Aphid control on Burley and Flue
Aphid control on tobacco Sannino et al 25 Aphid control on Burley and Flue-cured tobacco with foliar insecticides1 Luigi Sannino, Felice Porrone, Cristina Biondani, Gioacchino Salerno Abstract Application of insecticides to tobacco cultures of Burley (cv. 531) and Bright (cv. BTMS21) in field tests reduced aphid incidence in 1998. Trials were conducted at two locations: Scafati (Southern Italy) and Bovolone (Nor thern Italy); treatments, consisting of eight products, were applied three times starting on the transplant date. Instead, the bifenthrin+oil treatment was repeated every four days for the first fifty days after transplanting. Bifenthrin+oil, imidacloprid, pymetrozine, bifenthrin, acetamiprid and pirimicarb showed a good efficacy, reducing infestation in the range 80% - 99% at Scafati and 95-99% at Bovolone. Verticillium lecanii was clearly inferior to others insecticides, reducing the infestation level only by 49%. Tega-bion was not at all effective. Oil caused no phytotoxicity based on visual examination of treated plants. Riassunto. Lotta agli afidi del tabacco Burley e Virginia bright con insetticidi ad applicazione fogliare Contro gli afidi del tabacco sono state condotte nel 1998 prove di lotta a Scafati (SA) e Bovolone (VR) rispettivamente su colture di tabacco Burley (cv. 531) e Bright (cv. BTMS21). Complessivamente sono stati confrontati otto trattamenti, applicati tre volte a partire dalla data del trapianto ad eccezione del trattamento bifenthrin+olio in cui l’olio è stato ripetuto ogni 4 giorni. Bifenthrin+olio, imidacloprid, pymetrozine, bifenthrin, acetamiprid e pirimicarb hanno mostrato un alto livello di controllo, con riduzioni dell’infestazione tra 80 e 99% a Scafati e tra 95 e 99% a Bovolone. Verticillium lecanii è risultato sensibilmente inferiore, riducendo l’infestazione soltanto del 49%. Del tutto inadeguato al controllo degli afidi si è dimostrato tegabion, che necessita probabilmente di modalità di applicazione diverse. L’olio non ha causato sintomi visivi di fitotossicità. Key words: Nicotiana tabacum, Myzus persicae (Sulz.), control Introduction One of the most serious problems of the worldwide tobacco culture concerns the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer) (vector of numerous viral syndromes and, due to this, strongly contrasted), that developed resistance in different parts of the world to carbamates, 1 This paper is an extract of the report presented at the annual meeting of the project “Management of insect pests and viruses of tobacco using ecologically compatible technologies” held at the Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden (England), in 1998. Luigi Sannino, Felice Porrone, Cristina Biondani, Istituto Sperimentale per il Tabacco, Scafati (SA) Gioacchino Salerno, Associazione POMA, Battipaglia (SA) organophosphates and pyrethroids compounds (Cravedi & Cervato, 1991; Denholm & Rowland, 1992; Cervato & Cravedi, 1995). Aphids also damage tobacco by removing plant juices and contaminating leaves with cast skins and honeydew. Chemical control measures are the most reliable means currently available to control the tobacco aphids. Producers are undertaken in a continuous effort to discover new and avant-garde insecticides; despite this, there have been instances in which aphids developed resistance shortly after their availablility on the market. To limit these phenomena there is need to experiment new products and, more generally, take on control strategies which allow reducing to minimum the Il Tabacco, 8, 2000: 25-31 afididef.p65 25 20/06/00, 20.36 26 Il Tabacco, insecticide selection pressure, so as to preserve its effectiveness. The aim of this experiment was to test some insecticides, already registered or in course of registration, for the tobacco aphids control. Field trials were conducted in Campania and Veneto, two typical tobacco growing regions in Italy, in a more-year project sphere (Tab-Res-Info 96/T/ 18, co-funded by the E.U. Tobacco Research Fund and the Italian Ministry of Agriculture) dealing with management of insect pests and viruses of tobacco using ecologically compatible technologies. In this note are reported results achieved in 1998. Material and methods Trials were carried out at the Tobacco Research Institute (TRI) farms at Scafati (Salerno, Southern Italy) and Bovolone (Verona, Northern Italy), using tobacco cultures of Burley (cv. 531) and Virginia Bright (cv. BTMS21), respectively, both aphid-susceptible. The following products were compared: qAcetamiprid, a new broad spectrum systemic insecticide, belonging to the family of chloronicotinyls (neonicotinoids) presently in course of registration for use on several crops among which tobacco; it shows high activity against Hemiptera, especially aphids, and also Thysanoptera and Lepidoptera (Takahashi et al., 1992; Domenichini & Roffeni Tiraferri, 1998); qImidacloprid, of the same group of acetamiprid, an insecticide active both by contact and ingestion against insects with sucking feeding apparatus (Tomlin, 1994; Angelini et al., 1997); q Pymetrozine, belonging to the pyridine azomethine