from palermo
FROM PALERMO TO NEW ORLEANS COMPILED BY MARY ANN RIVIERE Pictured on the cover are Saverio Giametta with daughter, Domenica, and wife, Maria Sparacino. Left to right in the back row are Paolo Giametta, Saverio's brother, and Calogero Larocca, Maria's nephew. Copyright 1987 M. A. Riviere Publications 1327 Westmoreland Road Lake Charles, LA 70605 U.S.A. First Printing Second Printing Price 1987 1991 $18.00 including shipping and handling TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i The Arrival of the Bolivia as Reported by . . . . . . . . . . The Daily Picayune---New Orleans v Ship Passenger List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Possible Corrections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Special Notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Suggested Readings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Index 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION Genealogical data from original documents can be an important source of information but obtaining it often involves a laborious task of reading and deciphering. Such is the case in copying a Ship Passenger List with the exception of one which I felt was well worth the time and effort. It is dated October 25, 1898 and is from the S. S. Bolivia, which arrived at the Port of New Orleans from Palermo, Sicily. The importance lies in the fact that on board were more than thirteen hundred Italians, and present surnames indicate many settled in Louisiana or neighboring states. The Passenger Act of 1882 required Captain Thomas Craig to record specified information pertaining to each person on board and swear to its accuracy. On Page One is a facsimile of the official form which preceded the list. It was completed and signed by the Captain and presented to the Collector of Customs. Of the data recorded, only name, age, sex, and occupation were copied for this project. Except for one, all passengers were citizens of Italy on a "protracted sojourn." This indicated that workers came for an indefinite period of time and as temporary residents. Families came also, and it is evident that children over twelve years of age were expected to be part of the labor force. Most accommodations were in steerage and the average person had one piece of baggage. Though conditions were crowded and the stay on board was long only one traveler died. This microfilm was copied from original records which seem to have been deteriorated, perhaps from use, with some areas torn or missing. Other tears are held together with darkened tape, making for difficult reading. In some instances the ornately written capital letters were impossible to distinguish, and often the ink had faded or created a misshapened letter. My lack of knowledge of the structure of the Italian language was also a hindrance. Obvious mistakes were retained to keep the authenticity of the document. Regrettably, ending letters of a, e, and o were often indistinguishable, making it impossible to tell if the mistake was in the name or sex recorded. (Note that masculinity or femininity are indicated by the last letter of the Italian given name.) Abbreviations were sometimes used, perhaps as a time saver, or the last several letters omitted. Information of uncertain clarity is enclosed in parentheses and if the name or age appeared likely to be one of several possibilities, those choices are included in the section POSSIBLE CORRECTIONS. If additional spellings are unavailable it is because there were no other options. Unfortunately, in some areas, given and surnames are obviously reversed and in others it is impossible to differentiate. The reader might also note that the wife's name, often listed under the husband's, consisted of her maiden and given names. indicated by a blank line. Anything missing or unreadable is Throughout the original list no commas were used to separate family and given names. This list of Italians aboard the Bolivia filled forty-two pages and each name was numbered. The page numbers are indicated in the copied text, but for lack of space these individual numbers are only given in POSSIBLE CORRECTIONS. This was done to make the name easier for the individual to find and recheck on the microfilm. Through 1941 notations were made on this document, and most affirm a certification, probably of citizenship. Individual names with such have an asterisk following the occupation designating this data can be found in SPECIAL NOTATIONS. Two important aids in reading this list were my familiarity with many of these surnames along with a lighted magnifier which tremendously increased visibility. It is my personal opinion that when distinguishable, this list contains names that are correctly spelled. The information I checked seems to be more accurate than other sources. More often than not, data was readable, and among the 1,375 entries less than 200 were questionable. The Index consisting of over 1,200 names should be a valuable asset to this research. It may be of interest to the reader to know that my maternal grandparents, Saverio and Maria Sparacino Giametta, were recorded on Page One. They came from Montevago, Province of Agrigento, Sicily, and others probably came from nearby villages as Bisaquino, Cacamo, Cordeleone, Gibellina and Saint Margherita de Belice. It was told to me that my grandparents were "sent for" by my grandmother's sister who was a midwife in Baldwin, Louisiana. They came as laborers to work in the cane fields. Indications are that they had originally planned to return to Sicily. As this research was being readied for printing, I discovered that the journey of this ship with its arrival and dispersal of passengers had been well reported by The Daily Picayune---New Orleans. Like the passenger list, these articles were typed as published with spelling mistakes and other inconsistencies to keep the originality and colorful manner in which they were written. It is with much pleasure that I have copied and inserted these articles which seem to bring the whole venture to life. THE ARRIVAL OF THE BOLIVIA AS REPORTED BY THE DAILY PICAYUNE---NEW ORLEANS "Italian Immigrants," Tuesday, October 25, 1898, p. 9, c. 5. The collector of the port has been notified that there are on board of the steamship Bolivia, which is due at this port today, 1386 Italian immigrants. The vessel will arrive between 11 and 12 o'clock to-day, and will stop at the point below Algiers, where she will be boarded by the United States inspectors, United States Immigration Agent Montgomery, United States Inspector Holfan and three assistants and one interpreter. Inspector Holman and assistants and the interpreter were ordered some days ago to Pensacola, and thence they were notified to come to New Orleans to assist Mr. Montgomery in inspecting the Italians on the Bolivia. Most of the immigrants are booked for the sugar plantations on the upper coast and on the line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. "Immigrants from Italy," Wednesday, October 26, 1898, p. 11, c. 3. The British steamship Bolivia, 2361 tons net, Captain Thomas Craig, from Leghorn, via Gibraltar, with a general cargo, consigned to Meletta & Stoddart, has arrived at post 30, Third district, bringing as cabin passengers Salvatore Vinezia, Salvatore Randazzo, G. La Rosa, Giuseppe La Rosa and 1371 Italian immigrants in the steerage. She reports having sailed from Leghorn Sept. 21, experienced fine weather to Abaco, thence to Tortugas a strong southeast gale, with heavy rain and thick weather, followed by a strong north wind, with heavy seas, in the gulf of Mexico, crossing the bar at 2:10 p.m. Oct. 24 and arrived at her wharf at noon on Oct. 25. Captain Craig also reports that, on Oct. 10, at 6 a.m., a steerage passenger named D. Ague Calogero died of pneumonia and was buried at sea. "Another Batch of Surly Sicilians," Wednesday, October 26, 1898, p. 9, c. 5 and 6. Another contingent of Sicily's surplus population to the hospitable regions of Louisiana reached this port yesterday, on board the steamship Bolivia, which in twenty-three days made the trip from Palermo to New Orleans. To the number of 1369 men, women and children the new comers crowded the spacious decks of the big steamship, and strained their eyes to discern and their strong lungs to greet their hundreds of fellow-country men now residents of this city, and many of whom had acquired citizenship, and who were crowding the Northeastern wharves as the Bolivia slowly came, broadside on, to effect a landing. It was a few minutes after 12 o'clock noon that the immigrant-freighted vessel neared her mooring place, and as it came gradually closer and closer to the shore, and recognition was possible from ship to landing, and from terra firma to the floating mass, there arose a chorus of excited yells, queries, exclamations, calls, in high-pitched vernacular that was positively deafening. And the gyrations of arms, heads, and the bodily contortions which, strangely, seem to be indispensable with the exchange of greetings among some of the Latin races, were enough to cause any sedate and practical onlooker to fear that a limb or two of the most vehement of the excited performers would suddenly be severed and fly off. A squad of policemen, and a detail of United States customs inspectors, had hard work persuading the Italians on the wharf to stand back, and the crowd was finally pushed back, and ropes were stretched across the wharves, inclosing about 300 feet of space, within which none but authorized persons could enter, under penalty of arrest. When the Bolivia was at last made fast to the landing no gang plank was put out. The United States inspectors and immigration agents had to complete their tasks on board before a single immigrant could be permitted to go ashore. So the vessel and the wharves were closely guarded, to prevent the possibility of any of the newcomers sneaking ashore. From noon until 5 o'clock in the evening the big steamship was the scene of indescribable hubbub. The decks swarmed with the mercurial, voluble gentry, scores of whom, not withstanding that 200 feet of space separated them from the serried lines of Italians maintained within bounds by the ropes, kept on a screeching, mitrailleuse conversation for hours with friends, relatives and acquaintances on shore. Meanwhile the serious task of the United States inspectors and agents was going on, without interruption, and batches of immigrants were corralled, driven before the inspectors and submitted to the closest examination, to ascertain if any of them came under the prohibitive sections of the immigration laws. This process was kept up until about 5 o'clock at which time about 300 of the immigrants had passed and had been allowed to depart. Shortly after 5 o'clock the steam tug Corsair towed the Bolivia into midstream, where she anchored for the night. The vessel will return to the wharf in the early morning and the labor of attending to the remainder of the newly-arrived Sicilians will be resumed. The Bolivia's arrival at quarantine was made known to the collector of customs, and information was sent that she would reach the city Tuesday during the forenoon. Collector Wimberly ordered that the vessel be stopped at the "point," below Algiers, there to await the coming of the immigration agent, inspectors and other United States officials. The following party embarked on board of the tug Corsair, which cast off the Canal Street landing, and steamed down stream to meet the Bolivia. Messrs. A. N. Howell, special deputy collector of customs; Nat L. Marks, acting deputy collector of customs; F. N. Wicker, Chinese inspector; John Y. Snyder, representing the naval office; Thos. J. Sholars, of the naval office; Henry W. Robinson, deputy