
Over 20 years of experience working as a clinician, administrator,... field of behavioral healthcare. Demonstrated ability to lead and collaborate... Jeff Capobianco

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Over 20 years of experience working as a clinician, administrator,... field of behavioral healthcare. Demonstrated ability to lead and collaborate... Jeff Capobianco
Jeff Capobianco
Over 20 years of experience working as a clinician, administrator, researcher, and consultant in the
field of behavioral healthcare. Demonstrated ability to lead and collaborate to successfully improve
local, state, and national systems of care for people recovering from mental and substance use
disorders. Dr. Capobianco has over 25 years of clinical, administrative, and healthcare research experience,
with extensive background in primary and behavioral healthcare integration, evidence-based practice
implementation, Lean Six Sigma methodologies, and learning community approaches to organizational change
and practice improvement. Prior to joining the National Council for Behavioral Healthcare, where he is a Senior
Consultant and Director of Quality and Practice Improvement for the Center for Integrated Health Solutions, he
held positions as a Research Investigator at the University of Michigan School of Social Work and the Director
of Research and New Program Development for the Washtenaw Community Health Organization(WHCO).
While at the WCHO he oversaw the integration of seven primary and behavioral health clinics. Dr. Capobianco
has published in national journals including Social Work in Healthcare, Journal of Evidence-based Social Work,
Administration and Policy in Mental Health, and Family, Systems, & Health. He is the author of two books and
is currently an institutional review board member for the National Research Institute, Inc., a journal review
member of the Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, Psychiatric Services, and a member of the
advisory council for Centerstone Research Institute Knowledge Network. A limited licensed psychologist in the
State of Michigan, he received a Bachelor degree double majoring in Philosophy and Psychology and a
Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Saint Michael's College. He completed a Doctor of Philosophy
Degree at Wayne State University in Education Evaluation and Research with a concentration in quantitative
research methods.
Health IT: The Intersection of Legislation & Regulation. Capobianco, J., White, J., O'Neill, K., Summer, K.,
Wood, C., Congressional Staff Briefing: Rep. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI), Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), Rep.
Gene Green (D-TX), Washington D.C., 2015.
Weaver, A., Capobianco, J., Ruffolo, M. (In Press). Systematic review of evidence-based practices for
the seriously mentally ill in rural America. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work.
Marlowe, D., Capobianco, J., & Greenberg, C. (2013). Getting reimbursed for MedFT: Financial
models toward sustainability. In Hodgson, J., Lamson, A., (Eds.), Medical Family Therapy: Advanced
Applications. (pp. 419-436). New York, NY: Springer
Ruffolo, M., & Capobianco, J. (2012). Moving an evidence-based practice into routine mental health
care: A multifaceted case example. Social Work in Healthcare. Vol. 51(1), 77-87.
Capobianco, J., Svensson, J., Wiland, S., Fricker, C., & Ruffolo, M. (2008). Guide to implementing
evidence-based practices in mental health. Rockville, MD: National Council for Community Behavioral
Capobianco, J., & Zimmerman, B. (2010). Moving from possibility to commitment: A change
leadership guide for mental health and primary care services integration. Rockville, MD, Publisher
National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare.
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"Implementing Family Psychoeducation (FPE): One State’s Experience in Implementing with Fidelity
the FPE Intervention", Changing Health Conference, Dublin Ireland, 2010
On the Frontlines of America's Healthcare Crisis. Capobianco, J., Newmann, M., Rosenberg, L.,
Kaetner, C., Wyatt, K. & Royal, H., Congressional Staff Briefing: Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI),
Washington D.C., 2009
Kilbourne, A. M., Irmiter, C., Capobianco, J., Reynolds, K., Milner, K., Barry, K., Blow, F. (2008).
Improving integrated general medical and mental health services in community-based practices.
Administration and Policy in Mental Health 35(5):337-45.
Ruffolo, M., Savas, S., Neal. D., Capobianco, J., & Reynolds, K. (2008). The challenges of
implementing an evidence-based practice to meet consumer and family needs in a managed
behavioral health care environment. Social Work and Health Care (Vol. 6), pp. 30-41.
Capobianco, J. (2007). Examples of effective community services and training in family
psychoeducation. In Groggatt, D., Fadden, G., Johnson, D.L., Leggett, M., & Shankar, R. (Eds.)
Family as partners in mental health care: A guidebook for implementing family work. Toronto,
Canada: World Fellowship for Schizophrenia and Allied Disorders.
Reynolds, K., Chesney, B., & Capobianco, J. (2006). A collaborative model for integrated mental and
physical health care for the seriously and persistently mentally ill: The washtenaw community health
organization. Family, Systems, & Health, Vol. 24, pp. 19-27.
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