
CV Guidi unibz 13

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CV Guidi unibz 13
University of Ferrara
Savonarola9 9 City Ferrara
Phone 0532293111 Fax 0532293031
City Ferrara
Email [email protected]
Phone 0532293111 Fax 0532293031
Web page www.unife.it
Email [email protected]
Web page www.unife.it
National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)
of Research
– Sensor
lab – (INFN)
Corbino Institute
for Nuclear
National Council of Research – Sensor lab – Corbino Institute
for Research
ER by (CERN)
Emilia Romagna
for Nuclear
Regional network for Research MISTER by Emilia Romagna
Current position
Current position
Associate professor
Full professor of Experimental Physics (FIS/01) at University of Ferrara
Personal data
Personal data
Age 45 / Birthday 25 May 1965
Place of birth Ferrara (Italy)
Age 47 / Birthday 25 May 1965
Nationality Italian
Place of birth Ferrara (Italy)
Nationality Italian
Bachelor in Physics
work at Legnaro National Laboratory (Italy)
Fellow at Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics (Russia)
Bachelor in Physics PhD work at Legnaro National Laboratory (Italy) Fellow at Budker Institute
for Nuclearskills
Physics (Russia)
Italian (mother tongue)
French (fair)
Italian (mother tongue), English (excellent), French (fair)
Professional experience
Administrative experience
Bachelor in Physics at the University of Ferrara in 1990, fellow at "Budker Institute for Nuclear
of member
in 1991. Thesis
of doctorate
in experimental
of (Russia)
the Administration
of Ferrara
University (2physics
years) carried out
at Former
Legnaro member
National Laboratories
then discussed
1994. Researcher
associate professor in
of the Academic
Senate ofinFerrara
University then
(2 years)
since 1994
at of
of Engineering
of the University of
Former member
the Research
(8 years)
Former member of the Research Committee for Applied Physics of the Italian National Institute
for Nuclear Physics (6 years)
Deputy of the Rector of Ferrara University for scientific interactions with ENEA
Director of the Doctoral School in Physics at Ferrara University
Head of the Sensors and Semiconductors lab at Ferrara University
Courses taught
General Physics I (mechanics and thermodynamics)
Experimental Physics
Methods of Observation and Measurements
Statistics and Probability
Semiconductors Physics Laboratory
Instrumentations Laboratory of Physical Technology
Devices and Techniques for Environmental Monitoring
Professional experience
Vincenzo Guidi (VG) was born in Ferrara (Italy) in 1965, received bachelor in Physics (summa cum laude)
at Ferrara University, fellowship at “Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics” of Novosibirsk (Russia) in 1991.
VG attained doctorate degree in Physics at Legnaro National Labs from 1991 through 1994. He has been
researcher then associate professor in Experimental Physics 1994 at the Faculty of Engineering of Ferrara
University until today. From 2011 he has been full professor in Experimental Physics. He currently is
president of the Doctoral School in Physics at Ferrara University.
The scientific activity of VG has consisted of two fields of interest: Semiconductor Physics and
Accelerator Physics, with special attention to the applications of the former to the latter. VG initially
studied photo-emission from GaAs as a non conventional electron source. It was demonstrated that a
GaAs photocathode is a sub-thermal source of electrons and that the resulting emitted beam, after
acceleration in a proper optics, can attain a special condition with a plasma parameter greater than one,
i.e., with liquid-like behaviour in beam dynamics.
In 1996 VG co-founded the Sensors and Semiconductors Lab (SSL) at Ferrara University with the
aim to studying nano-phased metal oxides for gas sensing via chemo-resistive effect. In particular, VG
studied the correlation existing between gas-sensitivity of films vs. structural features of the sensing
materials. It was pursued the investigation of novel materials for gas-sensing (such as WO3, TiO2, MoO3)
and some methods for their deposition were established. Information on basic sensing mechanisms and
on grain coalescence in metal-oxides were found out as well as new methods for grain-growth inhibition.
VG deepened the understanding of gas-sensing also from the theoretical standpoint. Some models
highlighting the effects of small dimensionality of nanograins and their correlation to the gas-sensing
qualities were put forward. The chemical affinity of a material to the gases through chemo-resistive effect
was ascribed to the density of superficial acceptor states of the nano-grains and of its consequent
pinning/unpinning of the Fermi level within the semiconductor.
From 2000 onward, VG undertook research activity with major Russian Institutions about
manipulation of relativistic particle beams (1-1000 GeV) for reflection, extraction, collimation, focusing,
undulation, and others via coherent interactions in crystals. It was demonstrated possible to achieve
crystal-assisted proton extraction out from a proton synchrotron at extraordinarily high efficiency (larger
than 85% to be compared to a few-percent figures of previous experiments). By re-visitation and
adaptation of micro-fabrication techniques of high-quality silicon crystals, it proved possible the discovery
of the effect of volume reflection, a new coherent effect of a particle in a crystal. Such an effect
highlighted single-pass deflection efficiency larger than 97% for 400 GeV protons in a silicon crystal.
These results enabled the proposition of an experiment for collimation in the SPS of CERN—a study
dedicated to investigating the possibility for beam collimation in the LHC. Currently, SSL is supplier of
crystals to study coherent interactions to major laboratories worldwide, such as CERN and Fermilab.
There are currently four main activities being pursued at SSL, of which VG is the coordinator,
namely concentrated photovoltaics, gas sensing via chemo-resistive materials, silicon micro-fabrication
for investigation of coherent effect in crystals and hard x-ray optics through curved crystals. At SSL,
counting 25 people, basic investigations on semiconductors are harmonized with a traditional inclination
toward applied research, public funds merge with private investments and research is carried out in
collaboration with international labs of excellence.
VG has been member of the Italian Physics Society since 1991, from which he was awarded in
1992 for scientific merit. During his career, VG has performed more 20 invited talks, organized four
international conferences and a national meeting, was editor and guest editor of peer-reviewed
international scientific journals. VG published more than 200 papers and more than 210 contributions to
conference or workshop proceedings, resulting in a Hirsh factor of 38.
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
R. Calabrese, J.M. Gong, V. Guidi, F. Masoli and L. Tecchio
“Experimental study on the production of high density electron bunches from a GaAs
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A 309 (1991) 21-24
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1991
V. Guidi
"A Lyapunov technique approach to electron cooling devices"
Il Nuovo Cimento B 107 (1992) 47-50
Bologna (Italia) 1992
R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, G. Lamanna, and L. Tecchio
"Experimental study on lifetimes and current production from a GaAs electron source"
Journal de Physique III France 2 (1992) 473-480
Les Ulis (Francia) 1992
A.V. Aleksandrov, R. Calabrese, N.S. Dikansky, V. Guidi, N.Ch. Kot, V.I. Kudelainen, V.A. Lebedev,
P.V. Logachov and L. Tecchio
"First experimental observation of an electron beam with a plasma parameter greater than one"
Europhysics Letters 18 (1992) 151-156
Les Ulis (Francia) 1992
A.V. Aleksandrov, R. Calabrese, N.S. Dikansky, V. Guidi, N.Ch. Kot, V.I. Kudelainen, V.A. Lebedev,
P.V. Logachov and L. Tecchio
"Influence of the laser modes on the energy spread in photoemitted electron beams"
Physics Letters A 163 (1992) 77-81
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1992
B. Yang, G. Ciullo, V. Guidi and L. Tecchio
"Monte Carlo simulation of a GaAs electron source"
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 25 (1992) 1834-1837
Norwich (UK) 1992
A.V. Aleksandrov, N.S. Dikansky, N.Ch. Kot, V.I. Kudelainen, V.A. Lebedev, P.V. Logachov, R.
Calabrese, V. Guidi, G. Ciullo, G. Lamanna, and L. Tecchio
"Relaxations in electron beams and adiabatic acceleration"
Physical Review A 46 (1992) 6628-6633
Woodsbury (USA) 1992
B. Yang, V. Guidi and L. Tecchio
"Calculated spin polarization of field-assisted GaAs electron source"
Il Nuovo Cimento A 106 (1993) 231-235
Bologna (Italia) 1993
A.V. Aleksandrov, R. Calabrese, G. Ciullo, N.S. Dikansky, V. Guidi, N.Ch. Kot, V.I. Kudelainen, V.A.
Lebedev, P.V. Logachov, L. Tecchio and B. Yang
“Very-high-resolution energy analyser for electron beams"
Measurements Science and Technology 4 (1993) 764-768
Wolverhampton (UK) 1993
B. Yang, G. Ciullo, V. Guidi and L. Tecchio
"Analytical calculation of space charge current of high voltage plane diode electron gun"
Il Nuovo Cimento A 106 (1993) 1291-1294
Bologna (Italia) 1993
A.V. Aleksandrov, R. Calabrese, G. Ciullo, N.S. Dikansky, V. Guidi, N.Ch. Kot, V.I. Kudelainen, G.
Lamanna, V.A. Lebedev, P.V. Logachov, L. Tecchio and B. Yang
"Low energy intense electron beams with extra-low energy spread"
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A 340 (1994) 114-117
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1994
R. Calabrese, G. Ciullo, V. Guidi, G. Lamanna, P. Lenisa, B. Maciga, L. Tecchio and B. Yang
"Long-lifetime high-intensity GaAs photosource"
Review of Scientific Instruments 65 (1994) 343-348
Woodsbury (USA) 1994
A.V. Aleksandrov, G. Ciullo, V. Guidi, V.I. Kudelainen, G. Lamanna, P. Lenisa, P.V. Logachov, B.