surveyor of the port; L. V. Landry, T. J. Wallace, Chris Madden, Paul Morgan, P. H. Adam, T. R. Colquehuon, Robert Joiner, local inspectors. Mr. S. A. Montgomery, inspector of immigration was also with the party, and he had with him Messrs. E. B. Holman, United States inspector of immigration, from New York, and his assistants, N. J. Arbeely, Sam A. Eppler, B. W. Baker, L. H. Robinson, and Joe Di Micelli, the latter an interpreter. Drs. D. C. Kallock, J. B. Stoner, of the United States marine hospital service, went along to conduct the medical examination of the immigrants; and Mr. Antonio Bonard, local Italian interpreter; Mr. Alvin V. Eckert, representing the agents of the Bolivia, Messrs, Meletta and Stoddart, completed the delegation bound for the incoming Italian colony. The Bolivia was met at the Point, and the inspectors and officials of the government went on board of her. Captain Thos. Craig, commander of the steamship, said that he had had an uneventful trip from Palermo to this city. Only one death occurred, from natural causes, and not from any infections or contagious disease. The immigrants were remarkably healthy during the voyage, and they were a sturdy set able to be self-supporting after landing in America. The first act of the United States representatives was to put the Italians through the medical examination. Meanwhile, the Corsair had put a towing hawser on to the Bolivia and was pulling the vessel toward the city. The physical examination proceeded very rapidly. All the immigrants were ordered forward, and a rope was stretched across deck. Then the inspectors, with the assistance of Interpreter Micelli, prevailed on the Italians to pass in single file beside the physicians, who ascertained, after a superficial examination, satisfactory for the purposes of the test, that none of the arrivals suffered from any contagious or infectious disease. The Bolivia reached the Northeastern wharf, and then the work of the inspectors began. Their duty was to find out if any of the Italians belonged to the excluded classes mentioned in the immigration laws, namely, paupers, persons liable to be a charge on the community, idiots, insane individuals, persons suffering from infectious or contagious or loathsome diseases, and persons brought over under contract to perform labor in the United States, in violation of the alien labor law. The examination was conducted by Inspector Holman, of New York, who, accustomed to the rapid and systematic manner in which such proceedings are conducted in New York city, found his task here a very tedious and protracted process. "In New York city," remarked Inspector Holman to the representative of the Picayune, "there are special accommodations for the inspection of immigrants. They are disembarked into large, well-ventilated rooms, on the wharf or conveniently near, and are given all the comforts of a hotel, so to speak, while awaiting the examination. Their board and lodging until they are finally discharged, and allowed to depart, are at the expense of the steamship company, as the government considers the immigrants to be still aboard ship until they are released by the inspection. Here, however, we have to attend to our official duties on board of the vessel, which is necessarily limited as to space, and the inspection is, of course, slow and timeconsuming." Inspector Holman called the immigrants in groups of twenty to thirty, according to their listing and numerical order on the ship's manifest. Each list is a sheet containing twenty to thirty names, and letters A, B, C, D, etc. Inspector Holman took each manifest sheet in succession, and with the aid of Interpreter Micelli called the names in numerical rotation, and as each party stepped up he was interrogated in accordance with the provisions of the immigration law, and the closest questioning was gone through with in order to find out if the party under scrutiny belonged to any of the classes just enumerated. As quickly as the name of the party was tallied or checked he was registered, and, if having successfully passed the medical examination, and having satisfactorily answered the questions put to him by Inspector Holman, he was allowed to take up his goods and chattels and hie himself to the open arms of relatives and friends on shore. In the registration of immigrants the inspector permitted those to land who were clearly and beyond doubt entitled to that privilege, but he detained a large number for special inquiry, as he was not entirely satisfied as to their eligibility to land. About 300 were permitted to leave, and nearly the same number were detained for special inquiry. The larger part of the immigrants, however, will be examined to-day. The board of special inquiry, of which Inspector Holman is chairman, and which is composed of four members, inspectors also, will meet to-day and complete the work of examining and registering the immigrants. It is believed that before night the whole ship load will have gone through the ordeal, and almost all, if not all of them will be allowed to land. Inspector Holman is satisfied, insofar as he was able to judge by cursory examination, that the new arrivals are healthy, able-bodied, fairly intelligent and capable of taking care of themselves. Some of them possess enough money to give them a start in life, while those who are not so well off financially seem robust and willing and able to work. Inspector Holman and his assistants were recently on duty at Pensacola. They inspected the immigrants on board of the Brittania, that vessel which arrived in New Orleans during the quarantine season, and which was so delayed at the quarantined station and at the Point-the state board of health having refused permission to land the immigrants and which, finally, was sent to Pensacola. Inspector Holman and assistants attended to the inspection at Pensacola, and rejected seventy-one immigrants, on the ground that they might become a burden to the community. The officials were instructed to remain at Pensacola and prepare to inspect the immigrants on board the Bolivia, which, it was expected, would have to be ordered to Pensacola on account of quarantine restrictions in New Orleans. But the Bolivia reached Port Eads after the quarantines had been taken off, and she was allowed to proceed to this city. The inspectors at Pensacola were then instructed to come to New Orleans immediately and help the local inspectors in expediting the inspection of the thousand and more immigrants on the Bolivia. The board of special inquiry will first take in hand the case of the seventy-one immigrants on the Britannia. The department at Washington has ordered to reopen the case, and give the rejected men a new trial, as relatives and friends of those people in this city have signified their readiness to vouch that the parties who were not allowed to land will not become a burden on the community. "Gossip Gathered in Hotel Lobbies," Wednesday, October 26, 1898, p. 8, c. 4. Yesterday a party of immigrant inspectors from New York and Baltimore registered at the Cosmopolitan Hotel. The party consisted of Messrs. E. B. Holman, S. A. Eppley, N. J. Arbeely, all of New York; Joe D. Miceli, immigrant interpreter, also of New York; B. W. Baker, from Norfolk, Va., and L. H. Robinson, of Baltimore. "Our mission here is rather unexpected," said Mr. Holman to a reporter last night. "We were sent to Pensacola to inspect the Bolivia which was to have arrived here some time ago. From there we came here, following the ship; but I do not presume we will ever have this duty again to perform, for there are immigrant inspectors in this city who have such matters in charge. The party reaching here on the Bolivia are very decent people. They are farmers, for the most part, and we will complete our inspection tomorrow night, I guess, releasing the men, who are anxious to get out in the country upon plantations, where they have been engaged as laborers." "The Immigrants Under Inspection," Thursday, October 27, 1898, p. 3, c. 1 and 2. The United States immigration inspectors and agents completed, yesterday, the examination and registration of the 1639 Sicilians aboard the steamship Bolivia, which reached this port Tuesday noon and moored at the New Orleans and Northeastern Railroad Company's fruit wharf, in the Third district. Tuesday evening 300 immigrants had been passed and had been allowed to land. The remainder underwent examination yesterday. All but 150 proved to the satisfaction of the inspectors that they could provide for themselves, and they were permitted to go ashore. Inspectors Arbeeley and Eppler, of New York, conducted the examination. They detained 150 of the immigrants, because those parties had, so far, no one to vouch for their future good behavior if allowed to land or to pledge that they would not become a burden on the community. A special board of inquiry will give these 150 men a hearing to-day, and they will have to send notice to relatives and friends to come forward and vouch for them, otherwise they will have to return to Italy, without further delay. Seventy-one immigrants, all men, who were examined on board the steamship Britannia, at Pensacola, and who were rejected, because it was feared they would not be able to earn their living, either through lack of means, physical disability, sickness, old age, etc., were kept aboard the Britannia, and that vessel came back to New Orleans. As soon as the immigrants had stated that they had relatives and friends in New Orleans, and as the Britannia was to go to New Orleans, and, furthermore, as the same inspectors who had examined the immigrants at Pensacola had been ordered to this city to help the local agents in inspecting the Sicilians on the Bolivia, the department at Washington consented to give the seventy-one men a rehearing. The special board which sat yesterday on board of the Britannia was composed of Inspectors L. H. Robinson, of Baltimore, chairman; E. B. Holman, of New York; E. P. Prudhomme, of New Orleans, and D. Q. Campbell, of New York. The board very carefully conducted the inquiry. One by one, the immigrants were called and were challenged to the proof of having relatives or friends in this city. If any New Orleans Sicilians claimed one of the immigrants as brother, or cousin, etc., the board would not accept their mere statement. The man under examination was led to one side, and the alleged brother or cousin to another side, and each was separately interrogated relative to family history and connections, etc. If their statements tallied, the immigrant was allowed to go ashore. If, on the contrary, the answers were divergent, the newly-arrived Sicilian had to step aside, and he would be billed for quick return to his native country. The board found no instance of false statement in the whole batch that were examined on the Britannia. there were twenty-eight rejections. Out of seventy-one, One of the men set aside was afflicted with an infectious disease, and was promptly isolated. The others were either paupers or old men, whom it would not be safe to allow to land in this country. Inspector Holman, in speaking of the immigrants on the Bolivia, said that they were the healthiest, cleanest and most self-supporting set of immigrants he had inspected at any port of the United States in many years. Most of them are young and sturdy, and will be able to work hard to support themselves and their families. "Thirteen Out of Thirteen Hundred," Friday, October 28, 1898, p. 8, c. 1. Of the 1369 Sicilians brought to this port aboard the steamship Bolivia Tuesday, only thirty-three, up to last evening, had been refused permission to land. Of these thirty-three, the United States inspectors excluded thirteen, who will