
dr. adriano mari - Centro Medico Parioli

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dr. adriano mari - Centro Medico Parioli
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Curriculum Vitae
Nome e Cognome: Adriano Mari
Luogo e data di nascita: Terracina (Lt), 31 ottobre 1956
Nazionalità: Italiana
Latina - Via G.F. Malipiero, 28 - 04100
tel. + 39 338 88 373 52 (mobile)
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Domicilio fiscale
Latina (Lt) Via Malipiero 28 - 04100
Codice fiscale - MRADRN56R31L120A
Partita I.V.A. - 04748171008
Titoli di Studio
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (Roma, 1980).
Voto Diploma di Laurea: 110/110 e Lode.
Tesi di Laurea: Significato clinico delle intradermoreazioni quale parametro dell'ipersensibilità ritardata.
Istituto di I Clinica Medica, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Dir. Prof. U. Serafini).
Diploma di Specializzazione in Allergologia (Roma, 1983).
Voto Diploma di Specializzazione: 70/70 e Lode.
Tesi di Specializzazione: Caratterizzazione fenotipica dei T linfociti mediante anticorpi monoclonali in pazienti con
sindromi allergiche respiratorie.
Scuola di Specializzazione in Allergologia, Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Dir. Prof. U. Serafini).
Attività Clinica Specialistica
2013 2010 - 2013
2006 - 2010
2005 - 2006
1991 - 2006
Associato fondatore, Amministratore/Rappresentante, Coordinatore Scientifico/Professionale dei
Centri Associati di Allergologia Molecolare, Roma.
Dirigente di Unità Operativa Complessa – Direttore del Centro di Allergologia Molecolare, IDI-IRCCS,
Coordinatore del Centro di Allergologia Clinica e Sperimentale, IDI-IRCCS, Roma.
Contratto di Consulente Scientifico del Modulo di Allergologia Sperimentale, IDI-IRCCS, Roma.
Incarico a tempo indeterminato Servizi di Allergologia, SSN.
Attività di Consulenza Specialistica
Membro del Subcommittee for the Standardization and Quality Assessment of Immunological
Diagnostics della International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS).
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
2008 2006 - 2009
2005 - 2006
Direttore Scientifico di I.F.A.R.A.I. Onlus (International Fund for Advanced Research in Allergy and
Advisor member del “Subcommittee on Diagnostic Allergy Techniques”, Clinical and Laboratory
Standards Institute, Wayne, PA, USA.
Consulente Scientifico del Modulo di Allergologia Sperimentale, IDI-IRCCS, Roma.
Progetti di Ricerca
2011 2009 - 2010
2008 2003 2000 2001 - 2005
1998 - 2000
INAIL – Dipartimento Medicina del Lavoro (ex ISPESL) - Risposta immunologica e rischio allergologico
occupazionale da esposizione ad animali da laboratorio.
CRPA SpA - 2009 - P-R_NATURALMENTE FUNZIONALE - Individuazione di componenti e principi
nutritivi a valenza funzionale presenti nel formaggio Parmigiano-Reggiano.
EU - FAST Project – Towards Safe and Effective Immunotherapy of Persistent Life-Threatening Food
Creazione della “Allergy Data Laboratories sc”.
Creazione, sviluppo e gestione del sito web “Allergome - Database of Allergenic Molecules”
EU - CREATE Project – Development of certified reference materials for allergenic products and
validation of methods for their quantification.
Collaborazione al progetto di ricerca “Ambiente e Allergia” del Ministero dell’Ambiente in
collaborazione con l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità (1998-2000).
Sequenze Allergeniche Registrate
Jun o 4
Act c Chitinase_I
Art v 5
Ara h 9
Act c 5
Act d 5
Act c 10
Act d 10
Amb a 8
Amb a 9
Amb a 10
Car b 1
Que a 1
Tri a 39
Cla h 9
Cla h TCTP
Art v 3
Mor n 3
Ost c 1
Api g 2
Act d 11
Tri a 36
Pru p 7
Tri a 37
Calcium-binding protein from Juniperus oxycedrus – O64943
Endochitinase from Actinidia chinensis - P86473
Polcalcin from Artemisia vulgaris - Q2KM81, A0PJ17
Lipid Transfer Protein from Arachis hypogea – B6CEX8, B6CG41
Kiwellin from Actinidia chinensis - P85261
Kiwellin from Actinidia deliciosa - P84527
Lipid Transfer Protein from Actinidia chinensis - P85204
Lipid Transfer Protein from Actinidia deliciosa - P85205, P85206
Profilin from Artemisia vulgaris - Q2KN23, Q2KN24
Polcalcin from Ambrosia artemisiifolia - Q2KN26, Q2KN27
Polcalcin from Ambrosia artemisiifolia - Q2KN25
Bet v 1-like from Carpinus betulus - B6RQR6, B6RQR7, B6RQR8, B6RQR9, B6RQS0
Bet v 1-like from Quercus alba - B6RQS1, B6RQS2, B6RQS3
Serine Proteinase Inhibitor from Triticum aestivum - B3FHM6
Vacuolar serine protease from Cladosporium herbarum - B7ZK61
Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein from Cladosporium herbarum - A1KXP4
Lipid Transfer Protein from Artemisia vulgaris - C4MGH2, C4MGH1, C4MGH0, C4MGG9
Lipid Transfer Protein from Morus nigra - P85894
Bet v 1-like from Ostrya carpinifolia - E2GL17
Lipid Transfer Protein from Apium graveolens - E6Y8S8
RRP from Actinidia deliciosa - P85524
Low molecular weight glutenin from Triticum aestivum - B2Y2Q7
Anti-microbial peptide from Prunus persica - P86888
alpha-Purothionin from Triticum aestivum - J7K291
Tuppo L, Spadaccini R, Alessandri C, Wienk H, Boelens R, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Picone D, Ciardiello MA.
Structure, stability, and interactions of the peach allergen Peamaclein.
Biopolymers: Peptide Science 2014; Accepted.
Wan D, Ludolf F, Alanine DGW, Stretton O, Ali Ali E, Al-Barwary N, Wang X, Doenhoff MJ, Mari A, Fitzsimmons CM,
Dunne DW, Nakamura R, Oliveira GC, Alcocer MJC, Falcone FH.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Use of humanised rat basophilic leukaemia cell line RS-ATL8 for the assessment of allergenicity of Schistosoma
mansoni proteins.
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2014; Accepted.
Baar A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Giavi S, Papadopoulos NG, Pelkonen A, Mäkelä M, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhamer J, Webera
M, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
The high molecular weight glutenin subunit Bx7 allergen from wheat contains repetitive IgE epitopes.
Allergy 2014; accepted.
Campbell BC, Gilding EK, Timbrell V, Guru PM, Loo D, Zennaro D, Mari A, Solley G, Hill MM, Godwin ID, Davies JM.
Total transcriptome, proteome and allergome of Johnson grass pollen important for allergic rhinitis in subtropical
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013; Accepted.
Shahali Y, Nicaise P, Brazdova A, Charpin D, Scala E, Mari A, Sutra J, Chollet-Martin S, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
Complementarity between microarray and immunoblot for the comparative evaluation of IgE repertoire of French
and Italian cypress pollen allergic patients.
J Cell Mol Biology - Folia Biol (Praha) 2014; Accepted.
Banerjee S, Resch Y, Chen KW, Swoboda I, Focke-Tejkl M, Blatt K, Novak N, van Hage M, Mari A, Purohit A, Pauli G,
Sibanda EN, Ndlovu P, Thomas W, Krzyzanek V, Malkus U, Valent P, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
Der p 11 is a Major Allergen for House Dust Mite Allergic Patients Suffering from Atopic Dermatitis.
J Investig Dermatol 2014; DOI: 10.1038/jid.2014.271.
Pichler U, Hauser M, Himly M, Hoflehner E, Mutschlechner S, Hufnagl K, Ebner C, Mari A, Briza P, Bohle B,
Wiedermann U, Ferreira F, Wallner M.
Allergen-hybrids - next generation vaccines for Fagales pollen immunotherapy.
Clin Exp Allergy 2014;44:438-49.
Baar A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Giavi S, Manoussaki A, Papadopoulos NG, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
Specific IgE reactivity to Tri a 36 in children with wheat food allergy.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2014; 133:585-7.
Mari A, Ciardiello MA, Passalacqua G, Vliagoftis H, Wardlaw AJ, Wickman M.
Developments in the field of allergy in 2012 through the eyes of Clinical and Experimental Allergy.
Clin Exp Allergy 2013;43:1309-32.
Pahr S, Constantin C, Papadopoulos NG, Giavi S, Mäkelä M, Pelkonen A, Ebner C, Mari A, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhamer J,
Vrtala S, Mittermann I, Valenta R.
α-purothionin, a new wheat allergen associated with severe allergy.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013; 132:1000-3.e1-4.
Olivieri M, Biscardo CA, Palazzo P, Pahr S, Malerba G, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Zanoni G, Xumerle L, Valenta V, Mari A.
Wheat allergy IgE profiling using wheat seed allergens in bakers with occupational diseases.
Occup Environ Med 2013;70:617-22.
Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Bernardi ML, Rafaiani C, Crescenzo R, Tamburrini M, Zuzzi S, Alessandri C, Mari A,
Ciardiello MA.
Prevalence and peculiarities of IgE rectivity to kiwifruit pectin methylesterase and its inhibitor, Act d 7 and Act d 6, in
subjects allergic to kiwifruit.
Food Res Int 2013;53:24-30.
Ciardiello MA, Tamburrini M, Liso M, Crescenzo R, Rafaiani C, Mari A.
Food allergen profiling: a big challenge.
Food Res Int 2013; 54:1033-41.
Weghofer M, Grote M, Casset A, Kneidinger M, Resch Y, Kopec J, Thomas WR, Fernández-Caldas E, Ferrara R, Mari A,
Purohit A, Pauli G, Horak F, Keller W, Valent P, R Valenta, Vrtala S.
Identification of Der p 23, a peritrophin-like protein, as a new major Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus allergen
associated with the peritrophic matrix of mite fecal pellets.
J Immunol 2013;190:3059-67.
Souza Santos K, Gadermaier G, Vejvar E, Andrade Arcuri H, Eduardo Galvão C, Campos Yang A, Ferreira Resende VM,
de Oliveira Martins C, Himly M, Mari A, Liso M, Pomponi D, Breiteneder H, Wagner S, Kalil J, Ferreira F, Morato Castro
Novel allergens from ancient foods: Man e 5 from manioc (Manihot esculenta Cratz) cross reacts with Hev b 5 from
Mol Nutr Food Res 2013;57:1100-9.