Maciga, A. Novokhatsky, L. Tecchio and B. Yang
"The GaAs electron source: simulations and experiments"
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A 340 (1994) 118-121
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1994
R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, B. Maciga, G. Ciullo, G. Della Mea, G.P. Egeni, G. Lamanna, V.
Rigato, V. Rudello, B. Yang, S. Zandolin, L. Tecchio
"Surface analysis of a GaAs electron source using rutherford backscattering spectroscopy"
Applied Physics Letters 65 (1994) 301-302
Woodsbury (USA) 1994
R. Calabrese, G. Ciullo, G. Della Mea, G.P. Egeni, V. Guidi, G. Lamanna, P. Lenisa, B. Maciga, V.
Rigato, V. Rudello, L. Tecchio, B. Yang and S. Zandolin
"Performance of a GaAs electron source"
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A 340 (1994) 109-113
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1994
A.V. Aleksandrov, M.S. Avilov, R. Calabrese, G. Ciullo, N.S. Dikansky, V. Guidi, G. Lamanna, P.
Lenisa, P.V. Logachov, A.V. Novokhatsky, L. Tecchio, and B. Yang
"Experimental study of the response time of GaAs as photoemitter"
Physical Review E 51 (1995) 1449-1452
Woodsbury (USA) 1995
V. Guidi
"Analytical evaluation of threshold between string and zig-zag in a crystalline ion beam"
Il Nuovo Cimento A 108 (1995) 537-540
Bologna (Italia) 1995
A.V. Aleksandrov, R. Calabrese, G. Ciullo, N.S. Dikansky, V. Guidi, G. Lamanna, P. Lenisa, P.V.
Logachov, A. Novokhatsky, L. Tecchio, and B. Yang
"Device for electron bunch length measurement in the picosecond region"
Review of Scientific Instruments 66 (1995) 3363-3366
Woodsbury (USA) 1995
R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, L. Mariotti, L. Moi, and U. Tambini
"Stroboscopic laser diagnostics for detection of ordering in a one-dimensional ion beam"
Physical Review A 52 (1995) 2464-2467
Woodsbury (USA) 1995
V. Guidi and A.V. Novokhatsky
"A proposal for a radio-frequency-based streak camera with time resolution less than 100 fs"
Measurements Science and Technology 6 (1995) 1555-1556
Wolverhampton (UK) 1995
R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, L. Mariotti, L. Moi, and U. Tambini
"Ultrashort laser-pulse diagnostics for detection of ordering within an ion beam"
Hyperfine Interaction 99 (1996) 267-276
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1996
P. Nelli, L.E. Depero, M. Ferroni, S. Groppelli, V. Guidi, F. Ronconi, L. Sangaletti, and G.
"Sub-ppm NO2 sensors based on nanosized thin films of titamium-tungsten oxides"
Sensors and Actuators B 31 (1996) 89-92
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1996
V. Guidi
"Anomalous broadening of energy distribution in photoemitted electron beams"
Journal of Applied Physics 79 (1996) 8187-8192
Woodsbury (USA) 1996
R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, L. Mariotti, and L. Moi
"Transverse laser cooling of ions in a storage ring"
Optics Communications 123 (1996) 530-534
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1996
G. Sberveglieri, L.E. Depero, M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, P. Nelli, C. Perego, and L.
"A novel method for the preparation of nanosized TiO2 thin films"
Advanced Materials 8 (1996) 334-337
Weinheim (Germania) 1996
M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, G. Faglia, P. Nelli, and G. Sberveglieri.
"Characterization of a nanosized TiO2 gas sensor"
S Nanostructured Materials 7 (1996) 709-718
Oxford (UK) 1996
L.E. Depero, M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Marca, G. Martinelli, P. Nelli, L. Sangaletti, and G.
"Preparation and micro-structural characterization of nanosized thin film of TiO2-WO3 compound
as a novel material with high-performance gas sensing"
Sensors and Actuators B 35-36 (1996) 381-383
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1996
S.N. Atutov, F. Bonazzi, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, S. Petruio, L. Mariotti, and L. Moi
"Generation of a frequency comb with a sharp edge of adjustable intensity and frequency"
Optics Communications 132 (1996) 269-274
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1996
R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, R. Grimm, J. Miesner, L. Mariotti, and L. Moi
"White-light laser cooling of ions in a storage ring"
Hyperfine Interaction 99 (1996) 259-265
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1996
M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, and G. Sberveglieri.
"Microstructural characterization of a titanium-tungsten oxide gas sensor"
Journal of Material Research 12 (1997) 793-798
Woodsbury (USA) 1997
S.N. Atutov, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, L. Mariotti, L. Moi, S. Petruio, and A.M. Shalagin
"Sharp edge broad-band lasers for "white-light" cooling in a storage rings"
Hyperfine Interaction 108 (1997) 259-266
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1997
B. Yang, M.C. Carotta, G. Faglia, M. Ferroni, S. Groppelli, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, and G.
"Quantification of H2S and NO2 using gas-sensor arrays and an artificial neural network"
Sensors and Actuators B 43 (1997) 235-238
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1997
M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, P. Nelli, M. Sacerdoti, and G. Sberveglieri.
"Characterization of a molibdenum oxide sputtered thin film as a gas sensor"
Thin Solid Films 307 (1997) 148-151
Weinheim (Germania) 1997
L. Tecchio, G. Bisoffi, G. Ciullo, A. Dainelli, S. Gustafsson, M.F. Moisio, A. Pisent, M. Poggi, B.
Yang, A. Burov, N.S. Dikansky, D.V. Pestrikov, V.V. Parkhomchuk, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P.
Lenisa, T. Clauser, G. Lamanna, M. Rutigliano, V. Stagno, V. Variale, G. Di Massa, M.R. Masullo,
V.G. Vaccaro, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi,
"A Storage Ring for Crystalline Beam Studies"
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A 391 (1997) 147-155
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1997
L. Tecchio, G. Bisoffi, G. Ciullo, A. Dainelli, S. Gustafsson, M.F. Moisio, A. Pisent, M. Poggi, B.
Yang, A. Burov, N.S.Dikansky, D.V. Pestrikov, V.V. Parkhomchuk, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa,
T. Clauser, G. Lamanna, M. Rutigliano, V. Stagno, V. Variale, G. Di Massa, M.R. Masullo, V.G.
Vaccaro, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi,
"Ion beam crystallization"
Hyperfine Interaction 108 (1997) 355-372
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1997
M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, P. Nelli, and G. Sberveglieri,
"Gas-sensing applications of W-Ti-O-based nanosized thin films prepared by r.f. reactive
Sensors and Actuators B 44 (1997) 499-502
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1997
L. Tecchio, A. Atutov, G. Bisoffi, A. Burov, R. Calabrese, G. Ciullo, T. Clauser, A. Dainelli, N.S.
Dikansky, V. Guidi, S. Gustafsson, G. Lamanna, P. Lenisa, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, M.F. Moisio, V.V.
Parkhomchuk, D.V. Pestrikov, A. Pisent, M. Poggi, V. Stagno, V. Variale, B. Yang.
"CRYSTAL: a storage ring for crystalline beams and other applications"
Nuclear Physics A 626 (1997) 583-588
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1997
L. Sangaletti, E. Bontempi, L.E. Depero, R. Salari, M. Zocchi, P. Nelli, G. Sberveglieri, P. Galinetto,
M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli,
"Ti-W-O layers for gas sensing applications. structure, morphology and electrical properties"
Journal of Material Research 13 (1998) 1568-1575
Woodsbury (USA) 1998
V. Guidi, G. Faglia, M. Ferroni, F. Petrucci, and G. Sberveglieri
"Helium purity control by thin film gas-sensors at the CERN NA-48 experiment"
Sensors and Actuators B 47 (1998) 54-58
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1998
T. Clauser, D. Diacono, G.V. Lamanna, V. Stagno, V. Variale, S. Atutov, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, U.
Tambini, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, P. Lenisa
"A Monte Carlo simulation of a stroboscopic laser diagnostics of ordered ion beams in a storage
Hyperfine Interaction 115 (1998) 23-27
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1998
S.N. Atutov, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, S. Petruio, and A.M. Shalagin
“Frequency stabilization of a broad-band dye laser by light induced drift”
Optics Communications 146 (1998) 196-200
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1998
M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, M. Sacerdoti, P. Nelli, G. Sberveglieri
“MoO3-based sputtered thin films for fast NO2 detection”
Sensors and Actuators B 48 (1998) 285-288
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1998
S.N. Atutov, R. Calabrese, R. Grimm, V. Guidi, I. Lauer, P. Lenisa, V. Luger, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, A.
Peters, U. Schramm, and M. Stössel
“”White light” laser cooling of a fast stored ion beam”
Physical Review Letters 80 (1998) 2129-2132
Woodsbury (USA) 1998
D. Gnani, V. Guidi, M. Ferroni, G. Faglia, and G. Sberveglieri
“High-precision neural preprocessing for signal analysis of a sensor array”
Sensors and Actuators B 47 (1998) 77-83
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1998
S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, R. Calabrese, T. Clauser, R. Grimm, V. Guidi, G. Lamanna, I. Lauer, P.