be returned to their native country, while the remainder, twenty in number, were set aside for further examination, which will be held to-day. The special board of inquiry met yesterday on board of the Bolivia, to hear and determine the cases of 133 immigrants, who had been set aside for further investigation. Inspector L. H. Robinson was chairman of the board, and inspectors N. J. Arbeely, of New York; E. P. Prudhomme, of New Orleans, and N. L. Marks, of New Orleans, with inspector E. B. Holman, of New York, secretary, completed the board. Mr. Holman acted as secretary, on account of his proficiency as a stenographer, and in order to be able to make a full and accurate report to the department at Washington. Every one of the 133 Sicilians were examined, and when the investigation closed at 4 p.m., ninety-eight had taken their departure, having proven satisfactorily that they had relatives and friends in this city who would see that they shall not become a public charge. The twenty who were temporarily detained will have to give conclusive evidence to-day of ability to earn their own living, and they must also be vouched for by friends residing in New Orleans, otherwise they will be kept aboard the Bolivia, and will go back to Italy when the steamship will sail hence. Thirteen were excluded altogether, because of their having no money, no friends or relatives to vouch for them, and they will be returned to their native land. There are two stowaways on the Bolivia. They were duly reported to the inspectors by Captain Craig, commander of the vessel, and were safely and securely "stowed away" again, under guard, so that there will be no possibility of their escaping. The stowaways will also go back to Italy without having had the privilege of touching the soil of Louisiana. Inspector Holman will, as soon as the twenty cases are disposed of to-day, prepare his report, which will be somewhat lengthy, especially in regard to rejected immigrants, whose examination is reported in full. This board of inquiry does not sit as a court to debar the landing of immigrants, but, on the contrary, it is disposed to deal fairly, considerately, and liberally with the newcomers. The immigration laws and the alien labor law lay down certain rules whereby immigrants must be accepted or rejected. There are classes which it would not be desirable to admit---paupers, idiots, insane persons, and such individuals as are likely to become a charge on the community; also persons imported under contract to work in this country. The law lays down general propositions as to excluded classes, but the inspectors may exercise their own judgment to suit individual cases, as, for instance, when a young, strong and healthy immigrant acknowledges that he has little or no money, but he has relatives or friends in this city who are ready to stand security that he will not become a charge on the people, and that he will be given work as soon as he is allowed to land. In such a case the immigrant is permitted to go free. On the other hand, the inspectors might exclude a newcomer, even if he has money, if, in their judgment, that particular person might eventually become a burden on the community. Long experience in the business often qualifies an inspector to gauge accurately the character and peculiarities of the person he has under examination. "The Inspection of the Immigrants," Saturday, October 29, 1898, p. 3, c. 3. Witnessing the rapid and systematic manner in which the United States inspectors of immigration examined, registered and disposed of the hundreds of Sicilians on board of the steamship Bolivia, any careful observer could not help deprecating the woful lack of facilities in such a large and important port. The inspection and handling of over a thousand people on board of a ship, are, accomplished under difficulties which could very easily be obviated, if proper and adequate accommodations were afforded. The gentlemen, whom the commissioner general of immigration sent to this city to help the local officers in inspecting the immigrants on the Bolivia, are highly experienced and very able, and proved their efficiency in a practical way, when they handled the 1368 Sicilians just arrived. Messrs. Holman, Arbeely, Robinson, Heppler, Baker and Di Micheli were surprised, on this, their first official visit to New Orleans, to find no accommodations at all for the prompt and humane inspection of immigrants. The word "humane" is advisedly used, for it is, indeed, a hardship on these poor people to keep them cooped up on board of a ship until all the formalities are completed. It often happens that some of the immigrants, after having been refused the permission to land, obtain a rehearing, and during that interval they are compelled to remain aboard ship. In other large ports of this country, conditions are vastly different. Three hours after the immigrant ship has landed they are lodged in a convenient and near-by place, where all the work of inspection, registration, etc., is done by the United States inspectors, thus relieving the ship of all further responsibility and care relative to the immigrants, for the law specifically sets forth that the immigrants are not to be considered beyond the responsibility of the ship's captain until they have been permitted to land. It would be greatly to the advantage of New Orleans and it would add to this city's good name abroad, especially with the desirable class of immigrants, if the same facilities which they obtain in other ports existed here. Yesterday the board of inquiry heard twenty appeals on board of the Bolivia. Seventeen proved their eligibility to land, and three were sent to keep company to the thirteen who had been rejected the day before. The board then accorded a third hearing to this batch of sixteen, and decided to release three, thus leaving thirteen rejections. To-day every one of the rejected men, including those on the steamship Britannia, will be given a final rehearing, after which the board will close the inquiry and forward its report to the proper authorities. At the hearing to-day, Mr. A. N. Howell, special deputy collector of the port, will be present as deputy commissioner of immigration. In ports where there is no commissioner of immigration, the collector of the port is acting deputy commissioner, as the immigration bureau is under the treasury department. "The Immigrants," Sunday, October 30, 1898, p. 1, c. 5 and 6. The board of inquiry of the immigration bureau, Messrs. Robinson, Holman, Baker and others, closed, yesterday, its labors, after hearing several appeals from immigrants who had been rejected, both on the Bolivia and on the Britannia. On this final rehearing, Special Deputy Collector of Customs, A. N. Howell sat with the board, as it was through the collector's office that the special appeals were filed. Of the twenty men, previously rejected on the steamship Britannia, seven were allowed to land, while the thirteen on the Bolivia were not permitted to go ashore. It is strange how the number 13 has played a conspicious role in this immigration matter. The immigrants were 1368 in number on the Bolivia. Thirteen were finally rejected, and the same fateful figure stands for the total which was refused on the Britannia, so that thirteen men on each vessel will have to be taken back to Italy. Further-more, the inspectors began work on the Bolivia on the 26th of October--twice thirteen being twenty-six. Mr. Howell took action yesterday in regard to the two stowaways on the Bolivia. He fined the captain of the vessel $10 in one case, as the stowaway was not included on the manifest, although he was declared, by the commander of the ship, to the inspectors when they boarded the Bolivia. In regard to the other party, it was clearly proven that he had paid for his ticket, but somebody on the other side of the ocean had pocketed the money and left the ignorant peasant lad to his fate, on board of the vessel. Both men were sent below decks, to be returned to Italy. Captain Craig, commander of the Bolivia, finds it very inconvenient to have the rejected immigrants watched, in order to prevent their escape. He tried to make arrangements with Sheriff Unlacke to keep the immigrants in the boarders' department of the parish prison, but the Italian consul objecting to that proceeding, another plan was arrived at. Two Boylan police officers and two customs inspectors were placed on guard aboard the Bolivia. Messrs. E. B. Holman, N. J. Arbeely, Sam A. Eppler, B. W. Baker, L. H. Robinson and Joe D. Mically, the visiting inspectors, will leave this evening for their respective stations, at New York, Baltimore, and Norfolk. District of the City of New Orleans* Port of New Orleans The Passenger Act 1882 Department Decision 8717 Regulations, Bureau of Stastics CUSTOMS LIST OF PASSENGERS I, Thos. Craig, Master of the Bs S/S Bolivia do solemnly, sincerely and truly swear that the following List or Manifest subscribed by me, and now delivered by me to the Collector of Customs of the District of the City of New York, is a full and perfect list of all the Passengers taken on board said vessel at Palermo from which port or ports the said vessel has now arrived; and that on said list is truly designated the age, sex, calling or occupation, the port of Embarkation, the number of pieces of baggage, of all the passengers, the date and cause of death of any such passengers who may have died on the voyage, and also a statement, so far as it can be ascertained, with reference to the intention of each immigrant passenger as to a protracted sojourn in this country, and also, in regard to cabin passengers, the country of which they are citizens, and of passengers other than cabin passengers, their native country, their intended destination or location in the United States, and whether they are citizens of the United States, or (of), and the location of the compartment or space occupied by each as required by the Passenger Act of 1882 and the Regulations of the Secretary of the Treasury. So help me God. Sworn to before me this 25 day of Oct. 1898 Calhoun (Feuker) Deputy Collector Thos. Craig_________ Master + To be used for all passengers. ++ To be used for cabin passengers only. * To be used for passengers other than cabin passengers. *It appears this form was originally made to be used in New York. In the heading, lines are drawn through the words "New York" and replaced by "New Orleans". In the statement it went unnoticed. PAGE 1 Nos. 1-26 AGE NAME (SICAUSI) Francesco YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION 22 F Wife " Girolamo 8 M Son " Maria 2 F Daughter ___ZZO Vincenzo 52 M Baker 14 F Daughter 8 F " __NA Rosaria 42 F Wife ____ Giovanni 29 M Farmer ____ ________ 22 M " 23 M " (EPOSE) Pietro 15 M " AMOROSO Antonino 22 M " (MIFIONE) Giovanni 23 M " SACCOMARIO Giov. 34 M " LaROCCA Rosaria 46 F Wife BARBERA Giacomo 18 M Labourer _____ Maria 14 F Help (FE)_RARO Melehione 36 M Farmer __(C)ATE Antonino 24 M " (GIGANITO) (Giganti) 19 M Carter GIAMETTA Saverio 32 " Farmer " Nil " (Efeonora) ______ Antonina " (Fran) " Giuseppe 6 SPARACINO Maria 34 F Wife LAMBERTO Calogero 27 M Farmer GIOVANNI Vito 41 M Farmer AGE NAME YRS GIOVANNI Antonino (4) MOS SEX OCCUPATION M Nil PAGE 2 Nos. 27-59 MILIONE Mariano 37 M Farmer (GRIPASI) Vita 36 F Wife (INGOGLIO) Gppe. 25 M Farmer 23 " " FANCETTA Giuseppe 18 " " SUTERA Giuseppe 54 " " 22 F Help 17 M Farmer (40) M Farmer 35 " Farmer (4) " Nil SCUVA Rosa 18 F Help AIELLO Anna 45 F Housewife GIAMBALVO Calogero 18 M Labourer " " Antonino Rosa GIGANTI BRUNO Domenico Calogero DiMARIO Francesco " Gaspare " Angelo 16 F Help " Giuseppe 10 M Labourer " Francesco M Nil 45 M Farmer 10 M Nil 22 F Wife F Nil CAGLIANO Baldassare " Michele MIGLIORE