
European Curriculum Vitae Format - Template

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European Curriculum Vitae Format - Template
Nome, Cognome/Name, Surname
Via, numero civico, c.a.p., città,
nazione/ House number, street
name, postcode, city, country
Zoltan, Mester
1956 Crestmont Pl
+1613 993 5008
[email protected]
Sito web/Website
Luogo e data di nascita/ Place and
Date of birth
Salgotarjan (Hungary) October 27, 1969
Se dipendente CNR indicare:
In ordine di data /Dates (from – to)
[Iniziare con le più recenti ed
elencare separatamente ciascun
incarico ricoperto/ Add separate
entries for each relevant post
occupied, starting with the most
recent. ]
Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro
/ Name and address of employer
Tipo o settore di attività / Type of
business or sector
Funzione o posto occupato /
Occupation or position held
Principali mansion e responsabilità /
Main activities and responsibilities
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di [cognome] / of [surname]
Research officer
National Resarch Council Canada, 1200 Montreal Rd, Ottawa, ON Canada
Group leader
Direct research and development in analytical chemistry in support to reference material
1994 -1998
In ordine di data /Dates (from – to)
[Iniziare con le più recenti ed
elencare separatamente ciascun
corso frequentato con successo/ Add
separate entries for each relevant
course you have completed, starting
with the most recent. ]
Nome e tipo d’istituto di istruzione o
formazione / Name and type of
organisation providing education and
Principali materie e competenze
professionali apprese / Principal
subjects occupational skills covered
Certificato o diploma ottenuto /Title of
qualification awarded
Livello nella classificazione nazionale
o internazionale / Level in National
Corvinus University
Analytical Chemistry
PhD in chemistry
Summa cum laude
1994 -1998
In ordine di data /Dates (from – to)
[Iniziare con le più recenti ed
elencare separatamente ciascun
corso frequentato con successo/ Add
separate entries for each relevant
course you have completed, starting
with the most recent. ]
Nome e tipo d’istituto di istruzione o
formazione / Name and type of
organisation providing education and
Principali materie e competenze
professionali apprese / Principal
subjects occupational skills covered
Certificato o diploma ottenuto /Title of
qualification awarded
Livello nella classificazione nazionale
o internazionale / Level in National
Corvinus University
Analytical Chemistry
PhD in chemistry
Summa cum laude
1989 -1994
In ordine di data /Dates (from – to)
[Iniziare con le più recenti ed
elencare separatamente ciascun
corso frequentato con successo/ Add
separate entries for each relevant
course you have completed, starting
with the most recent. ]
Nome e tipo d’istituto di istruzione o
formazione / Name and type of
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di [cognome] / of [surname]
Corvinus University
organisation providing education and
Principali materie e competenze
professionali apprese / Principal
subjects occupational skills covered
Certificato o diploma ottenuto /Title of
qualification awarded
Livello nella classificazione nazionale
o internazionale / Level in National
Food Science
MS in food science
Summa cum laude
Attuali campi di ricerca / Research
Analytical chemistry
Recenti attività scientifiche/ Recent
Scientific Activities.
Development of novel mass spectrometry equipment and method for detection of chemical
entities of interest
Membership in professional societies
-IUPAC, Secretary of Division V, 2012-2013
-IUPAC, titular member of Division V, 2008-2009, 2009-2011
-IUPAC (National Representative to Division V, 2004-2005 and 2006-2007
-Canadian Mass Spectrometry Society
-Review Editor, Spectromichimica Acta B
-Editorial Board member, Analytica Chimica Acta
Visiting Scientist: 4
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di [cognome] / of [surname]
PhD Student:
Masters student:
Pubblicazioni/ Books
and Articles
Elenco delle pubblicazioni realizzate negli ultimi 5 anni:
1, Eds: Zoltan Mester and Ralph Sturgeon: Sampling and sample preparation for trace element
analysis; Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2003
ISBN: 0444511016, 1446 pages
Book Chapter:
2, Zoltan Mester and Ralph Sturgeon: Solid phase microextraction as a tool for trace element
determination; In Sampling and sample preparation for trace element analysis, eds: Zoltan
Mester and Ralph Sturgeon, Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2003,
Chapter 13, pp. 369-390.
