
BCS ASSIST e-newsletter - January 2014 Welcome

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BCS ASSIST e-newsletter - January 2014 Welcome
BCS ASSIST e-newsletter - January 2014
Happy New Year and hope you all had a good Christmas break!
Welcome to the BCS ASSIST monthly e-newsletter. We have an exciting year ahead and we
are starting to plan event programmes for the year and will continually keep you up to date with
forthcoming events and developments. As always, our website remains up to date with
information about BCS ASSIST, in particular its events and other activities, and is worth visiting
on a regular basis for updates on BCS ASSIST and information on events and other activities
that other professional development organisations are putting on. Join the BCS ASSIST
LinkedIn group and be involved in the professional discussions and debates that will help shape
the future of informatics.
For more information, check out the BCS ASSIST website
BCS ASSIST Event: What lessons can we learn regarding longitudinal Electronic
Date: Tuesday 21 January 2014
Time: 4.30 – 5.30 pm
Location: Webinar – details to be provided on registration
Speaker: Professor Denis Protti, Emeritus Professor, University of Victoria, Canada
Professor Denis Protti, Emeritus Professor, University of Victoria (Canada) has given many previous
presentations to BCS ASSIST audiences and we are pleased to welcome Denis back to speak on one
of his key areas of specialism – the development of Electronic Health Records across care
In many parts of the world, a patient's health data is scattered far and wide in a multitude of different
physician offices, hospitals, clinics and laboratories. The Electronic Health Record promises to bring
all of that data together in some fashion so that any given clinician may access any relevant
information at anytime from anywhere. This world of "one patient - one record" fortunately does exist
in some jurisdictions and hence provide lessons as to why and how they are able to accomplish what
others can only hope for at this time. This session will identify those leading jurisdictions from around
the world and draw conclusions on the reasons they are able to provide integrated care by having a
complete picture of a patient's current and historical information.
Bookings for this event can be made on the BCS event booking system at
https://events.bcs.org/book/924/. Closing date for bookings is Tuesday 21 January 2014 at
9:00am. No more bookings will be taken after his date. Please book now to avoid
BCS Health Tech Events
BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, and techUK announced that they will be running a Healthtech
Startup School with weekly sessions starting on 20 January 2014. The move supports the
organisations’ belief that healthtech startups have a key role to play in driving innovation in patient
Full details and information on how to register can be found at: www.bcs.org/htstartup. Follow them at
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) – the new BCS CPD App
The new BCS CPD App is now available. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is an
important aspect of any professional’s career and keeping up-to-date with the industry is vital. The
CPD App will enable members to record their CPD with ease.
For more information please visit the BCS Continuing Professional Development page
Incentives for prospective members – using Member Group Voucher Codes
BCS recognise that many of its Member Groups attract IT Professionals of all ages and
career stages who are not BCS members yet. To encourage recruitment and recognise the
efforts of its Branches and Specialist Groups, BCS have introduced a new Voucher Code
system to encourage prospective members to join. These voucher codes can be given to
prospective members to give a 10% discount against the first years BCS membership
subscription. The code for BCS ASSIST is 4423. Please feel free to pass this voucher code
on to prospective members, who can use it at the payment stage of the online application
process on the BCS website.
Access the IMIA Yearbook for Free
One of the benefits of BCS membership is having free access to the IMIA Yearbook of Medical
Informatics – this is available to BCS ASSIST members by using the following link.
Follow BCS ASSIST developments using Social Media sites
Did you know that BCS ASSIST has a presence on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, where BCS
ASSIST posts updates on relevant developments and hosts discussions of interest to its
members. Use the hyperlinks to join one or more of these various groups and get more involved!
Getting the best value out of your BCS ASSIST membership
The Communications and Marketing Sub-Group of BCS ASSIST have been working on a document
for members outlining all the benefits of being a BCS ASSIST member, and the associated benefits
of wider BCS Affiliate membership. For example, did you know that as a BCS ASSIST member you
Sign up as a member of up to four other BCS specialist / member groups (in
addition to BCS ASSIST) and receive access to their events, information etc. This
includes other specialist groups that are part of BCS Health. There are over 40 specialist
groups for you to choose from
Access BCS Member Network of discussion groups and ‘Ask an Expert’ functions
on the BCS website
Becoming part of a BCS geographically based branch in your local area (over 40
branches in the UK) , with free access to all their local events
Access all national BCS events at BCS member rates – available to browse via the
BCS Events Diary online
Gain free subscription to leading industry publications, including Digital Computing
Obtain free access to Books 24 x 7 – access to a range of 250 IT and business
related eBooks
Review Forrester research reports for free- provides pragmatic and forward-thinking
advice to any decision maker within the organisation.
