
curriculum vitae - Libera Università di Bolzano

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curriculum vitae - Libera Università di Bolzano
Faculty of Education
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
viale Ratisbona 16
39042 Bressanone (BZ) ITALY
e-mail: [email protected]
tel. + 39 0472 014220
fax: +39 0472 014009
Dorothy Louise Zinn is Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology at the Free University of
Bozen-Bolzano and Director of the B.A. program in Communication Sciences and Culture.
Prof. Zinn is originally from the United States, where she did her academic training. She has
conducted fieldwork in Southern Italy and France and has published extensively on issues such
as youth unemployment, clientelism, social protest, immigration and multiculturalism. Her book
La Raccomandazione (Donzelli, 2001) won a Pitré international award in anthropology. She has
translated a number of anthropological texts from Italian into English, including the critically
acclaimed annotated translation of The Land of Remorse, a classic ethnography by Italian
ethnologist Ernesto De Martino (Free Association Books, 2005). In addition to her academic
study of migration, since 1998 Prof. Zinn has worked as a volunteer scientific consultant with
the award-winning immigrant advocacy group Associazione Tolbà of Matera.
1998 – Italian degree in Letters, Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” (with top marks,
1994 Ph.D. in Social-Cultural Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin (declared
equivalent to the Italian doctorate, MURST decree 863 del 14/04/1999)
1990 – M.A. in Social-Cultural Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin
1986 – B.A. in Anthropology- Linguistics, Brown University, Magna cum Laude distinction
(highest awarded)
1985- Fieldwork in Strasbourg, France, for B.A. thesis on the Alsatian regional minority
1987- Research assistant at the Centro Camuno di Studi Preistorici (in Valcamonica, Italy),
center for the study of prehistoric and primitive art
1989- Fieldwork in a Bernalda (MT, Italy) on clientelism and chronic youth unemployment
1990- Fieldwork on Senegalese immigrants in Bari, funded by an grant from the Fondazione
Giovanni Agnelli (Turin)
1992- Fieldwork in Bernalda (MT, Italy) in preparation for doctoral dissertation on clientelism
and the Southern Italian question
1993-1996 - various studies of Albanian immigration in Southern Italy
1997 - Fieldwork in Bernalda (MT, Italy) to update and expand previous research on youth
1999-2002 Research on representations of immigrants in Italian mass media
2002-present Research on the schooling of children of Albanian immigrants in Matera province
2002-2003 member of the Italian team of the EPICC European research project
2006-2007 member of an anthropological research group on labor mobility in the Italian public
administration. Project director: Prof. Maria Minicuci, Università “La Sapienza” – Rome.
2007 research on migrant writings in Italy
2008-11 research on Italian immigration's “second generations”
2012-2014 Co-P.I. of research project “The Construction of ´Diversity´ in Institutions:
An Anthropological Study” with a focus on foreign children in the South Tyrol school
system (project financed by Unibz Central Research Committee),
2013-2015 Member of Unibz’s TEMPUS-TACHYwe project team (coordinated by Prof. W. Lorenz)
2014-present member of PRIN anthropological research team on Migrazioni, Legami
Familiari e Appartenenze Religiose :
Interrelazioni, Negoziazioni e Confini” (national
coordinator Prof. Cristina Papa, University of Perugia)
2014-present Coordinator of EUREGIO Field study-research project “Migrant Work
Worlds in South Tyrol” (project financed by Unibz Faculty of Education)
June-August 1986 – Curatorial Assistant, Haffenreffer Museum of Anthropology (USA)
September 1990-May 1991 – Teaching assistant, University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of
1993 - Instructor of Cultural Anthropology, University of Maryland (Naples, Italy)
1998-2011 - Adjunct instructor of Anthropology at the Università degli Studi della Basilicata
(Matera), special focus on multiculturalism and intercultural education
2000-2005 Instructor of socio-anthropological segment, Arc Boutant international restoration
program (Matera); Dr. Anne P. Toxey, Director.
