Sirene elettroniche con frontale luminoso Electronic
Sirene elettroniche con frontale luminoso Electronic sirens with lighted front V24 -110 -240 (±10%) autoestinguente IP 65 self-extinguishing V 24 V mA dB(A)1m SEP LD85 MS 32 - - 110 240 90 60 650 50901 50903 50904 24 V mA dB(A)1m SEP LD85 MS 32 PZ SEPLD85MS32PZ °C -30 +50 Kg. 0,98 24V: Kg. 0,75 12 21 V On Min 107 - Max 114 SEPLD85MS3224DA SEPLD85MS32110A SEPLD85MS32240A SEPLD85MS32 50/60 Hz 240 - - 110 240 35 15 Min 98 - Max 106 SEPLD85MS32PZ24DA SEPLD85MS32PZ110A SEPLD85MS32PZ240A 50911 50913 50914 Kg. 0,52 24V: Kg. 0,41 12 21 Ronzatori multifunzione (suono/luce) Multifunction buzzers (sound/light) V12-24-48-110-240 (±10%) autoestinguente self-extinguishing V IP 55 On °C -30 +50 12 ÷ 24 ÷ 48 ÷ 110 ÷ 240 V Linea acustica . Acoustic range 50/60 Hz mA 25 12 BIMF 5T 2B dB(A)1m 85 85 BIMF5T2B Hz 1 2 12 10 13 85 85 ± 2500 500 85 49 50 BIMF5T2B12240DA 38030 N° OFF Kg. 0,102 Suono Intermittente Lento Slow Intermittent Sound ON X X N° 1 2 ON X OFF Suono Intermittente Veloce Fast Intermittent Sound X R BIMF 5T 2B RBIMF5T2B N° 49 50 ON RBIMF5T2B12240DA 38032 OFF 1 2 X X N° 1 2 ON X X Suono Continuo Continuous Sound OFF Installazione ad incasso foro ø 12 mm. Fornito adattatore per foro ø 16 mm - ø 22 mm Flush mounting with openings ø 12 mm. Supplied with adapter for openings ø 16 mm - ø 22 mm 64