IN ThE MATTER OF the Pension 8enefIts Act, R.S.O. 1990,
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IN ThE MATTER OF the Pension 8enefIts Act, R.S.O. 1990,
Superintendent of Financial Services nudntendant des services (inancien Ontario IN ThE MATTER OF the Pen sion 8enef Its Act, R.S.O. 199 0, c. P.8, as amended (the “P8A’ AND IN THE MATTER OF a Notice of Intended Decision of the Superintendent of Financial Ser vices to Make an Order und er sections 19(1), 19(3), 48 and 87(2)(a) of the PBA relating to the IIJOE Local 793 Pension Plan for Operating En gineers in Ontario, Registratio n Number 0389890 TO: UOE Local 793 2216 Spcors Road Oakvillc ON 16L $X8 The Board of Trustees The IUOE Local 793 Pension Pla for OperatIng Engineers In On n tario Øo Koskie Minsky LLP 20 Queen Street West Suite 900, Box 52 Toronto ON MSH 3R3 Attention: Wchaoi Gallaghor, Bucinocs Manager CUe Godkewltsch, Counse) Administrator of the Plan AMENDED NOTICE OF INTEN DED DECISION (amended by order of Financial Services Tribunal of February 18, 2015) I INTEND TO MAKE AN ORDE R under sections 48(6) and 87(2)( a) of the PBA that the Plan Administrator (‘IUCE ”) make settlement to the elig ible recipient(s) of the pre-retirement death benefit, in accordance with the terms of the IUOB Local 793 Pension Plan for Operating Engin eers in Ontario, Registration Nu mber 0389890 (the “Plan”), and section 48 ot the PS A, within sixty (60) days from the dale the Intended Order set out herein is issued. I ALSO INTEND TO MAKE AN OR DER under sections 87(2)(a) of the PSA that IUOE notify all persons who hav e claimed entitlement to the pro -retirement dealh 2 such person’s eligibility to the pre-retirement benefit of IUQE’s determination regarding the date the Intended Order set out herein is death benefit, within sixty (60) days from issued. REASONS: sponsor and administrator of the Plan: 1UOE Is the collective bargaining agent, ember 1, 1973 as a multi-employer, nonThe Plan was established effective Nov 2. . contributory, defined benefit pension plan Plan immediately prior to his death on N.N. was an active member of the 3. September 8, 2012. in a conjugal relationship with Cit, with At the time of his death, N.N. was living 4. three years. whom he had been living for more than ied, but living separate and apart from, At the time of his death1 N.N. was marr 5. K.K. KN., as the beneficiaries of his pre Nfl. designated his daughters, tN. and 6. retirement death benefit under the Plan. 1. lements to N.N.’s pro-retirement death C.H., T.N. and KN. have all asserted entit 7. benefit. settlement of N.N.’s pre-retirement death IUOE has not made payment or other 8. and sectIon 48 of the PM to any person. benefit under section 17.01 the Plan text The Plan benefit payable if a member of the The Plan provIdes for a pro-retirement death text states: 9. 1 of the Plan Plan dies before retirement. Section 17.0 not in receipt of pension benefit In the event of a Members death while he is shall be paid under this Plan equal to payments under this Plan, a death benefit follows: the greater of (a), (b) and (c) determined as Member and by Employers on the aggregate of contributions made by the (a) , reduced by the actuarial behalf of the Member to the Pension Trust Fund 3 equivalent of pension benefi t payments, El any, made to the me mber prior to his death, and (b) (c) the commuted value of the firs t one hundred and twenty month ly pension benefit payments of an early ret irement pension to which the Me mber would have been entitled under sectIon 11.06 of Article Xl of thi s Plan, reduced by the actuarial equiva lent of pension benefit payments , if any, made to the Member prior to his death, and the minimum death benefit wh ich this Plan is required to provid e In respect of the deceased Member by the Pension Benefits Act, RS.O. 199 0, of Ontario, and the Regulations ma de thereunder. If a Member dies leaving a spo use as defined in section 4.18 of Article IV of this Plan, the aforesaid death benefi t shall be paid to such spouse. If a Member dies without leaving a spouse as defined in section 4.18 of Article IV of this Plan, the aforesaid death benefit shall be paid to the benefi claty nominated by the Member, or fail ing such nomination then to the Membe?s estate. 