
Ferruccio PASTORE

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Ferruccio PASTORE
Ferruccio PASTORE
Date of birth: January 6th, 1966
Family status: Stable union, two children
[email protected]
c/o FIERI: +39 011 516 0044
Professional address: c/o FIERI, Via Ponza 3, 10121, Torino, Italy
July 1990:
Dec. 1996:
Degree in Law at the University of Torino (Italy) - Final dissertation: “Immigration and
Integration in Europe since 1945” (supervisor: professor Amedeo Cottino; final mark:
110/110 cum laude).
Ph.D. in Legal Studies at the European University Institute (Florence - Italy) – Dissertation
title: “Familles entre les droits. Essai de reconstruction socio-historique de la condition
juridique des familles migrantes de pays arabo-musulmans vers l’Europe” (supervisors:
professor Hans Ulrich Jessurun d’Oliveira and professor Giorgio Gaja; compliments of the
Examining Board).
Oct.-Dec. 1988:Intensive course of German language and culture at Goethe-Institut (Berlin, Germany),
funded by a grant of the same institute.
July 1989:
Specialization course on “Sociology of Migration: Interethnic Relations and Processes of
Integration” at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) - Course coordinators:
professor Felice Dassetto and professor Albert Bastenier.
July 1992:
Intensive course of Arabic language at the University of Rabat (Morocco), supported by a
grant of the Moroccan government.
Oct. 1994:
Training course on “Development Cooperation in Africa” at the Istituto Italo-Africano (Roma,
Italy), funded by a grant of the same institute.
Mother tongue.
Very good (spoken and written).
Very good (spoken and written).
Good (spoken and written).
Fair (spoken and written).
Professional experience:
Oct. 1989 - May 1991: Researcher for Ires-CGIL. Collaboration in an anthropological research project about
non-European immigration in Torino. Supervisors: professor Vanessa Maher and
professor Adriana Luciano (University of Torino).
Apr. 1989 - Apr. 1990: Civil service as a conscientious objector at the Immigration Bureau of the Town
Administration of Torino. Main activity: legal counsel for migrants.
Sept. 1990-Febr. 1991: Research activity for the cultural association Eau Vive (Torino) - Collaboration in a
research project on local immigration policies in France and Italy.
Apr. 1991 - July 1991: Visiting fellow at the Institut de Recherche sur le Monde Arabe et Musulman-IREMAM
(Aix-en-Provence, France), supported by a grant awarded by the Italian Consiglio
Nazionale delle Ricerche and the French Centre National de la Recherche ScientifqueCNRS.
Since 1992:
Professor in several training courses on international migrations and immigration law
and policy, organized by private associations and public bodies, among which:
Province of Torino; Province of Livorno; Unità Sanitaria Locale 1-Torino;
Coordinamento Nazionale Immigrati CGIL [Italian trade union]; UNHCR; Training
Academy and Police School of the Italian Ministry of the Interior.
March - July 1994:
Adviser for the Institut du Monde Arabe-IMA (Paris, France) in the framework of a
research project about the Islamic presence in Western Europe (supervisors:
Mr.Robert Bistolfi and Mr.François Zabbal)
Oct.1994 - May 1996: Research assistant for the vice-President of the Camera dei Deputati of the Italian
Parliament (Mr. Luciano Violante). Main activities: comparative legal research,
drafting of reports.
June - Dec. 1996:
Member of a consulting committee for the reform of Italian immigration law under the
auspices of the Consiglio Nazionale dell’Economia e del Lavoro-CNEL.
Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1999: Training as attorney, Law firm Cascini-Di Majo-Pastore-Roetti-Virando, Torino.
May 1997 – Aug. 1999: Advisor to the the President (Mr. Fabio Evangelisti) of the Parliamentary Control
Committee on the Application of the Schengen Agreement and of the EUROPOL
Convention, a specialised body of the Italian Parliament.
Jan. 1998 - Dec. 1999: Post-doctoral fellow at the University of Florence. Research activity in the field of
European and international law.
July 2000:
Expert appointed by the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers for an
international evaluation mission on migration controls at the Albanian borders
organized by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD,
July-December 2000: Adviser to the Office of the Prime Minister for the coordination of migration policies.
June-July 2001:
Visiting researcher at the Institute for Security Studies of the Western European Union
(ISS-WEU, now ISS-EU), Paris.
January-Dec. 2001:
Editor of the section on “International Migration and Citizenship” of the journal of
European affairs Europa Europe (published by Bollati Boringhieri, Torino).
Jan. 1997-Dec. 2001: Coordinator of the Research Area on International Migration and New Security
Issues at Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale-CeSPI (Roma).
Aug.-October 2002:
Consultant for the International Organization for Migration for the preparation of the
« Conférence Ministérielle sur la Migration en Méditerranée Occidentale », organised
by the Ministry for Social Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia and the International
Organization for Migration, Tunis 16-17 October 2002 .
February-March 2008: Senior expert adivising the Spanish Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de
Administración y Políticas Públicas (FIIAPP) for the preparation of the Meeting of
Experts on Legal Migration jointly organised by the Moroccan and Italian
governments (Rabat, 3-4 March 2008).
Nov. 2007-May 2008: Senior expert contracted by the International Labour Office (Moscow office) for the
preparation of a report on “Review of current international approaches with regard to
regularization and disincentives for the employment of irregular migrant workers and
recommendations for developing a sound regularization policy and procedures and
discouraging employment of irregular workers”.
January 2002-Dec. 08: Deputy Director of CeSPI. Responsible for strategic planning and research
coordination in the areas of International migration and European studies. In charge
for a team of 5-6 researchers and for the implementation of several multi-annual and
transnational research projects, including large conferences and events.
March 2009-Dec. 2012: Chair of the Migration and Integration Forum of the European Policy Centre (EPC) in
Nov. 2009-Dec.2012:
Member of Independent Network of Labour Migration and Integration Experts
(LMIE-NET) created by the International Organization for Migration to support DG
EMPL of the European Commission.
Since December 2008: Member of the Editorial Board of the International Relations journal “Aspenia”
Since April 2009:
Director of the Forum of International and European Research on Immigration
(FIERI, www.feri.it, Torino). Among the international projects he is currently
coordinating: www.concordiadiscors.eu and www.labmiggov.eu.