Caterina " Isabella 8 10 MIGLIORE Vito 32 M Farmer CICIO Giuseppe 25 M Farmer AGE NAME YRS (BEHILACQUA) Liborio MOS SEX OCCUPATION 31 M Farmer 1 " Nil GIAMBALVO (Guva) 32 F Wife GIGANTI Pietro 35 " Domestic GIAMBALVO Giordano 10 " Son 8 " " COLETTI Giuseppe 34 M Farmer SALADINO Gesa 26 F Wife COLETTO Stefano (4) M Nil M " " " " Leonardo Salvatore Giorgio 11 PAGE 3 Nos. 60-92 (DAIDONE) Calogero 16 M Farmer (TUSCIO) Gppe. Nunzio 36 " " (ONASTELLI) Gppe. 17 " " FERRUGGIA Vito 24 " " (BULLACAIOLE) Pietro 27 " (Meuir) PALMERI Gppe. 21 M Farmer SACCO Giuseppe 40 " " (TOMMASANO) Giusppe 25 " " BUCCERI Giuseppe 29 " " PERRUGGIA Santo 27 " " SALDINO Ugo 23 " " (SCABORA) Gppe. 36 " " (ATTAMORE) Gppe. 40 " " FARINA Francesco 49 F Wife NAME YRS AGE (ORTALE) Gppo MOS SEX OCCUPATION 16 F Housewife Nil " Rosa 9 F " Maria 7 F " ROPPOLO Antonino 24 M Farmer (CHIOVARO) Rosario 66 M Porter CANNATELLA Mattia 48 F Nurse ROMANO Giuseppe 37 M Farmer GIGLIA Giuseppe 50 " " AZZURO Gppe 31 " " CANNELLA Benedetta 25 " Farmer LEONE Salvatore 28 " Farmer DiAMICO Francesco 26 " Farmer (ZAMBITO) Giovi 47 " " FUZZOLINO Salv 50 " " FRANIA Gppe 34 M Labourer NAPOLI Gppe. Nunzio 19 F Wife MANIACI Costantino 21 M Sailor (ORTALE) Calogero 25 F Domestic 6 M Nil NAPOLI Giovanni PAGE 4 Nos. 93-125 NAPOLI Michele " Vito LUIZZI Nicolo " 3 Gaspare LENA Vincenzo 9 M Nil " " 22 M Farmer* 10 " " 40 M " AGE NAME LENA Giuseppe YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION 13 M Nil Fedele 8 " " SCARPINATO Gius. 28 M Farmer VINCI Pietro 35 " " VACCARO Filippo 35 " Shoemaker 7 M Nil TARUNTOLA Vinc. 37 F Wife (LoBELLO) Giuseppe 13 M Son " VACCARO Salvatore " Teresa (7) F Daughter " Carmela 7 F Daughter GENNARO Gucchino 31 M Farmer MUSE Francesco 30 M Farmer CARDELLA Maria 24 F Wife " Nil BEAGIA (Colletto) 9 COLLETTO Bernardo 41 M Farmer LUCIA Colette 30 F Wife ORLANDO Beagia 14 F Help PENNINO Francesco 17 M Farmer COLETTI Mariano 27 M " MUSININI Beagio 33 M Farmer (GRIZZIO) Angelo 23 F Wife (MUSININI) Mercurio 2 2 M Nil " F " " L. Maria MORICI Giuseppe 21 M Farmer PROFITATTE Alfonso 22 " " MISTRELLA Beagio 28 " " NAME YRS (LAGOLINO) Maria 20 F Wife MISTRETTA Beagio (4) F Nil AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION PAGE 5 Nos. 126-158 MISTRETTA (Leogiamt) 16 M Farmer* DiGIGLIA Giovanni 11 M Farmer* MISTRELLA Antonino 39 M Farmer (FISO) Giuseppe 26 M Farmer GAGLIANO Filippo 30 M Farmer 23 " " (LaBUE) Saverio 36 " " RIZZOTTO Giuseppe 17 " " CALLURA Salv. 29 " " (BISSETRELLA) Nicolo 21 " " (MASSILIGI) Michelangelo 38 " " GOVERNALE Leoluca 44 " " (ORLANDI) Ciro 39 " " " Calogero " Francesco 9 " Nil " Angela 8 F Nil (GUEPFREDO) Vinc. 31 F Wife (MANGIOURLI) (Militelle) 24 M Farmer FRATELLO Salv. 27 M Farmer MARINGO Fco. 21 " " MANICCHIA Sedura 19 M " Giuseppe 15 F Help PALMERI Innoncenza 26 M Farmer " AGE NAME YRS (CASI) Vincenza SEX OCCUPATION 62 F Housewife QUAGLIANO Giov. 24 M Farmer (SCURTINO) (Giuseppe) 24 M Farmer SPOTO Beagio 24 " " O Domenire 11 " " GENARDI Domeniro 24 " " (GIOVENCE) Domenio 36 " 17 " " (DiFRANO) Vinc 44 " " (CIRRINCIONE) Geatano 19 " " LOMBARDO Sebastiano 42 " " " " Rosario MOS Workman PAGE 6 Nos. 159-191 PARISI Vincenzo 35 M Labourer (LAMIANO) Antonino 27 " " ABBATE Francesca 28 " " MOUSCARELLO Mario 16 " " GIOVENCO Andrea 29 M " ABBATE Giuseppe 28 M Carter " Salvatore 17 " " " Antonino 17 " " 23 " Workman 20 " " GULLADAURO Cirie 41 F Wife PRENOPATO Rosa 14 F Help PETRANCOSTA Salv. " Vincenzo " Maria 9 F Nil " Anna 6 F Nil AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION BUCARO Beagio 30 M Workman (SAVERINO) (Francesco) 25 M " CARUSO ______________ 28 " " (SARISI) Salvatore 49 " " (DINGNOTE) Ant. 39 " Artisan LOMBARDO Gppe 37 M " SCIAUNO Antonino 41 M " (LaBASCO) Ant. 45 " " ROMANO Ant. 35 M Farmer BATTAGLIA Salv. 34 " " 8 " " MAZZARITO Pasquale 41 " " ARALOLINA Maria 37 F Wife MANARESE (Gens) 12 M Labourer " Guacchino " Antonino " Gaetano 9 " 11 " M Nil CARDINALE, Ant. 25 M Farmer CIRUO Gppe 26 " Artisan (CORACIOLIDI) Concetta 20 F Wife 50 F Housewife PAGE 7 Nos. 192-224 (CHIEMENTRO) Maria " Gaetano 65 M Shoemaker " Rosalia 17 F Help BARCELLONA Benedetto 28 M Shoemaker (GODARO) Castrenzo 14 M " AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION VINCENZO Calogero 33 M Farmer " Michelina 2 F Daughter " Vincenzina 6 " " (GENNIAUDO) Michele 15 M Labourer NOLA Carmela 22 F Help PIAZZA Nunzia 38 F Wife MANCUSO Rosalia 13 F Help " Ninfa 11 " " " Pietro 9 M Nil DENTICI Ninfa 43 F Domestic MANCUSO Giuseppa 18 " Help CARUSO Luciano 21 M Farmer SCOLETTA Giuseppa 18 F Wife CARUSO (Teresa) 15 F Help TARNABENE Michele 27 M Workman PASSAFIUME Fransco 27 " " (CANERELLA) Michele 30 M Workman SAMBRERO Salvotore 42 " " MAGGIO Rosalia 27 F Wife 2 M Son BARRANCO Maria 33 F Domestic GLORIOSO Duesci Santo 44 M Farmer BROCATO Salvatore 17 M Farmer VINCENZA Portera 28 M Fisherman CURRISI Concetta 28 F Housewife (SAFICUZA) Ant. 34 M Labourer NAME YRS CANGELOSI Giovanni AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION (SAFICUZA) Vincenzo 20 M Labourer GLORIOSO Concetta 33 F Wife 7 F Nil 8 M " F " PAGE 8 Nos. 225-257 GRAZIA Maria " Leonardo " (Teresa) MATASSA Vincenzo " Giuseppe (ACURI) Francesco 10 (29) M Farmer 33 M " 42 M " " Geoacchino 9 M Son (ARALLI) Giuseppe 48 " Farmer MONTALBANO Rosalia 40 F Wife AUELLI Antonino 10 M Son " Franso 8 " Son " Michelli 3 " Son LUCIDO Gaspare 33 M Farmer MAGENZA Annia 27 F Wife 1 F Daughter MAENZA Ugo 38 M Farmer (SHVOA) Vincenza 26 F Wife 4 F Nil LUCIDO Domenica MAENZA Maria " Calogero 5 M Nil " (Douisio) 3 " "* " Antnina 1 M Nil BOIURA Gppe. 35 M Farmer (OCCHIPINTO) Calogero 36 " " AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION ORLANDO Salvatore 34 M Farmer BENINATO Santo 79 " " (OCCHIPINTI) Simone 33 " " " Salvatore 3 M Nil " Antonina 1 F Nil (BENINATO) Concetta 24 F Wife RESTINO Antonino 31 M Farmer 15 " " 40 " " " Salvator SCORTINO Giuseppe MONTALBANO Angelo 42 " " PAGE 9 Nos. 258-290 (CORPORA) Paolo 34 M Farmer MULE Antonino 31 " " (S. MANETRI) Salvatore 29 " " SACCO Rosario 45 " " SERAFINO Antonino 36 " " LODATO Giuseppe 34 " Labourer RESTIVO Rosa 26 F Wife 8 F Nil LODATO Crocifissa " Angela 5 " " " Francesca 2 " " " Francesco M Nil 6 LUNGARO Pasquale 23 M Farmer (CANISNOVA) Francesca 30 F Housewife 8 F Nil LIOTTA Maria AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION CHIACCINE Francesco 30 M Farmer SALODINO Rosalia 22 F Wife (PIACCORIE) Vinc. 1 F Nil CORPORA Pasqua 35 " Wife PARISI Giroloma 9 " Daughter (MANISO) Giuseppe 26 M Farmer MULE Salvatore 41 " " (MANISO) Paolo 30 " " (LORIO) Nunzio 50 " " (CACIOPPE) Gppe 27 " " DiSALVO Gppe 25 " " DAIDONE Domenico 28 " " PIAZZA Antonina 23 F Wife DAIDONE Calogero 2 M Nil MULE Antonino 32 " Farmer IPPOLITO Vincenzo 44 " Shopkeeper MONTALBANO Vito 34 F Wife IPPOLITO Giuseppe 9 M Nil BEAGIO (Ippolito) 7 " Nil 5 M Nil 2 M " F Nil PAGE 10 Nos. 291-323 IPPOLITO Nunzio " Costantino " Vita 6 GINUSSIA Benedetta 33 M Farmer COTTONE Giovannio 35 " Porter DiBARTOLA Calog 16 " Shoemaker NAME YRS SEX OCCUPATION AGE MOS SCARDINO Gppe 18 M Farmer CASCIO Gppe 47 " " 19 " " (REOUCCO) Vincenzo 40 " " MANDINO Paolo 50 " " " Antinino " Angela 9 F Nil " Gaetano 8 M Nil LaBELLA Vincenzo 25 M Builder FAZZINI Alessandro 29 " Farmer ROCCAFORTE Frco 46 " " (LaROCCO) Vito 43 " Labor PALERMO Antonina 29 F Wife F Daughter LUSA Laura 8 (DeNINA) Leonardo 24 M Farmer DiBENEDETTO Ant. 51 F Housewife " Anna 22 " Help " Francesco 16 M Labor " Giuseppe 13 M " CORTE Francesco 22 " Farmer MIOSI Michele 39 " " (CANALLARO) Gaetana 40 F Wife 9 M Son 5 " Son F Daughter MIOSI Filippo " Francesco " Maria 1 LAZZARONE Filippo 54 M Farmer MIOSI Caterina 37 F Wife AGE NAME (FAZZONE) (Melchiore) YRS 11 PAGE 11 Nos. 324-356 MOS SEX M OCCUPATION Nil (LAZIPRONE) Filippo 8 M Nil " Antonina 4 F " " Giuseppe 1 M " 24 " Farmer 21 " " ARVENEVAL Nicolo 32 " " CUTELLI Antonio 44 " " CORTE Guiliano 45 " " MARTORANA Doratia 53 F Wife (CORTE) Maria 17 F Help MALEZIA Francesco 47 M Farmer ABATE Vincenzo 24 M " CANNATELLA Antonino 27 " " (SALVATO) Benedetto 61 " " CHIOPPETTA Caterina 53 F Wife FASCELLO Francesco 40 F Househelper (TRETICO) Pietro 33 M Farmer DENINA Francesca 25 F Wife 5 F Nil M " SALSICIA Calogero " Girolomo (FRETICO) Caterina (Antonino) 11 BENFANTI Rosario 49 M Farmer SHITTONE Paolo 15 M " LODARO Rosario 23 " " AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION SANDINO Nicolo 59 M Farmer ROPPOLO Geppa. 54 F Wife SCIRIDINO Rosaria 12 " Daughter BERLIGLIA Pietro 24 M Builder SACCIO Giovanni 28 " Farmer VILLU Antonina 22 F Wife SACCIO Natala 14 " Help CUSIMANO Gppe 38 M Farmer AEORDI Angela 37 F Wife CUSIMANO Gppe 4 M Nil PAGE 12 Nos. 357-387 BATTISTI Girolamo 26 M Farmer INGOGLIA Giovanni 38 " Labourer CORONNO Leonarda 48 F Wife (INGOGLIA) Gppe 18 M Labourer 12 F Help 9 F Nil ACCARDI Gppe 62 M Farmer AGATA Calvato 66 F Wife GIORDANO Cristoparo 37 M Farmer CANGELOSI Ignazio 33 " " Di BENEDETTO Leonardo 34 " " Lo VITO Casemiro 62 F Seamstress CATANZARO Gppe. 55 M Farmer CINELLO Nunzio 29 M " " Bartolomea " Anna AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION TRAMONTE Caterina 25 F Wife CARACUOLO Lorenzo 25 M Farmer ROCCO (Tusa) 45 M Farmer CASCIO Antonina 32 F Wife FALCO Agostino 9 M Son Maria 2 F Daughter IPPOLITO Antonino 45 M Farmer BIVONA Giovanni 29 " " (BONAFIETE) Filippa 18 F Wife M Nil 51 M Farmer " " Caterino FONTANA Pietro 10 " Giuseppe 15 M Son " Salvatore 11 " Son ALESI Nicolo 27 " Farmer BEVINETTO Giuseppa 25 F Wife ABBATE Filippo 52 M Farmer TURNIELO Margherita 42 F Wife 7 M Son 36 M Farmer ROPPOLO Epifanio PACE Antonino PAGE 13 Nos. 388-422 LOMBARDINO Fsco 21 M Farmer NAVARRA Nicolo 32 " Clerk (LOLLORITA) Vito 57 M Farmer FALCO Rosalia 26 F Housewife BONURA Nunzia 30 M Farmer AGE NAME YRS PARISI Salvatore 21 M Farmer CANTANZARO Fso 25 " " CUSCINO Nicolo 21 M " BALSANO Gppe 49 " " Ant 16 " " PIRROLDATO Vincenzo 21 " " BALSANO Domenico 28 M Carpenter GRECO Elizabetta 26 F Wife 2 M Nil M Nil " BALSANO Nicolo Gppe " Nicolo MOS 4 SEX OCCUPATION TARANTOLO Rocco 35 M Farmer MANDIS______ Luigi 24 " " MAZZARA Francesca 23 F Househelp (GUARISCO) Antonino 29 M Farmer ALLEGRO Santo 30 M " BIVONA Caterina 19 F Wife GUCIO Gaetana 17 F Help 12 M Nil BONANNO Antonino 23 M Farmer (PLAIA) Paolo 12 " " BIVONA Giovanni 27 " Smith MUSSO Giovanni 46 " Workman 16 " Shoemaker FONTANA Nicolo 20 M " LUPO Vincenzo 29 " " " " Pietro Lorenzo BALSANO Giue. 21 " Carpenter SEX OCCUPATION AGE NAME YRS MOS NAVARRA Salvatore 34 M Farmer (TRAMONTE) Stefano 16 " " PAGE 14 Nos. 423-455 AIELLO Mario 33 M Farmer (ZIA) Nicolo 29 " Carter ANTONINO Benagia 32 " Farm POLLACI Maria 26 F Housewife FERRO Giuseppe 25 M Farmer (BALLIATA) Pietro 28 M " ELISABELLA La Mania 25 F Wife FERRO Giuseppe 26 M Farmer (LENNA) Filippo 22 " " GENTILE Giuseppe 32 " " LARANTOLO Nicolina 36 F Wife DiBENEDETTO Gius. 12 M Labourer MESSINA Fco. 29 " Farmer DiBERNARDO Ant. 15 " " NAVARRA Ugo 45 M Farmer BALSANO S___toro 34 M Shoemaker ______, ____varra 24 M Farmer CAPO Girolamo 32 " " (CALORUIA) Vito 22 " " CIRCELLO Giuseppe 31 " " 9 " Nil CASCIO Francesco 44 " Farmer NAME YRS " Agostino AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION AGOSTO Pietro 22 M Farmer PALMERO (Orano) 30 " " DiGIROLAMO Salv. 38 " " MILAZZO Calogero 46 " " BEVINETTO Rosa 44 F Wife PIZZOLATO Vinc. 21 M Farmer PACE Salv. 34 " " NAVARRA Rosaria 30 F Wife CATANIA (Geacorsano) 54 M Farmer (COLACUIA) Luigia 25 F Help BONNANNO Gppe 28 M Labourer PAGE 15 Nos. 456-488 BONNANNO Giuseppe 14 M Labourer RER__TTE, Girolamo 23 " Farmer MESSINA Giocchino 26 " Clerk PIZZOLOTO Antonino 32 " Farmer AGOSTA Nicolo 50 M Labourer FERRO Antonina 43 F Wife AGOSTA Liberia 18 " Help 14 M Labourer " Nicolo " Angela 8 F Nil " Maria 4 " " SANTANGELO Aloisio 36 M Farmer BONANNO Rocco 20 " " (SOLA) Salvatore 16 " " NAME YRS