Heinzerling L, Mari A, Bergmann K-C, Bresciani M, Burbach G, Darsow U, Durham S, Fokkens W, Gjomarkaj M ,
Haahtela T, Todo Bom A, Wöhrl S, Maibach H, Lockey R.
The Skin Prick Test – European standards.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Clin Trans Allergy 2013; 3:3. DOI: 10.1186/2045-7022-3-3
Pomponi D, Di Zenzo G, Zennaro D, Calabresi V, Eming R, Zuzzi S, Bernardi ML, Scala E, Mari A.
Detection of IgG and IgE reactivity to BP180 using the ISAC Microarray System.
Br J Dermatol 2013;168:1205-14.
Papadopoulos NG, Agache I, Bavbek S, Bilo BM, Braido F, Cardona V, Custovic A, Demonchy J, Demoly P, Eigenmann P,
Gayraud J, Grattan C, Heffler E, Hellings PW, Jutel M, Knol E, Lotvall J, Muraro A, Poulsen LK, Roberts G, SchmidGrendelmeier P, Skevaki C, Triggiani M, van Ree R, Werfel T, Flood B, Palkonen S, Savli R, Allegri P, Annesi-Maesano I,
Annunziato F, Antolin-Amerigo D, Apfelbacher C, Blanca M, Bogacka E, Bonadonna P, Bonini M, Boyman O, Brockow K,
Burney P, Buters J, Butiene I, Calderon M, Cardell LO, Caubet JC, Celenk S, Cichocka-Jarosz E, Cingi C, Couto M, Dejong
N, Del Giacco S, Douladiris N, Fassio F, Fauquert JL, Fernandez J, Fernandez-Rivas M, Ferrer M, Flohr C, Gardner J,
Genuneit J, Gevaert P, Groblewska A, Hamelmann E, Hoffmann HJ, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Hovhannisyan L, Hox
V, Jahnsen FL, Kalayci O, Kalpaklioglu AF, Kleine-Tebbe J, Konstantinou G, Kurowski M, Lau S, Lauener R, Lauerma A,
Logan K, Magnan A, Makowska J, Makrinioti H, Mangina P, Manole F, Mari A, Mazon A, Mills C, Mingomataj EC,
Niggemann B, Nilsson G, Ollert M, O'Mahony L, O'neil S, Pala G, Papi A, Passalacqua G, Perkin M, Pfaar O, Pitsios C,
Quirce S, Raap U, Raulf-Heimsoth M, Rhyner C, Robson-Ansley P, Alves RR, Roje Z, Rondon C, Rudzeviciene O, Rueff F,
Rukhadze M, Rumi G, Sackesen C, Santos AF, Santucci A, Scharf C, Schmidt-Weber C, Schnyder B, Schwarze J, Senna G,
Sergejeva S, Seys S, Siracusa A, Skypala I, Sokolowska M, Spertini F, Spiewak R, Sprikkelman A, Sturm G, Swoboda I,
Terreehorst I, Toskala E, Traidl-Hoffmann C, Venter C, Vlieg-Boerstra B, Whitacker P, Worm M, Xepapadaki P, Akdis
Research needs in allergy: an EAACI position paper, in collaboration with EFA.
Clin Trans Allergy 2012;2:21 DOI: 10.1186/2045-7022-2-21.
Giangrieco I, Rafaiani C, Liso M, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Tuppo L, Crescenzo R, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
Allergens in allergy diagnosis: a glimpse at emerging new concepts and methodologies.
Transl Medicine@UniSa 2012; 4:27-33.
Romano A, Scala E, Rumi G, Gaeta F, Viola M, Caruso C, Alonzi C, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Palmieri V, Zeppilli P, Mari A.
Lipid transfer proteins: the most frequent sensitizer in Italian subjects with food-dependent exercise-induced
Clin Exp Allergy 2012; 42:1643-53.
Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Pomponi D, Picone D, Tamburrini M, Ferrara R, Petriccione M, Mangone I, Palazzo P, Liso M,
Giangrieco I, Crescenzo R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Helmer-Citterich M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
Peamaclein – A new peach allergenic protein: similarities, differences and misleading features compared to Pru p 3.
Clin Exp Allergy 2013;43:128-40.
Baar A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhamer J, Giavi S, Papadopoulos NG, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta
Molecular and immunological characterization of Tri a 36, a low-molecular weight glutenin as a novel major wheat
food allergen.
J Immunol 2012;189:3018-25.
Alessandri C, Sforza S, Palazzo P, Lambertini F, Paolella S, Zennaro D, Rafaiani C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Giangrieco I,
Santoro M, Zuzzi S, Dossena A, Mari A.
Tolerability of Fully Maturated Cheese in Cow’s Milk Allergic Children: biochemical, immunochemical, and clinical
PLoS One 2012;7:e40945.
Casset A, Mari A, Purohit A, Weghofer M, Ferrara R, Thomas WR, Alessandri C, Chen K-W, de Blay F, Valenta R, Vrtala
Varying allergen composition and content affects in vivo allergenic activity of commercial Dermatophagoides
pteronyssinus extracts.
Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2012;159:253-62.
Pasquariello MS, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Liso M, Petriccione M, Rega P, Tartaglia A, Tamburrini M, Alessandri C, Ciardiello
MA, Mari A.
Analysis of the potential allergenicity of traditional apple cultivars by Multiplex Biochip-Based Immunoassay.
Food Chem 2012;135:219-27.
Pomponi D, Bernardi ML, Liso M, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Rafaiani C, Santoro M, Labrada A, Ciardiello MA, Mari A, Scala E.
Allergen micro-Bead Array for IgE Detection: a Feasibility Study using Allergenic Molecules tested on a Flexible
Multiplex Flow Cytometric Immunoassay.
PLoS One 2012;7: e35697.
Zuidmeer-Jongejan L, Fernandez-Rivas M, Poulsen LK, Neubauer A, Asturias J, Blom L, Boye J, Bindslev-Jensen C,
Clausen M, Ferrara R, Garosi P, Huber H, Jensen BM, Koppelman S, Kowalski ML, Lewandowska-Polak A, Linhart B,
Maillere B, Mari A, Martinez A, Mills ECN, Nicoletti C, Opstelten D-J, Papadopoulos NG, Portoles A, Rigby N, Scala E,
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Schnoor HJ, Sigurdardottir ST, Stavroulakis G, Stolz F, Swoboda I, Valenta R, van den Hout R, Versteeg SA, Witten M.,
van Ree R.
FAST: Towards safe and effective subcutaneous immunotherapy of persistent life-threatening food allergies.
Clin Transl Allergy 2012;2:5 DOI: 10.1186/2045-7022-2-5.
Shahali Y, Sutra JP, Charpin D., Mari A, Guilloux L , Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
Differential IgE sensitization to cypress pollen associated to a discriminative basic allergen of 14 kDa.
FEBS Journal 2012;279:1445-55.
Pahr S, Constantin C, Mari A, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhammer J, Vrtala S, Mittermann I, Valenta R.
Molecular characterization of wheat allergens specifically recognized by patients suffering from wheat-induced
respiratory allergy.
Clin Exp Allergy 2012;42:597-609.
Twaroch TE, Focke M, Fleischmann K, Balic N, Lupinek C, Blatt K, Ferrara R, Mari A, Ebner C, Valent P, Spitzauer S,
Swoboda I, Valenta R.
Carrier-bound Alt a 1 peptides without allergenic activity for vaccination against Alternaria alternata allergy.
Clin Exp Allergy 2012;42:966-75.
Bousquet J, Heinzerling L, Bachert C, Papadopoulos NG, Bousquet PJ, Burney PG, Canonica GW, Carlsen KH, Cox L,
Haahtela T, Lodrup Carlsen KC, Price D, Samolinski B, Simons FE, Wickman M, Annesi-Maesano I, Baena-Cagnani CE,
Bergmann KC, Bindslev-Jensen C, Casale TB, Chiriac A, Cruz AA, Dubakiene R, Durham SR, Fokkens WJ, Gerth-van-Wijk
R, Kalayci O, Kowalski ML, Mari A, Mullol J, Nazamova-Baranova L, O'Hehir RE, Ohta K, Panzner P, Passalacqua G, Ring
J, Rogala B, Romano A, Ryan D, Schmid-Grendelmeier P, Todo-Bom A, Valenta R, Woehrl S, Yusuf OM, Zuberbier T,
Demoly P.
Practical guide to skin prick tests in allergy to aeroallergens.
Allergy 2012;67:18-24.
Bernardi ML, Giangrieco I, Camardella L, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Panico MR, Crescenzo R, Carratore V, Zennaro D, Liso M,
Santoro M, Zuzzi S, Tamburrini M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
Allergenic lipid transfer proteins from plant-derived foods do not immunologically and clinically behave
homogeneously: the kiwifruit LTP as a model.
PLoS One 2011;6: e27856.
Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Scala E, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Santoro M, Palazzo P, Mari A.
Ovomucoid (Gal d 1) specific IgE detected by microarray system predict tolerability to boiled hen’s egg and an
increased risk to progress to multiple environmental allergen sensitisation.
Clin Exp Allergy 2012;42:441-50.
Pfiffner P, Stadler BM, Rasi C, Scala E, Mari A.
Cross-reactions versus co-sensitization evaluated by in silico motifs and in vitro IgE microarray testing.
Allergy 2012;67:210-6.
Zennaro D, Pomponi D, Caprini E, Arcelli D, Gambineri E, Russo G, Scala E, Mari A.
Proteomics plus Genomics approaches in immunodeficiency: the case of IPEX syndrome.
Clin Exp Immunol 2012;167:120-8.
Zheng Y-W, Li J, Lai X-X, Zhao D-Y, Liu X-F, Lin X-P, Gjesing B, Palazzo P, Mari A, Zhong N-S, Spangfort MD.
Allergen micro-array detection of specific IgE-reactivity in Chinese allergic patients.
Chin Med J (Engl) 2011;124:4350-4.
Scala E, Alessandri C, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Santoro M, Rasi C, Mari A.
IgE Recognition Patterns of Profilin, PR-10, and Tropomyosin Panallergens Tested in 3,113 Allergic Patients by
Allergen Microarray-based Technology.
PLoS One 2011;6: e24912.
Hauser M, Asam C, Himly M, Palazzo P, Voltolini S, Montanari C, Briza P, Bernardi ML, Mari A, Ferreira F, Wallner M.
Bet v 1-like pollen allergens of multiple Fagales species can sensitize atopic individuals.
Clin Exp Allergy 2011;41:1804-14.
Scala E, Abeni D, Palazzo P, Liso M, Pomponi D, Lombardo G, Picchio MC, Russo G, Mari A.
