
) August 18, 2014 Presented By: Judi Sobczak

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) August 18, 2014 Presented By: Judi Sobczak
August 18, 2014
Presented By:
Judi Sobczak
D7 Construction Contracts Manager
This course will provide an introduction to the
written instructions for administrating an FDOT
project found in CPAM
CPAM provides for…
• Uniform treatment of all Contractors
• Consistent handling at all levels
• Keeps Contracts valid and enforceable
CPAM can be found online on the State Construction Office
website at
The people responsible for writing each section are
shown adjacent to each section
Something relatively new – In January of 2013 the
Final Estimates Preparation and Documentation Manual
was incorporated into the appropriate CPAM chapters
All Prep and
Doc Manual
CPAM is now published as a Single Searchable to Printable File!!!
Now you can actually find the whole manual – Quickly!
 Pre-Construction
 Construction
 Post-Construction
Authority (typically a Florida Statute)
Guidance Documents / Flow Charts
 Section 1.1
Plans Review and Comments
• Scope Development
• Phases of plans review
Phase I Review (Roadway )
Phase II Review (Roadway) and Bridge plan reviews
Phase III Review and Constructability/Biddability Review
Phase IV Review - 100% Plans
• Checklist
Guidance Document 1-1-A – Phase Review Checklists
 Section 1.1
Plans Review and Comments
 Section 1.2
Contract Duration and Alternative
Contracting Techniques
• Initiating Specification/Alternative Contracting Techniques
Special Working Hours & Periods
Special Events
Compressed Time or Time Priority
No Excuse Bonus
Time plus Money (A+B)
Lane Rental
Liquidated Savings
Damage Recovery and ITS Damage Recovery
Streamline Contracts
Special Notices/Directions to Contractor
 Section 1.2
Establishing Contract Duration
• Guidelines for Establishing Contract Duration
Document (how duration was established)
Prosecution (duration is not final until the project is bid)
Training (responsibility of each District)
Forms (Form No. 700-010-04 may be used to estimate time)
• Guidelines for Community Awareness Process (involving the
Community where applicable in establishing project scopes)
 Section 1.3
Pre-Bid Questions and Answers
• Portal for all pre-bid questions and/or clarification requests
• All Central and District Let projects in each District are listed on
Pre-Bid question and answer website
• DCO Staff will provide responses to posted questions
• All questions, clarifications, and responses are submitted to the
Contracts Administration Office
 Section 2.1
Project Scheduling
Contractor’s Schedule
Schedule Distribution
Schedule Revision
Withholding Progress Payments
 Section 2.2
Final Estimates Pre-Planning
• Plan for documenting final pay quantities
• PA must be familiar with specifications, methods of
measurement and payment for each item on project
• Section will probably be revised once all pay items are included
in Plan Matrices
 Section 3.1
Preconstruction Conference
• Affected Parties
Comprehensive list but not limited to…
• Scheduling
After receipt of Notice of Award and prior to any work beginning
• Notice
Errors and Omission
Clarification of plans and special provisions
Dispute Review Board members
 Florida Department of Environmental Protection – File number
• Agenda
Guidance Document 3-1-A
Section 3.1
Guidance Document 3-1-A
Sample Preconstruction Conference Agenda
(1) Project Description.
(2) Delineation of lines of authority. Names and emergency telephone numbers for the Contractor, Department and others
will be entered into the record and established issues escalation matrix.
(3) Proposed Starting Dates - Contractors and subcontractors -- flextime (selected projects) - lead-in time and number of
shifts or extra hours they propose to be working, etc.
(4) Each utility representative to give an up-to-date report of the status of utility adjustments, relocations, removal, and new
installation. In addition, the utility representative shall furnish the names and phone numbers of contact persons who will
be available on call. A Contractor/utility meeting schedule shall also be established.
(5) Contractor to discuss errors and omissions in the plans that are known to exist. Preconstruction minutes should reflect
the Contractor's knowledge of errors or omissions in detail.
