
Dr. Aaron James Wyman

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Dr. Aaron James Wyman
Dr. Aaron James Wyman
Business Address:
Assistant Professor of Biology
108C Whiteman-Gibbs
Department of Biology
106 E Main St
Spring Arbor University
Spring Arbor MI 49283
Office: 517-750-6380
E-mail: [email protected]
April 1997
B.S. in Biochemistry with Honors, ACS certified, Cum Laude
Alma College (Alma, MI 48801)
May 1999
M.S. in Biology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Advisor: Professor Ralph S. Quatrano
December 2004
Ph.D. in Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
Dissertation: “Analysis of the Heat Stability, Folding Dynamics, and
Structure of the Manganese Stabilizing Protein of Photosystem II”
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Advisor: Professor Charles F. Yocum
Honors and Achievements
Student Undergraduate Teaching Award, University of North Carolina-CH
Member of the Academy of Distinguished Teaching Scholars, University
of North Carolina-CH
Pfizer Dissertation Research Grant
Recipient of American Society of Plant Biologists Travel Grant
Recipient of New Investigator Award, Ninth International Conference on
the Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues
Recipient of American Society of Plant Biologists Travel Grant
Recipient of Spring Arbor University McKenna Scholars Award
Recipient of Spring Arbor University Faculty Merit Award
Aaron Wyman
Professional Activities
Member, American Chemical Society (Biological Chemistry Division)
Member, American Society of Plant Biologists (Midwestern Section)
2014 – 2015
American Society of Plant Biologists Midwestern Section Vice-Chair
2015 – 2016
American Society of Plant Biologists Midwestern Section Chair
Member, Council on Undergraduate Research
Member, Illinois State Academy of Science
Attended the following workshops provided by the Center for Research on Learning and
Teaching, University of Michigan-AA, including:
Active Learning: A Special Workshop for Continued Biology GSI Training
Learning the Sciences: Moving Active Learning from the Lab to the Lecture
Observing Classes and Collecting Midterm Student Feedback
Getting Ready for an Academic Career: Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Conference
Life after the Ph.D.: Adjusting to a New Institutional Context
Attended the following workshop offered by the Sweetland Writing Center, University of
Writing Assignments in Biology: Tips for Creating Useful Assignments and Strategies of
Efficient Grading
Attended the 2011 Lab Leadership Workshop sponsored by the American Society of Plant
Research and Professional Experience
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Biochemistry, Purdue
Advisor: Professor Joe Ogas
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biochemistry (Chemistry Department),
Wabash College (Crawfordsville, IN 47933)
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Botany & Plant Pathology,
Purdue University
Advisor: Professor Mary Alice Webb
Assistant Professor of Biology, Aurora University (Aurora IL 60506)
Visiting Research Professor, Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental
Biology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Assistant Professor of Biology, Spring Arbor University (Spring Arbor MI
Aaron Wyman
Teaching Experience
Teaching Assistant (Alma College):
BIO 121 Introductory Biology (6 terms)
Teaching Assistant (University of North Carolina-CH):
BIO 011 General Biology (1 term)
BIO 050 Molecular Biology and Genetics (3 terms)
Graduate Student Instructor (University of Michigan-AA):
BIO 100 Biology for Nonscientists (1 term)
BIO 162 Introductory Biology (1 term)
BIO 310 Introduction to Biochemistry (2 terms)
BIO 427 Molecular Biology (1 term)
Guest Lecturer (University of Michigan-AA):
