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La Biennale di Venezia
53. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte
Fare Mondi // Making Worlds
Collection Image Sheet
1. Simone Berti
untitled / senza titolo
Courtesy: the artist
2. Ulla von Brandenburg
Installation with coloured curtains and 16 mm film,
Photo: Ulla von Brandenburg
Courtesy: the artist
3. André Cadere
Barre de bois rond formée de segments de bois peints,
Courtesy: Collection Lambert en Avignon
4. Nikhil Chopra
Yog Raj Chitrakar: Memory Drawing IV, 2008
Photo: Shivani Gupta
Courtesy: the artist
5. Nikhil Chopra
Yog Raj Chitrakar: Memory Drawing II, 2007
Photo: Rohan Mukerjee
Courtesy: the artist and Chatterjee and Lal Gallery,
6. Anju Dodiya
The Seasons Triptych,2007
Photo: Cher Him
Collection: Bodhi Art, Mumbai
7. Öyvind Fahlström
L’ultima missione del dr. Schweitzer, 1965-66
Courtesy: ASAC - Fondazione La Biennale di
9. Jan Håfström
Den eviga återkomsten (The Eternal Return), 2003
Courtesy: Åmells Collection, Stockholm
11. Haloba Anawana
The Greater G8 advertising Market, 2007-09
Courtesy: the artist
13. Susan Hefuna
Building framed, 2008
Courtesy: the artist
8. Jan Håfström
Den eviga återkomsten (The Eternal Return), 2003
Courtesy: Åmells Collection, Stockholm
10. Haloba Anawana
The Greater G8 advertising Market, 2007-09
Courtesy: the artist
12. Susan Hefuna
Building framed, 2008
Courtesy: the artist
14. Huang Yongping
Buddha’s Hands, 2006
Courtesy: Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia
15. Igor Makarevich - Elena Elagina
Common Cause. Concept drawing, 2009
Property of artists
17. Lygia Pape
TTÉIA 1, C, (2002) 2005
Project: Lygia Pape - Cultural Association
Photos : Paula Pape
19. Alessandro Pessoli
Picpoket, 2008
Courtesy: Anton Kern Gallery, New York
21. Marjetica Potrč
The Great City of Medellin, 2007
Courtesy: the artist and Galerie Nordenhake,
16. Aleksandra Mir
VENEZIA (all places contain all others), 2009
Photo: Karl Weatherly, Photodisc Getty Images
Supported by Ringier AG, Zurich.
Copyright: Photography Getty Images
18. Lygia Pape
TTÉIA 1, C, (2002) 2005
Project: Lygia Pape - Cultural Association
Photos: Paula Pape
20. Michelangelo Pistoletto
Seventeen Less One, 2008
Photo: Ueno Norihiro
Courtesy: Galleria Continua, San Gimignano /
Beijing / Le Moulin
22. Marjetica Potrč
The Great City of Medellin: A Work of Symbiosis
Courtesy: Fondazione Pier Luigi e Natalina
Remotti, Camogli (Genova)
23. Pietro Roccasalva
The Skeleton Key, 2006
Photo: Agostino Osio
Collection: Private
Courtesy: ZERO…, Milan
24. Simon Starling
Wilhelm Noack oHG, 2006
Collection: Museum Folkwang, Essen
© Simon Starling and Museum Folkwang, Essen
25. Wolfgang Tillmans
Zimmerlinde (Michel), 2006
Photo: Wolfgang Tillmans
Courtesy: the artist
26. Wolfgang Tillmans
Wald (Rheinshagen), 2008
Photo: Wolfgang Tillmans
Courtesy: the artist
27. Xu Tan
Wine for the 9th of September, 2005-07
Courtesy: Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia
29. Haegue Yang
Series of Vulnerable Arrangements – Seven Basel
Lights, 2007
Collection: Kunsthalle Hamburg, Germany
Photo: Photographic Services, Basel
28. Xu Tan
Wine for the 9th of September, 2005-07
Courtesy: Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia
30. Anya Zholud
Communications, sketches, 2009
Courtesy: the artist
Per immagini ad alta risoluzione contattare:
Ufficio Stampa Arti Visive
La Biennale di Venezia
Tel. +39 041 5218849 - 5218846 - 5218716
Fax +39 041 5218812
[email protected]
31. Anya Zholud
Communications, sketches, 2009
Courtesy: the artist
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