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FLORIDA’S CURRENT & FUTURE FLORIDA’S CURRENT AND FUTURE HEAVILY CONGESTED CORRIDORS HEAVILY CONGESTED CORRIDORS STRATEGIC INTERMODAL SYSTEM FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Heavily Congested Corridors in 2015 Heavily Congested Corridors by 2025 Heavily Congested Corridors by 2040 DECEMBER 2015 Orlando Notes: Heavy congestion in Urban Areas means traffic is either moving bumper to bumper or is stop and go during peak periods (Level of Service E or worse). Heavy congestion in Non-Urban Areas means passenger and truck traffic is heavy during peak periods and changing lanes is very difficult (Level of Service D or worse). South Florida Tampa Bay Jacksonville VMT - Vehicle Miles Traveled FLORIDA’S CURRENT & FUTURE HEAVILY CONGESTED CORRIDORS Notes: Heavy congestion in Urban Areas means traffic is either moving bumper to bumper or is stop and go during peak periods (Level of Service E or worse). Heavy congestion in Non-Urban Areas means passenger and truck traffic is heavy during peak periods and changing lanes is very difficult (Level of Service D or worse). Heavily Congested Corridors in 2015 By 2040 4,547 SIS Highway Miles 32% 61% 3,042 miles of currently non-congested SIS highways will remain non-congested in 2040 2025 VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled 104 billion VMT 38% of VMT in 2040 will be on currently non-congested SIS highways that will remain non-congested 63 billion VMT 1% of VMT in 2040 will be on currently congested SIS highways that will become non-congested 37 miles of currently congested SIS highways will become non-congested by 2040 41% of VMT in 2040 will be on currently non-congested SIS highways that will become congested 1,125 miles of currently non-congested SIS highways will become congested by 2040 20% of VMT in 2040 will be on currently congested SIS highways that will remain congested 342 miles of currently congested SIS highways will remain congested in 2040 2015 2040 Congested SIS Highway Heavily Congested Corridors by SIS Highway Miles 2015 Non-congested SIS Highway 2040 VMT (Vehicles Miles Traveled) is a measure which combines the annual average daily traffic figures with the length of highway miles this traffic travels. It is a good measure of the density of traffic on Florida’s highways. Heavily Congested Corridors by