- Criminalità e lotta alla criminalità in Europa, ed., special issue of “EuropaEurope”, 4/2001;
- Dobbiamo temere le migrazioni?, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2004;
- with M. Zupi, eds., I dilemmi dell’integrazione, monographic section of the 2006 CeSPI-Istituto Gramsci
Yearbook on European Integration (edited by J.L. Rhi-Sausi and G. Vacca), Il Mulino, Bologna, 2006;
- (as Samgati, in association with other authors), Il mondo in casa. Storie da una piazza italiana, Laterza,
Roma-Bari, 2006;
- with R. Gualtieri (eds.), L’Unione europea e il governo della globalizzazione. Rapporto 2008 sull’integrazione
europea, Il Mulino, 2008;
- with I. Ponzo (eds.), Concordia discors. Integrazione e confitto nei quartieri di immigrazione, Carocci, Roma,
- Migrare tra i diritti, in "Uguali e diversi. Il mondo culturale, le reti di rapporti, i lavori degli immigrati non europei
a Torino", Rosenberg e Sellier, Torino, 1991;
- With Florence Baptiste and Giuseppe Russo, Una città di fronte all'immigrazione, in "Biblioteca della Libertà",
n.113, aprile-giugno 1991;
- With Francesco Ciafaloni, Attenti ai fantasmi. Come impostare correttamente i problemi delle società multiculturali, in
"Micromega", n.2, 1992;
- Famiglie immigrate e diritti occidentali. Il diritto di famiglia musulmano in Francia ed in Italia, in "Rivista di diritto
internazionale", 1/1993;
- Dove fnisce il Medio Oriente?, in "Linea d'ombra", n.86, ottobre 1993;
- Mariage et confit de lois, Divorce et ordre public, Statut personnel et protection des mineurs, in Kacem Basfao e
Hinde Taarji, "L'Annuaire de l'Emigration", Rabat, 1994;
- Immigrazione (aspetti sociali e politici, Immigrazione (diritto della), Servizio civile, Trapianti, Asilo (diritto di), in:
Luciano Violante (ed.), "Dizionario delle istituzioni e dei diritti del cittadino", Editori Riuniti, Roma, 1996;
- Dopo l’eliminazione delle frontiere, Schengen si concentra su giustizia e sicurezza, in "Guida al Diritto" - Il Sole24 Ore, n.14, April 11th 1998;
- Migrazioni internazionali e ordinamento giuridico, in Luciano Violante (ed.), "Diritto e giustizia", Annali della
Storia d’Italia, Einaudi, Torino, 1998;
- L’obbligo di riammissione in diritto internazionale: sviluppi recenti, in "Rivista di diritto internazionale", 4/1998,
pp. 968-1021;
- Droit de la nationalité et migrations internationales. Le cas italien, in P. Weil - R. Hansen, "Nationalité et
citoyenneté en Europe", La Découverte, Paris, 1999, pp. 95-116;
- with J. Luther, Italia, Europa, Mondo: per una geografa dei diritti e dei doveri, in CeSPI (ed.), “Diventare
europei. Indicazioni di percorso per giovani cittadini”, Edizioni di Comunità, Torino, 1999, pp. 35-60;
- I diritti degli altri. Stranieri, immigrati e rifugiati in Europa, in CeSPI (ed.), “Diventare europei. Indicazioni di
percorso per giovani cittadini”, Edizioni di Comunità, Torino, 1999, pp. 140-160;
- La génèse du droit de l’immigration en Italie (1986-1998), in “Pôle Sud”, n° 11, novembre 1999, pp. 83-94;
- L’expérience italienne dans la mise en oeuvre de Schengen, in K. Hailbronner - P. Weil, “Von Schengen nach
Amsterdam. Auf dem Weg zu einem europäischen Einwanderungs- und Asylrecht”, Bundesanzeiger, Köln,
1999, pp. 43-50;
- La politica migratoria, in R. Aliboni, F. Bruni, A. Colombo, E. Greco (eds.), “L’Italia e la politica
internazionale”, Il Mulino for IAI-ISPI, Bologna, 2000;
- Italy Facing International Migration: Recent Policy Developments, in “The International Spectator”, vol. XXXV,
n°2, April-June 2000;
- Migrazioni inarrestabili?, in “Global” (Italian edition of Foreign Policy), n° 4, August 2000;
- The New Security Agenda, with R. Menotti and M. Rosini, in “Strengthening International Order. The Role of
Asia-Europe Co-operation. A CAEC Task Force Report”, Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation, LondonTokyo, 2000;
- La rivoluzione (incompiuta) della politica migratoria europea, in “EuropaEurope”, 6/2000;
- La rotta di Enea. Relazioni euromediterranee e migrazioni, in “EuropaEurope”, 1/2001;
- Nationality law and international migration: The Italian Case, in R. Hansen – P. Weil (eds.), “Towards a
European Nationality”, Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2001;
- La politica dell’immigrazione, in F. Bruni, N. Ronzitti (eds.), “L’Italia e la politica internazionale. Edizione
2001”, Il Mulino for IAI-ISPI, Bologna, 2001;
- L’Italia e le migrazioni dall’est, in R. Balfour (ed.), “Guida ai paesi dell’Europa centrale orientale e balcanica.