BIO 310 Introduction to Biochemistry (3 terms)
Graduate Student Teaching Mentor (University of Michigan-AA):
BIO 801 Biology Graduate Student Instructors Training (6 terms)
Visiting Assistant Professor of Biochemistry (Chemistry Department),
Wabash College:
CHEM 111 General Chemistry (1 term)
CHEM 222 Organic Chemistry II (1 term)
CHEM 361 Biochemistry (1 term)
CHEM 461 Special Topics in Chemistry: Plant Biochemistry (1 term)
CHEM 487 Supervision of Undergraduate Research Projects (1 term)
Assistant Professor of Biology, Aurora University:
BIO 1210
Biology of Cells
BIO/CHM 3380
BIO/CHM 3550
Assistant Professor of Biology, Aurora University:
BIO 1210
Biology of Cells
BIO 3400
BIO/CHM 3380
BIO/CHM 3550
Assistant Professor of Biology, Aurora University:
BIO 1210
Biology of Cells
BIO 3400
BIO 3380
Ethics in Biotechnology
BIO/CHM 3550
Aaron Wyman
Assistant Professor of Biology, Aurora University:
BIO 1210
Biology of Cells
BIO 3380
Ethics in Biotechnology
BIO 3400
BIO/CHM 3550
BIO 3600
Molecular Biology
Assistant Professor of Biology, Spring Arbor University:
BIO 112
General Botany
BIO 231
Plants and People
BIO 305
Principles of Genetics
BIO 352
Assistant Professor of Biology, Spring Arbor University:
BIO 112
Introductory Biology II
BIO 370
Special Topics: Plant Organismal Biology
BIO 305
Principles of Genetics
BIO 352
BIO 390
Independent Research
BIO 460
Senior Research Project
Assistant Professor of Biology, Spring Arbor University:
BIO 112
Introductory Biology II
BIO 140
Stimulating Science Seminar
BIO 330
Plant Organismal Biology
BIO 305
Principles of Genetics
BIO 352
BIO 385
BIO 390
Independent Research
BIO 460
Senior Research Project
CHE 460
Senior Research Project
Assistant Professor of Biology, Spring Arbor University:
BIO 112
Introductory Biology II
BIO 140
Stimulating Science Seminar
BIO 305
Principles of Genetics
BIO 345
Plant Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIO 385
BIO 390
Independent Research
BIO 406
Molecular Genetics
BIO 460
Senior Research Project
BIO 490
Honors Research Project
Aaron Wyman
Membership and Service to University Government and Organizations
2009 - 2012
Early Academic Intervention (EAI) Group (Aurora University)
2010 – 2012
Reformation of General Education Program Model Group (Aurora
2010 – 2011
Co-founded and mentored AU Health Science Club (Aurora University)
2011 – 2012
College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee (Aurora University)
2012 – 2014
Career Development Faculty Advisory Board (Spring Arbor University)
2013 – Present
School of Arts and Sciences Faculty Development Committee
(Spring Arbor University)
2015 – Present
McKenna Grant Committee (Spring Arbor University)
Mentorship of graduate and *undergraduate laboratory research projects
2005 Michelle Drennan: “Determination of Potential Interactors of a Plant CHD3 protein.”
2005 *Megan M. O'Shaughnessey: “Characterization of PKL and other Chromatin Remodeling
Factors Involved in Regulation of Chromatin in Arabidopsis thaliana.”
2005 *Yoshiaki Hagiwara: “Identification of Chromatin-Remodeling Factors that Contribute to
Repression of PKL-Dependent Genes.”
2006 *John P. M. Manolo: “Isolating and Identifying Novel RAPs.”
2006 *Shane G. Dixon: “Isolation and Characterization of Proteins Associated with Calcium
Oxalate Crystals.”
2006 *Ahson Ali: “Analysis of Factors Influencing the Nucleation, Growth, and Morphology
of Calcium Oxalate Crystals.”
2006 *Sheryl A. Walker: “Genetic and Biochemical Characterization of Plant RaphideAssociating Proteins.”
2007 *Carrie A. Anderson: “Cloning and Expression of Plant Raphide-Associating Proteins.”
2007-08 *Carrie A. Anderson: “Cloning, Expression, and Analyses of Plant Oxalate
2007 *Davide W. Marzoli: “Isolation and Identification of Calcium Oxalate-Associated
Proteins in Vitis labrusca.”