Lenisa, V. Luger, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, U. Schramm, V. Stagno, M. Stössel, L. Tecchio, and V. Variale
“First demonstration of ‘white-light’ laser cooling of a stored ion beam”
Hyperfine Interaction 115 (1998) 47-52
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1998
V. Guidi, G.C. Cardinali, L. Dori, G. Faglia, M. Ferroni, G. Martinelli, P. Nelli, G. Sberveglieri
“Thin-film gas sensor implemented on a low-power-comsumption micromachined silicon structure”
Sensors and Actuators B 49 (1998) 88-92
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1998
A.V. Aleksandrov, N.S. Dikansky, V. Guidi, G.V. Lamanna, P.V. Logatchov, S.V. Shiyankov, L.
“Setting up and time-resolution measurement of a radio-frequency-based streak camera”
Review of Scientific Instruments 70 (1999) 2622-2626
Woodsbury (USA) 1999
S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, R. Calabrese, T. Clauser, D. Diacono, V. Guidi, G.V. Lamanna, P. Lenisa,
E. Mariotti, L. Moi, V. Stagno and V. Variale
“Simulation of a laser diagnostics to detect the string configuration of an ion beam in a storage
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A 430 (1999) 10-23
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1999
M. Ferroni, D. Boscarino, E. Comini, D. Gnani, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, P. Nelli, V. Rigato, G.
“Nanosized thin films of tungsten-titanium mixed oxides as gas sensors”
Sensors and Actuators B 58 (1999) 289-294
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1999
M.C. Carotta, M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, and G. Martinelli,
“Preparation and characterization of nanostructured titania thick films”
Advanced Materials 11 (1999) 943-946
Weinheim (Germania) 1999
V. Guidi, M.C. Carotta, M. Ferroni, G. Martinelli, L. Paglialonga, P. Nelli, G. Sberveglieri
“Preparation of nanosized titania thick and thin films as gas-sensors”
Sensors and Actuators B 57 (1999) 197-200
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1999
M.C. Carotta, M. Ferroni, D. Gnani, V. Guidi, M. Merli, G. Martinelli, M. C. Casale and M. Notaro
“Nanostructured pure and Nb-doped TiO2 as thick film gas sensors for environmental monitoring”
Sensors and Actuators B 58 (1999) 310-317
Amsterdam (Olanda) 1999
V. Guidi, E. Comini, M. Ferroni, G. Martinelli, and G. Sberveglieri
“Study on nanosized TiO/WO3 thin films achieved by radio frequency sputtering”
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A 18 (2000) 509-514
Woodsbury (USA) 2000
M. Ferroni, M. C. Carotta, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, F. Ronconi, O. Richard, D. Van Dyck, J. Van
“Structural characterization of Nb-TiO2 nanosized thick-films for gas sensing application”
Sensors and Actuators B 68 (2000) 140-145
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2000
Y.D. Chernousov, V. Guidi, P.V. Logachov, and L. Tecchio
“Proposal for a deflecting system for streak camera with sub-ps resolution and wide dynamic
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research A 451 (2000) 541-544
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2000
N. Bonini, M.C. Carotta, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, L. Paglialonga, M. Sacerdoti
“Doping of a nanostructured titania thick-film: structural and electrical investigations”
Sensors and Actuators B 68 (2000) 274-280
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2000
M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, E. Comini, G. Sberveglieri, D. Boscarino, G. Della Mea
“Electron microscopy and Rutherford backscattering study of nucleation and growth in nanosized
W-Ti-O thin films”
Journal of Applied Physics 88 (2000) 1097-1103
Woodsbury (USA) 2000
V. Guidi, D. Boscarino, E. Comini, G. Faglia, M. Ferroni, C. Malagù,G. Martinelli, V. Rigato, and G.
“Preparation and characterisation of titanium-tungsten sensors”
Sensors and Actuators B 65 (2000) 264-266
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2000
E. Comini, G. Sberveglieri, M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli,
“NO2 monitoring with a novel p-type material: TiO”
Sensors and Actuators B 68 (2000) 175-183
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2000
V. Guidi
“Polarized Electron Sources”
Hyperfine Interaction 127 (2000) 455-462
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2000
C. Baratto, G. Sberveglieri, E. Comini, G. Faglia, G. Benussi, V. La Ferrara, L. Quercia, G. Di
Francia, V. Guidi, D. Vincenzi, D. Boscarino, V. Rigato
“Gold catalysed porous silicon for NOx sensing”
Sensors and Actuators B 68 (2000) 74-80
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2000
S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, B. Mai, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, and L.
“Development of a broadband laser in the UV region”
Hyperfine Interaction 127 (2000) 503-506
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2000
E. Comini, G. Sberveglieri, V. Guidi
“Ti- W- O sputtered thin film as n or p type gas sensors”
Sensors and Actuators B 70 (2000) 108-114
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2000
D. Vincenzi, M.A. Butturi, V. Guidi, M.C. Carotta, G. Martinelli, V. Guarnieri, S. Brida, B. Margesin,
F. Giacomozzi, M. Zen, D. Giusti, G. Soncini, A.A. Vasiliev and A.V. Pisliakov
“Gas-sensing device implemented on a micromachined membrane: A combination of thick-film and
very large scale integrated technologies”
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 18 (2000) 2441-2445
Woodsbury (USA) 2000
E. Comini, V. Guidi,, C. Frigeri, I. Riccò, G. Sberveglieri
“CO sensing properties of titanium and iron oxide nanosized thin films”
Sensors and Actuators B 77 (2001) 16-21
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2001
S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, A. Burchianti, R. Calabrese, S. Gozzini, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, C. Marinelli,
E. Mariotti, L. Moi, K. Nasyrov, S. Pod’yachev
“Sodium MOT collection efficiency as a function of the trapping and repumping laser frequencies
and intensities”
European Physical Journal D 13 (2001) 71-82
Les Ulis (Francia) 2001
E. Comini, G. Sberveglieri, M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, C. Frigeri, D. Boscarino
“Production and characterization of titanium and iron oxide nanosized thin films”
Journal of Material Research 16 (2001) 1559-1564
Woodsbury (USA) 2001
V. Guidi, D. Boscarino, L. Casarotto, E. Comini, M. Ferroni, G. Martinelli, G. Sberveglieri
“Nanosized Ti-doped MoO3 thin films for gas-sensing application”
Sensors and Actuators B 77 (2001) 555-560
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2001
S.N. Atutov, W. Baldini, V. Biancalana, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, P. Lenisa, B. Mai, E. Mariotti, L. Moi,
L. Tomassetti.
“Achromatic device for generation of a broadband frequency spectrum with high frequency
stability and sharp termination”
Journal Optical Society of America B 18 (2001) 335-339
Woodsbury (USA) 2001
M. Ferroni, M.C. Carotta, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, F. Ronconi, M. Sacerdoti, E. Traversa
“Preparation and characterization of nanosized titania sensing film”
Sensors and Actuators B 77 (2001) 163-166
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2001
D. Vincenzi, M.A. Butturi, M. Stefancich, C. Malagù, V. Guidi, M.C. Carotta, G. Martinelli, V.
Guarnieri, S. Brida, B. Margesin, F. Giacomozzi, M. Zen, A.A. Vasiliev, A.V. Pisliakov
“Low-power thick-film gas sensor obtained by a combination of screen printing and
micromachining techniques”
Thin Solid Films 391 (2001) 288-292
Weinheim (Germania) 2001
D. Vincenzi, M.A. Butturi, V. Guidi, M.C. Carotta, G. Martinelli, V. Guarnieri, S. Brida, B. Margesin,
F. Giacomozzi, M. Zen, A.A. Vasiliev, A.V. Pisliakov
“Development of a low-power thick-film gas sensor deposited by screen-printing technique onto a
micromachined hotplate”
Sensors and Actuators B 77 (2001) 95-99
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2001
A.G. Afonin, V.T. Baranov, V.M. Biryukov, M.B.H. Breese, V.N. Chepegin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.
Guidi, Yu.M. Ivanov, V.I. Kotov, G. Martinelli, W. Scandale, M. Stefancich, V.I. Terekhov, D.
Trbojevic, E.F. Troyanov, D. Vincenzi
“High-efficiency beam extraction and collimation using channeling in very short bent crystals”
Physical Review Letters 87 (2001) 094802-1 – 094802-4
Woodsbury (USA) 2001
P.A. Bak, R. Calabrese, Yu.D. Chernousov, V. Guidi, L. Guidi, S.M. Gurov, P.V. Logatchov, E.E.
Pyata, L. Tecchio, A.S. Tsygunov
“Status of a radio-frequency-based streak camera with sub-ps time resolution”
Laser and Particle Beams 19 (2001) 105-109
Cambridge (USA) 2001
S.N. Atutov, W. Baldini, V. Biancalana, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, B. Mai, E. Mariotti, G. Mazzocca, L.