2000-present Lecturer for Elderhostel programs in Matera, Italy
2004 instructor in the PON program, “Foreign women in Matera: Initiatives for orientation and
motivation for study to favor the insertion and reinsertion of adult women in the work force”
Istituto Professionale per i Servizi Sociali “Isabella Morra” - Matera
July 2005 Instructor on the theme of Immigration in Italy, International Summer School “New
Trends in the Anthropology of Southern Europe”, Lecce.
2005 Instructor of Intercultural Education and Intercultural Pedagogy, Corso Speciale di
Abilitazione (Alta Formazione), Università degli Studi della Basilicata
November 2005, Instructor on the theme of Immigration in Italy, PON program “Safety for
development” in a project of the Ministry of the Interior, “Formazione Congiunta per
l’Educazione alla legalità” (FOR.C.E.) – ASL 4, Matera
December 2006 Instructor on the theme of Intercultural Narrative, PON program Misura 7.1b
“Saperi e costruzione del sé” , ITIS “A. Pacinotti”, Taranto
2006-2010 Instructor of “Sociology of Cultural Processes”, M.A. program in New Technologies
for History and Cultural Heritage, Università degli Studi della Basilicata
September 2007 Docente di Pedagogia Interculturale nel Corso Speciale di Abilitazione (under
the aegis of the SSIS – School of Specialization in Secondary Education), Università degli
Studi della Basilicata
April 2008, Instructor on theme of intercultural dialogue, training program Punto-Edu
“Educazione alla Cittadinanza attiva europea”, l'Istituto di Istruzione Superiore “I. Morra”,
December, 2008 Expert instructor on “Anthropology of Migration” in training program for
Immigrant Information Office personnel, Associazione Tolbà, Matera
2011 member of the University Committee on the Integration of Disabled Students (CISD),
Università degli Studi della Basilicata
since October 2011 – Associate Professor of Cultural Anthropology (Faculty of Education) at the
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
April 2012 Lesson on Intercultural education (with Elisabeth Tauber), Cusanus Academie,
Bressanone, Italy
May 2015 Invited public lecture “Italia e gli italiani visti dagli immigrati”, Foyer de Charité
Fornello, Altramura Bari.
June 2015 Scientific consultant for EURAC (Istituto sui Diritti delle Minoranze) in
collaboration with the Servizio Coordinamento per l’Integrazione di Nuove Concittadine e
Nuovi Concittadini della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
09.05-13.05.16 2016 Visiting Lecturer at the Faculty of Sociology, Universidad Complutense
de Madrid, within the Erasmus+ teaching mobility program
peer reviewer/referee for International Migration, Ethnicities, Romanì Studies, Journal of Ethnic
and Migration Studies; Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, American Ethnologist
evaluator in a Marie Curie COFUND Programme within the EU 7th Framework
evaluator since 2016 for DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst/German Academic
Exchange Service) for scholarship applications
member of the Scientific Committee of the book series Migrazioni, CISU press (Rome)
member of the Scientific Committee of the journal Antropologie (Editor-in-Chief Prof. Ugo
collaborator since 1999 with the “Fascia A” journal Archivio di Etnografia, member of the
Editorial Board since 2015.
Scientific Committee of the journal Mundus. Laboratorio di ricerca antropologica (Dir. Resp.
Prof. Marcello Massenzio)
Editorial Committee, series “Etnografie”, Ombre Corte press (Directors:
Palumbo and Prof. Pietro Saitta)
prof. Berardino
External Advisory Board, ANUAC (rivista Fascia A)
Expert consultant for Verso Books, since 2015.
2001 La Raccomandazione. Clientelismo vecchio e nuovo. Rome: Donzelli Editore [recipient
of the International Prize “G. Pitré – S. Salamone Marino- Città di Palermo”, 2002]
2005 The Land of Remorse: A Study of Southern Italian Tarantism. Annotated translation of La
Terra del rimorso, by Ernesto de Martino [orig. ed. 1961]. London: Free Association Books.
2008 Posso Chiamarla Signor Maestro?: Angelo Longo, Maestro Interculturale. Matera: La
Biblioteca di Tolbà.
