).
Mildred Nay (2002)
Toni Clark (1996).
Conference Panelist, “Narratives of gender and class in post-war Las Vegas,” Western
Association of Women Historians, Portland, OR, May 16, 2013.
Invited Participant, White House Conference on Women and Girls Civic Engagement and
Leadership, Washington, D.C., April 21, 2013.
Invited Panelist, "Shattering the Glass Ceiling: advancing the role of women in politics,
international development, and education." With Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Dr.
Esther Brimmer, Assistant Secretary of State for International Organizations, Greenspun
Auditorium, UNLV, Sept. 1, 2011.
Panel Convener, Western Association of Women Historians, April 7-8, 2011.
Conference Panelist, “Women at Work in Las Vegas, 1940-1990,” The Urban History
Association, Las Vegas, NV, October 23, 2010.
Roundtable Member, “Women in Nevada Politics,” Arizona-Nevada Historical Association
Conference, Laughlin, NV, April 15-18, 2010.
Conference Panelist, “Educating Women for Political Leadership: The NEW Leadership Model
in Nevada,” Western Political Science Association, San Francisco, CA, April 1-3, 2010.
Conference Panelist, “Recovering women in the history of Las Vegas,” American Historical
Association, San Diego, CA, January 7-10, 2010.
Conference Panelist, “Shaping the Sources on Las Vegas Women,” Western Association of
Women Historians, Santa Clara University, CA, April 30 - May 3, 2009.
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Roundtable Member, “Entrepreneurialism in Academic Research: History Departments and
Sponsored Projects,” Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical Association, Pasadena, CA,
August 7-9, 2008.
Invited Presenter, “Women at Work in Las Vegas, 1940-1980,” Oral History in the Intermountain
West, Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT,
August 4-5, 2008.
Conference Panelist, “Revealing new narratives of women in Las Vegas,” at the Western
Association of Women Historians, University of San Diego, San Diego, California, May 3-6,
Comment, “Critical Reconsiderations of Marriage, Families, and the Development of Policy,” at
the Western Political Science Association, Las Vegas, NV, March 8-10, 2007.
Chair and Comment, "Not Another Song and Dance: The Women of Las Vegas." Session
sponsored by the Coalition for Western Women’s History, Western History Association, Las
Vegas, NV, October 13, 2004.
Convener, “Shaking Up the West,” Western Association of Women Historians, Santa Barbara,
California, May 21-23, 2004.
Invited Participant, “Interpreting Women’s History for the Public,” Southwest Institute for
Research on Women (SIROW), Tucson, Az., April 28-29, 2004.
Panel Commentator, “At the Intersection of Home and Work,” Western Association of Women
Historians, Huntington Museum and Library, San Marino, CA. May 15-16, 2002.
Panel Commentator, “Negotiating Opportunity,” at the Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical
Association. Vancouver, British Columbia, August 2001.
Invited participant, New Leadership Development Network, Center for American Women and
Politics, at Rutgers University, June 2001.
Conference Panelist, “She Works Hard for Her Money: New Perspectives on Women Workers in
Las Vegas,” at the Fifth Women’s West Conference, Washington State University, Pullman,
Washington, July 27-29, 2000,
Conference Panelist, “Work Rules and Welfare Narratives,”at the Social Science History
Association, Forth Worth, Texas, November 11-14, 1999.
Conference Panelist, “Using Legal Narratives in the History of Gender and Welfare,” at the
Gender and Women’s History at the Millennium Series, Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois,
October 14, 1999.
Conference Panelist, “Historical Continuities in Welfare Reform,” at the University of Alabama,
School of Social Work, November 1998.
Conference Panelist, “Women’s Work in Las Vegas,” Louise Tilly Conference, July 10-12, 1998.
Conference Panelist, “Las Vegas Women and Cold War Culture,” UCLA Center for the Study of
Women, Los Angeles, California. March 1998.
Conference Panelist, “Issues and Problems in the History of Welfare,” Las Vegas Women’s
Summit ’98, Las Vegas, Nevada. March 1998.
Panel Commentator, “Challenging Ideas of Progressive Reform: Local Manifestations of
Maternalist Activism”, Pacific Coast Branch of the American Historical Association.
Portland, Oregon. August 7-10, 1997.