Specific IgE toward allergenic molecules is a new prognostic marker in patients with Sézary Syndrome.
Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2012;157:159-67.
Marconi G, Albertini E, Mari A, Palazzo P, Porceddu A, Raggi L, Bolis L, Lancioni H, Palomba A, Lucentini L, Lanfaloni L,
Marcucci F, Falcinelli M, Panara F.
In planta expression of a mature Der p 1 allergen isolated from an Italian strain of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus.
Transgenic Res 2012; 21:523-35.
Gadermaier G, Hauser M, Egger M, Ferrara R, Briza P, Zennaro D, Zuidmeer L, Mari A, Ferreira F.
Allergological relevance, antibody cross-reactivity and immunogenic peptide profile of Api g 2, the non-specific lipid
transfer protein 1 of celery.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
PLoS One 2011; 6: e24150.
Mari A, Scala E, Alessandri C.
The IgE-microarray testing in atopic dermatitis: a suitable modern tool for the immunological and clinical phenotyping
of the disease.
Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol 2011;11:438-44.
Hochwallner H, Schulmeister U, Swoboda I, Twaroch T, Vogelsang H, Kazemi-Shirazi L, Kundi M, Balic N, Quirce S,
Rumpold H, Fröschl R, Horak F, Tichatschek B, Stefanescu CL, Szepfalusi Z, Papadopoulos NG, Mari A, Ebner C, Pauli G,
Valenta R, Spitzauer S.
Patients suffering from non-IgE-mediated cow’s milk protein intolerance cannot be diagnosed based on IgG subclass
or IgA responses to milk allergens.
Allergy 2011;66:1201-7.
Egger M, Alessandri C, Wallner M, Briza P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Ferreira F, Gadermaier G.
Is Aboriginal Food Less Allergenic? Comparing IgE-Reactivity of Eggs from Modern and Ancient Chicken Breeds in a
Cohort of Allergic Children.
PLOS One 2011;6:e19062.
Twaroch TE, Focke-Tejkl M, Civaj V, Weber M, Balic N, Mari A, Ferrara R, Quirce S, Spitzauer S, Valenta R, Swoboda I.
Carrier-bound, nonallergenic Ole e 1 peptides for vaccination against olive pollen allergy.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2011;128:178-84.e7.
Schulten V, Nagla B, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Mari A, Ciardiello MA, Lauer I, Scheurer S, Jürets A, Briza P, Ferreira F, Bohle
Pru p 3, the non-specific lipid transfer protein from peach, dominates the cellular and humoral response to its
homolog in hazelnut Cor a 8.
Allergy 2011;66:1005-13.
D’Avino R, Bernardi ML, Wallner M, Palazzo P, Camardella L, Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Breiteneder H, Ferreira F, Ciardiello
MA, Mari A.
Kiwifruit Act d 11 is the first member of the Ripening-related Protein family identified as an allergen.
Allergy 2011;66:870-7.
Radauer C, Adhami F, Fürtler I, Wagner S, Allwardt D, Scala E, Ebner C, Hafner C, Hemmer W, Mari A, Breiteneder H.
Latex-allergic patients sensitized to the major allergen hevein and hevein-like domains of class I chitinases show no
increased frequency of latex-associated plant food allergy.
Mol Immunol 2011;48:600-9.
Alessandri C, Scala E, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Mari A.
Molecule-based diagnosis in allergy.
Riv Immunol Allergol Pediatr 2010;5:11-20.
Magni C, Ballabio C, Restani P, Fuggetta D, Alessandri C, Mari A, Bernardini R, Dello Iacono I, Arlorio M, Duranti M.
Molecular insight into IgE-mediated reactions to sesame (Sesamum indicum, L.) seed proteins.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2010;105:458-64.
Gadermaier G, Egger M, Girbl T, Erler A, Harrer A, Vejvar E, Liso M, Richter K, Zuidmeer L, Mari A, Ferreira F.
Molecular characterization of Api g 2, a novel allergenic member of the lipid-transfer
protein 1 family from celery stalks.
Mol Nutr Food Res 2011;55:568-77.
Mari A, Ciardiello MA, Tamburrini M, Rasi C, Palazzo P.
Proteomic analysis in the identification of allergenic molecules: current procedures, evolving role of microarray
technology and future strategies.
Expert Rev Proteomics 2010;7:723-34.
Bublin M, Dennstedt S, Buchegger M, Ciardiello MA, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Harwanegg C, Hafner C, Ballmer-Weber B,
Knulst A, Hoffmann-Sommergruber K, Mari A, Breiteneder H.
The performance of a component-based allergen microarray for the diagnosis of kiwifruit allergy.
Clin Exp Allergy 2011;41:129-36.
Bernardi ML, Picone D, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Petrella G, Palazzo P, Ferrara R, Tamburini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
Physico-chemical features of the environment affect the protein conformation and the immunoglobulin E reactivity of
kiwellin (Act d 5).
Clin Exp Allergy 2010;40:1819-26.
Hochwallner H, Schulmeister U, Swoboda I, Balic N, Geller B, Nystrand M, Härlin A, Thalhamer J, Scheiblhofer S,
Niggemann B, Quirce S, Ebner C, Mari A, Pauli G, Herz U, Van Tol EAF, Valenta R, Spitzauer S.
Microarray and allergenic activity assessment of milk allergens.
Clin Exp Allergy 2010;40:1809-18.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Scala E, Abeni D, Pomponi D, Narducci MG, Lombardo GA, Mari A, Frontani M, Picchio MC, Pilla MA, Caprini E, Russo
Predictive role of 9-O-acetylated ganglioside D3 (CD60) and α4β1 (CD49d) expression in the survival of patients with
Sezary Syndrome.
Haematologica 2010;95:1905-12.
Mari A, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Scala E, Zennaro D.
Microarrayed Allergen Molecules for the Diagnosis of Allergic Diseases.
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2010;10:357-64.
Egger M, Hauser M, Mari A, Ferreira F, Gadermaier G.
The Role of Lipid Transfer Proteins in Allergic Diseases.
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2010;10:326-35.
Pfiffner P, Truffer R, Matsson P, Rasi C, Mari A, Stadler BM.
Allergen cross reactions: A problem greater than ever thought?
Allergy 2010;65:1536-44.
Scala E, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Quaratino D, Rasi C, Zaffiro A, Zennaro D, Mari A.
Cross-sectional survey on IgE reactivity in 23,077 subjects using an allergenic molecule-based microarray detection
Clin Exp Allergy 2010;40:911-21.
Hochwallner H, Schulmeister U, Swoboda I, Focke-Tejkl M, Civaj V, Balic N, Nystrand M, Härlin A, Thalhamer J,
Scheiblhofer S, Keller W, Pavkov T, Zafred D, Niggemann B, Quirce S, Mari A, Pauli G, Ebner C, Papadopoulos NG, Herz
U, Van Tol EAF, Valenta R, Spitzauer S.
Visualization of clustered IgE epitopes on α-lactalbumin.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2010;125:1279-85.
Ciardiello MA, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Carratore V, Giangrieco I, Longo V, Melis M, Tamburrini M, Zennaro D, Mari A,
Colombo P.
Biochemical, immunological and clinical characterization of a cross-reactive non-specific lipid transfer protein 1 from
Allergy 2010;65:597-605.
Pokoj S, Lauer I, Fötisch K, Himly M, Mari A, Enrique E, San Miguel-Moncin M, Lidholm J, Vieths S, Scheurer S.
Pichia pastoris is superior to E. coli for the production of recombinant allergenic non-specific Lipid Transfer Proteins.
Protein Expr Purif 2010;69:68-75.
Mari A, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D.
Clinical aspects of biochip-based allergy diagnosis.
Clin Rev Allergy Immunol 2009; submitted.
Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Zaffiro A, Mari A.
Molecular allergology approach to allergic diseases in the paediatric age.
Ital J Ped 2009;35:29 epub.
Shahali Y, Pourpak Z, Moin M, Mari A, Majd A.
Immunoglobulin E reactivity to Arizona cypress pollen extracts: evidence for a 35-kDa allergen.
Allergy 2009;64:1687-8.
Mari A, Rasi C, Palazzo P, Scala E.
Allergen Databases: Current status and Perspectives.
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 2009; 9:376-83.
Krause S, Reese G, Randow S, Zennaro D, Quaratino D, Palazzo P, Ciardiello MA, Petersen A, Becker W-M, Mari A.
The Lipid Transfer Protein (Ara h 9) as a New Peanut Allergen relevant for a Mediterranean Allergic Population.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009;124:771-8.e5.
Schulmeister U, Hochwallner H, Swoboda I, Focke-Tejkl M, Geller B, Nystrand M, Härlin A, Thalhamer J, Scheiblhofer S,
Keller W, Niggemann B, Quirce S, Ebner C, Mari A, Pauli G, Herz U, Valenta R, Spitzauer S.
Cloning, Expression and Mapping of Allergenic Determinants of alphaS1-casein, a
Major Cow’s Milk Allergen.
J Immunol 2009;182:7019-29.
Shahali Y, Pourpak Z, Moin M, Mari A, Majd A.
Instability of the structure and allergenic protein content in Arizona cypress pollen.
Allergy 2009;64:1773-9.
Gadermaier G, Harrer A, Girbl T, Palazzo P, Himly M, Briza P, Mari A, Ferreira F.
Isoform identification and characterization of Art v 3, the lipid-transfer protein of mugwort pollen.
Mol Immunol 2009;46:1919-24.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Schulten V, Radakovics A, Hartz C, Mari A, Vazquez-Cortes S, Fernandez-Rivas M, Lauer I, Jahn-Schmid B, Eiwegger T,
Scheurer S, Bohle B.
Characterization of the allergic T cell response to Pru p 3, the non-specific lipid transfer protein in peach.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2009;124:100-7.
Constantin C, Quirce S, Poorafshar M, Touraev A, Nystrand M, Niggemann B, Mari A, Akerström H, Heberle-Bors E,
Valenta R.
Micro-arrayed wheat seed and grass pollen allergens for component resolved diagnosis.
Allergy 2009;64:1030-7.
Ciardiello MA, Giangrieco I, Tuppo L, Tamburini M, Buccheri M, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Mari A.
Influence of the natural ripening stage, cold storage and ethylene treatment on the protein and IgE-binding profiles
of green and gold kiwi fruit extracts.
J Agric Food Chem 2009;57:1565-71.
Pöll V, Denk U, Shen H-D, Panzani RC, Dissertori O, Lackner P, Hemmer W, Mari A, Crameri R, Lottspeich F, Rid R,
Richter K, Breitenbach M, Simon-Nobbe B.
The vacuolar serine protease, a cross-reactive allergen from Cladosporium herbarum.
