
Document 2823938

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Document 2823938
Officeof Sponsored
ent unit within the Office of SSponsored Proggrams publishees this notice o
on a bi‐weeklyy basis. The Proposal Developme
ortunities listed
d, and would liike assistance w
with a proposaal, please contaact If you are iinterested in any of the oppo
Carol Brodie at 51328, [email protected] . Pleasse see the Propposal Developm
ment website, w.unlv.edu/research/propossal‐development for a comp lete list of our office’s servicees. An archivee of http://www
these newsletters can be
e found at http
edu/research/aarchives ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ nt for the Arts ‐ Our Tow
wn National Endowmen
duction The Our To
own grant proggram supports creative place
emaking projeccts that help to
o transform communities into
o lively, beau
utiful, and resilient places with the arts at ttheir core. Creaative placemakking is when arrtists, arts organizatio
ons, and comm
munity develop
pment practitio
oners deliberattely integrate aarts and culturre into community revitalization work ‐ placing arts at the table with land‐use, transpoortation, econo
omic developm
ment, education
n, nfrastructure, aand public safe
ety strategies. TThis funding suupports local eefforts to enhance quality of life housing, in
and opportunity for existting residents, increase creattive activity, annd create a disttinct sense of p
place. Our Town, subje
ect to the availlability of funding, the Nationnal Endowmen
nt for the Arts w
Through O
will provide a limited num
mber of grantss for creative p
placemaking. O
Our Town requiires partnershiips between arrts organizations and govern
nment, other n
nonprofit organ
nizations, and private entitiees to achieve livvability goals fo
or communitiees. Our Town offers supportt for projects in
n two areas: nt, Cultural Plaanning, and De
esign Projects.. These projectts represent th
he distinct charracter  Arts Engagemen
nd quality of th
heir communitties. These projjects require a partnership b
between a nonprofit organizaation an
nd a local gove
ernment entityy, with one of the partners beeing a cultural organization. M
Matching gran
nts raange from $25,,000 to $200,0
000. 
Prrojects that Bu
uild Knowledge
e About Creatiive Placemakin
ng. These projects are available to arts and
d de
esign service o
organizations, aand industry orr university orgganizations thaat provide tech
hnical assistancce to th
hose doing placce‐based workk. Matching graants range from
m $25,000 to $$100,000. An organizzation may sub
bmit as a lead aapplicant two aapplications too Our Town. Please follow the instructions for limited sub
bmissions foun
nd at https://w
ocess A partnerin
ng organization
n may serve ass a partner on aas many appliccations as theyy like. Deadline: September 2
21, 2015 D. Kim Fo
oundation In
nvites Applications for FFellowships /Grants for Historical R
Research of Science, Technologyy in East Asiaa http://www
wships.html The D. Kim
m Foundation fo
or the History o
of Science and
d Technology inn East Asia in LLexington, Masssachusetts, provides fe
ellowships and
d grants to grad
duate studentss and young sc holars who aree working in th
he history of sccience and techno
ology in East Asia from the be
eginning of the
e twentieth ce ntury. Comparrative studies o
of East Asia and the West as we
ell as studies in
n related fieldss (mathematicss, medicine, annd public healtth) are also welcome. All application
n materials (inccluding sample
e chapters, pap
pers, or essays)) should be wrritten in English
h. All publicatio
ons, workshops, and meetings that the foundation supports use English only. The foundation offers postdoctoral and dissertation fellowships as well as grants for travel/research and for group projects. Fellowships: 1) Postdoctoral Fellowship: One fellowship of up to $55,000 will be awarded annually to a distinguished young scholar who has received his/her doctoral degree within the past five years. 2) Dissertation Fellowship: One or two fellowships of up to $25,000 each will be awarded annually to Ph.D. candidates who are writing their dissertations. Grants: 1) Traveling/Research Grant: Several grants of up to $2,500 each will be awarded annually to scholars who are traveling either to present papers at international conferences, workshops, or annual meetings, or for short‐term research projects (less than a month). 2) Group Grants: Several grants of up to $5,000 each will be awarded to groups that organize workshops or international meetings. These meetings should be conducted in English. Deadline: December 15, 2015 Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood – Letters of Intent Invited http://earlychildhoodfoundation.org/ The Caplan Foundation for Early Childhood supports innovative, creative projects, and programs designed to significantly enhance the development, health, safety, education, and/or quality of life of children from infancy through five years of age. The foundation provides funding in the following areas:  Early Childhood Welfare  Early Childhood Education and Play  Parenting Education Deadline: Letters of Intent accepted continually. Administration for Children and Families ‐ National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning http://www.acf.hhs.gov/grants/open/foa/view/HHS‐2015‐ACF‐OCC‐TA‐1001 The Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Office of Head Start (OHS) in partnership with the Office of Child Care (OCC) will disseminate high quality research informed resources and provide training and technical assistance associated with healthy development and school readiness for infants, toddlers and