Moi, S.P. Pod’yachev, L. Tomassetti
“Explosive vaporization of metallic sodium microparticles by c.w. resonant laser radiation”
Physical Review Letters 87 (2001) 215002-1 – 215002-4
Woodsbury (USA) 2001
A.G. Afonin, V.T. Baranov, V.M. Biryukov, V.I. Kotov, V.A. Maisheev, V.I. Terekhov, E.F. Troyanov,
Yu.S. Fedotov, V.N. Chepegin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, Yu.M. Ivanov, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, M.
Stefanchik, D. Vincenzi, D. Trbojevic, W. Scandale, M.B.H. Breese
“Advances in the investigation of the extraction of a proton beam from the U-70 accelerator with
the aid of bent single crystals”
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 74 (2001) 55-58
Moskov (Russia) 2001
C. Malagù, V. Guidi, M. Stefancich, M.C. Carotta and G. Martinelli
“Model for Schottky barrier and surface states in nanostructured n-type semiconductors”
Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002) 808-814
Woodsbury (USA) 2002
E. Comini, M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Faglia, G. Martinelli, and G. Sberveglieri
“Nanostructured mixed oxides compounds for gas sensing applications”
Sensors and Actuators B 84 (2002) 26-32
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2002
M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, G. Roncarati, E. Comini, G. Sberveglieri, A. Vomiero, G. Della
“Coalescence inhibition in nanosized titania films and related effects on chemoresistive properties
towards ethanol”
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 20 (2002) 523-530
Woodsbury (USA) 2002
V.M. Biryukov, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V. Guidi, V.I. Kotov, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, W. Scandale, M.
Stefancich, D. Vincenzi.
“Crystal deflector for highly efficient channeling extraction of a proton beam
from accelerators”
Review of Scientific Instruments 73 (2002) 3170-3173
Woodsbury (USA) 2002
V. Guidi, M.A. Butturi, M.C. Carotta, B. Cavicchi, M. Ferroni, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, D. Vincenzi,
M. Sacerdoti, M. Zen
“Gas sensing through thick film technology”
Sensors and Actuators B 84 (2002) 72-77
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2001
V. Guidi, M.C. Carotta, M. Ferroni, G. Martinelli, M. Sacerdoti
“Effect of dopants on grain coalescence and oxygen mobility in nanostructured titania anatase and
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 107 (2003) 120-124
Washington DC (USA) 2003
S. Bellucci, V.M. Biryukov, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V. Guidi, W. Scandale
“Channeling of high energy beams in nanotubes”
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 202 (2003) 236-241
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2003
S. Bellucci, S. Bini, V. M. Biryukov, Yu. A. Chesnokov, S. Dabagov, G. Giannini, V. Guidi, Yu. M.
Ivanov, V. I. Kotov, V. A. Maisheev, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, A. A. Petrunin, V. V. Skorobogatov,
M. Stefancich, and D. Vincenzi
“Experimental study for the feasibility of a crystalline undulator”
Physical Review Letters 90 (2003) 034801-1 – 034801-3
Woodsbury (USA) 2003
S.N. Atutov, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, B. Mai, E. Scansani, G. Stancari, L. Tomassetti, L. Corradi, A.
Dainelli, V. Biancalana, A. Burchianti, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, S. Veronesi
“Cooling and trapping of radioactive atoms: the Legnaro francium magneto-optical trap”
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 20 (2003) 953-959
Woodsbury (USA) 2003P
S. Bellucci, V.M. Biryukov, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V. Guidi, W. Scandale
“Making micro- and nano-beams by channeling in micro- and nano-structures”
Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams 6 (2003) 033502-1-033502-8
Woodsbury (USA) 2003
E. Comini, G. Sberveglieri, M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli
“Response to ethanol of thin films based on Mo and Ti oxides deposited by sputtering”
Sensors and Actuators B 93 (2003) 409-415
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2003
S.N. Atutov, R. Calabrese, V. Guidi, B. Mai, A.G. Rudavets, E. Scansani, L. Tomassetti, V.
Biancalana, A. Burchianti, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, S. Veronesi
“Fast and efficient loading of a Rb magneto-optical trap using light-induced atomic desorption”
Physical Review A 67 (2003) 053401-1 – 053401-6
Woodsbury (USA) 2003
S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, A. Burchianti, R. Calabrese, L. Corradi, A. Dainelli, V. Guidi, B. Mai, C.
Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, E. Scansani, G. Stancari, L. Tomassetti, S. Veronesi
“Trapping of radioactive atoms: the Legnaro francium magneto-optical trap”
Physica Scripta T 105 (2003) 15-18
Stockholm (Sweden) 2003
F. Montoncello, M. C. Carotta, B. Cavicchi, M. Ferroni, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli,
F. Meinardi
“Near-infrared photoluminescence in titania: an evidence for phonon-replica effect”
Journal of Applied Physics 94 (2003) 1501-1505
Woodsbury (USA) 2003
A. Vomiero, G. Della Mea, M. Ferroni, G. Martinelli, G. Roncarati, V. Guidi, E. Comini, G.
“Preparation and microstructural characterization of nanosized Mo:TiO2 and Mo-W-O thin films by
sputtering: tailoring of composition and porosity by thermal treatment”
Materials Science and Engineering B 101 (2003) 216-221
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2003
M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, E. Comini, G. Sberveglieri, A. Vomiero, G. Della Mea
“Selective sublimation processing of a molybdenum-tungsten mixed oxide thin film”
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B 21 (2003) 1442-1448
Woodsbury (USA) 2003
S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, A. Burchianti, R. Calabrese, L. Corradi, A. Dainelli, V. Guidi, B. Mai, C.
Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, A. Rossi, E. Scansani, G. Stancari, L. Tomassetti, S. Veronesi
“The Legnaro francium magneto-optical trap”
Hyperfine Interaction 146/147 (2003) 83-89
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2003
E. Comini, M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, G. Sberveglieri
“CO sensing properties of W-Mo and tin oxide RGTO multiple layers structures”
Sensors and Actuators B 95 (2003) 157-161
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2003
M.C. Carotta, M. Ferroni, S. Gherardi, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, M. Sacerdoti, M.L. Di Vona,
S. Licoccia, E. Traversa
“Thick film gas sensors based on vanadium-titanium oxide powder prepared by innovative sol-gel
Journal of the European Ceramics Society 24 (2004) 1409-1413
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2004
E. Comini, V. Guidi, M. Ferroni, G. Sberveglieri
“TiO2:Mo, MoO3:Ti, TiO+WO3 and TiO:W layer for landfill produced gases sensing”
Sensors and Actuators B 100 (2004) 41-46
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2004
E. Comini, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, Z. Pan, G. Sberveglieri , Z.L. Wang
"Electrical properties of tin dioxide two-dimensional nanostructures”
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 108 (2004) 1882-1887
Washington DC (USA) 2004
C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta, H. Fissan, V. Guidi, M.K. Kennedy, F.E. Kruis, G. Martinelli, T.G.G. Maffeis,
G.T. Owen, S.P. Wilks
“Surface state density decrease in nanostructured polycrystalline SnO2: modelling and
experimental evidence”
Sensors and Actuators B 100 (2004) 283-286
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2004
S. Bellucci, S. Bini, V.M. Biryukov, G.I. Britvich, Yu.A. Chesnokov, G. Giannini, V. Guidi, Yu.M.
Ivanov, V.I. Kotov, V.A. Maisheev, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, A.A. Petrunin, V.A. Pikalov, A. Raco, L.
Silvi, V.V. Skorobogatov, M. Stefancich, F. Tombolini, D. Vincenzi
“Crystal undulator as a new compact source of radiation”
Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams 7 (2004) 023501-1 – 023501-5
Woodsbury (USA) 2004
V. Guidi, M. Blo, M.A. Butturi, M.C. Carotta, S. Galliera, A. Giberti, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, M. Piga,
B. Vendemiati
“Aqueous and alcoholic syntheses of tungsten trioxide powders for NO2 detection”
Sensors and Actuators B 100 (2004) 277-282
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2004
C. Malagù, V. Guidi, M.C. Carotta, G. Martinelli
“Unpinning of Fermi level in nanostructured chemo-resistive semiconductors”
Applied Physics Letters 84 (2004) 4158-4160
Woodsbury (USA) 2004
A. Giberti, M.C. Carotta, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, M. Piga and B. Vendemiati
“Monitoring of ethylene for agro-alimentary applications and compensation of humidity effects”
Sensors and Actuators B 103 (2004) 272-276
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2004
S.N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, A. Burchianti, R. Calabrese, L. Corradi, A. Dainelli, V. Guidi, A.
Khanbekyan, B. Mai, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti, L. Moi, S. Sanguinetti, G. Stancari, L. Tomassetti, S.
“Production and trapping of francium atoms”
Nuclear Physics A 746 (2004) 421–424
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2004
C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta, S. Galliera, V. Guidi, T.G.G. Maffeis, G. Martinelli, G.T. Owen, and S.P.
