
DOTT. PIETRO INVERNIZZI - Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia

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DOTT. PIETRO INVERNIZZI - Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia
Pietro Invernizzi
Nato il 24/01/1968 a Milano
E-mail: [email protected]
Cellulare 339 6820396
Dic 2015 - oggi
Professore Associato in Gastroenterologia
Dipartimento di Medicina e Chirurgia, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, ai sensi dell’art. 16 della Legge 240/2010
16/12/2013 - 16/12/2019)
Professore Ordinario in Medicina Interna (Settore 06/B1 – I Fascia)
Professore Ordinario in Gastroenterologia (Settore 06/D4 – I Fascia)
Professore Associato in Medicina Interna (Settore 06/B1 – II Fascia)
Professore Associato in Gastroenterologia (Settore 06/D4 – II Fascia)
2007 - oggi
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Department of Internal Medicine,
University of California, Davis, California, USA
2000 - 2004
Assegno di Ricerca
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche, Chirurgiche e Odontoiatriche, Università degli Studi di
Milano (durata 2 anni, rinnovati per 2 anni)
1996 - 2000
Scuola di Specializzazione in Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia Digestiva (votazione 70/70 e
Università degli Studi di Milano
Titolo della tesi: “Microchimerismo fetale nella cirrosi biliare primitiva”
1993 - 1996
Dottorato di Ricerca in Gastroenterologia
Università degli Studi di Milano
Titolo della tesi: “Efficacia terapeutica e modificazioni del pool degli acidi biliari indotte dalla
somministrazione cronica di acido ursodesossicolico o acido tauroursodeossicolico in pazienti
affetti da cirrosi biliare primitiva”
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (votazione 110/110 e lode)
Università degli Studi di Milano
Titolo della tesi: “Ruolo della replicazione del virus C dell’epatite nello sviluppo del carcinoma
epatocellulare in pazienti affetti da cirrosi epatica”
1994 - 1995
Reserch Fellow presso la Division of Critical Care (Direttore: Dr A.L. Salzman), ed il Clinical Mass
Spectrometry Center (Direttore: Prof. K.D.R. Setchell), Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
Cincinnati, USA
Dic 2015 - oggi
Dirigente Medico di I livello
U.O.C Gastroenterologia, Ospedale San Gerardo dei Tintori, Monza (MB)
2010 - 2015
“Centro di Ricerca e Cura per le Malattie Autoimmuni del Fegato”, Istituto Clinico Humanitas
IRCCS, Rozzano (Milano)
Marzo 2013/
Marzo 2015
Responsabile “facente funzioni”
Divisione di Medicina Generale ed Epatologia, Dipartimento di Gastroenterologia, Istituto
Clinico Humanitas IRCCS, Rozzano (Milano)
2008/marzo 2013 Aiuto
Divisione di Clinica Medica, Dipartimento di Medicina, Istituto Clinico Humanitas IRCCS, Rozzano
2004 - 2008
Dirigente Medico di primo livello
Divisione di Clinica Medica, Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia, Dipartimento di Medicina, Azienda
Ospedaliera San Paolo, Milano
2000 - 2004
Medico frequentatore
Divisione di Clinica Medica, Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia, Dipartimento di Medicina, e
Divisione di Medicina d’Urgenza, Azienda Ospedaliera San Paolo, Milano
1996 - 2000
Medico specializzando
Divisione di Medicina III, Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia, Dipartimento di Medicina, e Servizio
di Endoscopia Digestiva, Azienda Ospedaliera San Paolo, Milano
1993 - 1996
Attivitá assistenziale durante il percorso formativo previsto dal Dottorato di Ricerca in
Divisione di Medicina Generale III, Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia, Dipartimento di Medicina,
Ospedale San Paolo, Milano
1991 - 1993
Studente interno
Divisione di Medicina Generale della I e successivamente della III, Gastroenterologia ed
Epatologia, Dipartimento di Medicina, Ospedale San Paolo, Milano
Finanziamenti attivi
2016 - 2018
2015 - 2017
2014 - 2017
2014 - 2016
Co-Investigatore Programma di ricerca “Clinical significance of cholangiocarcinoma stem cells and
niche-forming tumor-associated macrophages” - AIRC MFGA – (Coordinatore Dr.ssa Chiara Raggi) 225.000 euro
Co-Investigatore Programma di ricerca “Identification of new inflammatory pathways driving liver
carcinogenesis” – Fondazione CARIPLO – (Coordinatore Dr.ssa Elena Riboldi) - 80.000 euro
Co-Investigatore Programma di ricerca “The role of macrophages in primary biliary cirrhosis: novel
targets for immune intervention”. Ministero Italiano della Salute – (Coordinatore Dr.ssa Ana Lleo) 450.000 euro
Principal Investigator Programma di ricerca “Effect of ARQ087, An ATP-independent inhibitor of
fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFr), on human cholangiocarcinoma (CCA)” – ArQule research
grant – 65.750 euro
Finanziamenti conclusi
2011 - 2015
2011 - 2015
2013 - 2014
2012 - 2014
2012 - 2013
2010 - 2012
2009 - 2010
2008 - 2010
2008 - 2009
2007 - 2012
2006 - 2008
2006 - 2008
2004 - 2006
2004 - 2006
1999 - 2001
Co-investicatore Programma di ricerca “d-LIVER: ICT-enabled, cellular artificial liver system
incorporating personalized patient management and support”. Commissione Europea - Settimo
programma quadro (finanziamento Bando - FP7-ICT for HEALTH-2010, numero 287596) –
14.557.248 euro
Co-investigatore Programma di ricerca “Identification of common and uncommon gene variants in
PBC” - National Institute of Health R01 grant DK091823-01A1 - (Coordinatori Prof. ME Gershwin, SF
Kingsmore, MF Seldin, Davis, CA) - 2,650,000.00 USD
Principal investigator Programma di ricerca “MicroRNA associated with primary sclerosing
cholangitis: Identification and diagnostic/prognostic potential”. Regione Lombardia.
Principal investigator Programma di ricerca “Cholangiocarcinoma-associated microRNA:
identification and diagnostic-prognostic potential” - Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro
Principal investigator Programma di ricerca “Cholangiocarcinoma-associated serum microRNA:
identification and diagnostic-prognostic potential” - Fondazione Umberto Veronesi.
Co-investigatore Programma di ricerca “The role of progranulin in cholangiocarcinoma growth” National Institute of Health R03 grant DK056839 (coordinatore Dr S DeMorrow, Temple, TX).
Principal investigator Programma di ricerca “Cholangiocarcinoma-associated serum microRNAs in
primary sclerosing cholangitis: Identification and prognostic potential” - PSC Partners Seeking a
Cure Foundation, USA
Co-investigatore Programma di ricerca di Grande Rilevanza Italia-USA “Etiopathogenesis of primary
biliary cirrhosis: a genome-wide association study” del Ministero degli Affari Esteri.
Co-investigatore Programma di ricerca di Grande Rilevanza Italia-Giappone “The comparison of
genetic and clinical features of PBC between Italy and Japan” del Ministero degli Affari Esteri.
Co-investigatore Programma di ricerca “Epidemiology of PBC: a genome-wide association study” National Institute of Health R01 grant DK056839 - (coordinatore Prof. ME Gershwin, Davis, CA).
Co-investigatore Programma di ricerca del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e
Tecnologica (MURST) (PRIN) “Il colangiocarcinoma: approccio terapeutico basato su nuove
acquisizioni di biologia cellulare e molecolare” (coordinatore Prof. A Benedetti).
Co-investigatore Programma di ricerca del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e
Tecnologica (MURST) (PRIN) “Basi genetiche dell’autoimmunità: studi in modelli naturali di
aumentata suscettibilità” (coordinatore Prof. M Podda)
Co-investigatore Programma di ricerca del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e
Tecnologica (MURST) (COFIN) “Il colangiocarcinoma: approccio terapeutico basato su nuove
acquisizioni di biologia cellulare e molecolare” (coordinatore Prof. A Benedetti)
Co-investigatore Programma di ricerca del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e
Tecnologica (MURST) (COFIN) “Autoimmunità e cromosomi sessuali”: instabilità dei cromosomi
sessuali in pazienti con malattie autoimmuni, nei loro consanguinei, in modelli animali sperimentali
ed identificazione dei geni candidati del cromosoma X” (coordinatore Prof. PL Meroni)
Co-investigatore Programma di ricerca del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e
Tecnologica (MURST) (ex 40%) “Difetti congeniti ed acquisiti del catabolismo del colesterolo:
importanza relativa delle due vie di sintesi degli acidi biliari” (coordinatore Prof. GC Galli)
-51998 - 2000
Co-investigatore Programma di ricerca del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e
Tecnologica (MURST #9806210866) (ex 40%) “La colestasi nell'uomo e in modelli sperimentali.
Biologia cellulare e molecolare della secrezione biliare e delle sue alterazioni come causa di danno
epatico e progressione di malattia” (coordinatore Prof. L Okolicsanyi)
Responsabile di studi clinici
Studi clinici attivi
Protocollo 747-301 Obeticholic Acid (OCA) (Fase 3a) “A Phase 3, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Trial and
Long Term Safety Extension of Obeticholic Acid in Patients with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis”. Intercept
Pharmaceuticals, Inc., USA.
Protocollo GS-US-321-0102 (Fase 2b) “A Phase 2b, Dose-Ranging, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled
Trial Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of GS-6624, a Monoclonal Antibody Against Lysyl Oxidase Like 2 (LOXL2)
in Subjects with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)”. Gilead Sciences, Inc., USA.
Protocollo GS-US-321-0106 (Fase 2b) “A Phase 2b, Dose-Ranging, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled
Trial Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of GS-6624, a Monoclonal Antibody Against Lysyl Oxidase-Like 2 (LOXL2),
in Subjects with Compensated Cirrhosis Secondary to Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)”. Gilead Sciences,
Inc., USA.
Protocollo 652-2-203 (Fase 2b) “A Phase 2, Randomized, Double-blind Study of the Efficacy and Safety of
Cenicriviroc versus Placebo in Adult Subjects with Liver Fibrosis due to Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH)” –
Tobira Therapeutics Inc., USA.
Studi clinici conclusi
Protocollo CDEB025A2312 (Fase 3) “Studio randomizzato, in doppio cieco, controllato verso placebo
sull’efficacia e la sicurezza di DEB025/Alisporivir in associazione a PEG-IFN-alfa2a e ribavirina nei pazienti con
epatite cronica C genotipo 1 naive al trattamento”. Novartis, Switzerland.
Protocollo BUC-56/PBC (Fase 3) “Una sperimentazione clinica multicentrica in doppio cieco, randomizzata, con
controllo placebo di fase III per il confronto della combinazione di capsule di acido ursodesossicolico e capsule di
budesonide con la combinazione di capsule di acido ursodesossicolico e capsule placebo nel trattamento della
cirrosi biliare primitiva” Dr. Falk Pharma GmbH, Germany.
Protocollo CDEB025A2301 (Fase 3) “Studio randomizzato, in doppio cieco, controllato verso placebo
sull’efficacia e la sicurezza di DEB025/Alisporivir in associazione a PEG-IFN-alfa2a e ribavirina nei pazienti con
epatite cronica C genotipo 1 naive al trattamento”. Novartis, Switzerland.
Protocollo NI-0801-03 PIANO (Fase 2) “Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: Investigating A New Treatment Option using
NI-0801, a fully human anti-CXCL10 monoclonal antibody”. NovImmune SA, Switzerland.
Protocollo CNTO1275PBC2001 (Fase 2) “A Phase 2, Multi-center, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebocontrolled, Parallel-group Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of Ustekinumab in Subjects with Primary
Biliary Cirrhosis Who had an Inadequate Response to Ursodeoxycholic Acid (UDCA)”. Janssen Research &
Development, USA.
