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CRISTINA GUARDIANO [email protected] Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Economia Viale A. Allegri 9, 42121 Reggio Emilia -­‐ Italy Tel. +39 0522 523230 Fax +39 0522 523205 Curriculum vitae Education June 2003: PhD in Linguistics, Università di Pisa. Dissertation in Historical Syntax: Struttura e storia del sintagma nominale nel greco antico: ipotesi parametriche (Structure and history of the Ancient Greek DP: parametric hypotheses). Nov. 1999: Laurea in Classics and Linguistics, Università di Pisa (110/110 cum laude). Thesis in Linguistics: Sull’oggetto diretto preposizionale nel siciliano (On the prepositional direct object in Sicilian). Permanent position Since 2004 (January 22): Assistant Professor of Linguistics (L-­‐LIN/01), Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Tenured (Ricercatore Universitario Confermato) since 2007. Research activity Membership in research projects 2012-­‐2017: Permanent project advisor of the ERC Advanced Grant (ERC-­‐2011-­‐AdG) n° 295733 LANGELIN (LANguage-­‐GEne-­‐LINeages): Meeting Darwin’s last challenge: toward a global tree of human languages and genes. Principal investigator: Giuseppe Longobardi, University of York. Co-­‐
Investigator: Guido Barbujani, Università di Ferrara. 2014-­‐2017 Member of the Center for Linguistic History and Diversity. University of York (UK), UPenn (USA), University of Campinas (Brazil). 2013-­‐2014: Research associate, Transdiciplinary Seed Grant Towards exploring the pre-­‐babel world, obtained by Hilda Koopman (UCLA), Dominique Sportiche (UCLA), Robin Ryder (Paris), Isabel Charnavel (Harvard). 2012-­‐present: Property author and language contributor in the database Syntactic Structures of the World’s Languages (SSWL). Project coordinator: Hilda Koopman (UCLA) 2004-­‐present: Team member, at the Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, in the following research programmes, funded by the Italian Ministry of University and/or local institutions: o L'opposizione naturale vs artificiale, reale vs. ideale nelle teorie linguistiche del XXI secolo (2010-­‐2012) o L’incontro con la diversità linguistica: dal mondo antico alla contemporaneità (2009) o La "città degli invisibili": migrazioni, istituzioni, culture (2008) o Il nuovo plurilinguismo tra affermazione e negazione: processi, forme, categorie e utenti (2006, 2007) o “Conflitti linguistici e geostrategie di politica linguistica” (linguistic section of the project “Scontro di civiltà, omologazione o dialogo tra culture? Riflessioni su diversità e conflitto come possibili risorse per la pace”, coordinator: Claudio Baraldi) (2006) o Le lingue della comunicazione scientifica. (2005) o Lingue europee fra conservazione e perdita di funzionalità. Elaborazione di strumenti di rilevazione con parametri qualitativi e quantitative (2004). o Lingua Instrumentum Regni. Prospettive di contatti e di conflitti fra lingue maggioritarie e minoritarie nell’Unione Europea (2004) Cristina Guardiano 2004-­‐2006: Team member in the CRUI-­‐DAAD research program La comunicazione scientifica in Italia e in Germania: lingua, testo, discorso / Die wissenschaftliche Kommunikation in Italien und Deutschland: Sprache, Text und Diskurs. Coordinators: Augusto Carli and Klaus Hölker. 2000-­‐2003: Researcher in the project EU Border Discourse: Changing Identities, Changing Nations, Changing Stories in European Border Communities. 5th Framework Program of the European Union. Coordinator: Ulrike H. Meinhof, University of Southampton (http://www.borderidentities.soton.ac.uk/index_stat.htm) 2001-­‐2003: Member of the Trieste Unit of the COFIN project Mutamenti tipologici nella morfosintassi delle lingue Europee, cofounded by the Italian Ministry of University. Coordinator: Giorgio Banti (Napoli, l’Orientale) Visiting scholarships 2013-­‐2014 Department of Linguistics, UCLA, USA (October 2013-­‐July 2014). Awarded of a Fulbright grant, category Research Scholar. 2013 Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaoloniki, Greece (April) 2012 Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaoloniki, Greece (April-­‐May) 2011 Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaoloniki, Greece (April-­‐May) 2010 Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge, UK (February-­‐June) 2008 Department of Linguistics, UCLA, USA (April-­‐June, October-­‐November) 2006 Department of Philology, University of Patras, Greece (May) 2004 Lehrgebiet Romanistik, Universität Hannover, Germany (June) 2003 Lehrgebiet Romanistik, Universität Hannover, Germany (Sommersemester) 2001 Affiliate student at the LSA Summer Institute, UCSB, USA (July-­‐August) Organization of Conferences, Workshops, Seminars and other scientific initiatives February 2014: Member of the scientific committee of the 40th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG40, held