“Evidence of bandbending flattening in 10 nm polycrystalline SnO2”
Sensors and Actuators B 103 (2004) 50-54
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2004
M. Blo, M.C. Carotta, S. Galliera, S. Gherardi, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, M.
Sacerdoti, B. Vendemiati, A. Zanni
“Synthesis of pure and loaded powders of WO3 for NO2 detection through thick film technology”
Sensors and Actuators B 103 (2004) 213-218Amsterdam (Olanda) 2004
E. Comini, V. Guidi, M. Ferroni, G. Sberveglieri
“Detection of landfill gases by chemoresistive sensors based on titanium, molybdenum, tungsten
IEEE Sensors Journal 5 (2005) 4-11
Piscataway (USA) 2005
V.M. Biryukov, V.N. Chepegin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V. Guidi, W. Scandale
“Crystal collimation as an option for the Large Hadron Collider”
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 234 (2005) 23-30
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2005
V. Guidi, A. Antonini, S. Baricordi, F. Logallo, C. Malagù, E. Milan, A. Ronzoni, M. Stefancich, G.
Martinelli, A. Vomiero
“Tailoring of silicon crystals for relativistic–particle channeling”
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 234 (2005) 40-46
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2005
M.C. Carotta, S. Galliera, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, B. Vendemiati, A. Zanni, G. Martinelli, M. Sacerdoti,
S. Licoccia, M.L. Di Vona, E. Traversa.
“Vanadium and Tantalum doped Titanium oxide (TiTaV): a novel material for gas sensing”
Sensors and Actuators B 108 (2005) 89-96
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2005
V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, G. Schiffrer, A. Vomiero, C. Scian, G. Della Mea, E. Comini, M. Ferroni, G.
“Selective sublimation processing of thin films for gas sensing”
Sensors and Actuators B 108 (2005) 15-20
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2005
C. Malagù , M. C. Carotta, S. Gherardi, V. Guidi, B. Vendemiati and G. Martinelli
“AC measurements and modeling of WO3 thick film gas sensors”
Sensors and Actuators B 108 (2005) 70-74
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2005
V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, G. Schiffrer, A. Vomiero, G. Della Mea, E. Comini, M. Ferroni, G. Sberveglieri
“Diffusion-equation approach for description of ionic mobility in nanostructured titania”
Physical Review B 72 (2005) 155401-1 – 155401-9
Woodsbury (USA) 2005
S. Baricordi, V.M. Biryukov, A. Carnera, Yu.A. Chesnokov, G. Della Mea, V. Guidi, Yu.M. Ivanov, G.
Martinelli, E. Milan, S. Restello, A. Sambo, W. Scandale, A. Vomiero
“Low-energy-channeling surface analysis on silicon crystals designed for high-energy-channeling in
Applied Physics Letters 87 (2005) 094102-094104
Woodsbury (USA) 2005
E. Comini, M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, A. Vomiero, P.G. Merli, V. Morandi, M. Sacerdoti, G. Della Mea, and
G. Sberveglieri
“Effects of Ta/Nb doping on titania-based thin films for gas-sensing”
Sensors and Actuators B 108 (2005) 21-28
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2005
V.M. Biryukov, S. Bellucci, V. Guidi
“Channeling Technique to Make Nanoscale Ion Beams”
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 231 (2005) 70-75
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2005
A.G. Afonin, V.T. Baranov, S. Bellucci, V.M. Biryukov, G.I. Britvich, V.N. Chepegin, Yu.A.
Chesnokov, C. Balasubramanian, G. Giannini, V. Guidi, Yu.M. Ivanov, V.I. Kotov, A. Kushnirenko,
V.A. Maisheev, C. Malagu, G. Martinelli, A.A. Petrunin, V.A. Pikalov, A. Raco, V.V. Skorobogatov, M.
Stefancich, V.I. Terekhov, F. Tombolini, D. Vincenzi
“Crystal undulator experiment at IHEP”
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 234 (2005) 122-127
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2005
S. N. Atutov, V. Biancalana, A. Burchianti, R. Calabrese, L. Corradi, A. Dainelli, V. Guidi, A.
Khanbekyan, C. Marinelli, E. Mariotti, P. Minguzzi, L. Moi, Z. Peshev, S. Sanguinetti, G. Stancari, L.
Tomassetti, and S. Veronesi
“Laser Cooling and Trapping of Francium”
Laser Physics 15 (2005) 1080-1086
C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta , E Comini, G. Faglia , A. Giberti, V. Guidi , T.G.G. Maffeis, G. Martinelli ,
G. Sberveglieri and S.P. Wilks
“Photo-Induced Unpinning of Fermi Level in WO3 “
Sensors 5 (2005) 594-603
V.T. Baranov, S. Bellucci, V.M. Biryukov, G.I. Britvich, C. Balasubramanian, V. Guidi, G. Giannini,
V.N. Zapolsky, V.I. Kotov, A. Kushnirenko, V.A. Maisheev, G. Martinelli, E. Milan, V.A. Pikalov, V.I.
Terekhov, U. Uggerhoj, V.N. Chepegin, Yu.A. Chesnokov
“First Results of Investigation of Radiation from Positrons in a Crystalline Undulator”
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 82 (2005) 562-564
Moskow (Russia) 2005
A. Vomiero, S. Restello, C. Scian, E. Boscolo Marchi, G. Della Mea, V. Guidi, E. Milan, S. Baricordi,
G. Martinelli, A. Carnera, A. Sambo
“Structure and morphology of surface of silicon crystals to be applied for channeling at relativistic
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 249 (2005) 903-906
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2005
A. Vomiero, C. Scian, G. Della Mea, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, G. Schiffrer, E. Comini, M. Ferroni, G.
“Application of ion beam analysis to the selective sublimation processing of thin films for gas
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 249 (2006) 302-305
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2006
Yu.M. Ivanov, A.A. Petrunin, V.V. Skorobogatov, Yu.A. Gavrikov, A.V. Gelamkov, L.P. Lapina, A.I.
Shchetkovsky, S.A. Vavilov, V.I. Baranov, Yu.A. Chesnokov, A.G. Afonin, V.T. Baranov, V.N.
Chepegin, V. Guidi, W. Scandale, A. Vomiero
“Volume reflection of a proton beam in a bent crystal”
Physical Review Letters 97 (2006) 144801-1 144801-4
Woodsbury (USA) 2006
V. Guidi, A. Antonini, E. Milan, A. Ronzoni, G. Martinelli, V.M. Biryukov, Yu.A. Chesnokov
“Channeling-based collimators for generation of microbeams produced by silicon micromachining
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 252 (2006) 11-15
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2006
V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, S. Cozzolino, M. Padula
“Semiclassical approach for determination of the inter-granular energy barrier height in very fine
Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 203105-1 – 203105-3
Woodsbury (USA) 2006
S. Orlandini, C. Boaretti, V. Guidi, G. Sfondrini
“Field determination of the spatial variation of resistance to flow along a steep Alpine stream”
Hydrological Processes 20 (2006) 3897-3913
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2007
V.T. Baranov, S. Bellucci, V.M. Biryukov, G.I. Britvich, V.N. Chepegin, Yu.A. Chesnokov C.
Balasubramanian, G. Giannini, V. Guidi, V.I. Kotov, A. Kushnirenko, V.A. Maisheev, E. Milan, G.
Martinelli, V.A. Pikalov, V.I. Terekhov, U. Uggerhoj, V.N. Zapolsky
“Preliminary results on the study of radiation from positrons in a periodically deformed crystal”
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 252 (2006) 11-15
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2006
V. Guidi, L. Lanzoni, G. Martinelli, A. Mazzolari, A. Tralli
“Design of a crystalline undulator based on patterning by tensile Si3N4 strips on a Si crystal”
Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 114107-114109
Woodsbury (USA) 2007
W. Scandale, D.A. Still, A. Carnera, G. Della Mea, D. De Salvador, R. Milan, A. Vomiero, S.
Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, A. Mazzolari, E. Milan, G. Ambrosi, P.
Azzarello, R. Battiston, B. Bertucci, W.J. Burger, M. Ionica, P. Zuccon, G. Cavoto, R. Santacesaria,
P. Valente, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, V.T. Baranov, Y.A. Chesnokov, V.I. Kotov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A.
Yazynin, S. V. Afanasiev, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, A.S. Denisov, Y.A. Gavrikov, Y.M. Ivanov,
V.G. Ivochkin, S.V. Kosyanenko, A.A. Petrunin, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, D. Bolognini, L.
Foggetta, S. Hasan, M. Prest
“High–efficient volume reflection of an ultra-relativistic proton beam with a bent silicon crystal”
Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 154801-1 154801-4
Woodsbury (USA) 2007
C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta, A. Cervi, V. Guidi, and G. Martinelli
“Morphological differences affecting the dielectric response of MoO3-WO3 and WO3 thick-films”
Journal of Applied Physics 101 (2007) 104310
Woodsbury (USA) 2007
L. Ortolani, E. Comini, P.F. Fazzini, M. Ferroni, V. Guidi, P.G. Merli, V. Morandi, G. Pozzi, G.
Sberveglieri, A. Vomiero
“Electrical and holographic characterization of gold-catalyzed titania-based layers”
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 27 (2007) 4131–4134
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2007
S. Baricordi, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, G. Martinelli, A. Carnera, D. De Salvador, A. Sambo, G. Della
Mea, R. Milan, A. Vomiero, W. Scandale
“Optimal crystal surface for efficient channeling in the new-generation of hadron machines”
Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007) 061908
Woodsbury (USA) 2007
A. Giberti, M. Benetti, M.C. Carotta, V. Guidi, C. Malagù and G. Martinelli
“Heat exchange and temperature calculation in thick-film semiconductor gas sensor systems”
Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 277-280
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2008
M.C. Carotta, S. Gherardi, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, B. Vendemiati, M. Sacerdoti, G.