Memberships di società scientifiche
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)
European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
Organization for the Study of Sex Differences (OSSD – membro fondatore)
Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF)
Società Italiana di Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica e Allergologia (SIICA)
Attività editoriale per riviste scientifiche
Associate Editor
BMC Gastroenterology (impact factor 2.4)
World Journal of Hepatology
Autoimmunity Highlights – Section Editor
BMC Research Notes
Membro del Board Editoriale
Journal of Hepatology (impact factor 11.3)
Autoimmunity Reviews (impact factor 7.9)
Liver International (impact factor 4.9)
Digestive and Liver Disease (impact factor 3.0)
World Journal of Gastroenterology (impact factor 2.4)
The Open Journal of Hepatology
Digestive and Liver Diseases Supplements
Autoimmunity Diseases
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Gastroenterologie clinique et Biologique" (GCB)
World Journal of Immunology
Hereditary Genetics: Current Research
Revisore di pubblicazioni per riviste scientifiche
Journal of Autoimmunity (158 manoscritti),
World Journal of Gastroenterology (86 manoscritti),
Digestive and Liver Diseases (43 manoscritti),
Journal of Hepatology (40 manoscritti),
Hepatology (40 manoscritti),
Liver International (24 manoscritti),
Clinical and Developmental Immunology (23 manoscritti),
Autoimmune Diseases (19 manoscritti),
Experimental Biology & Medicine (19 manoscritti),
World Journal of Hepatology (18 manoscritti),
Gastroenterology (16 manoscritti),
BMC Gastroenterology (10 manoscritti),
Clinical Experimental Immunology (9 manoscritti),
Journal of Immunology (7 manoscritti),
Archives of Medical Sciences (6 manoscritti),
The Open Hepatology Journal (6 manoscritti),
Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics (5 manoscritti),
BMC Research Notes (5 manoscritti),
Clinica Chimica Acta (5 manoscritti),
Clinical & Experimental Medicine (5 manoscritti),
PLoS ONE (5 manoscritti),
Digestive Diseases and Sciences (4 manoscritti),
Human Immunology (4 manoscritti),
Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (4 manoscritti),
Clinical Gastroenterology & Hepatology (3 manoscritti),
Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (3 manoscritti),
Gut (3 manoscritti),
Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis (3 manoscritti),
American Journal of Case Reports (2 manoscritti),
American Journal of Gastroenterology (2 manoscritti),
Arthritis & Rheumatism (2 manoscritti),
Clinical Chemistry (2 manoscritti),
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (2 manoscritti),
Clinics & Research in Hepatology and Gastroenterology (2 manoscritti),
Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group (2 manoscritti),
European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology (2 manoscritti),
Hepatitis Research and Treatment (2 manoscritti),
Hepatology International (2 manoscritti),
International Journal of Hepatology (2 manoscritti),
International Journal of Molecular Science (2 manoscritti),
Journal of Clinical Immunology (2 manoscritti),
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology (2 manoscritti),
Stem Cells (2 manoscritti),
Tissue Antigens (2 manoscritti),
-7World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery (2 manoscritti),
Acta Physiologica Scandinavica,
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology,
Annals of Hepatology,
BMC Bioinformatics,
BMC Genetics,
BMC Medicine,
BMC Pediatrics,
Cellular Immunology,
Cellular & Molecular Immunology,
Clinical Science,
Comprehensive Physiology,
Current Cancer Therapy Reviews,
Drug Design,
Development and Therapy,
Drug Discovery Today,
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,
Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostic,
European Journal of Internal Medicine,
Gynecology & Obstretics,
Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition,
Human Genetics,
Immunological Investigations,
International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology,
International Journal of Cancer,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,
International Journal of General Medicine,
International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology,
Journal of Autoimmune Disease,
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine,
Journal of Endocrinological Investigation,
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Journal of Nephrology,
Molecular Immunology,
Nature Reviews in Gastroenterology and Hepatology,
Scientific Reports,
Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
Transplant International,
Transplant Immunology,
UPSALA Journal of Medical Sciences,
Virologica Sinica,
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology,
World Journal of Surgical Procedures
World Journal of Translational Medicine.
Revisore di abstracts inviati a congressi di società scientifiche
European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) nel 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF) nel 2000, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
2014, 2015, 2016.
Federazione Italiana Malattie Digestive (FISMAD) nel 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.
Revisore di progetti di ricerca scientifica
Commissione Europea - Settimo programma quadro (2007-2013), Bruxelles, Belgio
Bando “Rare Diseases Topics. 2.4.4-1” - FP7-HEALTH-2007-A
Bando “Other Chronic Diseases. 2.4.5” - FP7-HEALTH-2009-single stage
Bando - FP7-ICT for HEALTH-2010
Consorzio Europeo E-RARE (http://www.e-rare.eu/)
Bando 2007
Agenzia Nazionale Francese per la Ricerca (FANR), Francia
Bando GENOPAT 2008
Bando GENOPAT 2009
Bando “Non-thematic” e “Young researchers” 2010
Bando “Non-thematic” e “Young researchers” 2011
Bando 2015
Ministero Tedesco per l’Educazione e la Ricerca (BMBF), Germania
The Danish Council for Independent Research | Medical Sciences (FSS), Danimarca
Bando aprile 2010
Romanian National Council for Research and Development, Romania
Bando maggio 2012
Università Sud di Parigi, Francia
Bando febbraio 2012
The Wellcome Trust, UK
Bando febbraio 2012
Bando aprile 2014
The Isaac Newton Trust, UK
Bando Febbraio 2011
Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO), Belgio
Bando luglio 2012
Bando giugno 2014 “New research project proposal”
Dutch Arthritis Association (Reumafonds), Danimarca
Bando 2012
MRC Stratified Medicine
Bando 2013
Bando STRATAGEN 2013
Bando STRATAGEN 2013
Bando Ministero Ricerca 2014
Facoltà di Medicina, Università Goethe di Francoforte, Germania
Procedura per l’assegnazione di titolo di Professore “Auberplanmabiger” – ottobre 2014
BSPGHAN/Core Development Award 2015, UK
Bando 2015
Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca MIUR - CINECA
Bando PRIN 2009
Bando Futuro in Ricerca 2009
Revisore dell'Agenzia Nazionale per la Valutazione del sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR) 2012
Università degli Studi di Padova
Bando “Progetto Giovani” aprile 2011
Bando “Progetti di Ricerca” ottobre 2011
Organizzazione di congressi scientifici:
Symposium “Sex chromosomes and Autoimmunity”, Third Annual Meeting of the Organization for the study
of sex differences (OSSD), Toronto, Canada, 4-6 giugno 2009.
• Workshop “Liver Immunology”, 15th International Congress of Immunology, Milano, 22-27 agosto 2013.
• Monothematic Conference: Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC) of the European Association for the Study of the
E&EventCode=MM2014), Rozzano (Milano), 23-24 maggio 2014.
• Sino-Italian Liver Conference 2014 – “Therapeutic use of bile acids. Past, present, and future”, Rozzano
(Milano), 3 ottobre 2014.
• “d-LIVER: Showcase Workshop 2015” (http://www.d-liver.eu/showcase2015/), Rozzano (Milano), 27 maggio
• First Joint meeting “Liver Immunology”, Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF) e Società
Italiana Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica, e Allergologia (SIICA), Rozzano (Milano), 5-7 dicembre 2012.
Gruppi di lavoro/studio
2009 – oggi
2010 – oggi
2010 – oggi
2011 – 2013
Membro della Commissione dell’European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), su “Linee
guida sulla gestione clinica delle malattie colestatiche – Clinical Practice Guidelines on the
Management of Cholestatic Liver Diseases”.
Membro dell’International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group (IAIHG), Londra, UK.
Membro dell’International Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Group (IPSCG)
Membro dell’External Advisory Board Panel per un progetto della Commissione Europea (FP7-ICT
for HEALTH-2010)
Membro della Commissione dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF) “La colestasi”
Membro della Commissione AISF “Malattie rare in epatologia”
Membro della Commissione AISF “Commissione Consultiva sugli indicatori di outcome in epatologia”
Membro della Commissione AISF “Colangiocarcinoma”
Membro del Comitato di esperti della Rete Oncologica Lombarda (ROL) sul trattamento del
Colangiocarcinoma (Adenocarcinoma ad origine dalle vie biliari)
Membro del Comitato di esperti della Regione Lombardia sulla Colangite Sclerosante Primitiva (CSP) col
compito di definire il Percorso Clinico Terapeutico ed Assistenziale (PDTA) per questa malattia rara.
Relazioni su invito
• “Hot topics in primary biliary cirrhosis”. First Symposium, “Autoimmune liver diseases”, of the Guangdong
Association of Hepatology, Guangzhou, Cina, 3 giugno 2006.
• “Genetic factors in primary biliary cirrhosis”. Invited lecture at the Tohoku medical Society, Tohoku University,
Sendai, Giappone, 26 settembre 2006.
• “Genetic factors in primary biliary cirrhosis: which role for sex chromosomes”. Invited lecture at the Teikyo
University, Tokyo, Giappone, 27 settembre 2006.
• “Sex chromosomes and autoimmune liver diseases”. The 5th JSH Single topic Conferences, Nagasaki,
Giappone, 29-30 settembre 2006.
• “The X chromosome in female predominant autoimmune diseases”. 5th International Congress on
Autoimmunity, Sorrento (Napoli), 29 novembre-3 dicembre 2006.
• “Sex chromosomes defects in autoimmune cholangiopaties”. Invited lecture at the Central Texas Veterans
Health Care System and Scott & White and the Texas A&M University System Health Science Center, College of
Medicine, Temple, Texas, USA, 8 novembre 2007.
• “ANAs and liver diseases”. VIth Menarini Autoimmunity Day: “Predictive, protective, orphan autoantibodies:
how to bridge the bench to the bedside”, Berlino, Germania, 18-19 novembre 2007.
- 10 •
“PBC-specific anti-nuc lear antibodies (ANA)”. European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
Monothematic Conference “Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC)”, Newcastle, UK, 2-4 dicembre 2007.
• Moderatore sessione “Primary biliary cirrhosis, autoimmune hepatitis”. 6th International Congress on
Autoimmunity, Porto, Portogallo, 10-14 settembre 2008.
• Moderatore sessione conclusiva del meeting. 1st Pan-Pacific Immune Liver Disease Marathon, 2008, San
Francisco, California, USA, 4 novembre 2008.
• “ANAs, AMAs and beyond in liver diseases”. First Seminar in Autoimmunity; Biocant Park, Cantanhede,
Portogallo, 22 aprile 2009.
• “X chromosome defects in autoimmune diseases”. Organization for the study of sex differences OSSD Annual
meeting, Toronto, Canada, 4-6 giugno 2009.
• Moderatore sessione “Pathogenesis of PSC I”. European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL)
Monothematic Conference “Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC)”, Oslo, Norvegia, 21-23 giugno 2009.
• “Clinical significance of antinuclear antibodies in autoimmune liver diseases”. 4° Workshop – Diagnostico
Laboratorial em Autoimmunidade, Lisbon, Portogallo, 16 novembre 2009.
• “Immune-mediated bile duct diseases - Case presentation”. European Association for the Study of the Liver
(EASL) Postgraduate Course on “Cholestatic diseases of the liver and bile ducts”, The International Liver
Congress 2011, Berlino, Germania, 30 marzo-3 aprile 2011.
• “Serum autoantibodies in autoimmune liver diseases”. Immunology Meeting, Nanjing, Cina, 6-11 maggio
• “Primary biliary cirrhosis: a paradigmatic model of autoimmune disease” (Lettura Magistrale). 9th Annual
National Congress, Tunisian Society of Immunology, Hammamet, Tunisia, 13-15 maggio 2011.
• “Primary biliary cirrhosis as a paradigmatic model of autoimmune and inflammatory disease”. Cancer
Immunotherapeutics and Tumor Immunology Beckman Research Institute, City of Hope, Duarte, California,
USA, 10 novembre 2011.
• “Primary biliary cirrhosis”. 4th Congress of Internal Medicine of Central Greece, Larisssa, Grecia, 29-31 marzo
• “X-linked gene dosage and autoimmunity: too little or too much”. “Sex, gender, and autoimmunità through
the lifespan” scientific colloquium of the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA),
Clinical Immunology Society (CIS) 2012 Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 7 maggio 2012.
• “Genome-wide association studies in liver autoimmunity”. 2012 International Symposium on Epigenetics and
Autoimmunity, Changsha, Cina, 26-27 ottobre 2012.
• “Genome-wide association studies in liver autoimmunity”. Meeting of the Guangdong Association of
Hepatology, Guangzhou, Cina, 29 ottobre 2012.
• “Novelties in primary biliary cirrhosis”. Seminar at the Institute for Liver and Digestive Health, Royal Free
Hospital, University College of London, London, UK, 17 aprile 2013.
• Moderatore Workshop dell’International Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis Study Group (IPSCSG), European
Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), Amsterdam, Olanda, 24 aprile 2013.
• “Recent advances in the genetics of PBC. What will it bring us?”. Cholestatic Liver Disease Symposium. Dutch
Cholestatic Liver DIsease Study Group, Amsterdam, Olanda. 25 aprile 2013
• “Primary biliary cirrhosis: A comprehensive overview of the research being performed in Milan“. Primary
Biliary Cirrhosis Symposium, Honolulu, Hawai, USA, 4 maggio 2013.
• “Genome-wide association studies in primary biliary cirrhosis” (Lettura Magistrale). Annual Meeting Japanese
Society of Hepatology, Tokyo, Giappone, 6 giugno 2013.
• “Recent progress in genetics and epigenetics of PBC”. Workshop “Liver Immunology”, 15th International
Congress of Immunology, Milano, 22-27 agosto 2013.
• “Recent progress in genetics and epigenetics of primary biliary cirrhosis”. Satellite Symposium “Primary biliary
cirrhosis: genetics, pathogenesis and Therapy of a Prototypic Autoimmune Disease”, 15th International
Congress of Immunology, Milano 25 agosto 2013.
• “Genetics in Primary Biliary Cirrhosis in the GWAS era”. 12th Medinterna International meeting – Cutting edge
Autoimmunity, Porto, Portogallo, 27-28 marzo-1 marzo 2014.
- 11 “The genetic basis of autoimmunity”. 9th International Congress on Autoimmunity, Nizza, Francia, 26-30
marzo 2014.
• “Management of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Could we get more from Bile Acids?”. Liver Cholestasis Symposium,
Shanghai, Cina, 9 maggio 2014.
• “Management of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Could we get more from Bile Acids?”. Meeting “Advances in
diagnosis and treatment of hepatobiliary diseases”, Beijing, Cina, 11 maggio 2014.
• “Epigenetic of primary biliary cirrhosis”. European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Monothematic
Conference: Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC), Rozzano (Milano), 23-24 maggio 2014.
• “Genetics and epigenetics of primary biliary cirrhosis”. Shanghai International Conference of
Gastroenterology (SICG), Shanghai, Cina, 29-31 agosto 2014.
• “Management of primary biliary cirrhosis. Could we get more from bile acids? Sino-Italian Liver Conference
2014 – “Therapeutic use of bile acids. Past, present, and future”, Rozzano (Milano), 3 ottobre 2014.
• Moderatore “East-West Association Liver Tumors (EWALT) Meeting”, Rozzano (Milano), 22-24 gennaio 2015.