1, Zoltan Mester and Ralph Sturgeon: Sampling and sample preparation for trace element
speciation, pp 939-966
in: Sampling and sample preparation for field and laboratory (ed. J. Pawliszyn), 2002 Elsevier
Science, Amsterdam
127, Laurent Ouerdane, Juris Meija, Sezgin Bakirdere, Lu Yang, and Zoltán Mester:
Nonlinear Signal Response in Electrospray Mass Spectrometry: Implications for Quantitation of
Arsenobetaine Using Stable Isotope Labeling by Liquid Chromatography and Electrospray
Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry
Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 3958–3964.
126, Rui Liu, Yi Lv, Xiandeng Hou, Lu Yang, and Zoltan Mester: Protein Quantitation Using RuNHS Ester Tagging and Isotope Dilution High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography–Inductively
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry Determination
Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 2769–2775.
125, Yulan Rao, Margaret McCooeye and Zoltan Mester, Mapping of sulfur metabolic pathway
by LC Orbitrap mass spectrometry
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2012, 721, 129-136.
124, Lu Yang, Zoltán Mester, Ralph E. Sturgeon, and Juris Meija: Determination of the Atomic
Weight of 28Si-Enriched Silicon for a Revised Estimate of the Avogadro Constant
Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 2321–2327.
123, Enea Pagliano, Juris Meija, Ralph E. Sturgeon, Zoltan Mester, and Alessandro D’Ulivo:
Negative Chemical Ionization GC/MS Determination of Nitrite and Nitrate in Seawater Using
Exact Matching Double Spike Isotope Dilution and Derivatization with Triethyloxonium
Analytical Chemistry, 2012, 84, 2592–2596.
122, Alan G. Steele, Juris Meija, Carlos A. Sanchez, Lu Yang, Barry M. Wood, Ralph E.
Sturgeon, Zoltan Mester and Allan D. Inglis: Reconciling Planck constant determinations via watt
balance and enriched-silicon measurements at NRC Canada
Metrologia, 2012, 49, L8-L-10.
121, Alessandro D'Ulivo, Juris Meija, Zoltán Mester, Enea Pagliano and Ralph E. Sturgeon:
Condensation cascades and methylgroup transfer reactions during the formation of arsane,
methyl ¬ and dimethylarsane by aqueous borohyydride and (methyl) arsenates
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2012, 402, 921–933.
120, Enea Pagliano, Massimo Onor, Juris Meija, Zoltan Mester, Ralph E. Sturgeon, Alessandro
D'Ulivo: Mechanism of Hydrogen Transfer in Arsane Generation by Aqueous
Tetrahydridoborate: Interference Effects of AuIII and other noble metals
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Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 2011, 66, 740-747.
119, Lu Yang, Zoltán Mester, Lian Zhou, Shan Gao, Ralph E. Sturgeon and Juris Meija:
Observations of Large Mass-Independent Fractionation Occurring in MC-ICPMS: Implications for
Determination of Accurate Isotope Amount Ratios
Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83, 8999-9004.
118, David C. Kennedy, Craig S. McKay, Marc C.B. Legault, Dana C Danielson, Jessie A. Blake,
Adrian F. Pegoraro, Albert Stolow, Zoltan Mester, and John Paul Pezacki: Cellular
Consequences of Copper Complexes used to Catalyze Bioorthogonal Click Reactions
Journal of American Chemical Society, 2011, 133, 17993-18001.
117, Enea Pagliano, Massimo Onor, Emanuela Pitzalis, Zoltan Mester, Ralph E. Sturgeon,
Alessandro D’Ulivo: Quantification of nitrite and nitrate in seawater by triethyloxonium
tetrafluoroborate derivatization—Headspace SPME GC–MS
Talanta, 2011, 85, 2511-2516.
116, Jan Kratzer, Zoltán Mester and Ralph E. Sturgeon: Comparison of dielectric barrier
discharge, atmospheric pressure radiofrequency-driven glow discharge and direct analysis in
real time sources for ambient mass spectrometry of acetaminophen
Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 2011, 66, 594-603.