(6) Maintenance of traffic plans review and discussion. (Remind Contractor, plans must have written approval before
construction activities can begin.) Also, Alternative Traffic Control Plans must have written approval before work begins.
(7) Construction schedules and progress chart submittals. When appropriate, establish meeting schedules (weekly-monthly)
and locations to discuss job progress and to determine controlling work items for the next review period. Reiterate that
schedules should be submitted within 7 calendar days before the monthly estimate cut-off date.
(8) Business and Community Impact Plan.
(9) Hurricane or other emergency evacuation plans should be discussed
 Section 3.2
Quality Assurance / Quality Control of
Field Construction Operations
• Training Requirements
MUST have completed training directly related to the operation being inspected
• Documentation
Become familiar with Contract Documents
Know what is required and how the finished product is evaluated
Know how payment will be made
• Preparation for Inspection
Pre-Operations Meeting
Record-keeping preparation
Equipment Preparation
• Documenting the Inspection
Daily Work Report
 Section 3.3
Contractor’s Quality Control Plan
• Guidance for approval / disapproval of QC Plan
Excellent checklist available in this Section for this purpose
• Responsibilities
• Format
• Sample Letters
 Section 3.4
Dispute Review Board
• Project Specific and Regional DRB
Member Selection
Three Party Agreement
Use of the DRB
• Request for Hearing
• Preparation for Hearing
• Recommendation of the Board
 Section 3.5
Quality Assurance Review (QAR) for
Final Estimates
• State Final Estimate Office (SFEO) responsible for all QAR at the District,
CCEI, and Project Levels.
 Ensure CCEI and In-House projects conducted according to procedures
 Asphalt, Concrete, Earthwork, Bridge Quantities, & Final “As-Built” Plans
• District Final Estimate Office (DFEO) monitors District
 Final Estimates Review Forms
• Frequency of Reviews – at least one QAR in each district annually
• Critical Requirements outlined in Final Estimates Guidelist
 http://www.dot.state.fl.us/construction/CONSTADM/Guidelist/FinalEst/FEGuidel
• Quality Assurance Close-Out Process
 Section 4.1
Administration of Consultant CEI
• Role of Consultant CEI
The authority of the CCEI’s lead person, such as the Senior Project Engineer, and the
Project Administrator shall be identical to the Departments Resident Engineer and
Project Administrator respectively and shall be interpreted as such.
• Pre-Service Phase to Evaluation
• Performance Standards – Attachment 4-1-1
 Section 4.2
Consultant CEI Accountability
• Identification of Errors, Omissions, or Contractual Lapses
Through routine project and quality assurance reviews
• Initial Assessment of Responsibility for Errors, Omissions, or
Contractual Lapses
Recovery of Identified costs and damages shall be in accordance with
Procedure No. 375-020-010
• Consultant Contract Termination
 Section 5.1
Project Diary
• Daily Work Reports (Technicians)
This Section has an excellent list of items to be included each day on a Daily
Work Report
• Diary (Project Administrators)
Become familiar with Contract Documents
Know what is required and how the finished product is evaluated
Know how payment will be made
 Section 5.2
Contractor Vehicle Registration
• Affidavit
The signed and notarized affidavit shall become a part of the contract file.
• Contractor Failure
Withholding of payment
Suspension or Revocation of Contractor’s Certificate of Qualification
 Section 5.3
Subletting of Contract
• Sublet Agreements are approved at District or local Resident
 Contractor uses Form No. 700-010-36
• Notify the PA of any violations
 Section 5.4
Contract Wage Requirements
• Required on Federal-Aid Projects over $200,000.