preschool children (birth to five) across all settings and program options. The Center’s work will include, but not be limited to, professional development for the infant/toddler and preschool workforce; evidence based curriculum; early learning standards; effective transitions; screening and assessment; culturally and linguistically age appropriate practices; enhancing teacher/child interactions; supporting networks of infant/toddler practitioners; supporting children with disabilities; and, using data to improve practice. Deadline: July 20, 2015 US Agency for International Development ‐ Stand Alone Roads Activity (SARA) Community Involvement Program http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view‐opportunity.html?oppId=276612 The Stand Alone Roads Activity (SARA) is a major component of the FTF rural roads project in Haiti. SARA will rehabilitate up to 150 km of rural roads in the Plaine de Cul‐de‐Sac, Matheux Corridor, Mirebalais area, and Northern Corridor in Haiti. SARA will use separate mechanisms to procure components that cover services for design, supervision, and construction. This request for assistance (RFA) does not require technical expertise in road construction or road maintenance, as the technical information needed will be provided by United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), the service provider for design and construction supervision. Deadline: June 29, 2015 Department of Defense ‐ Community Partners in Suicide Prevention http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view‐opportunity.html?oppId=276646 The intent of the Community Partners in Suicide Prevention Outreach and Education (CPSPOE) is to address Section 706 by supporting outreach and education to such members, their families and caregivers, and the public about suicide prevention, mental health and substance use disorders and traumatic brain injury that relate to research on the causes, development, and innovative treatment of mental health, substance use disorders, TBI, and suicide prevention in members of the National Guard and Reserves, their family members, and their caregivers. The focus of the CPSPOE is on outreach and education only; proposed projects should NOT include other research or treatment efforts. Outreach and education should be carried out by or in collaboration with community partners. Deadline: July 17, 2015 Environmental Protection Agency ‐ National Priorities: Life Cycle Costs of Water Infrastructure Alternatives http://www.epa.gov/ncer/rfa/2015/2015‐natl‐priorities.html The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is seeking applications that propose research focused on developing tools and models that compare the life‐cycle costs of green, grey, and hybrid forms of water infrastructure. One of the high‐priority research areas identified by the EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) is developing tools to protect the quantity and quality of water. Under the 1987 amendments to the Clean Water Act (CWA), the EPA established a program to address storm water discharges including the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program which regulates point sources such as pipes and sewers that discharge directly into surface waters. Under the CWA, communities need to address stormwater management requirements as they consider their aging water infrastructure systems, rate payer expectations, and other considerations important to the community. Green infrastructure is an emerging technology with much potential to help many communities. Research is needed to assist communities throughout the United States in evaluating investments in green infrastructure that can improve stormwater management in multiple ways, including reducing the volume of stormwater entering the sewer system to decrease the costs of grey infrastructure updates, and by managing stormwater runoff as a resource, not a waste, to enhance scarce water supplies. The EPA currently supports a number of research grants from previous solicitations on performance and effectiveness of green infrastructure. Deadline: July 2, 2015 Campbell Foundation Invites Proposals for Chesapeake Bay, Pacific Ocean Projects http://www.campbellfoundation.org/apply/ The foundation has issued a Request for Proposals for Chesapeake Bay and coastal Pacific Ocean improvement projects. 1) Chesapeake Bay: The foundation’s Chesapeake program supports the implementation of policy initiatives and standards that accelerate the pace of nutrient and sediment reduction in the bay. It also seeks to improve the bay’s filtering capacity by supporting the protection of oysters, menhaden, and their habitats. 2) Pacific: The foundation’s Healthy Ocean Ecosystems program strives to identify opportunities in the field that are gaining political momentum, present a great opportunity to leverage resources of all kinds, and/or are innovative from a business and social perspective. The program supports initiatives in the areas of sustainable fisheries, the protection of special places, land‐sea connection/water quality in northern California; and communication of ocean conservation issues. The foundation also is increasingly concerned with models that predict the serious impact climate change will have on water resources in the western United States. To that end, it allocates a portion of its resources to bring together willing participants from competing interests to push for management changes that address these models. For each program, individual grant amounts will not exceed $25,000 and are open only to new grantees of the foundation. Deadline: June 30, 2015 Oak Ridge Associated Universities ‐ Higher Education Research Experiences at Oak Ridge National Laboratory for Students http://see.orau.org/ProgramDescription.aspx?Program=10044  Description: opportunities to participate in research in a broad range of science and engineering activities related to basic sciences, energy, and the environment  Discipline(s): computer science; earth, environmental, and marine sciences; engineering; life, health, and medical sciences; mathematics; physical sciences; see also http://www.ornl.gov  Eligibility: U.S. Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents. precollege students (during the period after high school graduation and before entrance to college), undergraduate students, post‐associates, post‐