Discussant on Welfare Reform at the National Policy History Conference, Bowling Green State
University. June 5-8, 1997.
Conference Panelist, “Employable Mothers, Civil Rights and the Courts,” Organization of
American Historians, April 17-20, 1997.
Conference Panelist, “Work Policies and Social Welfare over the Twentieth Century,” Gender
and Poverty in the United States, A Conference at Dartmouth College. April 26-28, 1996.
Conference Panelist, “Gender and Race in Chicago’s Welfare System: The Structure of Public
Provision, 1900-1930,” Organization of American Historians, April 14-17, 1994.
Conference Panelist, “Redefining Political Authority: Chicago Women and Political Innovation
in State Building,” Social Science History Association, November 4-7, 1993.
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Conference Panelist, “Social Policy and Women’s Work: Wage-Earning for Mothers Receiving
Public Aid,” North American Labor History Conference, Wayne State University, October
14-16, 1993.
Panel Commentator, “The Male Breadwinner Ideal and Social Policy for Women in the
Nineteenth and Twentieth Century United States,” Berkshire Conference on the History of
Women, Vassar College, June 11-13, 1993.
Conference Panelist, “Work and Welfare: Reinterpreting the Origins of Social Provision for
Indigent Mothers,” Organization of American Historians, April 1993.
Conferee, Teaching U.S. Women’s History Workshop, UCLA, 1992-date.
Conferee, Southwest Women’s History Group, University of Arizona, 1992-1997.
Panel Commentator, “New Research on the Moral and Political Economy of the Welfare State,”
Social Science History Association, October 1991.
Conference Panelist, “Analyses of Mothers’ Pensions and A.D.C.,” Gender and Social Policy
Conference, in conjunction with the Social Science History Association, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, October 1990.
Conference Panelist, “The Differential Treatment of Motherhood: Women on Welfare, Chicago
1900-1930,” Feminism and Legal Theory Conference, University of Wisconsin Law School,
Madison, Wisconsin, June 1990.
Conference Panelist, “Women on Welfare: The State and Single Motherhood, Chicago, 19001930,” Social Science History Association. St. Louis, Missouri, November 1989.
Conference Panelist, “Mothers in Poverty: A Gender Analysis of Mothers’ Pensions, 1911-1929,”
Seventh Berkshire Conference on the History of Women, Wellesley College, June 1987.
James V. Mink Award, Southwest Oral History Association, 2013. [In recognition of an
important body of work done in and about the Southwest].
Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto, NNA Award, $1,000.
Women of Distinction Award nominee, National Association of Women Business Owners,
Southern Nevada. Nominee for Education. 2013.
Medal of Justice, Nevada State Bar Association, 2012. [Given to individuals and groups who
contribute to advancing the mission of the State Bar through exemplary programs and
volunteer work.]
National Council for Research on Women, Emerging Center Award, 2009.
Donald Schmeidel Service Award, College of Liberal Arts, 2009.
Roll of Honor Award, Nevada Women’s History Project, 2008.
Faculty Sabbatical Leave, UNLV, 2006.
“Dance and Dancers in Las Vegas,” Planning Initiative Award, $8,000, UNLV, 2001.
William Morris Award for Excellence in Scholarship, UNLV, 1999.
UNLV Foundation Outstanding Graduate Faculty Award (nominee), 1998-1999.
Berkshire Conference on the History of Women Article Prize (nominee), 1997. “’Employable
Mothers’ and ‘Suitable Work’: A Re-evaluation of Welfare and Wage-earning in the
Twentieth Century United States.” Originally published in Journal of Social History
(December 1995), 253-274.
Faculty Development Leave, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1995-1996.
Alumni Association Faculty Recognition Award, UNLV, 1992-1993.
Eleanor M. Kagi Foundation, annual sustaining grant, 2008-2011, $50,000 [total $200,000].
Troy and Selma Bartlett Graduate Assistant Award, 2011-2012, $15,000.
Diane Bernard Foundation, 2010-2013, sustaining grant, $40,000.
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Ceec Abrahams Memorial Grant, Soroptimist International of the Americas, Sierra Nevada
Region, 2008, $10,000.
Congressional Directed Grant. U.S. Department of Education, “Expansion of community
education programs,” 2005-2008, $99,200.