Annuario politico-economico 2001”, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001;
- Il fattore umano. Governance globale e migrazioni, in: P. Annunziato-A. Calabrò-L. Caracciolo (eds.),
“Governance della globalizzazione”, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001, pp. 155-179;
- Integrazione europea e criminalità, Introduction to F. Pastore, ed., Criminalità e lotta alla criminalità in
Europa, special issue of “EuropaEurope”, 4/2001;
- Eneas’ Route. Euro-Mediterranean Relations and International Migration, in S. Lavenex and E. Uçarer (eds.),
“Externalities of Integration: the Wider Impact of the Developing EU Migration Regime”, Lexington Books,
Lanham - Boulder - New York – Oxford, 2002, pp. 105-123;
- The Asymmetrical Fortress. The problem of relations between internal and external security policies in the
European Union, in J. Apap and M. Anderson (eds.), “Police and Justice Co-operation and the New European
Borders”, Kluwer, The Hague, 2002, pp. 59-80;
- With P. Martin and S. Martin, Best Practice Options: Albania, in Managing Emerging Migration Patterns,
“International Migration”, vol. 4, special issue 1/2002;
- Update from Italy, in Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association, ILPA European Update, December 2002;
- L’Europa della sicurezza interna. Sviluppi e problemi, in G. Vacca, “L’unità dell’Europa. Rapporto 2003
sull’integrazione europea”, Dedalo, Bari, 2003;
- “Lo spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia tra allargamento e costituzionalizzazione”, in G. Vacca, ed., Il
dilemma euroatlantico. Rapporto 2004 della Fondazione Istituto Gramsci sull’integrazione europea, Dedalo, Bari,
2004, pp. 195-212;
- With A. Rotta, Le politiche dell’Unione europea, tra libertà di circolazione e nuove frontiere, in O. Forti, F. Pittau,
A. Ricci, Europa. Allargamento a est e immigrazione, Centro Studi e Ricerche Immigrazione Dossier Statistico
(IDOS), in co-operation with Caritas Italiana e Consiglio Nazionale dell’Economia e del Lavoro, Nuova
Anterem, Rome, 2004, pp. 26-50;
- With G. Sciortino, “Immigration and European Immigration Policies: Myths and Realities”, in J. Apap (ed.),
Justice and Home Affairs in the EU: Liberty and Security Issues after Enlargement, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham,
2004, pp. 191-209;
- “Formation, Structure and Current Evolution of the EU Entry Control System”, in N. Walker, ed., Europe's
Area of Freedom, Security, and Justice, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004, pp. 89-142;
- “Che fare di chi non dovrebbe essere qui? La gestione della presenza straniera irregolare in Europa, tra
strategie nazionali e misure comuni”, in A. Colombo e G. Sciortino, I sommersi e i sanati. Le regolarizzazioni
degli immigrati in Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2004;
- A community out of balance: nationality law and migration politics in the history of post-unifcation Italy, “Journal
of Modern Italian Studies”, vol. 9, No. 1, 2004, pp. 27-48;
- L’Unione europea e la lotta al terrorismo, in G. Vacca (ed.), Dalla Convenzione alla Costituzione, Rapporto 2005
della Fondazione Istituto Gramsci sull’integrazione europea, Dedalo, Bari, 2005, pp. 239-251;
- “Una governance globale delle migrazioni. Utopia o necessità?”, in D. Nelken (ed.), L’integrazione subita.
Immigrazione, trasformazioni, mutamenti sociali, Franco Angeli, Milan, 2005, pp. 118-134;
- Cities and Migrations. The Role of Cities in the Global Flux of Migrants, “Cluster”, N. 5, 2005,
- The policies for the management of international migrations from the XXth to the XXIst century. A tale of
territorial sovereignties and people on the move, in “Genus”, LXI (No. 3-4), July-December 2005, pp. 347-367;
- “Remittances and Co-Development in the Mediterranean Region”, in IEMed and Fundació CIDOB,
Med.2005. 2004 in the Euro-Mediterranean Space, Barcelona, 2005, pp. 222-226;
- “L’Europa di fronte alle migrazioni. Divergenze strutturali, convergenze settoriali”, Quaderni di Sociologia,
Vol. L, No. 40, 2006, pp. 7-24;
- “Demografia e migrazioni”, in Nomos & Khaos. Rapporto Nomisma 2005 sulle prospettive economico-strategiche,
Nomisma, Roma, 2006, pp. 191-205;
- “L’anello debole del mercato comune. Migrazioni, modello sociale e processo di integrazione europea”, in
F. Pastore - M. Zupi, eds., I dilemmi dell’integrazione, monographic section of the CeSPI-Istituto Gramsci
Yearbook on European Integration, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2006;
- with P. Monzini and G. Sciortino, “Schengen’s Soft Underbelly? Irregular Migration and Human Smuggling
across Land and Sea Borders to Italy, “International Migration”, vol. 44 (4), 2006, pp. 95-119;
- El continente móvil. Migraciones y relaciones internacionales, Vanguardia Dossier, n. 22, January-March 2007,
pp. 110-114;
- Europe, migration and development. Critical remarks on an emerging policy feld, “Development”, vol. 50.4,
2007, pp. 56-62 (a longer version available online at page http://www.cespi.it/PDF/PastoreMigrationandDevelopment.pdf;
- La paranoia dell’invasione e il futuro dell’Italia, Limes 4/2007, pp. 23-33;
- Se un delitto fa tremare l’Italia. Come si affronta una security crisis, in “Italianieuropei”, 5/2007, pp. 19-32;
- Il ruolo delle città nella governance delle migrazioni internazionali e dei processi di integrazione. Il caso italiano
nel contesto europeo, in F. Grandi, E. Tanzi, a cura di, La città meticcia. Rifessioni teoriche e analisi di alcuni casi
europei per il governo locale delle migrazioni, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2007;
- with R. Balfour, L’Europa globale: un unico attore, tanti ruoli diversi, in R. Gualtieri – F. Pastore (eds.),
L’Unione europea e il governo della globalizzazione. Rapporto 2008 sull’integrazione europea, Il Mulino, 2008, pp.
