Skills • Reading Like yourself!
Grammar, functions and vocabulary UNIT 12 UNITS 9-10 Skills • Reading Like yourself! n feel that you really want to do? Do you ofte Are you often afraid of doing what enough got en’t ugh? Then maybe you hav whatever you do, it isn’t good eno ten ways are e Her don’t like yourself enough! self-esteem, or in other words, you enjoying yourself more: of improving your self-esteem and er people. You should be uld stop comparing yourself to oth sho You 1 ers. yourself and not worry about oth yourself, other people -critical. If you talk negatively about self too be ’t Don 2 same things. will copy you and start saying the yourself. After a while tinually try to think positively about con uld sho You 3 you will begin to like yourself more. ask your friends to tell you a list of your positive qualities and ing mak Try 4 s are. what they think your positive qualitie 5 6 7 8 9 s, you should accept them with When people pay you compliment ents if ple will stop paying you complim pleasure and not ignore them. Peo you don’t accept them. your other people. They will appreciate You should say positive things to force a sense of your own value. support and return it. This will rein ple, people. If you mix with positive peo Mix with positive and supportive rself. you will become more positive you tude. people who have a negative atti The opposite is also true, so avoid t make you unhappy! If you are not Stop putting up with things tha ly t in your life, then you are probab saying what you want or don’t wan tolerating more than you should. low activities that you love. People with You should do work and free-time you if n Eve y. s that they most enjo self-esteem stop doing those activitie live your life, you should still spend you can’t make big changes to how bies that you enjoy. your free time on activities and hob rease your ! If you avoid challenges, you dec You should take action immediately of yourself you will start to have a better view self-esteem. When you take action . and develop your self-confidence 10 40 NH2HWB_03_pp36-51.indd 40 24/10/07 08:59:36 Skills and Culture UNITS 9–10 Comprehension 3 Vero o falso? Scrivi V o F negli spazi. Correggi le frasi false. P 1 People enjoy life more if they have higher self-esteem. 2 People will start imitating you if you are negative about yourself. 3 You shouldn’t pay attention when people pay you compliments. 4 You will feel better if you say bad things about other people. 5 It can be bad for you to tolerate things that make you sad. 6 People with low self-esteem spend too much time doing the free-time activities that they enjoy. Comprehension 4 Comprehension 1 Leggi il testo velocemente e scegli qual è lo scopo dell’articolo. Metti un segno di spunta (✔) nella casella. P 1 The writer wants to make people laugh. 2 The writer wants people to think about all the mistakes they have made during their life. 3 The writer wants show us how to improve the quality of our life. Rispondi alle domande. 1 What two problems are the result of low self-esteem? 2 Why should you try to think of yourself in a positive way? 3 Why should you say positive things about other people? Vocabulary 2 Abbina le parole del testo alle loro traduzioni in italiano. 1 __ whatever a eviti 2 __ self-esteem b migliorare 3 __ improving c atteggiamento 4 __ comparing d frequenta 5 __ value e cambiamenti 6 __ mix with f autostima 7 __ attitude g diminuisci 8 __ putting up with h sfide 9 __ changes i confrontare 10 __ avoid j qualunque cosa 11 __ challenges k sopportare 12 __ decrease l valore 4 What sort of people should you look for as friends? 5 What’s the effect of low self-esteem on the time people spend on hobbies? 6 How do people with low self-esteem face challenges? 41 NH2HWB_03_pp36-51.indd 41 24/10/07 08:59:38 Skills and Culture UNITS 9–10 Skills • Listening Comprehension 5 10 Duncan ha fatto una bruttissima vacanza! Ascolta la sua storia. Metti le figure in ordine. Scrivi il numero corretto nello spazio. A — B — C — 1 D — E F — G — H — — Comprehension 6 10 Riascolta e cerchia la risposta corretta: a, b o c. P Comprehension 7 1 Why is Duncan a good skier? 1 When he was younger, Duncan used to live in a England. b the USA. c Switzerland. 2 When did he move back to the UK? 2 Duncan went skiing recently with a his friends. b his family. c alone. 3 Who was Duncan with when the first accident happened? 3 Duncan broke his leg while he was skiing a fast on ice. b slowly on soft snow. c fast on soft snow. 4 Who called the rescue helicopter? 4 Duncan stayed in hospital a for two days. b for a day. c for a week. 5 What did Duncan take with him when he went on the terrace? 5 Duncan went on the terrace and started to a watch the skiers. b have lunch. c read a book. 6 How long did Duncan stay in the USA after the second accident? 6 When the snow fell on Duncan, it broke his a arm. b shoulder. c other leg. 7 The people in the café didn’t help him immediately because a they didn’t see the accident. b they were laughing. c they couldn’t open the door. 8 After the second accident Duncan decided to a go home. b stay in the USA. c stay indoors. 10 Ascolta ancora una volta e rispondi alle domande. Dictation 8 Ascolta e scrivi sei frasi della conversazione. 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 42 NH2HWB_03_pp36-51.indd 42 24/10/07 08:59:39 Skills and Culture UNITS 9–10 Skills • Writing 9 Lisa Jackson ha scritto questa guida sugli Stati Uniti per la rivista scolastica di Emily. Leggi e completa la tabella. The USA is a very big country with an area of 9,631,420 km2 and a population of 300 million people. It is divided into 50 states, which are represented by the 50 stars on the American flag. The capital of the USA is Washington, which has a population of around 5,900,000. The climate varies a lot in the USA from the extreme cold of Alaska (with temperatures as low as –62°C) and the heat of the desert of Utah (with a maximum temperature of 57°C). If you visit the USA you really should go to the following places: • the Grand Canyon, which is one of the most beautiful natural sites on earth. It is 446 km long and has a maximum depth of 1,600 m. • one of the National Parks, such as Yosemite or Yellowstone. • the Big Apple (New York). You’ve seen it in the films so you ought to visit it in person. You should go up the Empire State Building, see Brooklyn, Manhattan and Central Park and have your photo taken in front of the Statue of Liberty. Take time to visit the many fascinating museums like MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) and the Guggenheim, too. 10 Adesso scrivi una guida sull’Italia (150–200 parole) usando il testo di Lisa come modello. Usa le seguenti informazioni. P T Italy Area: 301,277 km2 Regions: 20 Population: around 58,500,000 (in 2005) Capital: Rome Population of capital: 2,628,000 Climate: varied (from Continental in north to Mediterranean in south) Hottest place: Catania in summer (40°C) Coldest place: Alps in winter (–45°C) Places people should visit: (you decide!) • the West Coast, including the cities of Los Angeles, where you can do a tour of Hollywood and Beverly Hills, and San Francisco, where you should visit the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman’s Wharf, Chinatown and Alcatraz (which used to be a prison). Facts about the United States Area Number of states Population of the USA Capital Population of capital Climate Hottest place Coldest place Places people should visit 43 NH2HWB_03_pp36-51.indd 43 24/10/07 08:59:41