baccalaureates, graduate students  Location(s): Tennessee Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Oak Ridge, Tenn.); http://www.ornl.gov  Duration: anytime; varies with academic level; full‐time or part‐time appointments Deadline(s): application is always open but for best results apply February 1 for summer, June 1 for fall, October 1 for winter/spring Health Resources and Services Administration Faculty Loan Repayment Program http://www.hrsa.gov/loanscholarships/repayment/Faculty/ The Faculty Loan Repayment Program provides loan repayment to health professions educators from disadvantaged backgrounds while they serve as a faculty member in an accredited and eligible health professions school. Participants receive:  A lump sum, up to $40,000, for a two‐year service commitment as a faculty member of an accredited health professions college or university.  Funds to offset the tax burden.  The opportunity to educate and train the next generation of health professionals. Applicants must have an eligible health professions degree or certificate, and have a full‐time or part‐time employment commitment to be a faculty member at an approved health professions institution for a minimum of two‐years, from one of the following types of eligible schools:  Allopathic Medicine  Osteopathic Medicine  Dentistry  Nursing  Pharmacy  Allied Health  Podiatric Medicine  Optometry  Veterinary Medicine  Public Health (graduate level only)  A school offering physician assistant education programs  A school offering graduate programs in behavioral and mental health Deadline: June 25, 2015 Department of Defense ‐ Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP) ‐‐ Gulf War Illness Research Program ‐‐ New Investigator Research Award http://www.grants.gov/web/grants/view‐opportunity.html?oppId=276606 The intent of the GWIRP New Investigator Award is to support investigators new to the field of GWI research at different stages of career development. This award enables such investigators to compete for funding separately from investigators with established programs of GWI research. Previous experience in GWI research is allowed, but not required. However, Principal Investigators (PIs) with a limited background in GWI research are strongly encouraged to strengthen their applications through collaboration with investigators who are experienced in GWI research and/or possess other relevant expertise. It is the PI’s responsibility to describe how the collaboration(s) will augment his/her ability to address the research question. The New Investigator Award is designed to promote new ideas in GWI research and establish proof‐of‐principle for further development in future studies. Applications are not required to include preliminary data; however, preliminary data may be used to support the objectives of an application. These data are not required to have come from the GWI research field. Applications not supported by preliminary data should be based on sound scientific rationale and may reflect clinical observations or seek to evaluate discoveries made in relation to other chronic multisymptom illnesses for their application in GWI. Regardless of the approach, the focus should be clearly on Veterans with GWI. It is the responsibility of the PI to clearly and explicitly articulate the project’s potential impact on GWI. Deadlines: • Pre‐Application: October 15, 2015 • Application: October 29, 2015 Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation ‐ GENERAL RFP AND FUNDING PRIORITIES http://www.alzdiscovery.org/research‐and‐grants/request‐for‐proposal ADDF funds drug discovery research programs from domestic and international investigators in academia and biotechnology companies. In addition, ADDF initiates, sponsors, and co‐sponsors conferences to stimulate new ideas and approaches in areas of interest to the Foundation, bringing together physicians, scientists, and policy makers worldwide. As a biomedical venture philanthropy, ADDF seeks to fill the critical translational funding gap between basic research and later stage drug development. We fund high risk, early stage drug discovery and development projects and catalyze scientists to enter the drug discovery field. We have adapted the operating model and principles of venture capital investing to our philanthropic mission in biomedical research. We help to create new biotechnology companies, and to fund early stage biotechnology companies, with programs dedicated to Alzheimer’s disease drug discovery. We seek a return on investment for all of our grants based on the achievement of scientific and/or business milestones. When these milestones are met, funds return to the Foundation to increase our ability to support more research. Deadlines: June 16; September 22; December 10. LOIs are due at least two weeks prior to the proposal deadlines. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation – Leadership Grant Programs http://www.rwjf.org/en/library/funding‐opportunities/2015/national‐leadership‐program‐centers.html Building on decades of successes through our human capital investments, RWJF is developing four new boundary‐