- Il vincolo interno. Immigrazione e relazioni esterne, in R. Gualtieri – F. Pastore (eds.), L’Unione europea e il
governo della globalizzazione. Rapporto 2008 sull’integrazione europea, Il Mulino, 2008, pp. 129-150;
- Italy, J. Doomernik and M. Jandl (eds.), in “Modes of Migration Regulation and Control in Europe”,
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2008;
- with L. Trinchieri, La Libia nel sistema migratorio mediterraneo. Dinamiche di mobilità e risposte politiche, in
“Mondi Migranti”, 2/2008, pp. 21-53;
- La frontiera più interna. La cittadinanza come strumento di politica migratoria, in “Amministrazione Civile”,
6/2008, pp. 42-51;
- with E. Collett, Beyond pillars: how to disentangle the JHA knot, in Challenge Europe, Issue 19, The next
2009 ,
TYP=tewn&LV=187&see=y&t=&PG=TEWN/EN/detailpub&l=12&AI=983, pp. 50-58;
- Prefazione, in L. Gariglio, A. Pogliano, R. Zanini, Eds., Facce da straniero. 30 anni di fotografa e giornalismo
sull’immigrazione in Italia, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2010;
- Introduzione. I mercati: (fragili) incubatori di integrazione, in L’integrazione in piazza. Commercianti stranieri e
clientela multietnica nei mercati urbani, Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Torino &
FIERI, 2010, Torino, 2010, pp. 6-9;
- Chapter on Italy in the Report on Migration and the Economic Crisis: Implications for Policy in the European
http://publications.iom.int/bookstore/free/Migration_and_the_Economic_Crisis.pdf, pp. 121-137;
- L’impatto migratorio delle rivolte arabe. Quali scenari oltre le emergenze?, in “ItalianiEuropei”, 4/2011, April
2011, pp. 55-62, http://www.fieri.it/download.php?fileID=410&lang=ita;
- (with E. Castagnone) Studiare l’imprenditoria cinese, oltre i luoghi comuni, in Diventare Laoban. Lavoro autonomo, percorsi imprenditoriali e progetti migratori dei cinesi in Italia e a Torino, Camera di Commercio Industria
Artigianato e Agricoltura di Torino – FIERI, 2011, Torino, pp. 3-15;
- Europe, in H. Duncan, J. Nieuwenhuysen and S. Neerup (eds.), International Migration in Uncertain Times,
McGill-Queen's University Press, 2012, pp. 129-151;
- (with C. Villosio), Italy, in H. Duncan, J. Nieuwenhuysen and S. Neerup (eds.), International Migration in
Uncertain Times, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2012, pp. 109-128;
- Si può riaprire il mare, in S. Liberti (ed.), Mare chiuso, Minimum Fax, Roma, 2013;
- (with E. Salis and C. Villosio), L’Italia e l’immigrazione low cost: fne di un ciclo?, in “Mondi Migranti”, 1/2013,
Working papers/Reports:
- Immigrazione e pluralismo normativo. Le famiglie straniere di fronte al diritto francese, in Working Papers "Materiali
di Discussione e Ricerca", Department of Legal Sociology, University of Torino, n°3, October 1992;
- Conficts and Migrations. A Case Study on Albania, written briefing addressed to the Conflict Prevention
Network of the European Commission, January 1998;
- With P. Romani and G. Sciortino, L’Italia nel sistema internazionale del traffco di persone. Risultanze
investigative, ipotesi interpretative, strategie di risposta,, Working Paper n° 5, Commissione per le Politiche di
Integrazione degli Immigrati, Dipartimento per gli Affari Sociali, Roma, 2000;
- Il governo dei processi migratori nel quadro europeo: obiettivi, strumenti, problemi (ed.), in Agenzia Romana per
la Preparazione del Giubileo, “Migrazioni. Scenari per il XXI secolo”, vol. 1, Roma, 2000;
- Migrazioni e politiche locali: l’esperienza italiana nel quadro europeo (ed.), in Agenzia Romana per la
Preparazione del Giubileo, “Migrazioni. Scenari per il XXI secolo”, vol. 2, Roma, 2000;
- With R. Balfour, L. Einaudi, L. Rizzotti, L’impatto dell’allargamento sui movimenti di popolazione, in
Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Department for Economic Affairs (ed.), “Allargamento a Est
- Refugee crisis management and the EU – an emerging test case, in A. Missiroli (ed.), “Coherence for European
Security Policy”, Occasional Paper n° 27, Institute for Security Studies, Western European Union
(ISS/WEU), Paris, May 2001;
- Reconciling the Prince’s Two “Good Arms”. Internal-External Security Policy Coordination in the European Union,
Occasional Paper N° 30, Institute for Security Studies, Western European Union (WEU), Paris, September
- With G. Sciortino, Tutori lontani. Il ruolo degli Stati d’origine nel processo di integrazione degli immigrati, report
for the Commission for Integration Policies (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), October 2001;
- La Comunita’ Sbilanciata. Diritto della cittadinanza e politiche migratorie nell’Italia post-unitaria, Laboratorio
CeSPI, Working Paper, July 2002, http://www.cespi.it/Laboratorio/Lab__7=2002.pdf;
- La fortezza asimmetrica. Il problema dei rapporti tra sicurezza interna ed esterna nell’Unione europea, in R.
Balfour, E. Greco (eds.), “Il ruolo internazionale dell’Unione europea”, report drafted for the Centro Militare di
Studi Strategici, Rome, 2002;
- Quote e gestione degli ingressi per motivi economici. Primi elementi per una valutazione dell’esperienza italiana
(1998-2003), in AA.VV., “Regolazione dei flussi migratori: tra programmazione e precarietà degli interventi”,
Atti del seminario di studio organizzato presso il Consiglio nazionale dell’economia e del lavoro il 3 dicembre
2003, CNEL, Serie Documenti, n° 29, 2003;
- with P. Monzini and G. Sciortino, L'Italia promessa. Geopolitica e dinamiche organizzative del traffco di
migranti verso l'Italia, CeSPI Working Paper 9/2004, http://www.cespi.it/PASTORE/Wp9-cnr.pdf;
- with P. Monzini and G. Sciortino, Human Smuggling to/through Italy, Report of the research project on “The
Human Smuggling and Trafficking in Migrants: Types, Origins and Dynamics in a Comparative and
Interdisciplinary Perspective”, promoted by the European Science Foundation with the support of Consiglio
Nazionale delle Ricerche, April 2004, http://www.cespi.it/cnr/Monzini-Sciortino-ing_rev_.pdf ;
- “Is there a European strategy against terrorism? A brief assessment of supra-national and national
responses” (ed.), CeSPI Working Papers, N° 12/2005, available at page http://www.cespi.it/WP/wp12terrorismo.pdf;
- “Supranational Counter-Terrorism A test under duress for EU principles and institutions” (ed.), CeSPI
Working Papers, N° 22/2005, available at page http://www.cespi.it/WP/WP22%20Pastore-Mitsilegas.pdf;
- “How to assess the first stage of the EU’s asylum policy”, in S. Bertozzi and F. Pastore, Towards a Common