115, Joy C. Andrews, Florian Meirer, Yijin Liu, Zoltan Mester and Piero Pianetta:
Transmission X-Ray Microscopy for Full-Field Nano Imaging of Biomaterials
Microscopy Research and Technique, 2011, 74, 671-681
114, Lu Yang, Jianfu Ding, Paulette Maxwell, Margaret McCooeye, Anthony Windust, Laurent
Ouerdane, Sezgin Bakirdere, Scott Willie and Zoltán Mester: Determination of Arsenobetaine in
Fish Tissue by Species Specific Isotope Dilution LC-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry and Standard
Addition LC-ICP-MS
Analytical Chemistry, 2011, 83, 3371–3378.
113, Juris Meija and Zoltan Mester: Comment on the uncertainties in isotope patterns of
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2011, 694, 174–176
112, Alessandro D’Ulivo1,, Jiri Dedina, Zoltan Mester, Ralph E. Sturgeon, Qiuquan Wang, and
Bernhard Welz: Mechanisms of chemical generation of volatile hydrides for trace element
determination (IUPAC technical report)
Pure and Applied Chemistry, 2011, 83, 1283-1340.
111, Umar Iqbal, Homam Albaghdadi, Mu-Ping Nieh, Ursula I Tuor, Zoltan Mester, Danica
Stanimirovic, John Katsaras, Abedelnasser Abulrob: Small unilamellar vesicles: a platform
technology for molecular imaging of brain tumors
Nanotechnology, 2011, 22, 195102 (15pp)
110, Marcos Flores, Manuel Bravo, Hugo Pinochet, Paulette Maxwell, Zoltán Mester: Tartaric
acid extraction of organotin compounds from sediment samples
Microchemical Journal, 2011, 98, 129-134.
109, Lu Yang, Ralph E. Sturgeon, Zoltan Mester, Juris Meija: Metrological triangle for
measurements of isotope amount ratios of silver, indium, and antimony using multicollectorinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry: The 21st century Harvard method
Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82, 8978-8982.
108, Sezgin Bakirderea, EmiliaBramanti, AlessandroD’ulivo, O.Yavuz Ataman and Zoltan
Mester: Speciation and determination of thiols in biological samples using high performance
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liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry and high performance
liquid chromatography-Orbitrap MS
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, 680, 41-47.
107, Yulan Rao, Margaret McCooeye, Anthony Windust, Emilia Bramanti, Alessandro D’Ulivo
and Zoltan Mester: Mapping of selenium metabolic pathway in yeast by liquid chromatographyorbitrap mass spectrometry
Analytical Chemistry, 2010, 82, 8121-8130.
106, Valeria Angeli, Huilun Chen, Zoltan Mester, Yulan Rao, Alessandro D’Ulivo and Emilia
Bramanti: Derivatization of GSSG by pHMB in alkaline media. Determination of oxidized
glutathione in blood
Talanta, 2010, 82, 815-820
105, Yulan Rao, Bingren Xiang, Emilia Bramanti, Alessandro D’Ulivo and Zoltan Mester:
Determination of Thiols in Yeast by HPLC Coupled with LTQ-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometry after
Derivatization with p-(Hydroxymercuri)benzoate
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2010, 58, 1462–1468.
104, Juris Meija, Lu Yang, Ralph E. Sturgeon and Zoltan Mester: Certification of natural isotopic
abundance inorganic mercury reference material NIMS-1 for absolute isotopic composition and
atomic weight
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 2010, 25, 384–389
103, Emilia Bramantia, Valeria Angeli, Zoltan Mester, Alfonso Pompella,
Aldo Paolicchi, Alessandro D’Ulivo: Determination of S-nitrosoglutathione in plasma:
Comparison of two methods
Talanta 2010, 81, 1295–1299
102, Daniel L. G. Borges, Ralph E. Sturgeon, Bernhard Welz, Adilson J. Curtius and Zoltan
Mester: Ambient mass spectrometric detection of organometallic compounds using direct
analysis in real time
Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81, 9834–9839
101, Joy C. Andrews, Sean Brennan, Yijin Liu, Piero Pianetta, Eduardo A. C. Almeida, Marjolein
C H van der Meulen, Ziyu Wu, Zoltan Mester, Laurent Ouerdane, Jeff Gelb, Michael Feser,
Juana Rudati, Andrei Tkachuk and Wenbing Yun: Full-field transmission x-ray microscopy for
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2009, 186, 012081.
100, Patricia Grinberg, Zoltan Mester, Alessandro D’Ulivo and Ralph E. Sturgeon: Gas
chromatography–mass spectrometric identification of iodine species arising from photo-chemical
vapor generation
Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 2009, 64, 714-716.