10. SectIon 4.18 of the Plan text sla tes: The term spouse” means a person (a) (b) of the opposite sex of a Member who is mauled to the Member, or not married to the Member and living in a conjugal relationship wit h the Member (I) continuously for a pedod of not less than three years, or (ii) in a relationship of some permanen ce, ii they are the natural or adoptive parents of a child, bot h as defined In the Family Law Act, but does not include 4 (c) (d) apart from the Member at the earlier a person who is living separate and date the Member dies, and of the date retirement commences or the a Member of this Plan following a person who becomes a spouse of thereunder. commencement of his pension benefit The PSA that if a member dies before payment of the Section 48(1) of the PRA provides II. date of the person who Is his or her spouse on the first instalment of his pension Is due, sion t death benefit from the member’s pen men etire pro-r a ve recei to led entIt is death e of t of a lump sum equal to the commuted valu plan, which can be settled by paymen a into sion pen the al to the commuted value of the pension, payment of an amount equ an of use ngement, or the provision to the spo registered retirement savinqs arra the muted value of whIch is at toast equal to immediate or deferred pension, the com sion. commuted value of the members pen 12. Section 1 of the PBA defines spouse as: either of two persons who, (a) are married to each other, or are living together in a conjugal (b) are not married to each other and relationship, than three years, or (I) continuously for a period of not less if they are the natural or (ii) in a relationship of some permanence, in the Family Law Act adoptive parents of a child, both as defined ) ci the PRA provided that section 48(1) At the time of N.N.’s death, sectIon 48(3 13. rt his or her spouse are living separate and apa does not apply where the member and on the date of death. ) of the PBA provided that a member At the time of N.N.’s death, section 48(6 14. ai beneficiary is entitled to be paid an amount equ may designate a beneficiary and the s pension it the member does not have a spouse to the commuted value of the member use iMng separate and apart from his or her spo on the date of death or the member Is on the date of death. administrator of a pension plan has an Section 19(1) of the PSA states that the 15. plan is administered in accordance with the FDA obligation to ensure that the pension and the regulations. S 16. Section 19(3) of the PSA states obligation to administer the pension that the administrator of a pension plan has an plan in accordance with the tiled respect of which the Superintendent documents in has issued a certificate of registr ation or certificate of registration of amendment, which documents include the pension plan text. 17. In failing to make settlement to the elig ible recipient(s) of the pre-retirem benefit in section 17.01 of the Plan ent death text and section 48 ot the PBA, IUOE Is failing to administer the Plan In accordance With section 17.01 of Plan text and sec 48 of the PSA. tIons 19 and 18. Any person who has claimed entitlem ent to the pro-retirement death who may be affected by IUQE’s dete benefit and rmination regarding eligibility sho uld be provided with notice of IUDE’s determination so challenge the determination, as approp that any such person will have the right to riate. 19. Section 87(2)(a) of the PBA states that the Superintendent may mak the Superintendent is of the opinion, upon reasonable and probable gro e an order if pension plan or pension fund is not unds, that the being administered in accordance wit h the PBA, the regulallons or the pension plan. 20. Such further and other reasons as may come to my attention. YOU ARE ENTITLED TO A HEAR ING by the Financial Services ‘Iribunar) pursuant to section 89(6) Tribunal (the of the PBA. Ta request a hearing, deliver to the Tribunal a written not you must ice that you require a hearing, within thIrty (30) days after this Notice of Intended Decision Is served on you.’ YOUR WRI17EN NOTICE must be deli vered to: Financial Services Tribunal 5160 Yonge Street 14m floor Toronto, Ontario M2N 6L9 Attention: The Regtrar FOR FURThER INFORMATION on a Form trw the written notice, please Tribunal website at see the or contact the Registrar of the Trib unal by phone at 416- 590-7294, toil free at 1-800-668 -0128, ext. 7294, or by fax at 416-22 6-7750. NOTE Pursuant to section 112 of the P9, 4 any Notice, Order or other document qiven, served or delivered it delivered Is suflftlently personally or sent by regular mail and any document sent by regular mSl shall be deemeD to be given, served - mailing. or delivered on the fifth day afte r the date at HIN THIRTV (30) DAYS, I MAY IF YOU FAIL TO REQUEST A HEARiNG WIT BED IN This NOTICE. CRI DES CARRY OUT ThE INTENDED DECISION AS 2014. DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this J(Y”%iay of Deputy Superintendent, Pensions