Mol Immunol 2009;46:1360-73.
Wallner M, Erler A, Hauser M, Klinglmayr E, Gadermaier G, Vogel L, Mari A, Bohle B, Briza P, Ferreira F.
Immunologic characterization of isoforms of Car b 1 and Que a 1, the major hornbeam and oak pollen allergens.
Allergy 2009;64:452-60.
Matsson PNJ, Hamilton RG, Esch RE, Halsey JF, Homburger HA, Kleine-Tebbe J, Mari A, Ownby DR, Reeves JP, Renz H,
Vogt RF Jr, Williams PB.
Analytical Performance Characteristics and Clinical Utility of Immunological Assays for Human Immunoglobulin E (IgE)
Antibodies and Defined Allergen Specificities; Approved Guideline—Second Edition.
CLSI document I/LA20-A2 2009;29:1-145.
D’Ovidio MC, Wirz A, Riviello MC, Zennaro D, Mari A.
Validità delle metodologie molecolari per lo studio della suscettibilità individuale dei lavoratori: proposta di studio
delle allergie occupazionali di origine biologica.
77° Congresso Nazionale della Società italiana di medicina del lavoro ed Igiene Industriale - Bologna, Italy, 2014.
Levin M, King JJ, Looney TJ, Hoh RA, Mari A, Andersson M, Greiff L, Fire AZ, Boyd SD, Ohlin M.
Next generation sequencing and antibody engineering in combination defines different fates of allergen-specific
antibodies during specific immunotherapy.
XXXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014.
Wolf M, Pichler U, Wallner M, Hauser M, Himly M, Ebner C, Briza P, Mari A, Yokoi H, Takai T, Behrendt H, Ferreira F.
Pectate lyase pollen allergens: identifying the most potent sensitisers by molecular profiling.
XXXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014.
Jappe U, Hellmig S, Warneke D, Riffelmann FW, Lange L, Abraham S, Hompes S, Reese G, Becker WM, Mari A,
Petersen A.
Component-resolved diagnosis: identification and purification of new low molecular weight lupine allergens.
XXXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014.
Eichorn S, Steiner M, Laimer J, Lackner P, Zuidmeer-Jongejan L, Briza P, Mari A, van Ree R, Ferreira F, Gadermaier G.
Development of a hypoallergenic and immunogenic Pru p 3 proline variant for treatment of peach allergy.
5 International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Vienna, Austria, 2013. Clin Transl Allergy (2014); 4(Suppl
Vázquez Cortés S, del Prado N, Stavroulakis G, Papadopoulos N, Gunnbjornsdottir M, Clausen M, Bindslev-Jensen C,
Lewandowska-Polak A, Kowalski ML, Ferrara R, Mari A, Schnoor H, Poulsen L, van Ree R, Zuidmeer-Jongejan L,
Fernández C, Fernández-Rivas M.
Fish allergy across Europe: results of a multicentre study within the FAST project.
XXXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology & World Allergy Organization
Meeting - Milan, Italy, 2013.
Campbell B, Gilding E, Lomas V, Guru P, Loo D, Solley G, Mari A, Hill M, Godwin I, Davies JM.
The allergome, proteome and transcriptome of pollen from the prominent subtropical Johnson grass (Sorghum
XXXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology & World Allergy Organization
Meeting - Milan, Italy, 2013.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Lukschal A, Wallmann J, Mari A, Palazzo P, Liso M, Harwanegg C, Mittlböck M, Hantusch B, Szalai K, Pali I, JensenJarolim E.
Prevalence estimation of IgE, IgG and IgG4 recognition of a single epitope of grass pollen allergen Phl p 5 in an Italian
allergic population by a mimotope approach.
XXXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology & World Allergy Organization
Meeting - Milan, Italy, 2013.
Mari A, Zuzzi S, Santoro M, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Alessandri C, Dell'Albani I, Palazzo P, Rafaiani C,
Incorvaia C, Frati F.
Allergenic molecules as markers in epidemiology - Italy macro-regional prevalence.
XXXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology & World Allergy Organization
Meeting - Milan, Italy, 2013.
Vrtala S, Weghofer M, Casset A, Chen KW, Grote M, Kneidinger M, Resch Y, Thomas W, Fernandez-Caldas E, Mari A,
Purohit A, Pauli G, Horak F, Keller W, Valent P, Valenta R.
Identification of Der p 23, a Peritrophin-Like Protein, As a New Major Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus Allergen
Associated with the Peritrophic Matrix of Mite Fecal Pellets.
2013 Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Antonio, TX, USA, 2013.
J Allergy Clin Immunol (2013);131 (2, part 2), AB73.
Santos KS, Yang AC, Gadermaier G, Galvão CE, Vejvar E, Mari A, Ferreira F, Kalil J, Castro FFM.
Identification of new manioc allergens and successful oral immunotherapy in a Brazilian allergic patient.
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2013 - Nice, France, 2013. Clin Transl Allergy (2013); 3(Suppl 3):P175.
Baar A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Giavib S, Alkistib M, Papadopoulos NG, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
Evidence for higher sensitivity of recombinant Tri a 36 compared to omega-5-gliadin for diagnosis of wheat food
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2013 - Nice, France, 2013. Clin Transl Allergy (2013); 3(Suppl 3):P171.
Linhart B, Gstoettner A, Gamez K, Swoboda I, Mari A, Papadopoulos N, Valenta R.
Hypoallergenic allergen derivatives of Pru p 3 for immunotherapy of IgE-mediated peach allergy.
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2013 - Nice, France, 2013. Clin Transl Allergy (2013); 3(Suppl 3):P177.
Crescenzo R, Tamburrini M, Cobucci-Ponzano B, Moracci M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
ENEA, a new peach allergen, homologous to Hev b 5 from latex.
PhD Student Conference, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology & Institute of Protein Biochemistry, Vico Equense,
Italy, 2012.
Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Ciacci C, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
Food-derived proteins and peptides: possible positive and negative effects on human health.
PhD Student Conference, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology & Institute of Protein Biochemistry, Vico Equense,
Italy, 2012.
Tuppo L, Picone D, Helmer-Citterich M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
Peamaclein, the first member of a new family of allergens.
PhD Student Conference, MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology & Institute of Protein Biochemistry, Vico Equense,
Italy, 2012.
Gadermaier G, Vejvar E, Magler I, Hauser M, Liso M, Mari A, Brandstetter H, Ferreira F.
Art v 3, the non-specific lipid transfer protein of mugwort pollen: monoclonal antibodies to localize conformational
human IgE epitopes on the crystal structure of an allergen.
29th Symposium Collegium Internationale Allergologicum, Jeju Island, South Korea, 2012.
Wolf M, Hauser M, Wallner M, Himly M, Ebner C, Briza P, Mari A, Behrendt H, Ferreira F.
Cross-reactivity profiling allows classification of allergenic pectate lyases into two distinct families.
European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland, 2012.
Lukschal A, Wallmann J, Mari A, Palazzo P, Liso M, Harwanegg C, Mittlböck M, Szalai K, Pali-Schöll I, Jensen-Jarolim E.
Prevalence of recognition of Phl p 5 B-cell epitope mimic H32 in patients from an Italian allergy clinic.
European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland, 2012.
Banerjee S, Resch Y, Chen K-W, Swoboda I, Focke-Tejkl M, van Hage M, Mari A, Purohit A, Pauli G, Sibanda EN,
Thomas W, Adegnika AA, Krzyzanek V, Malkus U, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
The IgE-reactivity of Der p 11, the mite paramyosin, differs considerably between certain geographical areas.
European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland, 2012.
Baar A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Giavi S, Papadopoulos N, Rito T , Mäkelä M, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
Isolation, expression and characterization of IgE reactive-portions of high molecular weight glutenin like wheat food
European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland, 2012.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Pahr S, Constantin C, Papadopoulus NG, Giavi S, Mäkelä M, Rito T, Ebner C, Mari A, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhamer J,
Mittermann I, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
Alpha purothionin, a new wheat food allergen, belongs to a family of plant defence proteins.
European Congress of Immunology, Glasgow, Scotland, 2012.
Heaps AG, Selwood C, Moody M, Mari A, Palazzo P, Sassi A, Belohradsky B, Wollenberg A, Schimke L, Renner E,
Woellner C, Grimbacher B, El-Shanawany T, Williams P, Jolles S.
Analysis of the serum IgE repertoire in hyper IgE syndrome (HIES) patients using an immuno solid-phase allergen chip
15th Biennial Meeting of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies - Florence, Italy, 2012.
Mari A, Pomponi D, Bernardi ML, Liso M, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Rafaiani C, Santoro M, Labrada A, Ciardiello MA, Scala E.
Allergen micro-Bead Array for IgE Detection: a new Flexible Multiplex system.
XXXI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Geneva, Switzerland, 2012.
Araujo L, Thom C, Chong Neto HJ, Palazzo, P, Liso M, Mari A, Rosario N.
Skin Prick Test Reactivity Compared to Serum Specific IgE by ISAC in Patients with Rhinitis.
XXII World Allergy Congress, Cancún, Mexico, 2011. World Allergy Organ J. 2012 February; 5(Suppl 2): S136.
Zuidmeer-Jongejan L, Versteeg S, Poulsen L, Fernandez-Rivas M, Kowalski M L, Papadopoulos N, Mari A, Swoboda I,
Clausen M, Bindslev-Jensen C, Neubauer A, Koppelman S, Mills C, Asturias JA, van Ree R.
The Choice of Hypoallergens for Fish and Peach to Develop Food Allergy Specific Immunotherapy (The FAST Project).
XXII World Allergy Congress, Cancún, Mexico, 2011. World Allergy Organ J. 2012 February; 5(Suppl 2): S41.
Shahali Y, Sutra J, Chollet-Martin S, Haddad I, Vinh J, Mari A, Charpin D, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
Protein-protein interactions determine IgE reactivity to polygalacturonase from Cupressus sempervirens pollen.
XXII World Allergy Congress, Cancún, Mexico, 2011. World Allergy Organ J. 2012 February; 5(Suppl 2): S25.
Araujo MLM, Souza CCT, Palazzo P, Liso M, Chong Neto HJ, Mari A, Rosario N.
Compação entre positividade de teste cutãneo alérgico e IgE especifica por Microarray (ImmunoCAP ISAC) em
paziente com rinite
XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Alergia e Imunopatologia, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2011.
Araujo MLM, Souza CCT, Palazzo P, Liso M, Chong Neto HJ, Mari A, Rosario N.
Compação entre positividade ao teste cutãneo alérgico para Lolium multiflorum e IgE especifica por Microarray
(ImmunoCAP ISAC) para Cyn d e Phl p em paziente com rinite.
XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Alergia e Imunopatologia, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2011.
Souza Santos K, Gadermaier G, Galvao C, Breiteneder H, Mari A, Ferreira F, Kalil J, Morato-Castro FF.
Caracterização de novo alérgeno da mandioca (Man e 5) e reatividade cruzada com alérgenos do látex (Hev b 5 e 6).
XXXVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Alergia e Imunopatologia, Fortaleza, Brazil, 2011.
Ciardiello MA, Tuppo L, Camardella L, Carratore V, Mari A, D’Avino R.
The molecular model of Act d 11, a new kiwifruit allergen belonging to the Ripening-related Protein family, shares the
same fold of Bet v 1-like allergens.
BBCC 2011 - CNR, Avellino, Italy, 2011.
Alessandri C, Sforza S, Zennaro D, Lambertini F, Palazzo P, Rafaiani C, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Dossena A, Mari A.
Have we always to avoid all milk proteins in children with cow’s milk allergy? The case of Parmigiano Reggiano
EAACI Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting – PAAM 2011 – Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
Alessandri C, Scala E, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Liso M, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Rafaiani C, Mari A.
Pollen fruit syndrome in pediatric age.
EAACI Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting – PAAM 2011 – Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
Brunetti A, Santoro M, Nuti S, Monti S, Perotti G, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Scala E, Zennaro D, Ronconi
AM, Carabella G, Mari A.
AllergomeConsumer: A web-based database of industrial food products cross-linked with the Allergome platform.
Data storage and analysis of products, ingredients, and producers.
EAACI Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting – PAAM 2011 – Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
Schmidhuber A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Giavi, S, Papadopoulos N, Mäkelä M, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
Tri a 36: a novel major wheat food allergen.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie – Graz, Austria, 2011.
Pahr S, Constantin C, Papadopoulus N, Giavi S, Mäkelä M, Ebner C, Mari A, Mittermann I, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
Characterization of a novel allergen involved in wheat food allergy.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie – Graz, Austria, 2011.
Resch Y, Weghofer M, Mari A, Scheiblhofer S, Focke M, Thalhamer J, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
The effect of in vitro-gastro-duodenal digestion of the major shrimp allergen tropomyosin on IgE reactivity and
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
allergenic activity.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie – Graz, Austria, 2011.
Banerjee S, Resch Y, Chen K.W, Swoboda I, Focke Tejkl M , Scheiblhofer S, Kronqvist M, van Hage M, Mari A, Purohit
A, Pauli G, Sibanda EN, Thomas W, Thalhamer J, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
Striking differences in the molecular IgE recognition profiles revealed with recombinant house dust mite allergens Der
p 11 and Der p 14 in different populations.
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Allergologie und Immunologie – Graz, Austria, 2011.
Shahali Y, Sutra JP, Haddad I, Vinh J, Chafey P, Chollet-Martin S, Charpin D, Mari A, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
Etude allergomique du pollen de cypress.
SMAP, Avignone, France, 2011.
Ferrara R, Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, Palazzo P, Scala E, Guerriero G, Ciarcia G, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
Detection of individual sensitivity to the major fish allergen beta-parvalbumin of Merluccius capensis and Merluccius
merluccius by the ISAC microarray system.
72° Congresso dell’Unione Zoologica Italiana - Bologna, Italy, 2011.
Poncet P, Shahali Y, Sutra J-P, Chollet-Martin S, Haddad I, Vinh J, Charpin D, Mari A, Guilloux L, Peltre G, Senechal H.
New insights in cypress pollen allergen repertoire: What for? How far?
10 World Congress on Inflammation, Paris, France, 2011.
Liso M, Scala E, Palazzo P, Santoro M, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Alessandri C, Mari A.
Total IgE detected on a microarray-based system using spotted omalizumab as anti-IgE.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Scala E, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Santoro M, Mari A.
The lesson from Anisakis simplex sensitization: the need for a molecular approach.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Zennaro D, Capalbo C, Scala E, Liso M, Spillner E, Penichet M, Singer J, Braren I, Daniels T, Plum M, Santoro M,
Scoppola A, Marchetti P, Jensen-Jarolim E, Mari A.
IgE, IgG4 and IgG response to tissue-specific and environmental antigens in patients affected by cancer.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Scala E, Alessandri C, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Santoro M, Rasi C, Mari A.
Allergenic molecule-based microarray-based allergy diagnosis: the second "real life" study on a cohort of 23,559
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Asam C, Hauser M, Himly M, Palazzo P, Voltolini S, Montanari C, Briza P, Bernardi ML, Mari A, Ferreira F, Wallner M.
Multiple Fagales species might have the potential to sensitise atopic individuals: the Ostrya carpinifolia allergen
model (Ost c 1).
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Palazzo P, Lovegrove A, Pomponi D, Marsh J, Shewry P, Liso M, Santoro M, Scala E, Mari A.
IgE reactivity of a natural glycosylated alpha-amylase inhibitor from kydney bean and of its recombinant glysosylated
counterpart expressed in transgenic green pea.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Santoro M, Rasi C, Monti S, Nuti S, Scala E, Zennaro D, Palazzo P, Liso M, Alessandri C, Carabella G, Mari A.
InterAll - an allergy electronic health record supporting the molecular allergologist in the daily activities: extracting
and visualising real time statistical data.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Pomponi D, Di Zenzo G, Zennaro D, Calabresi V, Hertl M, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Mari A.
Detection of IgG and IgE reactivity to the major bullous pemphigoid autoantigen using a microarray system.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Shahali Y, Sutra J-P, Haddad I, Vinh J, Mari A, Chollet-Martin S, Charpin D, Senechal H, Poncet P.
Identification and characterisation of a basic polygalacturonase as a major Cupressus sempervirens pollen allergen.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Scala E, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Alessandri C, Santoro M, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Mari A.
Higher prevalence of IgE to Mal d 1 and Pru p 1 in PR-10 patients with clinically relevant food allergy.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Hauser M, Wolf M, Wallner M, Himly M, Ebner C, Briza P, Mari A, Behrendt H, Ferreira F.
Purification and cross-reactivity profiling of the five clinically most relevant allergenic pectate lyases.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Scala E, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Alessandri C, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Mari A.
Polcalcin IgE and clinical reactivity in patients from the Mediterranean area.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Giangrieco I, Panico MR, Bernardi ML, Tamburrini M, Carratore V, Palazzo P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
Identification and biochemical characterisation of Act d 10 and Act c 10, the nonspecific lipid transfer proteins from
green and gold kiwifruit.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Scala E, Alessandri C, Santoro M, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Mari A.
Allergen-based microarray-based diagnosis to seafood allergy.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Brunetti A, Santoro M, Nuti S, Monti S, Perotti G, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Scala E, Zennaro D, Ronconi
AM, Mari A.
Allergomeconsumer: a web-based database of industrial food products cross-linked with the allergome platform.
Data storage and analysis of products, ingredients, and producers.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Camardella L, Alessandri C, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
In vitro and in vivo characterisation of nonspecific lipid transfer proteins from green and gold kiwifruits, Act d 10 and
Act c 10.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Ferrara R, Scala E, Kuehn A, Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, Liso M, Palazzo P, Guerriero G, Ciarcia G, Hilger C, Ciardiello MA,
Mari A.
A comprehensive IgE binding study of a panel of 15 natural and recombinant beta-parvalbumins from 11 fish species
as detected by the ISAC microarray system.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Gadermaier G, Vejvar E, Egger M, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Briza P, Ebner C, Hemmer W, Mari A, Ferreira F.
Lipid transfer proteins in Apium graveolens: distinct localisation pattern, physico-chemical and immunological
properties of LTP1 and LTP2 identified in celery stalks and tuber.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Vejvar E, Hainz B, Erler A, Briza P, Mari A, Ferreira F, Gadermaier G.
Molecular cloning and immunological characterisation of two novel hazel pollen allergens belonging to the
polygalacturonase and isoflavone reductase families.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Scala E, Pomponi D, Liso M, Lombardo G, Narducci MG, Russo G, Mari A.
Single TCRV2 evaluation in the prediction of the presence/absence of circulating T cell clone in cutaneous T cell
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Alessandri C, Sforza S, Zennaro D, Lambertini F, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Scala E, Dossena A, Mari A.
Tolerability of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese in cow's milk allergic children.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Mari A, Scala E, Zennaro D, Woellner C, Liso M, Bernardi ML, Alessandri C, Grimbacher B.
Specific IgE detection to allergenic molecules is feasible using a microarray system in patients with the hyper-IgE
syndrome (or Job's syndrome) or just very high total IgE levels.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Alessandri C, Casset A, Liso M, Scala E, Valenta R, Vrtala S, Mari A.
Detection of Der p 1, Der p 2, Der f 1, Der f 2, and Der p 10 in commercial D. farinae and D. pteronyssinus extracts by
single point highest inhibition achievable assay.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, Wallner M, Carratore V, Gadermaier G, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Palazzo P, Ferreira F, Ciardiello
MA, Mari A.
Biochemical and immunochemical characterisation of a new hazel pollen allergen, Cor a 60kD, potential candidate as
marker of genuine hazel/hornbeam, but not birch, pollen exposure.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Palazzo P, Sforza S, Alessandri C, Lambertini F, Paolella S, Liso M, Zennaro D, Dossena A, Mari A.
Milk allergen detection in original parmigiano-reggiano cheese using ISAC single point highest inhibition achievable
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Ferrara R, Scala E, Kuehn A, Alessandri C, Santoro M, Palazzo P, Hilger C, Mari A.
alpha- and beta-parvalbumins share IgE binding epitopes as detected by the ISAC microarray system.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Scala E, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Zennaro D, Alessandri C, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Liso M, Santoro M, Mari A.
Disclosing genuine latex IgE sensitisation by testing Hevea brasiliensis allergenic molecules on the microarray.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Santoro M, Scala E, Mari A.
Predicting tolerability to boiled egg by means of hen's egg allergen IgE detection by ISAC.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.
Liso M, Scala E, Palazzo P, Santoro M, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Alessandri C, Mari A.
Total IgE detected on a microarray-based system using spotted Omalizumab as solid phase anti-IgE.
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Tuppo L, Bernardi ML, Picone D, Giangrieco I, Petrella G, Palazzo P, Ferrara R, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
Influence of the chemico-physical features of the environment on the structure and the ige reactivity of kiwellin (Act
d 5).
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Giangrieco I, Camardella L, Bernardi ML, Tamburrini M, Carratore V, Palazzo P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
Identification and biochemical characterisation of lipid transfer protein (Act d 10) in green kiwifruit.
