
AMBEX  GERMANY aMeriCan baVarian eXCHanGe FALL 2016 & SPRING 2017 SEMESTERS

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AMBEX  GERMANY aMeriCan baVarian eXCHanGe FALL 2016 & SPRING 2017 SEMESTERS
aMeriCan baVarian eXCHanGe
SAU tuition + SAU standard room and board + cost of program* + $150 study abroad fee.
See the CCS office for program costs.
Open to all majors with a GPA of 2.5 or above by application. Ideal for History,
Theology and Philosophy majors, International Business, German language students,
and Global Studies majors with focus on German language.
ACTIVITIES & TRAVEL The semester in
Germany is based in historic Regensburg, a
UNESCO World Heritage Site, on the shores of
the Danube River in Bavaria. Church history,
theology, and philosophy are emphasized
through coursework and tours. Travel to Weimar
(the Athens of Germany), see the Buchenwald
Concentration Camp Memorial, walk in
Wittenberg where Martin Luther began the
Protestant Reformation and tour the Gutenberg
Museum in Mainz. Visit romantic Heidelberg and
the modern cities of Munich and Berlin. You will
see medieval cities, an Augustinian monastery,
Neuschwanstein Castle and Nuremberg, among
other destinations. Attend a local church and get
involved in its outreach to German university
students and short-term missions. Volunteer
with local NGOs that are helping refugees who
have recently come to Germany.
The Art History course at AMBEX includes travel
to Salzburg, Austria, and the Italian cities of
Venice, Florence, Pisa and Cinque Terre.
There are three separate “reading” weeks
during the semester where AMBEX students
are preparing for the next class module and
have the option to travel Europe in small
groups with approved travel plans at their own
expense. Typically students travel to France, the
UK, Greece, Spain or other locations. AMBEX
recommends students bring $1500–2500
personal spending money for these weeks.
Required courses:
• History and Geography of Germany/Europe
(3 credits) – fulfills CORE 275
Students will take CORE 274 by tutorial
at SAU the semester prior to departure.
Fulfill COR 275 by taking the History and
Geography of Germany/Europe on-site in
Regensburg along with travel throughout
Germany. Students who have already
completed their Cross Cultural may sign up
for COR 374/375 or take this course for
history credit.
students stay in the Regensburg Youth Hostel on an island in
the middle of the Danube River, a short walk to Old Town and
a modern shopping center. Buffet-style meals are provided,
and the hostel has Wi-Fi, laundry facilities and recreational
equipment. All students are provided a local cell phone during
the program and can load minutes (at their own expense).
PROJECTED COSTS SAU institutional aid such as SAU
academic scholarships does not apply to a semester at AMBEX.
SAU students can apply for the SOCSOF grant OR use their CCS
benefit (if eligible). The Gilman Scholarship may help fund the
experience for students who are U.S. citizens and Pell Grant
recipients. Please see the CCS office for program cost details.
INTERNSHIPS Summer business internships following
a spring semester may be able to be arranged at additional
tuition and additional cost for transportation, food and lodging.
German companies generally want an intern for 6–9 months
at 30–40 hours a week. Some companies are looking for English
speakers, and German language is not necessarily required.
Although no internship is guaranteed, the AMBEX Director
will work with qualified students to help them make
connections in the nearby multinational business world of
Munich and Nuremburg.
Internships in other fields may also be possible by special
arrangement. All internships follow a spring AMBEX semester
for the summer.
• Christian Worldview (3 credits)
– fulfills PHI 210
Theology of Reformation (3 credits)
– fulfills THE/REL 320
• Art History (3) – fulfills Art 152
(includes travel to Italy as described above)
Modern European Literature (3)
– fulfills ENG 112 or ENG 255
German language (3–6 credits)
Students who want German language credits can
opt out of the literature course and/or the art
course for up to 6 credits of German language
offered through the Goethe Institute. Students
taking German language must still go on the Italy
(Art History) travel portion of the semester.
It is recommended that Global Studies majors
take elementary German language at SAU
before going to AMBEX and take their required
intermediate language courses in Germany.
NOTE: Students who are Pell Grant recipients and U.S.
citizens may apply for Gilman Scholarships (up to $5,000). See
www.iie.org/Programs/Gilman-Scholarship-Program and
attend a Gilman workshop with the CCS Director to learn how to
apply for the scholarship.
To learn your next steps toward participating in this
program, get an application from the CCS office and attend
an International Semester workshop for important details
in your planning.
*CCS program costs do not include: tuition, passport,
immunizations, or the $150 study abroad fee. The study abroad
fee provides the basic international ID, insurance, travel photos
and support services. For semester/summer abroad students
without medical insurance, the Premium international ID card is
required and costs $75.
**For information on eligibility for CCS benefit, see page 56 or
visit arbor.edu/crosscultural.
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