Understanding An Application Summary
Understanding An Application Summary The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for understanding the graduate application summary in PeopleSoft. 1 Application Summary An application summary is created in the system at the time an application is created. This can take place when an application is loaded via an external file load from the online application or manually entered into the system. Applications are only manually entered into PeopleSoft when an applicant needs an immediate admission decision. Therefore, most of the application summaries you will be viewing are created by an external file load from the online application system. To have an application in PeopleSoft, an applicant must pay their application fee and submit an application through ApplyYourself. Step 1 Prerequisite – perform a Search/Match to locate person ID. From the main PeopleSoft menu, click the Student Admissions link on the left hand navigation bar. Step 2 Click the Application Summary link, under the Applicant Summaries section. Step 3 Confirm the person ID has been carried to the ID field. Step 4 Click the Search button. Step 5 You have arrived at the application summary! Use the screenshots below to understand the data on the screen 1.1 Career KEY DEFINITION TERM/ACRONYM Academic Career DEFINITION Grouping of all academic work undertaken by a student that the school accumulates into a single student level. (e.g. Undergraduate, Graduate, Law or Dental) 1 The career on the application summary indicates to which career the applicant applied. Options include: o Undergrad o Graduate o Law School o Dental School Non-degree applicants belong to the career in which they want to take courses, Undergrad or Graduate. 1.2 Application Number (Appl Nbr) An application number (Appl Nbr) is assigned each time a person submits an application with an application fee. o If an applicant has submitted multiple applications they will have multiple application numbers. For example: They applied in 2010 decided not to attend and reapplied in 2012. They applied originally as a non-degree applicant and then submitted a degreeseeking application. They submitted an Undergraduate application and a Graduate application. They submitted multiple Graduate applications for different degree programs. This application identification number is unique each application and allows us to tie application materials, transcripts, test scores, evaluation codes, admission decisions checklist items (to dos), and communications to the appropriate application. The application ID number is different than the Student ID number, which is a unique identification number that is used to locate a person’s record throughout the PeopleSoft system. Applicants can see their application number in Student Self Service under the Application Status link. 1.3 Academic Program KEY DEFINITION TERM/ACRONYM Academic Program DEFINITION The entity in the university to which a student applies, is admitted and graduates. At UNLV, program is equivalent to college at the 2 KEY DEFINITION undergraduate career and department at the graduate career. (e.g. College of Liberal Arts, Department of Physics) This indicates the academic program to which the applicant applied or was admitted. Use the table below to understand the Academic Program acronyms. Acronym Academic Program Name Description in PeopleSoft GACC Graduate Accounting Graduate Accounting GANT Graduate Anthropology & Ethnic Studies Graduate Anth & Ethnic Studies GARC Graduate Architecture Graduate Architecture GART Graduate Art Graduate Art GBIS Graduate Life Sciences Graduate Life Sciences GCED Graduate Counselor Education Graduate Counselor Education GCEG Graduate Civil Engineering Graduate Civil Engineering GCEM Graduate Crisis & Emergency Management Graduate Crisis & Emerg Mgmt GCEP Graduate Educational Psychology Graduate Educational Psych GCHE Graduate Chemistry Graduate Chemistry GCOS Graduate Communication Studies Graduate Communication Studies GCRJ Graduate Criminal Justice Graduate Criminal Justice GCSC Graduate Computer Science Graduate Computer Science GDPH Graduate Public Health Graduate Public Health GECO Graduate Economics Graduate Economics GEDA Grad Educational Leadership Grad Educational Leadership GEDP Graduate Educational Psychology Graduate Educational Psych GEEG Graduate Electrical & Computer Engineering Graduate Elec & Comp Engineer GEGG Graduate Engineering Graduate Engineering GEMBA Graduate Executive MBA Graduate Executive MBA GEMHA Graduate Executive MHA Graduate Executive MHA GENG Graduate English Graduate English GENV Graduate Environmental Studies Graduate Environmental Studies GESP Graduate Special Education Graduate Special Education GFAB Graduate Food & Beverage Management Graduate Food & Beverage Mgmt GFIN