FONTANA Francesco 54 M Farmer SUTERA Antonina 45 F Wife _______ (Francesca) 22 F Help GIRARDI G______a 16 " " 9 M Nil 28 " Farmer 23 F Wife 44 M Farmer " 7 " Nil VITO Cu__io 32 " Farmer VINCENZA (Lenna) 27 F Wife FERRO Alessio 51 M Farmer SOLITO Giuseppe 54 " " (CIVELLO) Antonino 25 " " (GENNA) Lorenzo 36 " " ROMANA Carmela 23 F Wife VITO Lenna 5 M Nil ANTONINO Lenna 4 M " 35 F Wife AGE " Tommaso (BENIERA) Fco " Caterina ONOFRIO Messina LORENZO FONTANA Antonina MOS SEX OCCUPATION FRANCESCO (Morlautario) 25 M Farmer 4 F Nil (LOMBARDINI) Luigi 28 M Carpenter (BONUSO) Nunzio 42 M Farmer GUZZETTO Salv. 23 M " PALERMO Antonino 53 " " NAME YRS PAGE 16 Nos. 489-521 PARISI Calogera AGE TRAMONTE Maria PALERMO Antonina " MOS SEX OCCUPATION 39 F Wife 2 F Nil " " Giuseppa 10 LAFRANCO Giacchino 39 M Farmer NAVARRA Giovanna 57 F Housewife PIETRO (Mattesi) 42 M Farmer PIETRO Girolamo 13 M Farmer LENNA Giuseppe 21 " " (GENIUSA) Francesco 22 " " RIGIUTO Maria 17 F Wife MESSINA Gius. 31 M Farmer GIRARDI G____ __ " " RIPPO ______ 32 " " GAGLIANO Maria 55 F Wife SALAMANCA Gius. 18 F Help (GENNARDI) Salvatore 21 M Farmer (COLLETTO) Giuseppe 27 " " BUFALO Vincenzo 21 " " (BOCCHIULUSO) Gaeton 26 " " CASCIO Salvatore 40 " " (SiGRADO) Salvatore 46 " " (GENNARDO) (Pas___) 24 " " GIARRATANO Antonino 27 " " DiGRADO Gius. 26 " " COLETTO Antonino 25 " " BULLARA Gius. 35 " " AGE NAME YRS MAURELLO Gaspare 51 M Farmer 9 " " " Silvestro MOS SEX OCCUPATION PAGE 17 Nos. 522-554 VINCI Vincenzo 55 M Farmer ____ N______ __ _ _______ 18 " " _____ _______ 18 " ________ _____ _______ __ _ ________ _____ _______ __ _ ________ (CANZONIRE) Vincenza 25 F Housewife 2 " Nil 51 M Farmer Dionisio " Maria D. PAGANO Mariano " Calogero 18 " " " Giuseppe 16 " " * Calogero 38 " " GAGLIANO Antonino 30 _ ______ BUFALO Vito 25 _ ______ LAR__ Antonino __ _ ______ ______ _________ __ _ ______ ______ _________ __ _ ______ DiGRADO (Calogero) 14 " " PAGANO Calogero 17 " " Giuseppe 13 " " GENOVA Giovanni 23 " " COSTA Modesta 19 F Wife " AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION SILVO Giovanni 34 M Farmer CORTESO Vito 25 " " CASCIO Caterina 32 F Wife 9 " Nil ________ (Rosa) 34 F Wife CORONIA Rosa 12 F Nil DAZZO Michele 21 M Farmer (GIANATANA) Giordano 25 " " LRITONI Vincenza 40 F Wife (COLLETTI) Silvestro 22 M Farmer CARLINO Stefano 15 " " B___LATO Gppe PAGE 18 Nos. 555-587 GINO Vincenzo 32 M Farmer GIANETTO Antonio 26 " " POGANO Michele 26 " " (CORTESE) Dionisio 18 " " M___DELLO (Luca) 18 " " FRANCO Giuseppe 17 " " DiGRADO Vincenzo 49 " " (GIANETTE) Vincenzo 15 " " MO___LETTARO Giovanni 36 " " SILVIO Calogero 15 " " CORSENTINO Giuseppe 27 " " PIAZZO Leonarda 20 F Domestic CORSENTINA Maria 17 F Wife NAME YRS AGE CORSENTINA Giovanni MOS SEX OCCUPATION 1 M Nil (GIONATANO) Arcangelo 16 " Farmer __________ Calogero (11) _ ________ (PAGANO) Antonino 25 M ________ DiGRADO Calogero 14 " " REGGIO Francesco 29 " " GUARITAMARIA Vinc. 15 " " MULE Beaggia 36 F Wife MUSSO Antonino 10 M Nil MUSSO Giuseppe 6 " " F Nil M Farmer DiGARDO Maria FRANCESCO Giarratano 10 42 MAURELLO Calogero 26 " " (LUIRDONE) Domenico (11) " " LaROCCA Francesco 18 " " PAGANO Gerlando 49 " " FAZIO Andrea 24 " " (MONTELLARO) Maria 41 F Wife 5 F Nil 2 M " LEVIO Giuseppa " Salvatore * PAGE 19 Nos. 588-620 GENOVA Vincenzo 47 M Farmer Giuseppe 18 " " GIANNETTO Carlo 22 M " CORTESE Vincenzo 30 " " NAME YRS " AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION MORTELLARO Antonino 30 M Farmer AZZO Francesco 22 " " DASARO Giovanni 26 F Nil* " Domestic* (PARLOPIVISO) Maria 6 (GIARDONE) Lucia 26 " Farmer DIONISIO Lucia 23 M " VERDURA Salvatore 53 " " SILVIO Giocchino 27 " " PERRIRONE Calogero 47 M Domestic* " Anna 19 F Labor* ________ Liborio 14 M Domestic* ________ Eleanara 16 F Farmer* CANDELORO Francesco 38 M Joiner LUBORNONE Calogero 18 M Farmer CANNELLA Antonina 30 M " GRUDA Salvatore 24 " " GIARDONE Vito 21 " " CASCIO Filippo 27 " " CUSIMANO Vinc 43 M Farmer GRADO Calogero 34 " Wife* MORLETTARO Antonino 22 F Farmer* GIORDANO (Lommuso) 48 M Wife* (IPOLLINO) Gppa. 47 F Domestic (IPOLLINO) Liboria 16 F Nil* 9 F Farmer* COCOHIARA Filippo 64 M Wife* NAME YRS " Marta AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION GRACI Leonarda 56 F Wife COCCHIARA Fsco 15 " Help SCILABRA Vil Antonino 23 M Farmer PAGE 20 Nos. 621-653 VACONTI Vincenzo 38 M Farmer GASPARE Cerasia 24 " " LARUSSA Rotela 36 " " (BENARDO) Scaturo 58 M Farmer CATERINA Alesi 49 " " ROSALIA Scatura 18 F Domestic MICHELE Naso 22 M Farmer NAPOLI Maria 56 F Domestic ANTONINA Manzella 21 F Help LOUNO Salvatore 21 M Farmer LOVOI Anna 21 F Wife " Nil LOUNO Rosa 10 " Antonino 29 M Farmer " Crone 25 M " 3 F Nil F Nil ______ Giuseppa ______ Maria 8 (LOUNO) Ignazio 24 M Farmer ALESSI Giuseppe 32 " " GIOVINCO Ignazio (11) M Farmer ESPOSTO Salvatore 15 M Farmer NICOLOSI Antonino 15 " " NAME YRS LOVERDI Vincenzo 26 M Farmer VILLERIA Guarino 26 F Wife GAGLIANO Maria 66 F Housewife (LABINO) Salvatore 31 M Farmer 21 " " 32 " " AGE " Antonino (ROTOLO) Beagio MOS SEX OCCUPATION (TRONCALE) Calogero 52 " Mason (MISINDINO) Vincenzo 44 " Farmer RIUZO Pietro 17 " " (TORTORICI) Antonino 42 " " (BONOLI) Bernardo 39 " " (INSOGNA) Gius. 47 " " PAGE 21 Nos. 654-686 INSOGNA Salvatore 41 M Farmer BIVONO Paolo 34 " " LARUSSA (Anavalo) 26 " Miller ROMANO (Giuseppe) (43) " Farmer ALESSI Maria 34 F Seamstress GEORIA Maria 8 " Nil SORTINO Vincenzo 34 M Farmer SARULLO Ball Z. 30 " Miller GUARTARARO Guis 31 " Farmer CAMATA Pietro 36 M " (CATAMUCCHIA) Guis. 34 " " DAZZO Leonardo 40 " Shoemaker SEX OCCUPATION * AGE NAME YRS MOS SPINELLI Giacomo 31 " Farmer SANTO Lucia Stefano 32 " " MICELE Gaspare 37 " Farmer (SPALLINO) Liboria 26 F Wife SMERAGLIO Calogera 8 (SMERAGLIA) Alberta 10 " Nil " " RIZZI Nicolo 40 M Farmer (CHETTA) Antonino 50 M " 44 " " SMERAGLIA Antonino 22 " " MANZULLO Giuseppe 43 " " PULLO Vincenzo 30 " " TORTORICI Santo 40 " Miller SEGRETO Giuseppe 31 " Farmer (SAMBUTO) Alfonso 34 " " (D AGUE) Calogero 37 " " TRIOLO Giovanni 28 " " BUTTAFUSIO Vinc. 32 " " SPATARO Francesco 34 " " GIAMMELLERI Antoni 46 " " SCORSONE Modesto 41 " " " Simone PAGE 22 Nos. 687-719 COLLETTE Francesco 29 M Farmer VAZZANA Rosa 45 F Housewife SALVATORA Calderara 18 F Help AGE NAME SALVATORA (Leonardo) " Rosario YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION 16 M Labourer 8 M " FOSTE Pietro " Rosario 22 M 21 " " Sailor DiMARIO Francesco (71) ALFONSO Rosalia 65 F Wife PORTERA Giuseppe 16 M Fisherman 14 " " 45 M Farmer 3 " Nil GIARDINO Rosalia 30 F Wife PERRONE (Teresa) 21 F Help (PROVENZA) Ugo 16 M Farmer CASCIO (Orso) 13 M Farmer SALADINO Ant. 30 " " RIZZUTO Antoni 32 " " CASCIO Salvatoro 15 M Farmer SANFILIPPO Gppa 47 F Housewife PUSATERI Antonina 15 M Labourer VISCONTE Gppe 27 " " (SUNSERI) Salv. 27 " " SANFILIPPO Ant. 22 " " (LEONE) Andrea 52 " Porter (STOGSI) Vita 43 F Housewife " Salvatore GARBO Salvatore " Rosario " Farmer " Stefano Rosario 13 M Labourer " Rosario 11 " " AGE NAME D'ALIRSIO Francesco YRS 47 MOS SEX M OCCUPATION Farmer " Rosaria 17 F Help " Giuseppe 15 M Farmer 53 M Farmer FONTANA Geus. PAGE 23 Nos. 720-752 FONTANA Vincenzo 13 M Farmer CORONA Vincenzo 26 " " (ISLA) Anna 53 F Wife (ABATE) (Vinc) 14 M Farmer PALMERI Giu____ 31 M Workman PLESCIA Calogero 28 " " CUCCIA Giovanni 19 F Wife PLESCIA Giuseppe 11 M Nil 25 " Workman SPERA Vincenzo 25 " " GERACE Natale 56 " " 6 F Nil* MONTALBANO Giov. 24 M Workman VOLPE Antonino 49 " Farmer MUSTACCHIA Mattea 73 F Housekeeper (DiMAGGIO) A_____o 24 M Farmer (MAGUSA) Maria 22 F Wife 1 F Nil CIACCIO Nicolo 56 M Workman (SHIVO) Antonina 49 F Wife CIACCO Mariano 20 M Workman " " Giuseppe Catarina DiMAGGIO Placeda AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION (ARDIZZONE) Antonino 54 M Workman CAVALEANTI Giuseppe 23 " Farmer VIRDONE Giacchino 19 " " BARBERA Calogera 24 " " ROMANO Girolamo 14 " " (GIGANTO) Gppe. 24 " " BARCELLONA Gppe. 15 " Butcher 15 " Farmer DiGANGI Gppe 23 " " ALBANASE Gppe. 34 " " BURGANETTE Salv. 23 " " (FILI) Giuseppe 43 " " " Giuseppe PAGE 24 Nos. 753-785 SALADINO Guis. 57 M Farmer (SHELBO) Salvatoro 44 " " M _______ (Rosario) 25 " " ________ (Santo) __ " " " Ugo 23 " " " Agostino 24 " " FARMELLO Pietro 34 M Farmer LUPO Salvatore 24 " " (ADDO) Calogero 23 " " 22 " " LAMENDELLO Guis. 22 " " SCARDINO Giocchino 54 " " " Lorenzo AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION SCARDINO Giovanni 20 " Farmer " Andrea 15 " " " Gppe 57 " " A_____ ______ G. __ " " (ALFANO) Giuseppe 19 " " ALANNI Aantonino 15 M Farmer (GIASIU) (Giacom) 28 M " LETO Eleonora 45 F Wife 6 M Nil RECCA Giuseppe 28 M Farmer ROPPOLO Antonina 21 F Wife GIANNETTO Carlo 17 M Farmer RIZZUTO Boldassare 42 M Mason 17 F Help (FULTICO) Filippo 24 M Farmer DiLIBERTO Luigi 49 " " BENZA Gaetana 31 " " (GISE) Maria 49 F Housekeeper SAVERINO Gius. 25 F " RIBAUDO Maria 33 F " (ONORATO) Giacomo 16 M Jeweller M Farmer ROPPOLO Francesco " Giuseppa PAGE 25 Nos. 786-818 BLANCO Antonino 26 PROVENZANO Gius 29 " " (MILAZZO) (Filippo) 31 " Carpenter SEX OCCUPATION AGE NAME YRS MOS __________ __________ __ " Farmer PROVENZANO Giacchino 40 " " (BAGAMONTE) Francesco 25 " " 18 " " (MICELE) Giovanni 48 " " BACINO Michele 26 " " (DiCRACE) Maria 21 F Wife SARTINO Giuseppa 32 F Housekeeper 16 M Farmer 31 F Wife BACINO Antonio 9 " Daughter (BADASTO) Gius 34 M Merchant ________ _________ __ F Wife (SLIPANO) (__rittoni) 17 M Farmer SORTINO Lucia 29 F Housewife FILIPPO (Tramonte) 9 F Nil ROSALIA (Tramonte) 3 " " SALADINO Giuseppe 27 M Farmer LISI Giuseppe 35 F " MICELO Maria 32 F Wife " " Antonino Vito BULLARO Antonina " Antonino 4 M Nil " Giovanni 2 F " " Maria F " 9 * (BEAGIE) (Cascio) " Michelangelo ROSSO Giuvanni 23 M Farmer 35 " " 21 M Joiner AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION LIBERTO Salv. 22 M Fisherman D'AGOSTINO Franc. 22 " Farmer LIBERTO Rosa 47 F Wife 8 M Nil SERIO Vincenzo PAGE 26 Nos. 819-851 CORTE Giuseppe 22 M Porter CANDELA Vita 21 F Wife M Nil " Giuseppe 2 PISCIOTTA Alessio 34 " Porter BARRANO Filippo 28 " Fisherman DiSIMONE Giuseppa 29 " " DiGIOVANNI Maria 47 F Wife " Sebastiano 17 M Labourer " Calogero 15 M " " Antonia 13 F Help " Giuseppe 9 M Nil " Caterina 7 F Nil PACE Gppe. 64 M Farmer VINCENZO Resculo 52 F Wife PACE Cris. 18 F Help ______ __ppe 15 M Labourer ______ Gppe 33 M Farmer ENNA Antonino 36 M " DiGIORGI Giuseppa 23 F Wife (LUCIA) Rosalia 2 F Nil NAME YRS AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION FUCA Giuseppe 35 M Farmer BRUNO Pasquale 22 M " DiGIORGIO Giuseppe 38 " " 9 " " MUSSO Pantaleo 44 " " BONDI Beagio 36 " " (GENDUSA) Vincenzo 38 " " (PUSIARINO) (Jov) Pietro 28 " " COLLURO Ignazio 22 " " CASCIO Murgio 31 " " ARCURI Antonino 35 " " DiPUMA Michelangelo 15 " " 15 " " " " Giuseppe Giovanni PAGE 27 Nos. 852-884 GULLO Giuseppe 28 M Farmer COSENTINO Michele 45 " " GENDUSA Andrea 55 " " * (PACE) Francesco 40 " " GEBBIA Antonino 55 " " LETO Vito 37 " " MARSALA Maria 43 F Wife LETO Antonino 2 M Nil " Nil " Paolo 5 OLIVERI Filippo 38 " Farmer SPEZIALA Maria 33 F Wife AGE NAME YRS OLIVERI Giuseppe 9 M Nil Vita 2 " Nil BASONE Paolo 30 " Labourer RIZZO Pietro 50 M Farmer (APPIASANO) (Barito) __ " " __ _ Nil 24 M Farmer 8 F Nil (9) " " " Nil " " (Micherie) (ACCORSITAMIO) Antonino " Maddalena " Andrea " Vito MOS 3 SEX OCCUPATION (SCINECCA) Gppe 35 M Labourer (BONADAUSA) Uzo 20 " Farmer (SCUIECA) Onofrio 43 " " CAMPANELLA Santa 29 F Wife (SCUIECECA) Vito 7 M Nil 2 " Nil 32 " Farmer " Salv. TUIPANARO Francesco BARONE Onofrio 32 " " LORINOI Vite 37 M Farmer NIGLIACCIO Salv 43 " " OLIVERI Vito 44 " " LaVIZZA Giovanni 22 " " PAGE 28 Nos. 885-917 NIELE Paolo 32 M Farmer D'ANTONE Calogero 27 " " NAME YRS AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION LaBUE Gppe 25 M Farmer (FROJA) Antoino 24 " Joiner VICARI Gppe 21 " Farmer OLIVERI Vito 46 " " 16 " Barber NASTASI