BDTIC AN2010-02 Technical Information
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BDTIC AN2010-02 Technical Information
Application Note, V1.0, 2010 AN2010-02 Technical Information IGBT modules BDTIC Use of Power Cycling curves for IGBT 4 Industrial Power We Listen to Your Comments Any information within this document that you feel is wrong, Your feedback will help us to continuously improve the Please send your proposal (including a reference to this document) to: unclear quality or of missing at all? this document. [email protected] Autor: Hubert Ludwig IFAG IMM INP TM BDTIC Edition 2010-02-22 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 59568 Warstein, Germany © Infineon Technologies AG 2010. All Rights Reserved. LEGAL DISCLAIMER THE INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION NOTE IS GIVEN AS A HINT FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES COMPONENT ONLY AND SHALL NOT BE REGARDED AS ANY DESCRIPTION OR WARRANTY OF A CERTAIN FUNCTIONALITY, CONDITION OR QUALITY OF THE INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES COMPONENT. THE RECIPIENT OF THIS APPLICATION NOTE MUST VERIFY ANY FUNCTION DESCRIBED HEREIN IN THE REAL APPLICATION. INFINEON TECHNOLOGIES HEREBY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES AND LIABILITIES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF ANY THIRD PARTY) WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INFORMATION GIVEN IN THIS APPLICATION NOTE. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office ( Warnings Due to technical requirements components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies Components may only be used in life-support devices or systems with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system, or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body, or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. AN2010-02 Use of Power Cycling Curves Use of Power Cycling Curves for IGBT4 modules In the application very different cycles with different thermal conditions are superimposed. Power Cycling is a common procedure to investigate the reliability of power electronic devices, especially power modules. The IGBT module has a power cycle life as shown in the diagrams of the Reliability specification. The usage of IGBT modules mustn’t exceed the limits defined by it’s power cycling life. Definitions of cycling conditions: There are two types of power cycle life, the ∆Tvj power cycle and the ∆TC power cycle. The latter is well known also as active Thermal Cycling (TC). The Thermal Cycling raises and lowers the case temperature at relatively long intervals of time (minutes). It is mainly carried out to evaluate the soldered joints between DCB substrate and module baseplate. Active Thermal Cycling is equivalent to PCmin. (Power Cycling with cycle time of typically 1 minute duration) The standard Power Cycling (PCsec.) raises and lowers the chip junction temperature at relatively short intervals of time (seconds). It is mainly carried out to evaluate the useful life of the bond wires on the silicon chips and the soldered joints under the silicon chips. Power Cycling capability of power semiconductor modules is dependent on absolute junction temperature (Tvj), the temperature swing (∆Tvj) and the duration (tcyc , ton) of the power cycle. During the Power Cycling test the same conditions, such as load current, Tvjmax etc. are periodically repeated. BDTIC Definition of Tvj The junction temperature Tvj is the temperature in the junction region of a semiconductor chip. Because the junction temperature can only be determined either by indirect measurement or calculation it is more correctly termed “virtual junction temperature”. Definition of Tvj max The maximum junction temperature Tvjmax is the maximum allowable temperature value that may be reached during the temperature cycle for the specified curve in the Power Cycling capability diagram for modules. The higher the maximum junction temperature Tvjmax , the higher is the stress to the device which results in a reduced number of cycles. Definition of ton The time period ton is the period where power losses are generated in the device which results in a steady temperature rise of Tvj. (e.g. drive / acceleration phase of a motor drive.) The longer the on period ton the higher is the stress to the device which results in a reduced number of cycles. This can be explained by higher viscoplastic deformation energy in the material layers that undergo thermomechanical cycling for higher on period ton. Typical ton time in Power Cycling tests is 1,5s. Application Note 3 V1.0, 2010-02-15 AN2010-02 Use of Power Cycling Curves Definition of toff The time period toff is the period without load. It is adjusted so that the temperature Tj goes back to the level before heating. Therefore the typical toff