Genetics – BCOR 101
Genetics – BCOR 101 Tuesday and Thursdays, 10:05 am – 11:20 am Classroom: MLS 235 Book: Sanders et al “Genetic Analysis, An Integrated Approach” 2nd Edition - ISBN: 0321948467 or Loose leaf - ISBN: 0133982122 Dr. Amanda Yonan [email protected] 802-656-0454 102 Marsh Life Science Office Hours: Tuesday 11:30 am – 1 pm Wednesday 2 to 3 pm Thursday 11:30 am – 1 pm Grades: Grades Exams Homework Tutorials Gene Report Final Exam 3 x 100 15 x 10 11 x 10 300 150 100 50 200 800 38% 19% 13% 6% 25% 100% There will be three in class exams throughout the semester, worth 100 points each. The final will be cumulative and will be worth 200 points. The final will be twice as long as a normal exam and will cover all material equally from the entire course. There will be weekly tutorials given online, through Mastering Genetics. You must have an access code to Mastering Genetics in order to earn the points for completing these tutorials. There are 11 online tutorials throughout the semester, which will be graded. Additional information about these tutorials will be on our Blackboard page. There is also homework from the end of the chapter questions for each chapter we cover in class. These homework assignments will be collected and graded by your TA during your recitation every week. Recitations are a place where you will work on your homework assignments together, with each other and with your TA. Attending the recitation section is mandatory, if you have to miss one you are responsible for contacting your TA as soon as possible to discuss with them what your options are about making up the class. 1 Lecture Schedule (subject to change): Date 19-Jan 21-Jan 26-Jan 28-Jan 2-Feb 4-Feb 9-Feb 11-Feb 16-Feb 18-Feb 23-Feb 25-Feb 1-Mar 3-Mar 8-Mar 10-Mar 15-Mar 17-Mar 22-Mar 24-Mar 29-Mar 31-Mar 5-Apr 7-Apr 12-Apr 14-Apr 19-Apr 21-Apr 26-Apr 28-Apr 3-May Day T Th T Th T Th T Th T Th T Th T Th T Th T Th T Th T Th T Th T Th T Th T Th T Chapter 1 7 7 8 9 12 2 3 4 13 5 6 14 15 16 17 18 All Topic Intro DNA Replication Practice Transcription Translation Practice Mutation Gene Function/Pathways Practice Exam One Mendelian Inheritance Chromosomes Practice Spring Break Spring Break Extensions to Mendel Abnormal Chromosomes Practice Exam Two Linkage Mapping Mapping Bacteria Practicing Mapping Gene Expression - Bac Gene Expression - Euk Practice Exam Three Forward & Reverse Recombinant DNA Applications Practice Cumulative Final Exam Recitation: Each student registered for a specific recitation section. You must attend your assigned recitation section and no others, switching is not allowed. The TAs will take attendance. You must attend every week unless there is an emergency. If you have an emergency and cannot attend please email your TA as soon as possible to discuss your options. Each student will be assigned one gene and will write a gene report about that gene. The details of the report and your assigned gene will be discussed in your recitation section by your TA. 2 The recitation section is where you will turn in your homework assignments. There is no way to make up late homework without a note from the Dean’s office. You will also work on your homework in the recitation with one another and your TA. The homework problems involve complex genetic calculations (please bring a calculator) and logical deductions, very similar to the exam questions. Tutorial Schedule: Tutorial Due Date Chapters Covered 25-Jan Practicing Mastering <-- worth three extra credit points 1 1-Feb 7 2 8-Feb 8+9 3 15-Feb 12 4 22-Feb Gene Function/Pathways 5 29-Feb 2 6 7-Mar 3 <-- due Monday of spring break, 14-Mar Spring Break tutorial 6 opens on March 1st 7 21-Mar 4 + 13 28-Mar No tutorial 8 4-Apr 5+6 9 11-Apr 14 10 18-Apr 15 25-Apr No tutorial 11 2-May 17 + 18 Tutorials are performed online through Mastering Genetics and you must have access to this online program. The most cost effective way to access Mastering Biology is to purchase the textbook package in the bookstore. If you purchase a used book, you must purchase a new Mastering Biology Access Code directly online at Do not attempt to purchase Mastering Genetics at Amazon, B&N, etc. as these sites are known to sell previously used codes and will not be able to give you a refund. Tutorials are timed, so that once you start them you cannot stop or pause it, but must submit it immediately. Tutorials can be completed anytime from Thursday at noon until Monday at midnight during each week. They will not be available outside of this time, so you are responsible to set up your schedule to allow yourself enough time each week to complete the assignment within these days. Once the tutorial’s deadlines have passed, on Tuesday mornings, you can go back and examine your old tutorials as often as you would like. Reworking through the tutorials (although it does not change the grade you earned) is an excellent way to study the material. However, as soon as the deadline passes, Monday at midnight, you will unable to work on the tutorial for credit because the correct answers show up automatically. 3 Grade of: A+ > 99% A = 92 to 98.9% A= 90 to 91.9% B+ = 88 to 89.9% B = 80 to 87.9% B= 78 to 79.9% C+ = 76 to 77.9% C = 69 to 75.9% C= 67 to 68.9% D+ = 65 to 66.9% D = 57 to 64.9% D= 55 to 56.9% F will be anything less than 55% Accommodations: If you have a disability and need accommodations, please contact ACCESS for an accommodation letter and see me during the first few class sessions to discuss details. Behaviors: This is a college course, as so I expect every student to be an adult and to act as one in class. Some examples include but are not limited to: Treat each other and myself with respect. Turn off cell phones before class. Turn off any iPOD or music and remove headphones before class. Do not talk excessively or loudly while someone else is speaking If you arrive to class late or need to leave early please move as quietly as possible, walk behind the projector, sit in the back of class or near the aisle, in general please try to not be an interruption to the other students who have arrived on time. Cheating: Cheating is completely unacceptable under any circumstances and will result in your immediate failure from my class. You are responsible for having read the “Code of Academic Integrity” and for abiding by its rules in this classroom and on this campus: Offenses against academic integrity are any acts which would have the effect of unfairly promoting or enhancing one's academic standing within the entire community of learners. Such acts are serious offenses, which insult the integrity of the entire academic community of the University. Any suspected violations of the policy will not be tolerated and all allegations will be forwarded to the Center for Student Ethics & Standards. 4