European Asylum Policy, EPC Issue Paper No.49, October 2006, European Policy Centre, Brussels;
- Studiare il transnazionalismo politico in Italia, Introduction to P. Boccagni, “Votare per noi era un giorno di
festa”. Un’indagine esplorativa sul transnazionalismo politico tra gli immigrati ecuadoriani in Italia, CeSPI
Working Papers 35/2007, April 2007, http://www.cespi.it/WP/WP35-Boccagni.pdf;
- Libya’a Entry into the Migration Great Game. Recent Developments and Critical Issues, background paper for
the project “Managing Migration in the Neighbourhood of the EU and the US”, carried out by CeSPI with support from the German Marshall Fund of the United States, October 2007, http://www.cespi.it/PDF/Pastore-Libia-great%20game.pdf;
- Circular Migration, Background paper for the Meeting of Experts on Legal Migration jointly organised by the
- The Italian migratory laboratory: Promises, failures and lessons for Europe, background paper for the seminar
on “Migration and European labour market transformations”, Policy Network, Paris, July 3 2008,
http://www.policy-network.net/events/events.aspx?id=2444 ; http://www.cespi.it/PDF/Pastore-Italian%20migr
- The Crumbling Bridge. Can Migration be turned again into an Asset for Euro-Mediterranean Relations?, in The
Euro-Mediterranean dialogue: prospects for an area of prosperity and security, A Report by the Foundation for
European Progressive Studies and the Fondazione Italianieuropei, 2009, http://www.fepseurope.eu/fileadmin/downloads/thematic_studies/FEPS_IE_Euromed.pdf, pp. 63-70;
- So strict, so open… A long-term perspective on Italian immigration policies, Paper for CentreForum, May 2009
- (with J. Rijpma) Review of Current International Approaches with Regard to Regularization and Disincentives for
the Employment of Irregular Migrant Workers, in Regularization and Employers’ Sanctions as Means towards the
Effective Governance of Labour Migration. Russian Federation and International Experience, International Labour
- Managing Migration Through the Crisis. Evolving Patterns in European Policies on Labour Migration and
Mobility, FIERI Working Papers, November 2010, http://www.fieri.it/download.php?fileID=376&lang=ita;
- (with E. Paoletti), Sharing the dirty job on the southern front? Italian–Libyan relations on migration and their
impact on the European Union, IMI Working Papers, No. 29, December 2010, International Migration Institute,
University of Oxford, http://www.imi.ox.ac.uk/pdfs/imi-working-papers/wp-10-29-sharing-the-dirty-job;
- (with C. Villosio), Nevertheless attracting… Italy and Immigration in Times of Crisis, FIERI Working Papers,
February 2011, http://fieri.it/download.php?fileID=402&lang=ita;
- (with T. Caponio, R. Ricucci and V. Premazzi), Amministrare l’immigrazione. La diffcile simbiosi tra
- Immigrazione e lavoro. Perché spostare lo sguardo sulle imprese, Introduction to: FIERI-Turin Chamber of
Commerce, Non solo braccia. Un’indagine sull’impiego di lavoro immigrato nelle imprese del torinese, Research
Report, 2012, http://www.fieri.it/download.php?fileID=512&lang=ita;
- (with T. Caponio), Spunti comparativi e un abbozzo di tipologia delle politiche, in T. Caponio (ed.),
Dall’ammissione all’inclusione: verso un approccio integrato? Un percorso di approfondimento comparativo a
partire da alcune recenti esperienze europee, FIERI Research Report for the Italian National Economy and
Labour Council (CNEL) and Ministry of Labour, 2012, http://www.fieri.it/download.php?fileID=519&lang=ita;
Online articles:
- Border countries in an enlarging Union. Some refections based on the Italian case, CEPS Policy Brief, No.
14/March 2002, available on http://www.ceps.be;
- MigraCtion Europa, periodical analysis bulletin on migration policies in Europe, available on
- “Italy’s Migration Contradictions”, in www.opendemocracy.net, in the Section People Flow: Migration in
Europe, March 2004;
http://www.bitterlemonsinternational.org/previous.php?opt=1&id=32, special issue on Demography and Migration, Ed. 11, Vol. 2, 19
March 2004;
- International Migration as a Factor in EU-Turkey Relations. Some introductory remarks, in “EU-Turkey
Agenda”, No.7, March 2006, Center for European Studies at Istanbul Bilgi University, http://www.bilgi.edu.tr/
- “North Africa and Europe: African forced migrations”, Bitterlemons-International.org, Edition 26 Volume 4,
July 13, 2006, http://www.bitterlemons-international.org/previous.php?opt=1&id=140#571;
- “Immigrazione: Europa avanti in ordine sparso”, AffarInternazionali, No. 11, October 2006,
- Immigrazione. Avanti in ordine sparso, Affarinternazionali, October 2006,
http://www.affarinternazionali.it/articolo.asp?ID=203 ;
- La politica migratoria italiana a una svolta, CeSPI policy brief, May 2007, http://www.cespi.it/PDF/PastorePOL-MIG-IT-07.pdf;
- L’Europa fortezza e l’Africa serbatoio, in Mwinda. Osservatorio geopolitico sull’Africa, 5 December 2007,
- L’Europa e l’immigrazione: la pancia contro la testa, Affarinternazionali (online journal), 4 June 2008,
- Migrazioni e relazioni italo-libiche. Come uscire da questa impasse, CeSPI policy brief, June 2008,
- Migration and Italo-Libyan relations. Finding a way out of the impasse, CeSPI policy brief, June 2008,
- Popolazione temporaneamente superfua?, in “Neodemos. Popolazione, società, politiche”, 4 dicembre 2008,
- Will the Crisis Kill Legal Migration Policies, in “Migrant Remittances”, December 2008, Vol. 5, No. 4,
- Europa e immigrazione: gli interrogative usciti dalle urne, Analisi e Commenti, FIERI, 1 July 2009,
- Immigrazione: cosa vogliono davvero le opinioni pubbliche, AffarInternazionali, 4 December 2009,
- Immigrazione e opinione pubblica, il caso Italia, Affarinternazionali, 3 February 2011,
- The Migration Impact of North-African Revolutions and What it Reveals about Europe, EUROMESCO, Brief
n. 6, 28 July 2011, http://www.iemed.org/documents/euromescobrief6.pdf;
- Transatlantic Trends Immigration 2011: la deriva xenofoba non è un destino, Affarinternazionali, 16 December
2012, http://www.affarinternazionali.it/articolo.asp?ID=1937;
- The less democracy at home, the more propensity to naturalize?, Comments on “The Prior Socialization of
Immigrants and Their Political Participation in the United States” by Michael Jones-Correa (Cornell
University), presented during a seminar organised by FIERI and T-Wai and the Political Science Department
- Mobilità intra-europea: la UE a un bivio, in Neodemos.it, 5 June 2013, http://www.neodemos.it/index.php?