group, represents a novel type of insecticide characterised by high selectivity for plant sucking insects such as aphids, white flies and other similar pests, in which it causes the feeding blockage; qBifenthrin, active pyrethroid by contact and ingestion at rather low use rates against a large number of insects including aphids, Lepidoptera afididef.p65 26 8 and Coleoptera (Domenichini & Pacini, 1994). Against tobacco aphids it has shown fair results (Sannino, 1997; Sannino & Piro, 1998); qPirimicarb, one of the most used aphicide in Italy; qBiolid, a “narrow-ranged” oil that, unlike traditional ones, is characterised by a prevailing presence of paraffin molecules which present a reduced content of aromatic hydrocarbons giving the product a lower phytotoxicity; qVerticillium lecanii (VL1), entomopathogen fungus, isolated at TRI in 1997 from dead aphids found on tobacco and kept at 4 °C on potato-dextrose-agar (PDA); qTega bion, a new compound, presently in course of registration, for protection of crops against diseases caused by fungi and viruses thanks to the mechanical action of the film deposited on leaves (Cole, 1996). In both experiments a randomised complete blocks design in four replications was used. Treatments, consisting of several applications of commercial products (except for VL1) at the rates suggested by firms, were eight (insecticides + untreated control). Treatment application was performed by means of a high volume sprayer, utilising 1000 l/ha of water, with a spray adjuvant added at the rate of 40 ml/hl. Regarding the VL1, mycelial plugs from cultures on PDA were inoculated in darkness at 25 °C for a period of 12 weeks. On the day of treatment application, the cultures were filtered and the conidia count was performed in the resulting suspension, which was diluted with distilled water until reaching the 106 conidia/ml concentration. Treatment was performed during evenings to avoid the deleterious effects of the direct sun radiation. Treatment application was started on the transplanting date and repeated until mid July according to the treatment time interval reported in the spray schedules (Table 1). Oil was repeated every four days for fifty days after transplanting. At Scafati, the experimental plot (24 m2 surface) consisted of five rows of twenty plants each spaced 0.35m on the row and 0.90m between rows corresponding to about 32500 plants per hectare. At Bovolone the experimental plot (100 20/06/00, 20.36 Aphid control on tobacco Sannino et al 27 Table 1. Treatments and application time interval. Tab. 1. Trattamenti e intervallo di applicazione. Ins e cticide Bifenthrin + oil Imidacloprid Acetamiprid Bifenthrin Pirimicarb Pymetrozine Vert icillium lecanii Metalazil + Metalaxyl- M Comme rcial product Application rate Application rate (% a. i.) (g/ha a. i.) (g/ha c. p.) Brigata Flo + Biolid(2.0) Confidor 200 SL (20) Exp.60707A (20) Brigata Flo (2.0) Pirimor (17.5) (Plenum) (25) Isolate Vl1 Tega bion 20 + 5000 1000 + 5000 Oil: every 4 days Bifentrin: every 12 days 100 50 20 350 200 106 conidia/ml water 500 250 10 0 0 2000 800 20 days 20 days 12 days 12 days 20 days 2 lt/plot 10 days 250 12 days 110 m2) was composed of 8 rows of 35 plants each, spaced 0.35m on the row and 1m between rows, corresponding to about 27700 plants per hectare. The efficacy evaluation was done considering either the number of live individuals or the aphid infestation remarks on the five apical leaves of 15 plants of the central rows of each plot. In the latter case the following scale (in six classes) was used: 0 = absence of aphids; 1 = 1-6 aphids/leaf; 2 = 7-15 aphids/leaf; 3 = 16-30 aphids/leaf; 4 = 3160 aphids/leaf; 5 = > 60 aphids/leaf. As infestation index was used the weighted mean of scores: INFI = Σ(ni*pi)/Σni where ni is the i-th assessed plant and pi its score. At Scafati, transplanting was done 22 May and observations on the following dates: 9 June, 24 June, 16 July and 4 August, at 18, 33, 55 and 74 days from the transplanting. At Bovolone, transplanting was done 20 May and observations on the following dates: 29 June, 8 July, 15 July, 22 July, 29 July, 5 August and 12 August, at 38, 47, 54, 61, 68, 75 and 82 days from the transplanting. Cultural practices were those usually used for the type of tobacco. In field, no further insecticide applications were performed besides those of the experimental treatments. afididef.p65 27 Inte rval be twe e n s prays Results and discussion In both locations, plant establishment was nearly 100% and the very few misses were immediately replaced. At Scafati the first aphids arrived on tobacco plants at the beginning of June, but the parasite population density remained very low until the end of the month, increasing appreciably only towards mid-July (Figure 1). Bifenthrin+oil, imidacloprid, pymetrozine, bifenthrin, acetamiprid and pirimicarb showed in the order a good efficacy, reducing infestation in the range 80% - 99%. Verticillium showed some control, but clearly inferior to other insecticides (Table 2). Among the more effective products, bifenthrin+oil was the best, even if the differences with respect to