
Chiara Carrozza - Torino World Affairs Institute

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Chiara Carrozza - Torino World Affairs Institute
Chiara Carrozza
Travessa do Adro 27, 2° dt 1150-001
Via F. Azzi, 10/37
Lisbon, Portugal
Turin, Italy
+351 939420087 (Pt)
+39 339.6831193 (It)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Skype @ chiara.carro
Twitter @ myfirstSN
Field of specialization
Current research interests
Political and Economic Geography
Political Economy
Public Policy and decision-making
Water-related struggles and policies
Interpretive approaches to policy analysis
Research policies
Science and Technology Studies
Water narratives
Current activities
May 2011 – May 2013
Post-doctoral fellowship at CES – Centro de Estudos Sociais, University of Coimbra.
Research project deals with expertise in decision-making processes, following STS
(Science and Technology) and IPA (Interpretive Policy Analysis) approaches.
September 2010 –
Co-direction of the research project The funding of social sciences’ research in the
European Research Area, Twai – Torino World Affaire Institute.
Education, training, visiting
Name and type of organization
Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects and main
Name and type of organisation
Name and type of organization
2012 February - March
Visiting scholar at Bradford University (UK), working with Dr. Liz Sharp
Archaeological, Geographical and Environmental Sciences Department, Bradford Centre
for Sustainable Environments http://www.sustainable-environments.brad.ac.uk/
October 2005 – October 2008 (thesis discussion 29 of January, 2009)
Dottore di ricerca in Scienza politica (Phd in Political Science)
Public policies, local government, public administration, governance theories,
liberalization and privatisation reforms. Doctoral dissertation on water management policy
and politics in Italy (tutor prof. Luigi Bobbio, title: “Come si governa l’acqua in
Department of Political Studies, University of Turin, Italy
2006 October-December
Visiting student at the School of Public Policies, INLOGOV (Local Government
Studies), supervised by professor Chris Skelcher
School of Public Policy - University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
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Title of qualification awarded
Principal subjects
Name and type of organization
Laurea (eq. BA plus MA) cum laude in Economics
Advanced courses in Political Economy, Economic Geography and Regional Planning.
Final dissertation on "Community Based Partnership" and its application in Italian and
European local economic development policies.
University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy
Teaching experience
Seminar for PhD students "Public services management models” (PhD in Democracia no
Século XXI), April 27, 2012 (3 hours), Centro de Estudos Sociais - CES, University of
Guest lecturer at the 2012 – GRIM (Global Legal Research and Information Management)
Stockholm Winter School with the “Presentation of the digital project Omera Social
Science”, 21 February 2012, University of Stockholm.
Seminar for PhD students "Decisional processes in policy-making" (PhD in Ciência,
Economia e Sociedade), October 28, 2011 (3 hours), Centro de Estudos Sociais - CES,
University of Coimbra.
Lecturer in How to write a dissertation course, University of Turin, for undergraduate
students, Autumn 2010, (18 hours, 3 ECTS)
Lecturer in Public policies analysis course, University of Turin, 2010-2011 (54 hours, 9
Lecturer in How to write a dissertation course, University of Turin, for undergraduate
students, Spring 2010 (18 hours, 3 ECTS)
Lecturer in Public policies analysis – Introductory course in the 2009-2010 edition of
the Master in Public Policy Analysis - MAPP (2nd level), University of Turin (24 hours)
Lecturer in Public policies analysis course, University of Turin, 2009-2010 (60 hours, 10
Lecturer in Public policies analysis, University of Turin, 2008-2009 (60 hours, 10
Assistant lecturer in Political Science, technology supported learning course, University
of Turin, 2007-2008, (10 ECTS)
Short courses for S.o.l.co. S.r.l., private company
- Citizens involvement in public decision making (6 hours), May 31, 2007
- Research Design and methods (6 hours), June 23, 2008
Work experience
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
January 2004 – February 2011
Socio-economical and policy-oriented research, local development projects, policies’
evaluation and monitoring.
Main works:
• September - February 2011
Research associate in the research project SYNERGIE funded by Provincia di Roma,
dealing with local employment policies.
• February-May
Research associate in a research project funded by the Local Governments’ Observatory of
the Piedmont Region, dealing with the impact of the federalist’s reform on Piedmont
Region’s local governments.
• September-May 2010
Coordination of research activities (quantitative: survey and qualitative: structured, indepth interviews) in S.I.L.V.E.R. - Sistema Integrato Lavoro, Voucher formativi E
Rilevazione dei Fabbisogni, project funded by POR Lazio 2007-2013, dealing with
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employment policies in Rome Province.
• April-June
Elaboration of a Policy Report for CREl - Consiglio Regionale dell’Economia e del
Lavoro of Lazio Region (regional board dealing with local economy and employment
issues) on the regional implementation of the Lisbon Strategy and the flexicurity model
(title: Coniugare flessibilità e sicurezza nella Regione Lazio: approcci e modelli di
sostegno alla precarietà lavorativa).