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Camardella L, Alessandri C, Scala E, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
Caratterizzazione immunologica di Act d 10, Lipid Transfer Protein (LTP), presente nell’Actinidia deliciosa.
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Bernardi ML, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Camardella L, Alessandri C, Scala E, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
Caratterizzazione immunologica di Act d 10, Lipid Transfer Protein (LTP), presente nell’Actinidia deliciosa.
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Alessandri C, Casset A, Liso M, Scala E, Valenta R, Vrtala S, Mari A.
Rilevazione di Der p 1, Der p 2, Der f 1, Der p f 2, e Der p 10 in estratti commerciali di D. farinae e D. pteronyssinus
mediante il Single Point Highest Inhibition Achievable assay (SPHIAa).
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Pomponi D, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
Valutazione dell’attività biologica della Pru p 3, LTP della pesca, mediante test di attivazione dei basofili.
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Zennaro D, Scala E, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Palazzo P, Liso M, Colombo P, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
Valutazione della prevalenza delle IgE verso Mor n 3, la lipid transfer protein (LTP) del gelso, in un gruppo di pazienti
consecutivi e confronto con la prevalenza delle IgE verso Pru p 3 (LTP della pesca) e Act d 10 (LTP del kiwi).
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Santoro M, Zennaro D, Scala E, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Alessandri C, Rafaiani C, Pomponi D, Palazzo P, Liso M, Rasi C,
Monti S, Nuti S, Perotti G, Carabella G, Mari A.
InterAll – La cartella clinica elettronica di Supporto all’allergologo molecolare nell’attività clinica quotidiana: come
estrarre e visualizzare automaticamente i dati demografici e clinici.
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Mari A, Hauser M, Himly M, Palazzo P, Voltolini S, Montanari C, Briza P, Bernardi ML, Ferreira F, Wallner M.
Diverse specie delle Fagales possono sensibilizzare i pazienti allergici: Il modello dell'allergene dell'Ostrya carpinifolia
(Ost c 1).
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Mari A, Perotti G, Nuti S, Scala E, Santoro M, Rasi C, Rafaiani C, Pomponi D, Palazzo P, Monti S, Liso M, Ferrara R,
Costanzi G, Bernardi ML, Alessandri C, Carabella G.
Fattibilità di una rete italiana stabile di monitoraggio in tempo reale delle sensibilizzazioni allergiche IgE-mediate.
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
D'Avino R, Bernardi ML, Wallner M, Palazzo P, Camardella L, Tuppo L, Alessandri C, Breiteneder H, Ferreira F, Ciardiello
MA, Mari A.
Kiwifruit Act d 11 is the first member of the ripening - related protein family identified as an allergen.
II Congresso Nazionale Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia, Allergologia, ed Immunologia Clinica Rome, Italy, 2011.
Shahali Y, Sutra J-P, Chollet-Martin S, Mari A, Scala E, Charpin D,, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
In vitro immunoassay in patients allergic to cypress pollen (Cupressus sempervirens) by immunoblotting and IgE
ImmunoCAP ISAC: A comparative study between two cohorts of Italian and French patients.
6th Congres Francophone d’Allergologie, Paris, France, 2011.
Shahali Y, Sutra J-P, Haddad I, Vinh J, Chollet-Martin S, Charpin D, Mari A, Peltre G, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
The molecular allergology link between education and the clinics: example of an allergomic study in cypress pollen
6 Congres Francophone d’Allergologie, Paris, France, 2011.
Garriga T, Luengo O, Palazzo P, Labrador-Horrillo M, Guilarte M, Sala A, Mari A, Cardona V.
Recombinant allergens in diagnostic resolution: A comparative study.
67th Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011.
Ofori-Anti AO, Pramod SN, Mari A, Higgins TJV, Vogel L, Vieths S, Taylor SL, Goodman RE.
Alpha-amylase inhibitor and phytohemmagglutin are abundant glycoproteins in common beans and clearly bind IgE
from some legume allergic subjects, but without basophil activation.
67 Annual Meeting American Academy Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011.
Gadermaier G, Egger M, Alessandri C, Wallner M, Briza P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Ferreira F.
Is aboriginal food less allergenic? A study on the IgE-binding capacity of egg white and yolk from modern and ancient
chicken breeds investigated in a cohort of hen’s egg allergic children.
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2011 - Venice, Italy, 2011. Clin Transl Allergy (2012); 1(Suppl 1):O19
Pahr S, Constantin C, Papadopoulus N, Makela M, Ebner C, Mari A, Mittermann I, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
Characterization of a new wheat food allergen.
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2011 - Venice, Italy, 2011. Clin Transl Allergy (2012); 1(Suppl 1):P86
Schmidhuber A, Pahr S, Constantin C, Papadopoulos N, Ebner C, Mari A, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
Isolation, characterization and expression in Escherichia coli of a cDNA coding for a novel major wheat food allergen.
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2011 - Venice, Italy, 2011.
Clin Transl Allergy (2012); 1(Suppl 1):P97
Bernardi ML, Giangrieco I, Camardella L, Panico MR, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Tamburrini M, Carratore
V, Santoro M, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
Biochemical and immunological characterisation of Act d 10 a lipid transfer proteins from green kiwifruit.
Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Meeting 2011 - Venice, Italy, 2011. Clin Transl Allergy (2012); 1(Suppl 1):O23
Bernardi ML, Panico MR, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Tuppo L, Crocicchia C, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
In vitro and in vivo characterization of nonspecifi c Lipid Transfer Proteins from green and gold kiwifruits, Act d 10 and
Act c 10.
4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
Giangrieco I, Camardella L, Bernardi ML, Tamburrini M, Carratore V, Palazzo P, Zennaro D, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
Identifi cation and biochemical characterisation of nonspecifi c Lipid Transfer Protein (Act d 10) from green kiwifruit.
4 International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
Alessandri C, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Bernardi ML, Scala E, Mari A.
Detecting IgE by a microarray system: Advantages of allergenic molecules in egg allergy diagnosis.
4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
Tuppo L, Bernardi ML, Picone D, Giangrieco I, Petrella G, Palazzo P, Ferrara R, Tamburrini M, Mari A, Ciardiello MA.
Influence of the chemico-physical features of the environment on the structure and the IgE reactivity of kiwellin (Act
d 5).
4 International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
Liso M, Scala E, Palazzo P, Santoro M, Zennaro D, Ferrara R, Alessandri C, Mari A.
Total IgE detected on a microarray-based system using spotted Omalizumab as solid phase anti-IgE.
4 International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
Pomponi D, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Giangrieco I, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
Evaluating the IgE-based biological activity of a purifi ed Pru p 3, the peach LTP, preparation.
4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
Zennaro D, Scala E, Giangrieco I, Tamburrini M, Palazzo P, Liso M, Colombo P, Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Prevalence of IgE to Mor n 3, a mulberry LTP, in consecutive patients and comparison with Pru p 3 (peach) and Act d
10 (kiwifruit) prevalence.
4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
Shahali Y, Sutra J-P, Mari A, Denis C, Chollet-Martin S, Alessandri C, Scala E, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
In vitro testing of allergic patients to cypress pollen (Cupressus sempervirens) by IgE immunoblotting and ImmunoCAP
ISAC: Comparative study of two independent cohorts from Italy and France.
4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
Palazzo P, Pasquariello MS, Petriccione M, Rega P, Tuppo L, Liso M, Alessandri C, Tamburrini M, Tartaglia A, Mari A,
Ciardiello MA.
Analysis of the allergenic components in twelve traditional apple cultivars by Single Point Highest Inhibition
Achievable assay (SPHIAa) for IgE.
4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
Santoro M, Rasi C, Rafaiani C, Monti S, Nuti S, Carabella G, Mari A.
InterAll - An allergy electronic health record supporting the molecular allergologist in the daily activities: Extracting
and visualizing real time statistical data.
4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Munich, Germany, 2010.
Gadermaier G, Girbl T, Hauser M, Ferrara R, Erler A, Briza P, Mari A, Ferreira F.
Api g 2, a novel lipid-transfer protein of Apium graveolens identified as cross-reactive allergen in mugwort pollen and
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Pahr S, Constantin C, Mari A, Scheiblhofer S, Thalhammer J, Vrtala S, Mittermann I, Valenta R.
Characterisation of novel allergens involved in baker’s asthma.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Bublin M, Ciardiello MA, Bernardi ML, Tuppo L, Harwanegg C, Hafner C, Ebner C, Ballmer-Weber B, Knulst A,
Hoffmann-Sommergruber K,Radauer C, Mari A, Breiteneder H.
The performance of a component-based allergen microarray for the diagnosis of kiwifruit allergy.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Zheng Y, Li J, Lai X, Zhao D, Liu X, Lin X, Gjesing B, Palazzo P, Mari A, Zhong N, Spangfort MD.
Specific IgE-reactivity of Chinese allergic patients detected by allergen micro-array analyses.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Shahali Y, Sutra JP, Haddad I, Vinh J, Mari A, Peltre G, Charpin D, Sénéchal H, Poncet P.
Differential allergen sensitization patterns in common Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) pollen allergy: identification
of a novel alkaline allergen.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Schulten V, Nagl B, Scala E, Bernardi ML, Ciardiello MA, Scheurer S, Mari A, Bohle B.
Analysis of the cellular cross-reactivity between non-specific lipid transfer proteins from hazelnut and peach.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Garriga Baraut T, Luengo O, Labrador M, Palazzo P, Guilarte M, Sala A, Gelis S, Esteso O, Mari A, Cardona V.
RECORD Study: recombinant allergens in diagnostic resolution in poly-pollen sensitised patients from Barcelona.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Olivieri M, Pahr S, Palazzo P, Biscardo CA, Malerba G, Xumerle L, Ferrara R, Valenta R, Mari A.
IgE profiling using new wheat-derived allergens and ISAC 103 microarray in bakers with occupational allergic
respiratory disease.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
D’Avino R, Bernardi ML, Palazzo P, Camardella L, Tuppo L, Carratore V, Rasi C, Alessandri C, Breiteneder H, Ciardiello
MA, Mari A.
Act d 11, a new kiwifruit allergenic protein belonging to the Ripening-related Protein family: biochemical and
immunological characterization.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Ciardiello MA, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Carratore V, Giangrieco I, Longo V, Melis M, Tamburrini M , Zennaro D, Mari A,
Colombo P.
Biochemical, immunological and clinical characterization of a cross-reactive nonspecific lipid transfer protein 1 from
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
D’Avino R, Bernardi ML, Wallner M, Palazzo P, Camardella L, Tuppo L, Carratore V, Rasi C, Alessandri C, Ferreira F,
Ciardiello MA, Mari A.
