
Jeffrey S. Zax, Professor and Associate Chair of Undergraduate Program

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Jeffrey S. Zax, Professor and Associate Chair of Undergraduate Program
Jeffrey S. Zax, Professor and Associate Chair of Undergraduate Program
PhD, Harvard University, 1984
Labor Economics • Local Public Sector Economics • Urban Economics
Housing and well-being in China • Cognitive and non-cognitive determinants of income
“The Law of One Price in Chinese factor markets,” (with Y. He), Singapore Economic Review, forthcoming.
“Single regression estimates of voting choices when turnout is unknown,” Statistics, Politics, and Policy, Vol. 4, Issue 1, 1-20,
degruyter.com/view/j/spp.2013.4.issue-1/2151-7509.1051/2151-7509.1051.xml?format=INT, 2013.
Introductory Econometrics: Intuition, Proof and Practice, Stanford University Press, 2011.
“Incidence and substitution in Enterprise Zone Programs: The case of Colorado” (with Devon Lynch), Public Finance Review,
39(2), 226-255, 2011.
“Comment on ‘EI extended model and the fear of ecological fallacy,’ by Baodong Liu,” Sociological Methods and Research
website, 2010.
“The statistical properties and empirical performance of double regression,” Political Analysis, 13(1), 57-76, 2005.
“Demand for medical care in urban China” (with H.N. Mocan and E. Tenkin), World Development, 32(2), 289-304, 2004.
“Labor supply in urban China” (with H. Li), Journal of Comparative Economics, 31(4), 795-817, 2003.
“Interdependence in worker productivity” (with D.I. Rees and J. Herries), Journal of Applied Econometrics 18(5), 585-604, 2003.
“Residential location theory and the measurement of segregation,” Annales d’Economie et de Statistique, special issue on
discrimination and unequal outcomes, Nos. 71/72, 189-219, 2003.
“Housing reform in urban China,” How Far Across the River? Chinese Policy Reform at the Millenium, Hope, N.C., D.T. Yang
and M.Y. Li, eds., Stanford University Press, Palo Alto, 313-350, 2003.
“IQ, academic performance, environment and earnings” (with Daniel I. Rees), The Review of Economics and Statistics 84(4), 600616, 2002.
“Comment on ‘Estimating the extent of racially polarized voting in multicandidate contests’ by Bernard Grofman and Michael
Migalski,” Sociological Methods & Research, 31(1), 73-84, 2002.
“The rewards to running: Prize structure and performance in professional road racing” (with Jim Lynch), Journal of Sports
Economics 1(4), 323-340, 2000.
“Immigration, race and space,” in The Economic Effects of Immigration on African Americans, Daniel Hamermesh and Frank
Bean, eds., Russell Sage Foundation, 222-252, 1998.
“Latent demand for urban housing in the People’s Republic of China,” Journal of Urban Economics 42(3), 472-504, 1997.
“Moving to the Suburbs: Do Relocating Companies Leave Their Black Employees Behind?” (with J.F. Kain), Journal of Labor
Economics 14(3), 472-504, 1996.
“Property Tax Rate Changes and the Rate of Development” (with M.S. Skidmore), Journal of Urban Economics 36(3), 314-332, 1994.
“When is a Move a Migration?” Regional Science and Urban Economics 24(3), 41-360, 1994.
“The Substitution Between Moves and Quits,” The Economic Journal 101(409), 1510-1521, 1991.
“Compensation for Commutes in Labor and Housing Markets,” Journal of Urban Economics 30(2), 192-207, 1991.
“Right to Work Laws, Free Riders and Unionization in the Local Public Sector” (with C. Ichniowski), Journal of Labor
Economics 9(3), 255-275, 1991.
“Excludability and the Effects of Free Riders: Right-to-Work Laws and Local Public Sector Unionization” (with C. Ichniowski),
Public Finance Quarterly 19(3), 293-315, 1991.
“Bargaining Laws and Unionization in the Local Public Sector” (with C. Ichniowski), Industrial and Labor Relations Review
43(4), 447-462, 1990.
“Is There a Leviathan in Your Neighborhood?” The American Economic Review 79(3), 560-567, 1989.
“Fringe Benefits, Tax Exemptions and Implicit Subsidies” Journal of Public Economics 37(2), 171-183, 1988.
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