in Trento on February 13-­‐15: http://events.unitn.it/en/igg40). Fall 2013: Organizer of the Seminar series Incontri Linguistici in Accademia, held between October and December 2013 at the Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Arti (Modena), with the collaboration of the Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (with Augusto Carli, Emilia Calaresu and Mariaelena Favilla). Invited speakers: Francesco Cavalli Sforza (San Raffaele, Milano), Cecilia Andorno (Torino), Marcella Bertuccelli Papi (Pisa), Carla Bazzanella (Torino). July 2013: Organizer of the International Workshop Advances in phylogenetic linguistics, held in Ragusa on July 13-­‐17, 2013 (www.centrostudifelicianorossitto.it/langelin, organized by the LanGeLin project, ERC advanced grant n° 295733, Meeting Darwin’s last challenge: toward a global tree of human languages and genes). Invited speakers: Robert Berwick (MIT), Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge), Cedric Boeckx (Barcelona), Tecumseh Fitch (Vienna), Peter Forster (Cambridge), Russel Gray (Auckland), Hilda Koopman (UCLA), David Lightfoot (Georgetown), Ian Roberts (Cambridge), Robin Ryder (Paris), Dominique Sportiche (UCLA), Charles Yang (UPenn). February 2013: Organizer of the 39th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, held in Modena/Reggio Emilia on February 21-­‐23, 2013 (www.igg39.unimore.it). Member and coordinator of the scientific committee and the organizing board. Invited speakers: Guido Barbujani (Ferrara), Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge), Hilda Koopman (UCLA), Giuseppe Longobardi (York), Maria Rita Manzini (Firenze), Melita Stavrou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). November 2012: Organizer of the seminar I percorsi di un mutamento: categorie scalari e sincretismo degli ausiliari, By Romano Lazzeroni (Pisa). Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti (Modena). 2011-­‐2012: Organizer of the Seminar series Incontri Linguistici in Accademia, held between October 2011 and May 2012 at the Accademia di Scienze, Lettere e Arti (Modena), with the collaboration of the Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia (with Augusto Carli, Emilia Calaresu and Mariaelena Favilla). Invited seminars by: Romano Lazzeroni (Pisa), Gaetano Berruto (Torino), Federica Venier (Pavia), Nicola Grandi (Bologna), Anna Orlandini (Toulouse), Alberto Mioni (Padova), Federico Albano Leoni (Roma), Giuliano Bernini (Bergamo), Silvia Dal Negro (Bolzano), Barbara Turchetta (Viterbo). February 2011: Organizer of the meeting Scimmie parlanti. Linguistica e altre scienze naturali (with Augusto Carli and Mariaelena Favilla), February 2-­‐3, 2011. Co-­‐funded by: Fondazione Cassa di 2
Cristina Guardiano Risparmio di Modena, Dipartimento di Comunicazione e Economia, Facoltà di Lettere, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata. Speakers: Guido Barbujani (Ferrara), Alessio Boattini (Bologna), Luca Bortolussi (Trieste), Giuseppe Longobardi (Trieste), Ian Roberts (Cambridge), Gianni Romeo (European Genetics Foundation, Ronzano), a.o. 2008-­‐2009: Organizer of the Seminar series Approaches to languages at the Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione e dell’Economia. Invited speakers: Klaus Hölker (Hannover), Giuseppe Longobardi (Trieste), Silvia Dal Negro (Bolzano), Maria Chiara Felloni (Pavia). October 20, 2006: Organizer, with Mariaelena Favilla, of the Giornata di studio su neurolinguistica e disturbi del linguaggio. Invited speaker: Andrea Moro (San Raffaele, Milano). September 2004: Member and coordinator of the organizing and scientific committees of the SLI (Società di Linguistica Italiana) 38th annual conference (Modena, with Augusto Carli, Emilia Calaresu and Cecilia Robustelli). February 2004: Member and coordinator of the organizing committee of the AItLA (Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata) 4th annual conference (Modena, with Augusto Carli). Associations and networks 2013 -­‐ present: Member of the Philological Society (PhilSoc). 2008 -­‐ present: Member of the Società Italiana di Glottologia (SIG). 2004 -­‐ present: Member of the Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI). 2007 -­‐ 2010: Member of the Network of European Applied Linguistics (NEALS). 2004: Cofounder of the Gruppo di Studio per le Politiche Linguistiche (GSPL). 2000 -­‐ 2010: Member of the Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata (AItLA); 2004-­‐2010: member of the organizing board. Member of the scientific committee of the 5th annual conference (Bari, 2005). Publications Papers (in prep.) Demonstratives within DPs. A crosslinguistic description. Ms. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, UCLA. (in prep.) Romance and non-­‐Romance traits in Southern Italian dialects: some notes on DPs. Ms. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, UCLA. (accepted) Syntactic theory and Ancient Greek. Remarks on the development of the article-­‐system. Submitted to A. Pompei, E. Crespo, M.E. Torrego and J. De la Villa, Proceedings of the International Conference on Linguistics and Classical Languages (LCL), Rome, February 17-­‐19, 2011. (2014) Greek and Romance in Southern Italy: history and contact in nominal structures. L’Italia Dialettale. (with Melita Stavrou) (2013) The syntactic classification of Indo-­‐European languages. Journal of Historical Linguistics 3:1, 122–153. (with G. Longobardi, A. Boattini, G. Silvestri, A. Ceolin) (2013) The Greek definite article across time. In: M. Stavrou, S. Michalopoulou (eds), Studies in Greek Linguistics 33. Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 76-­‐91. [available on line at: http://www.ins.web.auth.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=554&Itemid=182&l
ang=en] (2012) Demonstratives, word order and the DP between syntax and semantics. Crosslinguistic remarks. In: D. Papadopoulou, A. Revithiadou, A. Tantos (eds) Studies in Greek Linguistics 32. Ινστιτούτο Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 100-­‐115. [available on line at: http://www.ins.web.auth.gr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=521&Itemid=181&l
ang=en] (2012) I dimostrativi e il dominio nominale. Note per una lettura parametrica. In: V. Bambini, I. Ricci, P.M. Bertinetto (eds) Linguaggio e cervello – Semantica / Language and the brain -­‐ Semantics, Roma: Bulzoni, Vol. 2 (CD ROM, identification code: II.B.5). (2012) Lo sguardo e la parola di una comunità linguistica di confine. In: V. Orioles (ed) Per Roberto 3
Cristina Guardiano Gusmani. Linguistica storica e teorica. Studi in ricordo, vol. II, Udine, Forum, 533-­‐548. (with Augusto Carli) (2011) Parametric changes in the history of the Greek article. In: D. Jonas, J. Whitman and A. Garrett (eds) Grammatical Change: Origins, Nature, Outcomes, Oxford, OUP, 179-­‐197. (2011) How many possible languages are there? In: G. Bel-­‐Enguix, V. Dahl, M.D. Jimenez-­‐Lopez (eds) Biology, Computation and Linguistics, Lansdale, IOS press, 168-­‐179. (with Luca Bortolussi, Andrea Sgarro and Giuseppe Longobardi) (2011) Genitives in the Greek nominal domain: parametric considerations. In: M. Janse, B. Joseph, P. Pavlou, A. Ralli and S. Armosti (eds) Studies in Modern Greek dialects and linguistic theory. Nicosia: Research center of Kykkos monastery, 123-­‐134. (2011) The Biolinguistic Program and historical Reconstruction. In: A.M. Di Sciullo and C. Boeckx (eds) The Biolinguistic Enterprise. New Perspectives on the Evolution and Nature of the Human Language Faculty. Oxford, OUP, 266-­‐304. (with Giuseppe Longobardi) (2010) L’oggetto diretto preposizionale in siciliano. Una breve rassegna e qualche domanda. In: J. Garzonio (ed) Quaderni di lavoro ASIt 2010. Studi sui dialetti della Sicilia, Padova: Unipress, 95-­‐
115. (2010) Long-­‐range comparison between genes and languages based on syntactic distances. Human Heredity 70, 245-­‐254. (with Vincenza Colonna, Alessio Boattini, Irene Dall’Ara, Davide Pettener, Giuseppe Longobardi, Guido Barbujani) (2009) Evidence for syntax as a signal of historical relatedness. Lingua 119, 1679-­‐1706. (with Giuseppe Longobardi) (2009) La sintassi come segnale di relazione storica. In: P. Cotticelli Kurras, G. Graffi (eds) Lingue, ethnos e popolazioni: evidenze linguistiche, biologiche e culturali. Roma: Il Calamo, 83-­‐122. (with Giuseppe Longobardi) (2009) Syntactic measuring of language relatedness. In: Nguyen Chi-­‐Dui Khuong, Richa and Samar Sinha (eds) The 5th Asian GLOW: conference proceedings, CIIL, Mysore, India, 516-­‐544. (with Chiara Gianollo, Giuseppe Longobardi) (2008) Three fundamental issues in parametric linguistics. In: T. Biberauer (ed) The Limits of Syntactic Variation, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 109-­‐142. (with Chiara Gianollo, Giuseppe Longobardi) (2008) La costruzione dello straniero nell’informazione giornalistica italiana. In: C. Baraldi, G. Ferrari, Il dialogo fra le culture. Diversità e conflitti come risorse di pace, Roma: Donzelli, 273-­‐317. (with Emilia Calaresu, Alessandra Sorrentino) (2007) Stereotypes about English as the language of science. AILA Review XXI, 28-­‐52. (with Emilia Calaresu, Mariaelena Favilla) (2006) The diachronic evolution of the Greek article: parametric hypotheses. In: M. Janse, B. Joseph, A. Ralli (eds) Proceedings of the 2nd international conference of Modern Greek dialects and linguistic theory, Mytilene: University of Patras, 99-­‐114. (2006) Italienisch und Deutsch als Wissenschaftssprachen. Bestandsaufnahmen, Analysen, Perspektiven // Italiano e tedesco come lingue della comunicazione scientifica. Ricognizioni, analisi e prospettive, Munster: LIT Verlag. (with Emilia Calaresu, Klaus Hölker, eds) (2006) Mutamento e contatto linguistico: considerazioni sulle