• “Cirrosi biliare primitiva: patofisiologia e trattamento”. Seminari Epatocentro Ticino. Lugano, Svizzera, 5
febbraio 2015.
• “Geoepidemiology, genetic and environmental risk factors for primary biliary cirrhosis”. Falk Symposium 197:
Autoimmune Liver Diseases, Lisbona, Portogalllo, 8-9 maggio 2015.
• “Role of autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis”, EUROMEDLAB Meeting, Parigi, Francia, 21-25 giugno 2015.
• Moderatore/Esperto “CASyM workshop concept. Endocrine, Metabolic and Digestive disorders: Challenges and
Opportunities of a system medicine approach”, Genova, 5-7 luglio 2015.
• “Primary biliary cirrhosis: molecular interrogation of single cells“. Finding the Cure: Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Meeting, Reykjavík, Islanda, 26-28 luglio 2015.
• “Serum micro RNA in autoimmune liver diseases”. European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) and
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) Monothematic Meeting: Autoimmune Hepatitis,
Londra, UK, 3-7 settembre 2015.
• “Novel treatments targeting immune-related mechanisms in PBC”. American Association for the Study of Liver
Diseases (AASLD) Liver Meeting. Special Interest group (SIG) “New treatments of Cholestatic and Biliary
Disorders: Pediatric and Adult Populations”, San Francisco, USA, 13-19 novembre 2015.
• “Update on Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: Current and Novel Therapeutic Approaches and Trial Endpoints”. American
Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) Liver Meeting. Early Morning Workshop, San Francisco, USA,
13-19 novembre 2015.
• “Immunopatogenesi delle colangiopatie autoimmuni”. Biliary Club. “Brainstorming sulle malattie delle vie
biliari”, Siena, 5-6 giugno 1998.
• “Clinical and pathogenic significance of autoantibodies against protein complexes of nuclear pore,
nucleoporin p62 and glycoprotein GP210 in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis". Biliary Club.
Phisiopatology and therapy of hepatobiliary diseases. Update on basic and clinical research”, Sabaudia
(Latina), 10-11 settembre 1999.
• “Citochine e danno colestatico: citochine favorenti il danno”. Riunione Monotematica dell’Associazione
Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF). Fisiopatologia del danno epatico. Implicazioni diagnostiche e
terapeutiche”, Ancona, 4-5 ottobre 2001.
• “Nuovi sviluppi sulla genetica della CBP”. Riunione della “Sezione di Studio Scienze di Base” nell’ambito del IX
Congresso Nazionale delle Malattie Digestive, Firenze, 22-25 ottobre 2002.
• “Cromosoma X ed autoimmunità”. Seminario nell’ambito dei “Seminari di biologia cellulare, molecolare di
clinica in Reumatologia”, Università Cattolica Sacro Cuore, Roma, 29 marzo 2006.
• “UPDATE su cirrosi biliare primitiva”. Corso post-congressuale AIGO-SIGE - “Hot Topics in Gastroenterologia”,
Palermo, 3 ottobre 2007.
• “Malattie epatiche rare: Malattie autoimmuni”. Aggiornamenti in Gastroenterologia - “Recenti Progressi in
Epatologia”, Treviso, 14 dicembre 2007.
- 12 2008
• “Antinuclear antibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis”. Simposio “The basics of cholestatic liver diseases”,
Milano, 22 aprile 2008.
• “Management of primary sclerosing cholangitis and primary biliary cirrhosis”. 2008 Annual Meeting of the
European Association of Study of Liver (EASL), Milano, 23-27 aprile 2008.
• “Inquadramento clinico e patogenetico delle colangiopatie autoimmuni”. 1° Evento congiunto SIBioC-SIMel,
Simposio Educazionale “Nuove acquisizioni nella diagnostica clinica e di laboratorio della cirrosi biliare
primitiva”, Rimini, 28 ottobre 2008.
• Moderatore Meeting “Hot Topics in Hepatology”, Como, 22 novembre 2008.
• Moderatore sessione “Colestasi in gravidanza”. XI Corso di Formazione Triregionale FISMAD - “Controversie e
novità in gastroenterologia”, Stresa, 28-29 novembre 2008.
• “Update on Primary Biliary Cirrhosis”. 3° Giornate Gastroenterologiche Cuneesi, Vicoforte (Cuneo), 19-20
febbraio 2010.
• “Primary Biliary Cirrhosis” (Young Investigator Lecture). 2010 Meeting of the Italian Association for the Study
of Liver (AISF), Roma, 24-27 febbraio 2010.
• “Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: Genetics and Immunopathogenesis”. Italian Association for the Study of Liver (AISF)
Riunione Monotematica “Le patologie delle vie biliari intra-epatiche ed extra-epatiche”, Roma, 7-8 ottobre
• “Cirrosi biliare primitiva: una malattia della donna”. Fegato al femminile - II Riunione Monotematica
Associazione Epatologi Sardi, Cagliari 26-27 novembre 2010.
• “Cirrosi biliare primitiva: dall’epidemiologia alla clinica”. Convegno di epatologia “Malattie Croniche di Fegato:
non solo virus, non solo alcool”, Palermo, 12 marzo 2011.
• “Una nuova visione clinica per la diagnostica delle epatopatie autoimmuni”. “Up dates in Immunologia
diagnostica e clinica”, Modena, 7-8 aprile 2011.
• “Cirrosi biliare primitiva: cosa devo fare quando l’urso non basta?”. Liver Club, Milano, 11 ottobre 2011.
• “La colestasi: L’iter diagnostico”. IV Corso Nazionale Associazione Italiana Gastroenterologi & Endoscopisti
Digestivi Ospedalieri (AIGO). “Il buon uso delle risorse diagnostiche e terapeutiche in gastroenterologia ed
epatologia”, Varese, 1 dicembre 2011.
• “Le epatopatie autoimmuni”. Corso Instrumentation Laboratory. “Le patologie autoimmuni del tratto gastroenterico: le esigenze del clinico e le risposte del laboratorio”, Milano, 15 dicembre 2011.
• “Cirrosi biliare primitive: patogenesi, clinica e terapia”. Second joint meeting “Colestasi, epatopatie
autoimmuni e non solo..”, Grandate (Como), 4 febbraio 2012.
• “La cirrosi biliare primitiva”. III Congresso Nazionale della Federazione delle Società Italiane di Immunologia,
Allergologia ed Immunologia Clinica (IFIACI): “L’allergologia e immunologia del terzo millenio: from bedside to
bench, dalla clinica alla proteomica”, Verona, 2-5 maggio 2012.
• “Novelties in primary biliary cirrhosis”. Seminari del Centro di Ricerca, Trasferimento ed Alta Formazione,
Università degli studi di Firenze, Firenze, 4 settembre 2012.
• “Ruolo del genome-wide studies nella definizione delle malattie epatiche autoimmuni”. VIII Convegno
Nazionale “Aggiornamenti in Gastroenterologia ed Epatologia”, Verona, 15-16 ottobre 2012.
• “Inquadramento e gestione clinica delle Malattie epatiche autoimmuni”. Convegno Multimedica “Nuovi e
vecchi biomarkers per l’autoimmunità epatica”, Sesto San Giovanni (Milano), 24 ottobre 2012.
• “Gender differences in autoimmune liver diseases”. Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF)Società Italiana Immunologia, Immunologia Clinica, e Allergologia (SIICA) Joint meeting “Liver Immunology”,
Rozzano (Milano), 5-7 dicembre 2012.
• Moderatore Corso Clinico Patologico SIGE-AISF, Arezzo, 24-26 gennaio 2013.
• Moderatore Meeting annuale AISF, Roma, 20-21 febbraio 2013.
• “Serum autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis”. Meeting "Autoantibodies in autoimmune diseases:
pathogenic, predictive and/or protective?”, Novara, 21-22 marzo 2013.
• “Cirrosi biliare primitiva”. IV Convegno Regionale Associazione Epatologi Sardi, Alghero (Sassari), 17-18
maggio 2013.
• “Malattie reumatiche e fegato”. IV edizione “Meet the expert: Reumatologia 2013”, Rozzano (Milano), 24
maggio 2013.
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“Cirrosi biliare primitiva”. Incontro annuale Associazione Malattie Autoimmuni Epatiche (AMEA), Bologna, 7
ottobre 2013.
“Epatopatie autoimmuni: Prototipi di pazienti con cirrosi biliare primitiva”. Monotematica Associazione Italian
per lo Studio del Fegato (AISF) 2013 “Personalizzazione della Cura in Epatologia”, Pisa, 17-19 ottobre 2013.
“Autoimmune liver diseases”. Seminari di Gastroenterologia, Università “Federico II”, Napoli, 14 novembre
“Primary sclerosing cholangitis and autoimmune cholangiopaties”. International Meeting, “The liver: viruses,
autoimmunity, cancer”, Bari, 6-7 dicembre 2013.
• “Cirrosi biliare primitiva” (Lettura Magistrale). 10° Workshop “Hot topics in Hepatology” “La gestione dei
pazienti con epatite cronica virale: novità e prospettive”, Modena, 24-25 gennaio 2014.
• Journal Club “Randomized controlled trial of Entecavir prophylaxis for Rituximab-Associated hepatitis B virus
reactivation in patients with lymphoma and resolved hepatitis B (J Clin Oncol 2013 Aug 1;31(32):2765-72).
Grandangolo 2014. Multimorbidità e cancer survivors in oncologia ed ematologia. Due problematiche
emergenti, Milano, 14-15 aprile 2014.
• “Colangiopatie autoimmuni e sindromi overlap”. Seminari di Medicina Interna, Università Vita-Salute San
Raffaele, Milano, 29 maggio 2014.
• “Cirrosi Biliare e Colangite Sclerosante: facce della stessa medaglia?”. Corso di formazione in epatologia per
medici di medicina generale, Lamezia Terme (Catanzaro), 31 maggio 2014.
• “I meccanismi immunologici del danno epatico”. Monotematica Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato
(AISF) 2014 “Cirrosi Epatica”, Napoli, 9-11 ottobre 2014.
• Moderatore: Associazione Italiana Studio del Fegato (AISF) Annual Meeting, Roma, 19-20 febbraio 2015.
• “Primary biliary cirrhosis: from etiopathogenesis to therapy”. Istituto Nazionale Genetica Molecolare (INGM),
Milano, 24 marzo 2015.
• “Innate and adaptive immune response in liver diseases” Joint Meeting SIGE-AISF. 21° Congresso Nazionale delle
Malattie Digestive. Bologna, 25-28 marzo 2015.
• “Genetics factors of autoimmune liver diseases”. I Meeting della Gastroenterologia di Bologna “Malattie
Autoimmuni del Fegato”, Bologna, 12 ottobre 2015.
• “Malattie epatiche autoimmuni”. “Malattie epatiche: presente e futuro” Meeting, Carimate (Como), 28
novembre 2015.
• “Autoimmune Liver Diseases”. Società Italiana di Medicina Interna (SIMI) Meeting, Bari, 11 dicembre 2015.
• “Novel Treatment in primary biliary cirrhosis”. “The evolving concept of management and treatment of liver
diseases” Meeting, Rozzano (Milano), 13-14 dicembre 2015.
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Dic 2015- oggi
2008 – 2015
2001 – oggi
1996 – oggi
Professore Associato in Gastroenterologia, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca.
Professore a Contratto in Medicina Interna, Università degli Studi di Milano.
Lezioni presso la Università della California a Davis, California, USA, nell’ambito del corso di
Laurea in Medicina.
Lezioni nell’ambito di:
- Corsi elettivi per studenti di Medicina e Chirurgia (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Scuole di Specialità in Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia Digestiva (Università degli Studi di
Milano, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico Secondo, Università degli Studi di Pavia,
Università Vita e Salute San Raffaele)
- Scuole di Specialità in Medicina Interna (Università degli Studi di Milano)
- Scuola di Specialità in Malattie Infettive (Università degli Studi di Pavia)
- Scuole di Dottorato (Università degli Studi di Milano, Università degli Studi del Piemonte
Orientale, Università degli Studi di Firenze)
Attività tutoriale
1998 – 2008
2008 – oggi
2001 – oggi
Studenti di Medicina e Chirurgia presso il Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia, Odontoiatria,
Università degli Studi di Milano.
Studenti di Medicina e Chirurgia presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Traslazionale, Università degli
Studi di Milano.
Attività tutoriale presso la Università della California a Davis, California, USA.
Correlatore tesi di Laurea/Specialità/Dottorato di Ricerca
A.A. 2000/01
A.A. 2001/02
A.A. 2002/03
A.A. 2003/04
A.A. 2004/05
A.A. 2005/06
A.A. 2006/07
A.A. 2007/08
A.A. 2008/09
A.A. 2009/10
A.A. 2010/11
A.A. 2011/12
A.A. 2012/13
A.A. 2013/14
A.A. 2014/15
A.A. 2015/16
2 tesi in Medicina e Chirurgia - Università degli studi di Milano (UNIMI)
1 tesi in Medicina e Chirurgia - UNIMI
1 tesi in Scienze Biologiche - UNIMI
2 tesi in Medicina e Chirurgia - UNIMI
1 tesi in Medicina e Chirurgia - UNIMI
2 tesi in Medicina e Chirurgia - UNIMI
1 tesi in Medicina e Chirurgia - UNIMI
1 tesi di Specialità in “Medicina Interna” - UNIMI
1 tesi in Scienze Biologiche - UNIMI
3 tesi in Medicina e Chirurgia - UNIMI
1 tesi di Specialità in “Medicina Interna” - UNIMI
1 tesi in Medicina e Chirurgia - UNIMI
1 tesi in Medicina e Chirurgia - UNIMI
1 tesi in Biotecnologia - Università Vita e Salute San Raffaele
1 tesi di Dottorato in “Metodologia Clinica” - UNIMI
1 tesi di Specialità in “Medicina Interna” - UNIMI
1 tesi in Medicina e Chirurgia - UNIMI
1 tesi in Scienze Biologiche - UNIMI
1 tesi in Infermieristica - UNIMI
1 tesi in Biotecnologie - UNIMI
2 tesi in Biotecnologia - UNIMI
1 tesi di Specialità in “Medicina Interna” - UNIMI
1 tesi in Biologia Sperimentale e Applicata – Università di Pavia (UNIPV)
1 tesi di Specialità in “Gastroenterologia” - UNIMI
1 tesi di Biotecnologia – UNIMI
1 tesi di Biotecnologia – UNIMI
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Articoli originali su riviste indicizzate (peer-reviewed papers)
1. Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Setchell K.D.R, INVERNIZZI P, Covini G, Zuin M, Podda M.