Nevada Legislative Appropriation, WRIN, 2005-2007, $300,000.
City of Las Vegas, Centennial Education Grants, 2005, $1,500.
Congressional Directed Grant. U.S. Department of Education, “College Women and Civic
Engagement,” to study college women’s leadership development and engagement in civic life,
2003-2005, $150,000.
New Leadership Development Network Partner, Center for American Women and Politics at
Rutgers University, Kellogg Foundation, $10,000, 2002.
Enhancing Technology Education for Women and Girls, U.S. Dept of Labor, Women’s Bureau,
$6,023 [May] to hold a forum with individuals from schools, business, and government. The
contract was extended, $5,750 [December], to develop a statewide network of individuals
working on projects to develop girls and women’s participation in the fields of technology.
U.S. Department of Education, Teaching American History proposal, (denied).
“The Families of Tule Springs,” Nevada State Parks Cooperative Association, $2,000, 2000.
Emilie N. Wanderer Oral History Project, UNLV Foundation, $50,000, 1999.
Initial proposal for $500,000 gift to endow the oral history center at Lied Library.
Oral History Project Grant, UNLV Foundation, $60,000, 1997-1999.
Nevada Humanities Committee, Public Programs Grant, 1994.
Nevada Humanities Committee, 1992-1993, 2000, 2012, 2013.
Graduate College Research Award, UNLV, 1992-1993.
Marjorie Barrick Faculty Development Grant, UNLV, 1991-1993.
American Council of Learned Societies Fellowships. 1995-1996.
National Endowment for the Humanities, Summer Research Grant, 1995-1996.
University Research Grants and Fellowships, UNLV, 1994-1995.
Graduate College Research Award, UNLV, 1994-1995.
“Urban Poverty and the Underclass,” post-doctoral fellowship, Northwestern University, 19911992 (declined).
Mary Malcomson Raphael Fellowship, University of Michigan, 1990-1991.
Department of History Fellowship, University of Michigan, 1989-1990.
Albert J. Beveridge Grant for Research in the History of the Western Hemisphere, American
Historical Association, 1988-1989.
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation, Women’s Studies Program, 1988-1989
“Enhancing Technology Education for Women and Girls.” U.S. Department of Labor, Women’s
Bureau, $5,750 [May]; contract extended $5,750 [December], to develop a statewide network
of individuals working on projects to develop girls and women’s participation in the fields of
technology. 2001-2002.
“The Children’s Literacy Project.” U.S. Department of Education, Fund for the Improvement of
Post-Secondary Education in collaboration with the Nevada Institute for Children at UNLV,
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$25,000 to provide historical content for a supplemental history text for fourth grade Nevada
History. 2001-2002
Oral histories of Nanyu Tomiyasu and Vernon Bostick. Southern Nevada Water Authority, Las
Vegas, Nevada. $12,000. 2000-2002.
“The Families of Tule Springs,” State of Nevada Division of Parks, $2,500, to conduct oral
histories on the Nay and Gilcrease families. 2000-2002.
Las Vegas Makers: Women who Make Las Vegas. A collaboration with VegasPBS to produce
three ½-hr programs on women leaders in southern Nevada. (in development)
Goodwin, Joanne and England, Kathleen, "Nexus 20: Pioneer women in Nevada" (2011).
Lectures/Events (BMI). Paper 102.
Dance and Dancers in Las Vegas, five ½-hour programs discussing the historical contributions of
performers to the entertainment capital of the world. In collaboration with UNLV-TV and
Distance Education.
Looking Back at Nevada Women, 9 mini-documentaries on women and their roles in the
development of Las Vegas and Nevada. In collaboration with Clark County, Cultural Affairs.
Completed and broadcast Spring 2001.
Executive Committee, Western Association of Women Historians, 2012-2013.
Member, Awards Committee, National Council for Research on Women, 2010-date.
Member, Judith Lee Ridge Prize Committee, Western Association of Women Historians, 2010date.
Nevada Representative, National Collaborative for Women’s History Sites, Trails Committee,
Interviewed on my research by Working Woman Magazine, Wall Street Journal, and Las Vegas
Review Journal, Las Vegas Sun, DAVIDx, KNPR.