Ghiotti, S. Morandi, A. Bismuto, P. Maddalena and A. Setaro
“(Ti, Sn)O2 binary solid solutions for gas sensing: Spectroscopic, optical and transport properties”
Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 38-45
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2008
W. Scandale, A. Carnera, G. Della Mea, D. De Salvador, R. Milan, A. Vomiero, S. Baricordi, P.
Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, A. Mazzolari, E. Milan G. Ambrosi, P. Azzarello, R.
Battiston, B. Bertucci, W.J. Burger, M. Ionica, P. Zuccon, G. Cavoto, R. Santacesaria, P. Valente, E.
Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, V.T. Baranov, Y.A. Chesnokov, V.I. Kotov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, S.V.
Afanasiev, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin A.S. Denisov, Y.A. Gavrikov, Y.M. Ivanov, V.G. Ivochkin,
S.V. Kosyanenko, L.P. Lapina, A.A. Petrunin, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, D. Bolognini, L.
Foggetta, S. Hasan, M. Prest
“Double volume reflection of a proton beam by a sequence of two bent crystals”
Physics Letters B 658 (2008) 109-111
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2008
M.C. Carotta, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, M. Nagliati, D. Puzzovio, D. Vecchi
“Sensing of volatile alkanes by metal-oxide semiconductors”
Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 497-501
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2008
W. Scandale, I. Efthymiopoulos, D.A. Still, A. Carnera, G. Della Mea, D. De Salvador, R. Milan, A.
Vomiero, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, A. Mazzolari, E. Milan G.
Ambrosi, P. Azzarello, R. Battiston, B. Bertucci, W.J. Burger, M. Ionica, P. Zuccon, G. Cavoto, R.
Santacesaria, P. Valente, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, V.T. Baranov, Y.A. Chesnokov, V.I. Kotov, V.A.
Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, S.V. Afanasiev, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin A.S. Denisov, Y.A. Gavrikov,
Y.M. Ivanov, V.G. Ivochkin, S.V. Kosyanenko, L.P. Lapina, A.A. Petrunin, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M.
Suvorov, D. Bolognini, L. Foggetta, S. Hasan, M. Prest
“Apparatus to study crystal channeling and volume reflection phenomena at the SPS H8 beamline”
Review of Scientific Instruments 79 (2008) 023303-1, 023303-8
Woodsbury (USA) 2008
L. Lanzoni, A. Mazzolari, V. Guidi, A. Tralli, G. Martinelli
"On the mechanical behaviour of a crystalline undulator”
International Journal of Engineering Science 46 (2008) 917-928
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2008
W. Scandale, A. Carnera, G. Della Mea, D. De Salvador, R. Milan, A. Vomiero, S. Baricordi, P.
Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, G. Martinelli, A. Mazzolari, E. Milan G. Ambrosi, P. Azzarello, R.
Battiston, B. Bertucci, W.J. Burger, M. Ionica, P. Zuccon, G. Cavoto, R. Santacesaria, P. Valente, E.
Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, V.T. Baranov, Y.A. Chesnokov, V.I. Kotov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A. Yaznin, S.V.
Afanasiev, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin A.S. Denisov, Y.A. Gavrikov, Y.M. Ivanov, V.G. Ivochkin,
S.V. Kosyanenko, A.A. Petrunin, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, D. Bolognini, L. Foggetta, S.
Hasan, M. Prest
“Deflection of a 400 GeV/c proton beam with bent silicon crystals at the CERN super proton
Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams 11 (2008) 063501-1 063501-10
Woodsbury (USA) 2008
M.C. Carotta, A. Cervi, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, D. Puzzovio
“Metal-oxide solid solutions for light alkane sensing”
Sensors and Actuators B 133 (2008) 516–520
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2008
S. Baricordi, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D. Vincenzi, M. Ferroni
“Shaping of silicon crystals for channeling experiments through anisotropic chemical etching”
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 41 (2008) 245501
Norwich (UK) 2008
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, R. Milan,
Gianantonio Della Mea, G. Ambrosi, B. Bertucci, W. J. Burger, M. Duranti, P. Zuccon, G. Cavoto, F.
Iacoangeli, C. Luci, S. Pisano, R. Santacesaria, P. Valente, E. Vallazza, A. G. Afonin, Yu.A.
Chesnokov, V. I. Kotov, V. A. Maisheev, I. A. Yazynin, A. D. Kovalenko, A. M. Taratin, A. S.
Denisov, Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L. P. Lapina, L. G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorobogatov, V. M.
Suvorov, S. A. Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, D. Lietti, A. Mozzanica, and M. Prest
“Volume reflection dependence of 400 GeV/c protons on the bent crystal curvature”
Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 234801-1 – 234801-4
Woodsbury (USA) 2008
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, R. Milan, G.
Ambrosi, W. J. Burger, P. Zuccon, G. Cavoto, R. Santacesaria, P. Valente, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin,
Yu. A. Chesnokov, V.A. Maisheev, I. A. Yazynin, A.D. Kovalenko, A. M. Taratin A.S. Denisov, Yu.M.
Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, L.G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorogobogatov, S.A. Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan,
A. Mozzanica, M. Prest
“High-efficiency deflection of high-energy protons through axial channeling in a bent crystal”
Physical Review Letters 101 (2008) 164801-1 – 164801-4
Woodsbury (USA) 2008
A. Giberti, M.C. Carotta, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, L. Milano
“Influence of ambient temperature on electronic conduction in thick-film gas sensors”
Sensors and Actuators B 137 (2009) 111–114
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2009
M.C. Carotta, A. Cervi, V. di Natale, S. Gherardi, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, D. Puzzovio, B. Vendemiati, G.
Martinelli, M. Sacerdoti, D. Calestani, A. Zappettini, M. Zha, L. Zanotti
“ZnO gas sensors: A comparison between nanoparticles and nanotetrapods-based thick films”
Sensors and Actuators B 137 (2009) 164-169
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2009
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, G. Della Mea,
R. Milan, G. Ambrosi, B. Bertucci, W. Burger, M. Duranti, P. Zuccon, G. Cavoto, F. Iacoangeli, C.
Luci, R. Santacesaria, P. Valente, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.I. Kotov, V.A.
Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, A.S. Denisov, Y.A. Gavrikov, Yu. M. Ivanov,
L.P. Lapina, L.G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorogobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A. Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S.
Hasan, A. Mozzanica, M. Prest
“Observation of Multiple Volume Reflection of ultrarelativistic protons by a sequence of several
bent silicon crystals”
Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 084801-1 – 084801-4
Woodsbury (USA) 2009
C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, M.A. Ponce, M.S. Castro, C.
M. Aldao
“Two mechanisms of conduction in polycrystalline SnO2”
Sensors and Actuators B 136 (2009) 230–234
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2009
V. Guidi , M.C. Carotta, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli
“Modelling of the inter-granular energy-barrier height in very-fine nanograins through a semiclassical approach”
Sensors and Actuators B 137 (2009) 521-523
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2009
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, G. Della Mea,
R. Milan, G. Ambrosi, B. Bertucci, W. Burger, M. Duranti, P. Zuccon, G. Cavoto, F. Iacoangeli, C.
Luci, R. Santacesaria, P. Valente, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.I. Kotov, V.A.
Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, A.S. Denisov, Y.A. Gavrikov, Yu. M. Ivanov,
L.P. Lapina, L.G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorogobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A. Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S.
Hasan, D. Lietti, A. Mattera, M. Prest
“Experimental study of the radiation emitted by 180-GeV/c electrons and positrons volumereflected in a bent crystal”
Physical Review A 79 (2009) 012903-1 - 012903-9
Woodsbury (USA) 2009
M.C. Carotta, S. Gherardi, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, B. Vendemiati, M. Sacerdoti, G.
Ghiotti, S. Morandi
“Electrical and spectroscopic properties of Ti0.2-Sn0.8O2 solid solution for gas sensing”
Thin Solid Films 517 (2009) 6176-6183
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2009
M.C. Carotta, A. Cervi, A. Giberti, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, D. Puzzovio
“Ethanol interference in light alkane sensing by metal-oxide solid solutions”
Sensors and Actuators B 136 (2009) 405–409
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2009
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, R. Milan,
Gianantonio Della Mea, G. Ambrosi, B. Bertucci, W. J. Burger, P. Zuccon, G. Cavoto, R.
Santacesaria, P. Valente, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin,
A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, A.S. Denisov, Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, L.G.
Malyarenko, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A. Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, and M. Prest
“Observation of Multiple Volume Reflection of Ultrarelativistic Protons by a Sequence of Several
Bent Silicon Crystals”
Physical Review Letters 102 (2009) 084801-1 – 084801-4
Woodsbury (USA) 2009
M.C. Carotta, A. Cervi, S. Gherardi, V. Guidi, C. Malagù, G. Martinelli, B. Vendemiati, M. Sacerdoti,
G. Ghiotti, S. Morandi, S. Lettieri, P. Maddalena, A. Setaro
“(Ti,Sn)O2 solid solutions for gas sensing: A systematic approach by different techniques for
different calcination temperature and molar composition”
Sensors and Actuators B 139 (2009) 329–339
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2009
V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, V.V. Tikhomirov
“Increase of probability of ion capture into channeling regime by a buried oxide layer”
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (2009) 165301-1 – 165301-6
Norwich (UK) 2009
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D.