Act d 11 is a new kiwifruit allergenic protein showing its clinical, immunological, and epidemiological features within
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
the Bet v 1-positive population.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Zennaro D, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Rasi C, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Quaratino D, Scala E, Zaffiro A, Mari A.
Retrospective comparative analysis of allergenic extract-based singleplex IgE detection and allergenic molecule
multiplexed IgE detection.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Scala E, Alessandri C, Bernardi ML, Ferrara R, Palazzo P, Pomponi D, Quaratino D, Rasi C, Zaffiro A, Zennaro D, Mari A.
Cross-sectional survey on IgE reactivity in 23,077 subjects using an allergenic molecule-based microarray detection
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Scala E, Pomponi D, Bernardi ML, Narducci MG, Abeni D, Liso M, Russo G,Lombardo G, Mari A.
Predictive role of 9-O-acetylated ganglioside D3 (CD60), α4β1 (CD49d) expression and allergenic molecule specific IgE
production in the survival rate of patients with Sézary syndrome and skewed usage of TCRVβ repertoire.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Gadermaier G, Girbl T, Ferrara R, Erler A, Harrer A, Briza P, Mari A, Ferreira F.
A novel lipid-transfer protein of Apium graveolens as potential cross-reactive allergen involved in the celerymugwort-spice syndrome.
28 Symposium Collegium Internationale Allergologicum, Ischia, Italy, 2010.
Casset A, Mari A, Purohit A, Weghofer M, Ferrara R, Thomas WR, Zaffiro A, Chen K-W, de Blay F, Valenta R, Vrtala S.
Commercial Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus extracts show a great variability regarding the allergen content and
cutaneous responses.
28th Symposium Collegium Internationale Allergologicum, Ischia, Italy, 2010.
Giangrieco I, Palazzo P, Bernardi ML, Ciardiello MA, Carratore V, Longo V, Melis M, Tamburrini M, Zennaro D, Mari A,
Colombo P.
Characterization of food allergens to improve diagnostic systems and desensitizing immunotherapies: a comparative
study on Lipid Tranfer Proteins.
4th Annual Meeting “Innovation in Pharmaceutics” AItUN, Naples, Italy,2010.
Heaps AG, El-Shanawany T, Selwood C, Moody M, Mari A, Palazzo P, Woellner C, Grimbacher B, Williams PE, Jolles S.
Analysis of the serum IgE repertoire in Hyper IgE Syndrome (HIGE) patients using an Immuno Solid-Phase Allergen
Chip (ISAC).
Biannual UK-Primary Immunedeficiency Network, Bath, United Kingdom, 2009.
Egger M, Gadermaier G, Briza P, Mari A, Ebner C, Ferreira F.
Characterization of allergens homologous to Art v 1 in the pollen of different Artemisia species.
Allergen Vaccines 2009 – Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing – Varadero, Cuba
Twaroch T, Focke M, Mari A, Ebner C, Fleischmann K, Balic N, Meyerweck S, Lupinek C, Ferrara R, Zaffiro A, Spitzauer
S, Valenta R, Swoboda I.
Carrier-bound peptides of the major allergen Alt a 1 for vaccination against allergy to the mould Alternaria alternata.
Allergen Vaccines 2009 – Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing – Varadero, Cuba
Resch Y, Weghofer M, Seiberler S, Mari A, Horak F, Scheiblhofer S, Linhart B, Civaj V, Thomas WR, Thalhamer J,
Valenta R, Vrtala S
Recombinant Der p 10 as a diagnostic tool to identify patients with genuine shrimp sensitization.
Allergen Vaccines 2009 – Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing – Varadero, Cuba
Pahr S, Mittermann I, Constantin C, Mari A, Ebner C, Vrtala S, Valenta R.
Molecular cloning and characterisation of a new wheat food allergen
Allergen Vaccines 2009 – Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing – Varadero, Cuba
Pfiffner P, Ineichen W, Mari A, Stadler BM
Computational prediction of allergen cross reactivity: Verification by serum data.
2 European Congress of Immunology – Berlin, Germany, 2009.
Goodman R, Ofori-Anti AO, Higgins TJV, Moore A, Campbell P, Vieths S, Vogel L, Foetisch K, Mari A, Taylor S, Singh AB,
Siruguri V, Pramod SN.
Would insect resistant transgenic legumes expressing -amylase inhibitor from Phaseolus vulgaris present a risk of
food allergy to legume allergic individuals?
XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Warsaw, Poland, 2009.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Schulten V, Radakovics A, Hartz C, Mari A, Vazquez-Cortes S, Fernandez-Rivas M, Lauer I, Jahn-Schmid B, Eiwegger T,
Scheurer S, Bohle B.
Characterisation of the allergic T cell response to Pru p 3, the non-specific lipid transfer protein in peach.
XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Warsaw, Poland, 2009.
Relazioni a Conferenze, Congressi, Convegni, Corsi, Seminari
XXXIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Diagnosis of allergy - “Skin prick
test beats serum-IgE - Con” - Copenhagen, Denmark, 2014. Mari A.
Immunology, Asthma and Allergy Research Institute – Worshop “Tools for Understanding Molecular Allergology”.
Tehran, Iran, 2013. Mari A.
12th International Congress of Immunology and Allergy of Iran – Asthma & Allergy “A Changing View on Allergy
Diagnosis: The Newest Approach using Modern Technologies”. Tehran, Iran, 2013. Mari A.
12th International Congress of Immunology and Allergy of Iran – Advanced Course of Immunology “Allergens:
Structure, Function and Application”. Iranian Blood Transfusion Organization, Tehran, Iran, 2014. Mari A.
Corso per l’Esercizio della Professione di Medico Generale. - “Nuove metodologie di diagnosi in allergologia”. Latina,
Italy, 2014. Mari A.
5th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology – Allergen specific diagnosis “IgE based diagnostic assays –
from lab to clinical routine”. Vienna, Austria, 2013. Mari A.
Corso di Formazione Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, Centro Europeo di Ricerca sul Cervello, Roma - “Allergie
negli Stabulari”. Rome, Italy, 2013. Mari A.
L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj
di Valmontone - “Come cambiano i percorsi diagnostici e terapeutici: pragmaticità ed economicità nel Progetto
GlobAll”. Valmontone, Italy, 2013. Mari A.
L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj
di Valmontone - “Introduzione all’Allergologia Molecolare: aspetti tecnici e pratici”. Valmontone, Italy, 2013. Mari A.
L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Valmontone Hospital “Come cambiano i percorsi diagnostici e terapeutici: pragmaticità ed economicità nel Progetto GlobAll”. Valmontone,
Italy, 2013. Mari A.
L’Allergologia Molecolare: una Visione Innovativa di una Patologia ad Elevato Impatto Sociale, Valmontone Hospital “Introduzione all’Allergologia Molecolare: aspetti tecnici e pratici”. Valmontone, Italy, 2013. Mari A.
XXXII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology & World Allergy Organization
Congress - Pro & Con Session - “Extracts vs molecules in epidemiological studies of allergic diseases: tradition or
innovation?” Milan, Italy, 2013. Mari A.
Corso di Formazione Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, Centro Europeo di Ricerca sul Cervello, Roma - “Allergie
negli Stabulari”. Rome, Italy, 2012. Mari A.
XXXIX Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology “Discovering new allergens and setting their role in the
clinic”. Guarujá, Brazil, 2012. Mari A.
XXXIX Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology “Tools for Understanding Molecular Allergology – 2012 - A
practical guide from entry to advanced levels”. Guarujá, Brazil, 2012. Mari A.
Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes “Strumenti Informatici per la gestione del paziente allergico, con particolare riguardo alla raccolta dati e loro
elaborazione (statistiche descrittive, rappresentazioni grafiche, calcolo indici di rischio)”. Rome, Italy, 2012. Mari A,
Santoro M, Zuzzi S.
Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes “Impatto della Allergologia Molecolare nel Decision Making dell’Immunoterapia Specifica”. Rome, Italy, 2012. Mari A.
XXXI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Workshop: Diagnosing Allergy
Today - “Singleplexing versus Multiplexing”. Geneva, Switzerland, 2012. Mari A.
XXXI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology – Session 11 - Molecules and
Multiplexing in Allergy Diagnosis - “Multiplexing and Component Resolved Diagnosis: Simplifying the Diagnostic
Process?” Geneva, Switzerland, 2012. Mari A.
18th Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology. “Allergenic Molecule-based Fungal Allergy
Diagnosis”. Berlin, Germany, 2012. Mari A.
Istituto di Biochimica delle Proteine - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Seminar “Allergen Ontology Six Years Later:
An Idea Becoming Reality”. Naples, Italy, 2012. Mari A.
International Immunology Workshop – Adjuvantds 2012 AllergenVaccines 2012 “Biochemical, Immunological, and
Clinical features of Allergenic Molecules: Do They Always Overlap?” Varadero, Cuba, 2012. Mari A.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
International Immunology Workshop – Adjuvantds 2012 AllergenVaccines 2012 “Tools for Understanding Molecular
Allergology – 2012 - A practical guide from entry to advanced levels”. Varadero, Cuba, 2012. Mari A.
ILSI-HESI Symposium - Sensitizing Properties of Proteins “Describing Patterns of IgE Sensitization to Molecules Using
Modern Technologies”. Prague, Czech Republic, 2012. Mari A.
Allergy Drug Discovery and Development - GTC “Allergenic Molecule-based Diagnosis: How it Drives Therapy Decisionmaking”. San Diego, USA, 2012. Mari A.
XXXVIII Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology “From allergy research and diagnosis to the finest
epidemiology”. Fortaleza, Brazil, 2011. Mari A.
XXXVIII Brazilian Congress of Allergy and Immunopathology “Tools for Understanding Molecular Allergology – 2011 A practical guide from entry to advanced levels”. Fortaleza, Brazil, 2011. Mari A.
Thermo Fisher Scientific – Invited Lecture “A Ready-to-use Knowledge Platform to Enhance our Understanding and
Use of Allergens”. Uppsala, Sweden, 2011. Mari A.
Allergy – Beyond Skin Test and RAST – The Allergy Research Foundation and the Allergy Academy at the Royal Society
of Medicine - “New Techniques in Allergy Diagnosis: are All Allergens Equal?” London, United Kingdom, 2011. Mari A.
Corso di Formazione Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, Centro Europeo di Ricerca sul Cervello, Roma - “Allergie
negli Stabulari”. Rome, Italy, 2011. Mari A.
Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes “Strumenti Informatici per la gestione del paziente allergico, con particolare riguardo alla raccolta dati e loro
elaborazione (statistiche descrittive, rappresentazioni grafiche, calcolo indici di rischio)”. Rome, Italy, 2011. Mari A,
Santoro M, Zuzzi S.
