
Curriculum Vitae: Marco De La Pierre

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Curriculum Vitae: Marco De La Pierre
Curriculum Vitae: Marco De La Pierre
Personal information:
First and last name: Marco De La Pierre
Place and date of birth: Castellamonte (TO), Italy – October 22, 1983
Nationality: Italian
Home address: Via della Piazza 18, 10030 Villareggia (TO), Italy
Work address: Via Pietro Giuria 5, 10125 Torino (TO), Italy
Telephone: +39 011 6707560
Mobile: +39 347 9101548
E-mail: [email protected]
Current position:
Since January 1, 2011: Post-doc fellowship at the theoretical chemistry group, Dipartimento di Chimica
Inorganica, Fisica e dei Materiali of Università degli Studi di Torino. Topics: ab initio simulation of vibrational
properties of solids; ab initio simulation of solid solutions; implementation of new features in the quantummechanical computer code “CRYSTAL”.
Curriculum vitae et studiorum:
January 14, 2011: Ph. D. in Materials Science, with an experimental/computational thesis titled “Ab
initio quantum mechanical simulation as a complementary tool for the characterization of diamond,
olivines and garnets”, tutor Prof. Ettore Vittone, co-tutor Prof. Claudio Manfredotti, examiner Dott.
Roberto Orlando. Three-years project carried out at the solid state physics group, Dipartimento di
Fisica Sperimentale of Università degli Studi di Torino. Topics: functionalization and characterization of
synthetic diamond for electronic applications; quantum-mechanical modelling of semiconductors, wide
band-gap materials and minerals.
February-December 2010: research period at the theoretical chemistry group (Prof. Roberto
Dovesi), Dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica, Fisica e dei Materiali of Università degli Studi di Torino.
Topics: ab-initio quantum-mechanical simulation of periodic systems; implementation of new features in
the quantum-mechanical computer code “CRYSTAL”.
September 5-9, 2010: attendance to the conference “Diamond2010: 21th European Conference on
Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nitrides”, Budapest (Hungary)
June 29 - July 2, 2010: attendance to the conference “ESPA2010: 7th Congress on Electronic
Structure: Principles and Applications”, Oviedo (Spain)
June 17-23, 2010: attendance to the excellence course “Multi-scale modeling for engineering
applications: from atoms to macroscopic systems” at Politecnico di Torino
September 6-10, 2009: attendance to the conference “Diamond2009: 20th European Conference on
Diamond, Diamond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, and Nitrides”, Athens (Greece)
October 11-18, 2008: attendance to the school “ 2008 INFM School on ‘Physics in Low Dimensions’ ”
organized by INFM-CNR at Complesso San Micheletto, Lucca
October 26, 2007: Master Degree in Materials Science, theoretical modelling curriculum (Università
degli Studi di Torino), grade 110/110 cum laude, mention and press dignity, with an experimental thesis
in solid state physics, titled “Conductivity study in a ion-beam fabricated structure of YBCO
superconductor”, supervisor Dott. Marco Truccato, examiner Prof. Ettore Vittone
September 3-8, 2006: attendance to the summer school “MSSC2006: Ab initio modeling in solid state
chemistry” at Dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica, Fisica e dei Materiali of Università degli Studi di
Torino, theoretical chemistry group
September 23, 2005: Bachelor Degree in Materials Science (Università degli Studi di Torino), grade
110/110 cum lode and mention, with an experimental thesis in physical chemistry, titled: “BH3NH3: una
molecola di interesse per l’hydrogen storage”, supervisor Prof. Silvia Bordiga
July 2002: scientific high school graduate, grade 100/100, at Liceo Scientifico Statale “Piero Martinetti”
di Caluso (TO)
June-July 2000: English course, advanced level, during a summer camp in Dublin (Ireland)
1999-2002: attendance to many initiatives organized by the “Mathematics Olympics Project”, among
which I mention:
- Gaeta, October 20-24, 1999: “2nd meeting with mathematics. Full immersion stage”
- Cesenatico, May 6-10, 1999: national competition
Teaching assistant (lectures) of Prof. Manfredotti for the course “Tecniche Laser per la
Conservazione”, Master Degree in Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage – March 2010
“Progetto Lauree Scientifiche”, science communication project for high school students (responsible
Prof. Lo giudice) – March 2010
Teaching assistant (tutoring) of Prof. Vittone for the course “Struttura della Materia I”, Bachelor Degree
in Physics – February-March 2010
Teaching assistant (lectures and tutoring) of Prof. Manfredotti for the course “Fisica dello Stato Solido
I”, Master Degree in Physics of Advanced Technologies and Bachelor Degree in Materials Science –
October-November 2009
Teaching assistant (laboratory) of Prof. Vittone for the course “Laboratorio di Fisica dello Stato Solido
II”, Bachelor Degree in Materials Science (Art. 33 grant) – May-June 2009
“Progetto Lauree Scientifiche”, science communication project for high school students (responsible
Prof. Lo Giudice) – February-May 2009
Teaching assistant (tutoring) of Prof. Vittone for the course “Struttura della Materia I”, Bachelor Degree
in Physics – January-March 2009
• “Performance of six functionals (LDA, PBE, PBESOL, B3LYP, PBE0 and WC1LYP) in the simulation of
vibrational and dielectric properties of crystalline compounds. The case of forsterite Mg2SiO4”, M. De
La Pierre, R. Orlando, L. Maschio, K. Doll, P. Ugliengo and R. Dovesi, Journal of Computational
Chemistry, in press, DOI 10.1002/jcc.21750
• “About orientation dependence of physico-chemical properties of HPHT diamond surfaces thermally
treated in H2 and D2 environments”, Ch. Manfredotti, P. Bonino, M. De La Pierre, E. Vittone and C.