2009 (ed.) Progetto API. I risultati del 1° rapporto provinciale dell'indagine sui
fenomeni migratori. Ente Provinciale di Matera.
2009 (translation) Endings: On Termination in Psychoanalysis. Translation of In-Fine,
by Fausta Ferraro and Alessandro Garella. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
2015 (translation) Magic: A Theory from the South. Annotated translation of
Sud e magia, by Ernesto de Martino [orig. ed. 1959] Chicago: HAU Books. ISBN:
2015 (ed., with Elisabeth Tauber) The Public Value of Anthropology: Engaging Critical Social
Issues Through Ethnography. Bozen-Bolzano: BUPress, pp. 1-29. ISBN: 9788860460769
Editorship of Journal Issue:
Journal of American Folklore, Volume 128, Number 507, Winter 2015, pp. 3-17. ISSN 00218715
Articles in Journals
1994 “French Television in Alsace: Medium of Modernity”, Visual Anthropology Review, Vol.
10, no. 1.
1995 (with Annamaria Rivera): "Notes on a Displaced Womanhood: Albanian Refugee
Women in Southern Italy", The Anthropology of East Europe Review , Vol. 13 no. 1: 23-29.
1995 “Commento” on the article by George Saunders, L’”Etnocentrismo Critico” e l’etnologia
di Ernesto de Martino in Ossimori no. 7 - II, pp 86-88.
1996 "Adriatic Brethren or Black Sheep?: The Albanian Crisis and Migration in Italy, 1991",
European Urban and Regional Studies (3): 241-249.
2003 “En-gendering Patronage: Economies of the Masculine and the Feminine and (Southern)
Italy as “Other”. Ethnologia Europaea, special issue on gender, a cura di Giulio Angioni,
anno IX, 1-2, pp.151-171.
2005 “The Second Generation of Albanians in Matera (Italy): The Italian Experience and
Prospects for Future Ties to the Homeland” Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans, vol.
7, no. 2, pp. 259-277.
2006 “In Memoria di Anthony (Tony) Galt”, Archivio di Etnografia, n.s.II (2): 141-142.
2007 “I Quindici giorni di Scanzano: Identity and Social Protest in the New South”, Journal of
Modern Italian Studies, 12:2, pp. 189-206.
2007 “Il Caso di Scanzano. Ragione di Stato e le ragioni di una ribellione”, Quaderni di
Sociologia, vol. LI: 44, pp. 151-174.
2010 “Italy's Second Generations and the Expression of Identity Through Electronic Media”,
Bulletin of Italian Politics 2 (1): 91-113.
2011 “'Loud and clear': the G2 Second Generations network in Italy”, Journal of Modern Italian
Studies, vol 16 (3): 373-385.
2013 “Power, Corruption and Reflexive Truths: A Reprise of ‘Mediterranean’ Corruption”,
Journal of Mediterranean Studies, vol. 22 (2): 293-315
ISSN: 1016-3476.
2015 “An Introduction to Ernesto de Martino’s Relevance for the Study of Folklore”
Journal of American Folklore, Volume 128, Number 507, Winter 2015, pp. 3-17. ISSN 00218715
2015 “Tradurre de Martino, dal travaglio al trascendimento », Aut Aut 366 pp. 103-111. ISBN:
(forthcoming) “Ernesto de Martino nel mondo anglofono” , Mundus
(forthcoming) “Migrants as game-changers in South Tyrol”, Bricolage
Encyclopedia Entry
(forthcoming) “Raccomandazione”, Global Encyclopedia of Informality, London: UCL Press.
Contributions in Edited volumes
1994 “The Senegalese in Bari: What Happens When the Africans Peer Back”, in Rina
Benmayor and Andor Skotnes (eds.), International Yearbook of Oral History and Life Stories,
vol. 3, pp. 53-68.
2000 “L’obiettivo non è obiettivo”, Introduction to Lo sguardo ritrovato, by Maria Rosaria
Romaniello. Matera: Antonio Capuano Editrice.
