
Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum

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Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Curriculum Vitae et Studiorum
Personal Information
Name: Daniele Costenaro
Date of Birth: March 7th, 1982
Nationality: Italian
Address: (home) Frazione Ferrere, n° 55 – 13847 Valle San Nicolao – (BI) - ITALY
(office) Viale Teresa Michel, n° 11 – 15121 Alessandria – (AL) - ITALY
Telephone (office): +39 0131 360268
Mobile: +39 3339582482
e-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Present Position
Actually Daniele Costenaro is a Post-doc, at DISIT (Dipartimento di Scienza e Innovazione
Tecnologica) of University of Eastern of Piedmont (Alessandria, Italy) under the supervision of Dr.
Chiara Bisio.
In this period the research line of Daniele Costenaro regards the development and the test of new
materials used as additive for dye sensitized solar cell (DSSC), the development of new scaffold for
Solid-State DSSC Perovskite based. This work was carried out in the frame of the European VII FP
Project “Globasol” concerning the study Global solar spectrum harvesting through highly efficient
photovoltaic and thermoelectric integrated cells.
In parallel D. Costenaro is working regards the synthesis and characterization of materials for CO2
storage, insert in the PRIN2010 project titled “Mechanisms of CO2 activation for the design of new
materials for energy and resource efficiency”.
PhD in Chemistry Science (March 2013) at DISIT (Dipartimento di Scienza e Innovazione
Tecnologica) of University of Eastern of Piedmont (Alessandria) on the research topic
“Layered and porous materials for applications in new generation solar cells: preparation,
functionalisation and physico-chemical characterization” under the supervision of Dr.
Chiara Bisio.
The thesis was carried out in the frame of the European VII FP Project “Innovasol”
concerning Innovative Materials for Future Generation Excitonic Solar Cells. The PhD
thesis concerns the development of synthesis, functionalization and characterization of
porous materials (MCM41, SBA15, γ-Al2O3) and layered materials (saponite clay) for the
preparation of non-liquid electrolytes that can be used to improve dye sensitized solar cells
(DSSC) efficiency and long term stability. Subsequently used in the construction of “spotcells” at laboratories of Solaronix SA (Aubonne CH) under the supervision of Dr. Toby
Master Degrees in Chemistry (October 2009) at the University of Eastern of Piedmont
(Alessandria) with 108/110, with a thesis entitled “Sviluppo di ossido di zinco
nanostrutturato per la preparazione di film luminescenti”, inserted in the regional project
CIPE2006 NanOLED “Novel Nanostructured Materials for Light Emetting Decices and
Application to Automotive Displays”. Under the supervision of Dr. Chiara Bisio and Prof.
Leonardo Marchese. The materials synthesized were used for the development of LED and
OLED for optoelectronic devices, in collaborations of CRF (Centro Ricerche FIAT) and
Magneti Marelli.
Bachelor Degrees in Chemistry (December 2007) at the University of Eastern of Piedmont
(Alessandria) with 103/110, with a thesis entitled with a thesis entitled “Consumi idrici in
una tintoria di poliestere in rocche”. Under the supervision of Prof. Leonardo Marchese.
Bachelor Degrees in Textile Engineering (July 2005) at Torino Institute of Technology with
99/110, with a thesis entitled ““Consumi idrici in una tintoria di poliestere in rocche” after a
six months of stage (May – October 2004) at Sinterama S.p.A. in Sandigliano (BI), in this
time he has created a system for calculating the water comsumption in a dye-house. Under
the supervision of Prof. Franco Ferrero
Skills and Competences
Synthesis and surface modifications of inorganic and hybrid organic particles such silica, metal
oxide and clay and their characterization by x-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric techniques, optical
spectroscopy (Diffuse Reflectance UV-Visible, Photoluminescence and FTIR).
DSSCs preparation and their electrical characterization.
Use and a good knowledge of the package "Microsoft Office" and spreadsheet programs such as
"Matlab", "OPUS" and "Origin".
Good level of proficiency in English language school level for French and German.
Courses and Schools
1) Giornata dedicata alla spettroscopia NMR allo stato solido, Alessandria, 26 febbraio 2010.
2) 5° Corso Nazionale di Introduzione alla Fotochimica, Bologna 13-17 settembre 2010.
3) XVI Scuola Nazionale Scienza dei Materiali, Bressanone, 27 settembre-2 ottobre 2010.
