Interstate Fiscal Disparity in State Fiscal Year 1999 No. 04‐9 Robert Tannenwald and Nicholas Turner
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Interstate Fiscal Disparity in State Fiscal Year 1999 No. 04‐9 Robert Tannenwald and Nicholas Turner
No. 04‐9 Interstate Fiscal Disparity in State Fiscal Year 1999 Robert Tannenwald and Nicholas Turner Abstract: This paper compares states in terms of their relative fiscal capacity, fiscal need, fiscal comfort, and tax effort in state fiscal year 1999 (FY1999). It is the most recent in a series initiated by the U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR) in 1962. As in previous studies, the authors use the representative tax system and representative expenditure system methodologies in their analysis. Compared with FY1997, the authors find less interstate disparity in fiscal capacity, fiscal need, and fiscal comfort. However, such disparity, though diminished, remains substantial. The New England and Mid‐Atlantic regions remain the most “fiscally comfortable,” while the East South Central and West South Central regions are still the most “fiscally stressed.” JEL Classifications: H71, H72 keywords: state and local government taxation; state and local government expenditure errata: A number of errors that appeared in the original version of this paper have been corrected in this version. An itemized note detailing these changes appear on page 17. Robert Tannenwald is an Assistant Vice President and Economist, and Nicholas Turner is a Policy Analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Their e‐mail addresses are: [email protected] and [email protected], respectively. This paper, which may be revised, is available on the web site of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston at The views expressed in this paper do not necessarily reflect those of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston or the Federal Reserve System. The authors wish to thank Lin Gong, Amanda Lydon, and Matthew Nagowski for their able research assistance and Borja Larrain for helpful suggestions on an earlier draft. Any errors, of course, are the authors’ responsibility. This version: April 2006 I. Introduction In state fiscal year1 1999 (FY1999), the nation’s state and local governments collectively enjoyed a surplus equal to 2.5 percent of their spending2. However, while fiscally healthy in the aggregate, states varied considerably in their fiscal condition. More importantly, the size of the nationwide state and local fiscal surplus provides no insight into differences across states in their inherent capacity to raise revenue, regardless of short‐term economic fluctuations, nor into their exposure to long‐run spending pressures that are difficult to control. This paper attempts to compare states in terms of these two fiscal characteristics using data for FY1999. It is the fourth in a series of reports by Tannenwald, the last of which used data for FY1997. This series, in turn, succeeds a series of similar reports undertaken by the U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR) over a 30‐year span from FY1962 to FY1991. Both sets of reports employ the representative tax system (RTS) and representative expenditure system (RES) approaches to measure these interstate differences. The authors assume that the reader already possesses some familiarity with these approaches. Nevertheless, the basic concepts and strategies underlying them are briefly reviewed below, and detailed explanations are provided in the methodological appendix. Further discussions of key methodological issues can be found in Tannenwald (2001, 1999, and 1997) and ACIR (1995). Basic Concepts and Strategies Spending pressures and the capacity to raise revenues vary considerably from state to state. States facing circumstances that compel them to spend more per capita on a particular public service or to provide a wider array of services than the average state The state fiscal year runs from July through June, except in Alabama, Michigan, and the District of Columbia, where it ends in September; and in New York and Texas, where the fiscal year ends in March and August, respectively. 2 U.S. Census data on state and local government finances indicate that in FY 1999 state and local government “General Revenues” exceeded “Direct General Expenditures” by 2.5 percent. 1 2 have high fiscal need. For example, other things being equal, a state with a large percentage of its population between the ages of 5 and 18 has a high need for spending on primary and secondary education. On the revenue side, a state with large economic flows and ample stocks of wealth traditionally taxed by state and local governments enjoys a high fiscal capacity. For example, other things being equal, a state rich in natural resources has a high potential to raise severance tax revenues. A state’s fiscal comfort is its fiscal capacity relative to its fiscal need. Differences across states in fiscal comfort reveal the degree of fiscal disparity within the nation. This measure is especially interesting to national policymakers, since a widely embraced goal of many nations possessing a federalist form of government is to narrow interstate or inter‐provincial fiscal disparity. Concern about fiscal disparity rests primarily on two interrelated normative considerations. First, access to some minimum level of state and local public services is desirable (referred to in public finance terminology as a “merit good” argument).3 Second, as long as fiscal disparity exists, citizens in fiscally comfortable jurisdictions must bear a lower tax burden to obtain this minimum than citizens in fiscally stressed jurisdictions. Many analysts consider this situation to be inherently unfair. Moreover, it exacerbates fiscal disparity over the long run by trapping fiscally stressed states in a vicious circle. The more intensively they tax, the more they drive away capital and labor, the more fiscally stressed they become, the more they must raise tax burdens, and so on. Tax effort, defined as revenues collected relative to capacity, offers insights into the degree to which a state utilizes its revenue‐raising potential. Some policymakers view a state’s overall tax effort relative to those of other states as an indicator of whether the burden of the tax system is “too high”—either because it is uncompetitive or because high tax effort implies that the state’s state and local public sector is “too large.” One should be cautious in drawing such conclusions, however, because a state might have to impose a high tax effort in order to raise a given level of public services if it is fiscally stressed. Moreover, simple indicators such as tax effort are not necessarily valid 3 indicators of competitiveness (Tannenwald 1996, 2004). Conversely, other policymakers see a relatively low tax effort as an indication that a state’s tax system is competitive and/or that it is not providing needed public services. Policymakers in states with low tax effort should be equally cautious in drawing such conclusions. If a state imposes a high tax effort on certain tax bases but not on others, policymakers sometimes conclude that the state’s tax mix needs to be altered in ways that narrow differences in effort across taxes. Nevertheless, a state may have valid reasons for taxing some bases more intensively than others, for example, on grounds of equity, exportability, or administrative simplicity. RTS assesses the relative ability of a state to raise revenue from a particular tax by levying a “standard” tax rate on a “standard” tax base. This tax rate is computed in the following manner: First, it is assumed that the nation as a whole imposes the tax on a uniformly defined base. This base equals the nationwide value of all economic stocks or flows that would be taxed if the base were defined comprehensively. If defined in this manner, the tax base would be devoid (to the extent feasible) of exemptions, exclusions, deductions, and other tax preferences that favor certain forms of economic activity over others or that provide tax relief to taxpayers in certain circumstances. For example, the comprehensively defined general sales tax base includes most services, even though most state and local governments levying a sales tax choose to exclude many services from their tax base. This broadly defined potential tax base is then divided into actual revenues collected from the tax in question from all state and local governments nationwide. The resulting ratio is the tax’s standard rate. In effect, this tax rate is the nationwide tax effort for the tax. Table 1 presents the nationwide comprehensively defined base and standard tax rate in FY1999 for each of the commonly imposed state and local taxes. The value of the standard base of each of these taxes is apportioned among the states and the District of Columbia. The state‐specific tax base is then multiplied by the applicable standard tax rate and divided by the state’s population to arrive at the state’s See Musgrave (1984, pp. 78‐79) for further discussion of the merit goods concept. 3 4 per capita capacity to raise revenues from the tax. The per capita capacities of all the taxes are summed for each state to arrive at the state’s total tax capacity. The states’ tax capacities are then indexed to their nationwide counterpart to arrive at each state’s RTS index value. Analogous to the RTS approach to estimating fiscal capacity, the RES approach estimates the amount that state and local governments must spend to provide a standard level of service for each representative bundle of state and local spending. Six functions are influenced heavily by factors other than population: elementary and secondary education, higher education, public welfare, health and hospitals, highways, and police and corrections. In FY1999, these six functions accounted for about 70 percent of all state and local governmental expenditures. The need for spending on other functions, such as general administration, environmental protection, and housing, is assumed to be proportional to population. For each of these six functions, the analyst implementing the RTS approach estimates a “workload” factor, that is, a determinant or a weighted index of determinants of the cost of providing a given level of service—other than the prices of inputs. For example, one determinant of the workload factor for highway expenditures is the number of vehicle‐miles traveled, an indicator of maintenance and repair costs attributable to wear and tear from vehicular traffic. The other determinant, lane miles of streets and roads, reflects the sheer amount of pavement, signage, traffic lights, street lamps, and other road accessories that must be maintained and repaired. As an illustration of how to compute a state’s workload‐factor for highway expenditures, consider the case of Massachusetts. In FY1999, the Commonwealth accounted for 0.91 percent of the nation’s lane miles of roadway and 1.93 percent of vehicle‐miles traveled. The number of vehicle‐miles traveled is weighted 4.71 (or .825/.175) times as heavily as the total number of lane miles in the workload factor for highways.4 Consequently, This weighting reflects analyses by engineers indicating that the intensity of roadway usage, and not the total length of roadway, is the primary determinant of the need for road and bridge maintenance and repair. 4 5 Massachusetts’ workload factor for highways was 0.175 X 0.91 + 0.825 X 1.93, or 1.75 percent. The nationwide spending by state and local governments on each function is then multiplied by the state’s workload measure for that function to determine how much the state would have spent if it had provided a standard level of services, that is, if it had spent an average amount per “workload measure unit.” For example, in FY1999 the nation’s state and local governments spent $93.02 billion on highways. With a workload measure of 1.75 percent, Massachusetts’ spending on highways would have been approximately $1.63 billion (.0175 X $93.02 billion), or about $271 per capita. Nationwide, per capita state and local spending on highways was $341. Thus, Massachusetts’ highway workload measure was lower than its share of the nation’s population. The next step in estimating a state’s fiscal need index is to adjust its estimated per capita “standard” spending on each function for its relative cost of inputs. The complicated methodology for this adjustment is explained in Rafuse (1990a) and in this study’s methodological appendix. In FY1999, Massachusetts’ input costs for highway services were 2.1 percent higher than the national average. Consequently, its unadjusted per capita spending on highways was raised to 1.021 X $271, or $277, 81.2 percent of the national average. For each state, the per capita standard spending levels on each function are totaled to obtain the state’s per capita spending on the standard expenditure package. These totals are indexed to actual national per capita spending by state and local governments to arrive at the index value of fiscal need for each state.5 The RES expenditure index is a crude measure of fiscal need. It fails to take into account many relevant factors. Severity of winter is a case in point. Other things being equal, a state with relatively severe winters will have a higher need for expenditures on roads and bridges because the cold, snow, and ice cause frost heaves and other structural damage. Winter severity also has 5 6 II. Estimated RTS Indexes for FY1999 Table 2 presents indexes of fiscal capacity for the 50 states and the District of Columbia for several years from FY1987 through FY1999. In FY1999, as in the earlier years, states with relatively high capacities tend to be those with high average household incomes, high average property values, large tourist industries (for example, Hawaii and Nevada), or large stocks of energy resources. In New England, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire all ranked in the top quartile, and generally have done so since FY1987, thanks to high per capita incomes. High property values in all three states have also boosted their tax capacity in recent years. By contrast, Maine, Rhode Island, and Vermont, with lower average incomes and average property values, have tended to possess average or low fiscal capacities. Chart 1 compares the fiscal capacities of the nine U.S. Census regions in FY1999 and FY1997. In both years, the New England, Mid‐Atlantic, Pacific, and Mountain regions had above‐average fiscal capacity, while the South Atlantic, East North Central, West North Central, East South Central, and West South Central regions had below‐ average capacity. As in interstate comparisons, the regions with high capacities tend to have high average incomes, and vice versa. As Tannenwald has cautioned before (1999, 2001), drawing conclusions from inter‐temporal comparisons of fiscal capacities is fraught with danger, primarily because the author has modified his methodology from year to year. However, comparisons between FY1999 and FY1997 are somewhat less problematic because the methodologies employed in both years are almost identical. The dispersion among the states and the District of Columbia narrowed between the two years, indicated by a decline in the interstate standard deviation from 19.3 to 13.3. Changes in measures of skewness and kurtosis indicate that in FY1999 the distribution of fiscal capacities was also more symmetrical and closer to normal than in FY1997. These changes in variation were attributable in part to sharp declines in the RTS index of certain energy‐producing states an impact on the need for welfare spending. A homeless person in Maine is in danger of freezing to death in the winter. Not so in Florida. 7 that generally register high RTS values, such as Alaska, Wyoming, and Colorado. These declines, in turn, resulted from falling energy prices. A sharp decline in Hawaii’s fiscal capacity index, attributable to deterioration in the state’s tourist industry, also contributed to the narrowing in dispersion. However, the decline in California’s RTS index value from 116 to 111, which also helped to narrow dispersion, may reflect measurement error rather than an actual fall in the state’s relative tax capacity. The decline in California’s RTS index is largely attributable to a reduction in its property tax capacity, whose RTS index fell between FY1997 and FY1999 from 145 to 135. Because of Proposition 13 and a lack of available data on the aggregate fair market value of the state’s entire stock of real estate, California’s property tax capacity is more difficult to estimate than that of any other state. Proposition 13 limits the annual increase in the assessed value of any taxable property to one percent a year, unless ownership of the property changes hands, in which case the property is reassessed at its purchase price. Since only a fraction of all property in California is sold in any given year, the aggregate assessed value of taxable property in California is far below its fair market value. While California’s Department of Revenue estimates total assessed value each year, no governmental agency in California estimates fair market value. Consequently, in order to estimate California’s standard property tax base, the authors employed the following crude method for both FY1997 and FY1999: First, they assumed that the statewide ratio of assessed‐to‐fair‐ market value was the same as that estimated for Los Angeles County in FY1996 by Sheffrin and Sexton (1998). Second, they divided the aggregate property tax base into several components and estimated the value of each component from data for the latest year available. Third, they extrapolated these estimates to FY1997 and FY1999 using a variety of data sources on the value of new construction and changes in real estate prices. (Details are provided in the methodological appendix.) Fourth, they summed the extrapolated values across all property components to arrive at the estimated value of the state’s potential property tax base. Finally, they compared this “extrapolated” 8 estimate with the one based on the ratio estimated by Sheffrin and Sexton and chose the larger of the two, because historically the extrapolation technique seemed to be producing estimates that were too low. In FY1997, the estimate based on the Sheffrin and Sexton ratio was larger, while in FY1999 the “extrapolated” estimate was larger. Consequently, the FY1999 estimate of California’s property tax capacity was derived from a different methodology than the FY1997 estimate. Had the FY1997 estimate been based on the extrapolation technique, it would have been lower, California’s total tax capacity index for FY1997 would have been lower, and this index would not have fallen as much as it did between the two years. For FY1999, both methodologies are especially problematic. The extrapolation technique requires the analyst to project residential property values out from the previous decennial Census of Housing. For FY1999 estimates, it was therefore necessary to extrapolate data out from the 1990 Census. As for the alternative technique, it is not at all clear that Sheffrin and Sexton’s estimated ratios of assessed‐to‐fair‐market value for FY1996 were as accurate three years later, in FY1999, as they were one year later, in FY1997. Furthermore, the average ratio of assessed‐to‐fair‐market value in Los Angeles County may not be representative of the comparable ratio in the rest of the state. Because of the difficulty of estimating California’s property tax capacity and, therefore, total tax capacity, one should be especially cautious in interpreting the decline in the average RTS index of the Pacific Region between FY1997 and FY1999, as shown in Chart 1. True, some of the decline reflects declining capacity in Hawaii and Alaska. However, in FY1999, 76.5 percent of the region’s state and local tax revenues were collected by California. Consequently, the region’s estimated decline is heavily influenced by the RTS estimates for that state. While fiscal capacity in New England remained constant from 1997 to 1999, the RTS rankings of several states in the region changed. Maine’s rank fell from 27th to 36th, although its index declined by only three points. This drop reflects declines across most tax categories except the sales tax, individual income tax, and property tax. Slow growth in the capacity of these taxes—a one‐point increase in the index of both sales tax 9 and individual income tax capacity and just over a four‐point increase in the property tax capacity index—could not stop the overall tax capacity index from eroding slightly. New Hampshire’s state rank climbed five places, the largest gain among the New England States, largely because its index of corporate income tax capacity increased by 10 points. The state’s property tax capacity index also rose slightly, up one point, driving the overall tax capacity index up four points. Massachusetts’ rank increased three places, from 11th to 8th. A three‐point increase in the general sales tax capacity index and a one‐ point increase in the personal income tax capacity index helped the overall capacity index climb by two points. An eight‐point drop in the property tax capacity index combined with a one‐point drop in the sales tax capacity index caused Vermont’s ranking to slip three places. However, the state’s overall tax capacity index was off by only two points. III. Results of RES Index for FY1999 Results for state fiscal need indexes and rankings appear in Table 3 and Chart 2. As in past years, the dispersion in fiscal need was considerably narrower than the dispersion in fiscal capacity.6 With the exception of Connecticut, the New England states displayed their characteristically low fiscal need, all ranking in the bottom quartile. Connecticut’s RES has been by far the highest in the region since FY1991, mostly because of its high unit labor costs (in FY1999, second highest in the nation behind New Jersey and 17 percent above the national average). States with high fiscal need in all regions tend to have high poverty rates, high concentrations of population in the 5‐17 age bracket, high crime rates, or some combination of the three. They tend to be concentrated in the South and Southwest (for example, in New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Arizona, and Alabama). California and the District of Columbia also suffer from chronically high fiscal need. The standard deviation of the RES index was 5.5 compared with a standard deviation of 13.3 for the RTS index. 6 10 Between FY1997 and FY1999, the dispersion across states in fiscal need narrowed, as did the dispersion in fiscal capacity. Two demographic factors are primarily responsible for changes in a state’s fiscal need index between these two years. One is a change in the state’s relative poverty rate, an important determinant of need for public welfare and health and hospital expenditures. The other is a change in the relative importance of school‐age children in the state’s population mix, the major determinant of need for spending on primary and secondary education. Of the five states with the largest increases in their fiscal need index, two— Oregon and Nevada—experienced significant increases in both of these factors. The increases in fiscal need of the other three states—New Hampshire, North Carolina, and North Dakota—were driven mostly by changes in relative poverty levels. Similarly, in the states with relatively large declines in their fiscal need index—such as Connecticut, Florida, Kentucky, South Dakota, and Tennessee—the primary drivers were declines in poverty levels and/or rises in the relative importance of 5‐to‐17‐year‐olds in the population mix. The Correlation between Fiscal Capacity and Fiscal Need Tannenwald (1998) asserts that this correlation has repercussions for the “devolution” debate. In the context of intergovernmental relations, devolution means the “devolving” of fiscal responsibilities from higher to lower levels of government, especially from the federal to the state or provincial level. Opponents of devolution in the United States are concerned that states with high fiscal need and low fiscal capacity would be unable to provide their residents with an acceptable level of state and local public services. Opponents would be less concerned if states with the highest fiscal need also had the highest fiscal capacity. The upper right quadrant of Figure 1 shows that only seven states have higher‐than‐average need and capacity. In addition, only 13 states are in the upper left quadrant—the “best off” region—where states have both low fiscal need and high fiscal capacity. The remaining states reside in the lower quadrants, 11 or on the border of these two regions. Several southern and western states reside in the “worst off” region, facing high fiscal need while having low fiscal capacity. Nationally, the correlation coefficient between fiscal need and fiscal capacity was statistically insignificant in FY1999 (‐0.023) when all 50 states and D.C. are included as observations. When D.C. , an outlier, is dropped, the coefficient, though more negative (‐0.203), remains statistically significant. IV. Results of Fiscal Comfort in FY1999 A measure of fiscal comfort for each state was constructed by dividing the state tax capacity index by its index of fiscal need. Results for the Census regions appear in Chart 3 and for the individual states in Table 4. As in FY1997, New England was the most fiscally comfortable region despite a three‐percentage‐point decline in its fiscal comfort index. Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire were among the top six states in fiscal comfort. Within the region, only Rhode Island (34th) was in the second half of the rankings. The fiscal comfort of the Census regions converged between the two years. The Mid‐Atlantic, South Atlantic, and East South Central regions all became more “fiscally comfortable,” while the East North Central, West North Central, Mountain, and Pacific regions all became more “fiscally stressed.” Disparity across the states in fiscal comfort indexes also diminished, although not always for the same reasons. Since fiscal comfort is a composite of two indexes, movement in one or the other, or both, can drive the changes. Alaska’s fiscal comfort rank dropped from 7th to 26th, in large part because of its declining severance tax and overall fiscal capacity. By contrast, Florida’s decline in fiscal need raised its fiscal comfort rank from 23rd to 9th. While it is tempting to reach back to earlier years on Table 4 and compare fiscal comfort indexes, it is important to keep in mind that methodologies have not been constant across years. Even between 1997 and 1999, when the methodologies were very similar, subtle changes in data sources could be driving the observed results. Therefore, 12 it is important to interpret results across years, especially prior to 1997, with great caution. Results of Tax Effort in FY1999 In FY1999, the Mid‐Atlantic states had the highest average tax effort—126. New England’s average index of 108 and the East North Central’s 102 also exceed 100. The remaining Census regions all register lower‐than‐average tax effort indexes, ranging from the West North Central’s 99 to the East South Central’s 87. (See Chart 4.) As in FY1997, the District of Columbia and New York had the highest tax efforts by far. Within New England, three states (Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Maine) ranked among the top five, while Massachusetts and Vermont ranked among the top 15. New Hampshire, by contrast, had the lowest tax effort of any state in the nation except Nevada. States registering the largest absolute changes in their tax effort index between FY1997 and FY1999 (for example, California, Colorado, Iowa, Louisiana, Nebraska, Washington, West Virginia, Minnesota, and Wisconsin) tended to be those with the largest absolute changes in their index of property tax effort. (See Table 5.)7 Changes in the index of property tax effort were, in turn, negatively correlated with changes in the index of property tax capacity.8 The precipitous decline in Alaska’s tax effort index (from 110 to 87) was surprising, given the state’s steep decline in severance tax capacity. However, severance tax collections fell nearly three times more than severance tax capacity in the state. A further analysis of the state’s severance tax rate structure might reveal why severance tax revenues are so elastic with respect to the tax’s base. Within New England, Maine registered the largest percentage‐point increase in its tax effort index, from 112 to 118. Rising effort in taxing personal income, corporate The correlation coefficient between total tax effort index and property tax effort index was 0.51, significant at the 0.01 level. Keep in mind, however, potential data problems exist in estimating California’s relative property tax capacity and, therefore, relative property tax effort. 