time is 1,5s Definition of tcyc The time period tcyc is the period of one power cyle. It is the time of ton + toff. Typical tcyc time in Power Cycling tests is 3s. Use of Power Cycling curves for IGBT4 modules The Reliability specification “Power Cycling capability for modules rated at Tvjop max =150°C” shows the cycling capability versus the temperature rise for a power cycling stress at different maximum junction temperature values Tvjmax. The Reliability specification “Power Cycling capability: typ. dependence on ton” shows the influence on the cycling capability by variation of ton. BDTIC Application example 1: The PrimePACKTM module type FF900R12IE4 is used in a motor drive inverter with intermittent operation, a load (on) period of 10s and a cycle time of 60s. The load leads to a junction temperature rise from 85°C up 125°C in the IGBT. This means a junction temperature swing of ∆Tvj=40K. Power Cycling Capability for Modules rated at Tvj op,max=150°C IGBT4 1200V / 1700V Industrial Modules issued 2009-12-21; rev2 1,0E+10 IGBT4 : Tvj,max=100°C IGBT4 : Tvj,max=125°C IGBT4 : Tvj,max=150°C 1,0E+09 450 Mill No. of cycles Diagram1: cycle time: ttcyc typ. 3s 3,0s cyc≤ 1,0E+08 ton= 1,5s temperature level: Tvj,max=100°C Tvj,max=125°C Tvj,max=150°C (see inset) 1,0E+07 2,3 Mill 1,0E+06 1,0E+05 dashed line: estimated 1,0E+04 20 10 ∆ Tvj [K] 40 100 Power Cycling Capability : typ. dependance on ton IGBT4 Industrial Modules rated at Tvj,opmax=150°C issued 2009-12-14; rev 2 10 Diagram 2: Ncycles [normalized] analytical description: N cyc (ton ) t = on N cyc (1,5s) 1,5s −0 , 3 disclaimer: Ncyc=f(ton)behaviour is only applicable if other impact parameters (I, Tvjmax, ∆T ∆Tvj) are kept constant , 0,1s < ton < 60 s 1,39 1 0,57 0,1 Application Note 0,1 0,5 1 4 10 100 ton [s] V1.0, 2010-02-15 AN2010-02 Use of Power Cycling Curves From diagram1 at ∆Tvj=40K and Tvjmax=125°C one obtains the number of cycles of 2,3Million. Because of the load period ton=10s, the value has to be multiplied with the correlation factor 0,57 from diagram 2. This results in a life time of 1,3 million power cycles. At continuous operation and a cycle time of 60s, it can be expected to have a life time of 21.600 operation hours under this application conditions. Application example 2: The PrimePACKTM module type FF900R12IE4 is used in a motor drive inverter with intermittent operation and different load conditions per cycle. The first load (on) period of 10s leads to a junction temperature rise from 85°C up 125°C in the IGBT. The further 3 load (on) periods of 0,5s leads to a junction temperature rise from 85°C up 105°C in the IGBT. The off period between each load period is more than 2s. The cycle time of this load train is 60s. BDTIC load 1 2 3 4 1 t cycle time This means a junction temperature swing of ∆Tvj=40K once per cycle and 3 times a swing of ∆Tvj=20K per cycle. From diagram1 one gets at ∆Tvj=40K and Tvjmax=125°C the number of cycles of 2,3Million. Because of the load period ton=10s, the value has to be multiplied with the correlation factor 0,57 from diagram 2. This would result in a life time of 1,3 million power cycles. But the further load periods have also to be considered. From diagram1 at ∆Tvj=20K and Tvjmax=105°C one gets the number of 450Million cycles. With a load period ton=0,5s the value has to be multiplied with the correlation factor 1,39 from diagram 2. This would result in an estimated life time of 626 million power cycles. Because each load pulse uses lifetime, the total number of cycles for this load train of 4 pulses per cycle has to be calculated by the following formula. N cycle = Application Note 1 1 1 1 1 + + + N1 N 2 N 3 N 4 5 V1.0, 2010-02-15 AN2010-02 Use of Power Cycling Curves With the above values this results in an estimated life time of N cycle = 1 1 1 1 1 + + + 1,3 626 626 626 = 1,294Mill.cycles At continuous operation with a cycle time of 60s, a life time of 21.560 operation hours can be expected under this application conditions. In this application example it can be seen, that 99,4% of the total lifetime is used from the first load with the high temperature swing and only 0,6% from the 3 further load periods with lower temperature swing. BDTIC The below table shows an overview of the values from this example: Power Cycling Application example 2 load ∆ tvj [K] from diagram 1 tvj max cycles at ton=1,5s [°C] 1 2 to 4 40 20 125 105 2,30E+06 4,50E+08 from diagram 2 ton[s] correlation cycles at factor ton 10 0,5 0,57 1,39 1,30E+06 6,26E+08 no of estimated total used life total cycle estimated loads per allowed load time time [s] total lifetime cycle cycle numbers [operation h] 1 3 99,38% 0,62% 1,294E+06 60 2,156E+04 Important note: Exceeding the specified values means operation out of the specification. This can lead to a failure of the device! Application Note 6 V1.0, 2010-02-15