varietà della comunicazione scientifica. In: Calaresu, Guardiano, Hölker (eds), 127-­‐164. (2006) Problemi e fenomeni di mediazone interlinguistica e interculturale. Atti del V congresso internazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, Bari, 17-­‐18 Febbraio 2005, Perugia: Guerra Edizioni. (with Emanuele Banfi, Laura Gavioli, Massimo Vedovelli, eds) (2005) Parametric comparison and language taxonomy. In: M. Batllori, M.L. Hernanz, C. Picallo, F. Roca (eds) Grammaticalization and parametric variation, Oxford: OUP, 149-­‐174. (with Giuseppe Longobardi) (2005) Lingua percepita e costruzione identitaria. In: G. Banti, A. Marra, E. Vineis (eds) Atti del IV congresso di studi dell’Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, Perugia: Guerra Edizioni, 385-­‐
413. (with Augusto Carli) (2005) Lingue, Istituzioni, Territori. Riflessioni teoriche, proposte metodologiche ed esperienze di politica linguistica. Atti del XXXVIII Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana, Roma: Bulzoni. (with Emilia Calaresu, Cecilia Robustelli, Augusto Carli, eds). 4
Cristina Guardiano (2003) Struttura e storia del sintagma nominale nel greco antico: ipotesi parametriche. Tesi di Dottorato, Univ. Pisa. (2003) Asserting ethnic identity and power through language. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 29/5, 865-­‐883. (with Augusto Carli, Majda Kaucic Basa, Emidio Sussi, Mariselda Tessarolo, Marina Ussai) (2003) Gorizia-­‐Nova Gorica et le dèfi de l’intègration europèenne. Revue Gèographique de l’Est XLIII/4, 205-­‐216. (with Augusto Carli, Emidio Sussi, Majda Kaucic Basa, Mariselda Tessarolo, Marina Ussai) (2002) La lingua in una città di confine. METIS IX/1, 87-­‐111. (with Mariselda Tessarolo) (2000) Note sull’oggetto diretto preposizionale in siciliano. L’Italia Dialettale LXI, 7-­‐41. Web Publications SSWL (Syntactic Structures of the World Languages): http://sswl.railsplayground.net. -­‐ Syntactic properties and examples of: Italian (http://sswl.railsplayground.net/browse/languages/Italian) Properties: N2 01_Numeral Noun (indefinite); N2 02_Noun Numeral (indefinite); N2 03_Numeral Noun (definite); N2 04_Noun Numeral (definite); N2 05_Definite NP (Num N, N Num) has a definite article; N2 06_Definite NP (Num N, N Num) has a demonstrative; N2 07_Definite NP (Num N, N Num) lacks a definite article or demonstrative; N2 08_Definite NP (Num N, N Num) contains a Plural marker, but Indefinite NP does not; N2 09_Definite NP (Num N, N Num) contains any other marking; N2 10_The Numeral has a different form in Definite and Indefinite (Num N, N Num) contexts; N2 11_The Noun has a different form in Definite and Indefinite (Num N, N Num) contexts; Order N3 07_Demonstrative Numeral Noun; Order N3 08_Demonstrative Noun Numeral; Order N3 09_ Noun Numeral Demonstrative; Order N3 10_Noun Demonstrative Numeral; Order N3 11_Numeral Demonstrative Noun; Order N3 12_Numeral Noun Demonstrative. Sicilian (http://sswl.railsplayground.net/browse/languages/Sicilian). All properties. Old Italian (http://sswl.railsplayground.net/browse/languages/Italian%20%28Old%29). With Cecilia Poletto. All properties. -­‐ Property author: With Hilda Koopman: Order N3 07_Demonstrative Numeral Noun (http://sswl.railsplayground.net/browse/properties/499); Order N3 08_Demonstrative Noun Numeral (http://sswl.railsplayground.net/browse/properties/500); Order N3 09_ Noun Numeral Demonstrative (http://sswl.railsplayground.net/browse/properties/501); Order N3 10_Noun Demonstrative Numeral (http://sswl.railsplayground.net/browse/properties/502); Order N3 11_Numeral Demonstrative Noun (http://sswl.railsplayground.net/browse/properties/503); Order N3 12_Numeral Noun Demonstrative (http://sswl.railsplayground.net/browse/properties/504). Reviews (2010) review of: Barbara Patruno e Laura Sgarioto, Osservzioni sull'imperativo negativo di alcune varietà del ladino centrale. In: G. Marcato (ed) I dialetti e la montagna, Atti del convegno di Sappada/Plodn (Belluno), 2-­‐6 luglio 2003; Quaderni di dialettologia 8. Padova, Unipress: 247-­‐253. RID, RIVISTA ITALIANA DI DIALETTOLOGIA, vol. 34, p. 1, ISSN: 1122-­‐6331 (2010) review of: Sabrina Rasom, "Una particolarità del plurale femminile nel ladino dolomitico. Considerazioni morfosintattiche". In: G. Marcato (ed) I dialetti e la montagna, Atti del convegno di Sappada/Plodn (Belluno), 2-­‐6 luglio 2003; Quaderni di dialettologia – 8. Padova, Unipress: 239 – 246. RID, RIVISTA ITALIANA DI DIALETTOLOGIA, vol. 34, p. 1, ISSN: 1122-­‐6331 (2007) review of "Aspetti dell'italiano parlato", Christiane Maass and Klaus Hoelker eds. JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS, vol. 39, p. 431-­‐435, ISSN: 0378-­‐2166 Reviewer (under anonymity) of papers and abstracts for several volumes and conferences, and for the journals 'Lingua' and ‘Transactions of the Philological Society’. 5