8 The correlation coefficient between the property tax effort index and the property tax capacity index was ‐0.24, significant at the 0.10 level. 7 13 income, and, to a lesser extent, retail sales fueled the overall tax effort increase. In contrast, Maine’s property tax effort actually declined. Moreover, it did so despite a sharp drop in the state’s property tax capacity. Perhaps these anomalous trends reflect Mainers’ growing concern about the ratio of property tax collections in their state to their personal income—the second highest property tax‐to‐income ratio in the nation in FY1999. Massachusetts lowered its tax effort index by three points primarily because it cut income taxes substantially. These cuts outweighed an increase in property tax effort, in turn due in part to a decline of four points in the index of property tax capacity. State Preferences for Public Services Tannenwald (1998) notes that variations in preferences for public services may be inferred from the correlation between state tax effort and fiscal comfort. If all states desired a uniform level of services, then fiscally uncomfortable states would have to tax their bases relatively intensely or exhibit a high tax effort to provide the desired level of services. In contrast, a state with high fiscal comfort could have a relatively low tax effort and still provide the desired level of services. In other words, the absence of a negative correlation between tax effort and fiscal comfort suggests that states with low levels of public expenditures tend to spend less because they want to, not because they are constrained by a lack of revenue. Figure 2 shows the relationship between tax effort and fiscal comfort indexes for the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Only five states reside in the region of high tax effort and low fiscal comfort (upper left hand quadrant) while many states reside in the low tax effort, low fiscal comfort region (lower left) or the high tax effort, high fiscal comfort region (upper right). This distribution is exactly the opposite of what one would expect to find if preferences for public goods were homogenous across states. However, there are 14 states that reside in the high fiscal comfort, low tax effort region (lower right). The correlation between fiscal comfort and tax effort for all 50 states and D.C. was weakly positive at 0.047. If D.C. is removed, the correlation is even weaker at 0.0081. Neither correlation achieves statistical significance, suggesting that there is no 14 observed relationship between fiscal comfort and tax effort. This fact seems to bolster the argument that states have unique preferences for public services and that these preferences are not necessarily constrained by state tax capacity. V. Conclusion The authors’ conclusions from FY1999 data are the same as those drawn from FY1997 data. Fiscal disparity, although diminished, is still substantial. The New England and Mid‐Atlantic states remain among the most “fiscally comfortable” while those in the East South Central and West South Central are the most fiscally stressed. Differences in tax effort also persist. The lack of a correlation between tax effort and fiscal comfort implies that states also differ significantly in their preference for public service levels. Other things being equal, fiscally comfortable states have a stronger preference than fiscally stressed states for public services. If they did not, tax effort and fiscal comfort would be negatively correlated. Consequently, fiscally equalizing aid could induce fiscally stressed states to provide an inefficiently high level of public services, and vice versa. Nevertheless, the persistence of fiscal disparity suggests that perhaps Congress should increase the degree of fiscally equalizing intergovernmental aid.9 The argument in favor of such a policy grounded on equity and the merit good concept still holds. Other things being equal, households in similar economic circumstances should bear similar tax burdens in order to obtain a socially desirable minimum level of state and local public services. Moreover, modifying formulas that allocate federal aid more in favor of fiscally stressed states could ameliorate some of the disadvantages they sometimes face in economic competition for workers and employers. Several existing federal aid programs, such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, are fiscally equalizing. The measures of state fiscal capacity used in their allocation formulas are based on state per capita personal income. 9 15 References Musgrave, Richard. and Peggy Musgrave. 1984. Public Finance in Theory and Practice. New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Rafuse, Robert. 1990a. “Representative Expenditures: Addressing the Neglected Dimension of Fiscal Capacity.” Washington, DC: U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. . 1990b. “A Walk on the Expenditure Side: ‘Needs’ and Fiscal Capacity.” Intergovernmental Perspective, U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations magazine. Fall: 25‐30. Sheffrin, Steven M. and Terri Sexton. 1998. Proposition 13 in Recession and Recovery. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California. Surrey, Stanley S. 1973. Pathways to Tax Reform: The Concept of Tax Expenditures. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Tannenwald, Robert. 1996. “State Business Tax Climate: How Should It Be Measured and How Important Is It?” New England Economic Review January/February. . 1998. “Come the Devolution, Will States Be Able to Respond?” New England Economic Review May/June: 58‐83. . 1999. “Fiscal Disparity Among the States Revisited.” New England Economic Review July/August: 3‐25. . 2002. “Interstate Fiscal Disparity in 1997.” New England Economic Review Third Quarter: 17‐33. . 2004. “Massachusetts Business Taxes: Unfair? Inadequate? Uncompetitive?” Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Public Policy Discussion Papers, paper no. 04‐4. U.S. Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. 1993. RTS State Revenue Capacity and Effort—1991. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. 16 Errata – April 2006 Multiple errors have been found in the December 2004 version of this paper; they have been corrected as of April 2006. Due to a rounding error in applying the representative rate to each state’s property tax base, the original property tax calculations (as presented in the Appendix Table on page 69) were off by 2.5 percent. Because the indices used in this paper are rounded to the nearest whole number, this error was not large enough to affect every state’s property tax effort index—45 states experienced an upward revision on their property tax effort index of one point. This error also had repercussions for the overall indices of tax capacity, fiscal capacity, and tax effort as originally reported. 12 states experienced a change in one or more of these measures as a result of our error—all of one point. In turn, four Census regions also encountered a change in either their tax capacity or tax effort indices, or both. All of the figures, charts, and tables have been updated to reflect these changes, and all references to erroneous statistics in the text have been corrected. Finally, two typos were discovered on Table 1 of the paper. The standard revenue bases were incorrectly reported for both the ‘general sales and gross receipts’ category as well as the ‘other taxes’ category. In all instances, these errors were not nearly large enough to impact any of this paper’s findings or discussion. Even so, the authors regret their errors and assume full responsibility for them. 17 Figure 1: Correlations between Fiscal Capacity and Fiscal Need correlation: ‐0.023 correlation with out D.C.: ‐0.203 Index of Fiscal Capacity 140 130 Best off NV CT DC DE 120 HI NJ MA NH 110 MN CO MD IL FL 100 90 NY NE WI ME AK OR VA VT IA NC SD IN MO PA RI OH KS TN AZ MI GA ND MT UT SC TX NM KY ID AR 80 CA WY WA LA AL Worst off OK MS WV 70 80 90 100 110 Index of Fiscal Need 18 120 Figure 2: Correlations between Tax Effort and Fiscal Comfort correlation: 0.0469 correlation with out D.C.: 0.00810 Index of Tax Effort 150 DC NY 140 130 120 RI CT ME WI NJ MN 110 WV PA MA MD MI OH IL 100 MS ID AR 90 VT KS NM OK LA KY CA NE UT TX GA ND SC IN MO NC WA CO HI VA IA DE AZ AK WY FL MT AL 80 OR TN SD NH NV 70 60 70 80 90 100 110 Index of Fiscal Comfort 19 120 130 140 Chart 1 Index of Fiscal Capacity by Region 115 1997 1999 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 New England Mid Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central 20 West South Central Mountain Pacific Chart 2 Index of Fiscal Need By Region 108 1997 1999 106 104 102 100 98 96 94 92 90 88 New England Mid Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic East South Central 21 West South Central Mountain Pacific Chart 3 Index of Fiscal Comfort by Region 125 1997 1999 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 New England Mid Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic 22 East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific Chart 4 Index of Tax Effort by Region 1997 1999 130 125 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 85 80 New England Mid Atlantic East North Central West North Central South Atlantic 23 East South Central West South Central Mountain Pacific Table 1: Design of Representative Tax System for Fiscal Year 1999 Standard Revenue Bases and Tax Rates Base* (billions) Rate 2,981.49 6.73 cents per dollar 1,546.83 158.89 18.94 cents per gallon 0.477 $8.76/gallon 0.139 $13.65/gallon 0.271 $6.81/gallon 0.068 $6.54/gallon 21.96 38.13 cents per pack 739.55 1.30 cents per dollar 518.83 3.31 cents per dollar 18.16 2.10 cents per dollar 88.96 3.70 cents per dollar State-Local Tax Collections Amount Percent of Revenue Source ($ billions) Total General Sales and Gross Reciepts 200.63 24.48 Selective Sales 77.30 9.43 Motor Fuel 30.09 3.67 Alcoholic Beverages 4.18 0.51 Distilled Spirits 1.89 0.23 Beer 1.85 0.23 Wine 0.442 0.05 Tobacco 8.37 1.02 Insurance 9.62 1.17 Public Utilities 17.17 2.09 Pari-Mutuel 0.38 0.05 Amusements 3.29 0.40 License Taxes 24.16 2.95 Motor Vehicles 15.34 1.87 Vehicle Operator 1.29 0.16 Corporation 6.36 0.78 Fishing and Hunting 1.17 0.14 Personal Income Tax 189.31 23.10 Corporate Income Tax 33.92 4.14 Property Taxes 239.67 29.24 Estate and Gift Tax 7.52 0.92 Severance Tax 3.14 0.38 Other Taxes 43.96 5.36 RTS TOTAL 819.61 *Units shown in denominator of rate column Numbers may not be exact due to rounding. 0.214 0.186 0.005 0.071 5,311.02 630.36 20,188.36 28.39 127.85 7,599.01 100.00 ` 24 $71.65/license $6.94/license $1177.68/license $16.45/license 3.35 cents per dollar 5.38 cents per dollar 1.19 cents per dollar 26.49 cents per dollar 2.45 cents per dollar 0.58 cents per dollar Table 2: Index of Fiscal Capacity National Average = 100 New England States Connecticut Massachusetts New Hampshire Vermont Maine Rhode Island Other States Nevada D.C. Delaware Hawaii New Jersey California Wyoming Washington Alaska Oregon Minnesota New York Colorado Illinois Maryland Florida Virginia Michigan Nebraska Arizona Georgia North Carolina Wisconsin North Dakota Iowa South Dakota Indiana Montana Ohio Missouri Kansas Tennessee Pennsylvania Texas Utah New Mexico South Carolina Kentucky Idaho Louisiana Alabama Arkansas Oklahoma Mississippi West Virginia 1999 Index Rank (1) (2) 127 2 114 8 114 7 99 22 92 36 91 39 129 127 123 116 114 111 111 110 109 108 108 106 105 104 104 103 102 99 98 98 98 97 96 96 96 96 94 94 94 93 92 92 92 90 90 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 79 74 72 1 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 1997 Index Rank (3) (4) 129 3 112 11 110 12 101 19 95 27 92 38 129 123 120 130 114 116 125 101 133 103 103 106 115 103 106 98 101 96 98 100 98 93 93 96 94 94 95 92 94 93 94 90 92 91 92 90 84 86 87 89 81 80 83 71 77 4 6 7 2 10 8 5 18 1 15 17 13 9 16 14 22 20 26 24 21 23 35 34 25 29 30 28 36 31 33 32 42 39 40 37 41 46 45 44 43 48 49 47 51 50 1996 Index Rank (5) (6) 129 2 116 9 118 8 99 21 89 42 91 39 141 126 121 120 116 103 127 104 127 103 107 109 114 110 108 100 101 98 99 94 96 92 97 97 97 95 97 99 96 97 96 92 95 91 92 85 85 84 90 88 83 81 84 72 78 1 5 6 7 9 17 3 16 3 17 15 13 11 12 14 20 19 24 21 35 30 36 25 25 25 33 25 21 30 25 30 36 33 39 36 44 44 46 41 43 48 49 46 51 50 1994 Index Rank (7) (8) 132 3 114 9 107 12 95 29 88 43 91 38 142 125 119 125 124 105 128 102 135 99 104 103 110 108 107 100 104 101 96 93 95 92 96 94 93 91 96 96 97 95 96 90 96 95 85 90 85 85 90 92 83 81 86 70 81 1 5 8 5 7 14 4 18 2 21 15 17 10 11 12 20 15 19 23 34 29 36 23 33 34 38 23 23 22 29 23 40 23 29 45 40 45 45 40 36 48 49 44 51 49 Note: Sources, methodology, and detailed statistics are presented in a Methodological Appendix. 25 1991 Index Rank (9) (10) 130 4 117 9 110 11 105 15 95 24 89 38 128 123 125 146 119 115 134 108 178 100 101 103 109 102 106 103 103 94 95 94 91 93 90 91 93 86 90 91 93 91 93 82 96 97 82 87 83 83 82 89 81 78 87 68 77 5 7 6 2 8 10 3 13 1 21 20 16 12 19 14 16 16 26 24 26 32 28 36 32 28 42 36 32 28 32 28 45 23 22 45 40 43 43 45 38 48 49 40 51 50 1987 Index Rank (11) (12) 139 2 127 4 123 6 103 17 97 22 96 24 110 122 124 113 122 117 137 99 169 92 104 108 111 97 109 105 102 95 91 100 94 90 88 90 84 78 87 87 91 91 93 84 92 99 79 87 80 79 77 86 75 75 93 65 77 12 7 5 10 7 9 3 20 1 29 16 14 11 22 13 15 18 25 31 19 26 34 36 34 41 46 37 37 31 32 27 41 29 20 44 37 43 44 47 40 49 49 27 51 47 Table 3: Index of Fiscal Need National Average = 100 New England States Connecticut Massachusetts Rhode Island New Hampshire Maine Vermont Other States District of Columbia New Mexico Alaska California Louisiana Texas Georgia Mississippi Utah Michigan Arizona Alabama Wyoming North Dakota Idaho New York Montana Arkansas North Carolina Nevada Oregon Oklahoma West Virginia Kentucky Illinois Kansas Minnesota South Carolina Tennessee Ohio Colorado Washington New Jersey Maryland Virginia Missouri Indiana Delaware Nebraska South Dakota Wisconsin Pennsylvania Florida Iowa Hawaii 1999 Index Rank (1) (2) 98 26 96 41 94 44 93 46 91 48 91 49 118 112 110 107 106 105 105 104 104 104 103 103 102 102 102 101 101 100 100 100 100 99 99 99 99 98 98 98 98 98 97 97 97 97 97 96 96 96 96 95 94 94 92 90 90 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 42 43 45 47 50 51 1997 Index Rank (3) (4) 101 18 94 36 91 43 87 51 89 49 89 48 121 112 106 109 107 107 106 107 96 100 106 102 102 98 100 104 100 106 96 94 92 102 101 103 100 95 95 97 102 97 90 93 97 94 98 96 93 89 89 98 90 93 95 89 92 1 2 8 3 5 4 7 6 30 19 9 14 15 25 21 11 22 10 29 35 42 16 17 12 20 34 33 26 13 27 44 40 28 37 24 31 38 46 47 23 45 39 32 50 41 1996 Index Rank (5) (6) 102 12 93 37 89 45 84 51 88 49 90 42 126 115 102 110 109 108 104 110 95 101 105 104 101 96 100 104 98 100 95 94 91 104 100 101 101 95 94 101 102 97 90 95 95 95 96 92 92 89 88 96 89 93 96 89 90 1 2 12 3 5 6 8 3 29 15 7 8 15 25 20 8 23 20 29 36 41 8 20 15 15 29 35 15 12 24 42 29 29 29 25 39 39 45 49 25 45 37 25 45 42 Note: Sources, methodology, and detailed statistics are presented in a Methodological Appendix. 26 1994 Index Rank (7) (8) 101 14 90 41 88 43 86 47 85 49 83 51 116 107 104 110 115 110 104 105 95 104 100 102 96 93 97 107 91 97 97 93 91 102 101 104 100 99 96 96 99 99 88 93 95 94 94 100 99 88 86 97 89 93 94 88 85 1 5 8 3 2 3 8 7 30 8 16 12 27 35 23 5 39 23 23 35 39 12 14 8 16 19 27 27 19 19 43 35 30 32 32 16 19 43 47 23 42 35 32 43 49 1987 Index Rank (9) (10) 92 44 87 49 86 50 85 51 89 47 89 47 103 111 121 101 110 110 109 113 105 108 103 109 102 105 106 95 102 106 99 96 98 104 103 108 102 98 102 103 104 100 98 96 93 97 99 100 99 96 96 105 94 90 93 96 90 16 3 1 23 4 4 6 2 11 8 16 6 20 11 10 40 20 10 27 36 31 14 16 8 20 31 20 16 14 24 31 36 42 35 27 24 27 36 36 11 41 45 42 36 45 Table 4: Index of Fiscal Comfort National Average = 100 New England States Connecticut New Hampshire Massachusetts Vermont Maine Rhode Island 1999 Index Rank (1) (2) 129 2 122 5 119 6 109 11 101 24 96 31 1997 Index Rank (3) (4) 128 4 126 6 120 9 113 11 107 17 101 25 1996 Index Rank (5) (6) 126 5 141 2 125 8 111 15 100 30 102 25 1994 Index Rank (7) (8) 131 5 124 10 127 8 114 11 104 24 103 25 1987 Index Rank (9) (10) 152 1 144 4 145 3 115 12 109 18 112 16 Other States Hawaii Nevada Delaware New Jersey Washington Florida Minnesota District of Columbia Wyoming Oregon Colorado Maryland Iowa Virginia Illinois New York California Nebraska Wisconsin South Dakota Alaska Pennsylvania Indiana Missouri North Carolina Ohio Arizona Michigan Tennessee Kansas Georgia North Dakota Montana South Carolina Utah Texas Kentucky Idaho Arkansas Alabama Oklahoma Louisiana New Mexico West Virginia Mississippi 130 129 129 118 113 112 109 108 108 108 107 107 106 105 105 104 103 103 102 101 99 98 98 97 97 96 96 95 94 94 94 94 93 88 87 86 85 83 81 80 80 78 78 72 71 1 3 4 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 141 137 134 118 109 103 108 101 122 113 127 113 106 103 103 102 106 109 103 96 126 99 101 97 96 97 95 96 87 99 92 99 93 87 96 85 83 87 76 79 82 83 80 76 67 1 2 3 10 15 23 16 25 8 13 5 12 18 22 21 24 19 14 20 35 7 29 26 31 34 32 37 36 40 28 39 30 38 42 33 43 45 41 49 48 46 44 47 50 51 134 150 135 122 109 104 113 100 126 113 126 113 108 105 109 105 94 112 109 100 124 102 105 105 97 99 90 97 90 101 92 101 101 85 97 85 83 90 81 79 80 81 74 78 65 4 1 3 10 16 24 11 30 5 11 5 11 19 20 16 20 37 14 16 30 9 25 20 20 34 33 39 34 39 27 38 27 27 42 34 42 44 39 45 48 47 45 50 49 51 Note: Sources, methodology, and detailed statistics are presented in a Methodological Appendix. 27 147 153 135 131 110 106 108 108 133 109 125 114 106 111 108 96 95 112 108 94 130 103 97 95 95 98 93 97 91 97 91 101 105 89 89 86 82 93 84 81 84 80 84 80 67 2 1 3 5 15 21 17 17 4 16 9 11 21 14 17 32 33 13 17 36 7 25 29 33 33 28 37 29 39 29 39 27 23 41 41 43 47 37 44 48 44 49 44 49 51 126 147 128 152 104 113 106 119 134 94 113 112 87 104 95 91 116 94 93 75 139 102 88 91 91 95 77 88 81 95 87 86 85 76 75 90 73 77 70 69 90 78 78 78 57 9 2 8 1 20 13 19 10 6 26 13 16 36 20 24 29 11 26 28 45 5 21 34 29 29 24 43 34 40 24 36 38 39 44 45 32 48 43 49 50 32 41 41 41 51 Table 5: Index of Tax Effort Index of Tax Effort New England States Connecticut Rhode Island Maine Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire 1999 Index Rank (1) (2) 119 3 119 4 118 5 106 11 102 15 76 50 1997 Index Rank (3) (4) 121 4 118 6 112 7 109 10 102 16 79 49 1996 Index Rank (5) (6) 115 6 117 3 113 8 104 10 100 17 74 49 1994 Index Rank (7) (8) 109 6 114 4 111 5 104 13 109 6 85 42 Other States District of Columbia New York Wisconsin New Jersey Minnesota West Virginia Pennsylvania Maryland Michigan Ohio Illinois Kansas Mississippi New Mexico Oklahoma Louisiana Kentucky Idaho California Washington Utah Colorado Hawaii Nebraska Georgia Virginia Indiana Iowa Missouri North Dakota North Carolina Arkansas Texas South Carolina Delaware Alaska Arizona Florida Wyoming Montana Alabama Oregon South Dakota Tennessee Nevada 151 143 115 113 113 110 107 103 103 103 101 99 99 99 98 98 97 97 96 96 95 95 95 94 94 94 93 93 92 92 92 91 91 90 89 87 87 86 86 82 82 80 79 78 76 1 2 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 51 153 144 121 112 122 100 104 100 106 102 102 103 102 97 97 89 97 97 88 105 90 83 93 101 91 89 99 100 92 96 96 95 91 90 90 110 84 91 77 87 82 85 79 81 73 1 2 5 8 3 21 13 20 11 15 18 14 17 27 26 40 24 25 41 12 37 45 31 19 35 39 23 22 32 28 29 30 34 38 36 9 44 33 50 42 46 43 48 47 51 141 141 117 114 113 99 102 100 100 100 97 99 102 102 92 86 99 92 101 104 89 82 104 99 95 89 88 98 87 89 94 92 90 89 90 116 93 90 74 79 83 85 79 79 73 Note: Sources, methodology, and detailed statistics are presented in a Methodological Appendix. 28 1 1 3 7 8 21 13 17 17 17 26 21 13 13 30 42 21 30 16 10 36 45 10 21 27 36 40 25 41 36 28 30 33 36 33 5 29 33 49 46 44 43 46 46 51 148 155 117 108 109 95 101 103 105 95 96 101 98 97 89 78 95 91 96 105 93 85 107 100 93 86 92 103 82 89 96 86 89 88 87 100 97 91 82 85 80 95 83 81 69 2 1 3 9 6 26 16 14 11 26 23 16 20 21 35 50 26 33 23 11 30 42 10 18 30 40 32 14 46 35 23 40 12 38 39 18 21 33 46 42 49 26 45 48 51 DATA SOURCES AND METHODOLOGY FOR REPRESENTATIVE TAX SYSTEM (RTS), 1999. This methodological appendix lays out the details of the RTS system, including all adjustments and data sources used to obtain the 1999 results. For earlier methodologies consult State Revenue Capacity and Effort, Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. (M‐187. September 1993). The RTS system establishes state tax capacity, or tax potential, by levying a standard rate on a uniform tax base for each tax in every state. The standard rate is calculated as the national total of tax collections divided by the total tax base. For instance in the 1999 data total state and local tax collections for the personal income tax were roughly $189 billion while the standard base (defined as personal income with some adjustments, see section XIII) was roughly $5.65 trillion. Therefore the standard rate was calculated to be 3.35 cents per dollar. Applying this rate to a given state’s base, for instance Massachusetts’ $170 billion base, and dividing by state population yields a per capita capacity of about $919. Repeating this exercise for every tax in every state and indexing each state’s result to the national average creates an index of fiscal capacity (set equal to 100 for the national average). This measure reveals the ability of each state to raise tax revenue relative to the national average. Comparing actual tax collections versus tax capacity, again indexed to the national average set to 100, creates another statistic called tax effort. This measure reveals how intensively each state taxes—both within each tax category and in total taxes. The remainder of the appendix highlights the data sources used in calculating the standard bases and rates. Each category includes a brief description of the methodology used in constructing the tax base and notes any changes made to the data. Data used for state and local tax collections are taken from the U.S. Census: 1999 State and Local Finance Data (including taxes and charges) Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Annual Survey of Government Finances Data for state population are taken from the U.S. Census: 1999 Population Data (based on mid‐year population estimates) Source: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Current Population Survey, “ST‐99‐3 State Population Estimates: Annual Time Series, July 1, 1990 to July 1, 1999.” Individual Tax Bases I. General Sales and Gross Receipts Retail Sales and Selected Service Receipts by State: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Economic Census 1997. 29 Gross State Product by State: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Economic Accounts. Methodology: The tax base is defined as the sum of retail trade, accommodations, food service, personal services, motion pictures, and arts and entertainment minus gas, alcohol, gambling, and non‐store retail sales. For the 1997 results, data were taken from the Census of Governments. Unfortunately, since this Census publication is done every five years, much of the needed data were unavailable for 1999. As a “least‐worst” method of scaling up the tax‐base, each state’s 1997 value was increased by its growth in gross state product (GSP). As a check on validity, and to explore other options, the 1997 bases were also scaled up by the relative growth in personal income from 1997 to 1999. This had little to no appreciable effect on the results; so GSP was chosen as the scaling factor, because it has a stronger theoretical rationale for being tied to the general sales and gross receipts tax base. II. III. Selective Sales: Motor Fuels Motor Fuel Volume Taxed by States: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 1999 “Table MF2: Motor Fuel Taxed 1999.” Methodology: The tax base is defined as the volume of taxed gallons of fuel for each state. Selective Sales: Public Utilities 1999 Gas Utility Gross Revenue by State: American Gas Association, Gas Facts 2000, “Table 7‐2: Gas Utility Industry Revenues, by State.” 1999 Electric Utility Gross Revenue by State: Edison Electric Institute, Statistical Yearbook of the Electric Utility Industry, “Table 59: Total Electric Utility Industry, by State and Class of Service.” 1999 Telephone Industry Gross Revenue by State: Federal Communication Commission, Industry Analysis Division, State‐by‐State Telephone Revenue and Universal Service Data, “Table 9: Industry Telephone Revenue: 1999.” Methodology: The tax base is defined as the sum of revenues of all gas, electric, and telephone companies. For the telephone industry, which includes terrestrial and wireless telephony, the state revenues are the sum of interstate and intrastate revenues. 30 IV. Selective Sales: Insurance Property/Casualty Premiums Written by State: Insurance Information Institute, The Fact Book 2001, “Direct Premiums Written by State.” Life Insurance Premium Receipts by State: American Council on Life Insurance, Life Insurance Fact Book, 1999 &2000. “Table 9.6: Premium Receipts of U.S. Life Insurance Companies by State.” Methodology: The tax base is defined as the direct written premiums (or premium receipts) for life and property and casualty insurance. V. Selective Sales: Tobacco Products 1999 State Tax‐Paid Cigarette Sales: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service. “Monthly State Cigarette Fiscal Tax Report – June 2000.” Methodology: The tax base is defined as the number of packages of cigarettes sold. VI. Selective Sales: Alcoholic Beverages Gallons of Wine, Beer and Spirits Consumed by State: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Surveillance Report 55&59: Apparent per Capita Alcohol Consumption: National, State and Regional Trends, 1977‐1999. “Table 2: Apparent Alcohol Consumption for State, Census Regions, and the United State, 1999.” Combined State and Local Collections by Beverage Type, 1999: Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS). Methodology: The tax base is the combined consumption in gallons of beer, wine and distilled spirits. Census tax data has only aggregate alcohol beverage tax collections by state. A breakdown of tax collections by beverage type was obtained from DISCUS and these data were used in the calculation of the RTS rates. VII. Selective Sales: Amusements 1997 Retail Sales and Selected Service Receipts by State: U.S. Bureau of the Census, Economic Census 1997. Employment Compensation in Motion Pictures and Amusements: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, 2002. 31 Methodology: The tax base is calculated as follows: Tax Base= Arts, entertainment and recreation + Motion Pictures and Exhibition ‐ Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports and Similar Events ‐ Agents/Managers for Artists, Athletes and Other Public Figures ‐ Independent Artists, Writers and Performers – Coin Operated Amusement Devices (Except Slots). Since 1997 data were obtained from the Economic Census (done only every five years), the data were adjusted by income growth in amusement employment categories. The individual adjustment rates appear in the appendix tables. VIII. Selective Sales: Pari‐mutuels 1999 Total Pari‐mutuel Handle ARCI, Inc., provided by Christiansen Capital Advisors LLC. Methodology: Tax base is defined as the sum of dog racing, horse racing and jai‐ lai handles within each state. IX. X. Licenses: Motor Vehicle Registrations Counts of Registered All Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles (Private and Commercial Vehicles only) U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 1999 “Table MV‐2: State Motor‐ Vehicle Registrations.” Methodology: Tax base is defined as the sum motor vehicle registrations in the state. Licenses: Corporations Number of Corporate Income Tax Returns Internal Revenue Service, Internal Revenue Service Data Book, “Table 4: Number of Returns Filed, by State.” Methodology: The tax base is defined as total number of corporation licenses granted in the state. Separate number did not exist for Maryland and District of Columbia, so they were separated using the personal income ratio. XI. Licenses: Motor Vehicle Operators Number of Licensed Drivers by State U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 1999, “Table DL‐22: Total Licensed Drivers, by Age.” 32 Methodology: Tax base is the number of licenses in each state. XII. Licenses: Fishing and Hunting Number of Fishing and Hunting Licenses by State U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Services, Division of Federal Aid, State and Fish Game Departments, “Tables: Number of Paid Fishing License Holders, License Sales, and Cost to Anglers—Fiscal Year 1999 and Number of Paid Hunting License Holders, License Sales and Cost to Hunters—Fiscal Year 1999.” Methodology: The tax base is defined as total number of licenses granted by each state. XIII. Individual Income Tax Adjusted Gross Income, Adjustments and Adjustments for Residency by State and Number of Dependents, Single Returns, Joint Returns and Head of Household Returns Internal Revenue Service, Statistics of Income, “Individual Income Tax Information by State.” Exemption Amounts for Singles Returns, Joint Returns, Head of Household Returns and Dependents Government of the District of Columbia, Tax Rates and Tax Burdens in the District of Columbia‐ A Nationwide Comparison, “Table 15: Individual Income Tax.” XIV. Methodology: The tax base is defined as adjusted gross income (AGI) using the adjustment amounts and the adjustments for residency net of exemptions. Individual Income Tax Base = AGI + Adjustments ‐ Adjustments for Residence ‐ Exemptions The values of exemptions were obtained in a multi‐step process: 1. Found the exemption level for each type of exemption by state. 