spanning leadership programs that reflect our vision to work with others to build a national Culture of Health. RWJF will select up to four national leadership program centers to receive a three‐month planning grant to co‐
develop the launch of the leadership program(s), with a maximum amount of $750,000 per award per program. The four new programs (and their working titles) are:  RWJF Diversity in Health Policy Research will support a large cadre of doctoral students from diverse backgrounds whose research, connections, and leadership will contribute to a Culture of Health.  RWJF Interdisciplinary Research Leaders will support a network of researchers whose leadership and community‐relevant, policy‐relevant, and action‐oriented research will help to drive social change that builds a Culture of Health.  RWJF Multisector Leaders for Health will develop and leverage a diverse group of leaders representing key sectors (e.g., education, transportation, public health and policy, social work, business, community engagement, urban planning, and health care) who, as a result of this program, will take their leadership 
and influence to the next level to lead communities, organizations, and the nation toward a Culture of Health. RWJF New Clinical Scholars will develop networked cohorts of clinicians who have attained a terminal clinical degree and who have the competencies and capabilities to lead transformative change that helps to build a Culture of Health in communities across the country. Applicants may submit a proposal for one or more programs; each of the individual program proposals will be considered separately. Deadline: July 29, 2015 American Physical Therapy Association Seeks Applications for Health Policy and Administration Projects http://www.aptahpa.org/?page=34 The American Physical Therapy Association is seeking applications for projects that stimulate, encourage, and support research activities that enhance the body of knowledge related to health policy, clinical administration, global health, and the use of technology in physical therapy. Catalyst grants of up to $15,000 will be awarded to new or established physical therapist investigators who are embarking on a new research agenda in the areas of physical therapist practice, leadership, administration, or education. Grants may be renewable (no‐cost extension) for up to one year. To be eligible, applicants must be an APTA Health Policy & Administration section member. Collaborative research with non‐section members is permissible as long as the principal investigator is a member of the section on HPA. Deadline: December 31, 2015 AGA Accepting Applications for Liver Research The American Gastroenterological Association is accepting applications for its AGA‐Gilead Sciences Research Scholar Award in Liver Disease, which provides $90,000 a year for up to three years to a young investigator studying diseases of the liver. The overall objective of the program is to help early‐career investigators, instructors, research associates, and their equivalents develop independent and productive research careers in digestive diseases by ensuring that a major proportion of their time is protected for research. Candidates for the award must hold an M.D., Ph.D., or equivalent degree (e.g. M.B., Ch.B., M.B.B.S., D.O.) and a full‐time faculty position at a North American institution by October 1, 2015. In addition, AGA membership is required at the time of application submission. Women and underrepresented minority applicants, as well as candidates interested in translational research, are strongly encouraged to apply. http://www.gastro.org/grants/aga‐gilead‐sciences‐research‐scholar‐award‐in‐liver‐disease Deadline: June 25, 2015 Administration for Children and Families ‐ National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness (NCECHW) http://www.acf.hhs.gov/grants/open/foa/view/HHS‐2015‐ACF‐OHS‐HC‐0998 The NCECHW will disseminate high‐quality, research‐informed resources and will provide training and technical assistance (T/TA) to Head Start and Early Head Start agencies, state child care agencies, and other early care and education settings across regions, states, tribes and territories. The resources and T/TA will address services to pregnant women and the health, safety and school readiness of infants, toddlers, and preschool children (from birth to age five). The NCECHW will provide resources and T/TA that promote the health and developmental potential of children and families in the United States in order to get them school ready and live healthy, productive, and happy lives. In addition, the NCECHW will provide resources and T/TA in order to:  Improve the health and safety of Early Care and Education (ECE) settings;  Promote positive child health outcomes for children participating in ECE programs;  Increase preventive services related to health outcomes;  Promote access to continuous, accessible health services for children and families; and  Promote mental wellness and resiliency for staff, children, pregnant women and families; and  Strengthen networks and coordination of ECE programs and child health professionals. Deadline: July 20, 2015 Healthy Smiles, Healthy Children Invites Applications for Access to Care Grants http://www.healthysmileshealthychildren.org/what‐we‐do‐apply/ The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry established Healthy Smiles, Healthy Children in 1987 with the aim of providing dental care for all children nationwide. To that end, HSHC is accepting applications from pediatric dental care organizations for its Access to Care Grants program. Through the program, HSHC will award single‐year matching grants of up to $20,000 each to support community‐based initiatives that provide dental care to underserved children. Priority will be given to successful programs with the potential for replication in other communities, as well as initiatives that have demonstrated collaboration with other institutions and organizations. To be eligible, applicants must be a U.S.