• Certified Payrolls must be submitted by Contractor
 Must include Statement of Compliance
• Failure to Submit Required Records may result in
suspension of further payments
 Section 5.5
Equipment Rentals
• Notification to PA in writing of intent to use rental
equipment via Form No. 700-010-11
• PA will cross check any Notices of Rental Agreement with
DWR for equipment/operator information
 Section 5.6
Utility Relocation
• When Utility Work is performed by the Contractor
• When Utility Work is performed by the Others
The Utility will bear the cost of the work
Required to follow FDOT Standards
Utilities required to follow Utility Accommodation Manual &
 Section 5.6
Utility Relocation
• Non-Reimbursable Utility Work
The Utility will bear the cost of the work
Most Utility work falls within this category
Utilities required to follow Utility Accommodation Manual &
Record all activities on Daily Work Report
Complete the Notice of Utility Construction Work, form No.
700-010-48, at the beginning and end of non-reimbursable
 Section 5.6
Utility Relocation
• Reimbursable Utility Work
Department pays to relocate
Record all activities on the Daily Work Report
Daily Work Reports will be used to verify UAO’s invoice for
payment – Utility Work Agreements and Certification
Process; Procedure No.710-010-050
Complete the Notice of Utility Construction Work; Form No.
 Section 5.7
Federal-Aid Project Requirements
• Identifies work that is Federal-Aid Participating / NonParticipating
• Revised Plan Sheets
• Federal Approval on Supplemental Agreements and
contract changes
• Construction Zone Accident Reports
 Engineer’s Maintenance of Traffic Evaluation at Crash Site,
Form No. 700-010-64
Buy America
Product Certification – Change of Source
FHWA Final Inspection
Notice to FHWA of Final Acceptance
 Section 5.8
Control of Materials
• Job Guide Schedule
• Methods of Acceptance
• Defective Materials
Review Article 6-4 of the Standard Specifications
Provide detailed notes on your DWR as to the deficiency
PA will process with a Disposition of Defective Material (DDM)
Form No. 700-011-01
The same process will apply when an Engineering Analysis Report (EAR) is
Attachment 5-8-1, Resolution of Defective Material Flow Chart
 Section 5.9
Process Review of CEI
• Process Reviews
• Major Categories (asphalt, base concrete…)
 Section 5.10
Verification Inspection & Testing
• This Section identifies the frequency for testing separate materials and
how the testing is documented
• Asphalt
• Finish Soil Layer
• FDOT VT verifies Contractor’s QC according to the Job Guide Schedule
• FDOT Technician provides the Random Numbers for testing
• FDOT Technician verifies the Random Samples
Guidance Flow Charts Available
 Section 5.11
Final Estimates Documents
• Guidance on the necessary Forms, Affidavits, and Records
NTP, Construction Diary, Certifications, Final Plans, etc.
• Documenting Contract Changes
Supplemental Agreements (SA), refer to Section 7 of CPAM
• Partial Payment for Certain Material
Attachment 5-11.1 provides list of eligible pay items
Must be in accordance with Section 9-5 of the Standard Specifications
• Offsetting Payments
Examples for Documents, Contract Changes, Forms, etc.
 Section 5.12
Final “As-Built” Plans Process
• A complete set of signed and sealed Contract Plans shall be
maintained as the Final “As-Built” Plans for each project
Includes all revisions, both design and construction, notes, etc.
• Changes after Contract Award require P.E. signature, date, & seal
Necessary parties must be notified
• Changes to the Construction Contract
Minor revisions can be incorporated via Work Order, Section 7.4
Major changes require a Supplemental Agreement, Section 7.3
• Minimum requirements for Final “As-Built” Plans Revisions
Key Sheet, Section Sheet, Pay Items, Plan Sheets, etc.
Examples of minimum requirements and Final “As-Built” Plans Flowchart available
 Section 5.13
Computation Books
• The Computation Book provides a method of accumulating final
pay item quantities shown in Final Estimates.