2. Calculated the weighted average of the exemption level for all of states for each type of exemption. The weight used was per capita individual income tax receipts. 3. Used this weighted average to calculate amount of exemptions by state. Multiplied the weighted average exemption value by the number of exemptions, by exemption type, by state. Added amount of all exemptions together for each state. Corporate Income Tax 33 Payroll and Sales Data by Sector U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Accounts Data, Table SA07 Corporate Profits U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, National Income and Product Accounts, “Table 6.17c: Corporate Profits by Industry Group.” Methodology: The tax base is defined as corporate profits. However these data are not available on the state level, so the national data was allocated to the states. This involved a multi‐step process: 1. 1997 Annual Receipts and Payroll data by state by industry were collected from the Economic Census. 1999 corporate profits by industry were collected on the national level from the BEA. 1999 wages and salary disbursements by state by industry were collected from the BEA. 2. Estimated the 1999 receipts by state by industry using the following formula: 99 receipts = 99 payroll * (97 receipts / 97 payroll) 3. Calculated the percent of each industry located in each state. For each industry, the state’s percentage of the national aggregate receipts and payroll respectively were calculated. 4. Used the percentages calculated above to figure out how much of national corporate profits should be allocated to each state. For each industry, the receipts were weighted once and payroll twice. All industries for each state were then added together to end with an estimate of corporate profits by state. XV. Property Tax 1999 Market Value of Property by State Called revenue officials, went to State web sites, and read various studies to find the market value of property by state. All contacts are listed in the above spreadsheet 1997 Farm Real Estate Values and Property Taxes U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service: 1997 Census of Agriculture, Vol. 1. 1999 Gas Utility Miles of Pipeline American Gas Association, Gas Facts: 1997 Data, “Table 5‐2: Gas Utility Industry Miles of Pipeline and Main, by State, 1980‐1999.” 1999 Electric Utility Generating Capacity Edison Electric Institute: Statistical Yearbook of the Electric Utility Industry 1997, “Table 4: Installed Generating Capacity: Investor‐Owned Electric Utilities by State.” 1999 Total Access Telephone Lines Federal Communications Commission, Common Carrier Bureau, 1997 Statistics of Communication Common Carriers: “ Table 2.5‐ Access Lines by Type of Customer For Reporting Local Exchange Carriers.” 1999 Assets of Active Corporations by Industry 34 Internal Revenue Service, Statistics of Income 1997, Table 1: 1999 Returns of Active Corporations.” 1999 Corporate Depreciable Assets, Depletable Assets and Land Internal Revenue Service, Statistics of Income 1997, “Table 6: Returns of Active Corporations.” 1999 Personal Income by Industry Bureau of Economic Analysis, “Table SA05: Personal Income by Major Source and Earnings by Industry.” 1990 Owner‐Occupied Housing Aggregate Values by State U.S. Census Bureau Decennial Census, Summary Tape File 3 on CD‐ROM, “Table H‐62: Aggregate Value by Mortgage Status.” 1990 Aggregate Gross Rent by State U.S. Census Bureau Decennial Census, Summary Tape File 3 on CD‐ROM, “Table H‐44: Aggregate Gross Rent” 1990‐1999 New Construction by State Statistical Abstract of the United States (various years), Table entitled “Construction Contracts—Value by State” 1990‐1999 Conventional Mortgage Home Price Index Freddie Mac Index, Value of Construction to Total Value U.S. Bureau of Census, Characteristics of New Housing: 1993, 1995, 1996 and 1998. Tables entitled “Average and Median Square Feet of Floor Area, by Category of House, Location and Type of Financing”, “Sales Price of Houses, by Location and Type of Financing”, and “Price per Square Foot of Floor Area, by Location”. Methodology: The tax base is defined as the total property value in the state. Total property value consists of farm property, residential property, corporate property and utility property including all exemptions. The goal was to construct a base that represented the total potential property tax base in the state. This involved aggregating the following classes of property: 1. Utility property: the sum of the gas, electric and telephone industries. Assets for each of these industries were allocated by state based on the state’s share of pipeline, generating capacity and telephone lines, respectively. 2. Corporate property: consists of depreciable assets, depletable assets, and land (minus accumulated depreciation). Corporate property was allocated across states using methodology similar to that used for corporate income tax. Property was allocated across states using the percentage of personal income by industry for each state. 3. Residential property: in theory this class of property should include all residential property in the state—including expeditions. The estimate was obtained by: i) Calculating the growth in the Freddie Mac index was calculated for each state from 1997‐1999. 35 ii) Using this growth rate to inflate 1997 Total Aggregate Owner‐ Occupied Housing Property Values and the 1997 Asset Value from Rental Property to 1999 levels. iii) Residential Construction contracts were inflated to include land value for each year (1997‐1999). This was done by dividing the Residential Construction Contracts by the ratio of construction to total property value. This ratio was calculated by first finding the average value of property by multiplying average square feet of floor area by the average price per square foot, by region. This product was then divided by the average sales price of one‐family houses to arrive at the value of construction to total value. iv) The Residential Construction contracts (inflated to include land value), were then inflated using the Freddie Mac Index, by year. The values for each year were then summed to arrive at a total value for residential property by state. Estimates for total property value from this method were then compared with estimates of property value obtained from state agencies. Since the agencies vary widely on the data they report, some include the total value of all property, others of only taxable property, and some only the accessed value of taxable property, it was not clear that state estimates were always the preferred measure. However, many estimates were similar to the obtained results, though several were substantially different. Consequently, faced with two estimates, the larger value was chosen. In other words, when faced with the improbable result that the estimated value of potentially taxable property was less than the reported taxed property, the latter was taken as a superior measure. XVI. Estimating the property tax base in California is more problematic and required an additional step. Because Proposition 13 limits the annual increase in the assessed value of any taxable property to one percent a year, unless ownership of the property changes hands, in which case the property is reassessed at its purchase price it is hard to obtain the “market value” of real estate (see text). The estimation of California’s property tax base was made as follows. First, it was assumed that the statewide ratio of assessed to fair market value was the same as that estimated for Los Angeles County in FY1996 by Sheffrin and Sexton (1998). Next the “extrapolated” estimate (see methodology outlined above) was compared with the one based on the ratio estimated by Sheffrin and Sexton and the larger of the two was used, because historically the extrapolation technique seemed to be producing estimates that were too low. In FY1997, the estimate based on the Sheffrin and Sexton ratio was larger, while in FY1999 the “extrapolated” estimate was larger. Estate and Gift Tax 36 Federal Estate and Gift Tax Collections Internal Revenue Service, 1999 Internal Revenue Service Data Book, “Table 8: Tax Collections, by State.” State Estate and Gift Tax Collections U.S. Census Bureau, State and Local Government Tax Collections. Methodology: The tax base is defined as the federal estate and gift collections. As the federal taxes are applied uniformly across all states, this should give a valid measure of the magnitude of each state’s base. The data for Maryland and District of Columbia collections separated using the personal income ratio. XVII. Severance Taxes Value of Oil Production Energy Information Administration, Petroleum Marketing Monthly January 1999, “Table 21: Domestic Crude Oil First Purchase Prices.” Energy Information Administration, Petroleum Supply Annual 1997, “Table 14: Production of Crude Oil by PAD District and State.” Value of Coal Production Energy Information Administration, Coal Industry Annual 1999 Data Tables, “Table 1: Coal Production by State.” and “Table 80: Average Mine Price of Coal by State.” Value of Natural Gas Production Energy Information Administration, Historical Natural Gas Annual 1999, “Table 6: Wellhead Value and Marketed Production of Natural Gas by State, 1967‐1999.” Value of Nonfuel Mineral Production Energy Information Administration, Minerals Yearbook 1999, “Table 5: Nonfuel Mineral Production in the United States, by State.” Methodology: Tax Base is the sum of the value of oil production, coal production, natural gas production and nonfuel mineral production. XVIII. All Other Taxes Personal Income U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, Regional Accounts Data, “Table SA‐05: Personal Income by State, 1999.” Methodology: Tax Base is Personal Income. Tax revenue for All Other Taxes consists of the following categories of tax revenue from Census of Governments (see I. State and Local Finance Data above for source information): Other Selective Sales (T‐29), Amusement Licenses (T‐21) , Alcohol Licenses (T‐20), Public Utility Licenses (T‐27), Occupational/Business Licenses (T‐28), Other Licenses (T‐19), Documentary and Stock Transfers (T‐51), and Not Elsewhere Classified (T‐99). 37 DATA SOURCES AND METHODOLOGY FOR REPRESENTATIVE EXPENDITURE SYSTEM (RES), 1999. This methodological appendix spells out the details of the RES system, including all data sources, workload measures and adjustments used to obtain the 1999 results. For earlier methodologies see Robert Rafuse’s Representative Expenditures: Addressing the Neglected Dimension of Fiscal Capacity, Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, M‐ 174, December 1990. The RES system provides normalized expenditure estimates for a given unit of public services provided. This involves several steps. First, it is necessary to identify and define categories of expenditures that are principally influenced by factors other than state population. Six such categories were identified: elementary and secondary education, higher education, public welfare, health and hospitals, highways, and police and corrections. In 1999, these categories accounted for just under 71 percent of all direct general expenditures for state and local governments. Next, it is necessary to define measurable “workload” factors‐‐other than the price of inputs‐‐that affect the cost of providing the service. For example, the workload measures for highway expenditures are the number of vehicle miles traveled, measured maintenance costs due to traffic, total lane miles, and measured maintenance costs due to time and exposure. When more than one workload measure is employed, a weighted average is used to calculate the final composite workload. In this example, based on engineering estimates, vehicle miles traveled is weighted 4.71 times more than total lane miles. In this way, workloads are constructed for each expenditure category. The national total expenditure level is then multiplied by each workload factor in each tax to estimate what it would have cost the state to provide one workload‐measure unit of services. This is done across all expenditure categories to create a total expenditure estimate. However, to fully determine the state’s fiscal need index, it is necessary to adjust for input prices across states. In general, this is done by controlling for the prices of inputs used in the provision of public services; the particulars of this methodology are outlined below in the input‐cost section. For each state, per capita expenditures are summed to obtain total per capita expenditures. Indexing these to the national average (set to 100) gives each state an index of fiscal need—the primary index used in the RES system. The remainder of this Appendix details the data sources and workloads used in the RES 1999 results. 38 1999 State and Local Expenditure Data U.S. Bureau of the Census, Annual Survey of Government Finances. Input‐Cost Index Data Earnings by Occupation and Education: 2000 Census. Available online: March 1999 State and Local Government Payroll Data by Function: Bureau of the Census, State and Local Government Employment and Payroll‐ 1999. Methodology: The input‐cost adjustment normalizes for cost differentials across states. The process used the 2000 Census (1999 data) to tabulate earnings by state by educational attainment for males aged 45‐54 who are year‐round, full‐time workers. Next, state‐by‐state labor cost indexes were created controlling for education level by weighting each state’s median earnings by education level by the national distribution of educational attainment. From this, an input‐cost index for each state by function was constructed. This was done by annualizing the March payroll and then dividing this by total functional expenditures, so that (at the national level) each functional level had payroll costs as a percentage of the total costs. This payroll percentage was turned into a compensation percentage by dividing payroll percentages by 0.75, on the assumption that payroll represented 75 percent of total compensation. Finally, for each function, the compensation percentage was multiplied by the labor cost index by state and added to the non‐compensation percentage of costs multiplied by 100. For example, Input Cost Index = (comp%*labindex) + ((1‐comp%)*100), where comp% = compensation as percentage of total function cost, and labindex = state’s labor cost index. Calculating Representative Expenditures To calculate representative expenditures by function, multiply: (state’s workload measure by function)*(total national direct general expenditure by function)*(state’s input cost index by function). These numbers are then normalized so that total representative expenditures = actual direct general expenditures. 39 Data for Estimating Representative Expenditures I. Public Welfare Total 1999 Population: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, “ST‐99‐3 State Population Estimates: Annual Time Series, July 1, 1990 to July 1, 1999.” Average of 1998‐1999 Poverty Rates: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, “Historical Poverty Table 19 ” Methodology: Workload measure = State’s share of total population in poverty. II. Elementary and Secondary Education Elementary and Secondary Age Population: U.S. Census Bureau, State Population Estimates, “Table ST‐99‐12: Population Estimates for the U.S. and States by Single Year of Age.” Percentage of People Under 18 Living in Poverty: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, March Supplement, “Table 25: Poverty Status by State, 1999” Fall 1999 Private School Enrollment by State: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, 2000. “Table 63: Private elementary and secondary schools, enrollment, teachers and high school graduates, by state, Fall 1999.” Methodology: The overall ratios of elementary and secondary education population were used to divide total private school enrollment between elementary and secondary. The assumptions used by Rafuse‐‐that cost per pupil for elementary students is 60 percent of that for secondary students and that children in poverty cost 25 percent more to educate‐‐are used. Thus, the Education Cost Index = [1+ (0.25*Under 18 Poverty Rate)] * [(0.6*Elementary public school enrollment)+ (Secondary public school enrollment)]. Workload measure = State’s share of education cost index. III. Higher Education 1999 State Population Aged 14‐17, 18‐24, 25‐34, and 35+: U.S. Census Bureau, State Population Estimates, “Table ST‐99‐12: Population Estimates for the U.S. and States by Single Year of Age. Full‐Time and Part‐Time Students Enrolled in Institutions of Higher Education in Fall 1999, by Age Groups 14‐17, 18‐24, 25‐34, 35+: U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics. “Table 175: Total fall enrollment in degree‐granting institutions, by attendance status, sex, and age: 1970‐2000.” Assumed three part‐time students = 1 full‐time equivalent (FTE). 40 IV. V. Methodology: Determined estimated college population by weighting state’s population of each group by national percentage of each group enrolled in institutions of higher education. Workload measure = State’s share of estimated college population. Health and Hospitals Total 1999 Population U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, “ST‐99‐3 State Population Estimates: Annual Time Series, July 1, 1990 to July 1, 1999.” Average Income of the Bottom (Fifth) and Next‐to‐Bottom (Fourth) Quintile of Families, by State: Economic Policy Institute/Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Pulling Apart: A State‐by‐State Analysis of Income Trends, January 2000 Appendix Table 5. 1999 Number of Disabled Workers by State: Social Security Administration “Table 4: Number of OASDI beneficiaries with benefits in current‐payment status, by type of benefit, by sex of beneficiaries aged 65 and older, and by State and County, December 1999.” Methodology: Instead of using the percentage of people under 150 percent of poverty, which was used in the earlier studies, the nation’s income average among the fourth and fifth quintiles was taken as a percent of the states’ average. This percentage was then multiplied by the state’s share of population to yield the final measure of poverty for the lowest two quintiles by state. For example, State’s share of low‐income families = [(nation’s avg5 + nation’s avg4)/2]/ [(state’s avg5 + states’s avg4)/2]*(state’s share of population), where avg5 = the average of the bottom quintile, and avg4 = the average of the next‐to‐bottom quintile. Workload measure = Equally weighted average of state’s share of total population, state’s share of work‐disabled population, and state’s share of low‐ income families. Highways 1999 Annual Vehicle‐Miles of Travel: Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 1999: “Table VM‐2A: Annual Vehicle‐Miles of Travel 1999.ʺ 1999 Lane Mileage: Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics 1999: “Table HM‐60: Estimated Lane Mileage by Functional System 1999.ʺ 41 Methodology: Workload measure = (82.5% * State’s share of Vehicle Miles) + (17.5% * State’s share of Lane Mileage). Weightings based on GAO Report Cited in Rafuse study. VI. VII. Police and Corrections Total 1999 Population U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, “ST‐99‐3 State Population Estimates: Annual Time Series, July 1, 1990 to July 1, 1999.” State Population Aged 18‐24: U.S. Census Bureau, State Population Estimates, Table ST‐99‐12: Population Estimates for the U.S. and States by Single Year of Age. 1999 Number of Murders by State: Federal Bureau of Investigation, 1999 Crime in the United States “Table 5: Index of Crime: Region, Geographic Division, and State.” Methodology: Workload measure = Equally weighted average of state’s share of total population, state’s share of population aged 18‐24, and state’s share of murders. Other Categories of Expenditures: Environment and Housing, Interest on General Debt, Governmental Administration, and All Other Direct General Expenditures Methodology: Workload Measure defined as state’s share of total 1999 U.S. population 42 Summary Data: Representative Tax System State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 Totals RTS rate 1999 Tax Base: RTS ($ millions) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 272,690,813 see individual bases n/a 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 10,716.65 2,022.88 14,038.10 6,197.55 109,652.84 12,704.71 12,489.18 2,782.52 1,972.87 46,655.45 22,910.99 4,123.79 3,145.91 37,628.11 16,666.54 8,217.19 7,335.24 10,022.22 10,788.38 3,462.77 16,043.26 21,017.99 29,105.72 15,275.86 6,138.93 15,255.73 2,475.32 4,901.54 6,987.29 4,088.85 27,931.98 4,525.53 57,486.45 22,134.74 1,815.11 31,477.63 7,918.88 10,648.42 33,026.28 2,685.44 10,025.19 2,097.85 15,129.73 54,127.28 5,735.73 1,749.88 20,894.70 18,963.86 3,876.60 15,144.07 1,585.47 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 2,452.40 3,265.34 2,937.87 2,429.10 3,308.27 3,132.22 3,805.32 3,692.61 3,801.29 3,087.47 2,941.74 3,478.54 2,513.31 3,102.49 2,804.45 2,863.72 2,763.79 2,530.34 2,467.59 2,763.50 3,102.17 3,403.63 2,950.77 3,198.79 2,217.33 2,789.83 2,804.00 2,942.05 3,861.98 3,404.16 3,430.01 2,601.11 3,159.19 2,893.13 2,864.46 2,796.36 2,358.18 3,211.07 2,753.56 2,710.33 2,580.00 2,861.49 2,759.12 2,700.40 2,693.04 2,947.22 3,040.15 3,294.42 2,145.41 2,884.34 3,305.81 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 2,010.68 2,848.36 2,561.18 2,211.18 3,166.69 2,985.73 4,535.33 3,278.69 5,728.87 2,664.17 2,763.22 3,300.05 2,436.79 3,134.08 2,621.79 2,675.36 2,747.65 2,452.03 2,408.91 3,241.76 3,201.52 3,606.43 3,032.78 3,600.18 2,200.17 2,565.85 2,311.64 2,774.39 2,925.14 2,589.37 3,878.62 2,569.74 4,514.76 2,650.47 2,625.33 2,870.02 2,314.51 2,574.48 2,934.16 3,226.17 2,337.09 2,252.51 2,150.13 2,455.73 2,569.16 3,006.62 2,845.25 3,147.00 2,365.46 3,314.61 2,830.58 1999 Tax Effort Index State Rank 82 109 98 81 111 105 127 123 127 103 98 116 84 104 94 96 92 85 83 92 104 114 99 107 74 93 94 98 129 114 115 87 106 97 96 94 79 107 92 91 86 96 92 90 90 99 102 110 72 96 111 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 8,786.38 1,764.56 12,238.17 5,641.54 104,960.24 12,110.51 14,885.09 2,470.62 2,973.28 40,258.88 21,520.66 3,912.19 3,050.13 38,011.29 15,581.02 7,676.72 7,292.41 9,712.06 10,531.82 4,062.06 16,557.10 22,270.32 29,914.62 17,192.71 6,091.44 14,030.92 2,040.67 4,622.22 5,292.32 3,110.18 31,585.21 4,470.94 82,153.31 20,278.15 1,663.58 32,306.83 7,772.24 8,537.38 35,192.40 3,196.55 9,081.31 1,651.39 11,790.29 49,223.02 5,471.88 1,785.15 19,555.15 18,115.29 4,274.21 17,403.20 1,357.55 82 87 87 91 96 95 119 89 151 86 94 95 97 101 93 93 99 97 98 117 103 106 103 113 99 92 82 94 76 76 113 99 143 92 92 103 98 80 107 119 91 79 78 91 95 102 94 96 110 115 86 46 41 42 37 24 27 3 40 1 43 30 28 22 16 32 33 17 23 21 5 12 11 13 8 18 34 45 29 51 50 7 19 2 36 35 14 20 47 10 4 39 48 49 38 26 15 31 25 9 6 44 815,427.14 2,990.30 100 815,427.14 2,990.33 100 43 Summary Data: Capacity State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbi Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 General Sales Tax Capacity ($ millions) 2,744.77 410.48 3,705.40 1,590.84 25,639.43 3,529.03 2,555.61 650.10 386.22 12,978.76 6,044.33 1,158.05 907.30 8,471.32 4,250.89 1,889.64 1,748.63 2,530.53 2,824.20 896.07 3,777.62 4,789.15 7,381.20 3,650.53 1,585.09 3,812.98 598.94 1,152.67 2,528.91 1,234.79 6,477.56 1,262.28 12,551.00 5,940.27 473.18 7,839.05 1,987.15 2,675.33 8,022.79 579.11 2,692.74 526.23 4,127.52 13,923.08 1,558.81 445.34 5,009.20 4,158.06 1,028.09 3,731.13 271.85 Totals 272,690,813 200,626.75 1999 Motor Fuels Tax Capacity ($ millions) 593.65 68.26 547.65 372.20 3,147.60 437.28 305.28 84.27 31.56 1,613.54 1,116.77 80.10 161.03 1,160.67 769.16 378.13 328.63 537.00 509.03 153.17 533.77 575.70 1,106.09 559.33 398.71 741.57 126.15 232.56 216.11 141.96 880.28 249.53 1,240.53 925.18 96.99 1,221.07 463.06 312.36 1,178.18 86.23 527.58 104.35 701.52 2,404.34 239.75 74.13 837.88 592.97 210.10 600.36 121.09 1999 Alcohol Tax Capacity ($ millions) 57.43 11.54 85.04 32.28 494.94 72.93 51.99 15.53 14.56 280.99 120.07 19.25 19.98 194.20 81.45 39.69 33.79 49.13 75.33 20.03 76.13 107.21 145.53 80.07 41.22 85.95 15.70 25.85 48.72 34.15 125.13 28.51 246.83 105.36 11.01 158.21 40.24 54.05 163.43 16.76 65.62 11.73 73.38 310.68 17.77 10.01 95.97 87.70 21.69 100.59 8.34 1999 Tobacco Tax Capacity ($ millions) 161.73 16.37 107.18 97.96 578.89 117.95 91.19 38.92 10.25 493.38 273.63 14.72 33.93 327.55 296.12 99.77 84.75 248.41 165.21 40.50 138.14 140.80 304.53 144.25 109.29 240.76 27.82 51.83 65.78 76.82 195.16 39.40 435.94 331.64 18.11 446.79 140.97 97.78 414.63 32.72 159.07 23.49 237.88 501.34 34.04 20.89 262.20 117.93 77.85 168.69 19.92 1999 Insurance Tax Capacity ($ millions) 113.68 18.39 152.97 68.84 1,030.78 160.92 210.08 67.88 43.75 566.18 227.51 38.09 38.70 522.58 192.93 116.08 97.16 95.83 134.73 34.22 183.63 328.65 341.18 175.66 72.13 185.67 22.95 75.26 52.66 48.09 396.44 42.08 762.54 254.22 20.99 374.73 88.91 101.11 458.80 36.26 110.93 26.66 165.30 649.15 56.43 19.85 225.46 166.50 42.44 191.43 13.31 1999 Public Utility Tax Capacity ($ millions) 284.46 40.93 291.31 160.43 1,770.75 255.97 229.20 53.25 75.41 977.57 514.79 70.29 69.60 781.09 373.87 174.01 189.87 229.96 296.37 77.33 324.79 407.54 620.65 289.73 164.93 339.93 53.87 106.96 116.76 83.36 625.16 97.63 1,232.40 525.74 40.18 741.98 191.58 191.80 710.97 58.20 268.97 42.10 357.97 1,295.88 116.91 40.73 432.54 325.92 102.76 305.14 36.37 30,094.42 4,183.67 8,374.87 9,620.71 17,170.34 44 1999 1999 Pari-Mutual Amusement Tax Tax Capacity Capacity ($ millions) ($ millions) 5.68 19.06 0.00 7.37 5.68 99.36 5.02 10.66 50.73 471.96 4.22 92.84 6.95 101.50 3.16 11.06 0.00 5.04 35.75 321.38 0.00 60.75 0.00 15.19 0.74 6.80 23.23 138.69 3.27 92.77 1.41 37.42 2.44 17.42 13.27 25.35 8.37 83.35 1.46 11.91 11.94 51.21 8.77 64.97 8.77 98.02 1.52 56.62 0.00 53.77 0.00 67.28 0.23 2.21 2.36 10.99 10.57 59.85 5.13 15.29 25.84 73.53 2.08 26.08 57.79 241.78 0.00 74.68 1.86 6.90 13.21 100.55 4.58 25.69 2.08 37.49 23.98 100.99 2.18 9.66 0.00 46.32 0.80 12.16 0.00 48.55 13.15 163.15 0.00 17.52 0.00 10.06 2.55 58.38 3.33 71.15 4.61 12.76 3.24 60.52 0.25 1.64 382.17 3,291.50 Summary Data: Capacity (Continued) State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbi Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Motor Vehicle LicenseTax Capacity ($ millions) 279.88 40.26 238.99 127.66 1,857.19 266.40 196.79 44.08 15.90 807.94 495.78 51.35 81.38 677.85 391.13 224.41 157.12 197.30 246.74 66.89 274.16 379.26 589.76 299.52 163.43 316.13 70.98 109.79 85.29 77.08 422.45 113.24 754.54 412.43 49.46 733.22 208.35 214.68 650.17 53.09 211.86 55.97 316.44 953.72 111.29 36.73 416.71 350.00 96.65 311.84 38.76 Totals 272,690,813 15,342.02 1999 Motor Vehicl Operator License Tax Capacity ($ millions) 23.86 3.18 22.52 13.33 143.32 20.59 16.38 3.81 2.42 84.71 37.41 5.20 6.02 54.19 27.16 13.47 12.98 18.38 19.07 6.33 22.10 30.57 47.39 20.03 12.30 26.49 4.53 8.28 8.90 6.33 38.54 8.41 73.45 38.23 3.17 55.44 16.01 16.92 58.55 4.75 19.04 3.74 28.60 92.53 9.82 3.44 32.59 28.46 8.86 25.81 2.51 1999 Hunting and Fishing License Tax Capacity ($ millions) 12.94 14.04 16.77 21.32 63.76 24.61 5.24 1.08 0.00 38.59 27.68 0.26 23.59 28.19 21.67 21.31 12.78 21.97 26.15 7.89 14.61 9.76 63.99 42.09 12.74 43.02 21.48 14.04 6.22 7.10 9.35 8.50 