Vincenzi, R. Milan, Gianantonio Della Mea, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A.
Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, V.M. Golovatyuk, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, A.S. Denisov, Yu.A.
Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, L.G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A.
Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, A. Mattera, M. Prest, S. Shiraishi
“Observation of Channeling and Volume Reflection in Bent Crystals for High-Energy Negative
Physics Letters B 681 (2009) 233–236
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2009
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, R. Milan,
Gianantonio Della Mea, G. Ambrosi, B. Bertucci, W.J. Burger, P. Zuccon, G. Cavoto, R.
Santacesaria, P. Valente, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin,
A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, A. S. Denisov, Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, L.G.
Malyarenko, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A. Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, and M. Prest
“Observation of nuclear dechanneling for high-energy protons in crystals”
Physics Letters B 680 (2009) 129-132
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2009
V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, A. Carnera, D. De Salvador
“Silicon crystal for channeling of negatively charged particles”
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 42 (2009) 182005-1 – 182005-5
Norwich (UK) 2009
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D.
Vincenzi, R. Milan, Gianantonio Della Mea, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A.
Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, V.M. Golovatyuk, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, A.S. Denisov, Yu.A.
Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, L.G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A.
Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, A. Mattera, M. Prest, V.V. Tikhomirov
“First observation of multiple volume reflection by different planes in one bent silicon crystal for
high-energy protons” Physics Letters B 682 (2009)
Woodsbury (USA) 2009
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D.
Vincenzi, R. Milan, Gianantonio Della Mea, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A.
Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, V.M. Golovatyuk, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, A.S. Denisov, Yu.A.
Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, L.G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A.
Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, A. Mattera, M. Prest, S. Shiraishi
“High-Efficiency Deflection of High-Energy Negative Particles through Axial Channeling in a Bent
Physics Letters B 680 (2009) 301–304
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2009
D. Puzzovio, M. C. Carotta, A. Cervi, A. El Hachimi, J.P. Joly, F. Gaillard, V. Guidi
“TPD and ITPD study of materials used as chemoresistive gas sensors”
Solid State Ionics 180 (2009) 1545-1552
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2009
E. Bagli , V.Guidi and V.A. Maisheev
“Calculation of the potential for interaction of particles with complex atomic structures”
Physical Review E 81 (2009) 026708-1 – 026708-8
Woodsbury (USA) 2009
V. Guidi, L. Lanzoni, A. Mazzolari
“Study of anticlastic deformation in a silicon crystal for channeling experiments”
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 113534-1–113534-7
Woodsbury (USA) 2010
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D.
Vincenzi, R. Milan, Gianantonio Della Mea, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A.
Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, A.S. Denisov, Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov,
L.P. Lapina, L.G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A. Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S.
Hasan, M. Prest
“Multiple Volume Reflections of High-Energy Protons in a Sequence of Bent Silicon Crystals
Assisted by Volume Capture”
Physics Letters B 688 (2010) 284–288
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2010
W. Scandale, R. Losito, M. Silari, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari,
D. Vincenzi, R. Milan, Gianantonio Della Mea, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A.
Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, S.V. Afanasiev, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, V.V. Uzhinsky, A.S. Denisov,
Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, L.G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A.
Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, M. Prest
“Probability of inelastic nuclear interactions of high-energy protons in a bent crystal”
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 268 (2010) 2655– 2659
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2010
V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, V.V. Tikhomirov
“On the Observation of Multiple Volume Reflection from Different Planes Inside One Bent Crystal”
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (2010) 114908-1–114908-8
Woodsbury (USA) 2010
V. Carassiti, P. Dalpiaz, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, M. Melchiorri
“Rigid holder to host and bend a crystal for multiple volume reflection of a particle beam”
Review of Scientific Instruments 81 (2010) 066106-1– 066106-3
Woodsbury (USA) 2010
W. Scandale, G. Arduini, R. Assmann, C. Bracco, S. Gilardoni, V. Ippolito, E. Laface, R. Losito, A.
Masi, E. Metral, V. Previtali, S. Redaelli, M. Silari, L. Tlustos, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, V.
Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D. Vincenzi, Gianantonio Della Mea, A. Lombardi, D. De Salvador, E. Vallazza,
D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, D. Lietti, V. Mascagna, A. Mattera, M. Prest, G. Cavoto, L. Ludovici, D.
Mirarchi, R. Santacesaria, P. Valente, F. Murtas, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A.
Yazynin, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, A.S. Denisov, Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina,
L.G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A. Vavilov, N. Mokhov, D. Still, G. RobertDemolaize, T. Markiewicz, M. Oriunno
“First results on the SPS beam collimation with bent crystals”
Physics Letters B 692 (2010) 78-82
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2010
N. Barrière, V. Guidi, V. Bellucci, R. Camattari, T. Buslaps, J. Rousselle, G. Roudil, F.X. Arnaud, P.
Bastie, and L. Natalucci
“High diffraction efficiency at hard X-ray energy in a silicon crystal bent by indentation”
Journal of Applied Crystallography 43 (2010) 1519–1521
Copenhagen (Danimarca) 2010
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D.
Vincenzi, R. Milan, Gianantonio Della Mea, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A.
Maisheev, I.A. Yazyning, V.M. Golovatyuk, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratinh, A.S. Denisov, Yu.A.
Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, L.G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A.
Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, M. Prest
“Deflection of high-energy negative particles in a bent crystal through axial channeling and
multiple volume reflection stimulated by doughnut scattering”
hysics Letters B 693 (2010) 545-550
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2010
A. Giberti, V. Guidi, D. Vincenzi
“A study of heat distribution and dissipation in a micromachined chemoresistive gas sensor”
Sensors and Actuators B 153 (2011) 409–414
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2010
S. Hasan, D. Bolognini, P. Dalpiaz, G. Della Mea, D. De Salvador, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari,
R. Milan, D. Lietti, M. Prest, E. Vallazza
“Volume reflection observations in bent crystals with 13 GeV/c particles”
Nuclear Instrumentation and Methods in Physics Research B 269 (2011) 612–621
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2011
W. Scandale, A. Vomiero, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D.
Vincenzi, R. Milan, G. Della Mea, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A.
Yazynin, A.D. Kovalenko, A. M. Taratin, A.S. Denisov, Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina,
L.G. Malyarenko, V.V. Skorobogatov, V.M. Suvorov, S.A. Vavilov, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, A.
Mattera, M. Prest and V.V. Tikhomirov
“Observation of multiple volume reflection by different planes in one bent silicon crystal for highenergy negative particles”
Europhysics Letters 93 (2011) 56002-1 – 56002-6
Les Ulis (Francia) 2011
D. De Salvador, E. Bagli, O. Lytovchenko, A. Mazzolari, S. Carturan, G. Della Mea, V. Guidi, M.
Bazzan, N. Argiolas, A. Carnera, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, M. Prest, E. Vallazza
“Steering of an ultra-relativistic proton beam by a bent germanium crystal”
Applied Physics Letters 98 (2011) 234102-1 – 234102-3
Melville (USA) 2011
W. Scandale G. Arduini, R. Assmann, F. Cerutti, S. Gilardoni, J. Christiansen, E. Laface, R. Losito,
A. Masi, E. Metral, D. Mirarchi, S. Montesano, V. Previtali, S. Redaelli, G. Valentino, P. Schoofs, G.
Smirnov, L. Tlustos, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D. Vincenzi, B.
Buonomo, S. Dabagov, F. Murtas, A. Carnera, G. Della Mea, D. De Salvador, A. Lombardi, O.
Lytovchenko, M. Tonezzer, G. Cavoto, L. Ludovici, R. Santacesaria, P. Valente, F. Galluccio, A.G.
Afonin, M.K. Bulgakov, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M.
Taratin, Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, V.V. Skorobogatov, W. Ferguson, J. Fulcher, G.
Hall, M. Pesaresi, M. Raymond, A. Rose, M. Ryan, O. Zorba, G. Robert-Demolaize, T. Markiewicz,
M. Oriunno, U. Wienands, Yu.V. Efremov, S.R. Uglov, A.S. Gogolev
“Observation of parametric X-rays produced by 400 GeV/c protons in bent crystals”
Physics Letters B 701 (2011) 180–185
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2011
V. Bellucci, R. Camattari, V. Guidi, I. Neri, N. Barrière
"Self-standing bent silicon crystals for very high efficiency Laue lens"
Experimental Astronomy 31 (2011) 45-58
Springer (Germania) 2011
W. Scandale, G. Arduini, R. Assmann, C. Bracco, F. Cerutti, J. Christiansen, S. Gilardoni, E. Laface,
R. Losito, A. Masi, E. Metral, D. Mirarchi, S. Montesano, V. Previtali, S. Redaelli, G. Valentino, P.
Schoofs, G. Smirnov, L. Tlustos, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D.
Vincenzi, S. Dabagov, F. Murtas, A. Carnera, G. Della Mea, D. De Salvador, A. Lombardi, O.