• Submitted with Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E)
• Guidance on Computation Book format and contents
Refer to Computation Methods for Design, Construction, and Final
Estimates Handbook
Guidance Flow Chart Available
 Section 5.14
Field Records
• Standard/Non-Standard Bound Field Books
Important site source records for substantiating final estimate quantities
• General Instructions on the use and format of Field Books
• Tabulation Forms
Site source records for establishing pay quantities
Records truck measured materials by weight or volume
• Maintenance of Traffic Devices, Striping, etc.
Payment made by Contractor submitting a Certification of Quantities,
refer to Specifications
• Fuel and Bituminous Adjustments
Instruction on using completing a Fuel Adjustment Report
• Cutoff Period
Guidance Flow Chart Available
 Section 5.15
Final Measurements
• Final Measured Pay Items
Area Measurement Pay Items
Linear Measurement Pay Items
Volumetric Measurement Pay Items
Per Each Measurement Pay Items
Each Day Pay Item for Engineer’s Field Office
• Lump Sum Pay Items
• Plan Quantity Pay Items
Refer to Section 9-3 of the Standard Specifications
• Degree of Accuracy
Refer to Chapters 11 through 20 of the Basis of Estimates Manual
There are many examples of spalled area sketches and how to calculate penalties at
the end of this Section.
 Section 5.16
Earthwork Notes & Documentation
• Provides guidelines for verifying earthwork items and define
FDOT requirements for construction survey.
Refer to Survey Handbook
Minimum Requirements for Field Records and Pay Items
Take Cross Sections to Verify Plan Terrain
Verify As-Built Surfaces for Compliance with Original Plan Terrain
Field Note Requirements
Borrow Excavation
Subsoil Excavation
Channel Excavation
• Electronic Data Collection
Example Letters & Notes Available
 Section 6.1
Unpaid Bills Processing
• Certification Disbursement of Previous Periodic Payments to
Subcontractors, Form No. 700-010-38
• Notice of Non-payment from Subcontractor or Supplier
• Send a letter as shown in Guidance Documents to the Prime
• Does not apply to second, third, etc. tier subcontractors
• Processing for Falsification of Payment to Certification
 Section 6.2
Alternative Contracts
Lane Rental Fees
Damage Recovery (in addition to Lane Rental Fees)
A+B Bidding
No Excuse Bonus
Liquidated Savings Contracts
Design Build
Lump Sum
Streamline Contracts
Section 7.1 Post Award Plan and Contract Changes
This Section was deleted in September of 2002
 Section 7.2
Time Extensions
Two Main Groups
• 7.2.4 Weather/Holiday/Special Event Related (relies on DWR)
 DWR MUST support the weather event
 DWR MUST support the duration of the weather event
 DWR MUST itemize the Controlling Items of Work affected
• 7.2.5 Other Reasons
Additional Work
Added by Supplemental Agreement
 Section 7.2
Time Extensions continued
Weather Days
• Controlling Items of Work must be delayed 50% or more of the
• The Work Plan or CPM Schedule calls for work on that day
• Work has started on the project
Other Time Extensions
• The critical path must be negatively affected
• Flow chart and Sample Letters at the end of Section 7.2
• Contractor’s Time Extension Request, Form No. 700-010-56
 Section 7.3
SA’s and Unilateral Payments
Used for Extra or Unanticipated Work
Used to settle Disputes or Claims
Quantity Overruns
Requires Certification of Funds from Comptroller
Project Limit Extensions
Specification Changes
Complete in duplicate and
give one copy to the Contractor
at the end of each day
 Section 7.3
SA’s and Unilateral Payments
• Funds must be encumbered prior to SA being executed or
Notice to Proceed with work in the SA is given to the
• HB 1681 (2005) no need for SA on quantity overruns
Original Contract Amount of $5 million or less – 2.5%
Allowable Unencumbered Overruns Amount
Original Contract Amount over $5 million requires
 Section 7.3
SA’s and Unilateral Payments