2000 “Raccomandazione, tangente e mafia. La problematica di uno sviluppo ‘razionale’ del
Meridione” in Relazioni pericolose: Criminalità e sviluppo nel Mezzogiorno, Renate Siebert,
ed. Soveria Mannelli (CZ): Rubbettino, pp. 117-150.
2001 “The Migrating Fable”, Introduction, C’era una volta sulle montagne dei mille laghi…,
Matera: Associazione Tolbà. [the book received a national prize from the Italian Ministry of
Culture, 2001]
2002 “Pacem in Terris: Problems in Reading a ‘Multicultural’ Television Show”, in The
Politics of Recognising Difference: Multiculturalism Italian-Style, R. D. Grillo and J. Pratt,
eds. Ashgate: Aldershot. pp. 197-217.
2002 “Giovani disoccupati in un paese del Mezzogiorno. Concezioni del lavoro tra prospettive
locali e prospettive globali” in Frammenti di Economie. Ricerche di antropologia economica
in Italia. Valeria Siniscalchi, ed. Cosenza: Luigi Pellegrini Editore, pp. 237-277.
2004 Preface, Nonsoloburocrati. Paternoster, Matera, pp. 5-8.
2005 “Afterword. Anthropology and Corruption: The State of the Art”, in Understanding
Political Corruption: Anthropological Perspectives. A cura di D. Haller- C. Shore. Londra:
Pluto Press, pp. 229-241.
2006 “La cultura antropologica ‘cerniera’ tra tradizione ed innovazione, in Cultura e territorio
[Acts of 24th National Congress of Federuni] Edizioni Rezzara, Vicenza, pp. 77-86.
2006 “Pacem in terris: i problemi derivanti dalla lettura di una varietà televisivo ‘multietnico’”
in R. Grillo – J. Pratt, a cura di, Le politiche del riconoscimento delle differenze.
Multiculturalismo all’italiana. Guaraldi, Rimini, pp. 265-290.
2007 “Protagonists of Change”, Afterword, Domani arriverà mia nonna. [a narrative dealing
with female genital mutilation] Matera: Associazione Tolbà.
2007 “Studi e ricerche anglosassioni: Organizzazioni, enti, istituzioni”, in Maria Minicuci
(ed.), La Mobilità nel pubblico impiego: Una ricerca antropologica. Rome: Formez
(Quaderni Formez 66), pp. 33-59.
2009 “Cultura e intercultura a scuola. I termini del discorso”, in Anche i miei fiori hanno
bisogno di acqua. Rapporto sulle attività del progetto “Le Cicale”. Matera: La Biblioteca di
Tolbà, pp. 59-65.
2009 “Un monument habité malgre lui”, in D. Fabre and A. Iuso eds. Les monuments sont
habités. Paris: Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, pp. 89-111.
2011 “The Case of Scanzano: Raison d'État and the Reasons for a Rebellion”, in C. Shore,
S. Wright, D. Però, eds., Policy Worlds: Anthropology and the Analysis of Contemporary
Power. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 227-243.
2011 “Guardo me che guardo loro che da sempre mi guardano. La letteratura dei migranti in
Italia come critica culturale”, in L. Faldini, E. Pili (a cura di) Saperi antropologici, media e
società civile nell'Italia contemporanea. Atti del 1° Convegno Nazionale dell'ANUAC.
Rome: CISU, pp.191-203.
2012 “L´Umanesimo etnografico di Ernesto de Martino. Appunti per un progetto sociale
interculturale”, in F. Ciccodicola (a cura) Ernesto de Martino: Storicismo critico e ricerca sul
campo. Domograf, Roma, pp. 127-144.
2015 (with E. Tauber) “A Lively and Musing Discipline: The Public contribution of
Anthropology Through Education and Engagement”, in E. Tauber and D. Zinn, eds. The
Public Value of Anthropology: Engaging Critical Social Issues Through Ethnography.
Bozen-Bolzano: BUPress, pp. 1-29. ISBN: 9788860460769
2015 (with S. Fargion, M. Share, L. Swords, O. Nuttman-Shwartz) “International Student
Exchanges” in J. Mirsky – L. Rubinstein, eds. International Knowledge Exchange on Child
and Youth Welfare.