• January-October
Coordination of research activities (qualitative: structured, in-depth interviews) in Invasi Iniziative per la valorizzazione del sistema idrico integrato, project funded by the
Operative Regional Programme Sicilia 2000-2006, dealing with water resources
governance in Sicily Region.
• January-September
Coordination of research activities (survey, in-depth interviews and focus groups) in SMS
- Sperimentazione di un Modello di Sensibilizzazione a favore dell'emersione del lavoro
irregolare project, funded by the Operative Regional Programme Sicilia 2000-2006,
dealing with underground and informal economy in Enna and Siracusa provinces of Sicily
• September-December
Research associate in a research project (qualitative and quantitative: statistical analysis
and interviews) on social economy in rural and internal areas of Abruzzo Region funded
by EU's Equal - II phase.
• June-July
Consultant for the Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica (Presidenza del Consiglio dei
Ministri agency) during preparatory works for planning Italian policies under EU
Structural Funds in 2007-2013 phase.
• December 2004 – February 2005
Research associate and consultant for employment services implementation for Calabria
Region’s Employment Services system, project funded by the Operative Regional
Programme of Calabria Region 2000-2006.
• November 2004 - May 2005
Research activities and team coordination in Risorsa Acqua project dealing with Italian
water management reform and its implementation at local level funded by the Operative
Regional Programme of Sicily Region 2000-2006.
• January -June
Elaboration of a local development strategy based on cultural and artistic heritage in Val
di Noto (Siracusa's province, Sicily), funded by the Operative Regional Programme of
Sicily Region 2000-2006.
Name and address of the main
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and
S.o.l.co. S.r.l. - Viale Castrense, 8 00177 Rome, Italy
Private company
May 2003 – January 2004
Collaboration to EU research project Europe Land of Asylum comparing life conditions
and housing of asylum seekers and refugees in Rome, Berlin and Paris
Casa dei diritti Sociali - Via dei Mille, 6
Rome, Italy
November 2002 – September 2003
Researching and monitoring international and local opportunities for socio-economical
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Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
development, elaboration of integrated development projects (Decentralized Cooperation
with Maghreb Countries, Twinnig Programme between Naples and Cuba Granma
District, in collaboration with UNOPS – UN).
Rete dei Sistemi Locali di Sviluppo Territoriale – Via Santa Lucia, 76 Naples, Italy
Public agency for local development
• Decisional rounds and local modes of governance in Italian water management reform,
Water Policy, 13, 2011, 751-768, http://www.iwaponline.com/wp/01306/wp013060751.htm
• Gruppi di interesse e politiche dei servizi pubblici locali. Alcune note preliminari,
Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche, agosto, 2, 2011, 137-170,
• La riforma dei servizi pubblici locali. Il caso dei servizi idrici, Stato e Mercato, aprile,
1, 2011, 161-188,
• Looking for alternative paths to policy analysis, Teoria Politica, Nuova Serie, Annali,
I, 2011, 451-454, http://revistas.marcialpons.es/fichaarticulo.php?id_articulo=2095
• Privatising local public services between industrial legacy and political ambitions,
Local Government Studies, 36: 5, 599 — 616,
• La riforma dei servizi idrici in Italia. Modi locali di governo fra continuità e
rottura, in Rivista Italiana delle Politiche Pubbliche, n. 1, April 2008, pp. 5-36
• I referendum del 2011. Una vittoria a metà, in Anna Bosco and Duncan Mc Donnell
(eds), Italian politics 2011. Politica in Italia 2011: Il Mulino (it); Berghahn Books (uk).
• Et si l’eau ressourçait la politique en Italie?, in Aubry H. (ed), Les autres voix de
l’eau, La Dispute, Paris.
Other publications
• Ricerca scientifica, La Piccola Treccani Encyclopedia.
• Scenari per la riforma della cooperazione intercomunale in Piemonte, with L.
Bobbio, A. Poggi, F. Imarisio and A. Corsini, Policy Report, Osservatorio sulla
(http://www.regione.piemonte.it/oss_riforma/), May 2010.
• Flexycurity nella Regione Lazio: approcci e modelli di sostegno alla precarietà
lavorativa, with A. De Nicola, Policy Report 1/2009, Regione Lazio – Consiglio
Regionale dell’Economia e del Lavoro (CREL).
• Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di modelli?, in “Nuvole. Per la ragionevolezza
dell'Utopia”, n. 36, January 2009, a special issue on Italian university reform, which I codirect (http://www.nuvole.it)
Conferences and seminars
• Narratives about the experts-policymaking liaison. Notes toward a paper on
expertise in political decision-making, presentation of the draft paper at the research
seminar of the Núcleo de Estudos sobre Ciência, Economia e Sociedade (NECES),
Coimbra, 11th of April 2012.
• Contested water reforms. Looking beyond models, comunication presented at the
Pennine Water Group Conference (Theme 3: Implementation and engagement),
University of Sheffield, March 22, 2012
• Exploiting “nature” for social justice?, comunication presented at the seminar
“Security, Justice and Sustainable Development”, organized by the Bradford Centre for
Sustainable Environments, March 21st 2012, University of Bradford
• Pursuing your international academic career: web resources for job and funding
opportunities, Post-doc Seminar (with Michele Grigolo), February 8, 2012, CESCoimbra.