Manfredotti (2010) Diamond and Related Materials, 19, 279
• “Size-dependent resistivity in a micro-processed YBa2Cu3O7-δ superconducting whisker”, M. De La
Pierre, S. Cagliero, A. Agostino, G.C. Gazzadi and M. Truccato (2009) Superconductor Science and
Technology, 22, 045011
• “The infrared vibrational spectrum of fayalite: an ab initio simulation with the CRYSTAL code”, Y. Noel,
M. De La Pierre, L. Maschio, M. Rérat, C.M. Zicovich-Wilson and R. Dovesi, submitted to Physics and
Chemistry of Minerals
• “The IR vibrational properties of six members of the garnet family: a quantum mechanical ab initio
study”, R. Dovesi, M. De La Pierre, A. M. Ferrari, F. Pascale, L. Maschio and C. M. Zicovich-Wilson,
submitted to American Mineralogist
“The infrared vibrational properties of Andradite-Grossular solid solutions. A quantum-mechanical
simulation”, J. Garza, M. De La Pierre, A. Meyer and R. Dovesi
Conference contributions:
Poster: “Differently oriented hydrogen terminated diamond surfaces: ab initio study of structure,
energetics and vibrational spectra”, M. De La Pierre, R. Demichelis, A.M. Ferrari, B. Civalleri, Ch.
Manfredotti and C. Manfredotti, presented at Diamond 2010 (Budapest, Hungary – September 5-9,
Poster: “Evidence of surface plasmons on Ag and Au nanoparticles chemically deposited onto diamond
nanopowders”, C. Manfredotti, Ch. Manfredotti, M. De La Pierre and L. Dinca, presented at Diamond
2010 (Budapest, Hungary – September 5-9, 2010)
Poster: “Differently oriented hydrogen terminated diamond surfaces: ab initio study of structure,
energetics and vibrational spectra”, M. De La Pierre, A. M. Ferrari, B. Civalleri, Ch. Manfredotti and C.
Manfredotti, presented at ESPA2010 (Oviedo, Spain – June 29 - July 2, 2010)
Poster: “The IR vibrational properties of six members of the garnets family: a comprehensive study with
the periodic CRYSTAL code”, M. De La Pierre, A. M. Ferrari, L. Valenzano and R. Dovesi, presented
at ESPA2010 (Oviedo, Spain – June 29 - July 2, 2010)
Poster: “Size effect on the conduction properties of a FIB-processed YBCO superconducting whisker”,
M. Truccato, M. De La Pierre, S. Cagliero, A. Agostino and G.C. Gazzadi, presented at Eucas 2009
(Dresden, Germany – September 13-17, 2009)
Poster: “Ab-initio modelling of bare (110) diamond surfaces by means of an all-electron basis-set/hybrid
Hamiltonian approach”, M. De La Pierre, A. Meyer, R. Demichelis, Ch. Manfredotti, E. Vittone and C.
Manfredotti, presented at Diamond 2009 (Athens, Greece – September 6-10, 2009)
Oral: “Monocrystalline and powder diamond surfaces: how much do they resemble each other?”, Ch.
Manfredotti, M. De La Pierre, M. Chierotti, G. Speranza, L. Dinca, E. Vittone, C. Manfredotti and R.
Gobetto, presented at Diamond 2009 (Athens, Greece – September 6-10, 2009)
Poster: “About orientation dependence of physico-chemical properties of HPHT diamond surfaces
thermally treated in H2 and D2 environments”, Ch. Manfredotti, P. Bonino, M. De La Pierre, F. Fizzotti,
C. Manfredotti and E. Vittone, presented at Diamond 2008 (Sitges, Spain – September 7-11, 2008)
Foreign languages:
English: excellent knowledge (First Certificate in English, Grade A, achieved in December 2001 –
University of Cambridge)
French: very good knowledge
Informatics skills:
Operating systems: DOS, Windows, Linux, Mac OS X
Productivity software: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OpenOffice, Latex, GIMP, Origin, MathCAD
Quantum-mechanics simulation software: Gaussian, CRYSTAL
Programming languages: Fortran, shell scripting
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