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La collezione Punto Oro
di Paola Navone:
Un esercizio sul tema
“Pelle e Industria”
Una bergère con grandi poggiatesta, un tavolo con le gambe
sagomate in una piatta di metallo dal profilo Luigi XV, una sedia
a medaglione, uno specchio ovale. I mobili che compongono la nuova
collezione di Paola Navone non ci sono estranei. Profondamente
ancorati nella nostra memoria, ci ricordano gli arredi classici
dei secoli scorsi, ben disegnati e tappezzati a regola d’arte, simboli di
comodità e di una certa “art de vivre”.
Da questo patrimonio Paola Navone trae la ricchezza della sua
ispirazione. Rivisita le forme eleganti di una bergère o di un divano
inglese; quelle più funzionali dei contenitori metallici che arrivano
da vecchie officine industriali o dagli arredi di lavoro dei laboratori
artigianali; coglie immagini del passato rendendole attuali.
Per secoli, la fabbricazione di una seduta ha richiesto l’insostituibile
manualità del tappezziere. Assemblaggio, cinghiatura, inchiodatura e
guarnizioni scomparivano sotto spessi tessuti, bordature di
passamaneria, drappeggi e pesanti frange. Paola Navone fa riapparire
la struttura di una poltrona, la scortica per mostrarne l’interno.
Mette in evidenza dettagli della struttura che si rivelano essenziali.
Questo progetto suggerisce una vera metamorfosi del cuoio
che viene lavorato come un tessuto, patinato, tinto, rifinito come
un accessorio di moda. Il cuoio si presenta come un materiale nuovo
e versatile. E’ associato al metallo, impunturato, inguainato, foderato,
intagliato. Paola Navone mostra del cuoio un aspetto diverso,
inventando un repertorio decorativo contemporaneo e inatteso.
La collection Punto Oro
de Paola Navone:
Un exercice autour du theme
Cuir et Industrie
Un fauteuil à oreilles, une table aux pieds galbés, une chaise médaillon,
un miroir ovale… Les meubles qui composent la nouvelle collection
de Paola Navone ne nous sont pas étrangers. Profondément ancrés
dans notre mémoire, ils nous rappellent ces grands classiques
du siècle dernier, bien dessinés et tapissés dans les règles de l’art,
symboles de confort et d’un certain art de vivre.
C’est dans ce patrimoine que Paola Navone a puisé toute la richesse
de son inspiration. En revisitant les formes élégantes d’une bergère
ou d’un fauteuil médaillon et celles plus fonctionnelles des meubles
de métier comme ces vestiaires de collectivité métalliques, elle prend
le meilleur d’hier et lui donne un nouvel esprit. Durant des siècles,
la fabrication d’un siège a demandé le savoir-faire incomparable du
tapissier. Assemblage, sanglage, cloutage et garnitures disparaissaient
pourtant sous d’épais tissus, des bordures de glands, des lambrequins
et de lourdes franges. En faisant ré-apparaître la carcasse d’un fauteuil,
en le décortiquant pour montrer ce qu’il a d’unique, en mettant en
évidence un détail qui se révèle essentiel, Paola Navone prend
un parti, celui de montrer et de valoriser ces finitions longtemps
ignorées pour en faire un élément de style.
Ce projet met en avant une véritable métamorphose du cuir : travaillé
comme une matière, patiné, coloré, brodé, il brouille les pistes et
donne toute sa force à cette collection. En l’associant au métal ou au
bois, en le surpiquant, en le gainant, en le houssant, en le crantant,
Paola Navone donne au cuir une vraie diversité et en explore toutes
les possibilités, inventant ainsi un nouveau répertoire décoratif.
The Punto Oro Collection
by Paola Navone:
An exercise on the theme
of “Leather and Industry”
A bergère with large headrests, a table with moulded legs in metal
plate with a Louis XV profile, a medallion seat and an oval mirror.
The furniture pieces that make up the new collection by Paola Navone
are not strange to us. Deeply rooted in our memory, they bring
to mind the classical furnishings of past centuries. Well designed and
upholstered in a masterly way, they are the symbols of comfort and
of a certain art de vivre.
It’s from this heritage that Paola Navone draws the richness
of her inspiration. She’s revisited the elegant forms of a bergère
or an English sofa, those more functional ones of metal containers
that come from old industrial plant or else from the furnishings
of handicraft workshops. She captures the images of the past, making
them part and parcel of today. For centuries the production of a chair
has demanded the indispensable hand of the upholsterer.
The assembly, strapping, nailing and trimming vanished beneath
thick fabrics, hems of passementerie, drapes and heavy fringes.
Paola Navone makes the structure of an armchair appear once again,
she ‘flays’ it in order to show what lies inside. She shows
the details of the structure that are seen to be essential.
This project suggests a real metamorphosis of leather which is worked
liked a fabric: coated, dyed and finished like a fashion accessory.