Tauroursodeoxycholic acid for the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis: a dose-response
study. Digest Dis Sci 1996;41:809-815.
2. Larghi A, Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, De Valle G, Allocca M, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M.
Tauroursodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acids for the treatment of primary biliary
cirrhosis: a cross over study. Aliment Pharm Ther 1997;11:409-414.
3. INVERNIZZI P, Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Covini G, De Valle G, Larghi A, Zuin M, Podda
M. Comparison of the clinical features and clinical course of antimitochondrial antibodypositive and negative primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology 1997;25:1090-1095.
4. INVERNIZZI P, Salzman AL, Ueta I, O’Connor M, Szabó C, Setchell KDR. Ursodeoxycholic
acid inhibits the induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase in human intestinal epithelial
cells. Am J Physiol-Gastr.L. 1997;273:G131-G138.
5. INVERNIZZI P, Battezzati PM, Crosignani A, Zermiani P, Bignotto M, Del Papa N. Zuin M,
Podda M. Antibody to carbonic anhydrase II is present in primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC)
irrespective of antimitochondrial antibody status. Clin Exp Immunol 1998;114:448-454.
6. INVERNIZZI P, Setchell KDR, Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Larghi A, O’Connell N, Podda M.
Differences in the metabolism and disposition of ursodeoxycholic acid and of its taurineconjugated species in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology 1999;29;320327.
7. Crosignani A, INVERNIZZI P, Ferrari R, Manzin A, Bruno S, Zuin M, Bianchi FB, Podda M.
Exacerbation of chronic hepatitis D during interferon alpha administration. Ital J
Gastroenterol Hepatol (Digest Liver Dis) 1999;31:66-69.
8. INVERNIZZI P, De Andreis C, Sirchia SM, Battezzati PM, Zuin M, Rossella F, Perego F,
Bignotto M, Simoni G, Podda M. Blood fetal microchimerism in primary biliary cirrhosis.
Clin Exp Immunol 2000;122:418-422.
9. INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Battezzati PM, Crosignani A, Zuin M, Hitchman E., Maggioni M,
Meroni PL, Penner E, Wesierska-Gadek J. Autoantibodies against nuclear pore complexes
are associated with more active and severe liver disease in primary biliary cirrhosis. J
Hepatol 2001;34:366-372.
10. Battezzati PM, Zuin M, Crosignani A, Allocca M, INVERNIZZI P, Selmi C, Villa E, Podda M.
Ten-year combination treatment with colchicine and ursodeoxycholic acid for primary
billiary cirrhosis: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on symptomatic patients.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2001;15:1427-1434.
11. INVERNIZZI P, Biondi ML, Battezzati PM, Perego F, Selmi C, Cecchini F, Podda M, Simoni
G. Presence of fetal DNA in maternal plasma decedes after pregnancy. Hum Genet
12. Longo M, Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Squarcia Giussani C, INVERNIZZI P, Zuin M, Podda
M. Hyperlipidemic state and cardiovascular risk in primary biliary cirrhosis. Gut
13. INVERNIZZI P, Battezzati PM, Crosignani A, Perego F, Poli F, Morabito A, Espadas De Arias
A, Scalamogna M, Zuin M, Podda M. Peculiar HLA polymorphisms in Italian patients with
primary biliary cirrhosis. J Hepatol 2003;38:401-406.
14. Botrè F, Botrè C, Podestà E, Podda M, INVERNIZZI P. Effect of anti-carbonic anhydrase
antibodies on carbonic anhydrase I and II. Clin Chem 2003;49:1221-1223.
15. Selmi C, Zuin M, Biondi ML, INVERNIZZI P, Battezzati PM, Bernini M, Meda F, Gershwin
ME, Podda M. Genetic variants of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase in patients with
primary biliary cirrhosis: Association with disease severity. J Gastroen Hepatol
16. Selmi C, Balkwill DL, INVERNIZZI P, Ansari AA, Coppel R.L, Podda M, Leung P, Kenny TP,
Van de Water J, Kurth MJ, Nantz MH, Gershwin ME. Patients with primary biliary
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cirrhosis react against a ubiquitous xenobiotic metabolizing bacterium. Hepatology
Abu-Mouch S, Selmi C, Benson GD, Kenny TP, INVERNIZZI P, Zuin M, Podda M, Rossaro L,
Gershwin ME. Geographic clusters of primary biliary cirrhosis. Clin Dev Immunol
Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Tripputi P, Battezzati PM, Bignotto M, Zuin M, Crosignani A,
Podda M. T-cell receptor polymorphism in primary biliary cirrhosis: a case control study.
Ann Ital Med Int/Intern Emerg Med 2003;18:149-53.
INVERNIZZI P, Miozzo M, Battezzati PM, Bianchi I, Grati FR, Simoni G, Selmi C, Watnik M,
Gershwin ME, Podda M. The frequency of monosomy X in women with primary biliary
cirrhosis. Lancet 2004;363:533-535.
Selmi C, Mayo MJ, Bach N, Ishibashi H, INVERNIZZI P, Gish R.G, Gordon ST, Wright HI,
Zweiban B, Podda M, Gershwin ME. Primary biliary cirrhosis in monozygotic and
dizygotic twins: genetics, epigenetics, and environment. Gastroenterology
Selmi C, Ross S, Ansari AA, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Coppel RL, Gershwin ME. Lack of
immunological or molecular evidence for a role of mouse mammary tumor retrovirus in
primary biliary cirrhosis. Gastroenterology 2004;127:493-501.
Olafsson S, Gudjonsson H, Selmi C, Amano K, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Gershwin ME. Antimitochondrial antibodies and reactivity to N.aromaticivorans proteins in Icelandic
patients with primary biliary cirrhosis and relatives. Am J Gastroenterol 2004;99:21432146.
Alvaro D, INVERNIZZI P, Onori P, Franchitto A, Ginanni-Corradini S, De Santis A,
Crosignani A, Maggioni M, Mancino MG, Attili A, Podda M, Gaudio E. Estrogen receptors
in cholangiocytes and the progression of primary biliary cirrhosis. J Hepatol 2004;41:905912.
Selmi C, Kimura Y, Leung PSC, Mao TK, Schauer J, Watnik M, Kuriyama S, Nishioka M,
Ansari AA, Coppel R, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Gershwin ME. Genetic polymorphisms
influencing xenobiotic metabolism and transport in patients with primary biliary
cirrhosis. Hepatology 2005;41:55-63.
Kikuchi K, Lian ZX, Kimura Y, Selmi C, Yang GX, Gordon ST, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M,
Coppel RL, Ansari AA, Ikehara S, Miyakawa H, Gershwin ME. Genetic polymorphisms of
toll-like receptor 9 influence the immune response to CpG and contribute to hyper-IgM
in primary biliary cirrhosis. J Autoimmun 2005;24:347-352.
INVERNIZZI P, Miozzo M, Selmi C, Persani L, Battezzati PM, Zuin M, Lucchi S, Meroni PL,
Marasini B, Zeni S, Watnik M, Grati FR, Simoni G, Gershwin ME, Podda M. X chromosome
monosomy: a common mechanism for autoimmune diseases. J Immunol 2005;175:575578.
Rieger R, Oertelt S, Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Gershwin ME. Decreased serum
leptin levels in primary biliary cirrhosis: A link between metabolism and autoimmunity.
Ann NY Acad Sci 2005;1051:211-207.
Oertelt S, INVERNIZZI P, Selmi C, Podda M, Gershwin ME. Soluble CD40L in Plasma of
Patients with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. Ann NY Acad Sci 2005;1051:205-210.
Ceni E, Mello T, Tarocchi M, Crabb DW, Caldini A, INVERNIZZI P, Surrenti C, Milani S, Galli
A. Antidiabetic thiazolidinediones induce ductal differentiation but not apoptosis in
pancreatic cancer cells. World J Gastroentero 2005;11:1122-1130.
Oertelt S, Kenny TP, Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Gershwin ME. SNP analysis of
genes implicated in T cell proliferation in primary biliary cirrhosis. Clin Dev Immunol
Wesierska-Gadek J, Penner E, Battezzati PM, Selmi C, Zuin M, Hitchman E, Worman HJ,
Gershwin ME, Podda M, INVERNIZZI P. Correlation of initial autoantibody profile and
clinical outcome in primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology 2006;43:1135-1144.
Oertelt S, Rieger R, Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Ansari AA, Coppel RL, Podda M, Leung PSC,
Gershwin ME. A sensitive bead assay for antimitochondrial antibodies: chipping away at
AMA negative primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology 2007;45:659-665.
INVERNIZZI P, Turin L, Woodcock M, Grati FR, Riva F, Tribbioli G, Laible G. Bovine fetal
microchimerism in normal and embryo transfer pregnancies and its implications for
biotechnology applications in cattle. Biotechnol J 2007;2:486-491.
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34. Turin L, Tribbioli G, INVERNIZZI P, Grati FR, Woodcock M, Riva F, Labile G. Fetal
microchimerism in normal and embryo transfer bovine pregnancies. Vet Res Commun
2007;31 (suppl. 1):205-207.
35. Miozzo M, Selmi C, Gentilin B, Sirchia S, Oertelt S, Zuin M, Gershwin ME, Podda M.,
INVERNIZZI P. Preferential X chromosome loss but random inactivation characterize
primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology 2007;46:456-462.
36. INVERNIZZI P, Miozzo M, Oertelt-Prigione S, Meroni PL, Persani L, Selmi C, Battezzati PM,
Zuin M, Lucchi L, Marasini B, Zeni S, Tabano S, Maitz S, Pasini S, Gershwin ME, Podda M.
X monosomy in female systemic lupus erythematosus. Ann NY Acad Sci 2007;1110:8491.
37. Alvaro D, Macarri G, Mancino M.G, Marzioni M, Franchitto A, Onori P, Ginani-Corradini S,
Attili AF, INVERNIZZI P, Gaudio E, Benedetti A. Seum and biliary insulin-like growth factor
I and vascular endothelial growth factor in determining the cause of obstructive
cholestasis. Ann Intern Med 2007;147:451-459.
38. Selmi C, Gershwin ME, Lindor KD, Worman HJ, Gold EB, Watnik M, Utts J, INVERNIZZI P,
Kaplan MM, Vierling JM, Bowlus CL, Silveira MG., Bossi I, and the USA PBC Epidemiology
Group. Quality of life and everyday activities in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.
Hepatology 2007;46:1836-1843.
39. Wesierska-Gadek J, Klima A, Komina O, Ranftler C, INVERNIZZI P, Penner E.
Characterization of autoantibodies against components of the nuclear pore complexes.
High frequency of anti-p62 nucleoporin antibodies. Ann NY Acad Sci 2007;1109:519-530.
40. Oertelt-Prigione S, Mao TK, Selmi C, Tsuneyama K, Ansari AA, Coppel RL, INVERNIZZI P,
Podda M, Gershwin ME. Impaired indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase production contributes
to the development of autoimmunity in primary biliary cirrhosis. Autoimmunity
41. Zuin M, Giorgini A, Selmi C, Battezzati PM, Cocchi CA, Crosignani C, Benetti A, INVERNIZZI
P, Podda M. Acute liver and renal failure during treatment with buprenorphine at
therapeutic dose. Digest Liver Dis 2009 Jul;41(7):e8-e10. Epub 2008 Feb 21.
42. Wesierska-Gadek J, Klima A, Komina O, Ranftler C, INVERNIZZI P, Penner E.
Characterization of the antibodies to p62 nucleoporin in primary biliary cirrhosis using
human recombinant antigen. J Cell Biochem 2008;104:27-37.
43. INVERNIZZI P, Selmi C, Poli F, Frison S, Floreani A, Alvaro D, Almasio P, Rosina F, Marzioni
M, Fabris L, Muratori L, Qi L, Seldin MF, Gershwin ME, Podda M, and the Italian PBC
Genetic Study Group. Human leukocyte antigen polymorphisms in Italian primary biliary
cirrhosis: a multicenter study of 664 patients and 1992 healthy controls. Hepatology
44. Alpini G, INVERNIZZI P, Gaudio E, Ventre J, Copriva S, Bernuzzi F, Onori P, Franchitto A,
Alvaro D, Lee S, Marzioni M, DeMorrow S. Serotonin metabolism is dysregulated in
cholangiocarcinoma: implications for tumor growth. Cancer Res 2008;68:9184-9193.
45. Marzioni M, INVERNIZZI P, Candelaresi C, Maggioni M, Saccomanno S, Selmi C, Rychlicki
C, Cassani B, Miozzo M, Pasini S, Fava G, Alpini G, Benedetti A. Human
cholangiocarcinoma development is associated with dysregulation of opioidergic
modulation of cholangiocyte growth. Digest Liver Dis 2009;41:523-533.
