Songs Before Sleep
OnDemand Bennett, Richard Rodney Songs Before Sleep (bass-baritone) Score for sale (North America): Score for sale (UK, Europe and other territories): Information about the work and materials for hire: Score begins on the next page. Novello & Co Limited Part of the Music Sales Group Songs before Sleep was commissioned jointly by BBC Radio 3 and the Royal Philharmonic Society as part of the New Generation Artists scheme and first performed by Jonathan Lemalu and Michael Hampton on 21st June 2003 at Wilton’s Music Hall, as part of the Spitalfields Festival. The texts for this work were taken from the Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. I am very grateful to my sister, Meg Peacocke, for the idea, for the title and for clarifying many of the texts. R.R.B. 1. The Mouse and the Bumblebee 1 2. Wee Willie Winkie 6 3. Twinkle, twinkle, little star 14 4. Baby, baby, naughty baby 18 5. As I walked by myself 23 6. There was an old woman 26 Duration: 17 mins. approx A score and set of parts for the following arrangements of Songs before Sleep are available on hire from Novello: * Bass-baritone and string orchestra * Bass-baritone and chamber ensemble (fl.,ob.,cl.(doubling bcl.),bsn.,hn.,tpt.,perc.(1 player),hp., 2 vln.,vla.,vc.,cb.) for Jonathan Lemalu Songs before Sleep Text: anon. Richard Rodney Bennett 1. The Mouse and the Bumblebee Molto vivo ( = 132) A cat sim. 6 2 2 came fid dl ing out of 10 a barn, 2 un der her arm. © Copyright 2004 Novello & Company Limited With 2 a pair 2 of bag pipes 2 She could sing no thing but fid dle de 5 cresc. poco a poco 63 Puss be 2 gan purr ing, the 5:6 5:6 (Ped.) 66 mouse ran a way, And the bee flew off (Ped.) 69 with a wild huz za! brilliante Ped. (Ped.) Ped. 73 veloce arpegg. quasi pizz. (Ped.) . Ped. non arpegg. 1'15'' 6 2. Wee Willie Winkie Text: William Miller (1810 –72) Allegro ( = 144) 3 3 sempre, dolce, velato 3 3 Ped. Ped. una corda sempre, dolce, velato 3 Wee Wil lie Win kie Ped. (Ped.) 6 runs (Ped.) through the town, Up stairs and down stairs in sim. 10 his night gown. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ped. . 3 Ped. 9 38 A ny thing but sleep, you rogue! glow er ing like the moon, secco Ped. 40 Rat tling in an i ron jug with an spoon, Ped. Ped. Ped. i ron 42 Rum bling, tum bling round a bout, crow con Ped. 44 ing like a cresc. . cock, Squeal ing like I don’t know what wak 14 3. Twinkle, twinkle, little star Text: Jane Taylor (1783 –1824) Andante lento ( dolce espr. = 69) Twin kle, twin kle, lit tle dolce con Ped. Ped. poco cresc. 4 star, How I won der what you are! Up poco cresc. (Ped.) con Ped. 9 - bove the world so high, Like a di a mond in the sky. 13 When the blaz ing sun is gone, legato sempre . When he a 18 4. Baby, baby, naughty baby Text: anon. Con fuoco ( = 80) 3 3 3 3 3 con Ped. 7 Ba 3 by, ba by, naugh ty ba by, 3 3 3 3 13 Hush, you squall ing thing, I say. Peace this 3 mo ment, 3 3 3 senza Ped. con Ped. 19 peace or may be 3 Bo na will pass this way. 3 3 senza Ped. . parte Ped. sim. 22 91 And he’ll Ped. (Ped.) beat you, sim. beat you, beat you, And he’ll sim. (poco arppegg.) 98 beat you all to pap, And he’ll eat you, eat you, eat you, Ped. 105 snap, snap, snap. 3 Ped. Ped. Ped. Ped. (tempo giusto al fine) 111 (Ped.) 1'35'' 8 . 23 5. As I walked by myself Text: attrib. Bernard Barton (1780 –1840) Lento e semplice ( = 63) Ped. sim. 5 9 As I walked by my self And talked to my self, My 14 - self said un to me, 18 Look . to thy self, Take care of thy self, For 26 6. There was an old woman Text: anon. Scherzando There ( was = 84) an old wo man lived un der a hill, And stacc. leggiero poco cresc. 6 if she’s not gone she lives there still. There was an old wo man lived poco cresc. 13 un der a hill, Put a mouse in a bag and went to the mill. 19 The . mil ler did swear by the point of his knife, He ne ver took 32 160 A tempo, brillante cresc. poco a poco 7:6 7:6 Ped. sim. 165 There was an old 170 wo man tossed up in a bas ket, 175 Se . ven teen times as 35 224 off the sky, (Ped.) dim. sempre 229 the poco rit. sky. 8 dim. sempre 8 (Ped.) (dim. a niente) lunga 235 lunga (Ped.) a tempo (tempo giusto) secco una corda 242 (meno) 3'45'' . 123456789