Cristina Guardiano Lectures and Presentations Refereed international conferences Nancy, July 15-­‐21,2013. Congrès international de linguistique et de philologie romanes (CILPR 2013) Strutture nominali in Italia meridionale: un caso di microvariazione. Cambridge, June 24-­‐25, 2013. 7th Cambridge Italian Dialects Syntax meeting (CIDSM 7). Romance and Greek in Southern Italy: Variation in nominal syntax. Bilbao, June 5-­‐7, 2013. Towards a theory of syntactic variation. International Workshop. The historical reality of parametric variation (with G. Longobardi, A. Ceolin, G. Silvestri, L. Bortolussi, A. Sgarro) Lund, April 2, 2013. 36th Generative Linguistics in the Old World Colloquium (GLOW 36). The historical reality of biolinguistic diversity (with G. Longobardi, A. Ceolin, G. Silvestri, L. Bortolussi, A.Sgarro) Verona, February 23-­‐25, 2012. 38th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG 38), Università di Verona. Parameters, patterns and the reality of UG (with G. Longobardi, A. Ceolin, G. Silvestri, L. Bortolussi, A. Sgarro) Thessaloniki, April 26-­‐27, 2012. 33th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Department, Aristotle University. The Greek article across time and space. Leiden, May 23-­‐26, 2012. Italian Dialects Meeting, University of Leiden. Greek and Romance in Southern Italy: history and contact in nominal structures (with M. Stavrou) Lisbona, July 4-­‐6, 2012. 14th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS 14), University of Lisbona. Philogenetic reconstruction and syntactic parameters. Quantitative experiments on Indo-­‐European (with G. Longobardi, A. Ceolin, A. Boattini, G. Silvestri) Gent, September 20-­‐21, 2012. 5th International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects & Linguistic Theory (MGDLT 5). The Greek dialects in Southern Italy. Effects of language contact on nominal syntax (with M. Stavrou) Madrid, October 27-­‐28, 2011. Rethinking Parameters, Workshop on Formal Grammar and Syntactic Variation. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Parameters, patterns and the historical reality of UG (with G. Longobardi, G. Silvestri, L. Bortolussi, A. Sgarro) Komotini, September 1-­‐4, 2011. 10th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL 10). Linguistic theory and the Greek article: a parametric perspective. Cabridge, June 16-­‐17, 2011. 6th Cambridge Italian dialects syntax meeting (CIDSM 6), University of Cambridge. DPs in Southern Italy: a comparative perspective. Thessaloniki, May 6-­‐8, 2011. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics. Aristotle University, Thessaloniki. Demonstratives, word orders and the DP between syntax and semantics. Tarragona, March 14-­‐18, 2011. 1st International Work-­‐Conference on Linguistics, Biplogy and Computer Science: Interplays How many possible languages are there? (with L. Bortolussi, A. Sgarro, G. Longobardi) Roma, February 17-­‐19, 2011. International Conference on Linguistics and Classical Languages, Università di RomaTre. Typological comparison in the nominal domain. Articles and bare nouns across Ancient Greek. Paris, November 26-­‐27, 2010. Colloque international de syntaxe grecque et latine. International conference on Greek and Latin syntax. Ecole Normale Supérieure. Syntactic theory and Ancient Greek. Remarks on the development of the article-­‐system. Leeds, September 1-­‐4, 2010. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Association of Great Britain (LAGB), University of Leeds. Demonstratives and word order within the DP. A crosslinguistic inspection. Chicago, October 28 – November 1, 2009. 9th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (ICGL 9). The Greek demonstratives: history and syntax. Nijmengen, August 10-­‐15, 2009. 19th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL 19). 6
Cristina Guardiano Historical Change and Syntactic Theory. The Greek article. Chios, June 11-­‐14, 2009. 4th International Conference of Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory (MGDLT 4). Syntactic Theories and Greek varieties. The case of demonstratives. Thessaloniki, April 3-­‐6, 2009. 19th International Symposium on Theoretical & Appied Linguisitcs (ISTAL 19). The syntax of demonstratives. A parametric analysis. Vitoria-­‐Gasteiz, April 1-­‐3, 2009. 19th Colloquium on Generative Grammar (CGG 19), Universidad del País Vasco. The syntax of demonstratives. A parametric analysis. Amsterdam, March 15-­‐16, 2009. 2nd Amsterdam Workshop on Greek Linguistics (AWGL 2). Greek demonstratives and linguistic theory. A parametric analysis. Wien, December 5-­‐6, 2008. 36. Österreichischen Linguistiktagung, Universität Wien. The syntax of demonstratives. A parametric approach. Albuquerque, November 6-­‐8, 2008. 8th High Desert Linguistics Society Conference (HDLS-­‐8). University of New Mexico. Toward a History and Geography of Syntax (with G. Longobardi) Pisa, September 25-­‐28, 2008. 