Graduate Finance Graduate Finance GFLM Graduate Film Graduate Film 3 GFOL Graduate Foreign Languages Graduate Foreign Languages GGES Graduate Geoscience Graduate Geoscience GHCA Graduate Health Care Administration Graduate Health Care Admin GHIS Graduate History Graduate History GHOA Graduate Hotel Administration Graduate Hotel Administration GHPE Graduate Health Promotion Graduate Health Promotion GHPS Graduate Health Physics Graduate Health Physics GICS Graduate Instruction & Curriculum Graduate Instruct & Curriculum GINF Graduate Informatics Graduate Informatics GJMS Graduate Journalism & Media Graduate Journalism & Media GKIN Graduate Kinesiology Graduate Kinesiology GLIS Graduate Liberal Studies Graduate Liberal Studies GMAT Graduate Mathematical Sciences Graduate Mathematical Sciences GMBA Graduate MBA Graduate MBA GMEG Graduate Mechanical Engineering Graduate Mechanical Engineer GMFT Graduate Marriage & Family Therapy Graduate Marriage & Fam Ther GMIS Graduate Management Info Systems Graduate Mgmt Info Systems GMUS Graduate Music Graduate Music GNDSG Graduate Non-degree Seeking Graduate Non-degree Seeking GNUR Graduate Nursing Graduate Nursing GPAF Graduate Public Affairs Graduate Public Affairs GPHT Graduate Physical Therapy Graduate Physical Therapy GPHY Graduate Physics Graduate Physics GPOS Graduate Political Science Graduate Political Science GPSY Graduate Psychology Graduate Psychology GPUA Graduate Public Administration Graduate Public Administration GRSM Graduate Recreation & Sports Management Graduate Rec & Sport Mgmt GSCI Graduate Sciences Graduate Sciences GSEL Graduate Sports Education Leadership Graduate Sports Ed Leadership GSLS Graduate Leisure Studies Graduate Leisure Studies GSOC Graduate Sociology Graduate Sociology GSWK Graduate Social Work Graduate Social Work GTHA Graduate Theatre Graduate Theatre GUND Graduate Undecided Graduate Undecided GWOM Graduate Women's Studies Graduate Women's Studies GWRM Graduate Water Resource Management Graduate Water Resource Mgmt 4 1.4 Admit Term This indicates the term to which the applicant has applied, when they intend to matriculate. o Just a note, in the PeopleSoft system, not shown here on the summary pages, term codes are four digit codes that represent a combination of the century, year and term. th st The first number represents the century (1 = 20 century, 2 = 21 century, etc.), the second and third numbers represent the year in which the term falls (last two digits of the year) and the final number represents the actual term (Spring = 2 [February], Summer = 5 [May], Fall = 8 [August]). Example term codes are as follows: 1995 = Summer of 1999 2082 = Spring of 2008 2108 = Fall 2010 1.5 Admit Type Admit type is the kind of applicant. Admit type is tied to academic career and will vary depending on what career the person has applied. Admit type plus an applicant’s academic history is used to determine which admission criteria is used when evaluating an application. Use the table below to understand the definition of each possible admit type. Description Graduate Definition Applicant is applying for admission and HAS NOT previously attended UNLV graduate school. Continuing Applicant is returning to complete (an) additional course(s) and/or degree and HAS previously earned a degree from this institution at this same career level. Readmit Applicant has previously attended this institution at this same career level and is returning to complete (an) additional course(s). Non-Degree Applicant does not intend to get a degree at this career level from this institution or does not meet current admission standards for the university. Law Applicant is applying for admission and HAS NOT previously attended UNLV law school. 5 Dental Applicant is applying for admission and HAS NOT previously attended UNLV dental school. 1.6 Application Status An applicant has a variety of statuses tied to their application and the process by which they are evaluated. The application status listed here indicates the “Program Status” or the status of the applicant relative to their admission to the university. This status does not have the detail that indicated where the applicant is in the evaluation process, it merely tells us if the applicant is an applicant, admitted, cancelled or active. Each status has an associated “Program Action” or what kind of action is being taken on the application. Has the applicant been admitted, denied, matriculated? Has data changed on the application? o You will find an applicant’s “Program Action” in the Application Detail outlined in the following section. For a definition of these statuses, use the table below. Status Applicant Admitted Cancelled Active Description Application has been received and a decision has not been made. Admitted to the term and program, may be a conditional admission offer. Denied, application has been withdrawn or admission has been revoked. Applicant has been matriculated and passed to the Student Records module in PeopleSoft. 