The leather is presented as a new and versatile material combined
with the metal: stitched, sheathed, lined and engraved. Paola Navone
shows us another aspect of leather by inventing a both contemporary
and unexpected decorative repertory.
sofa Housse 225x113 h.75 - Plume Gris
cushion Housse 48x48 - Velvet Grey
cushion Housse 48x48 - Soft Grey
table Flat 250x120 h.72 - legs Tuscany
Grosseto, iron top
chair Summer Legs 65x57 h.69 - Plume Gris
pouf Winter 59x60 h.52 - Soft Grey
armchair Housse 110x113 h.75 - Plume Pisa
armchair Summer Large 84x59 h.51 Velvet Grey
pouf Winter 59x60 h.52 - Soft Grey
chair Summer Arms 67x57 h.70 Velvet Blue
pouf Housse Ottoman 130x130 h.35 - Velvet Grey
metal bookcase Borges 50x50 h.180 - shelves Old
Shabby Pietra /armchair Sellerina 55x64 h.83
- Silver/pouf Graz Baby smooth stone 40x52
h.47/armchair Summer Large 84x59 h.51 Velvet Grey
armchair Sellerina 55x64 h.83 - Gold
table Galbès 250x120 h.72 (top) - Mali
armchair Housse 110x113 h.75 - Plume Pisa
small table Cairo Ø40 h.40, Ø35 h.66
sofa Housse Giano 207x210 h.70 - Old Shabby Pietra
cushion Chassis 48x48 - Nabuck Light Grey
pouf Graz Baby smooth stone 40x52 h.47
small table Cairo Ø90 h.25
sofa Housse Mono 207x113 h.70 - Old Shabby Pietra
cushion Chassis 48x48 - Nabuck Light Grey
armchair Sellerina 55x64 h.83 - Silver
metal bookcase Babele 90x35 h.180 - shelves
Old Shabby Pietra
armchair Sellerina 55x64 h.83 - Gold
small table Cairo Ø40 h.40, Ø35 h.66, Ø90 h.25
armchair Amburgo 97x97 h.90 - Tuscany
Grosseto/cushion Housse 48x48 - Soft Grey
armchair Amburgo 97x97 h.90 - Tuscany
table Galbès 250x120 h.72 (top) - Mali
chair Limetta 45x52 h.83 - Plume Glacé
chair Gambretta 52x63 h.93 - Plume Blue
mirror Alouette 40x40 - leather chain Tuscany Elba
armchair Sellerina 55x64 h.83 - Tuscany
Capraia/small table Boite 40x40 h.33 (top) profile Plume Lime
armchair Chassis 70x73 h.99 - Plume Lime
sofa Housse 225x113 h.75 - Plume Glacé
armchair Chassis 70x73 h.99 - Plume Lime
table Boîte L 160x80 h.33 (top) - profile
Plume Lime
pouf Graz Baby smooth stone 40x52 h.47
chair Limetta avec Guêpière 45x52 h.83 Plume Azur
Rocking Housse 87x112 h.95 - Nabuck Light
Grey, headcushion Velvet Grey
Rocking Housse 87x112 h.95 - Nabuck
Light Grey, headcushion Velvet Grey
sofa Housse XXL 270x140 h.75 - Plume Blue
cushion Housse 60x60 - Plume Blue
cushion Housse 48x48 - Plume Blue, Nabuck
Light Grey
sofa Housse XXL 270x140 h.75 - Plume
cushion Housse 48x48 - Plume Blue,
Nabuck Light Grey
chair Limetta avec Guêpière 45x52 h.83 Plume Azur
armchair Housse 110x113 h.75 - Plume Glacé
sofa Budapest 300x110 h.76 - structure
Tuscany Lucca, seat Extra Brown
small table Boîte 40x40 h.33 (top) - profile
Plume Lime/mirror Alouette 40x40 - leather
chain Tuscany Elba
mirror Alouette 40x40 - leather chain
Tuscany Elba/armchair Housse 110x113
h.75 - Plume Glacé
mirror Alouette 40x40 - leather chain
Tuscany Elba
chair Limetta avec Guêpière 45x52 h.83 Plume Azur
sofa Housse 265x113 h.75 - Plume Blue
small table Boîte 40x40 h.33 (top) - profile
Plume Lime/mirror Tassel 160 h.100 - leather
chain Tuscany Elba
sofa Housse 225x113 h.75 - Plume Forest
cushion Chassis 48x48, 60x60 - Soft Flower
armchair Pochette 75x97 h.102 - structure
Mali, seat Plume Glacé
small table Cairo Ø40 h.40
sofa Housse 225x113 h.75 - Plume Glacé
table Boîte L 160x80 h.33 (top) - profile
Plume Lime
armchair Chassis 70x73 h.99 - Plume Lime
table Boîte 160x80 h.33 (top) - profile
Plume Lime
cushion Chassis 60x60 - Plume Lime
chair Gambretta 52x63 h.93 - Plume Blue
armchair Housse 110x113 h.75 - Plume Glacé
armchair Pochette 75x97 h.102 - structure
Mali, seat Plume Glacé
small table Cairo Ø40 h.40
sofa Housse 225x113 h.75 - Plume Forest
cushion Chassis 48x48, 60x60 - Soft Flower
Taupe/armchair Sellerina XL 97x74 h.83 Tuscany Marina/small table Cairo Ø90 h.25
armchair Sellerina XL 97x74 h.83 - Tuscany
armchair Chassis 70x73 h.99 - Plume Blue
cushion Chassis 60x60 - Soft Flower Taupe
armchair Berlino 72x85 h.76 - Tuscany
Grosseto/cushion Housse 48x48 - Soft Grey
sofa Housse 225x113 h.75 - Plume Gris
cushion Housse 48x48 - Velvet Grey, Soft Grey
armchair Berlino 72x85 h.76 - Tuscany
Grosseto/small table Cairo Ø140 h.18, Ø35 h.66
mirror Tassel 160 h.100 - leather chain
Tuscany Elba
pouf Punto 50x30 h.25 - Luxury Tratto
small table Boîte 40x40 h.33 (top) - profile
Plume Lime
project and image building
Paola Navone
product development
Carlo Ballabio
graphic project
Claudio Dell’Olio
Laura Decaminada
Andrea Ferrari
colour separation
Compos Center
Grafica Gioia
Baxter srl
via Costone - 22040 Lurago d’Erba (Como) - Italy
tel. +39 031 35999 - fax +39 031 3599999
www.baxter.it - [email protected]
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