46. Lleo A, Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Coppel RL, Mackay IR, Gores G.J, Ansari AA, Van
de Water J, Gershwin ME. Apotopes and the biliary specificity of primary biliary cirrhosis.
Hepatology 2009;49:871-879.
47. Niro GA, Poli F, Andriulli A, Bianchi I, Bernuzzi F, Caliari L, Fontana R, Gioffreda D, Valvano
MR, Podda M, INVERNIZZI P. TNF-α polymorphisms in primary biliary cirrhosis: a
Northern and Southern Italian experience. Ann NY Acad Sci 2009;1173:557-563.
48. Tanaka A, Nezu S, Uegaki S, Kikuchi K, Shibuya A, Miyakawa H, Takahashi S, Bianchi I,
Zermiani P. Podda M, Ohira H, INVERNIZZI P*, Takikawa H*. Vitamin D receptor
polymorphisms are associated with increased susceptibility to primary biliary cirrhosis in
both Japanese and Italian populations. J Hepatol 2009;50;1202-1209.*Equally
49. Zhong B, Strnad P, Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Tao G-Z, Caleffi A, Chen M, Bianchi I, Podda M,
Pietrangelo A, Gershwin ME, Omary B. Keratin variants are over-represented in primary
biliary cirrhosis and associated with disease severity. Hepatology 2009;50:546-554.
50. Coufal M, INVERNIZZI P, Bernuzzi F, Frampton G, Alvaro D, Marzioni M, Battisti G,
- 18 -
Benedetti A, DeMorrow S. Increased local dopamine secretion has growth promoting
effects in cholangiocarcinoma. Int J Cancer 2010;126:2112-22.
Hov JR, Lleo A, Selmi C, Woldseth B, Fabris L, Strazzabosco M, Karlsen TH, INVERNIZZI P.
Genetic associations in Italian primary sclerosing cholangitis: Heterogeneity across
Europe defines a critical role for HLA-C. J Hepatol 2010;52:712-7.
Agmon-Levin N, Shapira Y, Selmi C, Barzilai O, Ram M, Szyper-Kravitz M, Sella S, Katz BS,
Youinou P, Renaudineau Y, Larida B, INVERNIZZI P, Gershwin ME, Shoenfeld Y. A
comprehensive evaluation of serum autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis. J
Autoimmun 2010;34:55-8.
Montali L, Tanaka A, Riva P, Takahashi H, Cocchi C, Ueno Y, Miglioretti M, Takikawa H,
Vecchio L, Frigerio A, Bianchi I, Jorgensen R, Lindor KD, Podda M, INVERNIZZI P, and the
Italian-Japanese PBC Study Group. A short version of a HRQoL questionnaire for Italian
and Japanese patients with PBC. Digest Liver Dis 2010;42:718-723.
Alvaro D, Bragazzi MC, Benedetti A, Fabris L, Fava G, INVERNIZZI P, Marzioni M, Nuzzo G,
Strazzabosco M, Stroffolini T. Cholangiocarcinoma in Italy: a national survey on clinical
characteristics, diagnostic modalities and treatment. Results from the
“cholangiocarcinoma” committee of the Italian Association for the Study of Liver
diseases. Digest Liver Dis 2011;43:60-65.
Lleo A, Bowlus CL, Yang GX, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Van de Water J, Ansari AA, Coppel
RL, Worman HJ, Gores GJ, Gershwin ME. Biliary apotopes and anti-mitochondrial
antibodies activate innate immune responses in primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology
Liu X*, INVERNIZZI P*, Lu Y, Kosoy R, Lu Y, Bianchi I, Podda M, Xu C, Xie G, Macciardi F,
Selmi C, Lupuli S, Shigeta R, Ransom M, Lleo A, Lee AT, Mason AL, Myers RP, Peltekian
KM, Ghent CN, Bernuzzi F, Zuin M, Italian Consortium for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Genetics ICPBCG, Gregersen PK, Heathcote EJ, Hirschfield GM, Siminovitch KA, Amos CI,
Gershwin ME, Seldin MF. Genome-wide meta-analyses identifies three loci associated
with primary biliary cirrhosis. Nat Genet 2010;42:658-60. *Equally contributed
Bernuzzi F, Fenoglio F, Battaglia F, Fravega M, Gershwin ME, Indiveri F, Ansari AA, Podda
M, INVERNIZZI P*, Filaci G*. Phenotypical and functional alterations of CD8 regulatory T
cells in primary biliary cirrhosis. J Autoimmun 2010;35:176-180. *Equally contributed
Denk GU, Maitz S, Wimmer R, Rust C, INVERNIZZI P, Ferinandusse S, Kulik W,
Fuchsbichler A, Fickert P, Trauner M, Hofmann AF, Beuers U. Taurine-conjugation is
essential for the anticholestatic effect of norursodeoxycholic acid in taurolithocholic
acid-induced cholestasis in rat liver. Hepatology 2010;52:1758-1768.
Liu H, Liu Y, Wang L, Xu D, Lin B, Zhong R, Gong S, Podda M, INVERNIZZI P. Prevalence of
primary biliary cirrhosis in adults referring hospital for annual health check-up in
Southern China. BMC Gastroenterology 2010;10:100.
Tanaka A, Kikuchi K, Nezu S, Shibuya A, Bianchi I, Podda M, INVERNIZZI P*, Takikawa H*.
Genetic polymorphism of FCRL3 is associated with susceptibility to primary biliary
cirrhosis in Japanese but not Italian patients. Tissue Antigens 2011;77:239-43. *Equally
Liu H, Norman GL, Shums Z, Worman HJ, Krawitt EL, Bizzaro N, Vergani D, Bogdanos DP,
Dalekos GN, Milkiewicz P, Czaja AJ, Heathcote EJ, Hirschfield GN, Tan EM, Miyachi K,
Bignotto M, Battezzati PM, Lleo A, Leung PS, Podda M, Gershwin ME, INVERNIZZI P. PBC
Screen: an IgG/IgA dual isotype ELISA detecting multiple mitochondrial and nuclear
autoantibodies specific for primary biliary cirrhosis. J Autoimmun 2010;35:436-442.
DeMorrow S, Onori P, Venter J, INVERNIZZI P, Frampton G, White M, Franchitto A,
Kopriva S, Bernuzzi F, Francis H, Coufal M, Glaser S, Alvaro D, Carpino G, Gaudio E, Alpini
G. Neuropeptide Y regulates cholangiocarcinoma cell growth and invasion by an
autocrine mechanism. Am J Physiol-Cell Ph 2011;300:C1078-C1089.
Tanaka A, INVERNIZZI P*, Ohira H, Kikuchi K, Nezu S, Shibuya A, Seldin MF, Gershwin ME,
Takikawa H*. Replicated association of 17q12-21 with susceptibility of primary biliary
cirrhosis in a Japanese cohort. Tissue Antigens 2011;77:239-243. *Equally contributed
Mitchell MM, Lleo A, Zammataro L, Mayo MJ, INVERNIZZI P, Bach N, Shimoda S, Gordon
S.C, Podda M, Gershwin ME, Selmi C, Lasalle JM. Epigenetic investigation of variably X
chromosome inactivated genes in monozygotic female twins discordant for primary
biliary cirrhosis. Epigenetics 2011;6:95-102.
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65. Montali L, Frigerio A, Riva P, INVERNIZZI P. “I will not behave as an ill person”: the illness
experience of women affected by Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (PBC). Psychol Health
66. Han Y, DeMorrow S, INVERNIZZI P, Jing Q, Glaser S, Renzi A, Meng F, Venter J, Bernuzzi F,
White M, Francis H, Lleo A, Marzioni M, Onori P, Alvaro D, Torzilli G, Gaudio E, Alpini G.
Melatonin exerts by an autocrine loop antiproliferative effects in cholangiocarcinoma; its
synthesis is reduced favoring cholangiocarcinoma growth. Am J Physiol-Gastr L
67. Rong G, Zhong R, Lleo A, Leung P.S, Bowlus CL, Yang CY, Coppel RL, Ansari AA, Cuebas
DA, Worman HJ, INVERNIZZI P, Gores GJ, Norman G, He XS, Gershwin ME. Epithelial cell
specificity and apotope recognition by serum autoantibodies in primary biliary cirrhosis.
Hepatology 2011;54:196-203.
68. Frampton G, INVERNIZZI P, Bernuzzi F, Pae HY, Quinn M, Horvat D, Galindo C, Huang L,
McMillin M, Cooper B, Rimassa L, DeMorrow S. Interleukin-6-driven progranulin
expression increases cholangiocarcinoma growth by an Akt dependent mechanism. Gut
69. Lleo A, liao J, INVERNIZZI P, Zhao M, Bernuzzi F, Ma L, Lanzi G, Ansari AA, Coppel RL,
Zhang P, Li Y, Zhou Z, Lu Q, Gershwin ME. Immunoglobulin M levels inversely correlate
with CD40 ligand promoter methylation in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.
Hepatology 2012:55:153-160.
70. Persani L, Bonomi M, Lleo A, Pasini S, Civardi F, Bianchi I, Campi I, Finelli P, Miozzo M,
Castronovo C, Sirchia S, Gershwin ME, INVERNIZZI P. Increased loss of the Y chromosome
in peripheral blood cells in male patients with autoimmune thyroiditis. J Autoimmunity
71. Bizzaro N, Covini G, Rosina F, Muratori P, Tonutti E, Villalta D, Pesente F, Alessio MG,
Tampoia M, Antico A, Platzgummer S, Porcelli B, Terzuoli L, Liguori M, Bassetti D, Brusca
I, Almasio PL, Tarantino G, Bonaguri C, Agostinisis P, Bredi E, Tozzoli R, INVERNIZZI P,
Selmi C. Overcoming a “probable” diagnosis in antimitochondrial antibody negative
primary biliary cirrhosis: study of 100 sera and review of the literature. Clin Rev Allergy
Immunol 2012;42:288-97.
72. Jin Q, Moritoki Y, Lleo A,Tsuneyama K, INVERNIZZI P, Moritoki H, Kikuchi K, Lian ZX,
Hirschfield GM, Ansari AA, Coppel RL, Gershwin ME, Niu J. Comparative analysis of portal
cell infiltrates in antimitochondrial antibody-positive versus antimitochondrial
autoantibody-negative primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology. 2012;55:1495-506.
73. INVERNIZZI P, Ransom M, Raychaudhuri S, Kosoy R, Lleo A, Shigeta R, Franke A, Bossa F,
Amos C.I, Gregersen PK, Siminovitch KA, Cusi D, de Bakker PI, Podda M, Gershwin ME,
Seldin MF, The Italian PBC Genetics Study Group. Classical HLA-DRB1 and DPB1 alleles
account for HLA associations with primary biliary cirrhosis. Genes Immun 2012
74. Gentilini A, Rombouts K, Galastri S, Caligiuri A, Mingarelli E, Mello T, Marra F, Mantero S,
Roncalli M, INVERNIZZI P*, Pinzani M*. Role of the Stromal-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) CXCR4 Axis in the Interaction Between Hepatic Stellate Cells and Cholangiocarcinoma. J
Hepatol 2012;57:813-20 *Equally contributed
75. Juran BD *, Hirschfield GM *, INVERNIZZI P *, Atkinson EJ, Li Y, Xie G, Kosoy R, Ransom
M, Sun Y, Bianchi I, Schlicht EM, Lleo A, Coltescu C, Bernuzzi F, Podda M, Lammert C,
Shigeta R, Chan LL, Balschun T, Marconi M, Cusi D, Heathcote EJ, Mason AL, Myers RP,
Milkiewicz P, Odin JA, Luketic VA, Bacon BR, Bodenheimer HC. Jr, Liakina V, Vincent C,
Levy C, Franke A, Gregersen PK, Bossa F, Gershwin ME, Deandrade M, Amos CI, The
Italian PBC Genetics Study Group, Lazaridis KN, Seldin MF, Siminovitch KA. Immunochip
analyses identify a novel risk locus for primary biliary cirrhosis at 13q14, multiple
independent associations at four established risk loci and epistasis between 1p31 and
7q32 risk variants. Hum Mol Genet 2012;21:5209-21. *Equally contributed
76. INVERNIZZI P, Alessio MG, Smyk DS, Lleo A, Sonzogni A, Fabris L, Candusso M, Bogdanos
DP, Iorio R, Torre G. Autoimmune hepatitis type 2 associated with an unexpected and
transient presence of primary biliary cirrhosis-specific antimitochondrial antibodies: a
case study and review of the literature. BMC Gastroenterol 2012;12:92.
77. Zingaretti C, Arigò M, Cardaci A, Moro M, Crosti M, Sinisi A, Cheroni C, Marabita F,
Bonnal RJP, Marcatili P, Zignego A.L, Muratori P, INVERNIZZI P, Colombatto P, Brunetto
- 20 -
M, Bonino F, De Francesco R, Geginat J, Pagani M, Muratori M, Abrignani S, Bombaci M.
Identification of new autoantigens by protein array suggests a role for IL4 neutralization
in Autoimmune Hepatitis. Mol Cell Proteomics 2012;11:1885-97.
Lleo A, Oertelt-Prigione S, Bianchi I, Caliari L, Finelli P, Miozzo M, Lazzari R, Floreani A,
Donato F, Colombo M, Gershwin ME, Podda M, INVERNIZZI P. Y chromosome loss in
male patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. J Autoimmun 2013;41:87-91.