2007 *Jessica R. Driesenga & *Carrie A. Anderson: “Investigations of Ion Accumulation
within Plant Cells.”
2008 *Sheryl A. Walker: “Genetic Characterization of Anion Transporters in Arabidopsis
2009 *Helena Triantafillou: “Effects of Nutrition on Bombyx mori Growth and Development.”
2010 *Dehlia Albrecht: “Genetic Characterization of Anion Transporters in Arabidopsis
Aaron Wyman
2010 Jessica Tartaglione: “Investigations of Ion Accumulation within Plant Cells.”
2010 *Phillip Van Dyke: “Analysis of Biological Factors Influencing Biomineralization.” –
Honorable mention 2010 ASPB SURF
*Samantha Wild: “Genetic Characterization of Putative Calcium Modulators in
Arabidopsis thaliana.”
*Jessica Nichols: “Molecular Analyses of Potential Calcium Biomineralization
Factors.” – Recipient of 2011 Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging REA, Washington
University; PhD student in Department of Biomedical Sciences at University of AlabamaBirmingham
*Aaron Downing: “Cellular and Molecular Analyses of Plant-based HINTs.”
*Brock Koppleman: “Analysis of the Properties of Flame-Gel.”
2012 - 2014 *Alyssa Castle: “Cellular, Genetic, and Molecular Studies of Plant-Based
HINT’s.” – Recipient of 2014 Interdisciplinary REU Program in the Structure and Function of
Proteins, UM – AA School of Pharmacy
2013 *Doug Minier: “A Potential Biological Control of the Invasive Shrub Frangula ulnus.”
MS student in Department of Plant Pathology at Michigan State University
2013-Present *Karen Chanchavac: “Cellular, Genetic, and Molecular Studies of Putative Plant
Peroxisomal Proteins.” – Honorable mention 2014 ASPB SURF; Recipient of 2015 REU
Program in Plant Genomics Michigan State University
*Salvatore Meleca: “Chemical Characterization of Metabolic Processes in
Alcanivorax borkumensis” New York College of Podiatric Medicine
2014 *Autumn Freeman: “Investigations of Technology to Improve Comprehension and
Retention of Scientific Concepts for Auditory, Visual, and Kinesthetic Learners.”
2014 *Sarah Gibson: “Impact of Salicylate on Microbial Motility, Flagella Production, and
Gene Expression.” Palmer College of Chiropratic
2015 - Present *Sienna Lopez: “Exploring Genes and Their Products for Novel Impacts on Plant
Growth and Development.” – Recipient of 2015 ASPB SURF Fellowship
2015 *Hannah Schroeder: “Prokaryotic Gene Expression Analysis in the Presence of Various
2015 *Josie Nieboer : “Cellular and Molecular Investigations of Biomedically-relevant
2015 *Samantha Luce: “The Impact of Salicylate Treatments on the Motility and Cellular
Characteristics of Proteus and Pseudomonas Species.”
Mentorship of graduate and *undergraduate writing research projects
2009 *Phillip Van Dyke: “Analysis of DNA Sequences Involved in Biomineralization.”
2009 *Valerie Mazzone: “A Clear View of Alzheimer’s”
2009 *Jessica Tartaglione: “Effects of Morphine on the Nervous System.”
Aaron Wyman
2011 *Kariann Lazansky: “Examination of the Impact of Reservatrol on Aging.”
2012 *Samantha Dykema: “Investigations into the Cellular and Molecular Characteristics of
Antibiotic-resistant Enterobacteriaceae.”
2012 *Natalie Jansen: “Characterization of the Cellular, Molecular, and Biochemical Impacts
of Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID).” PhD student in Medical Sociology at the
University of Kansas
2012 *Ricardo Dominguez: “Inquires into Nanotechnology: Artificial and Replacement Tissues
and Organs.”
2014 *Seth Tippin: “Investigations of the Scientific, Ethical, and Society Impacts of
Transgenic vs. Conventional Breeding of Photosynthetic Foodcrops.”