Allergologia Molecolare: Basi Biochimiche, Immunologiche, Cliniche, e Supporti Operativi – Corso Stallergenes “Impatto della Allergologia Molecolare nel Decision Making dell’Immunoterapia Specifica”. Rome, Italy, 2011. Mari A.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Symposium - Allergens: from
identification to epidemiology - “Allergenic molecules and new technologies”. Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. Mari A.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Symposium - Clinically meaningful
allergy diagnosis - “IgE multiplexing: the new frontier for clinicians”. Istanbul, Turkey, 2011. Mari A.
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Udine - 9° Corso di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica - “La Diagnostica Basata
sulle Molecole Allergeniche”. Udine, Italy, 2011. Mari A.
Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology - 2011 – Q&A Workshop “Allergenic
Molecules: Markers of Allergic Syndromes”. San Francisco, USA, 2011. Mari A.
Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology - 2011 –Seminars “Using Molecular
Information About Allergen Families to Improve Diagnosis and Treatment in the Clinic”. San Francisco, USA, 2011.
Mari A.
EAACI Food Allergy and Anaphyaxis Meeting - 2011 – Post Graduate Course 2: Diagnosing Food Allergy “CRD and
Proteomic Approaches for Qualitative and Quantitative Characterisation of Food Allergens”. Venice, Italy, 2011. Mari
DAM 13 - 2010 – Allergeni Ricombinanti nella Diagnosi Allergologica “Contributo degli Allergeni Molecolari nella
Diagnosi di Allergia Alimentare”. Milan, Italy, 2010. Mari A.
Corso di Formazione Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, Fondazione Santa Lucia - “Allergie negli Stabulari”. Rome,
Italy, 2010. Mari A.
XVI Latin American Congress of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, XXXVII Brazilian Congress of Allergy and
Immunopathology, National Congress of Asthma – CONASMA 2010 “Microarrayed Allergens: New method and New
Concepts for Allergy Diagnosis”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2010. Mari A.
XVI Latin American Congress of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, XXXVII Brazilian Congress of Allergy and
Immunopathology, National Congress of Asthma – CONASMA 2010 “Clinical Impact of an Molecule-based Diagnostic
Approach to Allergic Diseases”. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2010. Mari A.
4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology – ISMA Workshop I “Allergome School 2010”. Munich,
Germany, 2010. Mari A.
4 International Symposium on Molecular Allergology – Structural and functional biology of allergens “Allergens,
Epitopes and Clinical Relevance”. Munich, Germany, 2010. Mari A.
Gloves: Managing Infection Control - Selecting the right gloves – “Detecting Allergy by using Latex Allergens:
Epidemiological and Clinical Experiences”. Rome, Italy, 2010. Mari A.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Symposium - Component-resolved
diagnosis and treatment - “Component-resolved diagnosis”. London, United Kingdom, 2010. Mari A.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Meet the expert 19 - “Componentresolved diagnosis”. London, United Kingdom, 2010. Mari A, Werfel T.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Debate – “Allergen chips are useful
in the diagnosis of allergic disease - Pro”. London, United Kingdom, 2010. Mari A, Werfel T.
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Oral Abstract Session 11 - New
Technologies for Allergy Diagnosis - Introductory Lecture “Advances in allergy diagnosis”. London, United Kingdom,
2010. Mari A.
Genosense Seminars “Allergenic Molecules, Microtechnology and IT in Allergy Diagnosis”. Vienna, Austria, 2010. Mari
East-West Scientific Symposia on Allergy & Traditional Oriental Medicine – “Allergology, Immunotherapy, Prevention
& Treatment for Allergy and Asthma”. Luoyang, China, 2010. Mari A.
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences - Peking Union Medical College – “Integrated Modern Technologies for
Understanding Antibody Immune Response against Target Molecules”. Beijing, China, 2010. Mari A.
4 Advances against Aspergillosis – “Monitoring Aspergillus Allergic Sensitisation using Microarryed Allergens”. Rome,
Italy, 2010. Mari A.
Seminareinladung - Medical University Vienna – “Integrated Modern Technologies for Understanding Antibody
Immune Response against Target Molecules”. Vienna, Austria, 2009. Mari A.
Seminari del Dipartimento di Chimica Organica e Industriale - Università di Parma – “IgE Response and Human Allergic
Diseases”. Parma, Italy, 2009. Mari A.
ImmunoCAP ISAC – VIP Customer days – “ISAC Testing What we have Achieved, Understood, Released and What we
are going to Work on and Share”. Brussels, Belgium, 2009. Mari A.
Pediatric Allergy and Asthma Meeting 2009 – “The Future of SIT: Extracts, Allergoids, and Recombinants”. Venice,
Italy, 2009. Mari A.
Allergen Vaccines 2009 – Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing – “Immunotherapy
decision-making by using allergenic molecule-based diagnostics”. Varadero, Cuba, 2009. Mari A.
Corso di Formazione Scienze degli Animali da Laboratorio, Fondazione Santa Lucia - “Allergie negli Stabulari”. Rome,
Italy, 2009. Mari A.
2.Interdisziplinäres Freiburger Allergie Symposium - Basic and Clinical Allergology “Why do we need Molecular Allergy
Diagnostic?” Universität Freiburg, Germany, 2009. Mari A.
EAACI Allergy School on Hymenoptera Venom Allergy - Theorical Session I: Entomology, Epidemiology, Natural History
and Diagnostic Tools “Future Strategies in Diagnosis
of Insect Venom Allergy”. Ancona, Italy, 2009. Mari A.
American Association of Clinical Chemistry 2009 National Meeting - Role of the Laboratory in the Diagnosis and
Management of Human Allergic Disease “Practical Applications of Autoanalyzer and Multiplex IgE Antibody Analyses
in the Management of Allergy Patients” Chicago, IL, USA, 2009. Mari A.
British Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. 2009 Annual Meeting - Molecular allergology – what does it
mean to the clinician? “Component resolved diagnosis:
promise or chimera?” Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2009. Mari A.
EAACI Summer School 2009 - State-of-the-art in pediatric allergy and asthma – “New Diagnostic Approaches and New
Therapies for Food Allergy”. Mykonos, Greece, 2009. Mari A.
XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Oral Abstract Session 29 Molecular Diagnostic Approaches in IgE-mediated Allergy – Introductory Lecture “The future of allergy diagnosis”.
Warsaw, Poland, 2009. Mari A.
XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Basic Plenary Symposium 3 Diagnosing Allergy beyond Routine “Switching from extracts to molecules”. Warsaw, Poland, 2009. Mari A.
XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Post Graduate Course 6 - Tools for
Allergy Diagnosis: Usefulness, Standardisation and Limitations “IgE multiplex assays”. Warsaw, Poland, 2009. Mari A.
7° Corso di Allergologia e Immunologia Clinica Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria di Udine – “La diagnostica in vivo e in
vitro delle malattie allergiche: ieri, oggi e domani”. Udine, Italy 2009. Mari A.
NANOSPAD Project Workshop – “VBC-Genomics technology: laboratory and diagnostic experience”. Pomezia, Italy
2009. Mari A.
Siemens Customer Solution Center Allergy Discovery Meeting – “Allergy and Informatics: the Benefits of an Integrated
Solution”. Glasgow, Delaware, USA 2009. Mari A.
Appartenenza a Società Scientifiche
1984 1990 -
Società Italiana di Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (SIAIC)
European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)
2006 – Segretario del “EAACI Interest Group for Allergy Diagnosis”
2008 – Chairmain del “EAACI Interest Group for Allergy Diagnosis”
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
1993 1993 2002 2006 2009 -
2009 – Guest Editor Abstract Book XXVIII Congress of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical
Immunology, Warsaw, Poland – Allergy Volume 64;suppl.90:1-625
Associazione Italiana di Aerobiologia (AIA)
International Association of Aerobiology (IAA)
Associazione Allergologi Immunologi Territorio e Ospedalieri (AAITO)
International Immunomics Society
Honored Member of the Cuban Society of Immunology
Attività Editoriale e di Revisore
Associate Editor:
Clinical and Experimental Allergy
Editorial Advisory Board:
Open Allergy Journal
Editorial Board:
Clinical and Translational Allergy
Current Opinion in Food Science
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
Peer Reviewer:
Allergologia et Immunopathologia (Madrid)
Allergy – European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Annals of Allergy, Asthma, Immunology
Biochimica Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics
BMC Bioinformatics
British Journal of Sports Medicine
British Journal of Pharmacology
Clinical and Experimental Allergy
Clinical and Experimental Immunology
Clinical and Molecular Allergy
Clinical and Translational Allergy
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
Enzyme and Microbial Technology
European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Expert Opinion on Medical Diagnostics
Expert Review of Clinical Immunology
FASEB Journal
Food Chemical Toxicology
Food Chemistry
Food Research International
Food Science and Technology International
Frontiers in Immunology
Immunological Methods
Immunology Letters
International Archives of Allergy and Immunology
International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition
Iran J Allergy Asthma Immunol
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Journal of Allergy & Therapy
Journal of Asthma
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Journal of Toxicology
Journal of Visual Experiments
Lung India
Molecular & Cellular Probes
Curriculum Vitae - Dr. Adriano Mari al 03/08/14
Molecular Nutrition and Food Research
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology
Protein & Peptides Letters
Recent Patents on Inflammation & Allergy Drug Discovery (IAD)
Transgenic Research
Conoscenza Informatica
Elementi avanzati di hardware dei personal computer e delle reti locali.
Programmi di gestione dati e linguaggi di programmazione su personal computer (creazione e gestione di banche dati
di tipo specialistico).
Conoscenza e utilizzo dei collegamenti in rete globali.
Creazione e Gestione della piattaforma web www.allergome.org e moduli collegati (RefArray, ReTiME, InterAll,
Attività Organizzativa
5th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - ISMA 2013 Honorary Chair - Vienna, Austria, 2013.
Adjuvants 2012 & AllergenVaccines 2012 - International Immunology Workshops - Current problems in allergen
vaccine development and manufacturing - Varadero, Cuba, 2012.
XXXI Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Geneve, Switzerland, 2012.
Scientific Program Committee Member.
XXX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - Istambul, Turkey, 2011. Scientific
Program Committee Member.
4th International Symposium on Molecular Allergology - Structural and functional biology of allergens - Munich,
Germany, 2010.
XXIX Congress of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology - London, United Kingdom, 2010.
Scientific Program Committee Member.
East-West Scientific Symposia on Allergy &Traditional Oriental Medicine - Luoyang, China, 2010.
Internacional Workshop - Current problems in allergen vaccine development and manufacturing - Varadero, Cuba,
Fly UP