44.78 19.82 10.06 39.04 14.05 40.28 71.10 1.50 14.32 12.68 34.01 54.92 20.27 5.62 27.03 29.93 9.30 68.26 9.53 1999 Corporate License Tax Capacity ($ millions) 71.27 11.90 98.90 51.84 516.26 130.06 80.00 25.74 16.20 635.71 196.15 30.20 28.08 309.64 120.25 62.45 53.79 73.93 101.12 31.77 132.13 157.61 221.23 122.69 43.37 113.01 26.56 42.44 54.25 30.39 281.28 30.34 586.98 159.20 13.31 217.91 72.83 79.28 220.32 29.55 81.96 16.10 75.29 375.96 49.02 18.87 154.67 126.50 26.20 108.67 14.13 1999 Personal Income Tax Capacity ($ millions) 2,280.71 461.09 2,948.14 1,251.51 23,967.63 3,213.40 3,279.54 606.99 477.76 10,440.60 5,102.38 730.80 651.11 9,308.77 3,705.73 1,701.63 1,652.99 2,108.56 2,205.36 719.19 4,155.35 5,677.13 6,775.76 3,648.77 1,206.46 3,464.15 444.06 1,073.23 1,448.97 883.31 6,924.89 870.12 15,201.14 4,821.02 347.87 7,346.54 1,662.14 2,188.71 8,057.38 644.17 2,128.64 416.91 3,290.76 12,483.98 1,223.32 375.49 5,154.87 4,494.62 798.50 3,513.69 327.89 1999 Corporate Income Tax Capacity ($ millions) 417.33 57.69 501.52 247.29 3,834.80 574.39 566.54 221.30 203.41 1,482.07 1,032.70 107.38 106.24 1,816.49 735.65 347.64 309.27 413.15 413.38 115.68 534.36 971.94 1,268.12 695.92 221.70 682.61 63.21 199.55 214.97 133.12 1,198.66 116.79 3,187.24 1,000.37 60.07 1,431.94 278.98 361.42 1,501.91 110.98 400.52 90.29 632.41 2,509.27 233.07 57.01 869.47 677.33 140.64 646.95 39.96 1999 Tax Property Capacity ($ millions) 2,927.77 611.32 4,357.62 1,753.48 39,320.31 2,934.57 3,893.30 795.24 549.64 12,797.60 6,267.20 1,585.31 825.74 11,237.33 4,585.54 2,642.51 2,121.82 2,782.28 2,693.15 1,080.17 4,680.44 5,903.85 8,305.47 4,534.98 1,678.33 4,147.69 846.34 1,501.90 1,619.01 1,074.83 8,360.31 1,252.42 16,562.02 6,197.83 549.02 8,588.12 2,100.61 3,704.16 9,040.55 824.28 2,697.53 635.99 4,131.12 14,414.96 1,681.00 517.29 5,924.64 6,642.06 947.23 4,381.50 464.24 1,290.11 1,169.23 6,362.83 189,308.85 33,922.37 239,671.60 45 1999 Estate and Gift Tax 1999 Severance Capacity Tax Capacity ($ millions) ($ millions) 74.62 78.27 3.95 145.61 115.33 69.27 43.48 32.11 1,014.54 176.30 86.83 68.84 158.35 2.31 30.85 0.27 22.04 0.00 650.30 48.69 156.24 41.20 29.03 2.10 13.27 10.53 398.79 48.92 105.12 35.30 38.19 12.35 62.45 50.49 56.61 101.75 88.74 329.68 23.81 2.39 179.82 10.50 238.86 4.87 209.13 54.86 84.72 38.75 37.78 14.08 137.54 32.94 10.71 28.68 33.35 4.18 65.06 74.42 26.39 1.52 248.55 7.07 31.64 130.75 791.87 25.18 167.81 18.29 5.87 21.56 389.38 52.03 68.65 114.86 58.90 7.67 326.43 79.14 32.20 0.58 72.16 13.78 7.92 6.78 92.40 20.29 374.81 564.87 27.85 62.06 25.02 1.73 202.00 38.06 98.18 17.42 23.22 111.05 104.21 8.23 17.43 125.77 7,519.38 3,135.15 1999 Other Tax Capacity ($ millions) 569.55 100.48 674.43 317.32 5,573.64 713.88 738.93 128.99 118.71 2,401.70 1,196.40 186.47 161.89 2,128.62 878.54 417.07 398.86 518.83 568.42 173.98 942.57 1,221.36 1,564.03 830.69 323.59 818.02 110.92 256.30 310.82 209.19 1,641.77 215.73 3,490.44 1,142.65 85.50 1,728.45 440.21 504.42 1,946.95 163.24 514.14 103.96 796.29 3,041.50 276.80 87.68 1,150.47 975.78 214.66 813.82 72.49 43,961.16 Summary Data: Revenue State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbi Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 General Sales Tax Revenue ($ millions) 2,740.49 126.24 4,294.02 2,019.26 27,736.14 3,381.21 3,218.06 0.00 592.72 14,464.45 7,113.32 1,447.28 701.66 6,818.07 3,308.19 1,771.92 2,153.93 2,087.74 4,083.59 828.64 2,299.61 3,269.83 7,230.37 3,434.98 2,230.31 3,925.72 0.00 1,028.50 1,940.62 0.00 5,054.44 1,812.18 15,257.21 4,400.28 380.25 7,001.95 2,313.78 0.00 6,812.20 561.19 2,423.29 563.52 5,543.11 16,096.65 1,763.94 205.63 3,094.10 8,325.98 897.47 3,440.14 432.63 Totals 272,690,813 200,626.75 1999 Motor Fuels Tax Revenue ($ millions) 538.31 38.01 584.75 380.09 3,034.05 515.77 544.67 103.12 30.97 2,093.59 566.40 134.26 212.49 1,514.05 663.94 340.77 326.00 444.70 536.58 172.98 680.06 636.55 1,074.82 580.83 403.44 665.50 160.49 264.94 300.05 119.65 483.23 247.19 505.23 1,145.97 104.89 1,377.97 384.44 405.54 746.78 119.40 351.00 107.52 769.91 2,592.32 312.71 56.62 794.80 718.25 237.13 909.08 62.62 1999 Alcohol Tax Revenue ($ millions) 169.64 12.16 48.15 29.43 270.99 26.39 40.76 10.53 4.52 577.40 257.79 37.14 17.06 101.92 35.26 17.13 69.76 21.81 55.64 12.43 24.04 61.45 134.15 60.39 43.18 24.80 16.10 16.79 17.25 11.41 86.20 36.56 195.67 203.73 5.33 93.84 61.83 11.82 168.65 9.41 140.52 10.69 91.24 480.47 24.23 13.87 113.41 159.39 8.35 41.82 1.16 1999 Tobacco Tax Revenue ($ millions) 83.01 51.79 162.84 94.59 899.89 69.75 130.54 24.46 17.11 453.90 92.50 42.28 28.49 573.30 89.89 98.31 54.55 17.67 85.69 78.36 128.79 284.44 615.45 184.89 56.98 130.60 14.08 47.08 64.00 73.77 417.55 24.75 696.19 44.69 23.03 298.10 77.76 193.81 330.42 61.47 30.15 20.42 84.95 624.07 50.46 13.57 50.34 278.49 33.08 266.82 5.79 1999 Insurance Tax Revenue ($ millions) 188.43 28.39 151.88 68.16 1,263.89 120.61 177.63 51.13 25.67 336.34 230.46 54.04 52.32 218.19 157.14 114.35 78.26 212.76 240.05 41.87 178.08 336.37 199.46 179.44 111.67 216.58 38.85 34.50 116.92 57.32 292.64 81.39 716.58 291.20 20.98 356.86 143.58 54.13 432.18 31.64 79.72 35.05 257.22 751.17 77.66 20.40 244.91 238.99 97.94 105.68 10.04 1999 Public Utilities Tax Revenue ($ millions) 484.45 3.69 149.22 75.51 1,995.14 108.13 167.70 25.96 180.35 1,998.99 161.86 149.19 12.61 1,943.17 6.14 14.92 102.65 147.58 141.28 0.62 293.29 0.00 50.92 52.30 31.19 331.53 16.55 44.45 73.74 56.58 1,096.47 40.90 2,093.27 344.32 32.15 696.46 91.29 118.21 762.44 66.59 92.94 2.87 53.15 1,174.81 68.78 9.17 526.60 553.66 220.49 294.83 11.26 30,094.42 4,183.67 8,374.87 9,620.71 17,170.34 46 1999 1999 Pari-Mutuel Amusement Tax Tax Revenue Revenue ($ millions) ($ millions) 3.82 0.09 0.00 2.19 2.95 0.72 6.23 0.22 64.08 0.00 6.11 72.99 11.03 291.03 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.05 375.33 3.67 405.93 3.35 153.76 4.12 0.98 26.76 0.24 5.41 462.03 4.67 0.00 0.72 10.10 8.27 6.52 13.29 5.99 0.88 62.76 0.00 187.34 0.00 164.66 0.13 37.85 0.70 6.32 0.00 633.80 3.64 1.83 0.00 326.46 0.70 2.89 36.92 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 11.15 16.53 0.00 4.37 8.43 1.20 0.11 30.18 0.69 5.81 0.00 0.00 34.76 1.76 0.02 0.00 0.00 13.34 22.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.11 1.91 0.00 7.95 0.00 3.39 0.57 0.29 0.00 382.17 3,291.50 Summary Data: Revenue State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbi Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 Totals 272,690,813 1999 Motor 1999 Motor 1999 Hunting and 1999 Corporate Vehicle License Vehicle Operator Fishing License License Tax Tax Revenue Tax Revenue Tax Revenue Revenue ($ millions) ($ millions) ($ millions) ($ millions) 204.72 16.62 13.48 122.62 43.95 0.00 21.64 1.42 144.06 12.96 15.28 7.11 106.72 7.46 19.72 11.44 1,662.75 141.11 60.01 32.82 197.42 11.94 53.51 4.94 225.33 29.65 4.00 12.50 30.29 0.14 0.76 459.86 17.93 1.51 0.00 3.68 910.36 113.04 26.81 126.46 217.90 40.31 18.88 34.59 106.35 0.33 0.18 2.61 107.81 5.67 23.54 1.16 893.31 59.34 20.64 121.35 141.54 0.00 14.15 4.83 325.23 10.62 18.03 32.87 146.96 12.03 14.99 24.82 211.59 6.63 16.79 173.47 107.32 8.74 14.11 300.62 82.27 5.54 11.86 3.11 177.56 21.22 9.91 11.38 234.12 59.31 6.92 21.69 771.70 43.57 47.67 11.99 596.70 27.62 44.61 4.11 109.47 21.40 12.71 71.70 264.22 21.49 29.46 102.11 63.92 5.49 28.64 1.08 94.35 8.32 11.72 5.94 111.19 11.77 6.18 19.46 61.38 8.27 6.87 4.14 363.60 31.55 10.46 149.43 132.61 7.40 14.88 2.29 702.41 84.60 32.40 73.12 425.46 81.80 21.04 227.00 39.83 3.31 6.62 0.00 685.40 39.22 31.83 394.45 579.53 6.84 15.02 38.53 340.83 20.44 30.71 5.98 735.84 51.86 45.80 1,116.33 52.58 0.41 0.72 12.22 113.04 15.03 12.32 37.16 48.93 1.35 14.25 1.89 297.35 36.72 135.66 323.38 1,136.96 98.55 56.44 2,127.76 78.15 5.79 19.37 1.52 33.65 3.75 6.26 1.27 399.60 27.58 20.29 27.53 393.19 27.65 25.81 13.17 81.68 4.47 15.36 7.90 276.68 27.33 58.84 59.92 56.33 2.38 22.09 6.10 15,342.02 1,290.11 1,169.23 6,362.83 1999 Personal Income Tax Revenue ($ millions) 2,044.78 0.00 2,098.35 1,433.85 30,732.36 3,354.87 3,609.99 813.72 952.16 0.00 5,696.76 1,068.97 847.02 7,247.52 4,214.57 1,754.70 1,696.28 3,221.02 1,535.65 1,020.01 6,563.47 8,036.59 7,475.91 5,306.24 983.05 3,855.77 483.03 1,071.88 0.00 63.13 6,353.98 809.57 26,045.07 6,586.15 181.98 10,288.39 2,070.45 3,709.59 8,846.07 762.78 2,298.23 0.00 160.18 0.00 1,461.30 383.45 6,087.86 0.00 919.95 5,162.24 0.00 1999 Corporate Income Tax Revenue ($ millions) 233.02 211.81 545.39 212.21 5,459.20 301.04 474.51 232.53 217.60 1,266.96 793.17 52.41 96.15 2,103.93 989.63 234.54 253.84 312.07 286.32 147.49 404.97 1,249.67 2,413.62 779.18 229.50 276.52 89.62 135.03 0.00 255.82 1,333.96 163.96 5,827.19 920.58 93.60 751.57 187.31 324.39 1,537.72 66.32 257.49 50.82 571.43 0.00 180.14 49.70 414.39 0.00 263.12 670.96 0.00 1999 Property Tax Revenue ($ millions) 1,191.79 727.81 3,584.16 966.75 25,424.96 3,413.61 5,174.84 348.52 679.55 13,900.95 5,422.82 594.56 815.66 14,099.97 5,177.13 2,532.74 2,115.02 1,666.33 1,620.13 1,546.86 4,144.06 7,300.56 8,810.59 4,458.85 1,389.92 3,305.36 891.13 1,567.01 1,261.14 2,014.40 14,336.03 587.85 24,758.69 4,350.64 497.22 9,334.35 1,237.65 2,558.19 9,659.06 1,285.11 2,475.95 617.29 2,684.03 18,804.96 1,191.69 765.69 5,757.55 5,763.41 811.77 5,524.61 522.70 189,308.85 33,922.37 239,671.60 47 1999 Estate and Gift Tax 1999 Severance Revenue Tax Revenue ($ millions) ($ millions) 62.78 50.38 1.73 426.02 89.09 0.00 32.57 10.24 877.90 33.74 65.39 33.98 250.17 0.00 27.06 0.00 26.25 0.00 649.52 67.10 111.19 0.00 28.74 0.00 11.13 4.55 346.98 0.00 148.71 0.51 72.84 0.00 70.24 49.28 81.48 174.78 95.97 350.70 29.77 0.00 126.17 0.00 173.87 0.00 174.89 24.21 58.13 2.16 30.77 19.26 118.67 0.03 18.30 74.19 17.45 0.76 41.47 33.19 49.37 0.00 423.02 0.00 21.91 269.94 1,071.46 0.00 182.85 1.95 7.42 100.11 141.46 12.17 88.80 210.21 47.98 49.56 760.70 0.00 46.85 0.00 57.19 0.00 26.43 3.18 89.13 0.80 256.28 705.25 8.24 14.51 23.36 0.00 154.08 1.82 69.70 62.32 27.33 153.36 116.90 2.46 9.73 192.44 7,519.38 3,135.15 1999 Other Tax Revenue ($ millions) 637.94 67.71 347.26 167.11 5,271.22 372.85 522.67 342.34 223.29 3,222.24 762.72 193.87 112.84 1,537.16 219.79 180.66 118.71 888.64 602.00 75.60 1,483.68 584.16 816.04 1,358.64 159.57 597.92 101.22 266.49 661.55 322.61 826.20 213.99 4,056.58 1,050.48 155.72 786.29 252.43 664.91 3,155.49 114.04 662.51 145.41 692.04 4,281.04 213.39 198.76 1,840.19 1,483.37 486.90 440.95 21.98 43,961.16 General Sales and Gross Reciepts State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 Totals RTS rate 1999 Total Retail Sales and Gross Reciepts Base ($ millions) 40,789.6 6,100.1 55,065.4 23,641.3 381,023.9 52,444.5 37,978.6 9,661.0 5,739.5 192,875.4 89,824.0 17,209.7 13,483.2 125,891.1 63,171.9 28,081.6 25,986.1 37,605.9 41,970.0 13,316.3 56,138.6 71,170.9 109,691.0 54,250.0 23,555.8 56,664.1 8,900.7 17,129.7 37,581.8 18,350.1 96,262.1 18,758.6 186,518.7 88,277.5 7,031.9 116,495.0 29,530.8 39,757.6 119,225.5 8,606.0 40,016.4 7,820.2 61,338.4 206,908.9 23,165.3 6,618.1 74,441.0 61,792.3 15,278.4 55,447.7 4,039.9 272,690,813 2,981,485.5 6.73 cents per dollar cents per dollar 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 2,744.77 410.48 3,705.40 1,590.84 25,639.43 3,529.03 2,555.61 650.10 386.22 12,978.76 6,044.33 1,158.05 907.30 8,471.32 4,250.89 1,889.64 1,748.63 2,530.53 2,824.20 896.07 3,777.62 4,789.15 7,381.20 3,650.53 1,585.09 3,812.98 598.94 1,152.67 2,528.91 1,234.79 6,477.56 1,262.28 12,551.00 5,940.27 473.18 7,839.05 1,987.15 2,675.33 8,022.79 579.11 2,692.74 526.23 4,127.52 13,923.08 1,558.81 445.34 5,009.20 4,158.06 1,028.09 3,731.13 271.85 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 628.11 662.60 775.46 623.52 773.55 870.05 778.67 862.73 744.16 858.88 776.08 976.85 724.85 698.47 715.29 658.55 658.85 638.89 645.97 715.11 730.45 775.55 748.31 764.43 572.52 697.28 678.47 691.87 1,397.77 1,028.02 795.44 725.51 689.74 776.43 746.74 696.39 591.76 806.76 668.90 584.47 692.98 717.78 752.71 694.62 731.89 750.06 728.83 722.34 568.97 710.63 566.83 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 200,626.75 735.73 48 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 627.13 203.77 898.64 791.44 836.81 833.60 980.51 0.00 1,142.04 957.20 913.34 1,220.82 560.56 562.16 556.66 617.52 811.56 527.10 934.03 661.30 444.66 529.51 733.02 719.29 805.57 717.90 0.00 617.34 1,072.61 0.00 620.68 1,041.57 838.46 575.14 600.08 622.03 689.03 0.00 567.97 566.39 623.64 768.65 1,010.86 803.06 828.20 346.34 450.19 1,446.40 496.68 655.21 902.07 1999 Tax Effort Index 85 90 105 85 105 118 106 117 101 117 105 133 99 95 97 90 90 87 88 97 99 105 102 104 78 95 92 94 190 140 108 99 94 106 101 95 80 110 91 79 94 98 102 94 99 102 99 98 77 97 77 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 2,740.49 126.24 4,294.02 2,019.26 27,736.14 3,381.21 3,218.06 0.00 592.72 14,464.45 7,113.32 1,447.28 701.66 6,818.07 3,308.19 1,771.92 2,153.93 2,087.74 4,083.59 828.64 2,299.61 3,269.83 7,230.37 3,434.98 2,230.31 3,925.72 0.00 1,028.50 1,940.62 0.00 5,054.44 1,812.18 15,257.21 4,400.28 380.25 7,001.95 2,313.78 0.00 6,812.20 561.19 2,423.29 563.52 5,543.11 16,096.65 1,763.94 205.63 3,094.10 8,325.98 897.47 3,440.14 432.63 100 200,626.75 735.73 100 100 31 116 127 108 96 126 0 153 111 118 125 77 80 78 94 123 83 145 92 61 68 98 94 141 103 0 89 77 0 78 144 122 74 80 89 116 0 85 97 90 107 134 116 113 46 62 200 87 92 159 Selective Sales--Total State 1999 State Population 1999 Tax Base Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 272,690,813 Totals RTS rate 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 282.77 262.91 269.80 292.93 227.66 281.57 303.53 363.70 347.91 283.81 297.05 200.46 264.26 259.56 304.49 295.01 284.12 302.70 291.03 270.23 255.16 264.55 266.10 273.73 303.42 303.78 281.98 303.60 315.30 337.02 285.08 278.94 231.79 289.75 309.39 271.53 284.40 240.24 254.38 244.24 303.29 301.84 288.97 266.30 226.51 295.86 278.63 237.22 261.33 272.35 418.94 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 1,235.7 162.9 1,289.2 747.4 7,545.7 1,142.1 996.2 274.1 180.6 4,288.8 2,313.5 237.6 330.8 3,148.0 1,809.6 846.5 754.1 1,198.9 1,272.4 338.6 1,319.6 1,633.6 2,624.8 1,307.2 840.1 1,661.2 248.9 505.8 570.5 404.8 2,321.5 485.3 4,217.8 2,216.8 196.1 3,056.5 955.0 796.7 3,051.0 242.0 1,178.5 221.3 1,584.6 5,337.7 482.4 175.7 1,915.0 1,365.5 472.2 1,430.0 200.9 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 331.32 221.40 230.31 256.27 227.20 226.74 416.43 286.68 498.86 364.66 165.47 352.82 249.00 389.03 228.39 256.97 239.95 231.98 348.48 264.27 254.26 215.97 211.53 234.42 299.93 280.46 321.79 249.23 665.38 270.03 330.61 249.09 233.66 264.46 312.54 252.21 229.03 236.82 206.20 296.95 183.62 243.40 242.68 282.47 249.89 191.64 252.14 338.94 336.13 309.01 190.29 1999 Tax Effort Index 105 98 101 109 85 105 113 136 130 106 111 75 99 97 114 110 106 113 109 101 95 99 99 102 113 113 105 113 118 126 106 104 86 108 115 101 106 90 95 91 113 113 108 99 84 110 104 88 97 102 156 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 1,447.84 137.16 1,100.51 653.84 7,530.44 919.68 1,366.74 216.03 258.91 5,510.46 1,288.71 418.27 311.67 4,718.33 1,357.28 737.36 636.84 918.85 1,523.56 331.14 1,314.94 1,333.67 2,086.51 1,119.50 830.40 1,533.66 284.07 415.23 1,203.85 324.35 2,692.33 433.38 4,251.83 2,023.35 198.05 2,839.09 769.08 785.33 2,473.19 294.22 713.50 178.45 1,330.75 5,661.84 532.22 113.79 1,732.97 1,951.04 607.37 1,622.46 91.27 n/a 73,117.7 268.13 100 73,125.30 268.16 100 see individual bases 49 117 84 85 87 100 81 137 79 143 128 56 176 94 150 75 87 84 77 120 98 100 82 79 86 99 92 114 82 211 80 116 89 101 91 101 93 81 99 81 122 61 81 84 106 110 65 90 143 129 113 45 Selective Sales--Motor Fuels State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Base: Motor Fuel (millions of gallons) 3,134.3 360.4 2,891.5 1,965.1 16,618.6 2,308.7 1,611.8 444.9 166.6 8,519.1 5,896.3 422.9 850.2 6,128.1 4,061.0 1,996.4 1,735.1 2,835.2 2,687.6 808.7 2,818.2 3,039.5 5,839.9 2,953.1 2,105.1 3,915.3 666.0 1,227.9 1,141.0 749.5 4,647.7 1,317.5 6,549.7 4,884.7 512.1 6,446.9 2,444.8 1,649.2 6,220.5 455.3 2,785.5 550.9 3,703.9 12,694.4 1,265.8 391.4 4,423.8 3,130.7 1,109.3 3,169.8 639.3 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 593.6 68.3 547.6 372.2 3,147.6 437.3 305.3 84.3 31.6 1,613.5 1,116.8 80.1 161.0 1,160.7 769.2 378.1 328.6 537.0 509.0 153.2 533.8 575.7 1,106.1 559.3 398.7 741.6 126.1 232.6 216.1 142.0 880.3 249.5 1,240.5 925.2 97.0 1,221.1 463.1 312.4 1,178.2 86.2 527.6 104.4 701.5 2,404.3 239.8 74.1 837.9 593.0 210.1 600.4 121.1 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 135.85 110.19 114.61 145.88 94.96 107.81 93.02 111.84 60.80 106.78 143.39 67.57 128.65 95.70 129.42 131.78 123.82 135.58 116.43 122.24 103.21 93.23 112.14 117.12 144.01 135.61 142.90 139.59 119.45 118.19 108.10 143.42 68.17 120.93 153.06 108.48 137.90 94.19 98.23 87.02 135.77 142.33 127.93 119.95 112.57 124.85 121.91 103.01 116.28 114.34 252.49 272,690,813 158,891.4 30,094.4 110.36 18.94 cents per gallon 50 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 123 100 104 132 86 98 84 101 55 97 130 61 117 87 117 119 112 123 105 111 94 84 102 106 130 123 129 126 108 107 98 130 62 110 139 98 125 85 89 79 123 129 116 109 102 113 110 93 105 104 229 100 1999 Tax Revenue 1999 Revenue per capita ($ millions) ($/person) 538.31 123.19 38.01 61.36 584.75 122.37 380.09 148.97 3,034.05 91.54 515.77 127.16 544.67 165.95 103.12 136.85 30.97 59.66 2,093.59 138.55 566.40 72.73 134.26 113.25 212.49 169.76 1,514.05 124.84 663.94 111.72 340.77 118.76 326.00 122.83 444.70 112.27 536.58 122.73 172.98 138.04 680.06 131.50 636.55 103.08 1,074.82 108.97 580.83 121.63 403.44 145.72 665.50 121.70 160.49 181.80 264.94 159.03 300.05 165.84 119.65 99.62 483.23 59.34 247.19 142.07 505.23 27.77 1,145.97 149.78 104.89 165.53 1,377.97 122.41 384.44 114.48 405.54 122.29 746.78 62.26 119.40 120.51 351.00 90.33 107.52 146.66 769.91 140.40 2,592.32 129.33 312.71 146.82 56.62 95.36 794.80 115.64 718.25 124.77 237.13 131.23 909.08 173.14 62.62 130.56 30,094.42 110.36 1999 Tax Effort Index 91 56 107 102 96 118 178 122 98 130 51 168 132 130 86 90 99 83 105 113 127 111 97 104 101 90 127 114 139 84 55 99 41 124 108 113 83 130 63 138 67 103 110 108 130 76 95 121 113 151 52 100 Selective Sales--Alcoholic Beverages State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 57.4 11.5 85.0 32.3 494.9 72.9 52.0 15.5 14.6 281.0 120.1 19.3 20.0 194.2 81.4 39.7 33.8 49.1 75.3 20.0 76.1 107.2 145.5 80.1 41.2 85.9 15.7 25.9 48.7 34.2 125.1 28.5 246.8 105.4 11.0 158.2 40.2 54.0 163.4 16.8 65.6 11.7 73.4 310.7 17.8 10.0 96.0 87.7 21.7 100.6 8.3 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 13.14 18.63 17.80 12.65 14.93 17.98 15.84 20.61 28.06 18.59 15.42 16.24 15.96 16.01 13.71 13.83 12.73 12.40 17.23 15.98 14.72 17.36 14.75 16.77 14.89 15.72 17.78 15.52 26.93 28.43 15.37 16.39 13.56 13.77 17.37 14.05 11.98 16.30 13.63 16.91 16.89 16.01 13.38 15.50 8.34 16.86 13.96 15.24 12.00 19.16 17.39 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Base:Total Alcohol (millions) 6.6 1.3 9.7 3.7 56.5 8.3 5.9 1.8 1.7 32.1 13.7 2.2 2.3 22.2 9.3 4.5 3.9 5.6 8.6 2.3 8.7 12.2 16.6 9.1 4.7 9.8 1.8 3.0 5.6 3.9 14.3 3.3 28.2 12.0 1.3 18.1 4.6 6.2 18.6 1.9 7.5 1.3 8.4 35.4 2.0 1.1 11.0 10.0 2.5 11.5 1.0 272,690,813 477.4 4,183.7 15.34 $8.76/gallon 51 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 38.82 19.62 10.08 11.54 8.18 6.51 12.42 13.98 8.71 38.21 33.10 31.33 13.63 8.40 5.93 5.97 26.28 5.51 12.73 9.92 4.65 9.95 13.60 12.65 15.59 4.53 18.24 10.08 9.54 9.50 10.59 21.01 10.75 26.63 8.42 8.34 18.41 3.57 14.06 9.50 36.16 14.59 16.64 23.97 11.38 23.36 16.50 27.69 4.62 7.97 2.42 1999 Tax Effort Index 86 121 116 82 97 117 103 134 183 121 100 106 104 104 89 90 83 81 112 104 96 113 96 109 97 102 116 101 176 185 100 107 88 90 113 92 78 106 89 110 110 104 87 101 54 110 91 99 78 125 113 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 169.6 12.2 48.2 29.4 271.0 26.4 40.8 10.5 4.5 577.4 257.8 37.1 17.1 101.9 35.3 17.1 69.8 21.8 55.6 12.4 24.0 61.4 134.1 60.4 43.2 24.8 16.1 16.8 17.3 11.4 86.2 36.6 195.7 203.7 5.3 93.8 61.8 11.8 168.7 9.4 140.5 10.7 91.2 480.5 24.2 13.9 113.4 159.4 8.4 41.8 1.2 100 4,183.7 15.34 100 295 105 57 91 55 36 78 68 31 205 215 193 85 52 43 43 206 44 74 62 32 57 92 75 105 29 103 65 35 33 69 128 79 193 48 59 154 22 103 56 214 91 124 155 136 139 118 182 39 42 14 Selective Sales--Alcoholic Beverages, Distilled Spirits Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 State Population 1999 Base:Distilled Spirits Consumption (millions of gallons) 4,369,862 1.81 619,500 0.46 4,778,332 2.69 2,551,373 1.11 33,145,121 16.01 4,056,133 2.64 3,282,031 2.02 753,538 0.62 519,000 0.66 15,111,244 10.22 7,788,240 4.39 1,185,497 0.54 1,251,700 0.51 12,128,370 6.35 5,942,901 2.89 2,869,413 1.11 2,654,052 1.15 3,960,825 1.73 4,372,035 2.44 1,253,040 0.73 5,171,634 3.07 6,175,169 3.95 9,863,775 5.40 4,775,508 3.27 2,768,619 1.34 5,468,338 2.86 882,779 0.48 1,666,028 0.80 1,809,253 1.91 1,201,134 1.67 8,143,412 4.69 1,739,844 0.82 18,196,601 8.43 7,650,789 3.24 633,666 0.40 11,256,654 4.32 3,358,044 1.20 3,316,154 1.69 11,994,016 4.58 990,819 0.56 3,885,736 2.29 733,133 0.41 5,483,535 2.24 20,044,141 7.79 2,129,836 0.62 593,740 0.30 6,872,912 2.65 5,756,361 2.93 1,806,928 0.56 5,250,446 3.66 479,602 0.33 272,690,813 $13.65/gallon 138.51 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 24.8 6.3 36.7 15.2 218.6 36.0 27.6 8.5 9.1 139.6 60.0 7.3 6.9 86.8 39.4 15.2 15.7 23.6 33.4 10.0 41.9 53.9 73.8 44.6 18.2 39.0 6.5 10.9 26.1 22.8 64.1 11.1 115.2 44.2 5.5 59.0 16.4 23.1 62.5 7.6 31.2 5.6 30.6 106.4 8.4 4.2 36.2 40.0 7.6 49.9 4.5 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 5.67 10.24 7.68 5.95 6.60 8.88 8.40 11.29 17.47 9.24 7.70 6.20 5.53 7.15 6.63 5.30 5.91 5.95 7.64 7.95 8.09 8.74 7.48 9.34 6.59 7.13 7.36 6.57 14.42 19.01 7.87 6.41 6.33 5.78 8.70 5.25 4.87 6.98 5.21 7.69 8.04 7.68 5.59 5.31 3.95 6.99 5.27 6.95 4.20 9.51 9.28 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 1,891.8 6.94 52 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 14.68 9.83 4.11 4.38 3.85 3.80 6.84 7.21 4.58 14.11 7.63 6.56 8.80 4.36 2.95 0.00 9.16 3.52 3.29 1.19 2.16 5.96 8.75 8.62 4.11 2.57 12.35 3.45 5.00 0.03 6.36 7.03 6.96 14.65 3.92 3.09 8.71 0.00 8.62 5.01 15.26 6.19 8.63 8.40 5.13 15.12 7.75 19.69 0.00 5.79 1.62 1999 Tax Effort Index 81.66 147.62 110.73 85.73 95.08 127.94 121.14 162.77 251.88 133.14 111.03 89.34 79.66 103.12 95.61 76.47 85.12 85.74 110.05 114.54 116.68 125.92 107.78 134.68 94.93 102.84 106.16 94.71 207.89 274.05 113.37 92.33 91.25 83.32 125.36 75.61 70.26 100.60 75.10 110.77 115.90 110.64 80.55 76.49 56.94 100.80 75.92 100.19 60.58 137.05 133.82 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 64.16 6.09 19.65 11.17 127.52 15.43 22.43 5.43 2.38 213.22 59.43 7.77 11.01 52.88 17.51 0.00 24.30 13.94 14.36 1.49 11.16 36.81 86.34 41.17 11.39 14.07 10.90 5.74 9.05 0.04 51.80 12.24 126.73 112.12 2.48 34.79 29.24 0.00 103.38 4.96 59.29 4.54 47.34 168.35 10.93 8.98 53.29 113.37 0.00 30.41 0.78 100.00 1891.84 6.94 100 259 96 54 74 58 43 81 64 26 153 99 106 159 61 44 0 155 59 43 15 27 68 117 92 62 36 168 52 35 0 81 110 110 254 45 59 179 0 165 65 190 81 154 158 130 216 147 283 0 61 17 Selective Sales--Alcoholic Beverages, Beer 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 272690813.00 $6.81/gallon 1999 Base:Beer Consumption (millions of gallons) 4.18 0.67 5.72 2.32 28.54 4.44 2.59 0.85 0.65 16.88 7.69 1.29 1.15 12.55 5.48 3.12 2.37 3.45 5.34 1.19 4.37 5.72 9.38 4.83 3.16 5.94 1.11 1.91 2.73 1.69 6.51 2.10 14.18 7.30 0.78 11.96 3.05 3.30 12.08 0.96 4.52 0.85 5.44 24.25 1.25 0.61 6.61 5.15 1.77 6.71 0.55 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 28.5 4.5 39.0 15.8 194.6 30.3 17.7 5.8 4.4 115.1 52.5 8.8 7.8 85.6 37.4 21.3 16.2 23.6 36.4 8.1 29.8 39.0 64.0 33.0 21.6 40.5 7.5 13.0 18.6 11.5 44.4 14.3 96.7 49.8 5.3 81.5 20.8 22.5 82.4 6.6 30.8 5.8 37.1 165.4 8.5 4.1 45.0 35.1 12.1 45.8 3.8 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 6.53 7.34 8.16 6.20 5.87 7.46 5.39 7.73 8.54 7.62 6.74 7.40 6.25 7.06 6.29 7.42 6.09 5.95 8.32 6.46 5.76 6.32 6.49 6.90 7.79 7.40 8.54 7.82 10.30 9.60 5.45 8.24 5.31 6.50 8.40 7.24 6.20 6.78 6.87 6.63 7.94 7.87 6.76 8.25 4.00 6.98 6.55 6.10 6.69 8.72 7.83 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 271.24 1,849.6 6.78 53 96.24 108.24 120.28 91.46 86.57 110.04 79.43 114.00 125.91 112.28 99.32 109.06 92.13 104.04 92.75 109.38 89.79 87.68 122.74 95.32 84.87 93.12 95.64 101.73 114.82 109.12 125.96 115.23 151.81 141.54 80.34 121.52 78.32 95.89 123.83 106.80 91.40 99.89 101.27 97.81 117.04 116.01 99.73 121.65 58.93 102.86 96.63 89.89 98.65 128.57 115.50 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 98.29 4.89 20.53 15.77 124.42 8.02 11.65 2.95 1.28 256.46 174.94 25.01 3.58 38.94 14.32 13.25 39.83 6.17 39.82 9.08 8.98 13.48 40.52 15.65 30.61 7.93 3.44 9.66 5.27 11.35 17.55 19.72 60.66 82.38 2.52 52.31 27.35 6.17 25.48 2.55 74.80 5.43 30.95 283.76 10.76 3.84 39.98 30.64 7.21 9.16 0.23 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 22.49 7.90 4.30 6.18 3.75 1.98 3.55 3.92 2.47 16.97 22.46 21.10 2.86 3.21 2.41 4.62 15.01 1.56 9.11 7.25 1.74 2.18 4.11 3.28 11.06 1.45 3.90 5.80 2.92 9.45 2.15 11.33 3.33 10.77 3.98 4.65 8.14 1.86 2.12 2.57 19.25 7.41 5.64 14.16 5.05 6.46 5.82 5.32 3.99 1.75 0.48 100.00 1849.56 6.78 1999 Tax Effort Index 345 108 53 100 64 26 66 51 29 223 333 285 46 45 38 62 246 26 109 112 30 35 63 48 142 20 46 74 28 98 40 138 63 166 47 64 131 27 31 39 243 94 83 172 126 93 89 87 60 20 6 100 Selective Sales--Alcoholic Beverages, Wine Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 1999 State Population 1999 Base:Wine Consumption (millions of gallons) 4,369,862 0.56 619,500 0.19 4,778,332 1.30 2,551,373 0.25 33,145,121 11.93 4,056,133 1.25 3,282,031 1.32 753,538 0.29 519,000 0.35 15,111,244 4.97 7,788,240 1.61 1,185,497 0.37 1,251,700 0.63 12,128,370 3.25 5,942,901 0.93 2,869,413 0.29 2,654,052 0.34 3,960,825 0.43 4,372,035 0.81 1,253,040 0.37 5,171,634 1.26 6,175,169 2.56 9,863,775 1.82 4,775,508 1.04 2,768,619 0.21 5,468,338 1.02 882,779 0.21 1,666,028 0.24 1,809,253 0.92 1,201,134 0.53 8,143,412 3.08 1,739,844 0.33 18,196,601 5.55 7,650,789 1.49 633,666 0.07 11,256,654 1.77 3,358,044 0.34 3,316,154 1.18 11,994,016 1.99 990,819 0.39 3,885,736 0.68 733,133 0.08 5,483,535 0.69 20,044,141 3.41 2,129,836 0.16 593,740 0.23 6,872,912 1.69 5,756,361 1.93 1,806,928 0.15 5,250,446 1.11 479602.00 0.07 Totals RTS rate 272690813.00 $6.54/gallon 67.62 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 3.6 1.2 8.5 1.6 78.0 8.1 8.6 1.9 2.3 32.5 10.6 2.4 4.1 21.3 6.0 1.9 2.2 2.8 5.3 2.4 8.2 16.8 11.9 6.8 1.4 6.6 1.4 1.6 6.0 3.5 20.2 2.2 36.3 9.7 0.5 11.6 2.2 7.7 13.0 2.6 4.4 0.5 4.5 22.3 1.1 1.5 11.1 12.6 1.0 7.3 0.5 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 0.83 1.96 1.78 0.64 2.35 2.01 2.63 2.56 4.38 2.15 1.35 2.06 3.27 1.75 1.02 0.67 0.83 0.70 1.22 1.92 1.59 2.72 1.21 1.42 0.49 1.21 1.55 0.94 3.31 2.91 2.47 1.26 2.00 1.27 0.74 1.03 0.66 2.32 1.09 2.58 1.14 0.72 0.82 1.11 0.50 2.54 1.61 2.19 0.53 1.38 1.02 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 442.3 1.62 54 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 1.65 1.89 1.67 0.98 0.57 0.73 2.03 2.85 1.66 7.13 3.01 3.67 1.97 0.83 0.58 1.35 2.12 0.43 0.33 1.48 0.76 1.81 0.74 0.75 0.42 0.51 1.99 0.83 1.62 0.02 2.07 2.65 0.46 1.21 0.52 0.60 1.56 1.71 3.32 1.92 1.66 0.98 2.36 1.42 1.19 1.78 2.93 2.67 0.63 0.43 0.32 1999 Tax Effort Index 51.40 120.75 109.63 39.67 145.11 123.88 162.13 157.61 270.01 132.54 83.55 126.71 201.84 108.20 62.77 41.11 51.28 43.37 75.08 118.43 97.90 167.44 74.47 87.57 30.08 74.85 95.47 57.85 204.28 179.28 152.57 77.53 123.09 78.35 45.82 63.45 40.83 143.19 66.93 158.93 70.21 44.55 50.74 68.58 30.96 156.55 99.37 135.24 32.47 85.14 62.64 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 7.19 1.17 7.97 2.49 19.06 2.94 6.68 2.15 0.86 107.72 23.42 4.35 2.47 10.11 3.42 3.88 5.62 1.70 1.45 1.86 3.91 11.16 7.29 3.57 1.18 2.80 1.75 1.39 2.93 0.02 16.86 4.61 8.28 9.23 0.33 6.75 5.23 5.65 39.79 1.90 6.43 0.72 12.95 28.36 2.53 1.05 20.14 15.38 1.14 2.25 0.15 100.00 442.27 1.62 100 197 97 94 152 24 36 77 111 38 332 222 179 60 47 57 203 255 61 27 77 48 67 61 53 87 42 128 89 49 1 84 211 23 95 70 58 235 73 306 74 145 136 287 127 237 70 182 122 120 31 32 Selective Sales--Tobacco State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 161.7 16.4 107.2 98.0 578.9 117.9 91.2 38.9 10.3 493.4 273.6 14.7 33.9 327.5 296.1 99.8 84.8 248.4 165.2 40.5 138.1 140.8 304.5 144.3 109.3 240.8 27.8 51.8 65.8 76.8 195.2 39.4 435.9 331.6 18.1 446.8 141.0 97.8 414.6 32.7 159.1 23.5 237.9 501.3 34.0 20.9 262.2 117.9 77.8 168.7 19.9 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 37.01 26.42 22.43 38.39 17.47 29.08 27.78 