• Supporting documentation for SA’s and Unilaterals
Entitlement Analysis and Engineer’s Estimate
see Guidance Document 7-3-A
Daily Work Reports
Project Schedule
Contract documents
 Section 7.3
SA’s and Unilateral Payments
• Sources of information
Certified Labor Burden (Spec. 4-3.2.1)
Certified Equipment List (Spec. 100.1)
Notice of Intent to file Claim
DRB recommendation
Statewide averages
Guidance Documents and sample letters at the end of Section 7.3
 Section 7.4
Contingency Supplemental
Agreements and Work Orders
• Contingency Pay Items/SA
Maximum funding amounts
Initial Contingency Amount Pay Item
Contingency Supplemental Agreement
Certification of Funds Availability
No additional contract time
 Section 7.4
Contingency Supplemental
Agreements and Work Orders
• Work Orders
Shall not be executed prior to a Contingency SA in place
Description and Reason
Entitlement Analysis and Engineer’s Estimate
Negative Work Orders - LS
Cannot Extend Project Limit
 Section 7.5
Construction Contract Claims
Claims involving a Utility
Claim File
Analysis of Claim Package
Entitlement Analysis
Claim Settlement
Claim Denial/Appeal
Guidance Documents and Sample Letters at the end of section 7.5
 Section 7.6
Contracting for Governor Declared
• Emergency Contracts
Form 375-040-61, SA, Unilateral Payment, Work Order
• Governor Declared Emergencies
Time Extensions
Modification of a No Excuse Completion/Milestone/Incentive
 Section 8.1
F.A.I.N. Resolution
• Federal-Aid Ineligibility Notice
• Issued by FHWA
Failing to meet the specifications
Unqualified staff
Material sample failures
Buy American
• How does it work
• FAIN is referred to the affected DCE
• State Construction Office will work with the DCE to resolve or
restore eligibility
 Section 8.2
Environmental Commitment
• Assures effective environmental compliance within all
areas of environmental concern during the construction
 Section 8.2
Environmental Commitment
• PA Notifies Permit Agencies and District Environmental
Office of permit activity start/end date.
• PA monitors Permit Expire Dates – Notify District Permit
Coordinator 6 months before expiration – if the project
will not be complete by then
• PA surveys treatment area/structure elevations for as built
plans and permit closeout
 Section 8.2
Environmental Commitment
Compliance continued
When the Technician finds non-compliance:
• The PA is notified
• PA will direct the Contractor to correct the problem
• PA may issue a stop work order for activity causing serious
 Section 8.2
Environmental Commitment
Compliance continued
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
• Where NPDES permits apply PA gets Contractor Signature
on Contractor Cert/Prep of Docs – NPDES General Permit
for Discharge Form No. 650-040-05
• Prime and subs working with erosion control devices –
• Must be signed by Owner or Officer
• False Cert subjects Owner to Fine/Prison
 Section 8.3
Operation Within
Railroad Right of Way
• Formal documents are handled by PA, RE and District Rail
Approved RXR Protection Plan
Liability Ins for self and subs
72 Hour to 45 day notice approval from Rail Road
• The Contractor must notify the RR when working in the vicinity
of the tracks – including under the tracks. No exceptions unless
approved in writing by the RR.
 Section 8.3
Operation Within Railroad
Right of Way
• Notice of Reimbursable/Nonreimbursable Utility Construction
Work, Form No. 700-010-48 used for work done by RR on a
Reimbursable Agreement on projects involving work by RR staff
&/or RR contractor.
• Federal dollars held until pavement markings and advanced
warning signs in place and in “good shape.”
• PA must note “good shape” condition of RR MOT devices in
Remarks section of Utility Work Form No. 700-010-48 for
Federal Approval.
• The PA prepares the Post-Construction Inventory Report, Form
No. 700-010-49, for National RR-Highway Crossing Inventory at
completion of work.