Research Experience
January 1998-May 1999: Masters of Science research in the laboratory of Dr. Ralph Quatrano
(Department of Biology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill); Using cellular, genetic, and
molecular biological techniques, I screened a Fucus distichus (brown alga) cDNA library isolated
from Fucus embryos at a specific developmental stage for transcripts encoding proteins
containing signal sequences allowing for targeting to the cell membrane. Transcripts carrying
membrane signal sequences and encoding proteins potentially involved in mediating asymmetric
cell division and development were identified and isolated.
March 2000-October 2004: Ph.D. dissertation research in the laboratory of Dr. Charles Yocum
(Department of Molecular, Cellular, & Development Biology, University of Michigan-Ann
Arbor); I analyzed the structure and function of the manganese stabilizing protein of Photosystem
II, using a variety of molecular biological, biochemical, and biophysical techniques, to better
elucidate how this protein’s “intrinsically disordered” structure enables it to assist in the
maintenance of the enzyme complex’s manganese cluster (the catalytic site of water oxidation).
November 2004-May 2005; post-doctoral research associate in the laboratory of Dr. Joseph Ogas
(Department of Biochemistry, Purdue University); In this work, I studied the effects of mutating
genes involved in both plant hormone production and response, and genes encoding for
chromatin remodeling factors, on plant growth and development using genetic, molecular
biological, and biochemical techniques.
July 2005-present; in collaboration with Dr. Mary Alice Webb (Department of Botany & Plant
Pathology, Purdue University), I and numerous undergraduate research students have
investigated the mobilization, transport, and storage of ions, including calcium and the
antinutrient oxalate, composing biominerals in plants and animals. This work has also included
identifying, isolating, and characterizing genes and their encoded polypeptides potentially
involved in the nucleation, growth, and morphology of calcium-based crystals in plants and
calcium oxalate stones in insect kidney-like organs. This work has involved use of techniques
from genetics, cellular and molecular biology, and biochemistry and has been incorporated into
my undergraduate teaching and research labs.
June 2011-present: in collaboration with Dr. Laura Olsen (Department of Molecular, Cellular,
and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) and numerous undergraduate
researchers, I’ve undertaken research projects analyzing the generation and function of
peroxisomes, small, uni-membraned organelles present in all eukaryotic cells. Peroxisomes
Aaron Wyman
serve diverse roles, including regulating stress responses, photorespiration, plant hormone
synthesis and processing, and lipid metabolism. These studies have focused on nuclear genes in
plants whose encoded products must be targeted and transported to the organelle by signal
sequences and processes that are not fully characterized. This works lends itself to genetic,
cellular, molecular, and biochemical approaches that are being translated to undergraduate
lecture and lab settings.
June 2015-present: in collaboration with Dr. Lyle Simmons (Department of Molecular, Cellular,
and Developmental Biology, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor) and numerous undergraduate
researchers, I am analyzing the impact of changes on Bacillus subtilis genome content on its
physiology and function. This works lends itself to genetic, cellular, molecular, and biochemical
approaches that are being translated to undergraduate lecture and lab settings.
Publications (* involved undergraduate authors)
Wyman, A. J., Popelkova, H., and Yocum, C. F. Site-Directed Mutagenesis of Conserved CTerminal Tyrosine and Tryptophan Residues of PsbO, the Photosystem II Manganese Stabilizing
Protein, Alters Its Activity and Fluorescence Properties. Biochemistry 47(24): 6490-8, 2008.
Wyman, A.J. and Webb, M.A. Calcium Oxalate Accumulation in Malpighian tubules of
Silkworm (Bombyx mori). In: Renal Stone Disease: Proceedings of the First International
Urolithiasis Research Symposium. A.P. Evan, J.E. Lingeman, and J.C. Williams, eds. American
Institute of Physics, Melville, NY., 407-411, 2007.