52nd International Conference of the Italian Society of Linguistics. Scuola Normale Superiore. I dimostrativi fra sintassi e semantica. Proposte per un’analisi parametrica Seoul, July 21-­‐26, 2008. 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18). Toward a history and geography of human syntax (with G. Longobardi) On the prospects of parametric comparison (with G. Longobardi) Verona, October 25-­‐27, 2007. Lingue, ethnos e popolazioni: evidenze linguistiche, biologiche e culturali. XXII SIG (Società Italiana di Glottologia) annual conference Lingue, menti e storia: verso una storia e geografia della sintassi umana (with G. Longobardi) Wien, September 23-­‐27, 2007. XXX Romanistentag. Wenn Deiktika nicht zeigen: Deiktische Formen als Satzkonnektoren und Diskursmarker. Deixis, Pragmatik und Grammatikalisierung. Usi non deittici e sintassi dei pronomi dimostrativi nelle varietà dell'italiano. Considerazioni teoriche e applicate Montreal, August 6-­‐11, 2007. ICHL, the 18th International Conference on Historical Linguistics Genitives and adjectives in the history of Greek and Latin (with C. Gianollo) Nicosia (Cyprus), June 14-­‐16, 2007. 3rd International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory (MGDLT 3). Genitives in the Greek nominal domain: parametric considerations Greek, Italian and their Dialects: a Quantitative Taxonomy (with G. Longobardi) Venezia, June 4-­‐6, 2007. Biolinguistics: Language Evolution and Variation Towards a history and geography of human syntax (with G. Longobardi and C. Gianollo) Tromso, April 11-­‐14, 2007. The Thirtieth Annual Colloquium Generative Linguistics in Old World (GLOW XXX) Modularized Global Parametrization and the Form of Parametric Variation (with G. Longobardi and C. Gianollo) Vercelli, September 21-­‐23, 2006. Linguistica e modelli tecnologici della ricerca. XL Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Società di Linguistica Italiana. Genealogie linguistiche e tassonomia computazionale. Per una ‘storia e geografia della sintassi umana’ (with G. Longobardi, C. Gianollo and G. Rigon). Paris, July 5-­‐9, 2006. Digital Humanities 2006. The First ADHO (Association for Digital Humanities Organization) International Conference, Université Paris-­‐Sorbonne. Is a ‘History and Geography of Human Syntax’ meaningful? (with G. Longobardi and C. Gianollo) Thessaloniki, May 6-­‐7, 2006. 27th Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Syntactic theory and historical hypotheses: the Greek article. Firenze, March 2-­‐4, 2006. XXXII Incontro di Grammatica Generativa (IGG 32). The underlying unity of Reference and Quantification (with G. Longobardi) 7
Cristina Guardiano Corigliano d’Otranto, October 6-­‐8, 2005. 6th International Conference on Le forme dialettali della lingua greca dall’antichità ad oggi Diachronic changes in the Greek DP: a parametric interpretation Delhi, October 5-­‐8, 2005. V Asian GLOW. Is a ‘history and geography of human syntax’ meaningful? (with G. Longobardi and C. Gianollo) Newcastle, September 5-­‐7, 2005. The structure of parametric variation. Is a ‘history and geography of human syntax meaningful? (with G. Longobardi and C. Gianollo) Amsterdam, June 23-­‐26, 2005. The Third International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 3). Historical implications of a formal theory of syntactic variation (with G. Longobardi and C. Gianollo) Barcelona, April 4-­‐6, 2005. 15° Coloquio de Gramàtica Generativa (CGG 15). Reference and Definiteness (with G. Longobardi). Mytilene, September 30 – October 3, 2004. Second International Conference on Modern Greek Dialects and Linguistic Theory (MGDLT2). Parametric changes in the history of the Greek article Yale, June 24-­‐27, 2004. Diachronic Generative Syntax 8 (DIGS 8) Historical implications of a formal model of syntactic variation (with G. Longobardi e C. Gianollo) Parametric changes in the history of the Greek article. Budapest, May 16-­‐18, 2004. Tools in Linguistic Theory (TILT 2004). Historical implications of a formal theory of syntactic variation (with G. Longobardi and C. Gianollo) Porto, April, 2004. 14° Coloquio de Grammatica Generativa (CGG 14). Historical implications of a formal theory of syntactic variation (with G. Longobardi and C. Gianollo) Research seminars and minicourses May 2014, UCLA Crosslinguistic variation and nominal structures. Articles and demonstratives May 2014, IndoEuropean Seminar, UCLA The definite article across time (and space) May 2014. Syntax and Semantics Seminar, UCLA Demonstratives within the DP: a crosslinguistic analysis April 2014. Fulbright Outreach Lecture, UPenn Reconstructing language phylogenies from syntactic structures: the Parametric Comparison Method April 2014. American Indian Seminar, UCLA Demonstratives within DPs. A crosslinguistic typology March 2014. American Indian Seminar, UCLA Crosslinguistic variation and parameters: the DP-­‐questionnaire January 2014. American Indian Seminar, UCLA Reconstructing language phylogenies from syntactic structures: the Parametric Comparison Method April 2013. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki DPs in Southern Italy. A comparative perspective April 2013. Università Cà Foscari, Venezia Adjectival modification in the Greek and Romance varieties of Southern Italy October 2012. Seminari del Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Culturali. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia La prospettiva biolinguistica e le sue applicazioni storiche: il Metodo di Comparazione Parametrica June 2012. SyntaxLab, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Cambridge Greek and Romance dialects in Southern Italy: adjectives within the DP May 2012. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki DP-­‐syntax and the Greek varieties April 2012. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia La biolinguistica come scienza storica: il metodo di comparazione parametrica March 2012. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Scuola di Dottorato in Scienze Umane Prospettive sulle scienze linguistiche dal metodo comparativo classico alla biolinguistica 8
Cristina Guardiano May 2011. LINGUA meeting. Universitaet Hannover Historical reconstruction in linguistics: the Parametric Comparison Method May 2011. Università di Bologna La sintassi come strumento per la ricostruzione filogenetica May 2011. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Syntax across history in Greek: remarks on some properties of the DP May 2011. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Languages, history and grammars: the Parametric Comparison Method April 2011. Università di Padova Il metodo di comparazione parametrica March 2011. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia Parlanti e lingue fra universali e diversità June 2010. SyntaxLab, Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge Demonstratives and the structure of the DP. Crosslinguistic remarks May 2009. Università di Pisa, Dottorato di ricerca in linguistica Descrizione sintattica e variazione diacronica: il dominio nominale nel greco antico November 2009. Goettingen Universitaet L’uso dell’inglese nella comunità scientifica italofona December 2008. Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia Lingue, menti e storia: la lingua come strumento per la ricostruzione filogenetica May 2007. Le patologie del linguaggio. Prospettive teoriche ed esperienze terapeutiche (Cosenza) La prospettiva sintattica: orientamenti tradizionali sui disturbi del linguaggio La prospettiva sintattica: orientamenti formali e reperimento dei dati May 2006. University of Patras Historical linguistics and syntactic analysis: methodological approaches Other conferences/events Ragusa, July 14-­‐17, 2013. International Workshop Advances in phylogenetic linguistics. -­‐ The historical reality of parametric variation (with G. Longobardi, A. Sgarro, L. Bortolussi, G. Silvestri, A. Ceolin) -­‐ Across language families: exploration in genomic and linguistic variation in Europe (with S. Ghirotto, F. Tassi, A. Benazzo, G. Barbujani, G. Longobardi) -­‐ Insights into genetic and linguistic structures of Sicily and Southern Italy. First steps towards an integrated perspective (with A. Boattini, S. Sarno, M. Carta, D. Luiselli, D. Pettener) Vignola, March 1, 2013. Darwin Day 2013 -­‐ Una sfida di Darwin. Possono lingue e geni contribuire a ricostruire la storia delle popolazioni umane? Milano, March 30, 2012. Museo Civico di Storia Naturale -­‐ L’ultima sfida di Darwin. Il progetto LanGeLin (with G. Longobardi and G. Romeo) Modena, March 12, 2012. Darwin Day 2012 -­‐ L’ultima sfida di Darwin. Linguistica e genetica per ricostruire il passato umano Modena, April 19, 2011. Primitivo, arcaico, originario, sauvage: (al)la ricerca dell'uomo perduto -­‐ Uomini, popoli e storie. Il contributo della linguistica Padova, October 15, 2009. Giornata di Studio ASIt – Le varietà siciliane -­‐ L’accusativo preposizionale: solo semantica? (Invited talk) Reggio Emilia, October 14, 2009. Finzione e percezione della realtà -­‐ Verbi, tempi e azioni nella favola Cosenza, June 25-­‐27, 2008. 25th Riunione Scientifica of the Italian Society of Statistics. Università della Calabria -­‐ Counting the number of languages we could speak (with L. La Rocca) Arezzo, January 17, 2008. Ideologie della competenza e test linguistici per la cittadinanza. -­‐ Lo straniero nella stampa italiana. Introduzione ad un’analisi dei discorsi mediatici Trieste, October 12-­‐13, 2007. Workshop on Formal Models of Linguistic Diversity -­‐ Towards a history and geography of human syntax (with C. Gianollo and G. Longobardi) Modena, October 20, 2006. Giornata di studio su neurolinguistica e disturbi del linguaggio 9