Lytovchenko, M. Tonezzer, G. Cavoto, L. Ludovici, R. Santacesaria, P. Valente, F. Galluccio, A.G.
Afonin, M.K. Bulgakov, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M.
Taratin, V.V. Uzhinskii, Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, V.V. Skorobogatov, W.
Ferguson, J. Fulcher, G. Hall, M. Pesaresi, M. Raymond, A. Rose, M. Ryan, O. Zorba, G. RobertDemolaize, T. Markiewicz, M. Oriunno and U. Wienands
“Comparative results on collimation of the SPS beam of protons and Pb ions with bent crystals”
Physics Letters B 703 (2011) 547–551
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2011
V. Guidi, L. Lanzoni, A. Mazzolari
“Patterning and modeling of mechanically bent silicon plates deformed through coactive stresses”
Thin Solid Films 520 (2011) 1074–1079
Woodsbury (USA) 2011
V. Bellucci, R. Camattari, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari
“Bending of silicon plate crystals through superficial indentations: modeling and experimentation”
Thin Solid Films 520 (2011) 1069–1073
Woodsbury (USA) 2011
V. Guidi, V. Bellucci, R. Camattari, I. Neri
“Proposal for a Laue lens with quasi-mosaic crystalline tiles"
Journal of Applied Crystallography 44 (2011) 1255-1258
Copenhagen (Danimarca) 2011
W. Scandale, G. Arduini, R. Assmann, C. Bracco, F. Cerutti, J. Christiansen, S. Gilardoni, E. Laface,
R. Losito, A. Masi, E. Metral, D. Mirarchi, S. Montesano, V. Previtali, S. Redaelli, G. Valentino, P.
Schoofs, G. Smirnov, L. Tlustos, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D.
Vincenzi, S. Dabagov, F. Murtas, A. Carnera, G. Della Mea, D. De Salvador, A. Lombardi, O.
Lytovchenko, M. Tonezzer, G. Cavoto, L. Ludovici, R. Santacesaria, P. Valente, F. Galluccio, A.G.
Afonin, M.K. Bulgakov, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M.
Taratin, Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, V.V. Skorobogatov, W. Ferguson, J. Fulcher, G.
Hall, M. Pesaresi, M. Raymond, A. Rose, M. Ryan, O. Zorba, G. Robert-Demolaize, T. Markiewicz,
M. Oriunno, U. Wienands
“The UA9 experimental layout”
Journal of Instrumentation 6 (2011) T10002-1 – T10002-15
V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D. De Salvador, L. Bacci
“Deflection of MeV Protons by an Unbent Half-Wavelength Silicon Crystal”
Physical Review Letters 108 (2012) 014801-1 – 014801-4
Woodsbury (USA) 2012
W. Scandale, G. Arduini, R. Assmann, F. Cerutti, S. Gilardoni, E. Laface, R. Losito, A. Masi, E.
Metral, D. Mirarchi, S. Montesano, V. Previtali, S. Redaelli, G. Valentino, P. Schoofs, G. Smirnov, E.
Bagli, S. Baricordi, P. Dalpiaz, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D. Vincenzi, S. Dabagov, F. Murtas, G. Claps,
G. Cavoto, F. Iacoangeli, L. Ludovici, R. Santacesaria, P. Valente, F. Galluccio, A.G. Afonin, M.K.
Bulgakov, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin, A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, V.V.
Uzhinskiy, Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, V.V. Skorobogatov, W. Ferguson, J. Fulcher,
G. Hall, M. Pesaresi, M. Raymond, A. Rose, M. Ryan, G. Robert-Demolaize, T. Markiewicz, M.
Oriunno, U. Wienands
“Strong reduction of the off-momentum halo in crystal assisted collimation of the SPS beam”
Physics Letters B 714 (2012) 231–236
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2012
V. Guidi, M.C. Carotta, B. Fabbri, S. Gherardi, A. Giberti, C. Malagù
“Array of sensors for detection of gaseous malodors in organic decomposition products”
Sensors and Actuators B 174 (2011) 349-354
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2012
V. Guidi, L. Bandiera, V. Tikhomirov
“Radiation generated by single and multiple volume reflection of ultrarelativistic electrons and
positrons in bent crystals”
Physical Review A 86 (2012) 042903-1 – 042903-11
Woodsbury (USA) 2012
S.N. Atutov, A.I. Plekhanov, A.M. Shalagin, R. Calabrese, L. Tomassetti, V. Guidi
“Explosive evaporation of Rb or K fractal clusters by low power CW radiation in the presence of
excited atoms”
The European Physical Journal D 66 (2012) 140
A. Giberti, C. Malagù, V. Guidi
“WO3 sensing properties enhanced by UV illumination: An evidence of surface effect”
Sensors and Actuators B 165 (2012) 59–61
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2012
A. Giberti, M.C. Carotta, B. Fabbri, S. Gherardi, V. Guidi, C. Malagù
“High-sensitivity detection of acetaldehyde”
Sensors and Actuators B 174 (2012) 402-405
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2012
E Bagli, L Bandiera, P Dalpiaz, V Guidi, A Mazzolari, D. Bolognini, S Hasan, D Lietti, M Prest, E
Vallazza, G. Della Mea, D De Salvador
“A topologically connected multistrip crystal for efficient steering of high-energy beam”
Journal of Instrumentation 7 (2012) P04002
D. Lietti, E. Bagli, S. Baricordi, A. Berra, D. Bolognini, P.N. Chirkov, P. Dalpiaz, G. Della Mea, D. De
Salvador, S. Hasan, V. Guidi, V.A. Maisheev, A. Mazzolari, M. Prest, E. Vallazza, D. Vincenzi, I.A.
“Radiation emission phenomena in bent silicon crystals: Theoretical and experimental studies with
120 GeV/c positrons”
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials
and Atoms 283 (2012) 84–92
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2012
V. Bellucci, V. Guidi, R. Camattari, I. Neri
“Calculation of diffraction efficiency for curved crystals with arbitrary curvature radius"
Journal of Applied Crystallography 46 (2013) 415-420
Copenhagen (Danimarca) 2013
W. Scandale, R. Losito, E. Bagli, L. Bandiera, P. Dalpiaz, M. Fiorini, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D.
Vincenzi, G. Della Mea, E. Vallazza, A.G. Afonin, Yu.A. Chesnokov, V.A. Maisheev, I.A. Yazynin,
A.D. Kovalenko, A.M. Taratin, A.S. Denisov, Yu.A. Gavrikov, Yu.M. Ivanov, L.P. Lapina, V.V.
Skorobogatov, D. Bolognini, S. Hasan, M. Prest
“Measurement of the dechanneling length for high-energy negative pions”
Physics Letters B 719 (2013) 70–73
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2013
S. Baricordi, G. Calabrese, F. Gualdi, V. Guidi, M. Pasquini, L. Pozzetti, D. Vincenzi
“A joint thermal–electrical analysis of void formation effects on concentrator silicon solar cells
solder layer”
Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 111 (2013) 133–140
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2013
M. Tamisari, G. Ausanio, V. Guidi, V. Iannotti, I. Neri, F. Spizzo, P. Vavassori”
“Magnetic and structural investigation of growth induced magnetic anisotropies in Fe50Co50 thin
European Physics Journal Web of Conferences 40 (2013) 09002
V. Guidi, V. Bellucci, R. Camattari, I. Neri,
“Curved crystals for high-resolution focusing of X and gamma rays through a Laue lens”
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials
and Atoms in press
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2013
E. Bagli, L. Bandiera, V. Guidi, A. Mazzolari, D. De Salvador, G. Maggioni, A. Berra, D. Lietti, M.
Prest, E. Vallazza, N. V. Abrosimov
“Coherent effects of high-energy particles in a graded Si1-xGex crystal”
Physical Review Letters XXX (2013) xxx-xxx
Woodsbury (USA) 2013
E. Bagli, V. Guidi
“DYNECHARM++: a toolkit to simulate coherent interactions of high-energy charged particles in
complex structures”
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials
and Atoms in press
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2013
L. Bandiera, E. Bagli, A. Berra, D. Bolognini, P. Dalpiaz, G. Della Mea, D. De Salvador, V. Guidi, S.
Hasan, D. Liettic, A. Mazzolari, M. Prest, V. Tikhomirov, E. Vallazza
“On the radiation accompanying volume reflection”
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials
and Atoms in press
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2013
R. Camattari, V. Guidi, L. Lanzoni
“Experimental analysis and modeling of self-standing curved crystals for focusing of X-rays”
Meccanica in press
Heidelberg (Germania) 2013
A. Mazzolari, V. Guidi, D. De Salvadorb, L. Bacci
“Fabrication of large area silicon nanothickness membranes for channeling experiments”
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials
and Atoms in press
Amsterdam (Olanda) 2013
I. Neri, V. Bellucci, V. Guidi, R. Camattari,
“Ordered stacking of crystals with adjustable curvatures for hard x- and gamma-ray broadband
focusing "
Journal of Applied Crystallography in press
Copenhagen (Danimarca) 2013
B. Fabbri, V. Guidi, A. Giberti, C. Malagù, M.C. Carotta, S. Gherardi
“Sensing of gaseous malodors in landfills and waste treatment plants”
in press
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