Wyman, A. J. and Yocum, C. F. Function of the Disulfide Bond of the Photosystem II
Manganese Stabilizing Protein. Photo. Res. 85: 359-372, 2005.
Wyman, A. J. and Yocum, C. F. Assembly and Function of the Photosystem II Manganese
Stabilizing Protein: Lessons from its Natively Unfolded Behavior. Photo. Res. 84: 283-288,
Wyman, A. J. and Yocum, C. F. Characterization of the Thermodynamic Properties of the
Natively Unfolded Manganese Stabilizing Protein of Photosystem II. Proceedings of the 13th
International Photosynthesis Congress, Montreal, Canada (van der Est, A. and Bruce, D., Eds.),
Allen Press, Lawrence KS 1: 248-250, 2004.
*Beckmann, J. D., Burkett, R. J., Sharpe, M., Giannunzio, L., Johnston, D., Abbey, S., Wyman,
A., and Sung, L. Spectrofluorimetric Analysis of 7-hydroxycoumarin Binding to Bovine Phenol
Sulfotransferase. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1648: 134-139, 2003.
*Belanger, K. D., Wyman, A. J., Sudol, M. N., Singla-Pareek, S. L., and Quatrano, R. S. A
Signal Peptide Secretion Screen in Fucus distichus Embryos Reveals Expression of Glucanase,
EGF Domain-containing, and LRR Receptor Kinase-like Polypeptides during Asymmetric Cell
Growth. Planta 217: 931-950, 2003.
Popelkova, H., Wyman, A., and Yocum, C. Amino Acid Sequences and Solution Structures of
Manganese Stabilizing Protein that Affect Reconstitution of Photosystem II Activity. Photo.
Res. 77: 21-34, 2003.
*Grimnes, K.A., Miller, D., and Wyman, A.J. Egg Production in the Boxelder Bug Boisea
trivittata (Hemiptera: Rhopalidae). Great Lakes Entom. 36 (3/4): 160-165, 2003.
Aaron Wyman
Presentations (* involved undergraduate authors)
*Poster Presentation, The American Society of Plant Biology Meeting, Minneapolis, Mn, USA. July
25 – 29, 2015. Characterization of Putative Peroxisomal Proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana
*Oral Presentation (Invited speaker), Spring Arbor University (Spring Arbor, MI), 17 April 2015.
Perspectives on Pursuing Excellence: Plant-Based Biomedical Research at SAU
*Oral Presentation (Keynote speaker), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (Ann Arbor, MI), 8
August 2014. Bones, Stones, Raphides, and Canines; How SURFing on Membranes Waved a Trail
to Biomineralization
*Poster Presentation, The Midwest American Society of Plant Biology Meeting, Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH, USA. March 22-23, 2014. Characterization of Putative Peroxisomal
*Oral Presentation (Invited speaker), Spring Arbor University (Spring Arbor, MI), 12 October 2012.
Bones, Raphides, Stones, and Canines: How Biomineralization Impacts your Existence
*Oral Presentation (Invited speaker), Grand Valley State University (Allendale, MI), 29 November
2011. Bones, Cones, and Stones: Investigations into Biomineralization.
*Poster Presentation, American Society of Plant Biology & Phycological Society of America
2009 Joint Congress, Honolulu, HI, USA, July 18-22, 2009, Cloning and Characterization of
Plant Oxalate Transporters.
*Poster Presentation, The 20th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference. Butler University,
Indianapolis, IN, USA. April 18, 2008. Cloning and Characterization of Plant Oxalate
*Oral Presentation (Invited speaker), Alma College (Alma MI), 26 November 2007. Skeletons,
Stores, and Stones; How Biomineralization Impacts Your World.
*Oral Presentation (Invited speaker), The 9th International Conference on the Chemistry and Biology
of Mineralized Tissues, Austin, TX, USA. November 4-8, 2007. Factors Influencing Calcium
Oxalate Crystallization within the Kidney-like Malpighian Tubules of Silkworm (Bombyx mori).
