Church Growth & Revitalization Randy Pope & Ken Priddy
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Church Growth & Revitalization Randy Pope & Ken Priddy
Church Growth & Revitalization RTS Orlando, July 12-16, 2010 [2DM804 CORE or as Elective upon request] Randy Pope & Ken Priddy Church Growth with Randy Pope (Part One ofthe Course) In this part of the course you will be equipped to leading others: 1) from unbelief to belief (evangelism),2) from belief to maturity (discipleship),and 3) from maturity to leadership (leadership development). This will be a time of learning, sharing and exploring the use of life-on-life missional discipleship to bring spiritual [re]formation to your church or ministry. Ministry leaders from more than twenty-one states and nine countries have received this biblically based training material. This training is not designed to stop with this course,rather it is designed to be the launching point for a more in-depth,hands on equipping j ourney through 3-5 day optional follow-up clinics where you “roll up your sleeves”with key leaders in your church in order to take what was learned in the course and bring it into practical application in your ministry. Randy Pope is the founding pastor of Perimeter Church in North Atlanta. Perimeter has helped start six global church planting centers and has partnerships with nationals in eight countries providing on-going training for church leaders. In addition to churches planted both nationally and internationally,Perimeter has helped plant twenty-eight churches in the greater Atlanta area and is a founding partner of Unite,a group of over 100 churches from different denominations working together to bring Kingdom transformation to the city of Atlanta. Perimeter was recently recognized by Leadership Network as number four in the list of “America’ s Top 25 Multiplying Churches.”Randy is a graduate of the University of Alabama and Reformed Theological Seminary. He moved to Atlanta in 1977 to plant Perimeter Church,a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). His personal passion and commitment is to make and train disciples of Christ. He has recently established Life-On-Life.Net,an organization committed to establishing life-on-life Missional discipleship in churches worldwide. Randy is the author of three books: The Intentional Church (previously released as The Prevailing Church),Finding Your Million Dollar Mate, and The Answer. He has also written a missional discipleship curriculum titled The Journey. Randy and his wife,Carol,have four married children and four grandchildren. Church Revitalization with Ken Priddy (Part Two ofthe Course) Leading church analysts such as Lyle Schaller,George Barna,Mike Regele, Reggie McNeal,Linus Morris and Ed Stetzer unanimously state the obvious;the American Protestant church is overwhelmingly in plateau and decline. There are problems,both spiritual and strategic,but there are solutions. This course examines the dynamics that create and perpetuate plateau and decline,and examines concepts,principles and tools that create and sustain health,growth and multiplication,moving church focus from inward to outward. Ken Priddy is a seasoned ministry development practitioner, coach,trainer,and consultant who currently ministers as President of The Ken Priddy Group,Director of Church Renewal with Outreach North America (ARP),and as Church Development Director with the EPC Presbytery of the MidAtlantic. He holds both the Master of Divinity and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando,Florida. His dissertation is titled,ReStarting the Dying Church. Ken and his wife,Sharon,have four adult children and live in Richmond,Virginia. Ken’ s work in renewal began in the early 90’ s as he responded to the call to pastor an eighty-seven year old church in Phoenix,AZ,that had declined to thirteen members. Prayer,research,study, hard work,innovation and the grace of God led to a significant revitalization of this steeply declining church. Ken left the church after seven years as a thriving congregation with strong ministries within the church and outside in the community. Today Ken serves the Kingdom by bringing insights,principles and tools that he has developed through years of experience to local,regional and national church leaders. His process is built on two pillars,Spiritual Renewal with Strategic Initiative developed through biblical and practical theology. Dozens of churches and hundreds of church leaders have benefited from Ken’ s revitalization ministry, now in its seventeenth year. Course Integration Projects/Papers The course integration proj ects/papers will be defined by each professor in class: Note: The nature