 Section 8.4
Shop and Erection Drawing Process
• Handled by Contractor, EOR, PA, State and District Design
• Standard Specification 5-1.4 & Plans Prep Manual (No.
625-000-007, Volume I, Chapter 28)
• Details – What is required of the players during the
process is covered very comprehensively
 Section 8.4
Shop and Erection Drawing Process
Project Engineer’s Role Monitor/Encourage/Log
• Monitors – Who in the Review chain has the shop
• Encourages – Players to stay on schedule
• Logs – Maintains Updated Tracking Logs of Drawings in
Approval process.
Flow charts at the end of Section 8.4 for Structural and
Nonstructural drawing approval process.
 Section 8.5
Contract Delinquency
Handled by PA, RE, DCE and CO
• Time is up and the work is not complete
• Can suspend qualification to bid
• Can suspend qualification of affiliates from who the
Contractor derives material support
• Affects Contractor’s future Capacity
 Section 8.6
Contract Default
When Defaulted… A Contractor
• May be removed from the job site & replaced with the
• Has no right to Administrative Hearing
• Continues to be liable for LD’s until completion
• Where the Surety refuses work or becomes unreliable the
Department may seize materials and equipment on job
and hire others to complete.
 Section 8.7
Contractor Non-Responsibility for
Construction Contract
Contractor who demonstrates an inability or unwillingness to
comply with contract requirements in a timely and proficient
manner on a project will be declared non-responsible.
Resident Office function is to make recommendation.
 Section 8.8
State Arbitration Board
• Creation of the Florida Legislature
• Use only after Final Acceptance
• If Project DRB existed, only issues heard by it may be
submitted to State Board
• Board must arbitrate claims up to $250K per Statute
• Either party may request binding arbitration
 Section 8.9
Contract Termination
District Construction and Central Office Function
 Section 8.10
Noise and Vibration Abatement
• Involvement by Technician, PA and RE
• Technician uses Inspection Guidelist No. 21
Be aware of local ordinances
Know time limitations in the project and the nature of
activities that might generate noise and/or vibration
Discuss complaints with your PA
Document the nature of the complaint, name/address of
person complaining, area affected by the problem and type of
operation generating noise and/or vibration on your DWR
 Section 8.11
Contractor Initiated Submittals
• Monitor
• Process
• Track
• Section 8.11.8
Tracking Logs
17 key items listed for consideration in REQUIRED
electronic spreadsheet
 Section 8.12
Joint Participation Agreements
• JPA is a stand-alone Contract between Department and
another entity.
• Tentative Acceptance Agreement (TTA)
An agreement to partially refund a Utility Agency Owner
(UAO) for an over estimated deposit on a utility project
UAO must contact the District for a partial refund
• Locally Funded Agreement (LFA)
Local funds deposited with the Department in order to fund
the project specified in the agreement.
Section 9.1
Maintenance of Traffic
• Departments Traffic Control Plan
 At Pre-Con Contractor must furnish a letter stating he will be utilizing the Department’s plan or
substituting an alternative
 Discuss at the Pre-Con
 Daily inspections
 Work Site Traffic Supervisor (WTS) responsiblities
 Contractor’s work notification to the Engineer
 Traffic Safety
 Changes requiring enhancement to the TCP
 Quality Control of MOT devices
 Sign installations and removal/covering of existing signs
 Installation and removal of pavement markings
 Crash reporting
 Night Work
 Maintenance of MOT Devices
 Speed restrictions
 Work zone clearances
 Inactive Work Zones
 Portable, changeable message boards
 Proper use of Traffic Control Law Enforcement Officers
 Proper use of Speed Control Law Enforcement Officers
 Pedestrian and ADA accommodations – including proper closure of sidewalks in a construction area
Section 9.1
Maintenance of Traffic
•Alternative Traffic Control Plans
 Contractor may not start work until that Alternative plan is approved by
Resident Engineer and added to the contract by SA
 Must by signed and sealed by a Florida PE
 Must be submitted on 11” x 17” set of plan sheets
•Modification of Active Traffic Control Plan
 NO TCP Mods – except Enhancements or Emergencies
before the RE approves
 Enhancements are defined as “not changing traffic patterns”
Mods Must be approved and added to the contract by SA
 Section 9.1
Maintenance of Traffic
• Design Standards – especially 600 Series
• List of trained flaggers must be submitted to PA prior to
• Maintenance of Traffic Review Report 700-010-08
Worksite Traffic Supervisor (WTS) signs the report
Contractor conducts inspections daily (including nighttime reviews)
Contractor submits the MOT report weekly
PA reviews
Always show when deficiencies are corrected
(See page 3 of MOT Review Report)
 Section 9.1
Maintenance of Traffic
• Recommended action to shut down a project due to MOT
 Severe hazard or life threatening – correct immediately . Failure to
correct the hazard immediately is basis to shut down the project.
