
Only connect ……..New directions : from the - IIS La Farina

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Only connect ……..New directions : from the - IIS La Farina
Programma finale di lingua e cultura inglese II A , A.S.2014/2015
Dal testo: “ Only connect ……..New directions : from the origins to the eighteenth
century”, Zanichelli
“ Only Connect……….New Directions: The Nineteenth Century”
Contenuti dei percorsi letterari :
John Donne , life and works
Metaphysical poetry
“A Valediction: forbidding mourning “ text analysis“
J. Milton life and works: “Aeropagitica”
“ Censorship” : the freedom of press”( Ideas and Emotions)
The age of prose,The age of journalism,The novel: the narrator, plot, setting,
characters, points of view..
The media: vocabulary in context, broadsheet and tabloids
The realistic novel
Daniel Defoe , life, works, critical notes
Robinson Crusoe , a study of the novel
Lettura di “Friday” text analysis
Satire : Jonathan Swift: life,works and critical notes, “A modest proposal”
Non –Novel: Laurence Sterne ,life, works, critical notes, ”The life and opinions of
Tristram Shandy, a gentleman”, “ The very place”
The novel of manners :Jane Austen and her debt to the 18 th century , “ Pride and
Prejudice” , “ Sense and Sensibility”: “ An excellent match”, The Bennets , The
politics of dating , The mind and times of Jane Austen, video-links
Early Romantic poetry: Emotion versus reason
“ Elegy written in a country churchyard” by Thomas Gray
The Gothic novel, “ Terror and Fear”
Mary Shelley’s “ Frankenstein or the modern Prometheus ”, “The creation of the
monster” text analysis, move-link : “ Frankenstein” by F.F.Coppola
“An Ideal husband” by Oscar Wilde( the plot) , drama –link( Palchetto Stage)
Percorso linguistico e tematico
Livello B1/2, C1
Vocabulary in context, confusing words and false friends, phrasal verbs, gutter press
from I.E.L.T.S.
Literary heroes BBC, 6-minute English BBC on line
A listening activity: “ Row over school uniforms” , I.T.V. on the net
A listening activity on the net: Nobel Peace Prize”
Environmental issues: “ Cities at risk”
Scottish Referendum, Salomon’s speech after the vote
The Daily Telegraph “ Get married at the age of nine” : Reading into writing
“ What lies beneath””, the Economist
Comic strips from Persepolis
The Trojan Women and “ We are all refugees”, Newsweek
“We should all be feminists , a female writer from Nigeria( on the net)
“ Cloning” from “Ideas and emotions”,arguing about science and mankind
“ Can a new organ carry the donor’s personality ?” The Daily Telegraph
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