of the two combined proj ects/papers are designed to complement each other and represent the equivalent workof one normal required 3-hour D.Min. proj ect/paper for one D.Min. course. Course Reading Assignm ents There are separate reading lists for each professor that require 1000 pages of NEW reading (2000 pages combined,i.e. normal requirement for one course) for each course. Students are required to write a one-page maximum standard report (see form at end of this syllabus) for each book or article over 50 pages. Reports are due the first day of class,July 12. Please email them to Joyce Sisler at j sisler@ RTS Orlando D.Min. Church Growth & Revitalization July 12-16,2010 Page 2 Church Growth Reading Assignm ents (Part 1 ofthe Course) Required Reading Pope,Randy. The Intentional Church. Moody,2006. 222 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0802427403 (Re-reading is permissible since it’ s a required text) Recom m ended Reading Note: Must read approximately 800 pages of new reading from the following list and write a reading report on each one over 50 pages: Anderson,Leith. Church For the 21st Century. Bethany,1992. 256 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1556612312 Anderson,Leith. Dying for Change. Bethany,1997. 208 pp. ISBN-13: 9781556616655 Blanchard,Ken. Leadership And The One Minute Manager,W illiam Morrow, 1999. 112 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0688039691 Blanchard,Ken. SelfLeadership And The One Minute Manager,W illiam Morrow,2005. 176 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0060799120 Buckingham,Marcus & Donald Clifton. Now,Discover Your Strengths,Free Press,2001. 272 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0743201148 Clegg,Thomas & W arren Bird. Lost In America:How You And Your Church Can Impact The W orld Next Door. Group Publishing,2001. 168 pp. ISBN13: 978-0764422577 Chapell,Bryan. Praying Backwards,Baker Books,2005. 205 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0801065279 Cole,Neil. Organic Church. San Francisco,CA;Josey Bass,2004. 237pp. ISBN-13: 978-0787981297 Collins,James & Jerry Porras. Built to Last. New York,NY: Harper Business,1997. 336 pp. ASIN: B001S33262 (Not available for direct purchase on Amazon) Collins,James. Good to Great. New York,NY: HarperCollins,2001. 258 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0066620992 Collins,James. Good to Great and the Social Sectors. Collins,2005. 42 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0977326402 Cymbala,Jim. Fresh W ind,Fresh Fire:W hat Happens W hen God’ s Spirit Invades the Heart ofHis People? Zondervan,1997. 224 pp. ASIN: B000OV9XC6 (Not available for direct purchase on Amazon) Dawn,Marva. Reaching Out W ithout Dumbing Down. Eerdmans,1995. 304 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0802841025 Fitch,David E.. The Great Giveaway. Baker Books,2005. 263pp. 13: 978-0801064838 RTS Orlando D.Min. Church Growth & Revitalization July 12-16,2010 ISBN- Page 3 Frazee,Randy. The Connecting Church. Zondervan,2001. 254pp. ISBN-13: 978-0310233084 George,Carl. Prepare Your Church For the Future. Revell,1991. 240 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0800753658 Hsu,Albert Y. The Suburban Christian. InterVarsity Press;2006. 220pp. ISBN-13: 978-0830833344 Hunter,George G. Church for the Unchurched. Abingdon,1996. 192 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0687277322 Keller,Tim. Ministries ofMercy. P&R Publishing,1997. 233 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0875522173 Kouzes,James et al. Encouraging The Heart,Jossey-Bass,2003. 224 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0787964634 Lencioni,Patrick. The Five Dysfunctions OfA Team,Jossey Bass,2002. 229 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0787960759 Lencioni,Patrick. The Four Obsessions OfAn Extraordinary Executive, Jossey-Bass,2000. 208 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0787954031 Lewis,Robert. The Church OfIrresistible Influence. Zondervan,2001. 217 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0310250159 McNeal,Reggie. The Present Future. Josey Bass,2003. 151pp. ISBN-13: 978-0470453155 (2009 edition) Minatrea,Milfred. Shaped By God’ s Heart. Josey Bass,2004. 202pp. ISBN13: 978-0787971113 Murrow,David. W hy Men Hate Church. Nelson Books,2005. 248 pp. ISBN13: 978-0785260387 Myers,Joseph R. The Search To Belong. Zondervan,2003. 181pp. ISBN13: 978-0310255000 Neighbour,Ralph Jr. with Lorna Jenkins. W here Do W e Go From Here? Touch Publications,1990. 463 pp. ISBN-13: 978-1880828175 (2000 edition) Rainer,Thom S. & Eric Geiger. Simple Church. Broadman & Holman,2006. 257pp. ISBN-13: 978-0805443905 Sanders,J. Oswald. Spiritual Leadership,Moody Publishers,Rev. 1994. 