(forthcoming) “Migrant incorporation and essentialized local identities in South Tyrol”, in
Francesca Decimo and Alessandra Gribaldo (eds.), Boundaries Within: Migration, Nation
and Identity. IMISCOE/Springer.
Review articles and non-refereed academic articles
2002 “Traiettori di sguardi. E se gli altri foste voi?” di Geneviève Makaping.
L’Indice, n.4 (April)
2006 “In Memoria di Anthony (Tony Galt”, Archivio di Etnografia, n.s.II (2): 141-142.) ISSN:
2007 The Bounded Field: Localism and Local Identity in an Italian Alpine Valley by Jaro Stacul,
Archivio di Etnografia (1), pp. 142-144.
2009 “Inclusionary Rhetoric, Exclusionary Practices: Left-Wing Politics and Migrants in Italy,
by Davide Però” Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, vol. 9 (2): 22-23.
2010 Commento: Lezioni di Fantantropologia, AM – Antropologia museale, vol. 9, n. 25/26,
p.56. ISSN: 1971-4815
2012 (film review) “Other Europe [Altra Europa]. Rossella Schillaci, dir.”, American
vol. 114 (3): 531-532.
2014 Review of The Art of Making Do in Naples by Jason Pine, Anthropos: 109.2014/1: 323324.
(forthcoming) Film review “Made in Limestone”, Italian-American Review, Issue 6.2.
1993- From Italian into English, subtitles for neo-realist documentary films inspired by the work
of Ernesto de Martino, for Prof. Antonio Marazzi (Università di Padova)
1995- From Italian into English, "Parentela, Logica delle Relazioni, e Programma Informatico
GELM", by Prof. A.M. Cirese (Università degli Studi di Roma - “La Sapienza”)
1997 - “Il Calendario Maya” by Prof. A.M. Cirese
1997 – articles for the volume Incontri di Etnologia Europea by the following authors: Cristina
Papa, Pietro Clemente, Giovanni Pizza, Alessandra Broccolini, Vincenzo Cannada Bartoli.
1998-2003 translator for the anthropological journal Etnosistemi
1999- translator for the anthropological journal Archivio di Etnografia
2002 revisions of English edition, Men Ham Sinti – Men Ham Kek Gage! About Sinti,
Childhood, School and the Others. Anthropological report by E. Tauber in the European
OPREROMA project.
2006 Supervision of the Italian translation of Michael Herzfeld’s Anthropology: Theoretical
Practice in Culture and Society, Florence SEID Editori (orig. Oxford: Blackwell 2001)
2006 Supervision of the Italian translation of Steven Feld’s “Gazing Through Transparency”,
introduction to catalogue of art by Virginia Ryan, Exposures
2007 Six essays by Francesco Faeta in Faith and Transformation: Votive Offerings and Amulets
from the Alexander Girard Collection, Doris Francis, ed. New Mexico: New Mexico Museum
Press, pp. 50-61, 150-151.
1992 editing of art book, Comprachicoes in the Raw, by New York artist Cynthia Karalla (a
in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art- NYC, Cooper Hewitt Museum – NYC,
Yokahama Museum - Tokyo, New York Public Library - NYC).
1999 (with Elizabeth Jennings e Mikaela Bandini) entry on Matera and Basilicata region for
the 2000 edition of the travel guide Italy’s Finest by the Marchesa Bona dei Frescobaldi
2002 “Maternità e pace” in Matera pacis. Matera: ARTErìa Edizioni.
2003 English translation of Ulivi, by Antonio Ferrara Matera: Associazione Tolbà.
English translation of Ti ho lasciato il mio profumo, Somalian Folktales. Matera:
Associazione Tolbà.