51.65 19.75 32.65 35.13 12.41 27.10 27.01 49.83 34.77 31.93 62.72 37.79 32.32 26.71 22.80 30.87 30.21 39.47 44.03 31.52 31.11 36.36 63.96 23.97 22.64 23.96 43.35 28.59 39.69 41.98 29.49 34.57 33.03 40.94 32.04 43.38 25.01 15.98 35.18 38.15 20.49 43.08 32.13 41.54 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Total Tobacco Tax Base (packages taxed) (millions) 424.1 42.9 281.1 256.9 1,518.0 309.3 239.1 102.1 26.9 1,293.8 717.5 38.6 89.0 858.9 776.5 261.6 222.2 651.4 433.2 106.2 362.2 369.2 798.6 378.3 286.6 631.4 73.0 135.9 172.5 201.4 511.8 103.3 1,143.2 869.7 47.5 1,171.6 369.7 256.4 1,087.3 85.8 417.1 61.6 623.8 1,314.7 89.3 54.8 687.6 309.2 204.1 442.4 52.2 272,690,813 21,961.6 8,374.9 30.71 38.13 cents per pack 55 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 19.00 83.60 34.08 37.08 27.15 17.20 39.77 32.45 32.96 30.04 11.88 35.67 22.76 47.27 15.13 34.26 20.55 4.46 19.60 62.54 24.90 46.06 62.39 38.72 20.58 23.88 15.95 28.26 35.37 61.41 51.27 14.22 38.26 5.84 36.34 26.48 23.16 58.44 27.55 62.04 7.76 27.86 15.49 31.13 23.69 22.86 7.32 48.38 18.31 50.82 12.06 1999 Tax Effort Index 121 86 73 125 57 95 90 168 64 106 114 40 88 88 162 113 104 204 123 105 87 74 101 98 129 143 103 101 118 208 78 74 78 141 93 129 137 96 113 108 133 104 141 81 52 115 124 67 140 105 135 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 83.01 51.79 162.84 94.59 899.89 69.75 130.54 24.46 17.11 453.90 92.50 42.28 28.49 573.30 89.89 98.31 54.55 17.67 85.69 78.36 128.79 284.44 615.45 184.89 56.98 130.60 14.08 47.08 64.00 73.77 417.55 24.75 696.19 44.69 23.03 298.10 77.76 193.81 330.42 61.47 30.15 20.42 84.95 624.07 50.46 13.57 50.34 278.49 33.08 266.82 5.79 100 8,374.87 30.71 100 51 316 152 97 155 59 143 63 167 92 34 287 84 175 30 99 64 7 52 193 93 202 202 128 52 54 51 91 97 96 214 63 160 13 127 67 55 198 80 188 19 87 36 124 148 65 19 236 42 158 29 Selective Sales--Insurance State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 Life Insurance ($ millions) 4,734.5 656.0 7,011.5 2,798.0 43,108.0 7,376.0 11,529.5 4,003.0 2,467.5 24,310.0 9,568.5 1,680.0 1,803.0 26,388.0 8,424.5 6,073.0 4,635.5 3,715.5 5,369.0 1,484.0 8,943.5 17,806.0 15,251.5 7,821.5 3,085.0 8,732.0 852.0 3,812.5 2,074.5 2,394.5 19,117.5 1,675.5 36,529.0 12,231.0 853.5 17,668.5 3,601.0 4,173.0 22,559.5 1,619.0 4,367.5 1,197.5 7,416.5 29,614.5 2,512.0 878.0 11,266.0 7,368.0 1,715.5 9,211.0 563.0 1999 Total Insurance Base ($ millions) 8,738.5 1,413.8 11,758.7 5,291.4 79,235.8 12,369.6 16,149.0 5,217.7 3,363.1 43,522.5 17,488.9 2,928.1 2,975.0 40,170.7 14,830.7 8,922.9 7,468.4 7,366.4 10,356.4 2,630.8 14,116.0 25,263.4 26,226.7 13,502.8 5,544.7 14,272.6 1,764.0 5,785.3 4,048.3 3,696.9 30,474.3 3,235.0 58,616.5 19,541.6 1,613.7 28,805.2 6,834.3 7,772.5 35,268.3 2,787.1 8,526.9 2,049.3 12,706.3 49,900.1 4,337.8 1,525.7 17,331.0 12,798.9 3,262.3 14,714.9 1,023.4 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 113.68 18.39 152.97 68.84 1,030.78 160.92 210.08 67.88 43.75 566.18 227.51 38.09 38.70 522.58 192.93 116.08 97.16 95.83 134.73 34.22 183.63 328.65 341.18 175.66 72.13 185.67 22.95 75.26 52.66 48.09 396.44 42.08 762.54 254.22 20.99 374.73 88.91 101.11 458.80 36.26 110.93 26.66 165.30 649.15 56.43 19.85 225.46 166.50 42.44 191.43 13.31 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 26.01 29.69 32.01 26.98 31.10 39.67 64.01 90.08 84.30 37.47 29.21 32.13 30.92 43.09 32.46 40.45 36.61 24.19 30.82 27.31 35.51 53.22 34.59 36.78 26.05 33.95 25.99 45.17 29.11 40.04 48.68 24.19 41.91 33.23 33.13 33.29 26.48 30.49 38.25 36.59 28.55 36.36 30.14 32.39 26.49 33.43 32.80 28.92 23.49 36.46 27.76 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Casuality/Property Insurance ($ millions) 4,004.0 757.8 4,747.2 2,493.4 36,127.8 4,993.6 4,619.5 1,214.7 895.6 19,212.5 7,920.4 1,248.1 1,172.0 13,782.7 6,406.2 2,849.9 2,832.9 3,650.9 4,987.4 1,146.8 5,172.5 7,457.4 10,975.2 5,681.3 2,459.7 5,540.6 912.0 1,972.8 1,973.8 1,302.4 11,356.8 1,559.5 22,087.5 7,310.6 760.2 11,136.7 3,233.3 3,599.5 12,708.8 1,168.1 4,159.4 851.8 5,289.8 20,285.6 1,825.8 647.7 6,065.0 5,430.9 1,546.8 5,503.9 460.4 272,690,813 295,499.1 444,046.0 739,545.1 9,620.71 35.28 1.30 cents per dollar 56 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 43.12 45.83 31.79 26.71 38.13 29.73 54.12 67.86 49.46 22.26 29.59 45.58 41.80 17.99 26.44 39.85 29.49 53.72 54.90 33.41 34.43 54.47 20.22 37.57 40.33 39.61 44.01 20.70 64.62 47.72 35.94 46.78 39.38 38.06 33.10 31.70 42.76 16.32 36.03 31.94 20.52 47.81 46.91 37.48 36.46 34.36 35.63 41.52 54.20 20.13 20.94 1999 Tax Effort Index 74 84 91 76 88 112 181 255 239 106 83 91 88 122 92 115 104 69 87 77 101 151 98 104 74 96 74 128 83 113 138 69 119 94 94 94 75 86 108 104 81 103 85 92 75 95 93 82 67 103 79 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 188.43 28.39 151.88 68.16 1,263.89 120.61 177.63 51.13 25.67 336.34 230.46 54.04 52.32 218.19 157.14 114.35 78.26 212.76 240.05 41.87 178.08 336.37 199.46 179.44 111.67 216.58 38.85 34.50 116.92 57.32 292.64 81.39 716.58 291.20 20.98 356.86 143.58 54.13 432.18 31.64 79.72 35.05 257.22 751.17 77.66 20.40 244.91 238.99 97.94 105.68 10.04 100 9,620.71 35.28 100 166 154 99 99 123 75 85 75 59 59 101 142 135 42 81 99 81 222 178 122 97 102 58 102 155 117 169 46 222 119 74 193 94 115 100 95 161 54 94 87 72 131 156 116 138 103 109 144 231 55 75 Selective Sales-Public Utilities State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 State Population 1999 Gas Revenue 1999 Electric Revenue 1999 Telephone Revenue 1999 Base:Total Revenue 1999 Tax Capacity 1999 Capacity per capita 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 1999 Tax Revenue 1999 Revenue per capita 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 ($ millions) 612.1 97.1 512.9 427.1 4,352.7 806.1 661.1 141.2 176.6 433.4 525.2 38.2 189.8 2,627.8 1,327.5 648.8 1,167.8 478.7 762.9 29.9 669.0 1,344.1 2,469.1 1,097.4 319.4 1,054.6 154.9 350.4 291.3 116.3 2,435.1 265.8 4,648.3 862.6 100.0 2,388.9 593.0 533.4 2,300.6 227.1 489.0 100.4 877.6 2,488.4 793.0 39.9 882.6 689.2 331.3 1,298.4 107.2 ($ millions) 4,430.1 512.8 4,131.1 2,266.5 20,115.3 2,385.6 2,975.6 731.3 769.0 12,973.0 7,056.0 1,096.7 862.4 9,508.7 5,015.2 2,254.8 2,123.4 3,226.8 4,519.9 1,156.7 4,101.4 4,520.8 7,258.4 3,291.4 2,514.2 4,189.5 634.3 1,219.5 1,498.8 1,123.0 6,993.1 1,208.6 13,773.2 7,372.1 484.7 10,357.1 2,556.4 2,248.1 8,643.0 628.9 4,047.0 496.2 5,198.6 18,364.8 1,066.3 547.7 5,389.1 3,767.6 1,363.8 3,445.4 504.2 ($ millions) 3,553.0 627.0 4,158.5 2,154.0 29,038.0 4,543.0 3,289.0 736.5 1,333.0 16,132.5 7,974.0 989.0 1,051.0 11,465.5 4,954.5 2,354.5 2,446.0 3,243.0 3,672.5 1,150.0 5,043.5 6,449.5 9,026.5 4,366.0 2,150.0 5,027.5 838.5 1,662.0 1,738.0 1,279.5 9,462.0 1,475.5 18,817.5 7,651.5 629.5 9,674.0 2,639.5 3,014.0 10,539.5 902.5 3,591.5 675.5 4,740.5 18,304.0 1,673.5 643.0 6,798.0 5,391.5 1,410.0 4,476.5 487.5 ($ millions) 8,595.3 1,236.9 8,802.5 4,847.7 53,506.0 7,734.6 6,925.8 1,609.0 2,278.7 29,538.9 15,555.2 2,123.9 2,103.1 23,602.0 11,297.2 5,258.0 5,737.2 6,948.5 8,955.3 2,336.6 9,814.0 12,314.4 18,754.0 8,754.8 4,983.6 10,271.6 1,627.6 3,231.9 3,528.1 2,518.8 18,890.2 2,949.9 37,239.0 15,886.1 1,214.2 22,420.0 5,788.9 5,795.5 21,483.1 1,758.5 8,127.4 1,272.1 10,816.7 39,157.2 3,532.7 1,230.6 13,069.7 9,848.3 3,105.2 9,220.2 1,098.8 ($ millions) 284.5 40.9 291.3 160.4 1,770.7 256.0 229.2 53.2 75.4 977.6 514.8 70.3 69.6 781.1 373.9 174.0 189.9 230.0 296.4 77.3 324.8 407.5 620.7 289.7 164.9 339.9 53.9 107.0 116.8 83.4 625.2 97.6 1,232.4 525.7 40.2 742.0 191.6 191.8 711.0 58.2 269.0 42.1 358.0 1,295.9 116.9 40.7 432.5 325.9 102.8 305.1 36.4 ($/person) 65.09 66.08 60.97 62.88 53.42 63.11 69.84 70.66 145.30 64.69 66.10 59.29 55.61 64.40 62.91 60.64 71.54 58.06 67.79 61.71 62.80 66.00 62.92 60.67 59.57 62.16 61.02 64.20 64.54 69.40 76.77 56.11 67.73 68.72 63.41 65.91 57.05 57.84 59.28 58.74 69.22 57.42 65.28 64.65 54.89 68.59 62.93 56.62 56.87 58.12 75.82 103 105 97 100 85 100 111 112 231 103 105 94 88 102 100 96 114 92 108 98 100 105 100 96 95 99 97 102 102 110 122 89 108 109 101 105 91 92 94 93 110 91 104 103 87 109 100 90 90 92 120 ($ millions) 484.45 3.69 149.22 75.51 1,995.14 108.13 167.70 25.96 180.35 1,998.99 161.86 149.19 12.61 1,943.17 6.14 14.92 102.65 147.58 141.28 0.62 293.29 0.00 50.92 52.30 31.19 331.53 16.55 44.45 73.74 56.58 1,096.47 40.90 2,093.27 344.32 32.15 696.46 91.29 118.21 762.44 66.59 92.94 2.87 53.15 1,174.81 68.78 9.17 526.60 553.66 220.49 294.83 11.26 ($/person) 110.86 5.96 31.23 29.59 60.19 26.66 51.10 34.45 347.49 132.29 20.78 125.84 10.08 160.22 1.03 5.20 38.68 37.26 32.31 0.49 56.71 0.00 5.16 10.95 11.27 60.63 18.74 26.68 40.75 47.10 134.65 23.51 115.04 45.00 50.74 61.87 27.19 35.65 63.57 67.20 23.92 3.91 9.69 58.61 32.29 15.45 76.62 96.18 122.02 56.15 23.47 170 9 51 47 113 42 73 49 239 204 31 212 18 249 2 9 54 64 48 1 90 0 8 18 19 98 31 42 63 68 175 42 170 65 80 94 48 62 107 114 35 7 15 91 59 23 122 170 215 97 31 272,690,813 46,335.2 217,052.7 255,441.0 518,828.9 17,170.3 62.97 100 17,170.34 62.97 100 3.31 cents per dollar 57 1999 Tax Effort Index Selective Sales-Pari-Mutuel State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Horse Handle ($ millions) 45.9 0.0 139.4 129.1 2,410.6 75.6 205.7 150.2 0.0 870.5 0.0 0.0 30.9 1,103.8 155.3 39.1 46.4 630.8 397.6 69.2 567.2 219.0 416.6 72.2 0.0 0.0 10.9 112.0 502.3 173.9 1,228.1 98.8 2,746.0 0.0 88.6 627.7 217.5 60.1 1,139.5 68.4 0.0 25.6 0.0 478.9 0.0 0.0 121.3 158.5 121.2 61.3 12.0 272,690,813 15,827.8 1999 State Population 1999 Dog Handle ($ millions) 224.1 0.0 130.4 109.4 0.0 124.7 58.8 0.0 0.0 693.1 0.0 0.0 4.3 0.0 0.0 27.8 69.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 197.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 69.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 38.9 0.0 32.9 0.0 12.3 0.0 145.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 97.8 92.8 0.0 1999 Jai-Alai Handle ($ millions) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 65.9 0.0 0.0 135.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1999 Base:Total PariMutuel Handle ($ millions) 270.0 0.0 269.8 238.5 2,410.6 200.3 330.3 150.2 0.0 1,698.7 0.0 0.0 35.2 1,103.8 155.3 66.9 115.9 630.8 397.6 69.2 567.2 416.6 416.6 72.2 0.0 0.0 10.9 112.0 502.3 243.7 1,228.1 98.8 2,746.0 0.0 88.6 627.7 217.5 99.0 1,139.5 103.4 0.0 37.9 0.0 624.9 0.0 0.0 121.3 158.5 219.0 154.1 12.0 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 5.68 0.00 5.68 5.02 50.73 4.22 6.95 3.16 0.00 35.75 0.00 0.00 0.74 23.23 3.27 1.41 2.44 13.27 8.37 1.46 11.94 8.77 8.77 1.52 0.00 0.00 0.23 2.36 10.57 5.13 25.84 2.08 57.79 0.00 1.86 13.21 4.58 2.08 23.98 2.18 0.00 0.80 0.00 13.15 0.00 0.00 2.55 3.33 4.61 3.24 0.25 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 1.30 0.00 1.19 1.97 1.53 1.04 2.12 4.19 0.00 2.37 0.00 0.00 0.59 1.92 0.55 0.49 0.92 3.35 1.91 1.16 2.31 1.42 0.89 0.32 0.00 0.00 0.26 1.41 5.84 4.27 3.17 1.20 3.18 0.00 2.94 1.17 1.36 0.63 2.00 2.20 0.00 1.09 0.00 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.37 0.58 2.55 0.62 0.52 2,130.1 203.0 18,160.9 382.17 1.40 2.10 cents per dollar 58 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 93 0 85 140 109 74 151 299 0 169 0 0 42 137 39 35 66 239 137 83 165 101 63 23 0 0 19 101 417 305 226 85 227 0 210 84 97 45 143 157 0 78 0 47 0 0 27 41 182 44 37 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 3.82 0.00 2.95 6.23 64.08 6.11 11.03 0.21 0.00 50.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.05 3.67 3.35 4.12 26.76 5.41 4.67 0.72 8.27 13.29 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.13 0.70 0.00 3.64 0.00 0.70 36.92 0.00 0.00 16.53 4.37 1.20 30.18 5.81 0.00 1.76 0.00 13.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.91 7.95 3.39 0.29 100 382.17 1999 Revenue per 1999 Tax Effort capita Index ($/person) 0.87 67 0.00 0 0.62 52 2.44 124 1.93 126 1.51 145 3.36 159 0.27 7 0.00 0 3.36 142 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 3.05 160 0.62 112 1.17 238 1.55 169 6.75 202 1.24 65 3.72 320 0.14 6 1.34 94 1.35 152 0.18 58 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.15 57 0.42 30 0.00 0 3.03 71 0.00 0 0.40 34 2.03 64 0.00 0 0.00 0 1.47 125 1.30 95 0.36 58 2.52 126 5.86 267 0.00 0 2.40 221 0.00 0 0.67 101 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.33 57 4.40 172 0.65 104 0.61 117 1.40 100 Selective Sales--Amusements State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 19.1 7.4 99.4 10.7 472.0 92.8 101.5 11.1 5.0 321.4 60.7 15.2 6.8 138.7 92.8 37.4 17.4 25.4 83.3 11.9 51.2 65.0 98.0 56.6 53.8 67.3 2.2 11.0 59.9 15.3 73.5 26.1 241.8 74.7 6.9 100.6 25.7 37.5 101.0 9.7 46.3 12.2 48.5 163.2 17.5 10.1 58.4 71.2 12.8 60.5 1.6 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 4.36 11.90 20.79 4.18 14.24 22.89 30.93 14.67 9.71 21.27 7.80 12.82 5.43 11.44 15.61 13.04 6.56 6.40 19.06 9.51 9.90 10.52 9.94 11.86 19.42 12.30 2.51 6.59 33.08 12.73 9.03 14.99 13.29 9.76 10.89 8.93 7.65 11.30 8.42 9.75 11.92 16.59 8.85 8.14 8.22 16.95 8.49 12.36 7.06 11.53 3.42 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Total Amusements Base-Adjusted ($ millions) 515.2 199.3 2,685.6 288.1 12,756.1 2,509.3 2,743.4 298.8 136.1 8,686.1 1,641.8 410.6 183.8 3,748.6 2,507.5 1,011.4 470.9 685.2 2,252.7 322.0 1,384.2 1,755.9 2,649.3 1,530.2 1,453.2 1,818.4 59.9 296.9 1,617.7 413.1 1,987.4 704.8 6,534.7 2,018.5 186.6 2,717.7 694.4 1,013.2 2,729.5 261.1 1,252.0 328.7 1,312.1 4,409.7 473.5 271.9 1,578.0 1,923.1 344.8 1,635.7 44.4 272,690,813 88,962.4 3,291.5 12.07 1999 State Population 3.70 cents per dollar 59 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 0.02 3.54 0.15 0.09 0.00 17.99 88.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.95 68.30 53.59 0.37 0.06 105.68 0.00 1.95 1.06 0.61 13.14 67.67 30.11 42.87 3.79 350.31 1.52 40.09 1.66 0.04 0.00 17.59 0.00 2.51 0.03 0.06 0.00 8.95 0.03 0.00 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 1999 Tax Effort Index 36 99 172 35 118 190 256 122 80 176 65 106 45 95 129 108 54 53 158 79 82 87 82 98 161 102 21 55 274 105 75 124 110 81 90 74 63 94 70 81 99 137 73 67 68 140 70 102 58 95 28 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 0.09 2.19 0.72 0.22 0.00 72.99 291.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 375.33 405.93 153.76 0.98 0.24 462.03 0.00 10.10 6.52 5.99 62.76 187.34 164.66 37.85 6.32 633.80 1.83 326.46 2.89 0.69 0.00 11.15 0.00 8.43 0.11 0.69 0.00 34.76 0.02 0.00 22.96 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.57 0.00 100 3,291.50 12.07 100 0 30 1 2 0 79 287 0 0 0 0 0 0 271 438 411 6 1 554 0 20 10 6 111 348 245 1,709 58 1,059 12 444 11 0 0 161 0 33 0 1 0 75 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 Selective Sales--Adjustments to Amusements, Sales--(receipts $1000s) State NAICS Code: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware* D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho* Illinois Indiana Iowa* Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine* Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi* Missouri Montana Nebraska* Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota* Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island* South Carolina South Dakota* Tennessee Texas Utah* Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming* U.S. Total Arts, Entertainment and Recreation 71 435,740 168,275 2,033,290 228,733 15,913,820 1,909,633 2,526,777 240,140 161,944 7,871,475 1,533,747 409,640 174,062 3,640,282 1,918,337 919,753 374,529 550,206 1,958,063 254,412 1,412,354 1,578,529 2,202,782 1,469,670 1,394,046 1,803,947 39,485 258,637 1,667,501 365,047 1,981,156 520,434 7,028,973 1,632,553 164,293 2,308,609 531,352 834,870 2,439,343 234,849 1,107,083 299,166 1,228,665 3,743,828 412,404 226,937 1,397,864 1,620,069 273,339 1,327,454 26,261 Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports and Similar Events 7113 28,648 4,357 125,879 5,004 813,429 124,570 127,459 0 59,298 414,764 236,642 14,804 7,681 248,477 61,860 16,952 18,418 17,923 58,455 0 139,203 174,926 175,885 76,253 0 167,428 989 0 17,156 4,278 158,214 7,390 550,098 171,739 0 115,562 12,280 41,318 152,554 0 20,293 2,711 96,010 319,033 50,745 4,126 71,123 26,325 4,038 47,281 0 Agents/Managers for Artists, Athletes and Other Public Figures 7114 5,051 0 9,175 1,406 974,826 12,893 20,430 0 22,881 132,176 16,097 6,342 0 43,279 6,173 0 2,513 2,414 2,704 0 13,061 37,227 26,757 9,862 0 10,972 0 0 15,407 732 61,360 3,480 624,138 16,597 0 111,885 3,077 9,843 17,388 0 2,107 0 59,006 62,745 0 2,114 19,756 20,628 0 4,990 0 Independent Artists, Writers and Performers 7115 4,420 1,624 35,230 3,135 3,853,117 36,120 51,205 0 20,273 130,623 41,073 5,721 5,358 84,224 15,133 8,243 13,414 2,166 18,434 0 43,565 64,940 88,584 64,643 6,349 33,660 0 5,296 112,333 11,794 114,385 24,835 931,438 26,264 0 36,880 5,770 19,460 47,998 6,457 10,094 1,443 40,429 127,671 19,581 7,004 62,613 55,076 485 16,953 0 Coin-Operated Amusement Devices (Except Slots) 7139905 15,887 1,327 15,898 10,544 110,047 22,930 9,634 2,965 0 46,736 45,334 7,497 8,078 113,659 38,661 40,243 12,686 13,362 58,298 3,406 24,395 33,763 32,918 32,389 9,833 34,685 0 12,895 17,964 13,148 36,621 4,461 71,516 37,340 3,916 73,541 13,616 19,216 94,699 8,299 181,216 19,934 26,356 127,336 10,355 2,647 38,248 37,348 18,655 60,857 0 Motion Pictures and Video Exhibition 51213 57,409 25,065 169,564 44,785 1,297,474 140,991 98,494 17,131 23,186 438,363 170,100 62,133 29,524 363,784 140,019 55,139 59,661 69,298 82,836 22,420 134,132 197,911 266,476 130,020 33,616 140,864 21,890 36,434 56,156 25,343 248,995 55,521 634,590 150,820 14,222 247,631 64,315 108,408 248,397 19,769 65,870 13,544 110,836 609,928 72,073 16,111 175,456 183,552 22,991 112,930 11,142 Amusements Tax Base 85,088,464 5,045,093 2,409,918 6,361,000 1,705,888 7,597,319 77,163,884 60 439,143 186,032 2,016,672 253,429 11,459,875 1,854,111 2,416,543 254,306 82,678 7,585,539 1,364,701 437,409 182,469 3,514,427 1,936,529 909,454 387,159 583,639 1,903,008 273,426 1,326,262 1,465,584 2,145,114 1,416,543 1,411,480 1,698,066 60,386 276,880 1,560,797 360,438 1,859,571 535,789 5,486,373 1,531,433 174,599 2,218,372 560,924 853,441 2,375,101 239,862 959,243 288,622 1,117,700 3,716,971 403,796 227,157 1,381,580 1,664,244 273,152 1,310,303 37,403 Selective Sales--Adjustments to Amusements continued Employmnet Change Adjusted Tax Base State (millions) (percent) Alabama 17 515 Alaska 7 199 Arizona 33 2,686 Arkansas 14 288 California 11 12,756 Colorado 35 2,509 Connecticut 14 2,743 Delaware* 18 299 D.C. 65 136 Florida 15 8,686 Georgia 20 1,642 Hawaii -6 411 Idaho* 1 184 Illinois 7 3,749 Indiana 29 2,507 Iowa* 11 1,011 Kansas 22 471 Kentucky 17 685 Louisiana 18 2,253 Maine* 18 322 Maryland 4 1,384 Massachusetts 20 1,756 Michigan 24 2,649 Minnesota 8 1,530 Mississippi* 3 1,453 Missouri 7 1,818 Montana -1 60 Nebraska* 7 297 Nevada 4 1,618 New Hampshire 15 413 New Jersey 7 1,987 New Mexico 32 705 New York 19 6,535 North Carolina 32 2,018 North Dakota* 7 187 Ohio 23 2,718 Oklahoma 24 694 Oregon 19 1,013 Pennsylvania 15 2,730 Rhode Island* 9 261 South Carolina 31 1,252 South Dakota* 14 329 Tennessee 17 1,312 Texas 19 4,410 Utah* 17 473 20 272 Vermont Virginia 14 1,578 Washington 16 1,923 West Virginia 26 345 Wisconsin 25 1,636 Wyoming* 19 44 U.S. Total 15 88,962 Amusements State and Local Revenue Collected 1999 total (millions) 0 2 1 0 0 73 291 0 0 0 0 0 0 375 406 154 1 0 462 0 10 7 6 63 187 165 38 6 634 2 326 3 1 0 11 0 8 0 1 0 35 0 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3,292 RTS Revenue (millions) 19 7 99 11 472 93 102 11 5 321 61 15 7 139 93 37 17 25 83 12 51 65 98 57 54 67 2 11 60 15 74 26 242 75 7 101 26 37 101 10 46 12 49 163 18 10 58 71 13 61 2 3,292 * $0 Receipts are actually undisclosed information due to the small number of firms participating in business. (Except for Wyoming, where all $0 amounts are accurate except for Promoters of Performing Arts, Sports and Similar Events, which is undisclosed) 61 License Taxes--Total State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 Totals 272,690,813 n/a RTS rate 1999 Total License Tax Base ($ millions) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 415.4 95.5 389.7 255.7 2,580.5 420.5 278.5 63.5 29.7 1,337.2 718.0 76.4 175.5 975.9 547.3 325.7 247.8 344.9 398.9 119.2 406.2 528.7 970.5 493.3 246.7 554.8 150.7 183.3 147.0 124.0 621.6 169.1 1,234.1 639.3 89.7 1,053.8 310.9 403.1 1,116.7 78.2 336.7 106.7 541.1 1,536.7 215.2 69.3 623.1 553.4 162.9 624.4 75.7 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 95.06 154.14 81.56 100.23 77.85 103.66 84.87 84.20 57.14 88.49 92.19 64.48 140.20 80.47 92.09 113.49 93.36 87.07 91.25 95.17 78.55 85.61 98.39 103.31 89.10 101.45 170.71 110.04 81.22 103.25 76.33 97.20 67.82 83.56 141.57 93.61 92.59 121.57 93.10 78.91 86.66 145.57 98.67 76.66 101.02 116.70 90.65 96.14 90.18 118.92 157.91 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index n/a 24,164.2 88.61 62 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 81.80 108.16 37.55 56.96 57.22 66.03 82.72 651.66 44.54 77.87 40.02 92.34 110.38 90.25 27.01 134.79 74.90 103.13 98.53 82.03 42.55 52.15 88.70 140.94 77.76 76.31 112.29 72.22 82.13 67.15 68.16 90.34 49.05 98.72 78.53 102.24 190.56 120.00 162.57 66.55 45.69 90.60 144.63 170.61 49.22 75.69 69.11 79.88 60.55 80.52 181.22 1999 Tax Effort Index 107 174 92 113 88 117 96 95 64 100 104 73 158 91 104 128 105 98 103 107 89 97 111 117 101 114 193 124 92 117 86 110 77 94 160 106 104 137 105 89 98 164 111 87 114 132 102 108 102 134 178 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 357.44 67.01 179.40 145.33 1,896.69 267.82 271.48 491.05 23.12 1,176.66 311.67 109.46 138.16 1,094.64 160.52 386.76 198.80 408.49 430.79 102.78 220.06 322.04 874.92 673.05 215.28 417.27 99.13 120.32 148.60 80.66 555.04 157.17 892.53 755.30 49.76 1,150.90 639.92 397.95 1,949.83 65.93 177.55 66.42 793.10 3,419.71 104.83 44.94 475.00 459.82 109.40 422.77 86.91 100 24,164.18 88.61 100 86 70 46 57 74 64 97 774 78 88 43 143 79 112 29 119 80 118 108 86 54 61 90 136 87 75 66 66 101 65 89 93 72 118 55 109 206 99 175 84 53 62 147 223 49 65 76 83 67 68 115 License Taxes--Motor Vehicle Registration State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 State Population 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 272,690,813 $71.65/license 1999 Total Motor Vehicles Registration Tax Base (millions) 3.91 0.56 3.34 1.78 25.92 3.72 2.75 0.62 0.22 11.28 6.92 0.72 1.14 9.46 5.46 3.13 2.19 2.75 3.44 0.93 3.83 5.29 8.23 4.18 2.28 4.41 0.99 1.53 1.19 1.08 5.90 1.58 10.53 5.76 0.69 10.23 2.91 3.00 9.07 0.74 2.96 0.78 4.42 13.31 1.55 0.51 5.82 4.89 1.35 4.35 0.54 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 279.88 40.26 238.99 127.66 1,857.19 266.40 196.79 44.08 15.90 807.94 495.78 51.35 81.38 677.85 391.13 224.41 157.12 197.30 246.74 66.89 274.16 379.26 589.76 299.52 163.43 316.13 70.98 109.79 85.29 77.08 422.45 113.24 754.54 412.43 49.46 733.22 208.35 214.68 650.17 53.09 211.86 55.97 316.44 953.72 111.29 36.73 416.71 350.00 96.65 311.84 38.76 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 64.05 64.99 50.02 50.03 56.03 65.68 59.96 58.50 30.63 53.47 63.66 43.32 65.01 55.89 65.81 78.21 59.20 49.81 56.44 53.38 53.01 61.42 59.79 62.72 59.03 57.81 80.40 65.90 47.14 64.17 51.88 65.09 41.47 53.91 78.05 65.14 62.04 64.74 54.21 53.59 54.52 76.34 57.71 47.58 52.25 61.86 60.63 60.80 53.49 59.39 80.81 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 214.13 15,342.02 56.26 63 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 46.85 70.94 30.15 41.83 50.17 48.67 68.66 40.19 34.55 60.24 27.98 89.71 86.13 73.65 23.82 113.34 55.37 53.42 24.55 65.65 34.33 37.91 78.24 124.95 39.54 48.32 72.40 56.63 61.46 51.10 44.65 76.22 38.60 55.61 62.86 60.89 172.58 102.78 61.35 53.06 29.09 66.74 54.23 56.72 36.69 56.67 58.14 68.30 45.20 52.70 117.46 1999 Tax Effort Index 114 116 89 89 100 117 107 104 54 95 113 77 116 99 117 139 105 89 100 95 94 109 106 111 105 103 143 117 84 114 92 116 74 96 139 116 110 115 96 95 97 136 103 85 93 110 108 108 95 106 144 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 204.72 43.95 144.06 106.72 1,662.75 197.42 225.33 30.29 17.93 910.36 217.90 106.35 107.81 893.31 141.54 325.23 146.96 211.59 107.32 82.27 177.56 234.12 771.70 596.70 109.47 264.22 63.92 94.35 111.19 61.38 363.60 132.61 702.41 425.46 39.83 685.40 579.53 340.83 735.84 52.58 113.04 48.93 297.35 1,136.96 78.15 33.65 399.60 393.19 81.68 276.68 56.33 100 15,342.02 56.26 100 73 109 60 84 90 74 115 69 113 113 44 207 132 132 36 145 94 107 43 123 65 62 131 199 67 84 90 86 130 80 86 117 93 103 81 93 278 159 113 99 53 87 94 119 70 92 96 112 85 89 145 License Taxes--Motor Vehicle Operators State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 State Population 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 272,690,813 $6.94/license 1999 Total Motor Vehicles Operators Tax Base (equal to total number of licensed drivers) (millions) 3.44 0.46 3.25 1.92 20.66 2.97 2.36 0.55 0.35 12.21 5.39 0.75 0.87 7.81 3.92 1.94 1.87 2.65 2.75 0.91 3.19 4.41 6.83 2.89 1.77 3.82 0.65 1.19 1.28 0.91 5.56 1.21 10.59 5.51 0.46 7.99 2.31 2.44 8.44 0.69 2.74 0.54 4.12 13.34 1.42 0.50 4.70 4.10 1.28 3.72 0.36 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 23.86 3.18 22.52 13.33 143.32 20.59 16.38 3.81 2.42 84.71 37.41 5.20 6.02 54.19 27.16 13.47 12.98 18.38 19.07 6.33 22.10 30.57 47.39 20.03 12.30 26.49 4.53 8.28 8.90 6.33 38.54 8.41 73.45 38.23 3.17 55.44 16.01 16.92 58.55 4.75 19.04 3.74 28.60 92.53 9.82 3.44 32.59 28.46 8.86 25.81 2.51 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 5.46 5.13 4.71 5.22 4.32 5.08 4.99 5.05 4.67 5.61 4.80 4.38 4.81 4.47 4.57 4.70 4.89 4.64 4.36 5.05 4.27 4.95 4.80 4.19 4.44 4.84 5.13 4.97 4.92 5.27 4.73 4.83 4.04 5.00 5.00 4.93 4.77 5.10 4.88 4.80 4.90 5.10 5.22 4.62 4.61 5.80 4.74 4.94 4.90 4.92 5.22 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 186.02 1,290.11 4.73 64 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 3.80 0.00 2.71 2.92 4.26 2.94 9.03 0.19 2.91 7.48 5.18 0.28 4.53 4.89 0.00 3.70 4.53 1.67 2.00 4.42 4.10 9.60 4.42 5.78 7.73 3.93 6.22 4.99 6.50 6.88 3.87 4.25 4.65 10.69 5.22 3.48 2.04 6.16 4.32 0.42 3.87 1.84 6.70 4.92 2.72 6.32 4.01 4.80 2.47 5.21 4.97 1999 Tax Effort Index 115 108 100 110 91 107 105 107 99 118 102 93 102 94 97 99 103 98 92 107 90 105 102 89 94 102 108 105 104 111 100 102 85 106 106 104 101 108 103 101 104 108 110 98 97 123 100 105 104 104 110 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 16.62 0.00 12.96 7.46 141.11 11.94 29.65 0.14 1.51 113.04 40.31 0.33 5.67 59.34 0.00 10.62 12.03 6.63 8.74 5.54 21.22 59.31 43.57 27.62 21.40 21.49 5.49 8.32 11.77 8.27 31.55 7.40 84.60 81.80 3.31 39.22 6.84 20.44 51.86 0.41 15.03 1.35 36.72 98.55 5.79 3.75 27.58 27.65 4.47 27.33 2.38 100 1,290.11 4.73 100 70 0 58 56 98 58 181 4 62 133 108 6 94 110 0 79 93 36 46 88 96 194 92 138 174 81 121 100 132 131 82 88 115 214 105 71 43 121 89 9 79 36 128 107 59 109 85 97 50 106 95 License Taxes--Hunting and Fishing State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 Totals RTS rate 272,690,813 $16.45/license 1999 Total Hunting Licenses, Tags, Permits and Stamps (millions) 0.49 0.64 0.66 0.75 3.04 0.94 0.17 0.03 0.00 2.02 0.80 0.01 0.55 0.84 0.67 0.43 0.33 0.60 0.97 0.27 0.67 0.35 1.46 1.39 0.49 1.49 0.58 0.43 0.28 0.17 0.29 0.28 1.05 0.70 0.16 1.17 0.53 0.99 1.80 0.06 0.60 0.36 1.22 2.10 0.84 0.13 0.81 1.08 0.28 1.52 0.34 1999 Total Fishing Licenses, Tags, Permits and Stamps (millions) 0.30 0.22 0.36 0.54 0.84 0.56 0.14 0.04 0.00 0.33 0.89 0.01 0.88 0.88 0.65 0.86 0.45 0.74 0.62 0.21 0.22 0.24 2.43 1.17 0.29 1.12 0.72 0.42 0.10 0.26 0.28 0.24 1.67 0.50 0.45 1.21 0.32 1.46 2.52 0.03 0.27 0.41 0.84 1.24 0.39 0.21 0.83 0.74 0.28 2.63 0.24 37.84 33.26 1999 Total Hunting and Fishing Tax Base 1999 Tax 1999 Capacity per (equal to total number of licenses) Capacity capita (millions) ($ millions) ($/person) 0.79 12.94 2.96 0.85 14.04 22.66 1.02 16.77 3.51 1.30 21.32 8.36 3.88 63.76 1.92 1.50 24.61 6.07 0.32 5.24 1.60 0.07 1.08 1.