189 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0802482273 (2007 edition) W arren,Rick. Purpose Driven Church:Growth W ithout Compromising Your Message. Zondervan,1995. 236 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0310208136 W illard,Dallas. The Great Omission. Harper Collins,2006,237pp. ISBN-13: 978-1854247926 RTS Orlando D.Min. Church Growth & Revitalization July 12-16,2010 Page 4 Church Revitalization Reading Assignm ents (Part 2 ofthe Course) Required Reading (ifyou have not previously read) Deliberate Simplicity:How the Church Does More by Doing Less Dave Browning,201 pages (read all) ISBN-13: 978-0310285670 The House Church Book:Rediscover the Dynamic,Organic, Relational,Viral Community. W olfgang Simson,170 pages (read all) ISBN-13: 978-1414325521 Hit the Bullseye:How Denominations Can Aim the Congregation at the Mission Field. Paul D. Borden,76 pages (read pages 13-77,105117) ASIN: B001UHNI1K (Available on Amazon as Kindle book only) The Open Secret:An Introduction to the Theology ofMission (Revised Edition). Lesslie Newbigin,120 pages (read all). ISBN-13: 9780802808295 ReJesus:A W ild Messiah for a Missional Church Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch. 196 pages (read all) ISBN-13: 9781598562286 The Seven Faith Tribes:W ho They Are,W hat They Believe and W hy They Matter. George Barna. 157 pages (read pages 1-147,195205) ISBN-13: 978-1414324043 Teach a Church to Fish (available as a free download),Ken Priddy. 80 pages. W ebsite will be emailed to all students enrolled. Recom m ended Reading Note: Must read approximately 200 pages of new reading from the following list and write a reading report on each one over 50 pages: UN Christian:W hat a New Generation Really Thinks About Christianity… And W hy It Matters. David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons. 246 pages ISBN-13: 978-0801013003 Christian Beliefs:Twenty Basics Every Christian Should Know. W ayne A. Grudem,Elliot Grudem,editor. 137 pages ISBN-13: 9780310255994 Spiritual Birthline:Understanding How W e Experience New Birth. Stephen E. Smallman. 160 pages ISBN-13: 978-1581347623 The Church ofIrresistible Influence:Bridge-Building Stories to Help Reach Your Community. Robert Lewis with Rob W ilkins. 217 pages ISBN-13: 978-0310250159 RTS Orlando D.Min. Church Growth & Revitalization July 12-16,2010 Page 5 Out ofthe Salt Shaker & Into the W orld:Evangelism as a W ay ofLife Rebecca Manley Pippert. 260 pages ASIN: B000GRD8VA (May not available to purchase directly from Amazon) From Embers to a Flame:How God Can Revitalization Your Church Harry L. Reeder III with David Swavely. 196 pages ISBN-13: 9780875525129 Historical Drift:Must My Church Die (Chapter 3). Arnold L. Cook. 19 pages (read 45-64) ISBN-13: 978-0875099019 Simple Church:Returning to God’ s Process for Making Disciples. Thom S. Rainer and Eric Geiger. 241 pages ISBN-13: 9780805443905 Breakout Churches:Discover How to Make the Leap Thom S. Rainer. 239 pages ISBN-13: 978-0310293477 The Missional Leader:Equipping Your Church to Reach a Changing W orld. Alan J. Roxburgh and Fred Romanuk. 206 pages ISBN-13: 978-0787983253 Total Church:A Radical Reshaping around Gospel and Community. Tim Chester and Steve Timmis. 207 pages ISBN-13: 9781433502088 Recommended Reading (from the marketplace): How the Mighty Fall:And W hy Some Companies Never Give In. Jim Collins. 182 pages ISBN-13: 978-0977326419 Crossing the Chasm:Marketing and Selling Disruptive Products to Mainstream Customers. Geoffrey A. Moore. 211 pages ASIN: B001S33280 (Not available for direct purchase on Amazon) RTS Orlando D.Min. Church Growth & Revitalization July 12-16,2010 Page 6 SAMPLE SHEET: Please limit your report to one single- spacedpage.Write approximately one paragraphper topic (Overview,Critique,& Application). Reports are due onthe f irst day ofclass. Your Name Course Title & Number Professor Date Ti tl e ofBook Compl ete Bibl i ographicReference Overview—Gi veabriefovervi ew oft hebook,i ncl udi ngi tstheme,perspecti ve andapproach. Crit ique—Offerabri efcrit i queoft hebook,incl udi ngel ement sofst rengt hand weakness. Appl ication—Offersomespeci fi cappli cat i ontoyourownmi ni st ry— demonst rat i ngt heval ueandrel evanceoft hemat eri alinthi sbook. BestQuot e—Besuret oincl udet hepagenumberwheret hequot ecanbefound. RTS Orlando D.Min. Church Growth & Revitalization July 12-16,2010 Page 7 Your Name Course Title & Number Professor Date Readi ngSummarySheet Author Title #PagesRead TotalPagesRead _________________ Signed __________________________ Date_____________________________ RTS Orlando D.Min. Church Growth & Revitalization July 12-16,2010 Page 8