2006 English translation of “L’espressionismo mediterraneo di Sebaste” in Salvatore Sebaste:
Incisioni, E. Pozzetti, ed. Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
1993 Conference “Memoria e Multiculturalismo” Siena-Lucca, paper on Senegalese
immigration in Italy
1998 held seminar on chronic youth unemployment in Southern Italy, Università degli Studi di
Roma “La Sapienza” , Faculty of Letters
1999 paper on patronage/clientelism and organized crime, Congress AIS (Italian Sociological
Association), Università degli Studi della Calabria
2000 Sussex University (UK) - Workshop on Migration, invited paper on Italian television and
mass-media representations of immigrants
2000 held seminar on chronic youth unemployment in Southern Italy, Università degli Studi di
2000 paper presented at the seminar “Il Monumento Abitato” (Matera, Università degli Studi
della Basilicata), on the renewal of Matera's Sassi Historical District
2002 Seminar presentation on clientelism, Università degli Studi di Bari, Psychology of
Communication program
2002 Seminar presentation on the representation of foreigners in Italian mass media. Università
degli Studi di Bari, Graduate Program in Social Psychology – tenuto seminario sulla
rappresentazione degli stranieri nei mass media
2002 Discussant at the EASA Workshop “Anthropology of Corruption” (European Association
of Social Anthropolgists Biannual Meeting, Copenhagen)
2003 Paper presented at 7th Annual Congress of AISEA (Italian Association of Ethnoanthropological Sciences), results of a study on language and culture maintenance among
Albanian schoolchildren in Matera province.
2004 special address, International Women’s Fiction Festival (Matera), “Introduction to
Southern Italy: Fact and Fiction”
2005 invited lesson on cultural antropology, 24th Federuni Congress (Potenza)
2005 paper, “I Quindici Giorni di Scanzano: Social Protest in the New Italian South and the
End of Amoral Familism”, Second Annual Robert Dombroski Conference – University of
Connecticut (USA)
2005 special address, 2nd International Women’s Fiction Festival (Matera), “The Anthropology
of Southern Italian Cooking: Food for Thought”
2006 invited expert, 6th Conference Eurofor/Marie Curie, “National and Local Governments
Confronted with Cultural Diversity” talk on refugee and asylum-seeker resettlement
2006 paper presented at the Biennial Meeting EASA – Bristol, England. “The Case of
Scanzano: When Policy Provokes Resistance”
2007 roundtable participant on organized crime, 3rd International Women’s Fiction Festival
2007 Invited expert (with Grazia Cormio), Eurofor Conference on “Migration and Art”,
Florence. Talk presented on art and multicultural publishing
2007 Paper presented on anthropological studies of public administration. Conference on
Anthropology and Public Administration. Labor Mobility in Public Employment. Università
degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”, Faculty of Economics.
2007 Special address, 4th International Women's Fiction Fetival (Matera), “Love in the Time of
the Tarantella”
2007 Presentazione Workshop EASA MedNet “Anthropological Views on Migration in the
Mediterranean Area”. (Catania) Paper presented: “Immigration in Italy: Views from
Immigrant Writings.
2008 Paper presented on anthropological study of immigrant literature at ANUAC Conference
(National Association of University Cultural Anthropologists), Matera.
2008 Paper presented on second generation immigrants in Italy, EASA Conference (Ljulbljana)
2008 Special address on multiculturalism in Italian literature, 5th International Women's Fiction
Festival (Matera)
2008 Lecture on Italian antropologist Ernesto De Martino, John D. Calandra Institute of
Queens University, New York City,
2008 Organizer, chair and introduction, AAA Session (107th Annual Meeting of the American
Anthropological Association) "Ethnologist, Theorist, Activist, Pioneer: Papers in Honor of
the Ernesto De Martino Centennial"
2008 Wellesley College, Dept. of Italian Studies, Invited lecture on the research of Ernesto De
2009 Paper on the anthropology of corruption in Italy. Conference on the Anthropology of
Institutions, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
2009 Conference, presentation of the first report on migratory phenomena in the Province of
2009 Università di Bologna, Convegno “Città plurali. Giovani migranti e contesti urbani”:
relazione sulle seconde generazioni dell'immigrazione
2009 Paper, "Italy's Second Generation and the Electronic Expression of Identity", American
University of Rome, 3rd Conference on Racism in Italy, “The Sons and Daughters of Migrants:
Italy's Second Generations”
2010 Invited talk, UIL Basilicata Conference, “Donne Lucane. Le conquiste incompiute”
Potenza, 6 July.