*Poster Presentation, American Society of Plant Biology & Botany 2007 Joint Congress, Chicago,
IL, USA. July 7-11, 2007. Isolation and Characterization of Proteins Associating with Calcium
Oxalate Crystals.
*Oral Presentation, The Midwest American Society of Plant Biology Meeting, Michigan State
University, East Lansing, MI, USA. March 24-25, 2007. Isolation and Characterization of Proteins
Associating with Calcium Oxalate Crystals.
*Poster Presentation, The 10th Gordon Research Conference on Biomineralization, Colby-Sawyer
College, New London, NH, USA. July 30-August 4, 2006. Isolation and Characterization of
Proteins Associating with Calcium Oxalate Crystals.
*Poster Presentation, The 37th Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. May 31-June 2, 2006. Isolation and Characterization of Proteins
Associating with Calcium Oxalate Crystals.
Aaron Wyman
*Poster Presentations, The 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Conference. Butler University,
Indianapolis, IN, USA. April 21, 2006. Isolation and Characterization of Proteins Associating with
Calcium Oxalate Crystals and Isolating and Identifying Novel RAPs.
Oral Presentation (Invited speaker), Wabash College (Crawfordsville IN), 26 April 2005. Analysis of
the Heat Stability, Folding Dynamics, and Structure of the Manganese Stabilizing Protein of
Photosystem II.
Poster Presentation, The 13th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Le Palais des congrès de
Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada. August 29-September 3, 2004. Characterization of the
Thermodynamic Properties of the Natively Unfolded Manganese Stabilizing Protein of Photosystem
Poster Presentation, The 29th Midwest Photosynthesis Meeting, Turkey Run State Park, Marshall,
Indiana. November 2-4, 2003. Analysis of the Heat Stability, Folding Dynamics, and Structure of
the Manganese Stabilizing Protein of Photosystem II.
Poster Presentation, The 28th Midwest Photosynthesis Meeting, Turkey Run State Park, Marshall,
Indiana. October 27-29, 2002. Analysis of the Heat Stability, Folding Dynamics, and Structure of
the Manganese Stabilizing Protein of Photosystem II.
Oral Presentation, The 27th Midwest Photosynthesis Meeting, Turkey Run State Park, Marshall,
Indiana. October 28-30, 2001. Analysis of the Heat Stability, Folding Dynamics, and Structure of
the Manganese Stabilizing Protein of Photosystem II.
Poster Presentation, The 26th Midwest Photosynthesis Meeting, Turkey Run State Park, Marshall,
Indiana. November 5-7, 2000. Analysis of the Heat Stability of the Manganese Stabilizing Protein of
Photosystem II.
Aaron Wyman
Dr. Mary Alice Webb
Associate Professor
Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
Lilly Hall
Purdue University
West Lafayette IN 47907
Phone: (765) 494-0598
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Charles F. Yocum
Alfred S. Sussman Collegiate Professor of Biology and Professor of Chemistry
Department of Molecular, Cellular, & Developmental Biology
4103A Natural Science
830 N. University
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048
Phone: (734) 647-0897
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Mark E. Zelman
Associate Professor of Biology
214 Stephens Hall
Aurora University
Aurora IL 60506-4892
Phone: (630) 844-5142
E-mail: [email protected]
Ms. Kidada Y. Robinson
Career and Academic Advisor
310 Eckhart Hall
Aurora University
Aurora IL 60506-4892
Phone: (630) 844-5447
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Chris Newhouse
Professor of Biology
104 Whiteman-Gibbs
Spring Arbor University
Spring Arbor MI 49283
Phone: (517) 750-6379
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Kenneth Belanger
Raab Family Chair and Professor of Biology; Chair of Biology
Department of Biology
211 Olin Hall
13 Oak Dr
Colgate University
Hamilton NY 13346
Phone: (315) 228-7870
E-mail: [email protected]
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