Commasi 31 " Farmer (BUSERI) Mariano 24 " " BONAMONTE Giov. 35 " " RUGESI Gppe 26 " " MERLINO Giuseppa 27 F Wife FONTANELLA Maria 4 " Nil 1 M " (BASAMONTE) Giuseppe 34 " Farmer (GIAISNO) Vincenza 31 F Wife (PETTUSA) Antonino 30 M Farmer " " Calogero Girolamo CARDILLA Francesco 44 F Wife LATINO Giovanni 38 M Farmer ANGELLO Gppe 46 " " CARDELLA Natale 38 " " RADOSTA Filippo 35 " " CATALANOLLO Giacomo 22 " Shoemaker " Maria 26 F Help " Rosario 17 F Help " Pietro 14 M Labourer (CARDINALE) (Giu____) 21 M Farmer ARCOREFFO XXaria 58 F Housewife NAME YRS SEX OCCUPATION AGE MOS SCIORTINO Calogera 24 F Help DELUCA Giovanni 23 M Workman ROMANO Antonino 34 " Farmer BRUNO Domenico 29 " Fisherman 34 " Fisherman " Giuseppe PAGE 29 Nos. 918-950 BRUNO Calogero 17 M Fisherman MODICA Amore 36 " " (SALEMI) Leonardo 25 " " MARIANO Lorenzo 23 " " GERACI Giuseppe 34 " Farmer SCANDALIATO Francesco 52 " " " Giuseppe 12 " Nil " Antonina 10 F Nil ATTARDO Gppe. 39 M Farmer BONDE Rosaria 30 F Wife ATLARDO Giuseppe 10 M Farmer " Maria 4 F Nil " Filippo 1 M " D'ANTONI Filippo 29 " Farmer DUATO Filippo 25 " " (SOLITO) Giuseppe 16 " " 14 F Help (BIONOTO) Calogera 17 F Help BALDO Giuseppe 29 M Farmer " Giovanna AGE NAME YRS (CANNATA) Antonio 25 M Farmer RUNFOLA Gandolfo 30 " Farmer ROFOLO (Luca) 23 F Wife 3 M Nil 2 M Nil M " RUNFOLO Agostino " Vinc " Giov. MOS 1 SEX OCCUPATION MULE Giovanni 28 M Farmer RUNFOLO (Galside) 43 " " DiSALVO Severio 24 " " MULE Angiolo 20 " " MARTINO Salvatore 26 " " (CISIO) Santa 23 F Wife MESI Calogero 3 M Nil 43 M Farmer SIRAGUSA Mariano PAGE 30 Nos. 951-983 CULI Nunzia 41 F Housewife CHIUICUTO Santo 22 M Farmer (POIRI) Ingnazio 15 " " (LUNGUSTIA) Salvatore 27 " " SIRAGUSA Giuseppa 19 F Wife SPEDALE Filippo 47 M Farmer (CHUNCUTO) Vincenzo 22 " " GREGO Stefano 47 " " LOIRETTA Gregorio 61 " " GAGLIANO Rosalia 55 F Wife NAME YRS AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION (FITO) Ignazio 27 M Farmer MARGIOTTA Gppe 47 " " 10 " Nil SCATURSO Epifano 22 " Farmer LORINO Giacomo 23 " " (TAMBURELLA) (Santo) __ " " GENNUSA Salv 38 " " (GLORISSO) Rosario 39 " " MONTALBANO Francesco 22 M Farmer " Uzo RAGUSA Gppe 33 " " " Uzo 31 " " " Gppe. 15 " " " Giov 33 " " (LOMOLI) Antonino 27 " " FRANCALE Gppe 40 " Builder MARTOIANO Gppe 26 " Farmer GIAMMANETERI (Annie) 53 F Househelp-er (GEBBIE) Gppe 34 " Farmer VICARO Giovanni 33 " Porter GIGLIO Gaspare 20 " " 17 F Help CULOTTA Vitale 25 M Farmer FAZIO Salvatore 21 F Wife M Clerk " Rosa PAGE 31 Nos. 984-1116 CARLINO Fco. 36 AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION GUGLIUZZA Giuseppe 35 M Farmer LUSCO Giovanni 52 " " SCUIGIULIANO Antonini 35 " " LANNELLO Placido 48 " Clerk AFFRONTE Rosario 52 " " 15 " " GRIFFO Francesco 16 " Shoemaker (ANZALONE) Andrea 18 " " " Giuseppe CHIAVARI Salvatore 39 " " (CIRRISSCIONE) Salvatore 25 " " FLORIO Rosalia 58 F Housewife (GIAFFRIA) Salv 18 M Labourer RUSSO Nicolo 44 " Farmer 10 F Nil (7) " Nil " Francesca ______ Maria " Anna 8 " " " Rosa 7 " " " Giovanni 3 M " " Giuseppe 1 M Nil " Santa F " " Giovanni 2 17 M Labourer (MANFIE) Emanuele 16 " Farmer* BERTUCCI Pietro 27 " " PALUNSANO Giovanni 17 " " MICIOTTO Diego 17 " Sailor (MAGLEOTO) Salvatore (16) " " AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION LOTTI Carmelo 47 M Sailor (TUNISA) Concetta 47 F Wife PATTI Salvatore 17 M Labourer DiSALVO Saverio 24 " Farmer PURPURO Domenico 21 " " (PORRETTI) Giovanni 36 " " PAGE 32 Nos. 1017-1049 MACALUSO Giusseppe 20 M Farmer GUZZINO Rosa Maria 26 F Wife SEDDELI Giuseppe 57 M Farmer 16 F Help FRATTINI Angelo 9 M Nil BARONE Giuseppe 29 " Farmer 42 " " GUZZINO Domenico 40 " " LEDDELI Barbara 28 F Wife GUZZINO Giusseppe 1 M Nil RANDAZZO Antonin 35 " Farmer PALTE Nicasio 24 " Farmer (CORRETTO) Loreto 32 " " SAELI Santo 49 " " CAUSONE Nicasio 36 " " (ACUIO) (Rmanuale) 26 " " (PUPORA) Rosaria 19 F Wife MODICA Alberto 54 " Farmer " " Concetta Tommaso AGE NAME YRS GLAVIANA Giovanni 61 F Wife LOIACONO Nicolo 37 M Farmer (OGLIALORO) Giuseppe 27 " Shoemaker URSO Pernice 23 " Farmer MOS SEX OCCUPATION VILLANELLO Antonina 8 F Nil 35 " Wife 7 M Nil INGRAFFIA Vito 18 " Farmer (CASSATA) (Francesco) 25 " " PALANELLA Giovan 19 " " (DiPANNA) Salv. 51 " Workman PISCITELLO Leonarda 35 F Wife 1 F Nil ESPOSITO Emilia 14 F Help SCIUVELA Giuseppe 14 " Help BISIGUANO Dorotea CHIAVETTA Salvatore DiSANNA Maria PAGE 33 Nos. 1050-1082 VANTELLO Gppe 26 M Farmer BONANNO Fco. 39 " " VITO Bonanno 12 " Nil (SCIMECA) Salv. 36 (") Wife Help " Rosa 25 (") " Vito 17 " Labourer VILA Alfredo 20 " Farmer LaCORTE Ant. 45 " " LaMANNA Ant. 37 " " AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION MOLDINA Lib. 24 M Farmer PAPALIVATA Vito 47 " " ACCOMANDO Vito 49 " " RIZZO Filippo 47 " " CAMPANELLI Fsco 44 " " OLIVERI Gppe 48 " " (MASILIDI) (Michelangelo) (57) " " (CALSSANTINO) Ant. (58) " " LUTILE Nicolo 50 " " SPADAFORA Gppe 22 " " NOTO Gregorio 42 " " GARDINO Fsco 24 M Farmer MAGGIO Gppe 45 " " (IMBRAGLUGLIO) Sal. 26 " " (7) " Nil MANNINO Gppe 37 " Porter LaPLACA Gue. 29 " Farmer LaMARTINO Gppe. 25 " " (CROLINO) Giuseppe 36 " " CINGUEGRANO Francesco 24 " Farmer (CATOLANO) Giuseppe 42 " " (LANTERI) Mariano 25 " Mason LANTER Giovanni 22 " " LAPAGLIA Domenico 24 " Farmer M Farmer " Gppe. PAGE 34 Nos. 1083-1115 (MANDAZZO) Calogero 25 AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION DiGEOIA Leonardo 34 M Farmer DiGANGI Calogero 27 " " (GODANCERESI) Francesco 30 " " SALVAGGIO Rosario 33 " " (CUTELLI) Calogero 54 " " " Giuseppe 12 " " " Pietro 14 " " 38 " " 17 " " MANTESTA Giuseppe 28 " " (FIANDACA) Antonino 26 " " LIBRIZZI Pietro 33 " " 38 " " SPINOSO Giuseppe 43 " " GENNARO Calogero 40 " " CALABRESE Leonardo 30 " " (LOBBELLA) Santo 24 " " SABBELLA Cataldo 25 " " 25 " " CALAMIA Commaso 28 M Mason NAPOLI Giovanni 40 M Farmer " 15 M " PARANTE Ignte. Gius. 27 " " LUCIDO Leonardo 35 " _____ * GERACI Santa 36 F Wife* LUCIDO (Liberte) (4) F Nil* MALLA Giuseppe " " " " Calogero Giuseppe Domaniano AGE NAME YRS LUCIDO Leonardo 2 F Nil* MONREALE Pietro 49 M Farmer MONTALBANO Vita 46 F Wife (MORREALE) Giuseppe 23 M Labourer 7 " " 20 F Help " Mariano CAMPISI Giuseppa MOS SEX OCCUPATION PAGE 35 Nos. 1116-1148 LUCIDO Andrea 36 M Farmer GAGLIARDO Vinc 30 " " PARENTE (Ignotoe) 24 " Shoemaker MARCHESE Vincenzo 33 " " GERACI Rosa 33 F Wife (MARCHESE) Marianna (2) " Nil M Nil* MARCHESE Antonio 7 PALMERI Dom. 23 M Farmer MONACHELLA Gius. 29 " " IPPOLITO Leonardo 49 " " 20 " " 43 " " " Paolo RAGUSA Francesco " Antonino 14 " " " Domenico 40 " " " Eleonora 15 F Help " Salvatore 11 M Nil 51 F Help (SENIA) (Maria) TAORMINA Gius. 42 " Wife AGE NAME YRS MOS SEX OCCUPATION MULE Michele 14 M Labourer MULE Maria Stella 12 F Help SAGONA Vito 47 M Farmer GUARINO Gaspare 16 " " GULOTTA Pietro 20 " " AMBROGIO Giuseppe 22 " " MONTOLEONE Fransesco 22 " " FARINELLA Calogero 39 " " DiGAETANO (Ignazio) (46) " " (LUCARDO) Guiseppe 24 " " COLLURA Antonina 25 " " (RONDONE) Nicolo 41 " " (SPATU) Alessandro 29 " " CUCCIA (Epifania) 30 " " ROPPOLO Leonardo 56 " Builder PAGE 36 Nos. 1149-1181 SCARDINO Angela 54 F Wife ROPPOLO Rosaria 18 " Help " Placido 14 M Labourer " Leonardo 12 " " (RINELLA) Risella 20 " Farmer PIAZZA Angela 50 F Housewife (TERESA) Ignazio 12 M " CASOLE (Salvatore) 58 M Farmer DiMARIO Francesco 32 " " NAME YRS (LAITTA) Geacomo 24 M Farmer (DOMICO) Vito 20 " " (ZITO) Salvatore 43 " " MARCHELLO Caterina 40 F Wife (FITO) Sicilia 18 " Help AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION " Caterina 10 " " " Rosaria 6 " Nil " (Ciro) 4 M " " Giuseppa 1 F " MUSSO Mariano 23 M Farmer MUSSO Antonino 27 M " CAMPISI Serafino 50 M Farmer " Antonina 20 F Help " Ignazia 16 " " ROPPOLLO Antonino (26) M Farmer (VUCERO) Baldassare 33 M Farmer CARUSO Paolo 31 " " (LOCCO) (Fasse) (40) " " (LANFILIPPO) Salv. 26 " " VENEZIA Vincenza 35 F Help 16 " " 27 M Farmer " Maria GIARDINA Salvator CAMINETO Michele 17 M Sailor SAMPOGNARO Giuseppe 25 " Farmer M Farmer PAGE 37 Nos. 1182-1214 MANCUSO Francesco 20 NAME YRS AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION (SAMPAGSANRI) (Gius.) 28 M Farmer* LUPO Pane Guis 21 M Farmer BRASICATO Dom. 22 " " 24 F Wife CICALE Angelo 36 M Farmer LoBUE Nicasio 21 " " CALDERONE Giuseppe 13 " " LIBERTO Lecasio 21 " " GAMMINO Giorgio 26 " " PURPURA Maria 54 F Housewife (SEMUSCO) Salvatore 33 M Farmer LAGONE Cristina 18 F Wife BARATTO Vincenzo 42 M Farmer 44 " " (DIPENZA) Francesca 55 F Wife (LUPO) (Vincenzo) 23 M Farmer PANZECA Vincenza 27 F Wife PREZZI Giuseppe 25 M Farmer (LiSANTI) (Ledisle) 44 M Farmer ZAGONE Nicasio 36 " " " " Giovanni Antonino (GIAMBRI) Giuseppe 26 " " (CASTIGLINE) Paolo 35 " " MONTANA Sebastiano 33 " " RIBAUDO Giuseppe 20 " " (ANGALONE) Benedetto 22 " " (SANNASARDO) Giuseppe 54 " " AGE NAME YRS (GEAMOLA) Gppa. 41 F Wife AIDONE Antonio 9 M Nil ESPOSITO Belpasso 15 F Help ALESI Filippo 27 M Workman SPADAFORA Leonardo 45 " " MODICA Domenico 33 " " MOS SEX OCCUPATION PAGE 38 Nos. 1215-1247 CASTELLANA Enrico 32 M Workman ACI Genaldo 48 " Farmer Gaetano 17 " " GIUSEPPE RIZZO 42 M Workman (GUARITE) Antonino 42 " " INSERRA Baldassare 35 " " (LACAOPINO) Fco 21 " Farmer GIGLIONE Francesco 48 F Wife FALCO Calogera 23 " Help LUPO Nicolo 23 " M Farmer ROSSO Giuseppe 16 " Cooper SPADAFORA Franceso 50 " Workman CAMPOBELLA Benedetto 46 " " CASTIGLIONE Giuseppe 26 " " ESPOSITO Salvatore (41) " " GATTUSO Onofrio 49 " " (IPPOLITO) (Salvatore) (37) " Farmer (SCALETTA) Rosaria (23) F Wife AGE NAME YRS IPPOLITO Nicolo 1 M Nil PECORARO Vito 23 " Farmer MOSCARELLO Innocenzo 31 M Farmer IPPOLITO Paola 26 F Wife 6 M Nil (2) F " (MALLA) Carmelo 30 M Farmer SABATINO Giuseppo 52 " " (PRAONE) Giuseppe 26 " " (LIUCERRO) Maria 29 F Housewife VISCARDI Giuseppe 10 M Nil (LIVACCARI) Liborio 29 " Farmer MANCUSA Gaetano 33 " " VISO Giuseppe 17 " " GRAZIANI Vito 20 " " MOSCARELLI Angelo " Giuseppa PAGE 39 MOS SEX OCCUPATION Nos. 1248-1280 (SEMICECA) Filippo 39 M Farmer (PASSANTINI) Giov. 15 " " GRAZIANO Vito 42 " " (GUAGENTOR) Francesco 35 F Wife FOLISI Rosolia 16 " Help CONCETTA Folisi 14 " " NINFA Folisi (7) " Nil FRANCESCO Folisi 5 M " ANTONINA Folisi 2 F " NAME YRS AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION ALISI Giuseppe 32 M Farmer (ENTELLA) (Epifania) 41 F Wife LaBREO Giuseppe 14 M Labourer " Michelangelo 11 " Nil " Agostina (7) F " 3 M " (LIPRARI) Gaetano 26 " Workman _________ _________ 15 " " _______ Messina 33 " " LOMBARETO Sebastiano 24 M Workman LaMARIA Francesco 33 " " (LAPRUZZA) Gppe 20 " " 32 " " GENALDI Francesco 38 " " MUSARELLO Calogero 22 " " FRIORELLO Giov. " Ant. LOCASCIO Michelangelo 48 " Workman CASCIO Giuseppe 42 " Sailor FULCO Vincenzo 51 " " (GUZINNO) Francesco 48 " Farmer (CORUGLIO) Antonino 39 " " MANZELLA Giuseppe 31 " " SALAMONE Maria 21 " Wife BRUGATO Diego 57 F Fisherman 15 M " M Fisherman SEX OCCUPATION " Salvatore PAGE 40 Nos. 1281-1313 (FEIRO) Salvatore 32 NAME YRS AGE MOS GICRUSGNINO Rosario 32 M Farmer (FONOLI) Giuseppe 29 " " ________ Rosario 1 F Nil VERDERAINE Rosa 30 F Wife PISCITELLO Michelangelo 33 M Farmer (MARO) Antonino 40 " " D'ANGELO Giuseppe 22 " Builder ALESI Filippo 42 " Farmer PAPPOLIOTO Vito 49 " " PALNEIRANO Giov 30 " Wife PAGORIA Giorgio 29 " Farmer (CALAMO) Giuseppe 12 " " MANCUSO Castrenzi 13 " " " Giuseppe 18 " " CUZZINE " 36 " " ______ ________ __ " " _______ 46 " " Giuseppe 13 " " PARRINO Antonino 56 M Farmer LOMBARDO Michela 48 F Wife (SPERIE) Giuseppo 17 M Labourer LIBERTO Salvator 30 " Farmer (COCO) Rosario 26 " " Salvatore 15 " " (MARZULLO) Giov. 35 " Farmer (LIPESIO) Giuseppe 34 " Shoemaker SEX OCCUPATION " " _______ppo AGE NAME YRS MOS (BARCELLONA) (Nazirone) (46) M Workman (PRIESZO) Salvatore 46 " Shoemaker AMORELLE Antonino 40 " Farmer 15 " " COLLURE Giuseppe 27 " " (VISOTO) Concetta 21 F Wife " Giuseppe PAGE 41 Nos. 1314-1346 (RINI) Meghetti G. 35 M Farmer (PACCURSO) Michele 40 M " ________ A______ 34 F Wife ______ _______ 1 M Nil ________ _________ 24 M Farmer CAETI Vito 41 " " GIGLIA Maria 31 F Wife (CEALI) Antonina 29 " Housewife 11 " Nil 6 " " FICARRA Ippolita 22 " Housewife GAROFOLO Salvatore 44 M Farmer CUTRARO Antonina 28 F Wife GAROFOLO Antonino 13 M Nil 1 F " 32 M Farmer __ _ " __ " _________ SEX OCCUPATION " Antonina " Anna " Carmela (LURIANO) Antonino " Salvatore _________ ___________ AGE NAME YRS MOS PROVENZA Andra 30 M Carpenter DiVINANZO Salvatore 30 " Farmer (MONATI) Pietro 15 " " COPRETTO Francesco 23 " " MARTINO Giuseppe 33 M Farmer ROMANO Pietro 16 " " CASCIO Calogero 16 " " (CARINELLA) Salv. 13 " " BADAME Giov. 25 " " (MONTELBANO) (Franc.) 