Kar SP, Seldin MF, Chen W, Lu E, Hirschfield GM, INVERNIZZI P, Heathcote J, Cusi D;
Italian PBC Genetics Study Group, Gershwin ME, Siminovitch KA, Amos CI. Pathwaybased analysis of primary biliary cirrhosis genome-wide association studies. Genes
Immun 2013;14:179-86.
Ando Y, Yang GX, Kenny TP, Kawata K, Zhang W, Huang W, Leung PS, Lian ZX, Okazaki K,
Ansari AA, He XS, INVERNIZZI P, Ridgway WM, Lu Q, Gershwin ME. Overexpression of
microRNA-21 is associated with elevated pro-inflammatory cytokines in dominantnegative TGF-β receptor type II mouse. J Autoimmun 2013;41:111-9.
Liu JZ, Hov JR, Folseraas T, Ellinghaus E, Rushbrook SM, Doncheva NT, Andreassen OA,
Weersma RK, Weismüller TJ, Eksteen B, INVERNIZZI P, Hirschfield GM, Gotthardt DN,
Pares A, Ellinghaus D, Shah T, Juran BD, Milkiewicz P, Rust C, Schramm C, Müller T,
Srivastava B, Dalekos G, Nöthen MM, Herms S, Winkelmann J, Mitrovic M, Braun F,
Ponsioen CY, Croucher PJ, Sterneck M, Teufel A, Mason AL, Saarela J, Leppa V, Dorfman
R, Alvaro D, Floreani A, Onengut-Gumuscu S, Rich SS, Thompson WK, Schork AJ, Næss S,
Thomsen I, Mayr G, König IR, Hveem K, Cleynen I, Gutierrez-Achury J, Ricaño-Ponce I, van
Heel D, Björnsson E, Sandford RN, Durie PR, Melum E, Vatn MH, Silverberg MS, Duerr RH,
Padyukov L, Brand S, Sans M, Annese V, Achkar JP, Boberg KM, Marschall HU,
Chazouillères O, Bowlus CL, Wijmenga C, Schrumpf E, Vermeire S, Albrecht M; UK-PSCSC
Consortium; International IBD Genetics Consortium, Rioux JD, Alexander G, Bergquist A,
Cho J, Schreiber S, Manns MP, Färkkilä M, Dale AM, Chapman RW, Lazaridis KN;
International PSC Study Group, Franke A, Anderson CA, Karlsen TH. Dense genotyping of
immune-related disease regions identifies nine new risk loci for primary sclerosing
cholangitis. Nat Genet 2013;45:670-5.
Iborra M, Bernuzzi F, Correale C, Vetrano S, Fiorino G, Beltrán B, Marabita F, Locati M,
Spinelli A, Nos P, INVERNIZZI P, Danese S. Identification of serum and tissue micro-RNA
expression profiles in different stages of inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Exp Immunol
Castronovo C, Rossetti R, Rusconi D, Recalcati MP, Cacciatore C, Beccaria E, Calcaterra V,
INVERNIZZI P, Larizza D, Finelli P, Persani L. Gene dosage as a relevant mechanism
contributing to the determination of ovarian function in Turner syndrome. Hum Reprod
INVERNIZZI P, Bernuzzi F, Lleo A, Pozzoli V, Bignotto M, Zermiani P, Crosignani A,
Battezzati PM, Zuin M, Podda M, Raggi C. Telomere dysfunction in peripheral blood
mononuclear cells from patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Digest Liver Dis
Glaser S, Meng F, Han Y, Onori P, Chow BK, Francis H, Venter J, McDaniel K, Marzioni M,
INVERNIZZI P, Ueno Y, Lai JM, Huang L, Standeford H, Alvaro D, Gaudio E, Franchitto A,
Alpini G. Secretin stimulates biliary cell proliferation by regulating expression of
microRNA 125b and microRNA let7a in mice. Gastroenterology 2014;146:17951808.e12.
Zhang H, Liu Y, Bian Z, Huang S, Han X, You Z, Wang Q, Qiu D, Miao Q, Peng Y, Li X,
INVERNIZZI P, Ma X. The critical role of myeloid-derived suppressor cells and FXR
activation in immune-mediated liver injury. J Autoimmun 2014;53:55-66.
Lleo A, Zhang W, McDonald WH, Seeley EH, Leung PS, Coppel RL, Ansari AA, Adams DH,
Afford S, INVERNIZZI P, Gershwin ME. Shotgun proteomics: identification of unique
protein profiles of apoptotic bodies from biliary epithelial cells. Hepatology
Lammers WJ, van Buuren HR, Hirschfield GM, Janssen HLA, INVERNIZZI P, Mason AL,
Ponsioen CY, Floreani A, Corpechot C, Mayo MJ, Battezzati PM, Parés A, Nevens F,
Burroughs AK, Kowdley KV, Trivedi PJ, Kumagi T, Cheung A, Lleo A, Imam MH, Boonstra
K, Cazzagon N, Franceschet I, Poupon R, Caballeria L, Pieri G, Kanwar PS, Lindor KD,
Hansen BE, the Global PBC Study. Levels of alkaline phosphatase and bilirubin are
- 21 -
surrogate endpoints of outcomes of patients with primary biliary cirrhosis - an
international follow-up study. Gastroenterology 2014;147:1338-49.
Trivedi PJ, Lammers WJ, van Buuren HR, Parés A, Floreani A, Janssen HLA, INVERNIZZI P,
Battezzati PM, Ponsioen CY, Corpechot C, Poupon R, Mayo MJ, Burroughs AK, Nevens F,
Mason AL, Kowdley KV, Lleo A, Caballeria L, Lindor KD, Hansen BE, Hirschfield GM, the
Global PBC Study. Stratification of hepatocellular carcinoma risk in primary biliary
cirrhosis: A multi-centre international study. Gut 2015 Jan 7. pii: gutjnl-2014-308351.
doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2014-308351. [Epub ahead of print]
Tang R, Chen H, Miao Q, Bian Z, Ma W, Feng X, Seldin MF, INVERNIZZI P, Gershwin ME,
Liao W, Ma X. The cumulative effects of known susceptibility variants to predict primary
biliary cirrhosis risk. Genes Immun 2015;16:238.
Garetto S, Trovato AE, Lleo A, Sala F, Martini E, Betz AG, Norata GD, INVERNIZZI P,
Kallikourdis M. Peak inflammation in atherosclerosis, primary biliary cirrhosis and
autoimmune arthritis is counter-intuitively associated with regulatory T cell enrichment.
Immunobiology 2015;220:1025-9.
Floreani A, Motta R, Cazzagon N, Franceschet I, Roncalli M, Del Ross T, Rosina F, Lleo A,
Mescoli C, Colloredo G, INVERNIZZI P. The overlap syndrome between primary biliary
cirrhosis and primary sclerosing cholangitis: a report of three clinical cases and an update of the literature. Digest Liver Dis 2015;47:432-5.
Cordell HJ, Han Y, Li Y, Mells GF, Hirschfield GM, Greene CS, Xie G, Juran BD, Zhu D, Qian
DC, Floyd JAB, Morley KI, Prati D, Lleo A, Cusi D, Canadian-US PBC Consortium, Italian
PBC Genetics Study Group, UK-PBC Consortium, Gershwin ME, Anderson CA, Lazaridis
KN, INVERNIZZI P, Seldin MF, Sandford RN, Amos CI, Siminovitch KA. An international
genome-wide meta-analysis identifies new primary biliary cirrhosis risk loci and
highlights pathogenic pathways for drug targeting. Nat Commun 2015;6:8019. doi:
Lleo A, Zhao M, Tan Y, Zhang W, Bernuzzi F, Zhu B, Liu Q, Tan Q, Malinverno F, Valenti L,
Jiang T, Tan L, Liao W, Coppel R, INVERNIZZI P*, Lu Q*, Adams DH, Gershwin ME*, and
the PBC Epigenetic Study Group. DNA methylation profiling of the X chromosome reveals
an aberrant demethylation on CXCR3 promoter in primary biliary cirrhosis. Clin
Epigenetics 2015;7(1):61. doi: 10.1186/s13148-015-0098-9. eCollection 2015.*Equally
Peng A, Ke P, Zhao R, Lu X, Zhang C, Huang X, Tian G, Huang J, INVERNIZZI P, Chen Q,
Zhuang J. Elevated circulating CD14lowCD16+ monocyte subset in primary biliary
cirrhosis correlates with liver injury and promotes Th1 polarization. Clin Exp Med 2015
Sep 24. [Epub ahead of print]
Lammers WJ, Hirschfield GH, Coperchot C, Nevens F, Talkwalkar JA, Janssen HLA,
Floreani A, Ponsioen CY, Mayo MJ, INVERNIZZI P, Battezzati PM, Pares A, Burroughs AK,
Mason AL, Kowdley KV, Kumagi T, Harms MH, Trivedi PJ, Poupon R, Cheng A, Lleo A,
Lindor KD, Hansen BE, van Buuren HR, the Global PBC Study Group. Development and
validation of a scoring system to predict outcomes of patients with primary biliary
cirrhosis receiving ursodeoxycholic acid therapy. Gastroenterology 2015; Aug 7. pii:
S0016-5085(15)01094-X. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2015.07.061. [Epub ahead of print].
Zeuzem S, Flisiak R, Vierling JM, Mazur W, Mazzella G, Thongsawat S, Abdurakhmanov D,
Van Kính N, Calistru P, Heo J, Stanciu C, Gould M, Makara M, Hsu SJ, Buggisch P, Samuel
D, Mutimer D, Nault B, Merz M, Bao W, Griffel LH, Brass C, Naoumov NV; ESSENTIAL II
Study Group. Randomised clinical trial: alisporivir combined with peginterferon and
ribavirin in treatment-naïve patients with chronic HCV genotype 1 infection (ESSENTIAL
II). Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2015 Oct;42(7):829-44. doi: 10.1111/apt.13342. Epub 2015
Aug 4
Hudspeth K, Donadon M, Cimino M, Pontarini E, Tentorio P, Preti M, Hong M, Bertoletti
A, Bicciato S, INVERNIZZI P, Lugli E, Torzilli G, Eric Gershwin M, Mavilio D. Human liverresident CD56bright/CD16neg NK cells are retained within hepatic sinusoids via the
engagement of CCR5 and CXCR6 pathways. J Autoimmun 2015 Aug 29. pii: S08968411(15)30029-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jaut.2015.08.011. [Epub ahead of print].
Hirschfield GM, Gershwin ME, Strauss R, Mayo MJ, Levy C, Zou B, Johanns J, Nnane IP,
Dasgupta B, Li K, Selmi C, Marschall H-U, Jones D, Lindor KH, for the PURIFI Study Group.
Ustekinumab for patients with primary biliary cirrhosis who have an inadequate
- 22 -
response to Ursodeoxycholic Acid: a proof-of-concept study. Hepatology 2015 Nov 24.
doi: 10.1002/hep.28359. [Epub ahead of print]
Varchetta S, Mele D, Lombardi A, Oliviero B, Mantovani S, Tinelli C, Spreafico M,
Prati D, Ludovisi S, Ferraioli G, Filice C, Aghemo A, Lampertico P, Bernuzzi F, INVERNIZZI
P, Mondelli M. Sialic-acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectin-7 as a biomarker of liver
inflammation and fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C. Gut 2015 Dec 16. pii: gutjnl-2015310327. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2015-310327. [Epub ahead of print]
Selmi C, Ceribelli A, Generali E, Scirè CA, Alborghetti F, Colloredo G, Porrati L,
Achenza MIS, De Santis M, Cavaciocchi F, Massarotti M, Isailovic N, Paleari V, INVERNIZZI
P, Matthias T, Zucchi A, Meroni PL. Serum antinuclear and extractable nuclear antigen
antibody prevalence and associated morbidity and mortality in the general population
over 15 years. Autoimmun Rev 2016 Feb;15(2):162-6.
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Reviews ed editoriali su riviste indicizzate (peer-reviewed papers)
Crosignani A, Setchell KDR, INVERNIZZI P, Larghi A, Rodrigues C, Podda M. Clinical
pharmacokinetics of therapeutic bile acids. Clin Pharmacokinet 1996;30:333-358.
Podda M, Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Quagliuolo M, Valsania C, INVERNIZZI P, Zuin M.
Ursodeoxycholic acid therapy in primary biliary cirrhosis. Ital J Gastroenterol (Digest
Liver Dis) 1996;28:114-117.
Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Keefe EB, Coppel RL, Podda M, Rossaro L, Ansari AA, Gershwin ME.
Epidemiology and pathogenesis of primary biliary cirrhosis. J Clin Gastroenterol
Selmi C*, INVERNIZZI P*, Miozzo M, Podda M, Gershwin M.E. Primary biliary cirrhosis:
does X mark the spot? Autoimmun Rev 2004;3:493-499. *Equally contributed
Selmi C, Ichiki Y, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Gershwin ME. The enigma of primary biliary
cirrhosis. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol 2005;28:73-81.
INVERNIZZI P, Selmi C, Ranftler C, Podda M, Wesierska-Gadek J. Antinuclear antibodies in
primary biliary cirrhosis. Semin Liver Dis 2005;25:298-310.
Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Zuin M, Podda M, Gershwin ME. Genetics and geoepidemiology of
primary biliary cirrhosis: following the footprints to disease etiology. Semin Liver Dis
Giorgini A, Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Zuin M, Gershwin ME. Primary biliary
cirrhosis: Solving the enigma. Ann NY Acad Sci 2005;1051:185-193.
Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Zuin M, Podda M, Seldin MF, Gershwin ME. Genes and
(auto)immunity in primary biliary cirrhosis. Genes Immun 2005;6:543-556.
