FLORIDA at WORK FLORIDA at WORK 2016 Legislative Transportation Briefing The Mission of the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is to provide a safe transportation system that ensures the mobility of people and goods, enhances economic prosperity, and preserves the quality of our environment and communities. Florida House District 32 Representative Larry Metz Our MISSION KEY TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES Transportation improvements result in tangible benefits. Leesburg International Airport Highways: US 441, US 27, US 192 Rail: Seaboard Coast Line, Florida Midland, Florida Central Transportation investment highlights are found statewide. FDOT DISTRICT CONTACTS COUNTY LIST District 5 Noranne Downs, P.E. FDOT District Secretary Work 386-943-5474 Cell (386) 801- 1905 [email protected] Lake 605 Suwannee Street Tallahaseee, FL 32399 Phone: (850) 414-4100 Phone: (850) 414-5205 Cell: (850) 509-2685 [email protected] Mike Dew Chief of Staff Phone: (850) 414-5208 Cell: (850) 841-9577 [email protected] Tom DiGiacomo Director of Intergovernmental Affairs Cell: (850)694-3617 [email protected] Our PERFORMANCE COMPETITIVENESS Transportation investments are prioritized to strengthen and support our economy. Cargo valued at $83 billion passes through Florida’s seaports, 83 million tons of freight travel our railroads, and aviation contributes $114 billion to our economy every year. SAFETY Fatality and crash rates are decreasing on Florida’s highways, protecting our most valuable asset - our people. Safety belt usage is now at 89% - an all time high. A new statewide initiative to improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists is now underway. PRESERVATION Maintenance, pavement, and bridge conditions are meeting or exceeding performance targets. FDOT has met or exceeded its maintenance standards since 1994. Transportation projects require multi-year funding. FDOT STATEWIDE CONTACTS Jim Boxold BENEFITS JOBS $1 billion invested in transportation projects supports about 28,000 jobs. ECONOMY Over the next five years, planned improvements will grow Florida’s Gross State Product (GSP) by an estimated $11 billion in increased productivity. RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI) Every dollar invested in transportation is estimated to result in a return of $4.40 in user and economic benefits to Florida’s residents and business. Airports: Central Office Your Our FUNDING CASH FLOW VS. COMMITMENTS FDOT currently has over $7 billion of secured funding commitments to transportation contractors and partners with a projected cash balance between $200-to-$250 million. For detailed information on transportation performance in Florida see: WWW.DOT.STATE.FL.US/PLANNING/PERFORMANCE 44 T S Fruitland Park ± ³ ± ³ ± ³ £ ¤ 4 ¦ ¨ § 44 8 A Orlando Apopka Airport T S Apopka ± ³ # 482 S T P u blic A irpo rt M ajo r A irp o rt D ee pw a ter S ea po rt P a sse n ge r In term od al S ta tion B u s S tatio n F reig h t Inte rm o da l S tatio n In tersta te H igh w a y Belle Isle M ajo r U S o r S ta te H ig hw a y O the r U S o r S ta te H ig hw a y 528 ± ³ 535 Conway 52 8 A 482 ± ³ ¬ ( Sawgrass Lake 42 3 Big Sand Lake Little n ¤ £ n ³ ± ± ³ Lake Tibet 506 ± ³ 439 ± ³ PVTX 527 27 2 ± ³± ³ ± ³ C ou nty H igh w a y R ailw ay ± ³ 527 ± ³ 474 47 4 ± ³ ± ³ 536 S T 535 S T ± ³ 522 530 S T 530 192 £ ¤ ! 