Deficiencies in which the contractor has been given written notice –
correct within 24 hours. If not corrected PA shall deduct payment for
the uncorrected areas from the date shown on the MOT Review
report – Form No. 700-010-08.
The WTS shall be disqualified is corrective action is not completed
within the 24-hour time limit on 3 notifications in 12 months.
 Section 9.1
Maintenance of Traffic
• Other Requirements
 Inspect MOT operations provided by Utility within the project limits
(when required by contract)
 Count and certify approved each day devices
 Project personnel (CCEI or in-house construction) will report crashes
occurring within the project limits as described in Section 9.3.5.
 WTS will coordinate with adjacent projects
 WTS/Contractor will check reflectivity of payment markings and in
the event of failure, provide for re-application of the pavement
markings as required by Specification section 710.
 Section 9.2
Work Zone Regulatory Speeds
• Provides for Standardization of Regulatory Sign placement in the
Work Zone
• PA notifies PIO two weeks in advance of new regulatory speed
limits will be posted and notified again when all signs are in place
• PA make sure Contractor removes any conflicting signs
 Section 9.3
Work Zone Traffic Incident Evaluation and
• Any traffic crash occurring in the Work Zone is reported to the PA
• Form No. 700-010-64, Engineers MOT Evaluation at Crash Site is
completed by the PA or delegate
• If MOT devices may have contributed to the crash, Contractor
makes changes needed (CPAM 9.3.6 and 9.3.8)
PA and RE must approve changes
 Section 9.3
Work Zone Traffic Incident Evaluation and
• Fatality or any disabling injury occurs, or there is a serous crash
involving 3 or more people, notify District Safety Office by phone
• FHWA “Alert Bulletin Procedure” criteria for immediate
 death of 5 or more persons
 10 or more vehicles
 school bus fatalities or disabling injuries
 Interstate closed for more than 6 hours
 Major road closed for more than 24 hours
District Safety Office will report to State Safety Office then to FHWA
102-9 Temporary Traffic Control Devices.
102-9.1 Installation and Maintenance: Install and maintain temporary traffic
control devices as detailed in the Plans, Index 600 of the Design Standards and
when applicable, in accordance with the approved vendor drawings, as provided
on the Department’s Qualified Products List (QPL) or the Department’s Approved
Products List (APL). Erect the required temporary traffic control devices to prevent
any hazardous conditions and in conjunction with any necessary traffic re-routing
to protect the traveling public, workers, and to safeguard the work area. Use only
those devices that are on the QPL or the APL. Immediately remove or cover
any devices that do not apply to existing conditions.
All temporary traffic control devices must meet….
Keep temporary traffic control devices in the correct position, properly
clearly visible and clean, at all times.
Immediately repair, replace or clean damaged,
defaced or dirty devices.
