
What is in “OpenRoads” Project Explorer Engineering\CADD Systems Office

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What is in “OpenRoads” Project Explorer Engineering\CADD Systems Office
What is in “OpenRoads” Project Explorer
Engineering\CADD Systems Office
Where are all the settings?
Project Explorer Overview
Civil Standards
 Feature Definitions
 Project Settings
Civil Model
Project Explorer Settings
To open the Project Explorer Settings dialog select
Settings > Project Explorer.
Browsers – Lists the Tabs available.
Display – MicroStation based properties available to
be displayed.
Dialog Properties – Adjust the layout of dialog and
amount of data displayed.
DGN Indexing Properties – Can be used to configure
the Indexing Service to store DGN Properties.
Project Explorer Browser Layouts
To open Project Explorer select File > Project Explorer from the MicroStation
menu or press F11 on the keyboard to toggle it on or off.
Group Panel
Civil Feature Management
Project Explorer is used to manage Civil
Create, Copy, Delete, Rename
Project Explorer can also be used like Level
Display to turn elements on and off based
on their Feature.
Selecting or Deselecting the check box
will affect the display of elements with
that Feature applied.
What is a “Feature”?
At it’s simplest, a Feature is anything in your design that represents a realworld entity.
 Curb and Gutter
 Asphalt Pavement
 Manhole
 Wall
 Etc.
Feature Definition
What is a “Feature Definition”?
Properties used to define how a feature is to be displayed, annotated,
computed, etc..
 Features can use different symbology for each view.
Types of Feature Definitions
There are several types of feature definitions are supported.
Point Feature
 R/W Marker
 Utility Lines
 Control Point
 Drainage Pipes
 Iron Pin
Linear Feature
 Curb & Gutter
 Utility Line Connectors
 Wall
 Drainage Inlets
Surface Feature
 Existing Ground
 Aggregate Base
 Drainage Areas
Project Settings
Corridor Design Stages are defined in Project Settings.
Display Setting – Control how corridor handles look
Output Settings – Defines what gets created from the
corridor template
Template Drop Interval
Multiplier – Increases
processing speed
Critical Sections – Brings
needed detail to model at
critical points
The Civil Model
The Civil Model tab provides access to the elements
created using Bentley’s “OpenRoads” technology.
Linear Elements – Lines, Arcs, Complex Elements
Points – Points created using Horizontal Geometry
Terrain Models – Imported surfaces, terrains created from civil
Corridors – Corridor elements created using the Corridor Modeling
Superelevation – Superelevation shapes
Civil Cells – Civil Cells
Civil Objects - Linear Templates
Project Explorer & Element Info
Element Info shows the
properties of the selected
object in Project Explorer.
Properties can be modified in
Element Info without opening the
related Civil Tool.
Context Menus
Right-click at different levels on objects to
get a list of commands related to that object.
Edit an Applied Surface Template
In the current version of SS4
GEOPAK ( you can
only edit an applied surface template
through Project Explorer.
The tool on the Task Menu will not
let you select a terrain element
from the MicroStation view.
Adding Features to a Terrain
You may find it easier to “Add Feature”
from Project Explorer than the Task menu.
Hard to select Terrain
 Intersection get busy
 Surface Templates on top
SUE Properties
Some properties in the Utilities Model may require
additional applications be active.
 Some SUE and Drainage applications require
additional software licenses.
Contact Info
Jimmie Prow
CADD Support Coordinator
Phone no: (850) 414-4863
Toll Free no: (866) 374-3368 extension 4863
email [email protected]
[email protected]
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