‐based nonprofit organization or local government agency that provides dental services to children in the United States or its territories. Projects should have pediatric dentist involvement. If a pediatric dentist is not participating, programs must involve a general dentist in order to be considered for funding. In addition, applicants must have matching funds equal to the grant request amount at the time of application. Matching funds can either be cash or in kind. Deadline: August 3, 2015 Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International – Grant Programs The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation has announced three upcoming grant deadlines:  Career Development Awards: http://jdrf.org/grant‐center/information‐for‐applicants/grant‐mechanism‐descriptions/career‐
development‐awards/ The primary purpose of the Career Development Award is to attract qualified and promising scientists early in their faculty careers and to give them the opportunity to establish themselves in areas that reflect the JDRF research emphasis areas. In the five‐year term of the award, awardees will focus their research efforts on a subject directly related to JDRF mission goals and research priorities, and position themselves to work at the leading edge of type 1 diabetes research. These awards are designed to assist exceptionally promising investigators. Career Development Awards may emphasize either basic or clinical topics. Deadline: July 30, 2015 
Innovative Grants http://www.jdrf.org/index.cfm?page_id=113999 JDRF provides seed funding for highly innovative research with potential significant impact on accelerating the mission of JDRF. The innovative research should have the potential for a change in the current paradigm or conventional wisdom or to lead to a seminal discovery or to be groundbreaking. Preliminary data is not required in the proposal but the underlying premise, goal, or hypothesis must be plausible and the proposal must be focused with a well‐defined goal. Deadline: July 30, 2015 
Early Career Patient‐Oriented Diabetes Research Award http://www.jdrf.org/index.cfm?page_id=114015 The JDRF Early Career Patient‐Oriented Diabetes Research Award will provide crucial support to investigators who plan to pursue a career in diabetes‐related clinical investigation. These prestigious awards are made in the later stages of training and include the ability for recipients to transition to independent faculty or research appointments. The award has a five‐year term. Deadline: July 30, 2015 NIHCM Foundation Seeks Letters of Inquiry for Healthcare Management Research Projects The National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and educational foundation dedicated to improving the effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of the U.S. healthcare system. To advance this mission, the foundation is inviting Letters of Inquiry for innovative research that will advance the existing knowledge base in the areas of healthcare financing, delivery, management, and/or policy. For its 2015‐16 funding cycle, the foundation will award up to five grants totaling $250,000 for studies that have strong potential to yield insights that can have a positive impact on the U.S. healthcare system by reducing spending, improving quality of care, and/or expanding access to insurance coverage and health care services. Grant amounts will be determined on a project‐by‐project basis. Eligible applicants include individual researchers and all types of organizations and institutions, including both nonprofit and for‐profit entities. Multiple organizations may apply jointly, but one must be named as the principal organization, with the others having a subcontract relationship with that organization. Deadline: July 13, 2015 American Diabetes Association Invites Nominations for Outstanding Educator in Diabetes Award http://professional.diabetes.org/ResourcesForProfessionals.aspx?cid=85242 The American Diabetes Association is inviting nominations for its 2016 Outstanding Educator in Diabetes Award. The annual award program is designed to stimulate, acknowledge, and reward outstanding educational efforts by a health professional in the field of diabetes education. Nominees must have demonstrated significant long‐term national or international contributions to the field of diabetes education; many years of effort in the field of diabetes education; evidence of benefit to recipients; and be well known to others in his/her area of expertise. Publications and teaching experience are factors in the selection process. A $3,000 honorarium will be awarded to the recipient, who will deliver the Outstanding Educator in Diabetes Award Lecture at the 76th Scientific Sessions in New Orleans, June 10‐14, 2016. The award includes two complimentary registrations to scientific sessions for the recipient and one guest, two round‐trip coach airfares, and hotel accommodations for up to five nights. Other travel related expenses may also be covered. To be eligible, nominees must be a member of ADA's National Professional Section. Both U.S. and non‐U.S. residents are eligible for