
Riccardo Pozzo

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Riccardo Pozzo
Dipartimento Scienze Umane e Sociali, Patrimonio Culturale
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, I-00185 Roma
+39-06-49933328, fax: +39-06-49932673
email: [email protected], [email protected]
Riccardo Pozzo received his M.A. at Università di Milano in 1983, his Ph.D. at Universität des Saarlandes in 1988, and his
Habilitation at Universität Trier in 1995. In 1996 he went to the U.S. to teach German Philosophy at the School of Philosophy
of the Catholic University of America. In 2003 he came back to Italy to take up the Chair of the History of Philosophy at the
Università di Verona. From 2009 to 2012 he was the Director of the Institute for the European Intellectual Lexicon and History
of Ideas of CNR. Beginning 2013 he is the Director of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage of
CNR. In 2012 he was elected a member of the Institut International de Philosophie. He is currently chair of the Committee on
the Teaching of Philosophy of FISP, ambassador scientist of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation for Italy, and member
of the Scientific Review Group for the Humanities of ESF. He has published 4 monographs, 7 critical editions, 19 edited
volumes, 42 journal articles, 62 contributed papers, 13 conference proceedings, 171 book-reviews, and 27 articles on national
newspapers. Born in Milano on Jun. 7, 1959, Italian Citizen. Home: Via Nomentana 421, 00162 Roma.
Laurea in Philosophy, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università di Milano (1983)
Dr. phil. in Philosophy, Fachrichtung 5.1, Universität des Saarlandes (1988)
Habilitation in Philosophy, Fachbereich I, Universität Trier (1995)
Tenure, School of Philosophy, Catholic University of America (2000)
Scientific Career
Privatdozent, Fachbereich I, Universität Trier (1995)
Assistant Professor, School of Philosophy, Catholic University of America (1996)
Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Catholic University of America (1998)
Ordinary Professor, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Verona (2002)
Director, Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee-CNR (2009)
Director, Dipartimento Scienze Umane e Sociali, Patrimonio Culturale-CNR (2013)
Areas of Specialization
Lexicography, Digital Libraries, History of Ideas, Aristotelianism, Renaissance, Enlightenment, Kant, Hegel, Intercultural
Philosophy, History of Universities, Intellectual Property
Areas of Competence
Digital Humanities, History of Philosophy, Logic, Metaphysics, Theory of Knowledge, Aesthetics
Dutch (read), English (spoken, read, written—Cambridge University English Proficiency, 1977), French (spoken, read,
written), German (spoken, read, written—Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Mittelstufe II, 1980), Ancient Greek (read),
Italian (primary), Latin (read), Polish (read), Portuguese (spoken, read, written), Spanish (spoken, read, written), Swedish
2012 – Elected to the Institut International de Philosophie
Honors, Awards, and Prizes
2013 – International Association for Comparative Study of China and the West (IACSCW): Honorary Member
2012 – Sociedade Kant Brasileira: Honorary Member
2012 – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: Idoneità al ruolo di Direttore di Dipartimento
2010 – Wikipedia: http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Riccardo_Pozzo
2009 – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: Idoneità al ruolo di Direttore di Istituto
2008-14 – Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung: Ambassador Scientist for Italy
2002 – Università di Palermo: Idoneità al ruolo di Professore Ordinario
2001-10 – Marquis Who’s Who, Who’s is Who in America, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th, 60th, 61st, 62nd, 63rd, 64th Edition
2000 – The Catholic University of America Faculty Development Prize
2000 – Marquis Who’s Who, Who’s is Who in the East, 27th Edition
1999-14 – Marquis Who’s Who, Who’s is Who in the World, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22sd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th,
27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st Edition
1996 – Kürschner’s Deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender, Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, 115th Edition
1984 – Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 6th Essay Contest Prize
Administrative Positions
2013-17 – Venice Interational University: Board of Directors
2013-16 – Dipartimento Scienze Umane e Sociali, Patrimonio Culturale-CNR: Director
2009-12 – Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee-CNR: Director
2008-14 – Centro Italo-Tedesco Villa Vigoni, Consiglio d’Amministrazione: Member
2006-09 – Università di Verona, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia: President of the Philosophy Program
2005-09 – Università di Verona, Dipartimento di Filosofia: Executive Committee
2003-06 – Università di Verona, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia: Delegate for the Erasmus/Socrates Programs
2003-04 – Università di Verona, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia: Faculty Secretary
1996-2003 – The Catholic University of America, School of Philosophy: Chairman of the Graduate Reading List Committee,
of the Graduate Language Exam Committee, and of the Library Committee; Member of the Admissions Committee and of the
Placement Committee; Web-Page Manager
1995-96 – Istituto Magistrale Statale Gaetana Agnesi, Milano: Executive Committee
1994-95 – Istituto Professionale di Stato Ettore Majorana, Cernusco: Vice-Principal
Institutional Appointments
2013-14 – European Science Foundation: Scientific Review Group for the Humanities
2012 – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore: Search Committee M-FIL/05, Estetica e Filosofia dei Linguaggi
2012 – European Science Foundation: Standing Committe for the Humanities (Core Group Member)
2011-13 – Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche: Gruppo di lavoro Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca (VQR) 2004-2010
2010-13 – Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS: Commission scientifique Sciences Humaines et Sociales (SHS-3)
2010 – Ministero degli Affari Esteri: Search Committee for the General Secretary of the Deutsch-Italienisches Zentrum Villa
2008-09 – Università di Verona: President CIVR Area 11 Evaluation Committee
2006 – Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung: Search Committee for the General Secretary of the DeutschItalienisches Zentrum Villa Vigoni
2002 – The Catholic University of America, Office of the Provost: Search Committee for the University’s Registrar
2002 – The Catholic University of America, Office of the Provost: Search Committee for the Dean of the Metropolitan
Elected Positions in Learned Societies
2012-13 – International Philosophy Olympiads: Steering Board
2010-14 – Guardini Stiftung e.V., Berlin: Präsidium
2010-13 – Consulta filosofica italiana: Executive Board
2008-18 – Fédération Internationale des Sociétés de Philosophie: Steering Committee; Chair of the Committee on the
Teaching of Philosophy
2007-13 – Centro interuniversitario per la storia della tradizione aristotelica: Board of Directors
2007-13 – Società Filosofica Italiana: Board of Directors
2006-09 – Società Filosofica Italiana, Sezione di Verona: President
2003-11 – Associazione italiana Alexander von Humboldt: General Secretary
2002-03 – Alexander von Humboldt Association of America: Board of Directors
1998-2003 – Washington, DC Area Chapter of the Alexander von Humboldt Association of America: Secretary; VicePresident
Hegel: Introductio in Philosophiam: Dagli studi ginnasiali alla prima logica (1782-1801), Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di
Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Milano, vol. 129 (Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1989), xxviii-269 p.
Kant und das Problem einer Einleitung in die Logik: Ein Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion der historischen Hintergründe von
Kants Logik-Kolleg, Europäische Hochschulschriften, sect. 20, vol. 269 (Frankfurt: Lang, 1989), xx-245 p.
Georg Friedrich Meiers Vernunftlehre: Eine historisch-systematische Untersuchung, Forschungen und Materialien zur
deutschen Aufklärung, sect. 2, vol. 15 (Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt: Frommann-Holzboog, 2000), 336 p.
Adversus Ramistas: Kontroversen über die Natur der Logik am Ende der Renaissance, Schwabe Philosophica, vol. 13
(Basel: Schwabe, 2012), 259 p.
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