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.35 38.59 2.55 1.68 27.68 3.55 0.02 0.26 0.22 1.43 23.59 18.84 1.71 28.19 2.32 1.32 21.67 3.65 1.30 21.31 7.43 0.78 12.78 4.81 1.34 21.97 5.55 1.59 26.15 5.98 0.48 7.89 6.29 0.89 14.61 2.82 0.59 9.76 1.58 3.89 63.99 6.49 2.56 42.09 8.81 0.77 12.74 4.60 2.62 43.02 7.87 1.31 21.48 24.33 0.85 14.04 8.43 0.38 6.22 3.44 0.43 7.10 5.91 0.57 9.35 1.15 0.52 8.50 4.88 2.72 44.78 2.46 1.21 19.82 2.59 0.61 10.06 15.87 2.37 39.04 3.47 0.85 14.05 4.18 2.45 40.28 12.15 4.32 71.10 5.93 0.09 1.50 1.51 0.87 14.32 3.69 0.77 12.68 17.29 2.07 34.01 6.20 3.34 54.92 2.74 1.23 20.27 9.52 0.34 5.62 9.46 1.64 27.03 3.93 1.82 29.93 5.20 0.57 9.30 5.15 4.15 68.26 13.00 0.58 9.53 19.88 71.10 1,169.23 65 4.29 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 3.08 34.93 3.20 7.73 1.81 13.19 1.22 1.01 0.00 1.77 2.42 0.15 18.80 1.70 2.38 6.28 5.65 4.24 3.23 9.46 1.92 1.12 4.83 9.34 4.59 5.39 32.44 7.03 3.42 5.72 1.28 8.55 1.78 2.75 10.45 2.83 4.47 9.26 3.82 0.73 3.17 19.44 24.74 2.82 9.09 10.54 2.95 4.48 8.50 11.21 46.07 1999 Tax Effort Index 69 528 82 195 45 142 37 33 0 60 83 5 439 54 85 173 112 129 139 147 66 37 151 206 107 183 567 197 80 138 27 114 57 60 370 81 98 283 138 35 86 403 145 64 222 221 92 121 120 303 464 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 13.48 21.64 15.28 19.72 60.01 53.51 4.00 0.76 0.00 26.81 18.88 0.18 23.54 20.64 14.15 18.03 14.99 16.79 14.11 11.86 9.91 6.92 47.67 44.61 12.71 29.46 28.64 11.72 6.18 6.87 10.46 14.88 32.40 21.04 6.62 31.83 15.02 30.71 45.80 0.72 12.32 14.25 135.66 56.44 19.37 6.26 20.29 25.81 15.36 58.84 22.09 100 1,169.23 4.29 100 104 154 91 92 94 217 76 71 0 69 68 68 100 73 65 85 117 76 54 150 68 71 74 106 100 68 133 83 99 97 112 175 72 106 66 82 107 76 64 48 86 112 399 103 96 111 75 86 165 86 232 License Taxes--Corporate Licenses State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 State Population 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 272,690,813 $1177.68/license 1999 Total Corporate Licenses (thousands) 60.52 10.11 83.98 44.02 438.38 110.44 67.93 21.86 13.75 539.80 166.56 25.64 23.84 262.92 102.11 53.03 45.68 62.77 85.86 26.98 112.20 133.83 187.85 104.18 36.83 95.96 22.55 36.03 46.07 25.80 238.85 25.77 498.42 135.18 11.31 185.03 61.84 67.32 187.08 25.09 69.59 13.67 63.93 319.24 41.62 16.03 131.34 107.42 22.25 92.28 12.00 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 71.27 11.90 98.90 51.84 516.26 130.06 80.00 25.74 16.20 635.71 196.15 30.20 28.08 309.64 120.25 62.45 53.79 73.93 101.12 31.77 132.13 157.61 221.23 122.69 43.37 113.01 26.56 42.44 54.25 30.39 281.28 30.34 586.98 159.20 13.31 217.91 72.83 79.28 220.32 29.55 81.96 16.10 75.29 375.96 49.02 18.87 154.67 126.50 26.20 108.67 14.13 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 16.31 19.21 20.70 20.32 15.58 32.06 24.38 34.16 31.21 42.07 25.19 25.47 22.43 25.53 20.23 21.76 20.27 18.66 23.13 25.35 25.55 25.52 22.43 25.69 15.67 20.67 30.08 25.47 29.99 25.30 34.54 17.44 32.26 20.81 21.01 19.36 21.69 23.91 18.37 29.82 21.09 21.97 13.73 18.76 23.02 31.79 22.50 21.98 14.50 20.70 29.45 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 5,402.86 6,362.83 23.33 66 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 28.06 2.30 1.49 4.48 0.99 1.22 3.81 610.27 7.08 8.37 4.44 2.20 0.92 10.01 0.81 11.46 9.35 43.80 68.76 2.49 2.20 3.51 1.22 0.86 25.90 18.67 1.22 3.56 10.76 3.45 18.35 1.31 4.02 29.67 0.00 35.04 11.47 1.80 93.07 12.34 9.56 2.58 58.97 106.15 0.72 2.15 4.01 2.29 4.37 11.41 12.73 1999 Tax Effort Index 70 82 89 87 67 137 104 146 134 180 108 109 96 109 87 93 87 80 99 109 109 109 96 110 67 89 129 109 129 108 148 75 138 89 90 83 93 102 79 128 90 94 59 80 99 136 96 94 62 89 126 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 122.62 1.42 7.11 11.44 32.82 4.94 12.50 459.86 3.68 126.46 34.59 2.61 1.16 121.35 4.83 32.87 24.82 173.47 300.62 3.11 11.38 21.69 11.99 4.11 71.70 102.11 1.08 5.94 19.46 4.14 149.43 2.29 73.12 227.00 0.00 394.45 38.53 5.98 1,116.33 12.22 37.16 1.89 323.38 2,127.76 1.52 1.27 27.53 13.17 7.90 59.92 6.10 100 6,362.83 23.33 100 172 12 7 22 6 4 16 1,787 23 20 18 9 4 39 4 53 46 235 297 10 9 14 5 3 165 90 4 14 36 14 53 8 12 143 0 181 53 8 507 41 45 12 429 566 3 7 18 10 30 55 43 Personal Income Tax State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Adjusted Gross Income AGI Amount ($ millions) 68,354.9 12,816.3 87,588.7 36,759.6 707,433.7 94,994.0 102,922.3 16,778.1 14,096.2 309,909.2 150,590.1 21,600.7 19,564.0 274,786.9 112,383.6 50,739.8 49,666.0 61,666.5 65,130.3 21,483.6 123,010.8 164,239.7 201,719.8 106,979.0 36,900.1 99,331.2 13,055.0 31,096.8 42,171.1 28,993.5 222,004.8 25,833.2 425,240.4 141,801.7 9,887.7 216,174.6 50,023.8 62,902.2 240,243.1 20,131.7 64,105.6 12,060.2 96,338.3 368,614.8 36,256.1 11,159.2 152,518.4 134,870.5 24,015.9 106,337.9 9,673.7 272,690,813 5,597,681.7 Totals RTS rate 1999 Total Exemptions ($ millions) 558.5 143.0 825.5 329.2 8,359.5 1,063.9 1,108.1 120.7 168.9 2,761.2 1,358.0 220.0 225.0 2,364.0 904.6 580.1 530.0 546.2 594.5 273.7 1,062.4 1,660.6 1,444.5 1,075.1 337.7 893.0 201.5 346.3 348.1 309.8 1,999.5 245.6 4,135.7 1,259.1 142.9 1,766.2 460.6 756.5 2,300.2 196.7 545.6 175.0 951.7 3,182.9 294.0 155.6 1,399.2 1,217.0 224.8 957.9 95.6 Adjustment for Residence ($ millions) 814.2 -808.4 386.5 -279.5 151.1 110.2 6,107.7 -1,225.1 -26,699.2 927.8 -402.3 0.0 347.8 -796.7 2,639.9 511.4 839.9 -746.1 -124.2 283.3 17,015.4 -3,611.5 849.1 -893.3 1,214.3 -3,210.7 -2.6 -602.2 -745.0 2,928.9 17,236.3 98.3 -24,509.9 -888.5 -356.4 -1,417.3 854.9 -1,693.4 1,960.4 1,094.4 1,092.8 -213.1 -967.7 -957.6 23.5 103.3 7,890.2 1,884.1 398.6 2,381.6 -21.1 AGI+AdjustmentsAdjustment for Residence ($ millions) 68,099.2 13,767.7 88,027.7 37,368.3 715,642.1 95,947.8 97,922.7 18,123.9 14,265.2 311,742.6 152,350.4 21,820.7 19,441.2 277,947.5 110,648.3 50,808.5 49,356.1 62,958.8 65,849.1 21,474.0 124,073.3 169,511.8 202,315.3 108,947.5 36,023.4 103,435.0 13,259.0 32,045.4 43,264.3 26,374.5 206,768.0 25,980.6 453,886.0 143,949.2 10,387.0 219,358.1 49,629.4 65,352.1 240,582.8 19,234.0 63,558.5 12,448.3 98,257.8 372,755.3 36,526.6 11,211.6 153,917.7 134,203.5 23,842.1 104,914.2 9,790.5 1999 Base: Individual Income (AGI-exemptions+/-residency) ($ millions) 68,099.2 13,767.7 88,027.7 37,368.3 715,642.1 95,947.8 97,922.7 18,123.9 14,265.2 311,742.6 152,350.4 21,820.7 19,441.2 277,947.5 110,648.3 50,808.5 49,356.1 62,958.8 65,849.1 21,474.0 124,073.3 169,511.8 202,315.3 108,947.5 36,023.4 103,435.0 13,259.0 32,045.4 43,264.3 26,374.5 206,768.0 25,980.6 453,886.0 143,949.2 10,387.0 219,358.1 49,629.4 65,352.1 240,582.8 19,234.0 63,558.5 12,448.3 98,257.8 372,755.3 36,526.6 11,211.6 153,917.7 134,203.5 23,842.1 104,914.2 9,790.5 53,806.4 -1,026.0 5,652,514.1 5,652,514.1 3.35 cents per dollar 67 1999 Tax 1999 Capacity per Capacity capita ($ millions) ($/person) 2,280.7 521.92 461.1 744.30 2,948.1 616.98 1,251.5 490.52 23,967.6 723.11 3,213.4 792.23 3,279.5 999.24 607.0 805.52 477.8 920.53 10,440.6 690.92 5,102.4 655.14 730.8 616.45 651.1 520.18 9,308.8 767.52 3,705.7 623.56 1,701.6 593.02 1,653.0 622.82 2,108.6 532.35 2,205.4 504.42 719.2 573.95 4,155.3 803.49 5,677.1 919.35 6,775.8 686.93 3,648.8 764.06 1,206.5 435.76 3,464.2 633.49 444.1 503.02 1,073.2 644.19 1,449.0 800.87 883.3 735.40 6,924.9 850.37 870.1 500.11 15,201.1 835.38 4,821.0 630.13 347.9 548.98 7,346.5 652.64 1,662.1 494.97 2,188.7 660.02 8,057.4 671.78 644.2 650.14 2,128.6 547.81 416.9 568.67 3,290.8 600.12 12,484.0 622.82 1,223.3 574.37 375.5 632.41 5,154.9 750.03 4,494.6 780.81 798.5 441.91 3,513.7 669.22 327.9 683.68 189,308.9 694.23 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 75 107 89 71 104 114 144 116 133 100 94 89 75 111 90 85 90 77 73 83 116 132 99 110 63 91 72 93 115 106 122 72 120 91 79 94 71 95 97 94 79 82 86 90 83 91 108 112 64 96 98 1999 Tax 1999 Revenue 1999 Tax Revenue per capita Effort Index ($ millions) ($/person) 2,044.78 467.93 90 0.00 0.00 0 2,098.35 439.14 71 1,433.85 561.99 115 30,732.36 927.21 128 3,354.87 827.11 104 3,609.99 1,099.93 110 813.72 1,079.86 134 952.16 1,834.60 199 0.00 0.00 0 5,696.76 731.46 112 1,068.97 901.71 146 847.02 676.70 130 7,247.52 597.57 78 4,214.57 709.18 114 1,754.70 611.52 103 1,696.28 639.13 103 3,221.02 813.22 153 1,535.65 351.24 70 1,020.01 814.03 142 6,563.47 1,269.13 158 8,036.59 1,301.44 142 7,475.91 757.92 110 5,306.24 1,111.14 145 983.05 355.07 81 3,855.77 705.11 111 483.03 547.17 109 1,071.88 643.38 100 0.00 0.00 0 63.13 52.56 7 6,353.98 780.26 92 809.57 465.31 93 26,045.07 1,431.32 171 6,586.15 860.85 137 181.98 287.18 52 10,288.39 913.98 140 2,070.45 616.56 125 3,709.59 1,118.64 169 8,846.07 737.54 110 762.78 769.85 118 2,298.23 591.45 108 0.00 0.00 0 160.18 29.21 5 0.00 0.00 0 1,461.30 686.11 119 383.45 645.82 102 6,087.86 885.78 118 0.00 0.00 0 919.95 509.12 115 5,162.24 983.20 147 0.00 0.00 0 100 189,308.85 694.23 100 Corporate Income Tax State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 417.3 57.7 501.5 247.3 3,834.8 574.4 566.5 221.3 203.4 1,482.1 1,032.7 107.4 106.2 1,816.5 735.6 347.6 309.3 413.1 413.4 115.7 534.4 971.9 1,268.1 695.9 221.7 682.6 63.2 199.6 215.0 133.1 1,198.7 116.8 3,187.2 1,000.4 60.1 1,431.9 279.0 361.4 1,501.9 111.0 400.5 90.3 632.4 2,509.3 233.1 57.0 869.5 677.3 140.6 646.9 40.0 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 95.50 93.12 104.96 96.92 115.70 141.61 172.62 293.68 391.93 98.08 132.60 90.57 84.87 149.77 123.79 121.15 116.53 104.31 94.55 92.32 103.33 157.40 128.56 145.73 80.08 124.83 71.60 119.78 118.82 110.82 147.19 67.13 175.16 130.75 94.80 127.21 83.08 108.99 125.22 112.01 103.07 123.15 115.33 125.19 109.43 96.01 126.51 117.67 77.83 123.22 83.31 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Total Corporate Income Tax Base (equal to allocated profits) ($ millions) 7,755.0 1,072.0 9,319.4 4,595.3 71,259.8 10,673.5 10,527.6 4,112.3 3,779.9 27,540.4 19,190.1 1,995.3 1,974.1 33,754.8 13,670.1 6,460.0 5,747.0 7,677.3 7,681.6 2,149.7 9,929.7 18,061.0 23,564.7 12,931.9 4,119.8 12,684.5 1,174.6 3,708.2 3,994.7 2,473.6 22,274.0 2,170.2 59,226.6 18,589.2 1,116.2 26,608.9 5,184.1 6,716.0 27,909.0 2,062.3 7,442.7 1,677.8 11,751.8 46,628.2 4,330.9 1,059.3 16,156.9 12,586.4 2,613.4 12,021.9 742.5 272,690,813 630,359.0 33,922.4 124.40 5.38 cents per dollar 68 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 53.33 341.91 114.14 83.17 164.71 74.22 144.58 308.58 419.26 83.84 101.84 44.21 76.81 173.47 166.52 81.74 95.64 78.79 65.49 117.70 78.31 202.37 244.69 163.16 82.89 50.57 101.52 81.05 0.00 212.98 163.81 94.24 320.24 120.33 147.70 66.77 55.78 97.82 128.21 66.93 66.26 69.32 104.21 0.00 84.58 83.70 60.29 0.00 145.62 127.79 0.00 1999 Tax Effort Index 77 75 84 78 93 114 139 236 315 79 107 73 68 120 100 97 94 84 76 74 83 127 103 117 64 100 58 96 96 89 118 54 141 105 76 102 67 88 101 90 83 99 93 101 88 77 102 95 63 99 67 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 233.02 211.81 545.39 212.21 5,459.20 301.04 474.51 232.53 217.60 1,266.96 793.17 52.41 96.15 2,103.93 989.63 234.54 253.84 312.07 286.32 147.49 404.97 1,249.67 2,413.62 779.18 229.50 276.52 89.62 135.03 0.00 255.82 1,333.96 163.96 5,827.19 920.58 93.60 751.57 187.31 324.39 1,537.72 66.32 257.49 50.82 571.43 0.00 180.14 49.70 414.39 0.00 263.12 670.96 0.00 100 33,922.37 124.40 100 56 367 109 86 142 52 84 105 107 85 77 49 91 116 135 67 82 76 69 127 76 129 190 112 104 41 142 68 0 192 111 140 183 92 156 52 67 90 102 60 64 56 90 0 77 87 48 0 187 104 0 Property Taxes--Total State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Residential Property Tax Base ($ millions) 140,704.8 24,579.7 207,811.8 72,065.5 2,044,321.5 155,668.6 214,306.2 15,001.6 31,024.3 650,837.0 313,082.5 98,282.9 33,296.6 562,965.8 212,309.0 93,064.7 84,146.0 124,151.4 126,625.4 48,700.8 268,867.0 333,470.9 420,532.7 215,400.8 72,076.1 193,542.6 34,302.9 53,962.6 86,428.5 55,915.5 477,158.6 64,589.9 896,092.3 305,715.6 15,690.4 429,863.7 90,969.2 169,586.3 458,634.6 45,192.6 138,146.2 20,335.7 202,616.6 601,468.8 93,721.8 25,674.1 322,171.1 326,582.2 49,050.3 210,952.0 18,549.8 272,690,813 11,950,207.5 Totals RTS rate 1999 Utility Property Tax Base ($ millions) 4,587.1 5.8 5,831.9 2,304.4 46,791.8 3,614.1 4,881.9 513.1 2,096.8 22,368.4 9,104.0 1,953.8 986.1 16,069.8 7,153.0 2,917.8 3,009.8 4,094.5 4,841.9 1,473.0 7,944.3 7,958.9 12,589.3 4,782.9 2,667.2 6,853.4 788.2 1,786.5 2,596.1 1,669.9 14,110.0 1,918.3 26,026.8 9,206.9 540.2 13,505.1 3,715.2 4,084.9 16,626.3 1,377.4 3,467.9 594.5 5,982.9 24,678.7 2,381.4 719.4 9,770.0 7,306.9 1,794.2 5,497.4 539.7 1999 Corporate Property Tax Base ($ millions) 87,340.1 26,607.1 123,988.7 55,458.8 1,141,741.6 75,249.5 106,426.7 50,778.8 13,177.4 381,276.1 187,465.0 28,309.7 26,309.1 305,198.1 132,384.0 68,195.5 64,022.5 85,306.8 85,524.6 39,288.5 110,508.1 153,213.1 247,236.4 126,389.2 54,088.2 114,965.0 19,326.8 39,673.1 44,494.0 32,006.4 207,139.1 29,287.3 462,505.1 186,216.8 14,018.8 246,959.8 61,007.1 121,143.0 267,005.3 22,471.9 78,236.5 16,801.5 116,173.6 508,468.7 35,575.1 15,075.4 149,567.9 206,911.7 25,092.0 130,288.2 12,403.2 1999 Farm Property Tax Base ($ millions) 13,984.0 301.2 29,425.0 17,873.0 79,230.0 12,656.9 2,331.0 692.5 0.0 23,504.0 18,256.0 4,989.9 8,963.1 62,325.0 34,410.0 58,410.0 27,550.0 20,808.0 9,861.5 1,524.0 6,930.0 2,658.5 19,240.0 35,424.0 12,540.0 34,013.0 16,872.0 31,088.0 2,856.0 945.0 5,810.0 9,699.9 10,452.0 20,925.0 15,996.4 33,078.0 21,250.0 17,200.0 19,250.0 390.0 7,372.0 15,840.0 23,205.0 79,605.0 9,918.0 2,103.8 17,544.0 18,683.0 3,852.0 22,331.0 7,612.0 1999 Total Property Tax Base ($ millions) 246,616.00 51,493.77 367,057.37 147,701.66 3,312,084.96 247,189.13 327,945.91 66,986.00 46,298.48 1,077,985.41 527,907.54 133,536.22 69,554.93 946,558.66 386,256.00 222,588.00 178,728.26 234,360.72 226,853.33 90,986.31 394,249.30 497,301.35 699,598.42 381,996.90 141,371.49 349,374.01 71,289.86 126,510.26 136,374.49 90,536.86 704,217.75 105,495.42 1,395,076.19 522,064.36 46,245.77 723,406.62 176,941.43 312,014.18 761,516.19 69,431.94 227,222.54 53,571.74 347,978.10 1,214,221.24 141,596.28 43,572.72 499,053.07 559,483.82 79,788.52 369,068.65 39,104.73 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 2,927.77 611.32 4,357.62 1,753.48 39,320.31 2,934.57 3,893.30 795.24 549.64 12,797.60 6,267.20 1,585.31 825.74 11,237.33 4,585.54 2,642.51 2,121.82 2,782.28 2,693.15 1,080.17 4,680.44 5,903.85 8,305.47 4,534.98 1,678.33 4,147.69 846.34 1,501.90 1,619.01 1,074.83 8,360.31 1,252.42 16,562.02 6,197.83 549.02 8,588.12 2,100.61 3,704.16 9,040.55 824.28 2,697.53 635.99 4,131.12 14,414.96 1,681.00 517.29 5,924.64 6,642.06 947.23 4,381.50 464.24 348,079.6 6,938,297.1 951,778.7 20,188,362.85 239,671.60 1.19 cents per dollar 69 1999 Capacity per 1999 Per Capita capita Capacity Index 1999 Tax Revenue ($/person) ($ millions) 669.99 76 1,191.79 986.80 112 727.81 911.95 104 3,584.16 687.27 78 966.75 1,186.31 135 25,424.96 723.49 82 3,413.61 1,186.25 135 5,174.84 1,055.34 120 348.52 1,059.05 120 679.55 846.89 96 13,900.95 804.70 92 5,422.82 1,337.25 152 594.56 659.69 75 815.66 926.53 105 14,099.97 771.60 88 5,177.13 920.92 105 2,532.74 799.46 91 2,115.02 702.45 80 1,666.33 615.99 70 1,620.13 862.04 98 1,546.86 905.02 103 4,144.06 956.06 109 7,300.56 842.02 96 8,810.59 949.63 108 4,458.85 606.20 69 1,389.92 758.49 86 3,305.36 958.72 109 891.13 901.49 103 1,567.01 894.85 102 1,261.14 894.85 102 2,014.40 1,026.63 117 14,336.03 719.84 82 587.85 910.17 104 24,758.69 810.09 92 4,350.64 866.42 99 497.22 762.94 87 9,334.35 625.55 71 1,237.65 1,117.01 127 2,558.19 753.75 86 9,659.06 831.92 95 1,285.11 694.21 79 2,475.95 867.50 99 617.29 753.37 86 2,684.03 719.16 82 18,804.96 789.26 90 1,191.69 871.23 99 765.69 862.03 98 5,757.55 1,153.86 131 5,763.41 524.22 60 811.77 834.50 95 5,524.61 967.97 110 522.70 878.91 100 239,671.60 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 272.73 1,174.84 750.08 378.91 767.08 841.59 1,576.72 462.51 1,309.34 919.91 696.28 501.53 651.64 1,162.56 871.15 882.67 796.90 420.70 370.57 1,234.48 801.31 1,182.24 893.23 933.69 502.03 604.45 1,009.46 940.57 697.05 1,677.08 1,760.44 337.87 1,360.62 568.65 784.67 829.23 368.56 771.43 805.32 1,297.02 637.19 841.99 489.47 938.18 559.52 1,289.60 837.72 1,001.22 449.25 1,052.22 1,089.86 1999 Tax Effort Index 878.91 100 41 119 82 55 65 116 133 44 124 109 87 38 99 125 113 96 100 60 60 143 89 124 106 98 83 80 105 104 78 187 171 47 149 70 91 109 59 69 107 156 92 97 65 130 71 148 97 87 86 126 113 Estate and Gift Taxes State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 State Population 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 272,690,813 1999 State and Local 1999 Total Base (total Estate and Gift Tax Federal collections) Collections ($ millions) ($ millions) 281.67 62.78 14.92 1.73 435.38 89.09 164.12 32.57 3,829.89 877.90 327.79 65.39 597.77 250.17 116.47 27.06 83.21 26.25 2,454.87 649.52 589.81 111.19 109.58 28.74 50.11 11.13 1,505.42 346.98 396.82 148.71 144.15 72.84 235.73 70.24 213.70 81.48 335.00 95.97 89.90 29.77 678.82 126.17 901.71 173.87 789.47 174.89 319.80 58.13 142.61 30.77 519.22 118.67 40.41 18.30 125.89 17.45 245.61 41.47 99.64 49.37 938.27 423.02 119.44 21.91 2,989.32 1,071.46 633.47 182.85 22.14 7.42 1,469.89 141.46 259.17 88.80 222.33 47.98 1,232.29 760.70 121.56 46.85 272.41 57.19 29.91 26.43 348.83 89.13 1,414.90 256.28 105.12 8.24 94.46 23.36 762.56 154.08 370.63 69.70 87.64 27.33 393.40 116.90 65.78 9.73 28,385.61 7,519.38 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 74.62 3.95 115.33 43.48 1,014.54 86.83 158.35 30.85 22.04 650.30 156.24 29.03 13.27 398.79 105.12 38.19 62.45 56.61 88.74 23.81 179.82 238.86 209.13 84.72 37.78 137.54 10.71 33.35 65.06 26.39 248.55 31.64 791.87 167.81 5.87 389.38 68.65 58.90 326.43 32.20 72.16 7.92 92.40 374.81 27.85 25.02 202.00 98.18 23.22 104.21 17.43 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 17.07 6.38 24.14 17.04 30.61 21.41 48.25 40.95 42.47 43.03 20.06 24.49 10.60 32.88 17.69 13.31 23.53 14.29 20.30 19.00 34.77 38.68 21.20 17.74 13.64 25.15 12.13 20.02 35.96 21.97 30.52 18.19 43.52 21.93 9.26 34.59 20.44 17.76 27.22 32.50 18.57 10.81 16.85 18.70 13.07 42.14 29.39 17.06 12.85 19.85 36.33 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 7,519.38 27.57 26.49 cents per dollar 70 62 23 88 62 111 78 175 148 154 156 73 89 38 119 64 48 85 52 74 69 126 140 77 64 49 91 44 73 130 80 111 66 158 80 34 125 74 64 99 118 67 39 61 68 47 153 107 62 47 72 132 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 62.78 1.73 89.09 32.57 877.90 65.39 250.17 27.06 26.25 649.52 111.19 28.74 11.13 346.98 148.71 72.84 70.24 81.48 95.97 29.77 126.17 173.87 174.89 58.13 30.77 118.67 18.30 17.45 41.47 49.37 423.02 21.91 1,071.46 182.85 7.42 141.46 88.80 47.98 760.70 46.85 57.19 26.43 89.13 256.28 8.24 23.36 154.08 69.70 27.33 116.90 9.73 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 14.37 2.79 18.64 12.77 26.49 16.12 76.22 35.91 50.57 42.98 14.28 24.24 8.89 28.61 25.02 25.38 26.46 20.57 21.95 23.76 24.40 28.16 17.73 12.17 11.11 21.70 20.73 10.47 22.92 41.10 51.95 12.59 58.88 23.90 11.70 12.57 26.44 14.47 63.42 47.29 14.72 36.05 16.25 12.79 3.87 39.34 22.42 12.11 15.12 22.26 20.29 100 7,519.38 27.57 1999 Tax Effort Revenue divided Index by base 84 44 77 75 87 75 158 88 119 100 71 99 84 87 141 191 112 144 108 125 70 73 84 69 81 86 171 52 64 187 170 69 135 109 126 36 129 81 233 146 79 334 96 68 30 93 76 71 118 112 56 22.3% 11.6% 20.5% 19.8% 22.9% 19.9% 41.9% 23.2% 31.5% 26.5% 18.9% 26.2% 22.2% 23.0% 37.5% 50.5% 29.8% 38.1% 28.6% 33.1% 18.6% 19.3% 22.2% 18.2% 21.6% 22.9% 45.3% 13.9% 16.9% 49.5% 45.1% 18.3% 35.8% 28.9% 33.5% 9.6% 34.3% 21.6% 61.7% 38.5% 21.0% 88.4% 25.6% 18.1% 7.8% 24.7% 20.2% 18.8% 31.2% 29.7% 14.8% 100 26.5% Severance Taxes State 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 Totals RTS rate Value of Oil Value of Coal Value of Gas ($ millions) ($ millions) ($ millions) 167.83 772.54 1,249.89 4,248.87 24.89 624.77 0.94 197.98 0.92 101.23 0.39 717.37 3,276.38 0.00 762.99 300.85 514.66 1,379.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 70.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 192.53 916.91 0.00 30.80 702.01 1.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 464.68 6.41 1,012.20 40.19 3,430.62 177.35 1,908.78 52.97 11,101.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94.07 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 120.87 0.00 491.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 252.18 0.30 167.21 1.22 7.12 0.00 216.51 357.97 95.51 41.16 0.00 2.05 9.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,009.00 601.39 2,919.84 3.39 0.00 38.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 477.10 244.49 118.11 88.87 703.24 294.47 1,120.68 43.78 3,068.83 0.00 0.00 2.89 27.11 1,970.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.68 0.00 3.67 4.24 83.08 2.93 6,982.24 658.49 13,554.35 263.94 469.32 492.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 908.77 0.00 0.00 75.08 0.00 20.88 4,336.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 849.96 1,757.33 1,486.48 272,690,813 29,103.80 19,023.51 40,372.09 Value of non-fuel 1999 Total Severance Tax mineral Base (sum of values) ($ millions) ($ millions) 1,001.50 3,191.75 1,039.50 5,938.03 2,625.00 2,824.84 490.50 1,309.49 3,150.00 7,189.37 612.00 2,807.14 94.35 94.35 11.15 11.15 0.00 0.00 1,915.00 1,985.54 1,680.00 1,680.00 85.45 85.45 429.50 429.50 885.50 1,994.94 705.00 1,439.39 503.50 503.50 575.50 2,058.79 501.00 4,149.16 380.50 13,444.18 97.30 97.30 334.00 428.18 198.50 198.50 1,625.00 2,237.10 1,580.00 1,580.00 154.50 574.18 1,335.00 1,343.35 499.50 1,169.49 127.35 170.56 3,025.00 3,034.84 62.00 62.00 288.50 288.50 801.50 5,331.73 984.50 1,026.74 746.00 746.00 39.45 879.15 1,035.00 2,121.58 450.50 4,683.79 310.00 312.89 1,230.00 3,227.45 23.70 23.70 562.00 562.00 256.00 276.35 737.00 827.25 1,840.00 23,035.08 1,305.00 2,530.68 70.70 70.70 643.00 1,551.86 635.50 710.58 171.50 4,528.58 335.50 335.50 1,035.00 5,128.77 39,350.00 127,849.40 2.45 cents per dollar 71 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 78.27 145.61 69.27 32.11 176.30 68.84 2.31 0.27 0.00 48.69 41.20 2.10 10.53 48.92 35.30 12.35 50.49 101.75 329.68 2.39 10.50 4.87 54.86 38.75 14.08 32.94 28.68 4.18 74.42 1.52 7.07 130.75 25.18 18.29 21.56 52.03 114.86 7.67 79.14 0.58 13.78 6.78 20.29 564.87 62.06 1.73 38.06 17.42 111.05 8.23 125.77 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 17.91 235.05 14.50 12.59 5.32 16.97 0.70 0.36 0.00 3.22 5.29 1.77 8.41 4.03 5.94 4.30 19.02 25.69 75.41 1.90 2.03 0.79 5.56 8.11 5.09 6.02 32.49 2.51 41.13 1.27 0.87 75.15 1.38 2.39 34.02 4.62 34.20 2.31 6.60 0.59 3.55 9.24 3.70 28.18 29.14 2.92 5.54 3.03 61.46 1.57 262.24 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 11.53 687.69 0.00 4.01 1.02 8.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.44 0.00 0.00 3.63 0.00 0.09 0.00 18.57 44.13 80.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.45 0.45 6.96 0.01 84.04 0.46 18.35 0.00 0.00 155.15 0.00 0.25 157.99 1.08 62.60 14.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.33 0.15 35.18 6.81 0.00 0.26 10.83 84.87 0.47 401.25 1999 Tax Effort Index 156 2,044 126 109 46 148 6 3 0 28 46 15 73 35 52 37 165 223 656 17 18 7 48 71 44 52 283 22 358 11 8 654 12 21 296 40 297 20 57 5 31 80 32 245 253 25 48 26 535 14 2,281 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 50.38 426.02 0.00 10.24 33.74 33.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 67.10 0.00 0.00 4.55 0.00 0.51 0.00 49.28 174.78 350.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.21 2.16 19.26 0.03 74.19 0.76 33.19 0.00 0.00 269.94 0.00 1.95 100.11 12.17 210.21 49.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.18 0.80 705.25 14.51 0.00 1.82 62.32 153.36 2.46 192.44 3,135.15 11.50 100 3135.15 11.50 100 64 293 0 32 19 49 0 0 0 138 0 0 43 0 1 0 98 172 106 0 0 0 44 6 137 0 259 18 45 0 0 206 0 11 464 23 183 646 0 0 0 47 4 125 23 0 5 358 138 30 153 Other Taxes State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals RTS rate 1999 Tax Capacity ($ millions) 569.55 100.48 674.43 317.32 5,573.64 713.88 738.93 128.99 118.71 2,401.70 1,196.40 186.47 161.89 2,128.62 878.54 417.07 398.86 518.83 568.42 173.98 942.57 1,221.36 1,564.03 830.69 323.59 818.02 110.92 256.30 310.82 209.19 1,641.77 215.73 3,490.44 1,142.65 85.50 1,728.45 440.21 504.42 1,946.95 163.24 514.14 103.96 796.29 3,041.50 276.80 87.68 1,150.47 975.78 214.66 813.82 72.49 1999 Capacity per capita ($/person) 130.34 162.20 141.14 124.37 168.16 176.00 225.14 171.18 228.73 158.93 153.62 157.30 129.33 175.51 147.83 145.35 150.28 130.99 130.01 138.85 182.26 197.79 158.56 173.95 116.88 149.59 125.65 153.84 171.80 174.16 201.61 124.00 191.82 149.35 134.92 153.55 131.09 152.11 162.33 164.75 132.32 141.80 145.21 151.74 129.96 147.68 167.39 169.51 118.80 155.00 151.14 1999 Per Capita Capacity Index 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Total Other Tax Base (state personal income) (millions) 98,451.58 17,368.92 116,579.55 54,851.08 963,445.14 123,399.65 127,729.68 22,297.55 20,520.31 415,151.37 206,806.32 32,233.44 27,983.57 367,947.00 151,861.60 72,094.39 68,946.54 89,683.08 98,254.72 30,074.15 162,930.76 211,121.05 270,353.38 143,590.96 55,935.42 141,400.38 19,173.67 44,303.45 53,727.77 36,159.53 283,791.88 37,291.18 603,348.79 197,516.21 14,778.44 298,775.10 76,094.30 87,192.35 336,545.11 28,217.15 88,873.46 17,969.53 137,643.76 525,745.46 47,847.41 15,156.38 198,867.35 168,670.06 37,104.98 140,673.98 12,530.13 272,690,813 7,599,009.00 43,961.16 161.21 1999 State Population 0.58 cents per dollar 72 1999 Revenue per capita ($/person) 145.99 109.30 72.67 65.50 159.03 91.92 159.25 454.32 430.23 213.23 97.93 163.53 90.15 126.74 36.98 62.96 44.73 224.36 137.69 60.33 286.89 94.60 82.73 284.50 57.63 109.34 114.66 159.96 365.65 268.59 101.46 122.99 222.93 137.30 245.75 69.85 75.17 200.51 263.09 115.10 170.50 198.33 126.20 213.58 100.19 334.75 267.75 257.69 269.46 83.98 45.83 1999 Tax Effort Index 81 101 88 77 104 109 140 106 142 99 95 98 80 109 92 90 93 81 81 86 113 123 98 108 72 93 78 95 107 108 125 77 119 93 84 95 81 94 101 102 82 88 90 94 81 92 104 105 74 96 94 1999 Tax Revenue ($ millions) 637.94 67.71 347.26 167.11 5,271.22 372.85 522.67 342.34 223.29 3,222.24 762.72 193.87 112.84 1,537.16 219.79 180.66 118.71 888.64 602.00 75.60 1,483.68 584.16 816.04 1,358.64 159.57 597.92 101.22 266.49 661.55 322.61 826.20 213.99 4,056.58 1,050.48 155.72 786.29 252.43 664.91 3,155.49 114.04 662.51 145.41 692.04 4,281.04 213.39 198.76 1,840.19 1,483.37 486.90 440.95 21.98 100 43,961.16 161.21 100 112 67 51 53 95 52 71 265 188 134 64 104 70 72 25 43 30 171 106 43 157 48 52 164 49 73 91 104 213 154 50 99 116 92 182 45 57 132 162 70 129 140 87 141 77 227 160 152 227 54 30 Representative State-Local Expenditures by Function, 1999, Adjusted for Input Cost Differences and then Normalized, per capita (dollars) Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Population 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 Primary and Secondary Education 1,135.6 1,768.3 1,332.8 1,174.5 1,381.0 1,312.4 1,322.9 1,108.6 786.5 1,056.5 1,287.6 1,054.1 1,368.2 1,260.0 1,227.5 1,144.7 1,234.6 1,113.9 1,178.5 1,102.0 1,229.6 1,194.0 1,370.6 1,322.1 1,191.6 1,162.1 1,177.6 1,144.0 1,332.6 1,237.9 1,262.7 1,343.8 1,168.0 1,185.8 1,152.1 1,231.6 1,212.3 1,230.9 1,120.2 1,141.4 1,138.8 1,163.6 1,115.2 1,397.4 1,654.0 1,081.4 1,208.9 1,327.3 1,066.2 1,203.4 1,342.5 Totals 272,690,813 1,246.4 Higher Education 439.4 530.5 430.0 402.2 503.0 450.6 440.9 460.0 491.2 376.0 465.6 448.8 459.7 464.3 452.2 416.8 433.7 443.7 449.9 386.5 457.9 442.8 473.7 450.0 431.7 417.5 385.4 419.1 411.8 409.0 462.7 411.7 451.4 418.2 412.2 450.8 411.2 431.1 424.9 422.5 435.7 400.4 423.3 463.3 584.6 398.5 476.9 465.3 408.3 444.0 445.2 Public Welfare 945.5 553.8 916.7 931.5 950.8 560.9 544.0 667.1 1,214.1 816.9 850.1 699.8 859.4 648.3 515.2 528.6 695.4 818.0 1,216.2 667.1 469.7 662.9 670.0 568.0 1,070.3 683.1 1,014.5 737.2 700.9 566.5 538.5 1,301.8 998.7 881.8 889.3 748.6 849.3 886.4 665.5 690.1 809.8 585.8 811.4 963.1 470.6 623.9 543.4 595.1 1,065.3 559.4 706.0 Health and Hospitals 510.7 373.5 437.8 522.5 429.6 391.2 425.2 442.7 507.7 440.8 466.6 355.6 408.4 409.9 423.8 389.1 396.6 543.8 482.4 471.5 381.3 462.4 444.8 372.8 527.2 436.1 431.2 377.8 415.7 412.3 423.0 451.6 472.7 488.9 383.7 436.5 428.6 421.8 426.6 461.8 479.9 369.1 500.6 412.5 352.6 428.9 425.1 404.5 556.2 395.4 402.5 450.0 789.1 437.7 Highways 445.8 301.8 324.4 460.2 289.7 374.7 301.8 362.6 212.8 293.7 423.9 209.1 453.2 294.0 401.6 436.8 489.7 413.0 317.0 381.1 307.8 270.5 338.0 423.2 446.7 429.3 600.4 514.1 355.8 334.4 262.7 490.1 229.2 373.5 827.8 312.7 477.7 378.4 286.9 265.6 383.2 732.2 394.9 360.9 377.7 415.0 355.8 323.6 366.7 395.5 671.5 Police and Corrections 384.8 488.8 394.6 312.5 409.7 341.4 330.6 317.7 1,350.2 316.4 403.2 316.8 276.8 424.7 381.0 249.5 345.8 337.7 437.7 245.0 463.3 287.1 420.5 304.8 360.1 350.4 246.7 287.9 415.5 253.8 348.6 399.6 357.0 363.2 238.4 319.2 340.5 287.6 341.1 307.0 354.4 248.6 363.5 370.3 344.2 264.5 378.0 316.4 292.8 309.5 276.8 Environment and Housing 391.9 416.3 396.2 382.0 415.8 403.3 423.9 408.9 418.7 390.7 402.0 398.0 387.7 410.2 401.9 388.2 390.3 392.3 388.0 385.3 417.8 413.2 414.4 404.7 381.3 391.2 375.2 385.5 400.1 401.5 426.3 384.7 410.6 392.3 376.3 404.5 382.3 398.6 406.0 403.7 389.6 374.7 392.1 398.2 403.0 387.7 407.6 407.4 382.8 399.9 386.6 Interest on General debt 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 Governmental Administration 263.9 301.7 270.5 248.4 301.0 281.5 313.6 290.3 305.4 261.9 279.4 273.3 257.2 292.2 279.4 258.1 