F. Pastore is co-author (with Andrea Segre, director, and Stefano Liberti) of two documentary films dealing
with migration in Africa:
- Sahara, andata e ritorno (A. Segre, 2006, 14’), winner of the Claudio Accardi Award,
- A sud di Lampedusa (A. Segre, 2006, 31’), http://andreasegre.blogspot.com/2007/10/sud-di-lampedusa.html.
- Il ricongiungimento famigliare in Francia e in Italia, tra politica e diritto, paper presented at the conference
“Problemi del ricongiungimento famigliare e delle famiglie miste”, Fondazione Cariplo-ISMU - Associazione Studi
Giuridici sull’Immigrazione-ASGI, Milano, May 25th, 1994;
- Il diritto come strumento di lotta al razzismo e alla discriminazione, paper presented at the public meeting “Against
Racism”, organised by the town council of Alpignano (Torino), November 1994;
- Diritto di voto e cittadinanza locale, paper presented at the conference “Immigrazione e cooperazione allo
sviluppo: nuove politiche a confronto”, Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale-CeSPI - Movimondo - Comune
di Roma, Roma, April 14th, 1997;
- Albania-Italia 1990-1997: evoluzione e gestione di un fusso migratorio, paper presented at the international
conference “Albania. Breakdown and Reconstruction”, Università di Bologna - Centro Studi di Politica
Internazionale-CeSPI, Bologna, July 18th-19th, 1997;
- The New Security Agenda, paper presented at the CAEC (Council for Asia-Europe Cooperation) task force
meeting, Berlin, March 23rd-24th, 1998;
- Flexibility as a Tool for Enlargement. The Construction of a European Area of Freedom, Security and Justice and
the Enlargement Process, paper presented at the Ionian Conference dedicated to the theme “Making
Enlargement Work”, British Council, Corfù, May 14th-17th, 1998;
- Nationality Law and Immigration. The Italian Case, paper presented at the international conference on
Nationality Law, Immigration and Integration in Europe and the USA, Fondation Nationale des Sciences
Politiques, Paris, 25-27 June 1998;
- L’expérience de l’Italie dans la mise en oeuvre de Schengen, paper presented at the international conference
“De Schengen à Amsterdam. Vers une législation européenne en matière d’immigration et d’asile”,
Europäische Rechtsakademie, Trier, February 18th-19th, 1999 ;
- Verso una politica migratoria europea? Le prospettive di applicazione del nuovo titolo IV TCE tra interessi
nazionali ed interesse comune europeo, paper presented at the international conference “Verso una politica
migratoria europea?”, European University Institute, Firenze, 15 March 1999;
- The Italian Immigration Policy in the European Framework, paper presented at the international conference
“Old Differences and New Similarities: American and European Immigration Policies in a Comparative
Perspective”, Columbia University, New York, 12-13 November 1999;
- From/through Albania to/through Italy, presentation given at the seminar on “Emigration and Development:
Focus on West Central Mexico”, 8th Migration Dialogue, Guadalajara (Messico), 7-8 April 2000;
- Human Smuggling and Traffcking: the Italian Case, presentation given at the “Transatlantic Workshop on
Human Smuggling”, The Institute for the Study of International Migration, Georgetown University,
Washington D.C., 4-5 June 2000;
- Migration and foreign policy: the Italian experience, presentation given at the conference “Migration and
Foreign Policy: A Key Nexus of Domestic and International Affairs”, Wilton Park, 2-5 October 2000;
- International Migration as a factor in Transatlantic relations, presentation given at the 8th Castelgandolfo
Colloquium on Transatlantic Affairs, Castelgandolfo, 17-18 November 2000;
- Refugee crises management in the EU. Existing tools, gaps, outlooks, presentation given at the seminar on “What
consistency for EU crisis management?, Task force on “CFSP Coherence”, Institute for Security Studies-ISS,
UEO, Paris, 26 January 2001;
- Euro-Mediterranean relations and international migration, paper presented at the ISA (International Studies
Association) Annual Convention, Chicago, 21-24 February 2001;
- Perceptions and realities of the EU external borders in an enlarged Union. The Italian perspective, paper
presented at the confence on “New European Borders and Security Co-operation. Promoting Trust in an
Enlarged Union”, Centre for European Policy Studies-CEPS, Bruxelles, 6-7 July 2001;
- Vers l’instauration de mécanismes permanents régissant la migration: quelle perspective dans la zone
Euroméditerannéenne, presentation at the seminar “La migration tunisienne en Europe: enjeux actuels et
futurs”, International Organization for Migration – Ministry for Social Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia, Tunis
19-21 September 2001 ;
- Le politiche di integrazione degli immigrati nell’Unione europea. Specifcità, convergenze, armonizzazione,
presentation done at the Specialization course for officials of the municipalities of the Torino province,
Torino, 18 March 2002;
- L’Europa di fronte ai nuovi fussi di migranti e rifugiati, presentation at a specialisation course on “Conflitti,
emergenze e tutela dei diritti umani nel mondo contemporaneo”, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, 19 April
- Mutual knowledge and trust as preconditions for strategic cooperation in the feld of migration policies,
presentation at the First International Workshop held in the framework of the IOM/Odysseus project "Training
Modules for Embassy Staff and Other Key Migration Management Personnel", Madrid, 9 May 2002;
- A common European policy on Illegal Immigration, hearing before the Select Committee on the European
Union (Sub-Committee F – Social Affairs, Education and Home Affairs), House of Lords, London, 15 May
- Les politiques d’intégration et le rôle des acteurs nationaux et locaux dans les pays d’origine et d’accueil, paper
presented at the first « Conférence Ministérielle sur la Migration en Méditerranée Occidentale », organised
by the Ministry for Social Affairs of the Republic of Tunisia and the International Organization for Migration,
Tunis 16-17 October 2002 ;
- Just another European dream? Why did the communitarization of immigration and asylum policies almost fail and
how we should revive it, Paper presented at the international seminar for experts organised by the Cicero
Foundation on “European Migration and Refugee Policy: New Developments”, Rome, 15 November 2002;
- Becoming a European Border. The Italian accession to Schengen and its lessons for the current enlargement, paper
presented at the conference “The European Union and its Future Neighbours – How much Freedom, How
Much Security?”, Center for International Relations, Warsaw, 6 December 2002;
