
29 Frasi relative (157–161)

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29 Frasi relative (157–161)
29 Frasi relative (157–161)
Frasi relative determinative
Una frase relativa determinativa dà informazioni su qualcosa che descrive
esattamente la persona o l’oggetto di cui stiamo parlando nella frase principale.
Here’s the book.
Which book?
The book I told you about.
Here’s the book that I told you about.
Here’s the book which I told you about.
I met the girl.
Which girl?
The girl who won the prize.
I met the girl who won the prize.
Pronomi relativi
Le persone who
Le cose which
Le cose o le personethat
Si possono usare gli avverbi where e when in un modo analogo ai
pronomi relativi.
This is the church where my parents got married.
Christmas is a time when families get together.
29.1 Photocopiable The Complete English Grammar © Oxford University Press
Si può omettere who, which o that quando la parola che segue è soggetto.
There’s the café that we went to last week.
There’s the café we went to last week.
1Cerchia l’alternativa corretta.
I don’t like bars who / that play loud music.
A zoologist is someone which / who studies animals.
I live in Ely, which / who is a small town near Cambridge.
The people where / who live next door are very friendly.
My favourite city is Varanasi, which / who is in India.
I don’t like people which / who are dishonest.
I want a computer which / who doesn’t crash all the time.
I love films where / which have a lot of special effects.
This is the café where / which we had lunch last Friday.
2Rispondi alle domande usando un pronome relativo e
le informazioni date.
What’s a vegetarian?
He/She doesn’t eat meat.
It’s someone who doesn’t eat meat.
1 What’s a journalist?
He/She writes for a newspaper.
It’s someone
2 What’s a firewall?
It protects your computer from viruses.
It’s something
29.2 Photocopiable The Complete English Grammar © Oxford University Press
3 What’s an omnivore?
It’s an animal that eats meat and plants.
It’s an animal
4 What’s an atheist?
He/She doesn’t believe in God.
It’s someone
5 What’s a thermometer?
It measures the temperature.
It’s something
6 What’s a babysitter?
He/She looks after your children while you are out.
It’s someone
3Completa le frasi usando le parole del riquadro in modo da formare
una frase relativa. Metti il pronome relativo tra parentesi se può
essere omesso.
Here’s the DVD. You wanted to borrow it.
Here’s the DVD (that) you wanted to borrow.
1 Here’s the money. You lent it to me at the weekend.
Here’s the money
2 I met someone yesterday. She knows you.
I met someone yesterday
3 Is this the exercise? The teacher asked us to do it.
Is this the exercise
4 This is the hotel. We stayed here last year.
This is the hotel
5 I’m reading a book at the moment. You’d really like it.
I’m reading a book at the moment
6 Look, there’s the café. I was telling you about it.
Look, there’s the café
29.3 Photocopiable The Complete English Grammar © Oxford University Press
Frasi relative esplicative
I’m from Treeton.
Treeton is a village near Sheffield.
I’m from Treeton, which is a village near Sheffield.
Pronomi relative
Le personewho
Le cosewhich
4Completa le frasi usando le parole del riquadro in modo da formare una
frase relativa esplicativa, usando who o which.
I went skiing at the weekend. It was fun.
I went skiing at the weekend, which was fun.
1 She’s from Surinam. It’s a small country in South America.
She’s from Surinam,
2 This is Sam and Dave. They’re students.
This is Sam and Dave,
3 I bought the car for €2000. It was a bargain.
I bought the car for €2000,
4 I failed my exam. It was a disaster.
I failed my exam,
5 My favourite actor is Orlando Bloom. He’s British.
My favourite actor is Orlando Bloom,
29.4 Photocopiable The Complete English Grammar © Oxford University Press
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