TRANSFER COURSE GUIDE MONTCALM COMMUINTY COLLEGE (2015-2016) - SPRING ARBOR UNIVERSITY (2015-2016) This is only a guide. Please refer to the Spring Arbor University catalog for transfer admission requirements, specific course information, and program requirements. Because institutions may change course descriptions, numbers, or other designators without notice, the information in this transfer guide may not reflect the most recent information available. Please consult with a Spring Arbor University admissions representative concerning questions about specific courses. Spring Arbor University will accept a maximum of 68 semester hours from a community college. Following is a list of Montcalm Community College transfer courses, which may be applied to meet the intent of SAU courses. Montcalm Community College courses not listed here may also transfer, as general elective credit (or to meet course requirements in an available major or minor), if they are numbered 100-299 and the grade earned is a “C” (2.0) or higher. 100-level courses will not be considered upper division credit at SAU. 200-level courses that meet the intent of Upper Level (300-399) courses at SAU may count as Upper Level credit, on a course-by-course basis. Transferable, technical hours are limited to 20. MCC ACCOUNTING (ACCT) 115 116 212 246 SAU Courses ACC 221 ACC 222 ACC 360 ACC 391 ANTHROPOLOGY (ANTH) 260 SAU Courses CRJ 201 CRJ 344 ECONOMICS (ECON) 215 216 ECN 222 ECN 221 ENGLISH (ENGL) 100 101 195 200 ENG 103 ENG 104 ENG 220 ENG 322 201 220 221 235 250 265 ENG 350 ENG 326 ENG 360 EDU 376 ENG 208 ENG 330 FRENCH (FREN) 120 121 FRE 101 FRE 102 GEOGRAPHY (GEOG) 102 GEO 221 GERMAN (GERM) 101 102 GER 101 GER 102 HISTORY (HIST) 250 251 252 255 HIS 141 HIS 142 HIS 309 HIS 361 HUMANITIES (HUMN) 100 OR 200 ART & MUS 152 SOC 314 ART (ARTS) 120 ART 152 150 ART 204 Any course to be used towards an Art Major or Minor must be validated by SAU Art Dept. (Portfolio Req.) BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES (BIOL) 100 (Not for SWK majors) 105 OR 203 121 122 201 BIO 100 BIO 263 BIO 112 BIO 111 BIO 352 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (BUSN) 200 260 BUS 271 IBS 305 CHEMISTRY (CHEM) 105 220 221 CHE 101 CHE 111 CHE 112 COMPUTER INFO SYS (CMIS) 108 115 175 CPS 206 CPS 150 BUS 161 COMMUNICATION (COMM) 160 210 220 WRT 210 SPE 212 COM 100 Revised 11/20/15 RH MCC CRIMINAL JUSTICE (CRIM) 100 230 SAU UG15 MCC MATHEMATICS (MATH) 151 (No Upper Level credit) 152 (No Upper Level credit) 104 OR 159 180 190 (No Upper Level credit) 250 251 MANAGEMENT (MGMT) 235 237 250 MARKETING (MRKT) 233 234 248 MUSIC (MUSI) 101 Any instrumental performance ensemble Any vocal performance ensemble PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PHED) 110 Revised 11/20/15 RH SAU Course MAT 330 MAT 331 MAT 101 MAT 112 MAT 351 MAT 201 MAT 202 ENT 201 BUS 325 BUS 371 MKT 221 MKT 341 MKT 207 MUS 152 MUS 230 MUS 240 HPR 101 SAU UG15 MCC PHILOSOPHY (PHIL) 220 221 SAU Course PHI 200 PHI 210 PHYSICS (PHYS) 101 230 231 PHY102 PHY201 PHY202 POLITICAL SCIENCE(POLI) 240 246 POL 213 POL312 PSYCHOLOGY(PSYC) 120 221 225 PSY 100 PSY 306 PSY 305 SOCIOLOGY (SOC) 230 235 SPANISH (SPAN) 130 131 230 SOC 101 SOC 100 SOC 250 SPA 101 SPA 102 SPA 201