- Regioni e governance migratoria. Il ruolo degli enti sub-nazionali tra integrazione e co-sviluppo, paper presented
at the international conference on “Interregional partnerships and migration policies”, organised by Regione
Puglia under the auspices of the Italian Presidency of the EU, Bari, 23-24 October 2003;
- “More development for less migration” or “better migration for more development”? Shifting priorities in the
European debate, paper presented at the international seminar on "European Migration and Refugee Policy:
New Developments" (Cicero Foundation, Rome, 14 November 2003);
- To regularize or Not to Regularize: Experiences and Views from Europe, paper presented at the Migration Policy
Institute, Washington DC, 30 June 2004;
- Policy implications of migration from Turkey. Some remarks in a European perspective, paper presented at the
conference on “Immigration Issues in EU-Turkish Relations. Determinants of Immigration and Integration”,
- With Migration Policy Institute staff, Cooperation with Sending and Transit Countries: Beyond Sticks and
Carrots?, Policy brief for the Dutch Presidency Conference on Asylum, Migration and Frontiers • September
2004, available at http://www.cespi.it/PASTORE/pastore_083104.pdf;
- Beyond reactive functionalism. The widening scope of European migration policy and its complex political
rationale, paper presented at the conference on “An Immigration Policy For Europe?” (New York UniversityEuropean University Institute, Firenze, 14-15 March 2005);
- The policies for the management of international migrations from the XXth to the XIst century. A tale of territorial
sovereignties and people on the move, paper presented at the international conference on: “Trends and
Problems of the World Population in the 21st Century. 50 Years since Rome 1954”, Accademia dei Lincei,
Rome, 26-27 May 2005;
- Transnazionalismo e co-sviluppo: aria fritta o concetti utili? Rifessioni a partire dall’esperienza di ricerca del
CeSPI, paper presented at the symposium Development and Migration Circuits, Milan 1-2 February 2006;
- Italian modes of migration regulation, paper presented at the IMISCOE Cluster A 1 Workshop on “Regular
and irregular flows: quantities, processes and types of regulations in Europe II”, Istanbul, 10-12 March 2006;
- How to Assess the First Stage of the EU Asylum Policy, European Policy Centre, Brussels, 30 June 2006;
- Introductory speech at the international conference on Migration and Development. Opportunities and
Challenges for Euro-African Relations, organised by CeSPI and Society for International Development (SID),
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, 6 July 2006;
- with F. Piperno, Welfare transnazionale: un ambito strategico di intervento per la cooperazione decentrata?,
Discussion paper produced in the framework of the project “Development & Migration Circuits. Research,
networking and public initiatives to enhance synergies between migration management and development
Secure Borders and Human Rights: How Best to Ensure Compatibility?, Presentation at the Wilton Park
Conference on “Global Migration: Facing the Challenges”, Wiston House, Sussex, 30 November-2
December 2006.
- The external dimension of European migration policies, Department of Law, Queen Mary, University of
London, 4 December 2006;
- Il ruolo delle città nella governance delle migrazioni internazionali e dei processi di integrazione: il caso italiano
nel contesto europeo, paper presented at a conference on “Governing Migration in the Local Context”,
Università Bocconi, Milan, 19-20 January 2007;
- The heterogeneity of national admission systems and its implications for the EU policy on legal immigration,
presentation at the public hearing on « L'UE face aux défis de l'immigration », European Parliament,
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, 30 January 2007;
- Migration in the Mediterranean, Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (Compas), University of Oxford, 15
February 2007;
- Transnational threats and the outsourcing of law enforcement: Current trends and the potential role of the
European Union. Preliminary considerations focusing on the new EU’s Instrument for Stability, Concept note
CeSPI, March 2007, http://www.cespi.it/PDF/transnational%20threats.pdf;
- What European Migration policy would work in relation to the external borders of the EU?, presentation at the
seminar on “What migration policy would work for the EU?”, Greens/EFA Group, European Parliament,
Brussels, 16 April 2007;
- Migration and Human Rights in the Mediterranean, presentation at the workshop “Politiche migratorie e
dell’asilo: la situazione italiana in relazione ai Paesi dell’area mediterranea”, Euro-Mediterranean Human
Rights Network, Rome, 11 May 2007;
- Saccheggio, gestione, contenimento. Le politiche migratorie europee verso l’Africa in una prospettiva di lungo
periodo, presentation at the Seminario sobre políticas europeas de migración y desarrollo, Madrid, 3
December 2007, http://www.cespi.it/PDF/Pastore-madrid-07.pdf;
- Just Mediating Between Needs and Fears ? Ambiguities and Potential of the EU’s Migration Policy, Conference of
the Socialist Group in the European Parliament on: “A management policy for migration flows compatible
- Core-periphery relations in the European migration control system, Presentation IMISCOE Conference on
“(Irregular) Transit Migration in the European space: Theory, Politics, and Research Methodology”, 18-20
April 2008 (Koç University, Istanbul), www.cespi.it/powerpoint/Pastore-Istanbul%2018-20%20April
- Regularizations and employer sanctions as migration management tools. Comparative lessons from selected
European cases, Presentation at the workshop on “Towards Sustainable Partnerships for the Effective
Governance of Labour Migration in the Russian Federation, the Caucasus and Central Asia”, International
Labour Organization (ILO), Moscow, 30 May 2008;
- Europe and North Africa: Migration as a common challenge, Introductory presentation at the workshop on
“New migration trends and policy challenges in the Mediterranean. A dialogue between European and North
African experts”, Tripoli, 18 June 2008, co-organised by CeSPI and the Libyan Academy of Graduate
- Migrant Integration and Human Development, Introductory presentation at the Regional Consultation for
Europe for the next Human Development Report by UNDP, “Human Development on the Move”, ILO
International Training Centre, Torino, 10 December 2008;
- Le Politiche dell’immigrazione economica in Europa, tra tecnocrazia e populismo, lecture given at the University
of Trento, 11 December 2008.