Cristina Guardiano -­‐ La prospettiva sintattica. Teorie e strumenti Modena, December 8-­‐10, 2005. Die wissenschaftliche Kommunikation in Italien und Deutschland: Sprache, Text, Diskurs -­‐ Ragioni del mutamento: fenomeni di obsolescenza e attrito Hanover, December 9-­‐10, 2004. Die wissenschaftliche Kommunikation in Italien und Deutschland: Sprache, Text, Diskurs -­‐ Mutamento o… morte? Modena, February 19-­‐20, 2004. La ricerca in Linguistica Applicata. Nuove riflessioni sul contatto e conflitto linguistico. IV Congresso Internazionale di Studi della Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata -­‐ Lingua percepita e costruzione identitaria (with A. Carli) Napoli, February 6-­‐7, 2004. II Incontro sui mutamenti tipologici nella morfosintassi delle lingue indoeuropee -­‐ Mutamenti parametrici nella storia dell’articolo greco -­‐ La comparazione sintattica fra tipologia a genealogia (with G. Longobardi and C. Gianollo) Hanover, October 25, 2003. Terza Giornata della Cultura Italiana, University of Hannover, Lehrgebiet Romanistik and Istituto Italiano di Cultura (Wolsfburg) -­‐ Istituzione di un Gruppo di Osservazione, Studio e Intervento per la Politica Linguistica, GISPL Zgorzelec, November 28 – December 1, 2002. EU Border Identites -­‐ Language and Identity in an Italian border community. Perugia, September 10-­‐11, 2002. Condizioni sul mutamento linguistico. -­‐ Note sulla parametrizzazione del sintagma nominale del Greco Antico Trieste, May 31– June 1, 2002. Giornate di studio sulla grammatica delle lingue classiche -­‐ Note sulla parametrizzazione del sintagma nominale del Greco Antico Viterbo, January 25-­‐26, 2002. I Incontro sui mutamenti tipologici nella morfosintassi delle lingue indoeuropee -­‐ La sintassi parametrica come fonte di generalizzazioni storico-­‐comparative (with G. Longobardi) Teaching and academic activity Undergraduate and Graduate Classes 2012 -­‐ 2013: Theories of language variation (Univ. Modena e R. Emilia, 42 hours per academic year) 2003 -­‐ 2013: Language Sciences (Univ. Modena e R. Emilia, 35 hours per academic year) 2004 -­‐ 2013: General Linguistics (Univ. Modena e R. Emilia, 63 hours per academic year) 2004 -­‐ 2011: Applied Linguistics (Univ. Modena e R. Emilia, 42 hours per academic year) 2006 -­‐ 2007: Language and Communication in Public Institutions (Univ. Modena e R. Emilia, 30 hours every year) 2005 -­‐ 2007: Historical Linguistics (Univ. Modena e R. Emilia, 42 hours per academic year) 2004 -­‐ 2009: Language and Communication (Univ. Modena e R. Emilia, 64 hours per academic year) 2003 -­‐ 2005: Sociolinguistics (Univ. Modena e R. Emilia, 64 hours per academic year) 2003 -­‐ 2005: Linguistics (Univ. Modena e R. Emilia, 48 hours every year) 2003: Italian Syntax (Universität Hannover) 2001 -­‐ 2002: General Linguistics (Univ. Trieste) 2000: Italian Language for Foreigners (Univ. Pisa) Since 2003: tutoring (or co-­‐tutoring) of more than 50 dissertations (Tesi di Laurea Triennale and Tesi di Laurea Specialistica/Magistrale: Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione e dell’Economia – Univ. Modena e R. Emilia; Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia – Univ. Modena e R. Emilia, Univ. Trieste). Membership in doctoral programs 2008 -­‐ present: Member of the doctoral program in Linguistics, Università di Pisa. 2005 -­‐ present: Member of the doctoral program in Human Sciences, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. 10
Cristina Guardiano June 2007: Member of the doctoral committee in Ladinistica, plurilinguismo e letterature comparate (Ladin language, multilingualism and comparative linguistics), and Letterature e Linguistiche moderne e comparate (Comparative modern languages and literatures), Università di Udine. Academic activities at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia 2013 -­‐ present: member of the Giunta del Dipartimento di Comunicazione ed Economia. 2007 -­‐ present: Member of the committee for university curriculum counselling and external relations (Commissione Orientamento e Relazioni Esterne), Dipartimento di Comunicazione ed Economia. 2004 -­‐ 2013: Local contact for the Erasmus/Socrates agreements between the Dipartimento di Comunicazione ed Economia and the Universities of Patras and Thessaloniki (Greece). 2012: Member of the TFA Committee, Classe di concorso A051 – Materie letterarie e Latino nei licei e negli istituti magistrali. 2005 -­‐ 2012: Rappresentante dei ricercatori, Facoltà di Scienze della Comunicazione e dell’Economia. 2004 -­‐ 2011: Member of the editorial board of the Working Papers of the Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio e della Cultura. 2005 -­‐ 2011: Responsible for the Section of Linguistics at the Humanities Library. 2007 -­‐ 2011: Membro della Giunta, Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio e della Cultura. Los Angeles, May 28, 2014 Cristina Guardiano 11
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