4) Corso avanzato sull’utilizzo di strumento: ZETASIZER NANO di Malvern Instruments, presso
ALFATEST di Via Giulio Pittarelli n.97 Roma, 24 e 25 Maggio 2011.
5) 6th International School on Organic Photovoltaics ISOPHOS 2012, Ventotene, 28 maggio – 1
giugno 2012.
6) Workshop Supermolecular Chemistry@PoliMI: Where Nano meets Biology, Milano 28 – 29
giugno 2012.
7) Corso “Materiali e Nanostrutture Organiche per l’Optoelettronica e la Fotonica” Alessandria, 16
– 17 luglio 2012.
8) Introduction to equilibrium and kinetics study of metal-ligand complex, prof. I. Tóth Alessandria,
19 – 21 novembre 2012.
9) Spettroscopia elettronica e nanofabbricazione, Dr. Luca Boarino, Alessandria, 4 - 5 dicembre
10) "NIS colloquium" title: "Dye sensitized solar cells: from materials to devices", Torino, 31
gennaio – 1 febbraio 2013.
11) “Advanced Methods for the preparation and electrochemical characterisation of new generation
photovoltaic devices”, Aubonne (Svizzera), 4 febbraio – 21 giugno 2013.
14 June - 14 July 2010, 16 February - 4 March 2011, 14 - 29 July 2011 e 21 November 2011 - 2
March 2012: Internship at Solaronix S.A. Aubonne (Suisse), under supervision of Dr. Toby Meyer.
15 - 22 July 2010 e 11 – 20 November 2011: Internship at Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces
(LPI), at Ecole Politechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL, Suisse), under supervision of Prof.
Michael Grätzel.
1) VIII Convegno Nazionale Instm Sulla Scienza E Tecnologia Dei Materiali, Grand Hotel Baia
Verde, Aci Castello (CT), 26-29 Giugno 2011. Talk entitled: “One pot preparation of highly
luminescent ZnO nanoparticles for optoelectronic applications”. Autori: D. Costenaro, F. Carniato,
G. Gatti, C. Bisio, e L. Marchese.
2) XXIV Congresso Nazionale della Società Chimica Italiana (Lecce, 11-16 Settembre 2011).
Poster entitled:” One pot preparation of highly luminescent ZnO nanoparticles for optoelectronic
applications” autori: D. Costenaro, C. Bisio, F. Carniato, G. Gatti and L. Marchese
3) 8th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN11) (12-15 July 2011,
Greece). Poster entitled: “Size effect of synthetic saponite-clay in quasi-solid
electrolyte for Dye-Sensititized Solar Cells (DSSC)” D. Costenaro, C. Bisio , F. Carniato, G. Gatti,
L. Marchese, F. Oswald, T. B. Meyer
4) 16th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds (ISIC16) (22-27 May 2011, SečŬstupky, Czech Republic). Poster entitled: ” Intercalation of I3-/I- redox couple on lamellar solids”
M. Bastianini, M. Nocchetti, R. Vivani, M. Taddei, D. Costenaro, C. Bisio and L. Marchese.
5) The Energy & Materials Research Conference (EMR2012) (20-22 June 2012, Terremolinos,
Malaga, Spain) Talk entitled: “Size effect of synthetic saponite-clay in quasi-solid electrolyte for
Dye-Sensititized Solar Cells (DSSC)” D. Costenaro, C. Bisio , F. Carniato, G. Gatti, L. Marchese,
F. Oswald and T. B. Meyer.
6) The Energy & Materials Research Conference (EMR2012) (20-22 June 2012, Terremolinos,
Malaga, Spain) Poster entitled: “Immobilization of the I-/I3- redox couple on lamellar solids and
their application for DSSC technology” M. Bastianini, M. Nocchetti, D. Costenaro, F. Carniato, C.
Bisio, L. Marchese, F. Oswald and T. B. Meyer.
7) V Workshop on Oxide Based Materials, (OXIDE 2012) (23rd - 27th September 2012, Torino,
Italia). Poster entitled: ”One Pot Preparation Of Highly Luminescent Zno Nanoparticles For
Optoelectronic Applications” D. Costenaro, F. Carniato, G. Gatti, C. Bisio, and L. Marchese.