award. Contributions and volunteer service to both national and international diabetes organizations and the broader diabetes community may also be taken into consideration. Deadline: August 28, 2015 RWJF Issues RFP for Healthy Eating Research Projects http://www.rwjf.org/en/library/funding‐opportunities/2015/healthy‐eating‐research‐new‐connections.html Healthy Eating Research: Building Evidence to Prevent Childhood Obesity, a national program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, supports research on environmental and policy strategies with strong potential to promote healthy eating and prevent childhood obesity, especially among groups at highest risk for obesity, including black, Latino, American Indian, Asian/Pacific Islander children, and children who live in lower‐income communities (urban, suburban, and/or rural). Findings are expected to advance RWJF’s efforts to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic, eliminate health disparities, and help all children achieve a healthy weight. The program has issued a Request for Proposals for two types of awards aimed at providing advocates, decision makers, and policy makers with the evidence needed to reverse the childhood obesity epidemic. The award types are Round Nine grants and RWJF New Connections grants. 1) Round Nine Grants: Approximately $2.55 million will be awarded through this funding round. Each grant will provide up to $190,000 over a maximum funding period of eighteen months. 2) RWJF New Connections Grants: Up to two RWJF New Connections grants will be awarded through the Healthy Eating Research program in this round of funding. Awards will be for twelve to eighteen months and will range up to $100,000 each. Deadline: July 1, 2015 Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research Institute – Upcoming Funding Opportunities Improving Methods for Conducting Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research ‐ Cycle 2 2015
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available Total Costs LOI: July 29, 2015 Application: November 3, 2015 Research Award $12 million $750,000 Communication and Dissemination Research ‐ Cycle 2 2015
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available LOI: July 29, 2015 Application: November 3, 2015 Research Award $8 million Total Costs $1.5 million Improving Healthcare Systems ‐ Cycle 2 2015
Key Deadlines Type LOI: July 29, 2015 Application: November 3, 2015 Funds Available Research Award $16 million Total Costs $5 million for large studies and $1.5 million for small studies Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options ‐ Cycle 2 2015
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available LOI: July 29, 2015 Application: November 3, 2015 Research Award $32 million Total Costs $2 million Addressing Disparities ‐ Cycle 2 2015
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available LOI: July 29, 2015 Application: November 3, 2015 Research Award $8 million Total Costs $1.5 million PCORnet Health Systems Demonstration Projects
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available Application: TBD Research Award Total Costs $5 million Addressing Disparities ‐ Cycle 3 2015
Key Deadlines Type LOI: November 12, 2015 Application: February 16, 2016 Research Award Funds Available Total Costs Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options ‐ Cycle 3 2015
Key Deadlines Type LOI: November 12, 2015 Application: February 16, 2016 Research Award Funds Available Total Costs Funds Available Total Costs Improving Healthcare Systems ‐ Cycle 3 2015
Key Deadlines Type LOI: November 12, 2015 Application: February 16, 2016 Research Award Communication and Dissemination Research ‐ Cycle 3 2015
Key Deadlines Type LOI: November 12, 2015 Application: February 16, 2016 Research Award Funds Available Total Costs Improving Methods for Conducting Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research ‐ Cycle 3 2015
Key Deadlines Type LOI: November 12, 2015 Research Award Funds Available Total Costs Improving Methods for Conducting Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research ‐ Cycle 3 2015
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available Total Costs Application: February 16, 2016 Large Pragmatic Studies to Evaluate Patient‐Centered Outcomes ‐ Cycle 3 2015
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available Total Costs LOI: November 12, 2015 Application: February 16, 2016 Research Award Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options ‐ Cycle 1 2016
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available Total Costs LOI: March 2, 2016 Application: June 6, 2016 Research Award Addressing Disparities ‐ Cycle 1 2016
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available Total Costs LOI: March 2, 2016 Application: June 6, 2016 Research Award Improving Healthcare Systems ‐ Cycle 1 2016
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available Total Costs LOI: March 2, 2016 Application: June 6, 2016 Research Award Communication and Dissemination Research ‐ Cycle 1 2016
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available Total Costs LOI: March 2, 2016 Application: June 6, 2016 Research Award Improving Methods for Conducting Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research ‐ Cycle 1 2016
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available Total Costs LOI: March 2, 2016 Application: June 6, 2016 Research Award Large Pragmatic Studies to Evaluate Patient‐Centered Outcomes ‐ Cycle 2 2016
Key Deadlines Type Funds Available Total Costs LOI: May 4, 2016 Application: August 8, 2016 
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