A full list of member benefits will be published shortly on the BCS ASSIST website.
Forthcoming BCS ASSIST / BCS Health events
BCS Health Northern joint meeting with BCS Merseyside. An Innovative IT Strategy for the
Royal Liverpool Hospital – 5 Feb 2014, 6pm, Liverpool Foresight Centre, University of
Guest speaker will be Dr Johan Waktare, Consultant Cardiac Electrophysiologist & Clinical Lead for
EPR and IT; Trust Caldicott Guardian, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital.
The Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust provides heart and chest services for
the North West of England, including North Wales and the Isle of Man. The trust implemented a
major, multi-million pound NHS Electronic Patient Record (EPR) project which went live essentially on
time and on budget in 2013. The hospital has now switched over to electronic processes for the vast
majority of healthcare delivery.
Dr Waktare is the Chief Clinical Information Officer at the Trust who led the implementation from a
clinical perspective. In this talk he will describe the What, Why and How of the Allscripts EPR
implementation along with the impact it has already had and is likely to have in the future on the
hospital, its staff and its patients.
Dr Johan Waktare is a consultant cardiac electrophysiologist at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital,
specialising in interventional procedures for heart rhythm disorders. He is the clinical lead on the
trust’s electronic patient record project, as well as being a clinical lead for IT and the trust’s Caldicott
Guardian, responsible for information governance in relation to patient data confidentiality
For more details please visit http://www.hinorth.bcs.org.uk/
HC 2014 – 19 March to 20 March 2014, Manchester
Safer hospitals, patient engagement and mobile technologies are just some of the topics that will
feature at HC2014, the UK’s longest running IT healthcare event. The conference will focus on a
number of themes in relation to the call for paperless NHS by 2018. The event, which will take place
at Manchester Central 19-20 March, is now open for delegate registration.
HC2014, the Health Informatics Congress (previously Healthcare Computing) is a collaboration
between BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, and HIMSS, a cause-based, not-for-profit global
organisation focused on improving health with information technology.
Mike Sinclair, Chair of the Conference Organising Committee says: “We’re very excited to be bringing
HC2014 to Manchester as part of our plan to take the event to different regions across the UK on a
rotating basis. “The importance of information and information systems to the delivery of safe and
high quality healthcare is growing at an almost exponential rate. Governments across the world are
realising this more and more - our aim at HC is to demonstrate examples of leading edge practice,
showcase innovation and new technologies and reinforce the increasing status and importance of
health informatics as a fundamental profession in modern health and care sectors.”
Register now at www.hc2014.bcs.org.
For more details please visit the BCS Health Events page. Please contact Wendy Dearing,
Chakanaka Sidile or Adam Drury for more information.
Other Events
BCS Oxfordshire Branch. Medical Imaging Now and the Big Data Future– 23rd Jan 2014,
7:30pm, Liverpool Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool. For more details please visit their
event page.
The Forthcoming Events page on the BCS ASSIST website details other Health Informatics events
which may be of interest to members.
Members are reminded that they are eligible for a 20% discount on all Healthcare Conferences UK
events by quoting ‘hcuk20assist’ when booking.
See all other forthcoming events
Please get more involved…
As a voluntary membership organisation, we are reliant on your contribution as members to
continue to make BCS ASSIST successful going forward. We are particularly in need of volunteers
Local Branch Committees - to help organise events in your local geographic area
Communications and Marketing Sub-Committee - to help with the on-going development of
the newsletter, e-newsletter, website and social media channels
Events Sub-Committee – to help with the planning and organisation of national events (e.g.
HC2014, this year’s Autumn Conference and the planned Webinar programme)
If you are interested in getting involved in any of these areas, or have any ideas for future events or
webinars, please contact the BCS ASSIST National Chair, and she will put you in touch with the right
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