8) 5th International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics, (HOPV13) (5 to 8 May 2013,
Seville, Spain). Poster entitled: Quasi-solid electrolyte based layered materials for Dye-Sensititized
Solar Cells (DSSC)” D. Costenaro, C. Bisio, E. P. Otz, F. Carniato, G. Gatti, L. Marchese, H. O.
Pastore, F. Oswald and T. B. Meyer.
9) 5th International Conference on Hybrid and Organic Photovoltaics, (HOPV13) (5 to 8 May 2013,
Seville, Spain). Talk entitled: “Towards quasi-solid state Dye-sensitized Solar Cells: effect of Al2O3
nanoparticle inclusion in liquid electrolyte” A. Sacco, A. Lamberti, D. Costenaro, M. Gerosa, F.
Carniato, N. Shahzad, D.Pugliese, A. Chiodoni, S. Bianco, G. Gatti, C. Bisio, E. Tresso and L.
10) XL Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Fisica, (23 to 27 June, Alessandria, Italia).
Poster entitled: “On the Physico-Chemical properties Of ZnO Nanosheets modified with
Luminescent CdTe Nanocrystals” D. Costenaro, F. Carniato, G. Gatti, L. Marchese and C. Bisio.
11) XL Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Fisica, (23 to 27 June, Alessandria, Italia).
Poster entitled: “Highly Luminescent ZnO Nanoparticles for Optoelectronic Applications” D.
Costenaro, F. Carniato, G. Gatti, L. Marchese and C. Bisio.
12) XL Congresso Nazionale della Divisione di Chimica Fisica, (23 to 27 June, Alessandria, Italia).
Poster entitled: “Porous and Layered Solids for the Development of Innovative Quasi-Solid
Electrolytes for DSSC Applications” D. Costenaro, C. Bisio, F. Carniato, G. Gatti, T. B. Meyer,
M. Graetzel and L. Marchese.
D. Costenaro, F. Carniato, G. Gatti, C. Bisio, e L. Marchese (2011). “On the Physico-Chemical
Properties of ZnO Nanosheets Modified with Luminescent CdTe Nanocrystals.”
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY. C., vol. 115, p. 25257-25265, ISSN: 1932-7455, doi:
M. Bastianini, D. Costenaro, C. Bisio, L. Marchese, U. Costantino, R. Vivani, M. Nocchetti (2012).
“On the Intercalation of the Iodine−Iodide Couple on Layered Double Hydroxides with Different
Particle Sizes.”
INORGANIC CHEMISTRY, vol. 51, p. 2560-2568, ISSN: 0020-1669, doi: 10.1021/ic202520v
D. Costenaro, G. Gatti, F. Carniato, G. Paul, C. Bisio, L. Marchese (2012). “The effect of synthesis
gel dilution on the physico-chemical properties of acid saponite clays.”
MICROPOROUS AND MESOPOROUS MATERIALS, vol. 162, p. 159–167, ISSN: 1387-1811 ,
doi: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2012.06.023
D. Costenaro, F. Carniato, G. Gatti, L. Marchese, C. Bisio (2013). “Preparation of Luminescent
ZnO Nanoparticles Modified with Aminopropyltriethoxy Silane for Optoelectronic Applications.”
NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, vol. 37, p. 2103-2109, ISSN: 1144-0546 doi:
D. Costenaro, C. Bisio F. Carniato, G. Gatti, F. Oswald, T. B. Meyer, L. Marchese (2013). “Size
effect of synthetic saponite-clay in quasi-solid electrolyte for Dye-Sensititized Solar Cells (DSSC).”
SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, vol. 117, p. 9-14, ISSN: 0927-0248, doi:
L. Etgar, G. Schuchardt, D. Costenaro, F. Carniato, C. Bisio, M. Nazeeruddin, S. M. Zakeeruddin,
L. Marchese, M. Graetzel (2013). "Enhancing the open circuit voltage of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
by Surface engineering of silica particles in gel electrolyte".
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A, vol. 1, p. 10142-10147, ISSN: 2050-7496, doi:
Prime “ROTARY ALESSANDRIA” 2009/2010 for the best Master Chemistry thesis.
Prime “SEMERANO” 2013 for the best Physical – Chemistry Ph.D. thesis.
Prime "MIGLIOR PERCORSO DI RICERCA" 2013 for the best Curriculum built during the Ph. D.
in scientific area of XXV cycle.
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