261.3 264.5 257.7 253.5 304.2 296.9 298.7 283.7 247.3 262.7 237.8 253.9 276.5 278.7 317.2 252.5 292.9 264.4 239.6 283.4 248.9 274.2 285.7 282.1 260.2 237.1 264.2 273.6 281.1 257.3 288.2 287.9 249.7 276.2 255.5 All Other 546.3 598.3 555.4 525.0 597.3 570.5 614.6 582.6 603.4 543.7 567.7 559.2 537.2 585.3 567.6 538.4 542.8 547.1 537.8 532.1 601.6 591.7 594.2 573.6 523.5 544.7 510.6 532.6 563.7 566.7 619.6 530.7 586.1 547.1 513.0 573.1 525.8 560.5 576.3 571.3 541.3 509.5 546.7 559.7 570.0 537.2 579.7 579.3 526.8 563.3 534.8 Total 5,242.4 5,619.7 5,249.3 5,124.8 5,482.8 4,979.5 5,031.9 4,893.5 6,018.9 4,702.5 5,345.4 4,577.5 5,203.9 5,046.8 4,914.2 4,594.8 5,014.3 5,062.8 5,398.8 4,657.8 4,964.0 4,880.7 5,289.6 5,013.3 5,335.3 4,923.4 5,142.4 4,886.8 5,109.0 4,750.5 4,969.0 5,707.1 5,168.0 5,111.0 5,216.6 4,994.7 5,064.8 5,086.0 4,785.5 4,814.2 5,005.5 4,860.9 4,997.9 5,380.2 5,312.8 4,625.6 4,941.2 4,976.6 5,063.0 4,818.1 5,234.4 Index of Fiscal Need 103 110 103 100 107 97 98 96 118 92 105 90 102 99 96 90 98 99 106 91 97 96 104 98 104 96 101 96 100 93 97 112 101 100 102 98 99 100 94 94 98 95 98 105 104 91 97 97 99 94 102 341.1 362.9 403.1 246.8 281.3 570.2 5,108.6 100 73 Rank 12 3 11 18 4 32 26 39 1 47 7 51 15 25 38 50 27 24 5 48 35 41 10 28 8 37 17 40 20 46 34 2 16 19 14 31 22 21 45 44 29 42 30 6 9 49 36 33 23 43 13 Direct General Expenditures of State and Local Governments, by function, 1999 (millions) Primary and Secondary Health and Education Higher Education Public Welfare Hospitals Alabama 4,560.3 2,197.5 3,230.9 3,234.2 Alaska 1,348.4 341.2 689.2 250.4 Arizona 4,874.4 2,265.3 1,884.9 987.5 Arkansas 2,549.7 1,124.0 1,904.2 1,080.0 California 38,850.9 15,526.7 27,133.3 16,763.8 Colorado 4,769.0 2,280.7 2,576.4 998.2 Connecticut 4,813.9 1,112.6 2,930.2 1,546.6 Delaware 931.3 538.9 502.9 260.4 D.C. 694.3 82.4 1,246.6 509.7 Florida 15,770.7 4,768.0 8,847.6 6,599.9 Georgia 9,796.4 3,136.9 4,920.8 3,668.7 Hawaii 1,069.6 686.3 956.3 548.1 Idaho 1,377.0 582.5 721.2 545.4 Illinois 15,410.1 4,623.5 8,657.1 4,175.7 Indiana 6,956.9 3,281.4 3,893.6 2,482.5 Iowa 3,453.6 1,939.8 2,077.6 1,619.3 Kansas 2,961.1 1,636.9 1,296.3 1,005.1 Kentucky 3,766.7 1,845.6 3,594.6 1,095.6 Louisiana 4,611.9 1,804.7 2,982.1 3,077.9 Maine 1,528.6 446.5 1,422.4 393.4 Maryland 6,256.6 2,509.9 3,674.6 1,206.1 Massachusetts 7,968.7 1,947.0 5,843.0 2,186.4 Michigan 14,434.2 6,231.8 6,452.0 4,234.6 Minnesota 6,835.7 2,444.8 5,501.3 1,725.2 Mississippi 2,745.9 1,403.0 2,040.7 1,928.5 Missouri 6,017.4 2,150.9 3,809.0 2,101.8 Montana 1,016.5 474.8 511.0 298.8 Nebraska 1,968.3 1,052.2 1,129.8 542.6 Nevada 2,194.9 683.1 852.1 674.7 New Hampshire 1,370.7 418.3 986.4 156.2 New Jersey 13,378.1 3,088.8 5,701.2 2,071.8 New Mexico 2,049.4 1,144.4 1,381.7 846.0 New York 30,699.9 5,735.7 28,052.7 11,017.9 North Carolina 8,313.3 4,122.2 5,691.1 5,298.4 North Dakota 702.5 436.3 622.0 51.9 Ohio 13,555.5 4,672.1 8,848.1 4,471.8 Oklahoma 3,675.4 1,610.2 1,738.9 1,260.6 Oregon 4,045.0 1,937.3 2,771.0 1,452.5 Pennsylvania 15,983.6 4,666.8 11,310.5 3,611.1 Rhode Island 1,273.8 368.9 1,042.3 242.1 South Carolina 4,477.2 1,737.5 3,131.4 2,826.1 South Dakota 808.3 289.3 446.1 151.6 Tennessee 5,531.9 2,204.6 4,324.3 2,953.2 Texas 25,404.8 8,978.4 11,259.5 8,198.4 Utah 2,384.0 1,527.6 1,348.6 721.7 Vermont 821.9 340.4 549.8 61.2 Virginia 8,161.8 3,140.0 4,046.0 2,432.5 Washington 7,336.4 3,165.8 4,608.8 3,221.1 West Virginia 2,074.0 769.4 1,668.8 517.2 Wisconsin 7,566.6 2,949.4 4,128.2 1,608.8 Wyoming 724.3 294.3 250.7 448.1 United States 339,871.2 122,716.4 215,189.7 119,361.2 Highways 1,248.5 748.2 1,737.9 859.8 7,383.0 1,764.9 1,106.6 388.0 101.0 5,055.4 2,476.9 403.1 524.5 3,813.7 1,826.7 1,607.4 1,339.0 1,580.9 1,548.2 512.3 1,471.1 2,720.0 3,043.0 2,222.5 1,142.1 1,922.6 481.1 801.6 959.1 458.0 2,390.7 1,132.3 6,555.6 2,512.1 412.7 3,555.2 1,122.9 1,239.7 3,781.7 298.2 1,034.1 472.6 1,689.3 5,854.6 875.2 316.2 2,710.0 2,197.1 837.3 2,386.6 397.1 Police and Corrections 1,054.3 332.2 1,885.1 618.3 14,661.2 1,565.5 1,182.7 353.9 605.9 6,698.7 2,469.9 355.5 399.1 4,317.6 1,418.0 678.9 743.1 944.4 1,495.0 263.3 1,923.7 2,196.7 3,538.5 1,369.6 678.6 1,501.1 242.2 393.0 869.0 283.4 3,397.5 646.5 9,803.3 2,357.4 113.7 3,731.0 859.2 1,330.6 4,235.1 328.5 1,151.5 165.2 1,439.9 6,831.4 714.1 101.5 2,267.8 1,971.1 311.5 1,981.2 188.5 Environment and Housing 1,419.5 594.7 1,773.1 664.9 17,106.2 1,591.9 1,265.7 385.6 381.0 7,698.2 2,638.2 627.0 465.6 5,238.3 1,861.5 980.1 730.6 1,103.2 1,645.5 465.4 2,524.4 3,091.9 3,291.3 2,462.8 665.1 1,391.6 368.5 577.4 793.8 338.5 3,460.2 663.3 8,756.6 2,771.7 385.7 4,117.8 928.2 1,696.4 4,236.3 383.2 1,048.6 268.2 1,894.8 5,597.6 785.4 215.0 2,544.2 3,117.5 458.9 2,209.2 249.2 Interest on General debt 857.2 482.9 1,423.5 508.7 12,292.0 1,075.4 1,274.6 370.8 388.1 4,287.9 1,985.0 439.6 379.0 3,152.4 1,311.2 701.7 703.6 865.4 1,117.8 339.3 1,465.2 1,647.4 2,447.9 1,586.3 609.2 1,283.1 292.4 358.0 781.9 303.1 2,565.1 522.6 6,215.2 1,478.9 160.3 3,290.8 692.1 1,282.8 2,941.0 305.7 815.6 188.7 1,116.4 3,870.1 809.1 193.9 1,941.7 1,480.3 492.4 1,397.9 208.2 Governmental Administration 640.4 395.2 908.2 346.8 7,654.1 1,100.6 1,290.7 302.4 253.9 3,929.2 1,089.8 595.8 172.6 3,496.1 900.2 313.3 436.9 1,375.2 932.8 262.8 1,121.2 2,283.7 2,229.7 1,469.4 450.0 934.3 226.3 211.9 623.2 399.6 2,297.2 366.8 8,536.6 1,122.5 127.1 1,909.7 465.1 616.0 4,062.2 318.0 641.6 155.3 827.0 4,063.7 383.3 146.9 1,734.9 1,356.6 407.9 1,282.9 126.4 All Other 1,676.4 1,949.3 2,562.3 1,005.4 23,503.5 2,345.2 3,164.7 449.2 366.7 7,975.0 3,648.9 1,207.5 444.7 6,842.3 2,709.5 1,315.1 1,213.1 1,890.4 1,901.9 754.1 2,723.0 5,114.8 4,654.5 2,542.4 1,276.8 2,768.8 381.0 681.4 864.1 614.8 5,974.8 712.6 18,395.8 3,101.9 474.7 4,998.0 1,202.4 1,929.3 6,397.3 720.2 1,368.7 300.2 2,190.7 7,316.0 890.8 282.9 3,319.9 3,879.1 689.5 2,532.3 265.2 Total 20,119.1 7,131.5 20,302.0 10,661.7 180,874.8 20,067.9 19,688.2 4,483.3 4,629.7 71,630.5 35,831.4 6,888.7 5,611.6 59,726.8 26,641.6 14,686.6 12,065.5 18,061.9 21,117.7 6,388.1 24,875.8 34,999.6 50,557.6 28,160.1 12,939.8 23,880.6 4,292.6 7,716.0 9,296.0 5,328.9 44,325.5 9,465.6 133,769.3 36,769.3 3,486.8 53,150.1 13,555.0 18,300.8 61,225.5 5,280.8 18,232.2 3,245.4 24,172.1 87,374.5 10,439.7 3,029.7 32,298.7 32,333.8 8,226.9 28,043.3 3,152.1 93,018.0 98,964.6 109,929.6 76,699.2 67,293.7 155,489.4 1,398,532.9 74 Direct General Expenditures of State and Local Governments, by function, per capita, 1999 Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Population 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 Primary and Secondary Education 1,043.6 2,176.5 1,020.1 999.3 1,172.1 1,175.7 1,466.7 1,235.9 1,337.9 1,043.6 1,257.8 902.2 1,100.1 1,270.6 1,170.6 1,203.6 1,115.7 951.0 1,054.9 1,219.9 1,209.8 1,290.4 1,463.4 1,431.4 991.8 1,100.4 1,151.5 1,181.5 1,213.2 1,141.2 1,642.8 1,177.9 1,687.1 1,086.6 1,108.7 1,204.2 1,094.5 1,219.8 1,332.6 1,285.6 1,152.2 1,102.6 1,008.8 1,267.4 1,119.3 1,384.3 1,187.5 1,274.5 1,147.8 1,441.1 1,510.2 Higher Education 502.9 550.7 474.1 440.5 468.4 562.3 339.0 715.2 158.8 315.5 402.8 578.9 465.4 381.2 552.2 676.0 616.7 466.0 412.8 356.3 485.3 315.3 631.8 511.9 506.8 393.3 537.8 631.6 377.6 348.2 379.3 657.8 315.2 538.8 688.6 415.1 479.5 584.2 389.1 372.3 447.1 394.7 402.0 447.9 717.2 573.3 456.9 550.0 425.8 561.7 613.6 Public Welfare 739.4 1,112.5 394.5 746.3 818.6 635.2 892.8 667.5 2,401.9 585.5 631.8 806.7 576.2 713.8 655.2 724.1 488.4 907.5 682.1 1,135.1 710.5 946.2 654.1 1,152.0 737.1 696.6 578.9 678.1 471.0 821.3 700.1 794.2 1,541.6 743.9 981.5 786.0 517.8 835.6 943.0 1,051.9 805.9 608.5 788.6 561.7 633.2 925.9 588.7 800.6 923.5 786.3 522.8 Health and Hospitals 740.1 404.2 206.7 423.3 505.8 246.1 471.2 345.5 982.2 436.8 471.1 462.3 435.7 344.3 417.7 564.3 378.7 276.6 704.0 314.0 233.2 354.1 429.3 361.3 696.6 384.4 338.5 325.7 372.9 130.0 254.4 486.3 605.5 692.5 81.9 397.3 375.4 438.0 301.1 244.3 727.3 206.8 538.6 409.0 338.9 103.0 353.9 559.6 286.2 306.4 934.4 Highways 285.7 1,207.7 363.7 337.0 222.7 435.1 337.2 514.9 194.5 334.5 318.0 340.0 419.1 314.4 307.4 560.2 504.5 399.1 354.1 408.9 284.5 440.5 308.5 465.4 412.5 351.6 545.0 481.1 530.1 381.3 293.6 650.8 360.3 328.3 651.3 315.8 334.4 373.8 315.3 301.0 266.1 644.6 308.1 292.1 410.9 532.6 394.3 381.7 463.4 454.5 828.1 Police and Corrections 241.3 536.3 394.5 242.3 442.3 386.0 360.3 469.6 1,167.5 443.3 317.1 299.8 318.9 356.0 238.6 236.6 280.0 238.4 342.0 210.1 372.0 355.7 358.7 286.8 245.1 274.5 274.4 235.9 480.3 235.9 417.2 371.6 538.7 308.1 179.5 331.4 255.9 401.2 353.1 331.5 296.3 225.3 262.6 340.8 335.3 170.9 330.0 342.4 172.4 377.3 393.1 Environment and Housing 324.8 959.9 371.1 260.6 516.1 392.5 385.7 511.7 734.1 509.4 338.7 528.9 372.0 431.9 313.2 341.6 275.3 278.5 376.4 371.4 488.1 500.7 333.7 515.7 240.2 254.5 417.4 346.5 438.7 281.8 424.9 381.2 481.2 362.3 608.7 365.8 276.4 511.6 353.2 386.7 269.8 365.8 345.6 279.3 368.8 362.2 370.2 541.6 254.0 420.8 519.5 Interest on General debt 146.5 637.9 190.1 135.9 230.9 271.4 393.3 401.3 489.2 260.0 139.9 502.5 137.9 288.3 151.5 109.2 164.6 347.2 213.4 209.7 216.8 369.8 226.0 307.7 162.5 170.8 256.4 127.2 344.5 332.7 282.1 210.8 469.1 146.7 200.6 169.6 138.5 185.8 338.7 320.9 165.1 211.8 150.8 202.7 180.0 247.4 252.4 235.7 225.7 244.3 263.5 Governmental Administration 196.2 779.5 297.9 199.4 370.9 265.1 388.4 492.0 747.7 283.8 254.9 370.8 302.8 259.9 220.6 244.5 265.1 218.5 255.7 270.8 283.3 266.8 248.2 332.2 220.0 234.6 331.2 214.9 432.2 252.3 315.0 300.4 341.6 193.3 252.9 292.3 206.1 386.8 245.2 308.5 209.9 257.3 203.6 193.1 379.9 326.5 282.5 257.2 272.5 266.3 434.0 All Other 383.6 3146.5 536.2 394.1 709.1 578.2 964.2 596.2 706.6 527.8 468.5 1018.6 355.3 564.2 455.9 458.3 457.1 477.3 435.0 601.8 526.5 828.3 471.9 532.4 461.2 506.3 431.6 409.0 477.6 511.9 733.7 409.6 1010.9 405.4 749.1 444.0 358.1 581.8 533.4 726.9 352.2 409.4 399.5 365.0 418.3 476.5 483.0 673.9 381.6 482.3 553.1 Total 4,604.1 11,511.7 4,248.8 4,178.8 5,457.1 4,947.5 5,998.8 5,949.7 8,920.4 4,740.2 4,600.7 5,810.8 4,483.2 4,924.6 4,482.9 5,118.3 4,546.1 4,560.1 4,830.2 5,098.1 4,810.1 5,667.8 5,125.6 5,896.8 4,673.7 4,367.1 4,862.6 4,631.4 5,138.0 4,436.6 5,443.1 5,440.5 7,351.3 4,806.0 5,502.7 4,721.7 4,036.6 5,518.7 5,104.7 5,329.7 4,692.1 4,426.8 4,408.1 4,359.1 4,901.7 5,102.7 4,699.4 5,617.1 4,553.0 5,341.1 6,572.2 Totals 272,690,813 1,246.4 450.0 789.1 437.7 341.1 362.9 403.1 246.8 281.3 570.2 5,128.6 75 Representative State-Local Expenditures by Function, 1999, Adjusted for Input Cost Differences (millions) Primary and Secondary Higher Health and Education Education Public Welfare Hospitals Highways Alabama 4,934.6 1,911.1 4,109.5 2,218.6 1,936.2 Alaska 1,089.3 327.1 341.2 230.0 185.8 Arizona 6,332.6 2,045.2 4,356.9 2,079.7 1,540.8 Arkansas 2,979.9 1,021.5 2,363.8 1,325.2 1,167.1 California 45,514.7 16,593.5 31,347.2 14,153.9 9,542.5 Colorado 5,293.2 1,819.0 2,262.9 1,577.6 1,510.6 Connecticut 4,317.4 1,440.1 1,776.0 1,387.3 984.6 Delaware 830.7 345.0 500.0 331.6 271.5 D.C. 405.9 253.8 626.7 261.9 109.8 Florida 15,875.7 5,654.7 12,278.1 6,622.0 4,410.7 Georgia 9,971.9 3,609.4 6,585.7 3,612.6 3,281.1 Hawaii 1,242.7 529.6 825.1 419.1 246.4 Idaho 1,702.9 572.7 1,070.0 508.2 563.8 Illinois 15,195.7 5,604.5 7,821.0 4,942.3 3,544.3 Indiana 7,253.8 2,674.9 3,045.5 2,504.1 2,372.0 Iowa 3,266.2 1,190.5 1,508.7 1,110.0 1,245.7 Kansas 3,258.2 1,145.6 1,835.7 1,046.4 1,291.7 Kentucky 4,387.3 1,749.0 3,222.5 2,141.3 1,625.9 Louisiana 5,123.2 1,957.9 5,289.0 2,096.7 1,377.7 Maine 1,373.0 482.0 831.5 587.3 474.6 Maryland 6,323.3 2,357.1 2,415.9 1,960.5 1,582.2 Massachusetts 7,331.6 2,721.6 4,071.6 2,838.5 1,660.3 Michigan 13,443.4 4,650.9 6,573.5 4,361.5 3,313.3 Minnesota 6,278.3 2,138.8 2,698.1 1,769.8 2,008.8 Mississippi 3,280.5 1,189.6 2,947.3 1,450.9 1,229.3 Missouri 6,318.9 2,272.6 3,715.6 2,370.5 2,333.1 Montana 1,033.7 338.6 890.8 378.4 526.8 Nebraska 1,895.3 695.0 1,221.6 625.8 851.3 Nevada 2,397.5 741.5 1,261.4 747.7 639.7 New Hampshire 1,478.6 488.9 676.8 492.3 399.2 New Jersey 10,224.7 3,750.1 4,361.6 3,424.1 2,126.6 New Mexico 2,324.8 712.9 2,252.9 781.1 847.4 New York 21,134.6 8,176.0 18,076.4 8,550.5 4,144.5 North Carolina 9,021.5 3,184.2 6,710.7 3,718.9 2,840.1 North Dakota 725.9 260.0 560.5 241.7 521.4 Ohio 13,785.8 5,050.9 8,381.7 4,884.4 3,498.4 Oklahoma 4,047.9 1,374.4 2,836.9 1,430.7 1,594.3 Oregon 4,058.9 1,422.9 2,923.6 1,390.5 1,247.3 Pennsylvania 13,360.2 5,072.4 7,939.5 5,086.2 3,420.3 Rhode Island 1,124.6 416.7 680.1 454.8 261.6 South Carolina 4,400.0 1,685.2 3,129.7 1,853.8 1,480.0 South Dakota 848.3 292.1 427.2 269.0 533.5 Tennessee 6,081.0 2,310.2 4,425.8 2,729.1 2,152.3 Texas 27,852.0 9,243.3 19,201.9 8,220.1 7,189.0 Utah 3,502.9 1,239.2 996.8 746.6 799.5 Vermont 638.4 235.5 368.4 253.1 244.9 Virginia 8,261.7 3,262.1 3,715.1 2,904.6 2,430.7 Washington 7,597.4 2,665.7 3,407.5 2,315.0 1,851.4 West Virginia 1,915.8 734.3 1,914.6 999.0 658.5 Wisconsin 6,282.8 2,320.3 2,921.3 2,063.8 2,064.1 Wyoming 640.2 212.5 336.8 191.9 320.1 Totals 337,959.0 122,142.7 214,038.8 118,660.4 92,452.8 Police and Corrections 1,671.2 301.0 1,873.8 792.4 13,497.3 1,376.1 1,078.5 237.9 696.5 4,752.2 3,121.3 373.2 344.4 5,119.3 2,250.2 711.5 912.2 1,329.3 1,902.0 305.1 2,381.3 1,762.1 4,122.0 1,446.6 990.8 1,904.3 216.5 476.8 747.2 303.0 2,821.7 691.0 6,455.9 2,761.7 150.1 3,571.2 1,136.4 948.0 4,066.6 302.4 1,368.6 181.2 1,980.9 7,377.8 728.7 156.1 2,581.7 1,810.1 525.9 1,615.3 132.0 Environment and Housing 1,709.7 257.4 1,889.9 972.8 13,758.7 1,632.8 1,388.9 307.6 216.9 5,893.6 3,125.0 471.0 484.4 4,966.1 2,384.3 1,112.0 1,034.0 1,551.2 1,693.2 481.9 2,157.2 2,547.1 4,080.0 1,929.3 1,053.8 2,135.4 330.6 641.2 722.6 481.4 3,465.1 668.1 7,458.1 2,996.1 238.1 4,545.0 1,281.6 1,319.5 4,860.6 399.2 1,511.2 274.2 2,146.4 7,967.5 856.8 229.8 2,796.2 2,341.1 690.5 2,095.9 185.1 Interest on General debt 1,078.4 152.9 1,179.2 629.6 8,179.4 1,001.0 809.9 186.0 128.1 3,729.1 1,922.0 292.6 308.9 2,993.0 1,466.6 708.1 655.0 977.4 1,078.9 309.2 1,276.2 1,523.9 2,434.1 1,178.5 683.2 1,349.5 217.8 411.1 446.5 296.4 2,009.6 429.4 4,490.5 1,888.0 156.4 2,777.9 828.7 818.3 2,959.8 244.5 958.9 180.9 1,353.2 4,946.4 525.6 146.5 1,696.1 1,420.5 445.9 1,295.7 118.4 Governmental Administration 1,148.6 186.2 1,287.6 631.2 9,938.5 1,137.2 1,025.3 217.9 157.9 3,942.8 2,167.9 322.7 320.7 3,530.5 1,653.8 737.7 690.8 1,043.4 1,122.3 316.4 1,566.8 1,826.4 2,935.1 1,349.6 682.0 1,431.0 209.1 421.4 498.4 333.4 2,573.2 437.7 5,308.2 2,015.1 151.3 3,177.1 832.6 905.8 3,413.1 278.4 1,007.2 173.1 1,442.8 5,462.7 596.3 152.1 1,972.8 1,650.9 449.4 1,444.7 122.1 All Other 2,380.9 369.6 2,647.0 1,335.9 19,746.6 2,307.8 2,011.9 437.8 312.3 8,193.6 4,409.7 661.2 670.6 7,079.6 3,364.2 1,540.7 1,436.8 2,161.3 2,345.1 665.0 3,103.2 3,644.2 5,845.5 2,731.9 1,445.7 2,970.8 449.5 885.0 1,017.2 678.8 5,032.4 921.0 10,637.3 4,174.4 324.2 6,433.7 1,760.9 1,853.8 6,893.5 564.6 2,097.8 372.6 2,989.8 11,188.4 1,210.7 318.1 3,973.5 3,326.1 949.4 2,949.7 255.8 Total 23,098.7 3,440.5 25,232.7 13,219.5 182,272.3 19,918.3 16,219.9 3,666.0 3,169.8 71,352.5 41,806.5 5,383.6 6,546.6 60,796.4 28,969.4 13,131.1 13,306.4 20,188.6 23,986.0 5,826.1 25,123.7 29,927.2 51,759.2 23,529.6 14,953.1 26,801.6 4,591.9 8,124.5 9,219.6 5,628.9 39,789.2 10,066.2 94,432.2 39,310.7 3,329.6 56,106.0 17,124.3 16,888.6 57,072.1 4,726.8 19,492.5 3,552.1 27,611.6 108,649.0 11,203.2 2,743.0 33,594.4 28,385.7 9,283.1 25,053.4 2,514.8 98,358.9 109,736.2 67,293.7 76,399.3 155,076.9 1,392,118.6 76 Representative State-Local Expenditures by Function, 1999, per capita, Adjusted for Input Cost Differences Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Population 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 Primary and Secondary Education 1,129.2 1,758.4 1,325.3 1,167.9 1,373.2 1,305.0 1,315.5 1,102.4 782.1 1,050.6 1,280.4 1,048.2 1,360.5 1,252.9 1,220.6 1,138.3 1,227.6 1,107.7 1,171.8 1,095.8 1,222.7 1,187.3 1,362.9 1,314.7 1,184.9 1,155.5 1,171.0 1,137.6 1,325.1 1,231.0 1,255.6 1,336.2 1,161.5 1,179.2 1,145.6 1,224.7 1,205.4 1,224.0 1,113.9 1,135.0 1,132.4 1,157.0 1,109.0 1,389.5 1,644.7 1,075.3 1,202.1 1,319.8 1,060.2 1,196.6 1,335.0 Higher Education 437.3 528.0 428.0 400.4 500.6 448.5 438.8 457.8 488.9 374.2 463.4 446.7 457.6 462.1 450.1 414.9 431.6 441.6 447.8 384.7 455.8 440.7 471.5 447.9 429.7 415.6 383.6 417.2 409.8 407.0 460.5 409.8 449.3 416.2 410.3 448.7 409.3 429.1 422.9 420.5 433.7 398.5 421.3 461.1 581.8 396.6 474.6 463.1 406.4 441.9 443.1 Public Welfare 940.4 550.8 911.8 926.5 945.8 557.9 541.1 663.5 1,207.6 812.5 845.6 696.0 854.8 644.9 512.5 525.8 691.7 813.6 1,209.7 663.6 467.1 659.3 666.4 565.0 1,064.5 679.5 1,009.1 733.2 697.2 563.5 535.6 1,294.9 993.4 877.1 884.6 744.6 844.8 881.6 662.0 686.4 805.4 582.7 807.1 958.0 468.0 620.6 540.5 591.9 1,059.6 556.4 702.2 Health and Hospitals 507.7 371.3 435.2 519.4 427.0 388.9 422.7 440.1 504.7 438.2 463.9 353.5 406.0 407.5 421.4 386.8 394.3 540.6 479.6 468.7 379.1 459.7 442.2 370.6 524.1 433.5 428.6 375.6 413.3 409.8 420.5 448.9 469.9 486.1 381.4 433.9 426.0 419.3 424.1 459.0 477.1 367.0 497.7 410.1 350.5 426.4 422.6 402.2 552.9 393.1 400.1 Highways 443.1 299.9 322.5 457.4 287.9 372.4 300.0 360.3 211.6 291.9 421.3 207.9 450.4 292.2 399.1 434.1 486.7 410.5 315.1 378.8 305.9 268.9 335.9 420.6 444.0 426.6 596.7 511.0 353.6 332.4 261.1 487.1 227.8 371.2 822.8 310.8 474.8 376.1 285.2 264.0 380.9 727.8 392.5 358.7 375.4 412.4 353.7 321.6 364.4 393.1 667.4 Police and Corrections 382.4 485.8 392.1 310.6 407.2 339.3 328.6 315.7 1,341.9 314.5 400.8 314.8 275.1 422.1 378.6 248.0 343.7 335.6 435.0 243.5 460.5 285.4 417.9 302.9 357.9 348.2 245.2 286.2 413.0 252.3 346.5 397.2 354.8 361.0 236.9 317.2 338.4 285.9 339.1 305.2 352.2 247.1 361.2 368.1 342.1 262.9 375.6 314.5 291.0 307.6 275.2 Environment and Housing 391.2 415.5 395.5 381.3 415.1 402.5 423.2 408.2 417.9 390.0 401.3 397.3 387.0 409.5 401.2 387.5 389.6 391.6 387.3 384.6 417.1 412.5 413.6 404.0 380.6 390.5 374.5 384.9 399.4 400.8 425.5 384.0 409.9 391.6 375.7 403.8 381.7 397.9 405.3 402.9 388.9 374.1 391.4 397.5 402.3 387.0 406.8 406.7 382.1 399.2 385.9 Interest on General debt 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 Governmental Administration 262.8 300.5 269.5 247.4 299.8 280.4 312.4 289.1 304.2 260.9 278.4 272.2 256.2 291.1 278.3 257.1 260.3 263.4 256.7 252.5 303.0 295.8 297.6 282.6 246.3 261.7 236.9 252.9 275.5 277.6 316.0 251.6 291.7 263.4 238.7 282.2 247.9 273.1 284.6 281.0 259.2 236.2 263.1 272.5 280.0 256.3 287.0 286.8 248.7 275.2 254.5 All Other 544.9 596.7 554.0 523.6 595.8 569.0 613.0 581.0 601.8 542.2 566.2 557.8 535.7 583.7 566.1 536.9 541.3 545.7 536.4 530.7 600.0 590.1 592.6 572.1 522.2 543.3 509.2 531.2 562.2 565.2 618.0 529.3 584.6 545.6 511.6 571.5 524.4 559.0 574.7 569.8 539.9 508.2 545.2 558.2 568.5 535.8 578.1 577.8 525.4 561.8 533.4 Total 5,285.9 5,553.7 5,280.6 5,181.3 5,499.2 4,910.7 4,942.0 4,865.0 6,107.5 4,721.8 5,367.9 4,541.2 5,230.2 5,012.7 4,874.6 4,576.2 5,013.6 5,097.1 5,486.2 4,649.6 4,858.0 4,846.4 5,247.4 4,927.1 5,400.9 4,901.2 5,201.6 4,876.5 5,095.8 4,686.3 4,886.1 5,785.7 5,189.5 5,138.1 5,254.4 4,984.3 5,099.5 5,092.8 4,758.4 4,770.6 5,016.4 4,845.2 5,035.4 5,420.5 5,260.1 4,619.9 4,887.9 4,931.2 5,137.5 4,771.7 5,243.5 Totals 272,690,813 1,239.3 447.9 784.9 438.7 339.0 360.7 402.4 246.8 280.2 568.7 5,108.6 77 Representative State-Local Expenditures by Function, 1999, Adjusted for Input Cost Differences and then Normalized (millions) Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Population 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 Primary and Secondary Education 1,129.2 1,758.4 1,325.3 1,167.9 1,373.2 1,305.0 1,315.5 1,102.4 782.1 1,050.6 1,280.4 1,048.2 1,360.5 1,252.9 1,220.6 1,138.3 1,227.6 1,107.7 1,171.8 1,095.8 1,222.7 1,187.3 1,362.9 1,314.7 1,184.9 1,155.5 1,171.0 1,137.6 1,325.1 1,231.0 1,255.6 1,336.2 1,161.5 1,179.2 1,145.6 1,224.7 1,205.4 1,224.0 1,113.9 1,135.0 1,132.4 1,157.0 1,109.0 1,389.5 1,644.7 1,075.3 1,202.1 1,319.8 1,060.2 1,196.6 1,335.0 Higher Education 437.3 528.0 428.0 400.4 500.6 448.5 438.8 457.8 488.9 374.2 463.4 446.7 457.6 462.1 450.1 414.9 431.6 441.6 447.8 384.7 455.8 440.7 471.5 447.9 429.7 415.6 383.6 417.2 409.8 407.0 460.5 409.8 449.3 416.2 410.3 448.7 409.3 429.1 422.9 420.5 433.7 398.5 421.3 461.1 581.8 396.6 474.6 463.1 406.4 441.9 443.1 Public Welfare 940.4 550.8 911.8 926.5 945.8 557.9 541.1 663.5 1,207.6 812.5 845.6 696.0 854.8 644.9 512.5 525.8 691.7 813.6 1,209.7 663.6 467.1 659.3 666.4 565.0 1,064.5 679.5 1,009.1 733.2 697.2 563.5 535.6 1,294.9 993.4 877.1 884.6 744.6 844.8 881.6 662.0 686.4 805.4 582.7 807.1 958.0 468.0 620.6 540.5 591.9 1,059.6 556.4 702.2 Health and Hospitals 464.2 437.3 403.9 462.9 410.6 457.8 512.5 468.6 416.1 418.9 441.4 389.8 379.8 441.5 461.0 405.4 394.9 506.4 392.1 476.9 485.1 494.0 484.3 456.8 458.4 455.7 369.4 385.9 426.5 474.0 503.4 370.3 448.4 458.9 343.6 444.3 391.4 412.5 451.2 502.6 466.1 382.7 460.2 369.8 403.2 432.0 475.8 447.6 478.4 439.5 391.0 Highways 443.1 299.9 322.5 457.4 287.9 372.4 300.0 360.3 211.6 291.9 421.3 207.9 450.4 292.2 399.1 434.1 486.7 410.5 315.1 378.8 305.9 268.9 335.9 420.6 444.0 426.6 596.7 511.0 353.6 332.4 261.1 487.1 227.8 371.2 822.8 310.8 474.8 376.1 285.2 264.0 380.9 727.8 392.5 358.7 375.4 412.4 353.7 321.6 364.4 393.1 667.4 Police and Corrections 382.4 485.8 392.1 310.6 407.2 339.3 328.6 315.7 1,341.9 314.5 400.8 314.8 275.1 422.1 378.6 248.0 343.7 335.6 435.0 243.5 460.5 285.4 417.9 302.9 357.9 348.2 245.2 286.2 413.0 252.3 346.5 397.2 354.8 361.0 236.9 317.2 338.4 285.9 339.1 305.2 352.2 247.1 361.2 368.1 342.1 262.9 375.6 314.5 291.0 307.6 275.2 Environment and Housing 391.2 415.5 395.5 381.3 415.1 402.5 423.2 408.2 417.9 390.0 401.3 397.3 387.0 409.5 401.2 387.5 389.6 391.6 387.3 384.6 417.1 412.5 413.6 404.0 380.6 390.5 374.5 384.9 399.4 400.8 425.5 384.0 409.9 391.6 375.7 403.8 381.7 397.9 405.3 402.9 388.9 374.1 391.4 397.5 402.3 387.0 406.8 406.7 382.1 399.2 385.9 Interest on General debt 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 246.8 Governmental Administration 262.8 300.5 269.5 247.4 299.8 280.4 312.4 289.1 304.2 260.9 278.4 272.2 256.2 291.1 278.3 257.1 260.3 263.4 256.7 252.5 303.0 295.8 297.6 282.6 246.3 261.7 236.9 252.9 275.5 277.6 316.0 251.6 291.7 263.4 238.7 282.2 247.9 273.1 284.6 281.0 259.2 236.2 263.1 272.5 280.0 256.3 287.0 286.8 248.7 275.2 254.5 All Other 544.9 596.7 554.0 523.6 595.8 569.0 613.0 581.0 601.8 542.2 566.2 557.8 535.7 583.7 566.1 536.9 541.3 545.7 536.4 530.7 600.0 590.1 592.6 572.1 522.2 543.3 509.2 531.2 562.2 565.2 618.0 529.3 584.6 545.6 511.6 571.5 524.4 559.0 574.7 569.8 539.9 508.2 545.2 558.2 568.5 535.8 578.1 577.8 525.4 561.8 533.4 Total 5,242.4 5,619.7 5,249.3 5,124.8 5,482.8 4,979.5 5,031.9 4,893.5 6,018.9 4,702.5 5,345.4 4,577.5 5,203.9 5,046.8 4,914.2 4,594.8 5,014.3 5,062.8 5,398.8 4,657.8 4,964.0 4,880.7 5,289.6 5,013.3 5,335.3 4,923.4 5,142.4 4,886.8 5,109.0 4,750.5 4,969.0 5,707.1 5,168.0 5,111.0 5,216.6 4,994.7 5,064.8 5,086.0 4,785.5 4,814.2 5,005.5 4,860.9 4,997.9 5,380.2 5,312.8 4,625.6 4,941.2 4,976.6 5,063.0 4,818.1 5,234.4 Totals 272,690,813 1,239.3 447.9 784.9 438.7 339.0 360.7 402.4 246.8 280.2 568.7 5,108.6 78 Ratio of Actual Direct General Expenditures of State and Local Governments to Representative State-Local Expenditures Adjusted for Input Cost Differences, by Function, 1999 Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming United States Primary and Secondary Education 92.4 123.8 77.0 85.6 85.4 90.1 111.5 112.1 171.1 99.3 98.2 86.1 80.9 101.4 95.9 105.7 90.9 85.9 90.0 111.3 98.9 108.7 107.4 108.9 83.7 95.2 98.3 103.9 91.6 92.7 130.8 88.2 145.3 92.1 96.8 98.3 90.8 99.7 119.6 113.3 101.8 95.3 91.0 91.2 68.1 128.7 98.8 96.6 108.3 120.4 113.1 100.0 Higher Education 115.0 104.3 110.8 110.0 93.6 125.4 77.3 156.2 32.5 84.3 86.9 129.6 101.7 82.5 122.7 162.9 142.9 105.5 92.2 92.6 106.5 71.5 134.0 114.3 117.9 94.6 140.2 151.4 92.1 85.6 82.4 160.5 70.2 129.5 167.8 92.5 117.2 136.2 92.0 88.5 103.1 99.0 95.4 97.1 123.3 144.5 96.3 118.8 104.8 127.1 138.5 100.0 Public Welfare 78.6 202.0 43.3 80.6 86.6 113.9 165.0 100.6 198.9 72.1 74.7 115.9 67.4 110.7 127.8 137.7 70.6 111.5 56.4 171.1 152.1 143.5 98.2 203.9 69.2 102.5 57.4 92.5 67.6 145.7 130.7 61.3 155.2 84.8 111.0 105.6 61.3 94.8 142.5 153.3 100.1 104.4 97.7 58.6 135.3 149.2 108.9 135.3 87.2 141.3 74.4 100.0 Health and Hospitals 159.4 92.4 51.2 91.4 123.2 53.8 91.9 73.7 236.0 104.3 106.7 118.6 114.7 78.0 90.6 139.2 95.9 54.6 179.5 65.8 48.1 71.7 88.6 79.1 151.9 84.3 91.6 84.4 87.4 27.4 50.5 131.3 135.0 150.9 23.8 89.4 95.9 106.2 66.7 48.6 156.0 54.0 117.0 110.6 84.0 23.9 74.4 125.0 59.8 69.7 239.0 100.0 Highways 64.5 402.7 112.8 73.7 77.4 116.8 112.4 142.9 92.0 114.6 75.5 163.6 93.0 107.6 77.0 129.0 103.7 97.2 112.4 107.9 93.0 163.8 91.8 110.6 92.9 82.4 91.3 94.2 149.9 114.7 112.4 133.6 158.2 88.5 79.2 101.6 70.4 99.4 110.6 114.0 69.9 88.6 78.5 81.4 109.5 129.1 111.5 118.7 127.2 115.6 124.1 100.0 79 Police and Corrections 63.1 110.4 100.6 78.0 108.6 113.8 109.7 148.7 87.0 141.0 79.1 95.2 115.9 84.3 63.0 95.4 81.5 71.0 78.6 86.3 80.8 124.7 85.8 94.7 68.5 78.8 111.9 82.4 116.3 93.5 120.4 93.6 151.9 85.4 75.8 104.5 75.6 140.4 104.1 108.6 84.1 91.2 72.7 92.6 98.0 65.0 87.8 108.9 59.2 122.7 142.9 100.0 Environment and Housing 83.0 231.0 93.8 68.3 124.3 97.5 91.1 125.4 175.7 130.6 84.4 133.1 96.1 105.5 78.1 88.1 70.7 71.1 97.2 96.6 117.0 121.4 80.7 127.7 63.1 65.2 111.4 90.0 109.9 70.3 99.9 99.3 117.4 92.5 162.0 90.6 72.4 128.6 87.2 96.0 69.4 97.8 88.3 70.3 91.7 93.6 91.0 133.2 66.5 105.4 134.6 100.0 Interest on General debt 79.5 315.9 120.7 80.8 150.3 107.4 157.4 199.4 303.0 115.0 103.3 150.3 122.7 105.3 89.4 99.1 107.4 88.5 103.6 109.7 114.8 108.1 100.6 134.6 89.2 95.1 134.2 87.1 175.1 102.2 127.6 121.7 138.4 78.3 102.5 118.5 83.5 156.8 99.4 125.0 85.1 104.3 82.5 78.2 153.9 132.3 114.5 104.2 110.4 107.9 175.9 100.0 Governmental Administration 55.8 212.3 70.5 54.9 77.0 96.8 125.9 138.8 160.8 99.7 50.3 184.6 53.8 99.0 54.4 42.5 63.2 131.8 83.1 83.1 71.6 125.0 76.0 108.9 66.0 65.3 108.2 50.3 125.1 119.8 89.3 83.8 160.8 55.7 84.0 60.1 55.9 68.0 119.0 114.2 63.7 89.7 57.3 74.4 64.3 96.5 87.9 82.2 90.8 88.8 103.5 100.0 All Other 70.4 527.3 96.8 75.3 119.0 101.6 157.3 102.6 117.4 97.3 82.7 182.6 66.3 96.6 80.5 85.4 84.4 87.5 81.1 113.4 87.7 140.4 79.6 93.1 88.3 93.2 84.8 77.0 85.0 90.6 118.7 77.4 172.9 74.3 146.4 77.7 68.3 104.1 92.8 127.6 65.2 80.6 73.3 65.4 73.6 88.9 83.6 116.6 72.6 85.9 103.7 100.0 Total 87.8 204.8 80.9 81.5 99.5 99.4 119.2 121.6 148.2 100.8 86.1 126.9 86.2 97.6 91.2 111.4 90.7 90.1 89.5 109.5 96.9 116.1 96.9 117.6 87.6 88.7 94.6 94.8 100.6 93.4 109.5 95.3 142.2 94.0 105.5 94.5 79.7 108.5 106.7 110.7 93.7 91.1 88.2 81.0 92.3 110.3 95.1 112.9 89.9 110.9 125.6 100.0 Workload Summary, 1999. Primary and Secondary Education Alabama 1.56% Alaska 0.30% Arizona 1.95% Arkansas 1.00% California 12.54% Colorado 1.56% Connecticut 1.14% Delaware 0.24% D.C. 0.11% Florida 5.05% Georgia 2.97% Hawaii 0.38% Idaho 0.55% Illinois 4.32% Indiana 2.16% Iowa 1.05% Kansas 1.04% Kentucky 1.38% Louisiana 1.66% Maine 0.45% Maryland 1.72% Massachusetts 2.05% Michigan 3.73% Minnesota 1.84% Mississippi 1.11% Missouri 2.00% Montana 0.36% Nebraska 0.62% Nevada 0.72% New Hampshire 0.44% New Jersey 2.67% New Mexico 0.77% New York 5.99% North Carolina 2.84% North Dakota 0.25% Ohio 4.04% Oklahoma 1.36% Oregon 1.23% Pennsylvania 3.88% Rhode Island 0.33% South Carolina 1.41% South Dakota 0.30% Tennessee 1.92% Texas 8.47% Utah 1.04% Vermont 0.21% Virginia 2.38% Washington 2.19% West Virginia 0.64% Wisconsin 1.89% Wyoming 0.21% Totals 100.00% Higher Education 1.67% 0.25% 1.74% 0.95% 12.68% 1.49% 1.06% 0.27% 0.19% 4.97% 2.97% 0.45% 0.51% 4.41% 2.20% 1.06% 1.01% 1.52% 1.75% 0.44% 1.78% 2.11% 3.58% 1.73% 1.11% 1.99% 0.33% 0.63% 0.62% 0.40% 2.72% 0.65% 6.42% 2.77% 0.25% 4.10% 1.27% 1.19% 4.09% 0.34% 1.49% 0.28% 2.01% 7.77% 1.01% 0.21% 2.60% 2.13% 0.68% 1.93% 0.19% Public Welfare 1.93% 0.16% 2.04% 1.12% 14.43% 1.05% 0.81% 0.23% 0.29% 5.77% 3.07% 0.39% 0.50% 3.62% 1.42% 0.71% 0.86% 1.51% 2.49% 0.39% 1.11% 1.88% 3.03% 1.25% 1.40% 1.74% 0.42% 0.58% 0.59% 0.32% 1.99% 1.06% 8.35% 3.15% 0.27% 3.89% 1.34% 1.36% 3.68% 0.32% 1.47% 0.20% 2.08% 8.96% 0.46% 0.17% 1.72% 1.58% 0.91% 1.36% 0.16% Health and Hospitals 1.96% 0.18% 1.80% 1.23% 11.28% 1.33% 1.07% 0.27% 0.21% 5.88% 3.05% 0.36% 0.46% 4.03% 2.12% 1.00% 0.93% 1.89% 1.88% 0.53% 1.55% 2.29% 3.50% 1.48% 1.35% 2.10% 0.36% 0.57% 0.64% 0.42% 2.62% 0.71% 6.96% 3.28% 0.23% 4.08% 1.32% 1.19% 4.22% 0.38% 1.65% 0.26% 2.41% 7.06% 0.63% 0.23% 2.40% 1.91% 0.92% 1.76% 0.17% Highways 2.14% 0.19% 1.69% 1.32% 9.99% 1.63% 1.01% 0.29% 0.11% 4.89% 3.54% 0.27% 0.63% 3.76% 2.56% 1.39% 1.43% 1.79% 1.54% 0.53% 1.65% 1.75% 3.48% 2.16% 1.39% 2.58% 0.61% 0.95% 0.69% 0.43% 2.18% 0.95% 4.39% 