• Interpretive approaches for policies studies. Some remarks from a water
policymaking’s research, Methods in Dialogue Workshop, January 19th, 2012, CESCoimbra
• Quand l’eau ressource la politique, seminar at Le Temps Des Forums, UPEDD Universitè populaire, Ivry-sur-Seine (Paris), January 10, 2012.
• Organization (with Irene Bono) of the workshop Mobilità, precarietà e competitività.
Workshop sul finanziamento non convenzionale alla ricerca in scienze sociali, at the
Department of Political Studies, University of Torino, November 17, 2011.
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• Politica in Italia - Politics in Italy seminar, University of Bologna, Italy, November
11, 2011, presentation of the paper Un referendum non fa primavera.
• 6 ECPR (European Consortium for Political Science) General Conference, University
of Iceland, Reykjavik, 25-27 August 2011, presentation of the paper Making Europe of
Knowledge work. Non institutional actors funding research in social sciences (with
Irene Bono).
• 6 Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference Discursive Spaces. Politics, Practices and
Power, Cardiff, 23-25 June 2010, presentation of the paper Bene pubblico, bene privato e
bene comune. Mapping discursive frames in Italian water policies.
• Seminar Lunch TWAI - Torino World Affairs, Mario Einaudi Center for International
Studies, presentation of the paper The funding of social sciences research, Torino, 24
February 2011 (with Irene Bono).
• ESOF - Euroscience Open Forum 2010, Turin, July 2-5, 2010.
• 5 Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference Discourses and Policy Practices. PoliticsLegitimacy-Power, Grenoble, June 23-25, 2010.
• ECPR Regulatory Governance Standing Group, Third Biennial Conference
Regulation in the Age of Crisis, Dublin June 17-19, 2010, presentation of the paper
Decisional rounds and local modes of governance in Italian water management reform
(stream: “Regulating the network industries”).
• XXIII SISP Annual Conference (Italian Political Science Association), Rome,
September 17-19, 2009, presentation of the paper “Chi è il politico? Attori privati e
processi di policymaking” (Who is the politician? Private actors and policymaking),
section 7.3.
• XXI SISP Annual Conference (Italian Political Science Association), Catania,
September 20-22, 2007; I presented the paper La riforma dei servizi idrici in Italia. Una
mappa dei cambiamenti nei modi locali di governo (Changing patterns of local
governance in Italian water services reform.) in ‘Local public services governance’ panel.
• Graduate Conference of Italian Political Science PhD, Settignano, Florence, June 6-8,
2007; I presented the paper Il governo locale dell’acqua in Italia (Italian local
government of water resources) in ‘Local Government’ panel.
• VI Biennal E.E.S. Conference (European Evaluation Society): Governance,
Democracy and Evaluation, Berlin, September 30 - October 2 , 2004.
Summer school and courses
• Course Desigualdades ambientais. Instrumentos de análise e intervenção, December
17, 2011, CES-Lisboa.
• Summer School “Renewed ways of doing politics”, Centros de Estudos Sociais,
University of Coimbra, 15-17 July, 2009.
• Ph.D. course Network Governance. Between efficiency and democracy, University of
Roskilde, October 09-13, 2006, Centre for the Study of Democratic Network Governance.
• Summer school Applied environmental and regulatory economics, Turin, September
11-22, 2006, University of Piemonte Orientale (Political Science Department) and
Fondazione per l’Ambiente Teobaldo Fenoglio.
• Doctoral workshop Public policies in European governance system, Moncalieri
(Turin), 2006, May 10 – 13, URGE - Research Unit on European Governance.
Languages skills
Mother Tongue
Other languages (selfassessment)
Computer skills
Competent with Windows based systems and all Office’s components, including Excel.
Good knowledge of SPSS, software for statistical analysis.
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Other skills
Experience in writing applications for research grants and in managing projects under
national and European framework.
Awards and grants
• Travel grant by Pennine Water Group, University of Bradford and University of
Sheffield (£ 2000).
• Post-doctoral fellowship awarded by the Foundation for Science and Technology
(FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), 2011-2013.
• Doctoral fellowship awarded by the Department of Political Studies of the University
of Turin (Italian Ministry for Research and Education funds), 2005-2008.
• The article “La riforma dei servizi idrici in Italia. Modi locali di governo fra
continuità e rottura” has been awarded the scientific board of the Rivista Italiana delle
Politiche Pubbliche as the best paper presented in 2007 by a junior researcher in the field
of public policy and public administration.
From September 2009 I am member of the Standing Group “Political Science and Public
Policy” of the Italian Political Science Society (SISP) www.sisp.it
Other activities
• From February 2010 to February 2011 I worked as assistant editor at the Italian
public-opinion review Polena www.polena.net
• I am reviewer for Local Government Studies, Water Policy, Rivista Italiana di
Politiche Pubbliche.
Lisbon, April 2012
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