- The Pendulum of Immigrant Rights. Expansion and contraction of the sphere of citizenship and fundamental rights
of foreign immigrants in the Italian experience (1986-2009), presentation at the conference “A Transatlantic
Dialogue on Migration”, jointly organised by the European University Institute, the University of Florence, the
Syracuse University in Florence, and the New York University, Firenze, 23-24 March 2009.
- Cross-Mediterranean migration in a time of crisis: outlooks and options, speech for the presentation of The
Euro-Mediterranean dialogue: prospects for an area of prosperity and security, A Report by the Foundation for
(http://www.fepseurope.eu/fileadmin/downloads/thematic_studies/FEPS_IE_Euromed.pdf), Committee of the Regions,
Brussels, 12 May 2009.
- The Global Approach under Stress. Cooperative migration management in a time of crisis, Introductory remarks
for the EPC Workshop on “EU External relations and migration. Sustainable implementation of the Global
Approach”, European Policy Centre, Brussels, 13 May 2009.
- La valigia del nuovo arrivato. I diritti dei migranti e l’identità degli europei, presentation at the conference on
“L’Europa del futuro: spazio dei diritti o dell’esclusione?”, ARCI and Migreurop, Genova, 23 May 2009.
- Patterns of immigration in the ‘new immigration’ countries, presentation at the final conference of the IDEA
project (“Mediterranean and Eastern European countries as new immigration destinations in the European
Union”), Jagiellonian University, Kraków, 3-5 June 2009.
- Comparing securitization processes. Some conceptual and empirical hints, presentation at the Imiscoe cluster A1
conference on “Migration flows in Europe: Empirical findings and theoretical implications”, Central European
University, Budapest, 25-26 June 2009
- The Impact of the Crisis on Receiving Countries. The case of Italy, presentation at the International Colloquium
on “The Impact of the Crises on Migration”, Moroccan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rabat, 12-13 October
2009, http://www.fieri.it/l_impatto_della_crisi_sull_immigrazione_spunti_per_un_confronto_europeo.php
- The impact of the economic crisis on migrants and migration policy in Italy, presentation at the Expert Seminar
on “Migration and the Economic Crisis: Implications for Labour Market Policies in the European Union and
the Post-2010 Lisbon Agenda”, IOM – DG EMPL European Commission, Bruxelles, 10 December 2009,
- Is Europe regressing on migrant rights? Comparative refections centred on the Italian case, presentation made in
the series of seminars on “Politics and Society”, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Moncalieri, 29 March 2010;
- The impact of the economic crisis on international labour migration: A European perspective, presentation made
at the international conference on “International Labour Migration: a post-crisis perspective: Sharing good
practices”, jointly organised by FIERI and the International Training Centre of the International Labour
Organization, 31 May-1 June 2010,Turin;
- Labour migration policies before, during and beyond the crisis. A European perspective, presentation at the
OPAM, Sevilla, 25-26 November 2010;
- Le politiche dell'immigrazione per lavoro in Europa: cosa cambia la crisi?, presentation made in the L.I.M.eS.
seminar series, Università Statale di Milano, 18 January 2011;
- European citizens’ opinions and preferences on immigrant integration. Some evidence from TTI 2010,
presentation made in the “Brainstorming Meeting on the Integration of Migrants”, European University
Institute, 14 March 2011;
- La politica migratoria comune. Breve storia di un cantiere incompiuto, lecture given in the framework of the
seminar series on “The costs of non Europe”, University of Firenze, 28 March 2011;
- The migratory impact of North African Upheavals on Italy. Update on arrivals and policy responses, presentation
at the workshop on “Treatment of third country nationals at the EU’s external borders, Fundamental Rights
Agency, Vienna, 31 March-2 April 2011;
- Appartenenza e cittadinanza nell’Italia plurale, presentation at the conference “Italiani vecchi e nuovi: la
cittadinanza e le trasformazioni dell’identità nazionale”, Bologna Fondazione Istituto Gramsci EmiliaRomagna, 19-20 May 2011;
- Oltre l’immigrazione low cost, presentation at the conference "Impresa Europa. Cittadinanza, lavoro e
comunità nell'Europa delle migrazioni", inaugural event of the Molteplicittà festival, Legacoop, Bologna, 6
July 2012, http://www.fieri.it/oltre_l_immigrazione_low_cost_.php;
- Paths of Least Resistance. How European States feed domestic labour markets with immigrants, with as little
(offcial) labour immigration as possible, paper presented at the workshop “Controlling Migration in Europe: The
Gap-Hypothesis Revisited”, Ortega-y-Gasset Foundation, Madrid, 13-14 September 2012;
- (with E. Salis and C. Villosio), L’Italia e l’immigrazione low cost: fne di un ciclo, paper presented at the 5th
conference of the Italian Espanet Network, Rome 21 September 2012, http://www.espanetitalia.net/images/conferenza2012/PAPER%202012/Sessione_M/M_3_PASTORE_SALIS_VILLOSIO.pdf;
- The politics of migration control and international protection in the Central Mediterranean. Remarks centred on
Italy-Lybia relations, presentation made in the framework of the Consultation between the UN Special
Rapporteur of the Human Rights of Migrants, Civil Society, and Academia, Migration Policy Centre, EUI,
Firenze, 3 October 2012, http://www.migrationpolicycentre.eu/the-management-of-the-external-borders-ofthe-eu-and-its-impact-on-the-human-rights-of-migrants/;
- The linkages between internal and external security. Refections in a Mediterranean perspective, presentation at
the European Global Strategy Seminar on “EU External Action: Priorities and Policies”, Istituto Affari
Internazionali, Rome, 21-22 February 2013;
- Residential segregation – towards a sending country perspective, presentation made at the INTERACT Kick-off
meeting, Migration Policy Centre, EUI, Firenze, 13-14 March 2013;
- Comparing how local welfare systems respond to immigration, presentation made at the workshop “Migrants
and welfare”, Centro Einaudi, Torino, 13 June 2013;
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