Member Center Representative, National Council for Research on Women, New York City,
Member, Advisory Board to the Status of Women in the States, Institute for Women’s Policy
Research, Washington, D.C., 2003-2006.
Member, Editorial Board, Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1830-2000,
Kathryn Kish Sklar and Thomas Dublin, eds. Website [http://womhist.binghamton.edu] in
partnership with the Alexander Street Press, 2003-2008.]
Member, City of Las Vegas Centennial Committee, Historical Working Group, 2003-2004.
Consultant, Nevada Test Site Women’s Oral History Project, Nevada Test Site Museum and
Foundation. 2002-2004.
Member, Advisory Board, “The Nevada Quilt Odyssey.” Nevada State Museum, Carson City,
January – March 2002.
Member, Sierra Book Prize Committee, Western Association of Women Historians, 2000--2002.
Member, Board of Advisors, Status of Women and Girls in Nevada, Nevada Women’s Fund,
Review of Tenure and Promotion Package, Northern Illinois University, 2001.
Member, Editorial Board, Nevada Historical Society Quarterly, 2001-date.
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Panelist/Reviewer. Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education. Department of
Education. Washington, D.C., 2001.
Member, Southwest Regional Humanities Center Task Force, National Endowment for the
Humanities, 2000.
Member, Editorial Board, Social Science History, 1998-2000.
Proposal Reviewer, National Endowment for the Humanities, 1999.
Member, Executive Board, Western Association of Women Historians, 1997-1998.
Member, Editorial Board, Halcyon, vols. 21 – 23, 1997-1998.
Member, Organization of American Historians, Membership Committee, 1993-97.
Campus Faculty Representative, Southwest Institute for Research on Women, 1994-1997.
Manuscript Reviews for Publication:
Bedford/St. Martin’s Press (1), Northern Illinois University Press (1), University of Nevada Press
(8), University of New Mexico Press (1), University of North Carolina Press (2), University
Press of Colorado (1), Frontiers, A Journal of Women’s Studies; Journal of the Gilded Age
and the Progressive Era; Journal of Policy History(3); Journal of Women’s History (4); The
Historian; Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State, and Society; Social Science
History (2); Social Service Review; and Women’s History Review.
Nevada System of Higher Education:
UNLV representative, Nevada Network, American Council on Education, Office of Women in
Higher Education, 2007-2009.
Chair, Women’s Council, Vice-President’s Council (formerly Commission) on Diversity
Initiatives, 2011-2013.
Member, Vice-President’s Council (previously Commission) on Diversity and Inclusion, 20082013.
UNLV representative, Southwest Institute for Research on Women, Directors’ Meeting, 20092013.
Conference coordinator, “Defining Beauty” with Dove Corporation and the Woodhull Institute
for Ethical Leadership, UNLV, Dec. 1.
Fiscal Affairs Committee, Faculty Senate, 2003-2006.
Nevada Women’s Archives Advisory Board (chair), 1994-1999
Sabbatical Leave Committee, 1992-1994.
Women’s Studies Program, Curriculum Committee, 1991-1993
College of Liberal Arts:
Representative of WRIN, Executive Committee, 2011-2013.
Member-at-large (elected), Executive Committee, 2000-2002, 2008-2010.
Member, Don Schmiedel Service Award Selection Committee, 2009-2012.
Member, Advisory Council, NEW Leadership Nevada, 2002-2012.
Morris Award for Excellence in Scholarship Selection Committee, 2000-2004.
Member-at-Large (elected), Executive Committee, 2000-2002.
Center for Advanced Research Advisory Committee, 1999-2002..
Director, Women’s Research Institute of Nevada, 1999-date
Ethics and Policy Studies, Steering Committee, 1997-1999.
University Forum Lecture Series Committee, 1994-2001
Women’s Studies Program, Steering Committee, 1993-1995
Academic Standards Committee, 1993-1995.
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History Department:
Awards Committee, 2011-13.
Public History Committee, 2006-2013.
Cultural-Public History Search Committee, 2003-2004.
Personnel Committee, 1999-2002.
Director, Las Vegas Women Oral History Project, 1995-2012.
Public History Search Committee (chair), 1998-1999.
Legal & Constitutional History Search Committee, 1996-1997.