99, Juris Meija, Lu Yang, Ralph E. Sturgeon and Zoltan Mester: Mass Bias Fractionation Laws
for Multi-Collector ICPMS: Assumptions and Their Experimental
Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81, 6774–6778
98, Laurent Ouerdane , Zoltan Mester and Juris Meija: General equation for multiple spiking
isotope dilution mass spectrometry
Analytical Chemistry, 2009, 81, 5075–5079
97. Juris Meija, Laurent Ouerdane and Zoltan Mester: Isotope scrambling and error
magnification in multiple-spiking isotope dilution
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2009, 394, 199-205.
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96, Juris Meija, Laurent Ouerdane and Zoltan Mester: Describing chemical transformations in
multiple spiking isotope dilution: fundamental aspects and definitions
Analyst, 2009, 134, 466 – 471.
95, Ouerdane L, Mester Z, Production and Characterization of Fully Selenomethionine-Labeled
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Journal Of Agricultural And Food Chemistry 2008, 56, 11792-11799
94, Bramanti E, Jacovozzi K, D'Ulivo A, et al. Determination of S-nitrosoglutathione and other
nitrosothiols by p-hydroxymercurybenzoate derivatization and reverse phase chromatography
coupled with chemical vapor generation atomic fluorescence detection
Talanta 2008, 77, 684-694
93, McCooeye M, Kolakowski B, Boison J, et al. Evaluation of high-field asymmetric waveform
ion mobility spectrometry mass spectrometry for the analysis of the mycotoxin zearalenone
Analytica Chimica Acta 2008, 627, 112-116
92, Meija J, Mester Z Atomic weight uncertainty calculation from isotopic composition of the
elements Author(s): Source: METROLOGIA 2008, 45, 459-463
91, Grinberg P, Mester Z, Sturgeon RE, et al. Generation of volatile cobalt species by UV
photoreduction and their tentative identification
Journal Of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 2008, 23, 583-587
90, Meija J, Mester Z Uncertainty propagation of atomic weight measurement results
Metrologia 2008, 45, 53-62
Method of Multiple Spiking Isotope Dilution Mass Spectroscopy, 2008
L. Ouerdane, J. Meija, Z. Mester
Yeast-Based Bioproduction of Nanoparticles, 2008
Z. Mester, L. Ouerdane
Plasma Based Surface Sampling of Molecules for Mass Spectrometric Analysis, 2008
R. Sturgeon, Z. Mester
Blind Extraction of Pure Component Mass Spectra from Overlapping Mass Spectrometric Peak,
J. Meija, Z. Mester
UV Reactive Spray Chamber for Enhanced Sample Introduction Efficiency, 2005
R. Sturgeon, X. Guo, Z. Mester
Light Induced Generation of Volatile/Alkylated Metals and Semi-Metals, 2003
X. Guo, R. Sturgeon, Z. Mester
Sample Introduction Devise for Volatile Metal Species, 2001
Z. Mester, R. Sturgeon
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Il D.Lgs. 30/6/2003, n. 196 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali” regola il
trattamento dei dati personali, con particolare riferimento alla riservatezza, all’identità personale
e al diritto di protezione dei dati personali; l’interessato deve essere previamente informato del
trattamento .
La norma in considerazione intende come “trattamento” qualunque operazione o complesso di
operazioni concernenti la raccolta, la registrazione, l’organizzazione, la conservazione, la
consultazione, l’elaborazione, la modifica, la selezione, l’estrazione, il raffronto, l’utilizzo,
l’interconnessione, il blocco, la comunicazione, la diffusione, la cancellazione e la distruzione di
dati, anche se non registrati in una banca dati.
In relazione a quanto riportato, autorizzo il CNR al trattamento dei dati contenuti nel presente
curriculum vitae e nella documentazione della quale fa parte integrante, sollevandolo da ogni
responsabilità e autorizzandolo alla pubblicazione, nel sito web del CNR, della relazione
inerente alle proprie ricerche svolte durante il soggiorno finanziato dal CNR nell’ambito del
Programma STM . Inoltre acconsento all’aggiornamento delle informazioni intranet che mi
riguardano sia relative le pubblicazioni sia alle ricerche svolte.
( barrare la casella)
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