
Preliminary Program     September  - , 

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Preliminary Program     September  - , 
Preliminary Program
   
September  - , 
Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Wednesday, September , 
: –
warming up (Stiefelbräu)
preliminary program | Sinn und Bedeutung , Saarland University, Saarbrücken | September  - , 
Day  (Thursday, September , )
words of welcome
[lecture room 0.12]
: – :
Friederike Moltmann
(CNRS, Université Paris )
Existence Predicates
: – :
Session 1 [room 0.11]
Session 2 [room 0.14]
Session 3 [room 0.13]
: – :
Ljudmila Geist
(University of Stuttgart)
Indefinite NPs without indefinite articles
L.M. Tovena
(Université Paris VII)
Accomplishments: their telos and their structure
Dongsik Lim
(University of Southern California)
Evidentials in interrogatives: a case study of Korean
: – :
Ana Müller
(University of São Paulo)
On the encoding of the definite/indefinite distinction
on Karitiana NPs
Berit Gehrke
(Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Stative passives and event kinds
Tue Trinh / Luka Crnic
On the Rise and Fall of Declaratives
: – :
lunch break
: – :
Stephen Crain / Qiong-peng Luo
(Macquarie Center for Cognitive Science, Macquarie University)
Identity and definiteness in Chinese
Patrick Grosz
Facts and ideals:
on the relationship between conditionals and optatives
Olga Kagan / Sascha Alexejenko
(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Ben-Gurion
University of the Negev / University of Osnabrück)
The adjectival suffix -ovat as a degree modifier
in Russian
: – :
Edgar Onea / Dolgor Guntsetseg
(University of Stuttgart)
Wh-questions in Mongolian and specificity
Maria Biezma
(UMass Amherst)
conditionals with reversed topicality
Mojmir Docekal / Ivona Kucerova
(Masaryk University / McMaster University)
On the scalar representation of total and partial adjectives:
Evidence from Reduplication
: – :
: – :
Isabelle Charnavel
(UCLA / Institut Jean Nicod, Paris)
On French un même and antispecificity
Sophie Repp
(Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Relevance topics
: – :
small break
: – :
[room .]
Klaus von Heusinger
(University of Stuttgart)
Specificity, Referentiality and Discourse Prominence
reception at the town hall
Udo Klein / Marcus Kracht
(University of Bielefeld)
Referent systems
preliminary program | Sinn und Bedeutung , Saarland University, Saarbrücken | September  - , 
Day  (Friday, September , )
: – :
[room .]
Tom Roeper
(UMass Amherst)
Strict Interfaces: Where syntax and semantics work together in acquisition
: – :
Session 1 [room 0.11]
Session 2 [room 0.14]
Session 3 [room 0.13]
: – :
Sabine Gründer
(Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf)
The concept of semantic phase and the different readings of ,again‘
Doris Penka
(University of Konstanz)
A superlative analysis of superlative scalar modifiers
Edgar Onea
(University of Stuttgart)
On temporal quantification
: – :
Artemis Alexiadou / Florian Schäfer
(University of Stuttgart)
Unaccusatives at the Syn-Sem Interface:
there-insertion, indefinites and restitutive ,again‘
Stephanie Solt
(ZAS Berlin)
How Many Most's
Zhiguo Xie
(Cornell University)
Degree possession is a subset relation (as well)
: – :
lunch break
: – :
Chris LaTerza
(University of Maryland)
Thematic roles and the interpretation of
,one another‘ reciprocals
Jakub Szymanik / Marcin Zajenkowski
(Stockholm University / University of Warsaw)
Monotonicity in quantifier verification
W. Galit Sassoon
(ILLC/ University van Amsterdam)
Be positive! Norm-related implications and beyond
: – :
Eddy Ruys
(OTS/University of Utrecht)
Semantic reconstruction and the interpretation of Chains
Barbara Tomaszewicz
(University of Southern California)
Verification Strategies for Two Majority Quantifiers in Polish
Bernhard Schwarz
(McGill University)
A note on for-phrases and derived scales
: – :
: – :
Stefanie Röhrig
(University of Mainz)
Why it never rains in Southern California
Tue Trinh
Bare nouns and classifier phrases –
A comparative analysis
E. Allyn Smith
(Northwestern University)
English Comparative Correlatives, Conditionals,
and Adverbs of Quantification
: – :
Sigrid Beck et alii
(University of Tübingen)
Psycholinguistic Evidence for Presupposition –
On-line and Off-line Data
Zhiguo Xie / Liangyue Lu
(Cornell University / Syracuse University)
Dutchmen are good sailors: on the interpretation of weak
truth conditions generic sentences
Erin Zaroukian
(Johns Hopkins University)
Divergent approximators
: –
business meeting
conference dinner (Undine)
preliminary program | Sinn und Bedeutung , Saarland University, Saarbrücken | September  - , 
Day  (Saturday, September , )
Session 1 [room 0.11]
Session 2 [room 0.14]
Session 3 [room 0.13]
: – :
Marie-Christine Plogmann
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
Focus influences the presence of Conditional Perfection:
Experimental evidence
Cleo Condoravdi / Sven Lauer
(PARC / Stanford University)
Performative verbs and performative acts
Patrick Grosz / Viola Schmitt
(MIT / Goethe University Frankfurt)
An Ordering Semantics for German „zwar, aber“
: – :
Mira Grubic / Malte Zimmermann
(University of Potsdam)
Conventional and free association with focus
in Ngamo (West Chadic)
Regine Eckardt
(University of Göttingen)
Haende hoch, oder ich schiesse!
Peter Klecha
(University of Chicago)
Optional and obligatory modal subordination
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: – :
Katharina Wilmes / Cornelia Ebert /
Stefan Evert
(University of Bielefeld / University of Stuttgart /
University of Osnabrück)
Focus Marking via Gestures
Elsi Kaiser
(University of Southern California)
On the relation between coherence relations and anaphoric
demonstratives in German
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small break
: – :
[room .]
Kjell-Johan Sæbø
(University of Oslo)
Appositives in modal contexts
. Masaaki Kamiya / Akemi Matsuya
Helga Gese
Lexical vs. Pragmatically derived interpretations of numerals
Discourse potential and conceptual relevance of implicit events: the case of adjectival passives
Sabine Iatridou / Hedde Zeijlstra
(MIT / University of Amsterdam)
Negation and negative indefinites
in modal constructions
Fly UP