1 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Phase: PE/ROW/CON LITTLE LK HARRIS BR #110026 FY: 2016 - 2017/2019 Totals: $48,370,004 ! ! 3 2 2. SR 25 (US27) ADD LANES & RECONSTRUCT Phase: PE/CON 3. LEESBURG INTL AIRPORT AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS Phase: GRA FROM N OF BOGGY MARSH RD TO N OF LAKE LOUISA RD FY: 2016/2018 Totals: $43,897,214 P ha se K e y: ! 4 4. SR 25 (US 27) FROM HERNANDO COUNTY LINE Totals: $9,467,957 TO N OF O'BRIEN RD FY: 2016/2018 Totals: $8,523,213 P D E = P ro je ct D e ve lo pm e nt & E n viro n m e n t 5. WEST SR 50 Phase: PDE/PE Phase: PE/CON ! 5 CORRIDOR/SUBAREA PLANNING RESURFACING FROM CR 561 FY: 2016 - 2020 ! TO CR 33 LAKE COUNTY FY: 2017/2020 Totals: $4,510,000 P E = P re lim in a ry E ng ine e rin g 6 6. SR 44 RESURFACING Phase: PE/CON FROM SR25/US27/14TH ST TO SR 500 (US 441) FY: 2016 - 2017 Totals: $3,152,622 R O W = R ig h t-o f-W a y C O N = C o n stru ctio n 525 ± ³ 579 ± ³ MAJO R PROJECTS í 527 T S Lake 423 p o 91 Tra n sp o rta tio n F a cilitie s 7 ¬ ( Dade City 1. SR 19 526 ± ³ 91 S T 27 ¤ £ 545 56 1 41 Lake Down ± ³ LAKE LOUISA 561 T S ! Lake Nellie Pretty Lake 471 471 50 9 8 ± ³ 33 575 50 54 5 33 T S 575 T S 50 T S ± ³ ± ³ 98 £ ¤ 301 £ ¤ ± ³ 565B ± ³ 98 £ ¤ 424 ± ³ ± ³ 56 5 B A ce E xp e diters Johns Lake 56 5 A 50 S T 52 7 42 4 A ± ³ 50 565A 56 5 416 500 T S ± ³ 50 S T Lake ± ³ 565 ¬ ( 416 S T S a fe ty, U tility, E tc. Winter Park ± ³ ± ³ 50 T S 441 431 R esu rfacin g, R eh ab , E tc. Eatonville £ ¤ 438 ± ³ 301 £ ¤ 43 8 A 438 T S 438 8 ± ³ 75 ¦ ¨ § 414 ± ³ ± ³ ± ³ ± ³ 50 R ail 414 S T Minneola 50 T S ¬ ( ± ³ 4 47 8 ± ³ 478 Lake Lucy 5 ± ³ ± ³ ± ³ ³ ± ³± ± ³ ± ³ 47 8 A ± ³ ± ³ ± ³ ± ³ ± ³ 46 9 673 429 P la nn in g, E n gin ee rin g, E tc. 427 42 4 8 429 S T LAKE APOPKA 561A 56 1 A ¬ ( 469 480 436 43 7 A 33 47 6 B Saint San Leo Antonio ± ³ ± ³ 437 33 476 436 S T 455 91 ± ³ ± ³ 91 T S 47 6 A IT S & Info rm a tio n S yste m s 42 4 7 436 T S ± ³ 48 578 41 4 3 436 48 S T C ap acity 42 4 2 ± ³ 19 48 575 B ridg e 42 3 9 500 500 ± ³ 19 T S 42 4 3 ± ³ 448A 45 5 Avia tion , S ea p ort, Tra nsit & Interm od al ± ³ 441 ± ³ 471 F lorida Tra nsp orta tion Vision fo r the 2 1st C en tury 42 3 7 Bob White Field Howey In The Hills 471 S T P ro je ct Type 43 1 B 42 2 0 4220 ³³ ± ± CSXT 46 44 8 ¬ ( ± ³ ± ³ 48 46 435 1 475 ¦ ¨ § 452 FLORIDA HOUSE DISTRICT 32 46 T S ± ³ 19 T S 25 T S 75 448 ± ³ 8 FC EN 50 0 A Tavares Seaplane Base LAKE HARRIS ¬ ( 301 £ ¤ LAKE DORA 44C ± ³ ¬ ( 19A Florida at Work 46A ± ³ 6 46 A ± ³ ± ³ 25A E KE FF Withlacoochee River ! 441 500 T S 500 19 T S £ ¤ Transportation Improvements Mid Florida Air Service Airport ± ³ O AS 468 ± ³ N PA ± ³ 39A Leesburg International Airport 3 44 S T Coleman 473 " ± ³ ± ³ ³ ± ± ³ KE LA T S Lake Deaton LAKE EUSTIS ± ³ ± ³± ³ 91 91 44 ± ³ ± ³ 44A 470 47 0 ± ³ 44 T S LAKE GRIFFIN 46 6 A 25 S T 25 T S ! 7. SR 33 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT Phase: PE/ROW/CON GREEN SWAMP BR #110002 FY: 2016 - 2019 Totals: $2,868,002 G R A = G ra n t ! 8 7 8. SR 50/SR 33 PRELIM ENG FOR FUTURE CAPACITY Phase: PDE/PE FROM CR 565 (VILLA CITY) TO CR 565A (MONTEVISTA) FY: 2016 Totals: $263,276 FDOT District Map: House District 32 Representative: Larry Metz Amended Work Program July, 2015 ® 0 1.25 2.5 5 State of Florida Department of Transportation M iles