Section 10.1
Pile Lengths
Section 10.2
Prestressed / Precast Concrete Components
• Section establishes procedure for obtaining production lengths and driving
• Provides a written process for dealing with defective components
 Section 10.3
Concrete Construction
Describes Bridge Deck thickness checks
Mass Concrete Plans and Pours
Crack Inspections
Concrete Pre-Operation Meetings and Pour Notices
 Section 10.4 Paint/Asbestos Removal, Handling and Disposal
• Specific Qualifications are required by both Contractor and Technician to
perform this work
 Section 10.5
Drilled Shafts
• Section established procedure for obtaining drilled shafts lengths outlines
requirements for Drilling Logs
Section 10.6
Underwater Bridge Construction Inspection
• Section describes Initial, Progress and Final inspections
Section 10.7
Post-Tensioned Bridges
 Section 10.8
Auger Cast Piles
• Only used for noise wall foundations on FDOT Projects
 Section 10.9 Structural Steel and Misc. Components
• Section provides process for evaluation and disposition of major defects
 Section 10.10 Bridge Issues that MUST involve SCO
• Describes bridge construction issues and when/how to involve the SCO
 Section 10.11 General Structures Construction Issues
• New Section added in June 2010 establishes procedures to notify District
Structures Material Office of in-service dates, inspections and load ratings
Section 11.1
Asphalt Plant Operations
Section 11.2
Asphalt Mix Temperature Control
• This procedure establishes guidelines to control plant operations related to daily
measurement and documentation of bituminous quantities
This Section describes when and how asphalt mix temperature is controlled and who is
Section 11.3
Categorizing Asphalt and Other Base Courses
Section 11.4
• This describes how asphalt and base courses are categorized; i.e. Superpave types, tonnage
pay items, square yard pay items, cubic yard pay item, friction courses, composite base,
optional base (limerock)
This establishes uniform instructions for keeping accurate records of final Asphalt Pay Items
with liquid included, Optional Base Pay Items and Composite Base
Provided are examples on calculating Composite Pay Factor (CPF) adjustments, thickness
and spread rate and Bituminous adjustments.
 Section 11.5
Testing and Correction of Surface
• This Section provides a procedure for ensuring the last structural layer meets
applicable straightedge requirements before friction course application
 Section 11.6 Document Multi-Fin Projects in One Contract
• How to calculate and document quantities of the same pay item that
appear on multiple FM numbers under one contract
 Section 11.7
Information for CQC
• The Section discusses the Department’s role when reviewing/verifying CQC
documentation and establishing waste quantities
• Resolution Reports for Gradation, Density and CPF
 Section 11.8
• What type of submittals are required with Monthly
 Section 11.9 Salvage of Materials
• The documentation requirements for excess or salvaged
material delivered to the project and delivered to a Maintenance
 Section 12.1
Project Acceptance
Inspections Prior to Acceptance
Preliminary Field Inspection
 At 90% complete, the PA may notify the Contractor and the maintaining
unit that the project – or part of a project – is near completion
 A list of remedial work will be furnished to the Contractor and must be
completed before final inspection
Final Inspection
Types of Acceptance
Partial Acceptance
Final Acceptance
 Section 13.1
Contractor’s Past Performance Rating
Key Items
Maximum Capacity Rating – Admin Rule 14-12 F.A.C.
Provide a copy to the Contractor at the Pre-con
Interim performance ratings
Communication is key
DCE has the final say if appealed by the contractor
Sample letters and Flow Chart at the end of section
 Section 13.2 Constructability Grades
Consultant Designed Projects
• Professional Services Consultant Work Performance Evaluation,
Procedure No. 375-030-007
• Constructability Evaluation, Form No. 375-030-08Z
In-House Designs
• Constructability Evaluation, Form No. 375-030-08Z
Design-Build Projects
• Professional Services Consultant Work Performance Evaluation,
Procedure No. 375-030-007
• Constructability Evaluation, Form No. 375-030-08Z
 Section 13.3
Contractor Survey
Project Administrator will mail a copy of the Contractor
Survey with the Final Acceptance Letter.
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