Oertelt S, Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Gershwin ME. Genes and goals: an approach
to microarray analysis in autoimmunity. Autoimmun Rev 2005;4:414-422.
INVERNIZZI P, Selmi C, Mackay IR, Podda M, Gershwin ME. From bases to basis:Linking
genetics to causation in primary biliary cirrhosis. Clin Gastroenterol H 2005;3:401-410.
Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Gershwin M.E. The X chromosome and systemic sclerosis. Curr
Opin Rheumatol 2006;18:601-605.
INVERNIZZI P, Lleo A, Podda M. Interpreting serological tests in diagnosing autoimmune
liver diseases. Semin Liver Dis 2007;27:161-172.
INVERNIZZI P. The role of X chromosome defects in primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatol Res
INVERNIZZI P. The X chromosome in female predominant autoimmune diseases. Ann NY
Acad Sci 2007;1110:57-64.
Lleo A, INVERNIZZI P, Selmi C, Coppel RC, Alpini G, Podda M, Mackay IR, Gershwin ME.
Autophagy: Highlighting a novel player in the Autoimmunity scenario. J Autoimmun
Meda F, Zuin M, INVERNIZZI P, Vergani D, Selmi C. Serum autoantibodies: a road map for
the clinical hepatologist. Autoimmunity 2008;41:27-34.
Recalcati S*, INVERNIZZI P*, Arosio P, Cairo G. New functions for storage protein: the role
of ferritin in immunity and autoimmunity. J Autoimmun 2008;30:84-89. *Equally
INVERNIZZI P, Pasini S, Selmi C, Miozzo M, Podda M. Skewing of X chromosome
inactivation in autoimmunity. Autoimmunity 2008;41:272-7.
Lleo A, Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Gershwin ME. The consequences of apoptosis in
autoimmunity. J Autoimmun 2008;31:257-62.
INVERNIZZI P. Gershwin ME. The genetics basis of primary biliary cirrhosis: premises, not
promises. (EDITORIALE). Gastroenterology 2008;135:1044-7.
INVERNIZZI P, Mackay IR. Autoimmune liver diseases. World J Gastroentero
Bogdanos DP, INVERNIZZI P, Mackay IR, Vergani D. Autoimmune liver serology: Current
diagnostic and clinical challenges. World J Gastroentero 2008;14:3374-3387.
Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, INVERNIZZI P, Selmi C, Prina E, Podda M. Clinical Features
- 24 -
and Management of Primary Biliary Cirrhosis. World J Gastroentero 2008;14:3313-3327.
25. Lleo A, INVERNIZZI P, Zhong R, Gershwin M.E. Etiopathogenesis of Primary Biliary
Cirrhosis. World J Gastroentero 2008;14:3328-3337.
26. INVERNIZZI P, Beuers U, Boberg K, Chapman R, Chazouilleres O, Jones DEJ, Lammert F,
Pares A, Trauner M. EASL clinical practice guidelines on management of cholestatic liver
diseases. J Hepatol 2009;51:237-67.
27. INVERNIZZI P. Future directions in genetic for autoimmune diseases. J Autoimmun
28. INVERNIZZI P, Pasini S, Selmi C, Gershwin ME, Podda M. Female predominance and X
chromosome defects in autoimmune diseases. J Autoimmun 2009;33:12-16.
29. INVERNIZZI P, Gershwin ME. The genetics of human autoimmune disease. J Autoimmun
30. INVERNIZZI P. Geoepidemiology of autoimmune liver diseases. J Autoimmun
31. Lleo A, INVERNIZZI P, Gao B, Podda M, Gershwin ME. Definition of human autoimmunity
– autoantibodies versus autoimmune disease. Autoimmun Rev 2010;9:A259-A266.
32. Selmi C, Meda F, Kasangian A, INVERNIZZI P, Tian Z, Lian Z, Podda M, Gershwin ME.
Experimental evidence on the immunopathogenesis of primary biliary cirrhosis. Cell Mol
Immunol 2010;7:1-10.
33. INVERNIZZI P, Selmi C, Gershwin ME. Update on primary biliary cirrhosis. Digest Liver Dis
34. Iborra M, Bernuzzi F, INVERNIZZI P*, Danese S*. MicroRNAs in autoimmunità and
inflammatory bowel disease: Crucial regulators in immune response. Autoimmun Rev
2012;11:305-14. *Equally contributed
35. INVERNIZZI P. Drug-induced liver injury: is time for genetics to change our clinical
practice? (EDITORIALE). J Hepatol 2010;53:993-994.
36. INVERNIZZI P. HLA in primary biliary cirrhosis: an old story now reviving. Hepatology
37. INVERNIZZI P, Hirschfield G.M. Progress in the genetics of primary biliary cirrhosis. Semin
Liver Dis 2011;31:147-156.
38. INVERNIZZI P. Hunting for fibrosis progression genes in hepatitis C patients. (EDITORIALE).
Clin Sci 2011;120:285-6.
39. Smyk DS, Rigopoulou EI, Lleo A, Abeles RD, Mavropoulos A, Billinis C, INVERNIZZI P,
Bogdanos DP. Immunopathogenesis of primary biliary cirrhosis: an old wives' tale. Immun
Ageing 2011;2;8-12.
40. Lleo A, Gershwin ME, Mantovani A, INVERNIZZI P. Towards common denominators in
primary biliary cirrhosis: the role of IL-12. J Hepatol 2012;56:731-3.
41. Lleo A, Moroni L, Caliari L, INVERNIZZI P. Autoimmunity and Turner's syndrome.
Autoimmun Rev 2012;11:A538-43.
42. Bianchi I, Lleo A, Gershwin ME, INVERNIZZI P. The X chromosome and immune associated
genes. J Autoimmun 2012;38:J187-92.
43. INVERNIZZI P, Gershwin ME. Primary biliary cirrhosis: bad genes, bad luck. (EDITORIALE).
Digest Dis Sci 2012;57:599-601.
44. Recalcati S, Locati M, Gammella E, INVERNIZZI P, Cairo G. Iron levels in polarized
macrophages: regulation of immunity and autoimmunity. Autoimmun Rev 2012;11:8839.
45. Fenoglio D, Bernuzzi F, Battaglia F, Parodi A, Kalli F, Negrini S, De Palma R, INVERNIZZI P,
Filaci G. Th17 and regulatory T lymphocytes in primary biliary cirrhosis and systemic
sclerosis as models of autoimmune fibrotic diseases. Autoimmun Rev 2012;12:300-4.
46. Smyk DS, Rigopoulou EI, Pares A, Billinis C, Burroughs AK, Muratori L, INVERNIZZI P,
Bogdanos DP. Sex differences associated with primary biliary cirrhosis. Clin Dev Immunol
47. Smyk DS, Rigopoulou EI, Pares A, Mytilinaiou MG, INVERNIZZI P, Bogdanos DP. Familial
primary biliary cirrhosis: like mother, like daughter? Acta Gastro-Ent Belg 2012;75:203-9.
48. Bogdanos DP, Smyk DS, INVERNIZZI P, Rigopoulou EI, Blank M, Pouria S, Shoenfeld Y.
Infectome: a platform to trace infectious triggers of autoimmunity. Autoimmun Rev
49. INVERNIZZI P. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy: a further important step in
- 25 -
dissecting its genetic architecture. (EDITORIALE). Digest Liver Dis 2013;45:266-7.
50. Lleo A, INVERNIZZI P. Apotopes and innate immune system: novel players in the primary
biliary cirrhosis scenario. Digest Liver Dis 2013;45:630-6.
51. INVERNIZZI P, Bossuyt X, Bogdanos DP. Serum autoantibodies: from identification to
clinical relevance. (EDITORIALE). Clin Dev Immunol 2013; 2013:382069.
52. Bogdanos DP, Smyk DS, INVERNIZZI P, Rigopoulou EI, Blank M, Sakkas L, Pouria S,
Shoenfeld Y. Tracing environmental markers of autoimmunity: introducing the infectome.
Immunol Res 2013;56:220-40.
53. Podda M, Selmi C, Lleo A, Moroni L, INVERNIZZI P. The limitations and hidden gems of the
epidemiology of primary biliary cirrhosis. J Autoimmun 2013;46:81-7.
54. INVERNIZZI P. Liver auto-immunology: the paradox of autoimmunity in a tolerogenic
organ. J Autoimmun 2013;46:1-6.
55. Sica A, INVERNIZZI P, Mantovani A. Macrophage plasticity and polarization in liver
homeostasis and pathology. Hepatology 2014;59:2034-42.
56. INVERNIZZI P, Gershwin ME. New therapeutics in primary biliary cirrhosis: will there ever
be light? (EDITORIALE). Liver Int 2014;34:167-70.
57. Carbone M, Lleo A, Sandford RN, INVERNIZZI P. Implications of genome-wide association
studies in novel therapeutics in primary biliary cirrhosis. Eur J Immunol 2014;44:945-54.
58. INVERNIZZI P. Primary biliary cirrhosis. Semin Liver Dis 2014;34:253-4.
59. Bianchi I, Carbone M, Lleo A, INVERNIZZI P. Genetics and epigenetics of primary biliary
cirrhosis. Semin Liver Dis 2014;34:255-64.
60. Mousa HS, Lleo A, INVERNIZZI P, Bowlus CL, Gershwin ME. Advances in pharmacotherapy
for primary biliary cirrhosis. Expert Opin Pharmaco 2014;29:1-11.
61. Raggi C, INVERNIZZI P, Andersen JB. Impact of microenvironment and stem-like plasticity
in cholangiocarcinoma: molecular networks and biological concepts. J Hepatol
62. Raggi C, Mousa HS, Correnti M, Sica A, INVERNIZZI P. Cancer stem cells and tumorassociated macrophages: a roadmap for multitargeting strategies. Oncogene 2015 May
11. doi: 10.1038/onc.2015.132. [Epub ahead of print] Review.
63. Zhang H, Carbone M, Lleo A, INVERNIZZI P. Geoepidemiology, genetic and environmental
risk factors for PBC. Digest Dis 2015; in press.
64. Zhang H, Bernuzzi F, Lleo A, Ma Xiong, INVERNIZZI P. Therapeutic potential of IL-17mediated signaling pathway in autoimmune liver diseases. Mediators of Inflammation
2015;2015:436450. Epub 2015 Jun 4.
65. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, INVERNIZZI P, Jones DEJ, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR,
Pares A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R. A name change for PBC: From “cirrhosis” to
“cholangitis”, Gastroenterology 2015; in press
66. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, INVERNIZZI P, Jones DEJ, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR,
Pares A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R. A name change for PBC: From “cirrhosis” to
“cholangitis”, Gut 2015; in press
67. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, INVERNIZZI P, Jones DEJ, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR,
Pares A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R. A name change for PBC: From “cirrhosis” to
“cholangitis”, J Hepatol 2015; in press
68. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, INVERNIZZI P, Jones DEJ, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR,
Pares A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R. A name change for PBC: From “cirrhosis” to
“cholangitis”, Hepatology 2015; in press
69. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, INVERNIZZI P, Jones DEJ, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR,
Pares A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R. A name change for PBC: From “cirrhosis” to
“cholangitis”, Am J Gastroenterol 2015; in press
70. Beuers U, Gershwin ME, Gish RG, INVERNIZZI P, Jones DEJ, Lindor K, Ma X, Mackay IR,
Pares A, Tanaka A, Vierling JM, Poupon R. A name change for PBC: From “cirrhosis” to
“cholangitis”, Digest Liver Dis 2015; in press
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INDICE H = 44 (Scopus)
IF = Impact Factor 2014 (SCI Journal Citation Reports)
IF totale:
1282 (media 7.4)
594 (49%) primo o ultimo autore (media 7.7)
Lavori con dati originali:
835 (media 8.2)
286 (37%) primo o ultimo autore (media 8.4)
Reviews - Editoriali:
448 (media 6.4)
308 (69%) primo o ultimo autore (media 7.2)
I lavori hanno ricevuto un totale di 5730 citazioni (Scopus)
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I numeri a destra si riferiscono ai lavori riportati in elenco.
I lavori con primo o ultimo nome sono evidenziati in grassetto e sottolineatura.
Articoli originali su riviste indicizzate (peer-reviewed papers)
Nat Genet
Ann Intern Med
Nat Commun
J Hepatol
Am J Gastroenterol
Cancer Res
J Autoimmun
Autoimmun Rev
Clin Chem
Mol Cell Proteomics
Hum Mol Genet
Aliment Pharm Ther
Clin Rev Allerg Immu
Int J Cancer
J Immunol
Hum Genet
Hum Reprod
Clin Epigenetics
Ann NY Acad Sci
Am J Physiol-Gastr L
Am J Physiol-Cell Ph
J Gastroen Hepatol
Biotechnol J
J Cell Biochem
Clin Exp Immunol
Ital J Gastroenterol Hepatol / Digest Liver Dis
Clin Exp Med
Clin Dev Immunol
Genes Immun
Intern Emerg Med
Digest Dis Sci
World J Gastroentero
BMC Gastroenterol
Tissue Antigens
Psychol Health
Vet Res Commun
56, 81
20, 21, 85, 88, 96
12, 68, 89, 100
9, 13, 23, 48, 51, 74
3, 6, 16, 24, 31, 32, 35,
38, 43, 46, 49, 55, 58, 67,
69, 72, 87, 99
25, 52, 57, 61, 70, 78, 80, 98
2, 10, 97
27, 28, 36, 39, 47
4, 66
5, 8, 82
7, 41, 45, 53, 54, 84, 92
17, 30
73, 79, 90
59, 76
60, 63
Totale 767 (media 8.2)
286 (37%) primo o ultimo autore (media 8.4)
Editoriali a commento del lavoro n° 19:
- 28 Lancet 2004;363:505-506.