2010 Co-convenor, together with H. Cabot, Ph.D., and Introduction to Workshop “' One Face,
One Race?' Rethinking Race and Citizenship in a Changing Europe”, 11° EASA Conference,
Maynooth, Ireland.
2010 special address, 7° International Women's Fiction Festival, “Magic and the South”
2010 Introduction and moderator, National Conference on Intercultural Education, “Insieme ma
diversi nella scuola dei diritti”, Matera, 19-20 november.
2011 “'The Days of Scanzano': The Carnivalesque and the Ritualesque in an Anti-Nuclear
Protest”, Conference on Holidays, Ritual, Festival, Celebration and Public Display. Université
Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV), April 1-2.
2011 Invited presentation, “Maestro Longo” at the Conference “Alberto Manzi. Storia e storie
di analfabetismo”, Turin.
2011 “Power, Corruption and Reflexive Truths: A Reprise of 'Mediterranean' Patronage”.
Relazione presentata alla Workshop MedNet EASA, Università Ca' Foscari, Venezia.
2012 Invited presentation, “Anthropology of the Crisis and the Crisis of Anthropology”, at the
annual meeting of EVAA (Associazione Antropologica Alto Adige), Bolzano
2012 “Not a backlash, but a multicultural implosion from within: Uncertainty and crisis in the
case of South Tyrol's “multiculturalism” 12° Bienniel Conference EASA 2012 Nanterre
2013 Invited talk, “Lo studio delle nostre istituzioni. Cosa possiamo imparare da uno sguardo
antropologico?”, Seminar “Etnografia dell’accoglienza. Rifugiati e richiedenti asilo a Ravenna”,
promosso dal Comune di Ravenna, il Dipt. dei Beni Culturali dell’ Università di Bologna, e la
Cooperativa sociale Persone in Movimento.
2013 presented paper, “Ritual in Contemporary Social Protest: An Italian Case for Taking
Folklore Seriously COSMOS Workshop “Popular culture and protest repertoires in 20th c.
Europe” 27-28 May 2013 - European University Institute, Florence
2013 presented paper, “Migrants as New Linguistic Minorities in South Tyrol: Schooling and
Language-group Incorporation” Conferenza “Interactions between indigenous and migrant
minority languages in changing multilingual environments”, University of Luxembourg, 17-19
2013 invited talk, “Back to the Future: From Ritual De-historification to Cultural Apocalypse in
the Work of Ernesto de Martino” Uni-Ruhr Bochum International Conference “Futures of the
Mediterranean – Mediterranean Future”, 30 Sept – 02 Oct
2013 invited speaker, presentation of Politica e politiche. Etnografia di un paese di riforma:
Scanzano Jonico by Maria Minicuci. Università degli Studi della Basilicata. 29 October.
2013 selected paper presentation, “Le seconde generazioni nell’Alto Adige. Scuola e
inculturazione civile”, National Conference of ANUAC (Associazione Nazionale Universitaria
degli Antropologi Culturali - Torino, 7-9 November.
2014 selected paper presentation (with E. Tauber), “The Ambivalent Incorporation of Diversity
in South Tyrol”, Workshop “When, why and how organizations respond to diversity”, Max
Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen University and Kassel
University. Göttingen, 6-7 February.
2014 invited lecture “Migrant Insertion in South Tyrol: An Ongoing Anthropological Study”,
College of the Atlantic (USA) study program in Treviso, 12.04.2014.
2014 presentation “Tracing Migrant Incorporation in South Tyrol Through Schooling”, at 1st
Euregio Anthropology Research Meeting, Unibz Brixen, 19.05.2014.
2014 selected paper presentation, “Migrant Incorporation in South Tyrol and Essentialized Local
Identities”, International Conference “Changing Population: Migration, Reproduction and
Identity”, Trento, U. Trento, 3-4 June.