Travel Committee, 1995-1997.
Teaching & Awards Committee, 1991-1995, 1996-1998, 1998-2001(chair).
Graduate Committee, 1993-95; 1994-1995 (chair).
Latino/a pre-Search Committee (chair), 1992-1993.
Political/Economic Search Committee, 1992-1993.
Curriculum Committee, 1991-1992.
Graduate College Representative, 1992-1994.
Keynote Speaker, MGM Resorts, Women’s History Month event, March 2012.
Board Member, Nevada-history.org., 2010-2012.
Speaker, “The Status of Women in Nevada,” Soroptimist International, Sierra Nevada Region
Conference, March 2010.
Panel Participant, “Women in Clark County History,” A Clark County Centennial event, March
Las Vegas ONE @ 9 with Jeff Gillan, March 2009, on women’s history month, WRIN, and oral
“Update on the Status of Women in Nevada,” talk to the American Association of University
Women, April 2007, January 2009.
Speaker, “Status of Women in Nevada,” League of Women Voters, October 15, 2005.
Coordinator and Moderator, “The Role of Women in the Commerce of the Las Vegas Valley,”
City of Las Vegas “Community Conversations,” a program celebrating the Las Vegas
Centennial, May 18, 2005.
Humanities consultant, “Women in Las Vegas History,” A Las Vegas Centennial Program,
Nevada Women’s History Project (March 2005).
“Writing women into Las Vegas History,” presentation to the regional meeting of the
Soroptimists International, September 2004.
Consultant on video exhibits, First Ladies Conference on Women and Health, Las Vegas,
November 2003.
“Women Building Community in Las Vegas,” presentation to the American Association of
University Women, Las Vegas, NV. September 2003.
“Las Vegas Women and History,” Clark County History Museum Guild, March 2003.
Selection Jurist, Nevada Women’s History Project Role of Honor, March 2003.
“Women and Social Change,” presentation for The Life of Mary Baker Eddy, West Charleston
Library, March 2002.
Representative at Senator Harry Reid’s Women’s Issues Forum, May 2001.
Presentation on Women’s History, MacDonald Ranch Literary Club, May 2001.
“Helen Stewart in Las Vegas History,” Old Las Vegas Mormon Fort State Historic Park, May
History Workshop, Take Your Daughters to Work Day, UNLV, April 2001.
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Oral History Workshop, for Soroptimists International of Greater Las Vegas, April 2001.
Presentation on Women’s History Month, Winchester Community Center, March 2001.
Testimony before Nevada State Assembly for Assembly Bill 260, March 2001.
Judge, Nevada Women’s History Project, Roll of Honor, March 2001.
“Las Vegas and Women’s History,” talk to the Soroptimists of Las Vegas, January 2001.
“Nevada Women: Emerging Into Public Life,” Mt. Charleston Writers Series, October 2000.
Panel Participant, Nevada Women’s Summit 2000, March 18, 2000.
Consultant, Nevada Women’s History Project, biographical encyclopedia project, 1998-2000.
Speakers Bureau, Health Care Reform, League of Women Voters, 1998.
Women’s Biographical Encyclopedia workshop leader, Nevada Women’s History Project,
September 1998--2000.
Moderator, College Democrats Forum on Women in Politics, March 1998.
Invited speaker, American Association of University Women, May 1997.
Invited speaker, Mesquite Club, May 1997.
Guest on KXNT, radio talk show with Icie Parker, May 1997.
Coordinating Committee on Women in the Historical Profession, 1982-present
Organization of American Historians, 1983-present
Social Science History Association, 1986-2002
American Historical Association, 1987-present
Southwest Institute for Research on Women, 1991-present
Western Association of Women Historians, 1992-present.
National Council for Research on Women, 1993-present
Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 1994-present
Alice Kessler-Harris, R. Gordon Hoxie Professor of American History in Honor of Dwight D.
Eisenhower, Columbia University, New York City.
Elizabeth Jameson, Imperial Oil and Lincoln McKay Chair, Professor of History, University of
Elizabeth Faue, Professor of History, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI.
Gayle Gullett, Professor of History, Arizona State University, Phoeniz, AZ.
Joanne L. Goodwin
rev. 1/28/2014
Curriculum vitae
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