29 " " " Michele 39 " Steward 40 " " Giuseppe 31 " " TRCUTACOSTA Giuseppe 38 " " DiMAGGIO Luigi 34 " " GOLIA Vincenzo " PAGE 42 Nos. 1347-1375 SCATOLA Filippo 42 M Steward PORTERA Giuseppe 46 " " DiMARCO Salvatore 35 " " PAPA Salvatore 21 " " _____ __________ __ _ ______ (NOPI) ________ __ " Farmer (BRUCIATO) Carmelo (42) " Sailor PORTERIO Salvatore 40 " Steward (FOREA) Vincenzo (37) " " NAME YRS LIBERTO Domenico 35 M Steward PALMISANI Pietro 41 " " CANGELOSI Francesco 30 " " (PORTERA) Francesco 41 " " MANCUSO Nicolo 36 " Sailor ESPOSITO Pietrongelo 33 " Sailor * AGE MOS SEX OCCUPATION " Vincenzo 32 " Steward " Salvatore 22 " " _______ _______ __ _ _______ MARELLO Nicolo 20 _ _______ MARINO Giovanni 32 " " ZEDDO Luigi 44 " " LEOPOLDO Cofieri 43 M " ANTONIO Bonanno 35 " " GAGLIA Pietro 24 M Farmer RUPOLO (Giovanna) 1 F Nil VENEZIA Salvatore 38 M Merchant (RANDAZZO) ________ 18 M Jeweller* LaROSA Giov. 50 " Clergyman 49 F Nil " Giuseppa POSSIBLE CORRECTIONS Note that the information in brackets is as listed in the text. That which proceeds is what appears to be other possibilities. The page numbers indicated are those from the microfilm. PAGE 1 1. (Sicausi) Sicansa Sicansi 5. (Efeonora) Eleanora 13. (Mifione) Milione 26. (4) 7 118. (Grizzio) Grizzrfi 119. (Musinini) Mannini 124. (Lagolino) Sagolino 125. (4) 11 PAGE 5 PAGE 2 28. (Gripasi) Grifasi 129. (Fiso) Fuso 35. (40) 46 132. (LaBue) Cadbue 37. (4) 9 135. (Bissetrella) Birrotella 58. (4) 7 138. (Orlandi) Oslanito 148. (Casi) Lasi, Dasi PAGE 3 60. (Daidone) Daidono 150. (Scurtino) Scuilino 62. (Onastelli) Daivstelli 154. (Giovence) Giovencu, Giovenco 64. (Meuir) Merch., Music. 156. (DiFrano) LiFranco 67. (Tommasano) Tommasaio 157. 72. (Attamore) Ottamore (Cirrincione) Curoncione 74. (Ortale) Artale 78. (Chiovaro) Bhuivaro 160. (Lamiano) Damiano 86. (Zambito) Fambita 176. (Sarisi) Farisi 91. (Ortale) Artale 180. (LaBasco) LoBasio 186. Manarese (Gens) Gius) 191. (Coraciolidi) Coruciololi PAGE 6 PAGE 4 105. (LoBello) LuBello 106. (7) 9 111. (Colletto) Collette 63 PAGE 7 277. (Maniso) Manno 279. (Maniso) Manno, Manico, Maniso, Mamio 192. (Chiementro) Chismentro 196. (Godaro) Godaso 200. (Genniaudo) Gesuiaudo 280. (Lorio) Lordo 210. Caruso (Teresa) Ceresa 281. (Cacioppe) Cucioppo 213. (Canerella) Canciella 290. Beagio (Ippolito) Gppolito 222. (Saficuza) Laficuza PAGE 10 PAGE 8 300. (Reoucco) Rousso, Roncco, Romco (29) 25 307. (La Rocco) Leo Rocco 230. (Acuri) Acuis 310. (De Nina) Do Nino 232. (Aralli) Arulli, Auelli 317. (Canallaro) Cavallaro 241. (Shvoa) Phvoa, Phivoa, Pivoa, Tivoa 323. (Fazzone) Lazzone (Melchiore) Melchisco 227. Grazia (Teresa) Ceresa 228. 244. Maenza, (Douisio) Dorusio 247. (Occhipinto) Occhipinti, 250. (Occhipinti) Occchipinta 253. (Beninato) Beninate PAGE 9 Occhipristi PAGE 11 324. (Laziprone) Laypeone 333. (Corte) Corti 337. (Salvato) Sabiato 258. (Corpora) Corporae 340. (Tretico) Fretico 260. (S. Manetri) Li Manitri, 342. Di (Fretico) ManitriTretico, Tretici 270. (Canisnova) Canisuova 343. 274. (Piaccorie) Chiacciorie, (Antonino) Written Chiaccorie under surname on list. as PAGE 12 360. (Ingoglia) Qugoglia 373. Rocco (Tusa) Cusa 64 PAGE 12 (con't) 379. 514. (Si Grado) Si Grudo (Bonafiete) Bonafeite PAGE 17 528. (Canzonire) Canzoniri 551. (Gianatana) Giarratana PAGE 13 390. (Lollorita) Lollouta 408. (Guarisco) Guarisio 414. (Plaia) Tlaia 422. (Tramonte) Cramonte PAGE 14 424. (Zia) Tia 428. (Balliata) Battiata 431. (Lenna) Louisa 441. (Caloruia) Colonia 446. Palmero (Orano) Aiano PAGE 18 562. (Gianette) Gianetto 581. (Luirdone) Guirelone 585. (Montellaro) Montillaro PAGE 19 596. PAGE 15 468. (Sola) Salu 479. Vincenza (Lenna) Genna 483. (Genna) Fenna, Zenna 488. Francesco (Morlautario) (Giardone) Giverdone PAGE 20 647. (Rotolo) Rololo 648. (Troncale) Croncale 649. (Misindino) Mirisedino, Mirisidina 651. (Tortorici) Cortorici 653. (Insogna) Gresogna Mortautario PAGE 21 664. (Catamucchia) Catanucchia 671. (Smeraglia) Sineraglia 673. (Chetta) Bhetta 681. (D Ague) D Agie PAGE 16 490. (Lombardini) Lombaritino 491. (Bonuso) Bonisso 502. (Geniusa) Genuissa 509. (Gennardi) Gennardo 510. (Colletto) Colletti 512. (Bocchiuluso) Bocchiubuso PAGE 22 694. DiMario, Francesco (71) 91, 41 701. Perrone, (Teresa) Ceresa PAGE 28 703. Cascio (Orso) Anso, Ansi 888. (Froja) Fasja 712. (Leone) Leore 893. (Buseri) Buteri 911. (Cardinale) Cordenale PAGE 23 722. (Isla) Sala 739. (Shivo) Soivo, Divo 741. (Ardizzone) Ordizzone 752. (Fili) Filo PAGE 29 920. (Salemi) Salesni 935. (Bionoto) Bionido 937. (Cannata) Cannatu PAGE 24 PAGE 30 761. (Addo) Aoldo, Aololo 771. (Giasiu) Geacvu PAGE 25 804. Filippo (Tramonte) Cramonte 805. Rosalia (Tramonte) Carmonte 953. (Poiri) Peiri 957. (Chuncuto) Chiucuto 966. (Tamburella) Lamburella 968. (Glorisso) Glorino 978. (Gebbie) (Gellie) PAGE 26 PAGE 31 838. (Lucia) Tucia, Teuia 845. (Gendusa) (G..ducano) 994. (Cirrisscione) Cirrincione 996. (Giaffria) Gireffria PAGE 27 869. (Accorsitamio) Accorssausso, Annuieucio 873. (Scinecca) Scuiecca 874. (Bonadausa) Bonadaura, Bonadvevra 875. (Scuieca) Scineca 877. (Scuiececa) Scimceca, Scuuceca 1006. (Manfie) Manfre 1010. (Magleoto) Magleolo (16) (12) 1012. (Tunisa) Termini 1016. (Porretti) Povretto PAGE 32 PAGE 33 1029. (Corretto) Toretto 1033. (Pupora) Puspora 1037. (Oglialoro) Aglialoro 1053. (Scimeca) Scimicae 1072. (Imbragluglio) Imbraglioglio 1073. 1080. " 1242. Gppe. (7) 1 (Lanteri) Lauteri (Liucerro) Lucerro Livaccari, Livuccari PAGE 39 1248. (Semiceca) Semceea 1261. La Breo, Agostina (7) 9 1263. (Liprari) Laprari, 1276. (Coruglio) Couiglio PAGE 34 1100. (Lobbella) Sabbella PAGE 35 1121. (Marchese) (2) 9 PAGE 40 1132. (Senia) (Maria) Maitea 1283. (Fonoli) Fondi 1143. (Lucardo) Lucurello 1287. (Maro) Mari 1145. (Rondone) Rondosse 1302. (Sperie) Spera, Spero Page 36 1304. (Coco) Caro 1153. (Rinella) Rissella 1306. (Marzullo) Moszullo 1155. (Teresa) Ceresa 1307. (Lipesio) Lipereo 1158. (Laitta) Saitta 1308. (Barcellona) (Nazirone) Nazoiene 1160. (Zito) Fito 1162. (Fito) Zito 1175. (Locco) Tocco (Fasse) Fars 1309. (Prieszo) Pruszo 1313. (Visoto) Viurto PAGE 41 PAGE 37 1314. (Rini) Rissi 1193. 1315. (Paccurso) Daccurso PAGE 38 1321. (Ceali) Teali 1221. (Lacaopino) Sacaopino 1334. (Monati) Mosiati 1239. (Malla) Molla 1339. (Carinella) Caricella 1241. (Praone) Peraone (Semusco) Sennesco PAGE 42 1353. (Bruciato) Bruciete SPECIAL NOTATIONS PAGE 4 95. Luizzi, Nicolo (Far Dist. Affir. N.O.) 2/6/39 39047/45 PAGE 5 126. Mistretta, Leogiamt Certif. 1/28/31 127. DiGiglia, Giovanni Certif. 1/28/31 PAGE 8 244. Maenza, Douisio 12/13/41 USIS (Initialed by J.D.M.) PAGE 17 530. Pagano, Giuseppe Landing verified N.Y. Form 503 1-11-37 p. 17 PAGE 18 581. (Luirdone) Guirelone) Cert. 10/23/41 PAGE 19 All (*) marks on this page denote obvious mistakes in information given. PAGE 21 664. (Catamucchia) Guis. 681. D Ague, Calogero (Family) Cert. for 6/21/35 (A line is drawn through this entry.) Died at (6):00 a.m. 1-10-98 (Deseare Pellumania) PAGE 23 731. Gerace, Catarina Ver. 10/23/41 Bacino, Michele Finished information to immigration 9/9/31 Colluro, Ignazio Certificate Issued of Immigration 10/30/30 PAGE 25 774. PAGE 26 847. PAGE 31 1006. (Manfie) Emanuele Cert. for San Francesco 3/28/40 File 22 X 9447 ****************************************************************************** Note from Mrs. Anthony J. Accomando: Page 27 #852-884 the name Accorsitamio should be Accomando, Antonino, Maddalena, Andrea, and Vito. These are the names of my husband's grandfather, aunt, father and uncle. Likewise, the names: Scinecca, Gppe, Scuieca, Onofrio, and Scuiececa, Vito and Salv. are names of my husband's maternal grandmother and her family. The surname should be Scimecca. 68 PAGE 34 1107.-1110. Lucido Family A bracket enclosed this marked group noting: Information given on Alberto Lucido with parent and sister accompanying 2/21/31 (No reason given as to why he is unlisted.) PAGE 35 1122. Marchese, Antonio Information to immigration 7/6/34 (Sampagsanri) (Gius) A line is drawn through this name and all information given, though no death is recorded. 1350. Papa, Salvatore Ver. 10/23/41 1370. Gaglia, Pietro (Cert. for (Jacksonville)) (1)/17/41 or 2/17/41 Initialed C.N.M. File No. 10 X 4446 1373. Randazzo, ____ Only person listed as citizen of U.S.A. and native country as U.S.A. PAGE 37 1183. PAGE 42 SUGGESTED READINGS Camajani, Guelfo Guelfi. Genealogical Research in Italy. The Genealogical Helper, January 1973, p. 8. Laborde, Errol. The Italians. New Orleans, March 1981, PP. 52-56, 80-87. Lipps, Kit Harger. Italians, New Orleans Style. Picayune, (Dixie), March 19, 1978, pp. 8-19. Times- Preece, Phyllis Pastore. Guide to Genealogical Research in Italy. The Genealogical Helper, January 1973, pp.1-7. Scarpaci, Jean Ann. Italian Immigrants in Louisiana's Sugar Parishes: Recruitment, Labor Conditions, and Community Relations, 1880-1910. Published on demand. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1985. Tepper, Michael H. (Ed.). Passenger Arrivals at the Port of Baltimore, 1820-1834. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1982. The Italian Texans, (The University of Texas, Institute of Texan Cultures at San Antonio). U.S.A. 1973. INDEX (Abate) (Vinc) 31 Agosta Liberia 20 Abate Vincenzo 15 Maria 20 Abbate Antonino Filippo 8 17 Nicolo 20,20 Agosto Pietro 20 51 Francesca 8 Aidone Antonio Giuseppe 8 Aiello Anna Salvatore 8 Mario 3 19 Accardi Gppe 16 Alanni Aantonino 33 Accomando Vito 45 Albanase Gppe 32 (Accorsitamio) Andrea 37 Alesi Filippo 51,54 37 Nicolo 17 37 Alessi Giuseppe 27 Antonino Maddalena 37 Maria 28 Vito 51 (Alfano) Giuseppe 33 51 Alfonso Rosalia 30 43 Alisi Giuseppe 53 11 Allegro Santo 18 11 Ambrogio Giuseppe 48 32 Amorelle Antonino 55 32 Giuseppe 55 16 Amoroso Antonino 42 (Angalone) Benedetto 50 42 Angello Gppe 38 16 Antonina Folisi 52 Aci Gaetano Genaldo (Acuio) (Rmanuale) (Acuri) Francesco Geoacchino (Addo) Calogero Lorenzo 2 Aeordi Angela Affronte Giuseppe Rosario Agata Calvato 20 Agosta Angela Manzella 27 71 (Antonino) 15 Antonino Benagia 19 Michele 34 21 Badame Giov 56 Antonio Bonanno 57 (Badasto) Gius 34 (Anzalone) Andrea 42 (Bagamonte) Antonino 34 (Appiasano) (Barito) 37 Lenna Bacino Antonio Francesco 34 34 37 Baldo Giuseppe 39 11 (Balliata) 19 9 Balsano Ant Micherie Pietro (Aralli) Giuseppe 18 Aralolina Maria 38 Domenico 18 36 Giue 18 Arcoreffo XXaria Arcuri Antonino 32 Gppe 18 (Ardizzone) Antonino 15 Nicolo 18 Arveneval Nicolo 39 Nicolo Gppe. 18 Atlardo Filippo 39 S____toro 19 Giuseppe 39 Baratto Antonino 50 4 Vincenzo 50 (Attamore) Gppe. 39 Barbera Calogera 32 Attardo Gppe 11 Giacomo Auelli Antonino 11 Maria Barcellona Benedetto 2 9 Franso 11 Giuseppe 32 Michelli 26 Gppe 32 Azzo, Francesco 5 (Barcellona) (Nazirone) 55 Azzuro Gppe 24 43 Barone Giuseppe B____lato Gppe 24 37 Onofrio Rosa 72 Barone Tommaso 43 (Bionoto) Calogera 39 Barranco Maria 10 Bisiguano Dorotea 44 Barrano Filippo 35 (Bissetrella) Nicolo (Basamonte) Giuseppe 38 Bivona Caterina 37 Giovanni 17,18 9 Bivono Paolo 28 9 Blanco Antonino 33 (Bocchiuluso) Gaeton 22 Boiura Gppe 11 7 18 Basone Paolo Battaglia Guacchino Salv 16 Battisti