2 Application Detail Click Application Detail link and you will find a few more details regarding the applicant’s admission status. 6 2.1 Program Action (Prog Actn) KEY DEFINITION TERM/ACRONYM Program Action DEFINITION This is equivalent to a decision code, it is the action the admission office has taken on an applicant (e.g. admit, deny, cancel). Although the Program Status lets you know where the application is relative to admission to the university, Program Action can give you a better idea what is happening or has happened to an application. Some Program Actions can be applied to different Statuses. If this is the case, it is a “variable” Program Action. When this kind of action is taken, the status remains but the Program Action is changed. If a Program Action is not variable, it will change the Program Status when that Program Action is taken. There is an Action Date listed, indicating the date in which the action was entered on the application. Use the table below to understand Program Actions and the Program Statuses they are associated with. Status Admit Program Action Admit Cancelled Admission Revocation (Adm Revoke) Policy Applicant meets the admission requirements to be admitted to the university. Refer to Application Evaluation BPG for further information Applicant failed to disclose all academic information or falsified records that cause UNLV to render an unsupported admission decision. Please note, admission revocation Message displayed in Self Service Congratulations! You have been admitted to the Graduate College. Your admission has been revoked. 7 requires supervisor approval. Cancelled Applicant Withdrawal (App W/drwl) Applicant has requested withdrawal of application from consideration. You have withdrawn your application for admission to the Graduate College. Cancelled Administrative Withdrawal (Adm W/drwl) Applicant with an incomplete file. You application to the Graduate College has been administratively withdrawn. Applicant Application (Applicatn) Admit Conditional Admit (Cond Admit) Your application for admission to the Graduate College has been received. Congratulations! You have been admitted to the Graduate College. (variable) Data Change (variable) Defer Decision (Defer Decn) (variable) Defer Enrollment (Defer Enrl) Prematric Intention to Matriculate (Intent Mat) Cancelled Deny Active Matriculation (Matricla) Application has been received and application fee is paid. Applicant meets admission requirements but is required to meet specific academic conditions to enroll or remain enrolled. For use when updating the application term. Applicant is not admissible by the automated admission process and must be reviewed by an evaluator to receive an admission decision. Applicant has indicated an interest in enrolling in a future semester within the same academic year as the original Admit Term. Applicant has expressed intent to enroll by notifying UNLV through the intent to matriculate process. Applicant does not meet admission requirements as described by the Board of Regents policy Applicant has been moved to PeopleSoft admission and term activated. (variable) Plan Change (Plan Chang) (variable) Program Change (Prog Chang) Applicant Readmit Application (Rad App) Applicant requested a plan change prior to matriculation. Applicant requested a program change prior to matriculation. Applicant attended UNLV and was prevented from enrolling in semester after the first semester of attendance and has applied to be readmitted to the The term for which to have applied has been updated. Your admission decision has been deferred to the next admission cycle. Your enrollment has been deferred to a future term. You have indicated you intend to enroll Your application for admission to the Graduate College has been denied. You are eligible to register for classes, please check your enrollment appointment. Your academic plan has been updated. Your academic program has updated. Your request for readmission to the Graduate College is being reviewed. 8 university. Waitlisted Waitlist Waitlisted Wait Offer Applicant has accepted the waitlist offer. (Only in extreme cases) Applicant has been offered to be placed on the waitlist. (Only in extreme cases) You are on the waitlist for admission to your graduate program. You have received an offer to be placed on the waitlist. 