2014 Introductory address, Conference “Pubblico informato e panico morale. Dare vita ad un
dibattito pubblico su temi socialmente sensibili/Informierte Öffentlichkeit und „moralische
Panik“. Öffentliches Debattieren zu sozial sensiblen Themen. Unibz Faculty of Education,
Brixen, 20 October 2014
2014 selected paper presentation, ““It’s a good thing the foreigners have arrived!” Or is it?
Foreign Students and Education Policy in South Tyrol’s Schools Through an Ethnographic Lens”
115th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington D.C. 3-7
December 2014.
2015 Participation and moderation of Round Table, TEMPUS TACHYwe Conference, Ben
Gurion University – Beer Sheva (Israel) 29.04.2015
2015 Participation and commentary, international conference “Cattolicismi in migrazione”,
Università Sacro Cuore, Brescia 06-07 maggio 2015
2015 Invited speaker, “De Martino aux États-Unis”, seminar LAHIC-EHESS Paris (Laboratoire
d’anthropologie et d’histoire de l’institution de la culture, l’École des Hautes Études en Sciences
Sociales), 20 May 2015
2015 (con I. Riccioni, E. Tauber) “Dalla teoria sociale alla dinamica sociale della coesione nei
contesti multiculturali”, presentation at Unibz Research Day, Bolzano, 08.10.2015.
2015 Introduction, 4th Biennial ANUAC Conference, Bolzano, 5-8 November 2015.
2015 Invited speaker - "Ernesto de Martino. A cinquanta anni dalla morte". 23.11.15 Università
degli Studi della Basilicata
2015 invited presentation, “Shifting Boundaries of Diversity: Migration and Belonging in South
Tyrol, Italy - Institute for Social Anthropology, Vienna, 03.12.2015
2015 presentation “Haltingly integral integration: Foreign pupils and South Tyrol’s educational
institutions, 2° Symposium Anthropological Talks in South Tyrol, Unibz Faculty of Education,
Brixen, 14-15 Dec. 2015
2015 Conference „Neue Arbeitswelten in Südtirol“, Unibz Faculty of Education, 17.12.2015.
Presentation of Lehrforschung Project
2016 Presentation – “Gli albanesi in Italia, transnazionalismo e tendenze nelle conversioni al
cattolicesimo” Convegno « Migrazioni, Legami Familiari e Appartenenze Religiose:
Interrelazioni, Negoziazioni e Confini » Primi Resoconti. Siena, 19.02.2016
2016 (with E. Tauber) 16-17.03.2016 Workshop: Giornata di Studio su B. Malinowski
Faculty of Education, BX
2016 selected paper presentation –26th Annual ASEN Conference (Association for the Study of
Ethnicity and Nationalism), London, London School of Economics, “When Immigration
Induces Transition in Ethnonationalism: Old and New Minorities in South Tyrol” 19-21
April 2016
2016 selected paper presentation - 16th International Conference „Migration and Generation“,
Innsbruck - 23-25 June 2016, “Multiple Generations, Multiple Trajectories: The Case of
Albanians in Altamura, Italy”
Conference Organization:
2014 Head of Scientific Committee and Organization for Conference “Pubblico informato e
panico morale. Dare vita ad un dibattito pubblico su temi socialmente sensibili/Informierte
Öffentlichkeit und „moralische Panik“. Öffentliches Debattieren zu sozial sensiblen Themen,
Unibz Faculty of Education, Brixen, 20 October 2014.
2015 Head of Scientific Committee and Organization for the 4th Biennial ANUAC Conference,
Bozen-Bolzano, 5-8 November 2015.
Associazione Nazionale Universitaria degli Antropologi Culturali (ANUAC)
Associazione Italiana per le Scienze Etnoantropologiche (AISEA)
American Anthropological Association (AAA)
Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE)
European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA)
EASA Network for the Anthropology of the Mediterranean (Med-Net)
South Tyrol Anthropological Association (EVAA)
American Folklore Society (AFS) - Mediterranean Studies Section
Association for the Anthropology of Policy
Associazione Internazionale Ernesto de Martino (AIDEM)
English – native speaker
Italian -- C1 (certified CELI 4)
French -- B2+ (not certified)
German -- B2 (certified Goethe Institute)
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