3.14% 0.60% 3.76% 1.80% 1.36% 3.66% 0.28% 1.64% 0.61% 2.38% 7.83% 0.86% 0.27% 2.59% 1.97% 0.74% 2.24% 0.36% Police and Corrections 1.84% 0.28% 2.00% 0.94% 12.61% 1.40% 0.96% 0.23% 0.64% 5.27% 3.19% 0.39% 0.39% 4.96% 2.30% 0.80% 1.02% 1.46% 2.16% 0.35% 2.20% 1.67% 3.89% 1.45% 1.18% 2.11% 0.27% 0.55% 0.77% 0.31% 2.47% 0.80% 6.24% 3.03% 0.19% 3.59% 1.35% 0.99% 4.05% 0.31% 1.53% 0.23% 2.18% 7.75% 0.74% 0.18% 2.54% 1.79% 0.62% 1.68% 0.15% Environment and Housing 1.60% 0.23% 1.75% 0.94% 12.15% 1.49% 1.20% 0.28% 0.19% 5.54% 2.86% 0.43% 0.46% 4.45% 2.18% 1.05% 0.97% 1.45% 1.60% 0.46% 1.90% 2.26% 3.62% 1.75% 1.02% 2.01% 0.32% 0.61% 0.66% 0.44% 2.99% 0.64% 6.67% 2.81% 0.23% 4.13% 1.23% 1.22% 4.40% 0.36% 1.42% 0.27% 2.01% 7.35% 0.78% 0.22% 2.52% 2.11% 0.66% 1.93% 0.18% Interest on General debt 1.60% 0.23% 1.75% 0.94% 12.15% 1.49% 1.20% 0.28% 0.19% 5.54% 2.86% 0.43% 0.46% 4.45% 2.18% 1.05% 0.97% 1.45% 1.60% 0.46% 1.90% 2.26% 3.62% 1.75% 1.02% 2.01% 0.32% 0.61% 0.66% 0.44% 2.99% 0.64% 6.67% 2.81% 0.23% 4.13% 1.23% 1.22% 4.40% 0.36% 1.42% 0.27% 2.01% 7.35% 0.78% 0.22% 2.52% 2.11% 0.66% 1.93% 0.18% Governmental Administration 1.60% 0.23% 1.75% 0.94% 12.15% 1.49% 1.20% 0.28% 0.19% 5.54% 2.86% 0.43% 0.46% 4.45% 2.18% 1.05% 0.97% 1.45% 1.60% 0.46% 1.90% 2.26% 3.62% 1.75% 1.02% 2.01% 0.32% 0.61% 0.66% 0.44% 2.99% 0.64% 6.67% 2.81% 0.23% 4.13% 1.23% 1.22% 4.40% 0.36% 1.42% 0.27% 2.01% 7.35% 0.78% 0.22% 2.52% 2.11% 0.66% 1.93% 0.18% All Other 1.60% 0.23% 1.75% 0.94% 12.15% 1.49% 1.20% 0.28% 0.19% 5.54% 2.86% 0.43% 0.46% 4.45% 2.18% 1.05% 0.97% 1.45% 1.60% 0.46% 1.90% 2.26% 3.62% 1.75% 1.02% 2.01% 0.32% 0.61% 0.66% 0.44% 2.99% 0.64% 6.67% 2.81% 0.23% 4.13% 1.23% 1.22% 4.40% 0.36% 1.42% 0.27% 2.01% 7.35% 0.78% 0.22% 2.52% 2.11% 0.66% 1.93% 0.18% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 80 Elementary and Secondary Education, 1999. State Census Region 1999 1999 Total Private Elementary Secondary Age School Elementary Secondary Age Population Population (14- Enrollment (Fall Private School Private School (5-13) 17) 1999) Enrollment (calc) Enrollment (calc) Percentage of Persons under 18 Living in Poverty Elementary Age Population (5-13), Net of Private Enrollment Secondary Age Population (1417), Net of Private Enrollment Education Cost Workload Measure: Index: (1+25% * (% in Elementary and Poverty)) * Secondary Education: (Elementary * 60% + Share of Education Secondary*1) Cost Index Alabama South 530,800 244,544 73,352 50,217 23,135 24% 480,583 221,409 540,344 Alaska West 101,974 45,086 6,172 4,280 1,892 8% 97,694 43,194 103,847 1.56% 0.30% Arizona West 668,264 280,312 44,060 31,040 13,020 16% 637,224 267,292 675,774 1.95% Arkansas South 328,109 154,466 26,424 17,966 8,458 19% 310,143 146,008 347,453 1.00% California West 4,609,407 1,814,758 619,067 444,187 174,880 20% 4,165,220 1,639,878 4,349,065 12.54% Colorado West 531,393 245,902 52,142 35,647 16,495 12% 495,746 229,407 542,133 1.56% Connecticut Northeast 432,344 177,751 70,058 49,647 20,411 9% 382,697 157,340 395,471 1.14% Delaware South 92,296 39,989 22,779 15,893 6,886 18% 76,403 33,103 82,418 0.24% D.C. South 50,686 17,304 16,690 12,442 4,248 25% 38,244 13,056 38,208 0.11% Florida South 1,833,827 783,677 290,872 203,785 87,087 18% 1,630,042 696,590 1,751,648 5.05% Georgia South 1,029,126 447,609 116,407 81,123 35,284 20% 948,003 412,325 1,028,957 2.97% Hawaii West 147,263 61,690 32,193 22,689 9,504 14% 124,574 52,186 131,214 0.38% Idaho West 171,509 86,120 10,209 6,796 3,413 22% 164,713 82,707 191,474 0.55% Illinois Midwest 1,611,853 691,806 299,871 209,817 90,054 15% 1,402,036 601,752 1,497,085 4.32% Indiana Midwest 763,919 351,397 105,533 72,283 33,250 9% 691,636 318,147 748,708 2.16% Iowa Midwest 358,539 178,326 49,565 33,101 16,464 10% 325,438 161,862 365,964 1.05% Kansas Midwest 346,666 167,958 43,113 29,042 14,071 19% 317,624 153,887 360,393 1.04% Kentucky South 479,099 227,336 75,084 50,921 24,163 17% 428,178 203,173 479,288 1.38% Louisiana South 589,547 286,304 138,135 92,981 45,154 27% 496,566 241,150 574,939 1.66% Maine Northeast 149,198 74,023 18,287 12,223 6,064 18% 136,975 67,959 156,713 0.45% Maryland South 677,286 285,288 144,131 101,413 42,718 7% 575,873 242,570 597,798 1.72% Massachusetts Northeast 759,932 316,382 132,154 93,307 38,847 20% 666,625 277,535 710,539 2.05% Michigan Midwest 1,313,980 592,324 179,579 123,780 55,799 14% 1,190,200 536,525 1,294,730 3.73% Minnesota Midwest 642,933 307,294 92,795 62,786 30,009 8% 580,147 277,285 637,724 1.84% Mississippi South 372,618 177,813 51,369 34,775 16,594 22% 337,843 161,219 384,213 1.11% Missouri Midwest 706,486 329,965 122,387 83,424 38,963 18% 623,062 291,002 695,089 2.00% Montana West 111,919 58,840 8,711 5,709 3,002 22% 106,210 55,838 126,080 0.36% Nebraska Midwest 220,531 108,467 42,141 28,248 13,893 12% 192,283 94,574 215,980 0.62% Nevada West 246,987 101,505 13,926 9,870 4,056 17% 237,117 97,449 250,087 0.72% New Hampshire Northeast 159,092 71,429 23,383 16,138 7,245 8% 142,954 64,184 152,993 0.44% New Jersey Northeast 1,037,472 422,469 198,631 141,152 57,479 10% 896,320 364,990 New Mexico West New York Northeast North Carolina South North Dakota Midwest 79,220 41,574 7,148 4,688 2,460 19% 74,532 39,114 87,857 0.25% Ohio Midwest 1,439,754 664,105 254,494 174,160 80,334 18% 1,265,594 583,771 1,402,225 4.04% Oklahoma South 436,363 213,082 31,276 21,014 10,262 17% 415,349 202,820 470,902 1.36% Oregon West 412,997 194,903 45,352 30,811 14,541 17% 382,186 180,362 427,085 1.23% Pennsylvania Northeast 1,471,530 668,898 339,484 233,393 106,091 13% 1,238,137 562,807 1,347,471 3.88% Rhode Island Northeast 126,035 53,108 24,738 17,404 7,334 14% 108,631 45,774 114,919 0.33% South Carolina South 484,743 217,725 55,612 38,375 17,237 18% 446,368 200,488 488,797 1.41% South Dakota Midwest 98,587 49,664 9,364 6,227 3,137 7% 92,360 46,527 103,803 0.30% Tennessee South 672,119 301,967 93,680 64,639 29,041 17% 607,480 272,926 665,142 1.92% Texas South 2,828,626 1,251,033 227,645 157,837 69,808 22% 2,670,789 1,181,225 2,937,498 8.47% Utah West 336,843 160,082 12,614 8,550 4,064 7% 328,293 156,018 359,260 1.04% Vermont Northeast 72,017 35,293 12,170 8,167 4,003 13% 63,850 31,290 71,775 0.21% Virginia South 844,871 369,301 100,171 69,703 30,468 11% 775,168 338,833 825,841 2.38% Washington West 750,722 345,682 76,885 52,644 24,241 11% 698,078 321,441 760,091 2.19% West Virginia South 201,939 100,784 15,895 10,603 5,292 23% 191,336 95,492 222,175 0.64% Wisconsin Midwest 683,234 333,212 139,455 93,739 45,716 9% 589,495 287,496 656,101 1.89% Wyoming West Totals 925,577 2.67% 248,616 115,596 23,055 15,738 7,317 30% 232,878 108,279 266,420 0.77% 2,288,991 937,738 475,942 337,626 138,316 22% 1,951,365 799,422 2,077,619 5.99% 988,432 418,288 96,262 67,639 28,623 19% 920,793 389,665 985,715 2.84% 62,196 34,234 2,221 1,433 788 15% 60,763 33,446 72,490 0.21% 35,602,890 15,654,403 5,162,684 3,585,957 1,576,727 17% 32,016,933 14,077,676 34,694,247 100.00% 81 Higher Education, 1999. 1999 Population 1999 Population Aged 25-34 Aged 35+ 1999 Workload Measure: Higher Education: Share of Estimated College Population 1999 State Population Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 244,544 45,086 280,312 154,466 1,814,758 245,902 177,751 39,989 17,304 783,677 447,609 61,690 86,120 691,806 351,397 178,326 167,958 227,336 286,304 74,023 285,288 316,382 592,324 307,294 177,813 329,965 58,840 108,467 101,505 71,429 422,469 115,596 937,738 418,288 41,574 664,105 213,082 194,903 668,898 53,108 217,725 49,664 301,967 1,251,033 160,082 35,293 369,301 345,682 100,784 333,212 34,234 439,534 70,923 459,678 251,473 3,318,684 392,703 255,714 69,255 45,671 1,235,957 773,918 119,733 143,975 1,143,197 576,310 282,178 271,382 404,621 481,018 110,630 441,978 512,732 927,893 454,001 302,471 520,487 89,389 170,141 155,758 98,125 672,511 176,216 1,618,762 709,470 68,507 1,065,274 342,931 311,544 1,025,209 83,921 392,508 78,159 519,799 2,100,197 300,984 53,195 673,268 557,946 179,418 508,317 53,784 614,609 72,283 628,940 327,575 5,114,990 523,975 446,479 113,221 95,007 1,881,169 1,205,249 146,817 154,208 1,701,968 823,952 356,641 340,484 542,574 571,970 166,472 760,262 939,471 1,362,355 629,537 378,055 721,307 94,112 206,359 247,790 178,006 1,106,507 210,923 2,622,029 1,111,053 77,782 1,531,688 417,337 424,653 1,570,310 144,164 560,080 85,830 776,272 2,771,877 292,796 83,144 1,047,601 789,042 226,085 688,229 52,573 2,249,542 279,469 2,355,150 1,312,101 15,788,024 2,073,945 1,751,578 388,612 283,032 8,424,240 3,752,188 629,607 603,053 6,101,867 3,013,648 1,510,909 1,343,549 2,048,102 2,129,046 685,499 2,659,962 3,254,412 5,012,388 2,420,120 1,335,227 2,827,052 475,459 845,728 914,229 620,567 4,361,190 857,093 9,514,886 3,889,319 327,285 5,815,621 1,715,714 1,752,456 6,545,977 521,554 1,977,218 371,107 2,846,534 9,452,833 828,690 318,055 3,487,233 2,923,033 997,944 2,705,632 246,438 177,015 26,486 184,765 100,545 1,346,593 157,914 112,163 29,040 20,296 527,629 315,613 47,353 54,429 468,534 233,962 112,751 107,156 161,637 185,713 46,478 189,308 223,925 380,337 184,186 117,596 211,428 34,810 66,911 65,526 42,867 288,732 69,010 682,066 294,318 26,529 435,550 134,983 126,802 433,819 36,093 158,281 30,129 213,750 825,586 107,725 22,374 276,584 226,210 71,900 205,265 20,332 1.67% 0.25% 1.74% 0.95% 12.68% 1.49% 1.06% 0.27% 0.19% 4.97% 2.97% 0.45% 0.51% 4.41% 2.20% 1.06% 1.01% 1.52% 1.75% 0.44% 1.78% 2.11% 3.58% 1.73% 1.11% 1.99% 0.33% 0.63% 0.62% 0.40% 2.72% 0.65% 6.42% 2.77% 0.25% 4.10% 1.27% 1.19% 4.09% 0.34% 1.49% 0.28% 2.01% 7.77% 1.01% 0.21% 2.60% 2.13% 0.68% 1.93% 0.19% Totals 272,690,813 15,654,403 26,011,449 37,935,812 138,544,117 10,619,000 100.00% State 1999 Population Aged 18-24 1999 Estimated College Population (Weighted by National % Enrolled by Age Group) 1999 Population Aged 14-17 82 Public Welfare, 1999. State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals-Calculated Census Region 1999 State Population Percent of Persons in Poverty by State: 1998-1999 Average Number of Persons in Poverty (calculated) Workload Measure: Public Welfare: Share of Total Persons in Poverty South West West South West West Northeast South South South South West West Midwest Midwest Midwest Midwest South South Northeast South Northeast Midwest Midwest South Midwest West Midwest West Northeast Northeast West Northeast South Midwest Midwest South West Northeast Northeast South Midwest South South West Northeast South West South Midwest West 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 14.8 8.5 14.3 14.7 14.6 8.7 8.3 10.3 18.6 12.8 13.2 10.9 13.5 10.0 8.0 8.3 10.9 12.8 19.1 10.5 7.2 10.2 10.3 8.8 16.9 10.7 16.1 11.6 10.9 8.8 8.2 20.5 15.4 13.8 14.1 11.6 13.4 13.8 10.3 10.7 12.7 9.3 12.7 15.0 7.3 9.8 8.4 9.2 16.8 8.7 11.1 646,740 52,658 683,301 375,052 4,839,188 352,884 272,409 77,614 96,534 1,934,239 1,028,048 129,219 168,980 1,212,837 475,432 238,161 289,292 506,986 835,059 131,569 372,358 629,867 1,015,969 420,245 467,897 585,112 142,127 193,259 197,209 105,700 667,760 356,668 2,802,277 1,055,809 89,347 1,305,772 449,978 457,629 1,235,384 106,018 493,488 68,181 696,409 3,006,621 155,478 58,187 577,325 529,585 303,564 456,789 53,236 1.93% 0.16% 2.04% 1.12% 14.43% 1.05% 0.81% 0.23% 0.29% 5.77% 3.07% 0.39% 0.50% 3.62% 1.42% 0.71% 0.86% 1.51% 2.49% 0.39% 1.11% 1.88% 3.03% 1.25% 1.40% 1.74% 0.42% 0.58% 0.59% 0.32% 1.99% 1.06% 8.35% 3.15% 0.27% 3.89% 1.34% 1.36% 3.68% 0.32% 1.47% 0.20% 2.08% 8.96% 0.46% 0.17% 1.72% 1.58% 0.91% 1.36% 0.16% 272,690,813 12.3 33,540,970 100.00% 83 Health and Hospitals, 1999. State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming United States Total Census Region South West West South West West Northeast South South South South West West Midwest Midwest Midwest Midwest South South Northeast South Northeast Midwest Midwest South Midwest West Midwest West Northeast Northeast West Northeast South Midwest Midwest South West Northeast Northeast South Midwest South South West Northeast South West South Midwest West FY1999 Number of Disabled Workers 109,674 6,311 77,424 72,365 404,574 59,906 50,108 13,173 8,061 281,198 146,753 12,011 18,649 167,881 103,530 43,645 38,761 117,281 84,633 31,925 63,832 117,512 169,984 62,606 78,742 111,681 16,147 23,206 28,006 20,845 116,683 29,656 321,930 179,808 8,561 188,806 60,650 50,895 194,574 21,371 93,889 11,478 133,005 244,911 20,549 11,547 116,839 82,608 55,900 78,249 7,456 1999 Share of Work Disabled Population Aged 16-64 2.40% 0.14% 1.69% 1.58% 8.85% 1.31% 1.10% 0.29% 0.18% 6.15% 3.21% 0.26% 0.41% 3.67% 2.27% 0.96% 0.85% 2.57% 1.85% 0.70% 1.40% 2.57% 3.72% 1.37% 1.72% 2.44% 0.35% 0.51% 0.61% 0.46% 2.55% 0.65% 7.04% 3.93% 0.19% 4.13% 1.33% 1.11% 4.26% 0.47% 2.05% 0.25% 2.91% 5.36% 0.45% 0.25% 2.56% 1.81% 1.22% 1.71% 0.16% Average Income of Fourth and Fifth: 1998-2000 20,243 29,289 21,189 19,148 22,434 29,919 31,309 26,039 17,861 22,071 21,905 26,875 21,491 26,510 27,129 25,340 23,728 20,929 17,254 24,408 33,138 26,501 27,167 31,636 18,499 25,649 18,818 24,591 24,784 29,507 30,588 17,720 22,034 21,466 20,443 24,528 20,776 23,110 25,952 27,469 22,741 25,177 20,686 20,559 28,339 24,170 28,296 27,576 17,941 27,810 22,882 Nation's 4th and 5th Income as a Percent of the State 4th and 5th Income 116.93% 80.81% 111.71% 123.61% 105.51% 79.11% 75.60% 90.90% 132.52% 107.24% 108.06% 88.07% 110.14% 89.29% 87.25% 93.41% 99.75% 113.10% 137.19% 96.97% 71.43% 89.32% 87.13% 74.82% 127.95% 92.28% 125.78% 96.25% 95.51% 80.22% 77.38% 133.58% 107.42% 110.27% 115.79% 96.50% 113.93% 102.42% 91.20% 86.17% 104.08% 94.01% 114.43% 115.13% 83.52% 97.93% 83.65% 85.83% 131.93% 85.11% 103.44% 1999 Share of 4th and 5th Income Levels (share of population* national income as a percent of state income) 1.87% 0.18% 1.96% 1.16% 12.82% 1.18% 0.91% 0.25% 0.25% 5.94% 3.09% 0.38% 0.51% 3.97% 1.90% 0.98% 0.97% 1.64% 2.20% 0.45% 1.35% 2.02% 3.15% 1.31% 1.30% 1.85% 0.41% 0.59% 0.63% 0.35% 2.31% 0.85% 7.17% 3.09% 0.27% 3.98% 1.40% 1.25% 4.01% 0.31% 1.48% 0.25% 2.30% 8.46% 0.65% 0.21% 2.11% 1.81% 0.87% 1.64% 0.18% 1999 State Population 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Share of Total Population 1.60% 0.23% 1.75% 0.94% 12.15% 1.49% 1.20% 0.28% 0.19% 5.54% 2.86% 0.43% 0.46% 4.45% 2.18% 1.05% 0.97% 1.45% 1.60% 0.46% 1.90% 2.26% 3.62% 1.75% 1.02% 2.01% 0.32% 0.61% 0.66% 0.44% 2.99% 0.64% 6.67% 2.81% 0.23% 4.13% 1.23% 1.22% 4.40% 0.36% 1.42% 0.27% 2.01% 7.35% 0.78% 0.22% 2.52% 2.11% 0.66% 1.93% 0.18% 1999 Workload Measure: Health and Hospitals 1.96% 0.18% 1.80% 1.23% 11.28% 1.33% 1.07% 0.27% 0.21% 5.88% 3.05% 0.36% 0.46% 4.03% 2.12% 1.00% 0.93% 1.89% 1.88% 0.53% 1.55% 2.29% 3.50% 1.48% 1.35% 2.10% 0.36% 0.57% 0.64% 0.42% 2.62% 0.71% 6.96% 3.28% 0.23% 4.08% 1.32% 1.19% 4.22% 0.38% 1.65% 0.26% 2.41% 7.06% 0.63% 0.23% 2.40% 1.91% 0.92% 1.76% 0.17% 4,569,789 100.00% 23,670 100.00% 100.00% 272,690,813 100.00% 100.00% 84 Police and Corrections, 1999. State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals Census Region South West West South West West Northeast South South South South West West Midwest Midwest Midwest Midwest South South Northeast South Northeast Midwest Midwest South Midwest West Midwest West Northeast Northeast West Northeast South Midwest Midwest South West Northeast Northeast South Midwest South South West Northeast South West South Midwest West Murders and nonnegligent manslaughter in 1999 345 53 384 143 2,005 185 107 24 241 859 583 44 25 937 391 43 160 212 468 27 465 122 695 134 213 359 23 60 165 18 287 170 903 552 10 397 231 88 592 36 258 18 391 1,217 44 17 392 171 79 179 11 1999 Share of Murders 2.22% 0.34% 2.47% 0.92% 12.91% 1.19% 0.69% 0.15% 1.55% 5.53% 3.75% 0.28% 0.16% 6.03% 2.52% 0.28% 1.03% 1.36% 3.01% 0.17% 2.99% 0.79% 4.47% 0.86% 1.37% 2.31% 0.15% 0.39% 1.06% 0.12% 1.85% 1.09% 5.81% 3.55% 0.06% 2.56% 1.49% 0.57% 3.81% 0.23% 1.66% 0.12% 2.52% 7.83% 0.28% 0.11% 2.52% 1.10% 0.51% 1.15% 0.07% 1999 State Population Aged 18-24 439,534 70,923 459,678 251,473 3,318,684 392,703 255,714 69,255 45,671 1,235,957 773,918 119,733 143,975 1,143,197 576,310 282,178 271,382 404,621 481,018 110,630 441,978 512,732 927,893 454,001 302,471 520,487 89,389 170,141 155,758 98,125 672,511 176,216 1,618,762 709,470 68,507 1,065,274 342,931 311,544 1,025,209 83,921 392,508 78,159 519,799 2,100,197 300,984 53,195 673,268 557,946 179,418 508,317 53,784 1999 Share of Population Aged 18-24 1.69% 0.27% 1.77% 0.97% 12.76% 1.51% 0.98% 0.27% 0.18% 4.75% 2.98% 0.46% 0.55% 4.39% 2.22% 1.08% 1.04% 1.56% 1.85% 0.43% 1.70% 1.97% 3.57% 1.75% 1.16% 2.00% 0.34% 0.65% 0.60% 0.38% 2.59% 0.68% 6.22% 2.73% 0.26% 4.10% 1.32% 1.20% 3.94% 0.32% 1.51% 0.30% 2.00% 8.07% 1.16% 0.20% 2.59% 2.15% 0.69% 1.95% 0.21% 1999 Total Population 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 1999 Share of Total Population 1.60% 0.23% 1.75% 0.94% 12.15% 1.49% 1.20% 0.28% 0.19% 5.54% 2.86% 0.43% 0.46% 4.45% 2.18% 1.05% 0.97% 1.45% 1.60% 0.46% 1.90% 2.26% 3.62% 1.75% 1.02% 2.01% 0.32% 0.61% 0.66% 0.44% 2.99% 0.64% 6.67% 2.81% 0.23% 4.13% 1.23% 1.22% 4.40% 0.36% 1.42% 0.27% 2.01% 7.35% 0.78% 0.22% 2.52% 2.11% 0.66% 1.93% 0.18% Workload Measure: Police and Corrections 1.84% 0.28% 2.00% 0.94% 12.61% 1.40% 0.96% 0.23% 0.64% 5.27% 3.19% 0.39% 0.39% 4.96% 2.30% 0.80% 1.02% 1.46% 2.16% 0.35% 2.20% 1.67% 3.89% 1.45% 1.18% 2.11% 0.27% 0.55% 0.77% 0.31% 2.47% 0.80% 6.24% 3.03% 0.19% 3.59% 1.35% 0.99% 4.05% 0.31% 1.53% 0.23% 2.18% 7.75% 0.74% 0.18% 2.54% 1.79% 0.62% 1.68% 0.15% 15,533 100.00% 26,011,449 100.00% 272,690,813 100.00% 100.00% 85 Highways, 1999. State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals 1999 Annual VehicleCensus Region 1999 State Population Miles of Travel (millions) South West West South West West Northeast South South South South West West Midwest Midwest Midwest Midwest South South Northeast South Northeast Midwest Midwest South Midwest West Midwest West Northeast Northeast West Northeast South Midwest Midwest South West Northeast Northeast South Midwest South South West Northeast South West South Midwest West 1999 Share of Vehicle Miles 1999 Estimated Lane Mileage 1999 Share of Lane Miles Workload Measure: Highways: (82.5% * Vehicle Miles Share) + (17.5% * Lane Miles Share) 4,369,862 619,500 4,778,332 2,551,373 33,145,121 4,056,133 3,282,031 753,538 519,000 15,111,244 7,788,240 1,185,497 1,251,700 12,128,370 5,942,901 2,869,413 2,654,052 3,960,825 4,372,035 1,253,040 5,171,634 6,175,169 9,863,775 4,775,508 2,768,619 5,468,338 882,779 1,666,028 1,809,253 1,201,134 8,143,412 1,739,844 18,196,601 7,650,789 633,666 11,256,654 3,358,044 3,316,154 11,994,016 990,819 3,885,736 733,133 5,483,535 20,044,141 2,129,836 593,740 6,872,912 5,756,361 1,806,928 5,250,446 479,602 56,165 4,545 46,829 29,247 300,066 40,732 29,926 8,542 3,462 141,903 98,859 8,116 13,976 102,394 70,041 29,138 27,699 47,816 41,205 14,143 49,126 51,820 95,644 51,410 34,880 66,735 9,835 18,011 17,391 11,894 65,540 22,362 126,491 87,759 7,262 105,487 42,569 34,680 102,014 8,283 44,146 8,244 64,755 210,874 22,044 6,867 73,904 52,714 19,033 56,960 7,797 2.087% 0.169% 1.740% 1.087% 11.149% 1.513% 1.112% 0.317% 0.129% 5.273% 3.673% 0.302% 0.519% 3.805% 2.602% 1.083% 1.029% 1.777% 1.531% 0.526% 1.825% 1.925% 3.554% 1.910% 1.296% 2.480% 0.365% 0.669% 0.646% 0.442% 2.435% 0.831% 4.700% 3.261% 0.270% 3.920% 1.582% 1.289% 3.790% 0.308% 1.640% 0.306% 2.406% 7.835% 0.819% 0.255% 2.746% 1.959% 0.707% 2.116% 0.290% 195,170 25,674 116,902 198,038 368,432 176,435 44,356 12,500 3,771 251,310 239,290 9,202 93,862 288,503 193,599 231,448 272,743 153,819 127,763 46,332 66,630 74,424 255,589 270,768 151,304 250,792 142,177 188,235 75,035 31,264 77,764 124,806 238,770 208,099 175,357 243,967 232,310 137,403 248,692 12,813 136,006 168,940 183,273 637,812 86,637 29,345 152,249 167,513 74,772 230,397 55,686 2.387% 0.314% 1.429% 2.422% 4.505% 2.157% 0.542% 0.153% 0.046% 3.073% 2.926% 0.113% 1.148% 3.528% 2.367% 2.830% 3.335% 1.881% 1.562% 0.567% 0.815% 0.910% 3.125% 3.311% 1.850% 3.067% 1.739% 2.302% 0.918% 0.382% 0.951% 1.526% 2.920% 2.545% 2.144% 2.983% 2.841% 1.680% 3.041% 0.157% 1.663% 2.066% 2.241% 7.799% 1.059% 0.359% 1.862% 2.048% 0.914% 2.817% 0.681% 2.14% 0.19% 1.69% 1.32% 9.99% 1.63% 1.01% 0.29% 0.11% 4.89% 3.54% 0.27% 0.63% 3.76% 2.56% 1.39% 1.43% 1.79% 1.54% 0.53% 1.65% 1.75% 3.48% 2.16% 1.39% 2.58% 0.61% 0.95% 0.69% 0.43% 2.18% 0.95% 4.39% 3.14% 0.60% 3.76% 1.80% 1.36% 3.66% 0.28% 1.64% 0.61% 2.38% 7.83% 0.86% 0.27% 2.59% 1.97% 0.74% 2.24% 0.36% 272,690,813 2,691,335 100.000% 8,177,978 100.000% 100.00% 86 Median Annual Earnings of All Workers 45-54 Years Old who were Year Round Full Time Workers in 1999, Weighted by 1999 Weights of Educational Attainment State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming US Actual State Median 45-54 Years Not a High School Grad 33,790 22,499 46,240 27,277 36,511 20,715 30,051 21,179 43,120 20,931 40,308 23,511 46,514 29,096 40,070 25,918 46,229 22,475 33,157 20,715 37,304 22,356 38,018 23,279 33,534 21,335 40,759 25,709 37,209 26,184 32,689 23,322 35,515 23,238 33,280 22,113 32,657 21,532 32,723 22,027 44,371 26,371 43,278 26,284 42,231 29,337 39,473 25,030 30,536 20,731 34,085 21,916 30,540 18,493 32,128 22,410 36,642 22,297 38,212 27,938 46,546 25,909 33,180 18,938 41,016 23,879 33,288 22,098 30,474 22,035 37,901 26,506 31,635 21,146 37,872 23,584 37,660 25,150 38,491 24,113 32,318 21,843 28,851 21,380 33,151 22,390 36,713 20,136 39,942 23,114 34,054 23,935 39,870 23,415 41,434 24,641 32,098 22,377 36,852 26,000 34,604 25,325 38,145 22,628 High School Graduate (includes equivalency) 27,184 36,854 28,756 25,214 33,174 31,156 35,818 32,224 31,287 26,788 29,383 30,246 26,944 32,160 31,085 27,787 28,505 27,830 26,995 26,940 33,321 33,631 33,282 31,409 25,557 27,766 25,264 26,666 30,751 30,627 36,404 25,990 31,873 27,158 24,978 31,219 25,737 30,495 30,508 30,443 27,073 24,349 27,327 28,023 30,776 28,386 29,430 33,880 26,816 30,657 29,001 Some College, No Degree or Associate Degree 33,584 42,045 35,410 30,803 41,098 36,584 42,417 38,643 39,367 32,799 36,838 35,838 31,412 39,011 37,125 31,745 32,543 34,295 32,928 31,924 41,107 40,510 40,816 36,999 30,954 33,409 28,149 31,043 36,821 37,189 42,548 31,564 39,185 32,775 28,916 36,995 31,651 35,663 37,050 36,734 32,452 27,749 33,671 36,231 37,386 31,922 37,143 38,460 32,423 35,900 31,718 Bachelor's Degree 46,354 51,612 46,974 39,223 53,718 48,674 59,298 49,632 56,141 43,822 50,760 45,264 41,317 50,722 48,226 40,486 42,265 46,616 42,158 39,575 55,316 51,875 51,870 48,407 38,288 43,021 35,246 39,935 46,160 46,415 59,342 40,990 51,642 45,165 34,536 49,297 38,565 46,286 50,364 50,543 44,567 33,424 44,601 48,178 46,838 39,793 50,904 49,916 37,998 45,562 38,135 Graduate or Professional Degree 48,030 59,244 52,268 45,214 69,269 57,261 65,679 61,219 77,973 52,645 54,927 53,228 51,007 62,213 51,555 49,653 49,091 46,284 47,307 46,419 66,748 61,481 61,730 58,544 44,423 50,958 42,376 48,358 54,821 52,486 72,479 47,918 63,552 52,597 42,212 55,760 44,441 52,722 60,123 55,965 48,085 43,998 50,729 55,485 58,943 47,417 66,442 55,527 41,846 54,064 45,260 Calculated Median 45-54 Years 36,681.1 45,071.0 38,155.3 33,243.5 44,921.7 40,583.7 47,713.4 42,533.2 45,896.8 36,254.3 40,136.3 38,771.0 35,205.2 42,973.3 40,118.9 35,399.0 36,113.6 36,813.6 35,312.3 34,388.8 45,615.2 44,012.5 44,413.2 41,085.3 33,007.6 36,424.1 30,910.1 34,473.7 39,489.6 39,969.6 48,516.2 34,169.7 43,111.1 36,804.1 31,304.7 41,002.1 33,365.9 38,976.2 41,519.2 40,719.9 35,873.9 30,742.7 36,743.7 38,839.6 40,500.9 35,214.3 42,069.0 42,016.0 33,531.3 39,423.0 34,825.7 30,315 36,892 49,455 59,233 40,784.8 87 Indicies of Median Annual Earnings: Year round, full time workers, ager 45-54 State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware D.C. Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming US Actual State Median 45-54 Years 89 121 96 79 113 106 122 105 121 87 98 100 88 107 98 86 93 87 86 86 116 113 111 103 80 89 80 84 96 100 122 87 108 87 80 99 83 99 99 101 85 76 87 96 105 89 105 109 84 97 91 100 Not a High School Grad 99 121 92 94 93 104 129 115 99 92 99 103 94 114 116 103 103 98 95 97 117 116 130 111 92 97 82 99 99 123 114 84 106 98 97 117 93 104 111 107 97 94 99 89 102 106 103 109 99 115 112 High School Graduate (includes equivalency) 90 122 95 83 109 103 118 106 103 88 97 100 89 106 103 92 94 92 89 89 110 111 110 104 84 92 83 88 101 101 120 86 105 90 82 103 85 101 101 100 89 80 90 92 102 94 97 112 88 101 96 Some College, No Degree or Associate Degree 91 114 96 83 111 99 115 105 107 89 100 97 85 106 101 86 88 93 89 87 111 110 111 100 84 91 76 84 100 101 115 86 106 89 78 100 86 97 100 100 88 75 91 98 101 87 101 104 88 97 86 Bachelor's Degree 94 104 95 79 109 98 120 100 114 89 103 92 84 103 98 82 85 94 85 80 112 105 105 98 77 87 71 81 93 94 120 83 104 91 70 100 78 94 102 102 90 68 90 97 95 80 103 101 77 92 77 Graduate or Professional Degree 81 100 88 76 117 97 111 103 132 89 93 90 86 105 87 84 83 78 80 78 113 104 104 99 75 86 72 82 93 89 122 81 107 89 71 94 75 89 102 94 81 74 86 94 100 80 112 94 71 91 76 Calculated Median 45-54 Years 90 111 94 82 110 100 117 104 113 89 98 95 86 105 98 87 89 90 87 84 112 108 109 101 81 89 76 85 97 98 119 84 106 90 77 101 82 96 102 100 88 75 90 95 99 86 103 103 82 97 85 100 100 100 100 100 100 88 Number of Workers in Each Category by Educational Attainment 1999 Percentage Distribution High School Some College, Graduate (includes No Degree or equivalency) Associate Degree Bachelor's Degree Graduate or Professional Degree Totals Not a High School Grad 152,921,810 19,543,685 44,071,390 48,530,160 26,875,435 13,901,140 1.0000 0.1278 0.2882 0.3174 0.1757 0.0909 89 Input-Cost Indices for Major Functions, 1999. Index Compensation Costs as % of Total Costs Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Totals Unit Labor Cost Index Primary and Secondary Education Higher Education Public Welfare Health and Hospitals Highways Police and Corrections Environment and Housing Interest on General debt Governmental Administration All Other 89.9 110.5 93.6 81.5 110.1 99.5 117.0 104.3 112.5 88.9 98.4 95.1 86.3 105.4 98.4 86.8 88.5 90.3 86.6 84.3 111.8 107.9 108.9 100.7 80.9 89.3 75.8 84.5 96.8 98.0 119.0 83.8 105.7 90.2 76.8 100.5 81.8 95.6 101.8 99.8 88.0 75.4 90.1 95.2 99.3 86.3 103.1 103.0 82.2 96.7 85.4 67.3% 93.2 107.1 95.7 87.5 106.8 99.7 111.4 102.9 108.4 92.5 98.9 96.7 90.8 103.6 98.9 91.1 92.3 93.4 91.0 89.4 108.0 105.3 106.0 100.5 87.2 92.8 83.7 89.6 97.9 98.7 112.8 89.1 103.8 93.4 84.3 100.4 87.7 97.0 101.2 99.9 91.9 83.4 93.3 96.8 99.5 90.8 102.1 102.0 88.0 97.8 90.2 65.4% 93.4 106.9 95.8 87.9 106.6 99.7 111.1 102.8 108.2 92.7 99.0 96.8 91.1 103.5 98.9 91.4 92.5 93.6 91.2 89.7 107.7 105.2 105.8 100.5 87.5 93.0 84.2 89.9 97.9 98.7 112.4 89.4 103.7 93.6 84.8 100.3 88.1 97.1 101.2 99.9 92.1 83.9 93.5 96.9 99.5 91.1 102.1 102.0 88.4 97.8 90.4 9.5% 99.0 101.0 99.4 98.2 101.0 100.0 101.6 100.4 101.2 98.9 99.8 99.5 98.7 100.5 99.8 98.7 98.9 99.1 98.7 98.5 101.1 100.8 100.8 100.1 98.2 99.0 97.7 98.5 99.7 99.8 101.8 98.5 100.5 99.1 97.8 100.1 98.3 99.6 100.2 100.0 98.9 97.7 99.1 99.5 99.9 98.7 100.3 100.3 98.3 99.7 98.6 50.8% 94.9 105.3 96.7 90.6 105.1 99.7 108.6 102.2 106.4 94.4 99.2 97.5 93.1 102.7 99.2 93.3 94.2 95.1 93.2 92.0 106.0 104.0 104.5 100.4 90.3 94.6 87.7 92.1 98.4 99.0 109.6 91.8 102.9 95.0 88.2 100.3 90.8 97.7 100.9 99.9 93.9 87.5 95.0 97.6 99.6 93.1 101.6 101.5 91.0 98.3 92.6 26.9% 97.3 102.8 98.3 95.0 102.7 99.9 104.6 101.2 103.4 97.0 99.6 98.7 96.3 101.4 99.6 96.5 96.9 97.4 96.4 95.8 103.2 102.1 102.4 100.2 94.9 97.1 93.5 95.8 99.1 99.5 105.1 95.6 101.5 97.4 93.8 100.1 95.1 98.8 100.5 100.0 96.8 93.4 97.3 98.7 99.8 96.3 100.8 100.8 95.2 99.1 96.1 80.6% 91.9 108.5 94.8 85.1 108.2 99.6 113.7 103.5 110.1 91.0 98.7 96.0 89.0 104.3 98.7 89.4 90.8 92.1 89.2 87.4 109.6 106.4 107.2 100.6 84.6 91.4 80.5 87.5 97.4 98.4 115.3 86.9 104.6 92.1 81.3 100.4 85.3 96.4 101.5 99.9 90.3 80.1 92.0 96.2 99.4 89.0 102.5 102.4 85.7 97.3 88.2 29.3% 97.1 103.1 98.1 94.6 103.0 99.9 105.0 101.3 103.7 96.7 99.5 98.6 96.0 101.6 99.5 96.1 96.6 97.1 96.1 95.4 103.5 102.3 102.6 100.2 94.4 96.9 92.9 95.5 99.1 99.4 105.6 95.2 101.7 97.1 93.2 100.2 94.7 98.7 100.5 100.0 96.5 92.8 97.1 98.6 99.8 96.0 100.9 100.9 94.8 99.0 95.7 0.0% 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 65.1% 93.4 106.8 95.8 88.0 106.6 99.7 111.1 102.8 108.2 92.8 99.0 96.8 91.1 103.5 98.9 91.4 92.5 93.7 91.3 89.8 107.7 105.2 105.8 100.5 87.6 93.0 84.2 89.9 97.9 98.7 112.3 89.4 103.7 93.6 84.9 100.3 88.2 97.1 101.2 99.9 92.2 84.0 93.5 96.9 99.5 91.1 102.1 102.0 88.4 97.8 90.5 44.2% 95.6 104.6 97.2 91.8 104.5 99.8 107.5 101.9 105.5 95.1 99.3 97.8 94.0 102.4 99.3 94.2 94.9 95.7 94.1 93.1 105.2 103.5 103.9 100.3 91.6 95.3 89.3 93.2 98.6 99.1 108.4 92.8 102.5 95.7 89.7 100.2 92.0 98.0 100.8 99.9 94.7 89.1 95.6 97.9 99.7 94.0 101.4 101.3 92.1 98.5 93.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 90