
Potential Sites for Forest Carbon Projects

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Potential Sites for Forest Carbon Projects
Potential Sites for Forest Carbon Projects
Session Title
Description of theme
Interest for participants
Introductory presentations
Key issues to discuss with
Hoped for Outcomes
Resource documents and
Potential Sites for Forest Carbon Projects in Ukraine
Yurii Derbal, FORZA Agency for Sustainable Development of
Transcarpathia (Ukraine)
Vasly Pokynechereda, Carpathian Biosphere Reserve (Ukraine)
Victoria Gubko, Carpathian Biosphere Reserve, (Ukraine)
William Keeton, Carbon Dynamics Lab, University of Vermont (USA)
This group will discuss potential sites for a demonstration carbon
project in western Ukraine, focusing on opportunities for both
improved forest management and forest conservation (or avoided
This session is will be of interest to participants involved with forest
management and conservation in western Ukraine, as well as those
with expertise on potential project sites.
 FORZA close-to-nature silvicultural demonstration sites, Yuri
Derbal (10 min)
 Description of the CBR’s buffer and core zone configuration,
Vasly Pokynechereda (10 min)
 Are there areas of virgin forest (or old-growth) in buffer zones
of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve that are threatened by
 How effective is the recent Ukrainian Forest Code revision
protecting old-growth forests?
 Where are the best opportunities for Improved Forest
Management projects under the Verified Carbon Standard’s
(VC) “Logged to Protected Forest” methodology?
 Where are the opportunities on State Forest Enterprise lands
for expansion of conversion cutting/close-to-nature silviculture
developed as a carbon project?
 Spreadsheet with information on potential study sites
 Assembled map data
 Identification of top priority sites for carbon projects
FORZA, Sustainable Forest Management demonstration in Ukraine:
Verified Carbon Standard: Improved Forest Management Methodology
for Temperate and Boreal Forests:
Main-knorn, M., G. G. Moisen, S. P. Healey, W. S. Keeton, E. A.
Freeman, and P. Hostert. 2011. Evaluating the remote sensing and
inventory-based estimation of biomass in the western Carpathians.
Remote Sensing 3: 1427-1446.
Yurii Derbal, [email protected]
Vasly Pokynechereda, [email protected]
Victoria Gubko, [email protected]
William Keeton: [email protected]
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