2.2 Action Reason (Action Rsn) KEY DEFINITION TERM/ACRONYM DEFINITION Action Reason This is additional information that can provide further explanation of a program action. It is the reasoning behind a program action (e.g. it can tell us if the decision on an applicant was made by the system or an evaluator) An applicant can only have one Action Reason, one special circumstance of their application. The Action Reasons are associated with the Program Action. Thus, applicants with the same Program Action may have different action reasons depending on the special circumstance of their application, admission or other program action. Use the table below to understand the Action Reason listed. Program Action Admit, Conditional Admit, Deny Admit, Conditional Admit, Deny Admit, Conditional Admit, Deny Admit, Conditional Admit, Deny Action Reason AD Coun 1 Description Admission Evaluator 1 reviewed application and added a program action to record (each number corresponds to an evaluator, 1-9) Admission Counselor 1 reviewed application and added a program action to record (each number corresponds to a counselor, 1-9) AD Tech 1 Admissions Technical Staff has added a program action to record (each number corresponds to a technical staff, 1 – 5) AUTO PeopleSoft system has added program action to record. AD Eval 1 9 Admit, Conditional Admit, Deny Admit, Conditional Admit, Deny FR01 Graduate admissions Front Office staff has added a program action to record (each number corresponds to a front office staff, 1 – 2) MG01 Admissions Management staff has added a program action to record (each number corresponds to a manager, 1 – 2) 2.3 Evaluation Status (Eva Stat) KEY DEFINITION TERM/ACRONYM Checklist Student Self Service DEFINITION List of required or requested items attached to an application to inform applicants of missing information and guide workflow. This is the “front end” of PeopleSoft where students can view their records from applicant to alumni. It includes self service options, to do lists, application status, registration and much more. Application evaluation status is used, in conjunction with other data fields in PeopleSoft, to drive the automated admission process. Each status has a specific definition that lets the user know the stage of the evaluation process the applicant is in. There is an Evaluation Date (Eval Dt) listed, indicating the date in which the evaluation status was changed on the application. Moving through the automated evaluation process happens nightly, therefore there may be statuses listed that are unlikely to see on an applicant (these are just intermediate steps in the nightly automated process). Use the table below to understand the meaning of the evaluation status listed. Evaluation Status Received In Progress Description Application has been received and applicant checklist items (to dos) are being added. Applicant checklist items have been added to application and applicant is submitting required documents to complete checklist. Checklist items are Message in Self Service Application is being reviewed by the Graduate College. Application is being reviewed by the Graduate College. 10 listed on Student Self Service. Pre-evaluation Ready to Evaluate Committee In Review Decision Final Review Final Review Appeal Committee Applicant checklist items are complete meaning the applicant has submitted all required documents and application is considered “complete.” Evaluation codes are being identified and added to the applicant’s evaluation page. PeopleSoft is evaluating application (looking at the materials in the system and making decisions based on metrics established during set up) and an overall score is being generated. Application has evaluated and need additional review. Application is pushed out to necessary staff, evaluators or committee for review of application materials. Department has made a decision and application has been routed back to Graduate College for final processing Admission decision has been made and verified (may be conditional or tentative) – Admitted student checklist is created for applicant. Checklist items are listed in Student Self Service Admitted student checklist is completed and application is ready for final review. Final decision has been made, this is the endpoint for application evaluation. This means the applicant has submitted a final transcript and the evaluation of that transcript and other materials, if necessary, indicate the Program Action and Program Status on the application is complete and final. Application needs to be reviewed manually by an admissions or evaluation staff member. Application has been denied and moved to appeal committee for further review. Applicant must request their application be forwarded to an appeals committee. Graduate College application checklist complete. Graduate College evaluation in process.. Forwarded to Department for review. Department recommendation sent to Graduate College. A decision has been made. Admit checklist items have been completed. A final decision has been made and checklist items have been completed. Appeal received and under review. 11