Hepatology 2004;40:1226-1228.
Reviews ed editoriali su riviste indicizzate (peer-reviewed papers)
J Hepatol
Am J Gastroenterol
J Autoimmun
Autoimmun Rev
Clin Gastroenterol H
Clin Sci
Clin Rev Allerg Immu
Clin Pharmacokinet
Semin Liver Dis
Curr Opin Rheumatol
Liver Int
Ann NY Acad Sci
Cell Mol Immunol
Eur J Immunol
Immun Ageing
Expert Opin Pharmaco
J Clin Gastroenterol
Mediators of Inflammation
Immunol Res
Ital J Gastroenterol / Digest Liver Dis
Clin Dev Immunol
Genes Immun
Hepatol Res
Digest Dis Sci
World J Gastroentero
Digest Dis
Acta Gastro-Ent Belg
21, 65
26, 35, 40, 59, 61, 67
36, 55, 68
16, 18, 20, 27, 28, 29, 30,
42, 53, 54
4, 10, 31, 34, 41, 44, 45,
6, 7, 13, 37, 58, 59
8, 15
2, 33, 49, 50, 70
46, 51
17, 19
22, 23, 24, 25
Totale 448 (media 6.4)
308 (69%) primo o ultimo autore (media 7.2)
- 29 -
Editore di volumi monotematici/serie di reviews per riviste scientifiche internazionali:
INVERNIZZI P and Mackay IR. “Autoimmune liver diseases”. World J Gastroentero 2008 agosto; volume 14.
INVERNIZZI P. “X chromosome and autoimmunity”. J Autoimmun 2009 agosto; volume 33.
INVERNIZZI P. “Liver immunology”. J Autoimmun 2013 ottobre; volume 46.
INVERNIZZI P. “Primary biliary cirrhosis”. Semin Liver Dis 2014; volume 34, numero 3.
- 30 -
Lettere su riviste indicizzate (peer-reviewed papers)
INVERNIZZI P, Battezzati PM, Podda M, Simoni G. Presence of fetal DNA in maternal plasma
decades after pregnancy: further comments. Hum Genet 2002;111:576.
INVERNIZZI P, Simoni G, Podda M. Fetal DNA may be present in plasma of non-pregnanat
mothers. Clin Chem 2004;50:679-681.
INVERNIZZI P, Alvaro D, Crosignani A, Gaudio E, Podda M. Tamoxifen in treatment of
primary biliary cirrhosis. Hepatology 2004;39:1175-1176.
Selmi C, Ross SR, Ansari AA, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Coppel RL, Gershwin ME. Reply to:
“Patients with primary biliary cirrhosis make anti-viral and anti-mitochondrial antibodies to
mouse mammary tumor virus”. Gastroenterology 2004;127:1864-1865.
INVERNIZZI P, Selmi C, Zuin M, Podda M. Lack of serum antibodies to membrane-bound
carbonic anhydrase IV in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis. Gut 2005;54:1665.
Pubblicazioni su riviste in attesa di indicizzazione o di particolare rilevanza:
Podda M, Crosignani A, INVERNIZZI P, Battezzati PM, Valsania C, De Valle G, Quagliuolo M,
Fragiacomo L, Zuin M. Epidemiology, clinical presentation and treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis.
Semin Clin Immunol 1994;7:17-32.
Selmi C, Ansari AA, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Gershwin ME. The search for a practical approach to
emerging disease: the case of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Dev Immunol 2002;9:113117.
INVERNIZZI P, Bianchi I, Bonecchi R, Bernuzzi F, Caliari L, Locati M. The role of cytokines in
autoimmune liver dieseases. Research Journal of Medical Science (Res J Med Sci) 2008;26:156-9.
INVERNIZZI P, Pasini S, Podda M. X chromosome in autoimmune dieseases. Expert Rev Clin Immunol
Selmi C, Affronti A, Ferrari L, INVERNIZZI P. Immune-mediated bile duct injury: The case of primary
biliary cirrhosis. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pathophysiology 2010;1:118-128.
Smyk DS, Rigopoulou EI, Lleo A, Abeles RD, Mavropoulos A, Billinis C, INVERNIZZI P, Bogdanos DP.
Immunopathogenesis of primary biliary cirrhosis: an old wives' tale. Immun Ageing 2011;2;8-12.
Raggi C, INVERNIZZI P. Methylation and liver cancer. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol 2013;37:56471.
Smyk DS, Orfanidou T, INVERNIZZI P, Bogdanos DP, Lenzi M. Vitamin D in autoimmune liver disease.
Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol 2013;37:535-45.
Selmi C, Cavaciocchi F, Lleo A, Cheroni C, De Francesco R, Lombardi SA, De Santis M, Meda F,
Raimondo MG, Crotti C, Folci M, Zammataro L, Mayo MJ, Bach N, Shimoda S, Gordon SC, Miozzo M,
INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Scavelli R, Martin MR, Lasalle JM, Gershwin ME. Genome-wide analysis of
DNA methylation, copy number variation, and gene expression in monozygotic twins discordant for
primary biliary cirrhosis. Front Immunol 2014 Mar 28;5:128. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2014.00128.
eCollection 2014.
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Pubblicazioni su riviste non indicizzate e capitoli di libri:
1. Podda M, Crosignani A, Battezzati P.M, INVERNIZZI P, Colombo C, Setchell KDR, Zuin M.
Ursodeoxycholic acid for the therapy of chronic cholestasis liver disease: European experience. In:
Hofmann A.F, Paumgartner G, Stiehl A, Eds.: “Bile Acids in Gastroenterology: Basic and Clinical
Advances”. Kluwer Academic Publishers 1994:364-371.
2. Podda M, INVERNIZZI P, Battezzati PM, Crosignani A, Zuin M. Primary biliary cirrhosis: epidemiology,
presentation and natural history. L’Ospedale Maggiore 1995;89:122-128.
3. Crosignani A, De Valle G, INVERNIZZI P, Battezzati P.M, Zuin M, Podda M. Impiego degli acidi biliari
nella terapia delle epatopatie croniche. In: Angelico M, Muraca M, Podda M, Eds.: “Acidi biliari in
gastroenterologia”. Kurtis Editrice, 1996:132-160.
4. Podda M, Crosignani A, Larghi A, INVERNIZZI P, Magnani V, Zuin M. Ursodeoxycholic acid with and
without interferon-in the treatment of chronic hepatitis. In: Berg P.A, Leuschner U, Eds.: “Bile
Acids and Immunology”. Kluwer Academic Publishers 1996:269-274.
5. Podda M, Crosignani A, Larghi A, Battezzati PM, INVERNIZZI P, Allocca M, Zuin M. Treatment of
vanishing bile duct syndrome with ursodeoxycholic acid. In: Alvaro D, Benedetti A, Strazzabosco M,
Eds.: “Vanishing Bile Duct Syndrome - Pathophysiology and Treatment”. Kluwer Academic Publishers
6. Podda M, INVERNIZZI P, Crosignani A. Clinical management of chronic cholestatic liver diseases.
L’Ospedale Maggiore 1997;91:131-138.
7. INVERNIZZI P. La colangite autoimmune (CBP AMA negativa). Argomenti di Gastroenterologia
Clinica 1998;11:141-147.
8. INVERNIZZI P, ed altri membri della Commissione Colestasi. La colestasi. Diagnosi e terapia basate
sull’evidenza. In: Linee guida a cura della Commissione Colestasi dell’Associazione Italiana per lo
Studio del Fegato (A.I.S.F.), febbraio 2001.
9. INVERNIZZI P, Floreani A. Citochine e danno colestatico. In: 2001 Single Topic Conference of the
Italian Association for the Study of Liver (AISF): “Physiopathology of liver injury: diagnostic and
therapeutic implications”; Ancona, 4-5 ottobre 2001.
10. Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Zuin M, Ansari AA, Gershwin ME. Evaluation of the immune function in the
nutritionally at risk patient. In: Gershwin ME, Nestel P, Keen CL. Eds.: “Handbook of Nutrition and
Immunity". Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. 2004:1-18.
11. Oertelt S, Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Coppel RL, Gershwin ME. Primary biliary cirrhosis and
biliary destruction: 2005; a liver odyssey. In: Blumberg RS, Gangl A, Manns MP, Tilg H, Zeitz M. Eds.:
“Gut-liver interactions: basic and clinical concepts". Springer Publishers 2005:179-190.
12. Selmi C, Oertelt S, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Gershwin ME. Autoantibody recognition of functional
sites. In: Pollard KM. Editor: “Autoantibody and autoimmunity: Molecular mechanisms in health and
disease". Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim 2006:473-491.
13. Oertelt S, INVERNIZZI P, Podda M, Gershwin ME. What is an autoantibody? In: Shoenfeld Y,
Gershwin ME. and Meroni PL. Editors: “Autoantibodies Textbook”, 2nd edition. Elsevier 2006:3-6.
14. INVERNIZZI P. Antinuclear antibodies. General introduction. In: Shoenfeld Y, Gershwin ME, and
Meroni PL. Editors: “Autoantibodies Textbook”, 2nd edition. Elsevier 2006:129-133.
15. INVERNIZZI P, Selmi C, Gershwin ME. Antimitochondrial antibodies. In: Shoenfeld Y, Gershwin ME,
and Meroni PL. Editors: “Autoantibodies Textbook”, 2nd edition. Elsevier 2006: 473-477.
16. INVERNIZZI P, Wesierska-Gadek J. Nuclear envelope protein autoantibodies/Anti-lamin
autoantibodies. In: Shoenfeld Y, Gershwin ME, and Meroni PL. Editors: “Autoantibodies Textbook”,
2nd edition. Elsevier 2006:191-196.
17. INVERNIZZI P, Bianchi I, Locati M, Bonecchi M, Selmi C. Cytokines in Liver Health and Disease. In:
Gershwin ME, Vierling JM, Manns MP. Editors: “Liver Immunology: Principles and practice". Humana
Press, Totowa, NJ. 2007:83-93.
18. Selmi C, Lleo A, INVERNIZZI P, Gershwin ME. Primary biliary cirrhosis and autoimmune cholangitis.
In: Gershwin ME, Vierling JM, Manns MP. Editors: “Liver Immunology: Principles and practice".
Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. 2007:235-247.
19. Selmi C, INVERNIZZI P, Zuin M, Battezzati PM, Gershwin ME. Geoepidemiology of primary biliary
cirrhosis. In: Diehl A.M, Hayashi N, Manns M.P, Sauerbruch T. Editors: “Chronic hepatitis: metabolic,
cholestatic, viral and autoimmune". Proceedings of the Falk Symposium 157 held in Freiburg,
Germany, October 10-11 2006. Sprinter and Falk Foundation 2006:54-65.
20. Podda M, INVERNIZZI P, Selmi C, Zuin M. Il fegato in gravidanza e nelle malattie sistemiche. In:
Zanussi C, Calmieri G, Rizzato G, Editors: “Il metodo in Medicina Clinica". 2nd edition. 2007:882-888.
- 32 -
21. Podda M, INVERNIZZI P, Meda F, Selmi C, Zuin M. Malattie autoimmuni del fegato. In: Zanussi C,
Calmieri G, Rizzato G. Editors: “Il metodo in Medicina Clinica". Second edition. 2007:873-882.
22. INVERNIZZI P, Alpini G, Selmi C, Gershwin ME. Genetics and immunology of primary biliary cirrhosis.
In: DeMorrow S, Marzioni M, Fava G, Glaser S, Alpini G. Editors: “Pathophysiology of the
intrahepatic biliary epithelium". Transworld Research Network 2008:131-158.
23. INVERNIZZI P, ed altri membri della Commissione Colangiocarcinoma. “Il colangiocarcinoma”. In:
Linee guida a cura della Commissione Colestasi dell’Associazione Italiana per lo Studio del Fegato
(AISF), febbraio 2009.
24. Turin L, INVERNIZZI P, Woodcock M, Grati FR, Riva F, Tribbioli G, Laible G. Microchimerismo fetale
bovino in gravidanze normali e con embryo transfer. Laboratorio 2000 2010(aprile):2-44.
25. INVERNIZZI P. PBC Genetics. In: Mackay IR, Rose NR. Editors. “Encyclopedia of Medical
Immunology”. Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013.
26. INVERNIZZI P, Leung PSC, Ma Xiong, Gershwin ME. Primary biliary cirrhosis. In: Gershwin ME,
Vierling JM, Manns MP. Editors: “Liver Immunology: Principles and practice", Second edition.
Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014:253-279.
27. INVERNIZZI P, Muratori L. Nuclear envelope protein autoantibodies/Anti-lamin autoantibodies. In:
Shoenfeld Y, Meroni PL, and Gershwin ME, Editors: “Autoantibodies Textbook”, 3rd edition. Elsevier
28. Muratori L, INVERNIZZI P. Smooth muscle autoantibodies. In: Shoenfeld Y, Meroni PL, and Gershwin
ME, Editors: “Autoantibodies Textbook”, 3rd edition. Elsevier 2014:491-495.
29. Caliari L, Marinoni B, INVERNIZZI P. Jaundice and cholestasis. In: Testoni PA, Colombo M,
Editors:“Handbook of gastroenterology and liver diseases”, Edizioni Minerva Medica S.p.a. 2014 in
30. Smyk DS, Eirini I. Rigopoulou EI, INVERNIZZI P, Bogdanos DP. Infection and autoimmune liver
diseases. In: Shoenfeld Y, Bogdanos PD. Editors: “Infection and Autoimmunity”, Elsevier 2015:839858.
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