Interview with Ron Russell
Interview with Ron Russell Author and copyright: Interviewees: Leonardo D. (CropBuster); with the collaboration of Michele P. (Nepos) and Francesca Paola I. Ron Russell made his name as an accomplished artist working for NASA and Hollywood. He visited his first crop circles in 1992 with CSETI and now leads annual research tours to Wiltshire. With Dr Simeon Hein, he tests circles for unusual energy signatures using electrostatic meters, magnetometers, scintillation counters and random event generators in order to find data leading to theories as to why crop circles have so much anomalous phenomena associated with them. Web‐site: Ron Russell’s individual interview below: ♦ ♦ H Hoow w yyoouu w woouulldd eexxppllaaiinn w whhaatt aa ““ccrroopp cciirrcclleess”” iiss,, uussiinngg ffeew w ssiim mppllee w woorrddss?? A purposefully flattened area of grass, not just wind damage, deer nests, or fungal spread. ♦ ♦ IInn yyoouurr ooppiinniioonn,, w whhiicchh aarree tthhee m moosstt iinntteerreessttiinngg ((ssppeecciiffiicc)) ccaasseess ooff ccrroopp cciirrcclleess iinn tthhee w woorrlldd ((aanndd w whhyy))?? Any crop formation which shows energetic differences from the surrounding area is interesting. ♦ ♦ TThheerree aarree m maannyy tthheeoorriieess aabboouutt tthhee ccrroopp cciirrcclleess oorriiggiinnss:: tthhee ““nnaattuurree”” hhyyppootthheessiiss ((aattm moosspphheerriicc aaggeennttss,, w waatteerr aanndd ssoouunndd,, ssoollaarr w wiinndd,, tteerrrreessttrriiaall m maaggnneettiicc ffiieellddss,, eettcc));; tthhee ““uuffoollooggiicc”” hhyyppootthheessiiss ((aalliieenn’’ss iinntteelllliiggeennccee,, BBaallllss ooff lliigghhtt,, eettcc));; tthhee ““hhuum maann”” hhyyppootthheessiiss ((““jjookkeerrss””,, llaanndd--aarrttiissttss,, cciirrccllee-m maakkeerrss,, m miilliittaarryy--sscciieennttiiffiicc oorrggaanniizzaattiioonnss aanndd ssoo oonn… …)).. CCoouulldd oonnee ooff tthheessee s ( hhyyppootthheessiiss ccoorrrreessppoonndd ttoo yyoouurr vviieew i f y e s , w h i c h o ws (if yes, which onnee)) oorr ddoo yyoouu hhaavvee aann oorriiggiinnaall aanndd ppeerrssoonnaall iiddeeaa aabboouutt tthhaatt?? Most all crop formations are made by artists/people. There are a few that are not but they are very rare and hard to find. ♦ ♦ SSoom meettiim meess ssttrraannggee bbrriigghhtt sspphheerreess hhaavvee bbeeeenn oobbsseerrvveedd aanndd pphhoottooggrraapphheedd nneeaarr aa ccrroopp cciirrccllee.. W Whhaatt iiss yyoouurr ooppiinniioonn aabboouutt tthhee ““BBaallllss ooff LLiigghhtt”” ((BBO OLLss))?? DDoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk tthheerree ccoouulldd bbee aannyy lliinnkk bbeettw weeeenn ccrroopp cciirrcclleess aanndd BBO OLLss?? We’re not sure if all BOLs are the same thing. I have seen them near circles and sacred sites and I dont know what they are. I have communicated with some telepathically and others appear different and dumb. ♦ ♦ IInn sseevveerraall ccrroopp cciirrcclleess,, iinntteerreessttiinngg aannoom maalliieess hhaavvee bbeeeenn oobbsseerrvveedd:: bbuurrnntt oorr ccooookkeedd eeaarrss,, ddeeaadd fflliieess iinnssiiddee ppllaannttss,, bbaacckkggrroouunndd ssoouunnddss aanndd nnooiisseess,, ““ggeenneettiicc m mooddiiffiiccaattiioonn”” ooff ssoom mee eeaarrss oorr sseeeeddss,, aanndd ssoo oonn.. W Whhaatt ddoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk aabboouutt iitt?? W Whhiicchh iiss tthhee rreeaassoonn ffoorr tthhiiss kkiinndd ooff aannoom maalliieess?? It appears to me that there is anomalous energy in some crop circles which might explain some of the phenomena you cite. The results of some of the anomalies listed may sometimes be caused because the crop is laying down in the sun and not shaded in the normal matrix of the field. We made several research formations to test the bent node idea and we found bent nodes after two days in the flattened circle we made, so go figure. ♦ ♦ W Whhaatt ddoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk aabboouutt tthhee ppeerrffeecctt ssyym mbboollooggyy ccrreeaatteedd oorr rreepprroodduucceedd iinn ssuucchh aa ppeerrffeecctt w a y i n s i d e s o m e c r o p c i r c l e way inside some crop circless?? If you mean symbology I would say the artists are playing. From speaking with them they are interested in engaging visitors at higher levels. You might say its like an esoteric effort, hidden and mysterious but if you search you can find. ♦ ♦ AAccccoorrddiinngg ttoo ssoom meeoonnee,, tthhee ““LLeeyylliinneess”” ((eenneerrggeettiicc oorr ffoorrccee lliinneess)) aarree vviirrttuuaall eenneerrggeettiicc lliinneess tthhaatt w wrraapp tthhee PPllaanneett,, aanndd aalloonngg tthheem woouulldd w m iitt ccoouulldd bbee ffoouunndd oouutt aarrcchhaaeeoollooggiiccaall aanndd m moonnuum meennttaall ssiitteess,, aass w weellll aass ((ssoom meettiim meess)) ccrroopp cciirrcclleess.. DDooeess iitt rreeaallllyy hhaappppeenn?? DDoo tthhoossee ““LLeeyyss”” hhaavvee ssoom e e m p i r i me empiricc bbaassiiss oorr tthheeyy aarree aa ppuurreellyy pphhiilloossoopphhiiccaall--eessootteerriicc ssuubbjjeecctt?? I don’t know what a ley line is other than you describe. I have felt them and dowsed them but they dont show up on any electromagnetic devices we use. But using subtle senses we can perceive them. ♦ ♦ H Hoow wm muucchh tthhee sscciieennccee aanndd tthhee ssooiill--aannaallyysseess aarree aabbllee ttoo eessttaabblliisshh,, iinn tthhee eexxaam miinnaattiioonn ooff aa ccrroopp cciirrccllee?? If the scientist is good then the information is valuable if collected properly. Good science is wonderful but bad science leads us astray. ♦ ♦ FFoorr ssoom mee yyeeaarrss iitt hhaass bbeeeenn nnoottiicceedd,, eessppeecciiaallllyy iinn tthhee EEnngglliisshh ffoorrm maattiioonnss,, aa cchhaannggee iinn tthhee ggeeoom meettrryy ooff tthhee ccrroopp cciirrcclleess:: tthhee aam moouunntt ooff ccrroopp cciirrcclleess iiss e t h e y t e n d t o h a v e m o r e a n d m o ddiim i n i s h e d , w h i l mpplleexx aanndd tthhrreeee-minished, while they tend to have more and morree ccoom ddiim e n s i o n a l s h a p e s ( e s p e c i a l l y w h e n t h e y a r e o b s e r v e d mensional shapes (especially when they are observed ffrroom m aabboovvee)).. DDoo YYoouu aaggrreeee w wiitthh tthhiiss aassssuum mppttiioonn?? IIff yyeess,, oonn w whhaatt ccaann iitt ddeeppeenndd aanndd w whhaatt m e a n i n g c o u l d i t a s s u m e ? meaning could it assume? The artists are having fun and experimenting. ♦ ♦ IInn yyoouurr ooppiinniioonn w whhyy aa ffiinnaall ttrruutthh aabboouutt tthhee ccrroopp cciirrcclleess hhaassnn''tt bbeeeenn ffoouunndd oouutt yyeett?? The crop formations, especially the circle shapes show an unusual energy which we feel is important. The space of a circle has been shown to heal and transform mental and emotional center functioning. The circle shapes appear to show some kind of quasi-superconductivity and upset batteries and electronics inside. This we have noticed for years and neutonian physics cannot explain this. So something unusual is going on and it doesnt matter who the author is. ♦ ♦ Q Quuiittee aappaarrtt ffrroom mw whhoo oorr w whhaatt ccrreeaatteess tthhee ccrroopp cciirrcclleess,, w whhaatt iiss -- iinn yyoouurr ooppiinniioonn -- tthhee m meessssaaggee tthhaatt iiss ggooiinngg ttoo bbee ccoom mm muunniiccaatteedd?? Look beyond conventional thinking, look toward cutting edge physics and look toward the spiritual domain. ♦ ♦ DDoo yyoouu tthhiinnkk tthhee m meeddiiaa rreeppoorrttiinngg tthhee ccrroopp cciirrcclleess pphheennoom meennaa,, aarree oobbjjeeccttiivvee aanndd eexxhhaauussttiivvee?? Not objective and not extensive enough. We did a show for the Travel Channel on Circles which was cut to ten minutes. We had much more revelatory footage shot which unfortunately was not seen. This interview is property of - all rights reserved. Cropfiles really thanks Ron Russell.