imidacloprid, pymetrozine bifenthrin, acetamiprid and pyrimicarb did not reach the conventional level of statistical significance. At Bovolone, in the observation period which lasted about 40 days, infestation recorded on the control showed a trend similar to Scafati’s, being quite low till the end of June and then gradually increasing in July and August (Figure 2). Bifenthrin+oil, pymetrozine, imidacloprid, acetamiprid, bifenthrin and pirimicarb were in 20/06/00, 20.36 28 Il Tabacco, 8 Table 2. Effect of products on aphid infestation at Scafati in 1998: average and trend (daily variation) of infestation score (No. aphids on the upper five leaves) and percentage of control. Tab. 2. Effetto dei prodotti sull’infestazione afidica a Scafati nel 1998: media e andamento (variazione giornaliera) dell’infestazione (n. afidi sulle cinque foglie apicali) e percentuale di controllo rispetto al testimone. Products Avg aphids /5 le ave s Tre nd (*100) % control Bifenthrin+oil (bif+o) Imidacloprid (imi) Pymetrozine (pym) Bifenthrin (bif) Acetamiprid (ace) Pirimicarb (pir) Vert icillium lecanii Control 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.8 2.0 2.1 5.7 10.2 0.9 0.4 0.6 1. 7 10.2 9.8 18.0 40.3 99 99 99 99 80 80 49 Contras ts (Prob. |t|) Vert icillium vs others Pirimicarb vs others [bif, bif+o] vs [imi, pym, ace] [bif] vs [bif+o] [imi, ace] vs [pym] [imi] vs [ace] 0.003 0.411 0.650 0 . 8 17 0.680 0.465 0.065 0.350 0.696 0.937 0.575 0.313 0 . 0 15 the order quite effective, reducing the infestation level in the range 95% - 99% (Table 3). Tega bion was not at all effective, showing in some cases infestations higher than control. Summarising, bifenthrin+oil confirmed the good efficacy shown in the 1997 trials, slightly superior to the other insecticides. Imidacloprid, considered in the comparison because now largely used in tobacco crops (Cristianini, 1997; Sannino & Piro, 1998), has also given confirmation of its high aphid control capability. Pymetrozine, recently registered for use on tobacco and other fruit and vegetable crops in Italy, showed an effectiveness comparable to that of imidacloprid. As a consequence of the fast inhibition of the probing behaviour, aphids are effectively inhibited to transmit predominantly persistent plant viruses (Harrewjin & Piron, 1994). Due to its mode of action the product can afididef.p65 28 be used where conventional insecticides have become ineffective (Bolsinger et al., 1993). Among other insecticides tested, Acetameprid was as effective as Bifenthrin, while Pirimicarb was barely inferior probably due to development of parasite resistance. At Scafati, while the majority of the tested spray schedules reduced substantially aphid infestation on tobacco, they were quite ineffective for virus control, except in the instance of bifenthrin+oil, which showed a high degree of control. At Bovolone, the extremely low frequency of infected plants does not allow any comments. No phytotoxicity occurred on plants treated with oil, as well on the others, based on visual symptoms. Acknowledgements Thanks are due to dr. Rosario Nicoletti (Tobacco Research Institute)for providing Veticillium lecanii cultures 20/06/00, 20.36 Aphid control on tobacco Sannino et al 29 Fig. 1. Effect of products on the infestation (No. aphids on the upper five leaves) in the observation period at Scafati. Fig.1. Effetto dei prodotti sull’infestazione (n. afidi sulle cinque foglie apicali) nel periodo di osservazione a Scafati. afididef.p65 29 20/06/00, 20.36 30 Il Tabacco, Fig. 2. Effect of products on aphid infestation (0-5 scale) in the observation period at Bovolone. Fig.2. Effetto dei prodotti sull’infestazione afidica (scala 0-5) nel periodo di osservazione a Bovolone. afididef.p65 30 20/06/00, 20.36 8 Aphid control on tobacco Sannino et al 31 Table 3. Effect of products on aphid infestation at Bovolone in 1998: average and trend (daily variation) of infestation score (0-5 scale) and percentage of control. Tab. 3. Effetto dei prodotti sull’infestazione afidica a Bovolone nel 1998: media e andamento (variazione giornaliera) dell’infestazione (scala 0-5) e percentuale di controllo rispetto al testimone. Products Bifenthrin+oil (bif+o) Pymetrozine (pym) Imidacloprid (imi) Acetamiprid (ace) Bifenthrin (bif) Pirimicarb (pir) Tega- bion Control Contras ts (Prob. |t|) Tega- bion vs others Pirimicarb vs others [bif, bif+o] vs [imi, pym, ace] [bif] vs [bif+o] [imi, ace] vs [pym] [imi] vs [ace] Avg aphids /5 le ave s Tre nd (*100) % control 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.6 2.1 2.3 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.2 0.6 2.2 5.9 6.7 99 99 98 98 98 95 2 <0.001 0.174 0.984 0.732 0.835 0.991 References Angelini R., Cantoni A. & Gambi E. – 1997 - Confidor® e Gaucho®: nuovi insetticidi sistemici a base di Imidacloprid. – Inf. Fitop. 1: 25-34. Bolsinger M., Ruesch O, Steiger, A. & Angst M. – 1993 – Performance of pymetrozine, a novel agent to control aphids and whiteflies, on organophosphate and carbabate resistant strain. – Third International Conference on pests in agriculture, Montpelier, 1993. 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