Girolamo 6 Beagia (Colletto) 34 (Bonadausa) Uzo 37 (Beagie) (Cascio) 34 (Bonafiete) Caterino 17 Michelangelo 13 Filippa 17 Beagio (Ippolito) 4 Bonamonte Giov 38 (Behilacqua) Leonardo 4 Bonanno Antonio 18 27 Fco. 44 15 Rocco 20 21 Bonde Rosaria 39 21 Bondi Beagio 36 12 (Bonoli) Bernardo 28 Liborio (Benardo) Scaturo Benfanti Rosario (Beniera) Caterina Fco. 12 Bonura Nunzia 17 (Beninato) Concetta 33 (Bonuso) Nunzio 21 Beninato Santo 16 Brasicato Dom 50 Benza Gaetana 42 Giovanni 50 Berliglia Pietro 17 Brocato Salvatore 10 Bertucci Pietro 20 (Bruciato) Carmelo 56 Bevinetto Giuseppa Rosa 73 Brugato Diego 53 (Caloruia) Vito 19 Salvatore 53 (Calssantino) Ant 45 Camata Pietro 28 Bruno Calogero 3,39 Domenico 39 Camineto Michele 49 Giuseppe 39 Campanella Santa 37 Pasquale 36 Campanelli Fsco 45 Bucaro Beagio 9 Campisi Antonina 49 Bucceri Giuseppe 4 Giuseppa 47 22 Ignazia 49 23 Serafino 49 Bufalo Vincenzo Vito (Bullacaiole) Pietro 4 Campobella Benedetto 51 22 (Canallaro) Gaetana 14 34 Candela Giuseppe 35 Bullara Gius Bullaro Antonina 32 Vita 35 Burganette Salv 38 Candeloro Francesco 26 29 (Canerella) Michele 10 (Buseri) Mariano Buttafusio Vinc 13 Francesco 57 (Cacioppe) Gppe 55 Cangelosi Giovanni 10 Caeti Vito Cagliano Baldassare Michele 3 Ignazio 3 (Canisnova) 16 Francesca 12 46 (Cannata) Antonio 40 Calabrese Leonardo 46 Cannatella Antonino 15 Calamia Commaso 54 (Calamo) Giuseppe 50 Calderone Giuseppe Callura Salv 7 Mattia Cannella Benedetta Antonina 5 5 26 74 Cantanzaro Fso. 18 Cascio Salvatore 22 Canzonire Maria D. 23 Salvatoro 30 Vincenza 23 (Casi) Vincenza 8 Capo Girolamo 19 Casole (Salvatore) 48 Caracuolo Lorenzo 17 (Cassata) (Francesco) 44 Castellana Enrico 51 Cardella Maria 6 Natale 38 (Castigline) Paolo 50 38 Castiglione Giuseppe 51 9 Catalanollo Giacomo 38 Cardilla Francesco Cardinale Ant (Cardinale) (Giu___) 38 Maria 38 56 Pietro 38 41 Rosario 38 (Carinella) Salv. Carlino Fco 24 (Catamucchia) Guis 28 10 Catania (Geacorsano) 20 10 Catanzaro Gppe 16 14 Caterina Alesi 27 17 (Catolano) Giuseppe 45 56 Causone Nicasio 43 24 Cavaleanti Giuseppe 32 26 (Ceali) Anna 55 19 Antonina 55,55 53 (Chetta) Antonino Stefano Caruso Luciano (Teresa) Cascio Antinino Antonina Calogero Caterina Filippo Francesco 29 Giuseppe 14 Simone 29 Gppe 36 Chiaccine Francesco 13 30 Chiavari Salvatore 42 Murgio (Orso) 75 Chiavetta alvatore 44 Coletti Giuseppe 4 9 Mariano 6 Maria 9 Coletto Antonino Rosalia 9 Giorgio 4 Chioppetta Caterina 15 Stefano 4 (Chiovaro) Rosario 5 (Chiementro) Gaetano 22 Collette Francesco 29 24 Chiuicuto Santo 40 (Colletti) Silvestro (Chuncuto) Vincenzo 40 Colletto Bernardo Ciaccio Nicolo 31 (Colletto) Giuseppe 22 Ciacco Mariano 31 Collura Antonina 48 Cicale Angelo 50 Collure Giuseppe 56 Cicio Giuseppe 3 Colluro Ignazio 36 Cinello Nunzio 16 Concetta Folisi 52 Cinguegrano Francesco 45 Copretto Francesco 56 Circello Agostino 19 (Coraciolidi) Concetta Giuseppe 19 Corona Vincenzo 31 Coronia Rosa 24 Coronno Leonarda 16 (Corpora) Paolo 12 Corpora Pasqua 13 (Corretto) Loreto 43 Corsentina Giovanni 25 Cirrincione Geatano (Cirrisscione) Salvatore Ciruo Gppe 8 6 9 42 9 (Cisio) Santa 40 (Civello) Antonino 21 Cocchiara Fsco. 27 (Coco) Rosario 54 Maria Salvatore 54 Cocohiara Filippo 26 (Colacuia) Luigia 20 24 Corsentino Giuseppe 24 Corte Francesco 14 Giuseppe 35 76 Corte Guiliano 15 (Daidone) Calogero 4 (Corte) Maria 15 Daidone Calogero 13 (Cortese) Dionisio 24 Daidone Domenico 13 Vincenzo 25 D'Alirsio Francesco 31 Corteso Vito 24 Giuseppe 31 (Coruglio) Antonino 53 Rosaria 31 36 D'Angelo Giuseppe 54 23 D'Antone Calogero 37 13 D'Antoni Filippo 39 45 Dasaro Giovanni 26 48 Dazzo Leonardo 28 Cosentino Michele Costa Modesta Cottone Giovannio (Crolino) Giuseppe Cuccia (Epifania) 31 Michele 24 40 Deluca Giovanni 39 41 Denina Francesca 15 10 (DeNina) Leonardo 14 18 Dentici Ninfa 10 Giovanni Culi Nunzia Culotta Vitale Currisi Concetta Cuscino Nicolo 16,16 DiAmico 5 Cusimano Gppe. 26 DiBartolo Calog 13 15 Di Benedetto Anna 14 Vinc. Cutelli Antonio 54 Ant. 14 12 Francesco 14 14 Gius. 19 55 Giuseppe 14 54 Leonardo 16 35 Di Bernardo Ant. 19 29 (DiCrace) Maria 34 (Cutelli) Calogero Giuseppe Pietro Cutraro Antonina Cuzzine Giuseppe D'Agostino Franc (D Ague) Calogero 77 (DiFrano) Vinc. 8 Gaspare 3 9 DiGaetano (Ignazio) 48 (Dingnote) Ant. Di Gangi Calogero 46 Dionisio Lucia 26 Di Gangi Gppe 32 (DiPanna) Salv. 44 Di Gardo Maria 25 (Dipenza) Francesca 50 Di Geoia Leonardo 46 Di Puma Giovanni 36 Di Giglia Giovanni 7 Michelangelo 36 Di Giorgi Giuseppa 35 Di Salvo Gppe. 13 Di Giorgio Giuseppe 36,36 Saverio 43 Di Giovanni Antonia 35 Severio 40 Calogero 35 Di Sanna Maria 44 Caterina 35 Di Simone Giuseppa 35 Giuseppe 35 Di Vinanzo Salvatore 56 Maria 35 (Domico) Vito 49 Sebastiano 35 Duato Filippo 39 DiGirolamo Salv. 20 Elisabella LaMania 19 Di Grado (Calogero) 23 Enna Antonino 35 Calogero 25 (Entella) (Epifania) 53 Gius. 22 (Epose) Pietro Vincenzo 24 Esposito Belpasso Di Liberto Luigi 33 Emilia 44 (Di Maggio) A___o 31 Pietrongelo 57 Di Maggio Luigi 56 Salvatore Placeda 31 Vincenzo 57 Di Marco Salvatore 56 Esposto Salvatore 27 Di Mario Francesco 3,30,48 Falco Agostino 17 2 51 51,57 78 Falco Calogera 51 Ignazio 41 Maria 17 Rosaria 49 Rosalia 17 Sicilia 49 Fancetta Giuseppe 3 Florio Rosalia 42 Farina Francesco 4 Folisi Rosolia 52 Farinella Calogero 48 (Fonoli) Giuseppe 54 Farmello Pietro 32 Fontana Antonina 21 Fascello Francesco 15 Francesco 21 Fazio Andrea 25 Geus 31 Salvatore 41 Giuseppe 17 Fazzini Alessandro 14 Nicolo 18 (Fazzone) (Melchiore) 15 Pietro 17 2 Salvatore 17 (Fe)___raro Melehione 53 Vincenzo 31 (Feiro) Salvatore 21 Ferro Alessio 20 Antonina 19,19 Giuseppe 4 Fontanella Girolamo Maria 38 38 (Forea) Vincenzo 56 Foste Pietro 30 Ferruggia Vito 46 Rosario 30 (Fiandaca) Antonino 55 Francale Gppe. 41 32 Francesco Folisi 52 Ficarra Ippolita 34 Giarratano 25 (Morlautario) 21 (Fili) Giuseppe 7 Filippo (Tremonte) 49 Franco Giuseppe 24 49 Frania Gppe 5 49 Fratello Salv. 7 (Fiso) Giuseppe (Fito) Caterina (Ciro) Giuseppa 79 Frattini Angelo 43 (Gebbie) Gppe. 41 (Fretico) Caterina 15 Genaldi Francesco 53 Friorello Giov. 53 Genardi Domeniro (Froja) Antoino 38 (Gendusa) Vincenzo 36 Fuca Giuseppe 36 Gendusa Andrea 36 Fulco Vincenzo 53 (Geniusa) Francesco 22 (Fultico) Filippo 33 (Genna) Lorenzo 21 5 (Gennardi) Salvatore 22 Gaglia Pietro 57 (Gennardo) (Pas____) 22 Gagliano Antonino 23 Gennaro Calogero 46 Fuzzolino Salv. Calogero 7 Filippo 7 Maria 22,28 Gucchino 8 6 (Genniaudo) Michele 10 Gennusa Salv. 41 Rosalia 40 Genova Giovanni 23 Gagliardo Vinc 47 Giuseppe 25 Gammino Giorgio 50 Vincenzo 25 Garbo Rosario 30 Gentile Giuseppe 19 Salvatore 30 Georia Marie 28 Gardino Fsco. 45 Gerace Catarina 31 Garofolo Antonino 55 Gerace Natale 31 Carmela 55 Geraci Giuseppe 39 Salvatore 55 Rosa 47 Gaspare Cerasia 27 Santa 46 Gattuso Onofrio 51 (Giaffria) Salv. 42 (Geamola) Gppa. 51 (Giaisno) Vincenza 38 Gebbia Antonino 36 Giambalvo Angelo 3 80 Giambalvo Calogero 3 Francesco 3 Giordano 4 Giuseppe 3 Guva 4 Giglione Francesco 51 Salvatore 4 Gino Vincenzo 24 (Giambri) Giuseppe 50 Ginussia Benedetta 13 Giametta Giuseppe 2 (Gionatano) Arcangelo 25 2 Giordano Cristoparo 16 Saverio Giglia Giuseppe Maria Giglio Gaspare Rosa Giammaneteri (Annie) 41 (Lommuso) Giammelleri Antoni 29 Giovanni Antonino (Gianatana) Giordano 24 (Gianette) Vincenzo 24 Gianetto Antonio 24 Giannetto Carlo 25,33 Vito (Giovence) Domenio 5 55 41 41 26 3 2 8 Rosario 8 Giovenco Andrea 8 Giardina Salvator 49 Giovinco Ignazio 27 Giardino Rosalia 30 Girardi G_____ 22 (Giardone) Lucia 26 G____a 21 Giardone Vito 26 Tommaso 21 Giarratano Antonino 22 (Gise) Maria 33 (Giasiu) (Giacom) 33 Giuseppe Rizzo 51 Gicrusgnino Rosario 54 Glaviana Giovanni 44 (Giganito) (Giganti) 2 Glorioso Concetta 11 Giganti Domenico 3 Pietro 4 (Giganto) Gppe. 32 Duesci Santo 10 (Glorisso) Rosario 41 (Godanceresi) Francesco 46 81 (Godaro) Castrenzo Golia Giuseppe Vincenzo Governale Leoluca 9 Gugliuzza Giuseppe 42 56 Gulladauro Cirie 8 56 Gullo Giuseppe 36 7 Gulotta Pietro 48 Graci Leonarda 27 (Guzinno) Francesco 53 Grado Calogero 26 Guzzetto Salv. 21 Grazia Leonardo 11 Guzzino Domenico 43 Maria 11 Giusseppe 43 (Teresa) 11 Rosa Maria 43 Graziani Vito 52 Graziano Vito 52 Greco Elizabetta 18 Grego Stefano 40 Bartolomea 16 Griffo Francesco 42 Giovanni 16 Gppe 16 (Gripasi) Vita 3 (Grizzio) Angelo 6 (Imbragluglio) Gppe Sal Ingoglia Anna (Ingoglio) Antonino Gppe 45 45 16 3 Gruda Salvatore 26 3 (Guagentor) Francesco 52 Ingraffia Vito 44 48 Inserra Baldassare 51 18 (Insogna) Gius 28 Guarino Gaspare (Guarisco) Antonino 25 Guaritamaria Vinc. 51 (Ipollino) Gppa 26 (Guarite) Antonino 28 Liboria 26 Guartararo Guis 18 Marta 26 Gucio Gaetana 18 Pietro (Guepfredo) Vinc. 7 Salvatore Ippolito Antonino Costantino 28 17 13 82 Ippolito Giuseppe 13 LaManna Ant 44 Leonardo 47 LaMartino Gppe 45 Nicolo 52 Lamberto Calogero Nunzio 13 Lamendello Guis Paola 52 (Lamiano) Antonino Paolo 47 (Lanfilippo) Salv 49 Vincenzo 13 Lannello Placido 42 Vita 13 Lanter Giovanni 45 51 (Lanteri) Mariano 45 31 Lapaglia Domenico 45 LaPlaca Gue 45 (Lapruzza) Ant 53 (Ippolito)(Salvato re) 2 32 8 (Isla) Anna 9 (La Basco) Ant 14 La Bella Vincenzo 28 Gppe 53 (La Bino) Antonino 28 Lar___ Antonino 23 53 Larantolo Nicolina 19 53 LaRocca Francesco 25 Salvatore La Breo Agostina Giuseppe 53 Rosaria 2 Michelangelo 38 (LaRocco) Vito 14 LaRosa Giov 57 51 LaRosa Giuseppa 57 44 Larussa (Anavalo) 28 La Bue Gppe 7 (La Bue) Saverio (Lacaopino) Fco LaCorte Ant 22 Rotela 27 Lafranco Giacchino 7 Latino Giovanni 38 50 LaVizza Giovanni 37 49 (Laziprone) Antonina 15 (Lagolino) Maria Lagone Cristina (Laitta) Geacomo 53 LaMaria Francesco Filippo 15 83 (Laziprone) Giuseppe 15 (Liprari) Gaetano 53 14 (LiSanti) (Ledisle) 50 43 Lisi Giuseppe 34 6 (Liucerro) Maria 52 6 (Livaccari) Liborio 52 5 (Lobbella) Santo 46 Lazzarone Filippo Leddeli Barbara Lena Fedele Giuseppe Vincenzo 19 (LoBello) Carmela 6 22 Giuseppe 6 30 Teresa 6 (Lenna) Filippo Lenna Giuseppe (Leone) Andrea 5 LoBue Nicasio 50 57 Locascio Michelangelo 53 36 (Locco) (Fasse) 49 33 Lodaro Rosario 15 36 Lodato Angela 12 Leone Salvatore Leopoldo Cofieri Leto Antonino Eleonora Paolo 36 Crocifissa 12 25 Francesca 12 25 Francesco 12 57 Giuseppe 12 50 Loiacono Nicolo 44 35 Loiretta Gregorio 40 35 (Lollorita) Vito 17 54 (Lombardini) Luigi 21 46 Lombardino Fsco 17 46 Lombardo Gppe Vito Levio Giuseppa Salvatore Liberto Domenico Lecasio Liberto Rosa Salv Salvator Librizzi Giuseppe 9 Pietro 12 Michela 54 Sebastiano 54 Liotta Maria (Lipesio) Giuseppe 8 84 Lombareto Sebastiano 53 Luizzi Gaspare 5 41 Nicolo 5 (Lomoli) Antonino 21 Lungaro Pasquale 12 41 (Lungustia) Salvatore 40 37 Lupo Nicolo 51 Lorenzo Messina Lorino Giacomo Lorinoi Vite 13 Pane Guis 50 43 Salvatore 32 27 Vincenzo 18 27 (Lupo) (Vincenzo) 50 27 (Luriano) Antonino 55 (Lorio) Nunzio Lotti Carmelo Louno Antonino Crone Rosa 27 Salvatore 55 Salvatore 27 Lusa Laura 14 28 Lusco Giovanni 42 16 Lutile Nicolo 45 27 M___ (Rosario) 32 24 M____dello (luca) 24 26 Macaluso Giusseppe 43 48 Maenza Antnina 11 (Louno) Ignazio Loverdi Vincenzo LoVito Casemiro LoVoi Anna Lritoni Vincenza Lubornone Calogero (Lucardo) Giuseppe 6 Calogero 11 35 Maenza (Douisio) 11 Lucia Colette (Lucia) Rosalia 47 Maria 11 11 Ugo 11 Lucido Andrea Domenica Magenza Annia 11 46,47 Maggio Gppe 45 46 Rosalia 10 11 Gaspare Leonardo (Liberte) 25 (Luirdone) Domenico (Magleoto) Salvatore 42 85 (Magusa) Maria 31 Manicchia Sedura Malezia Francesco 15 (Maniso) Giuseppe Malla Calogero 46 Paolo 13 Giuseppe 46 Mannino Gppe 45 (Malla) Carmelo 52 Mantesta Giuseppe 46 9 Manzella Giuseppe 53 Gaetano 9 Manzullo Giuseppe 29 (Gens) 9 Marchello Caterina 49 Manarese Antonino 7 13 Mancusa Gaetano 52 Marchese Antonio 47 Mancuso Castrenzi 54 Vincenzo 47 Francesco 49 (Marchese) Marianna 47 Giuseppa 10 Marello Nicolo 57 Giuseppe 54 Margiotta Gppe 41 Ninfa 10 Nicolo 57 Mariano Lorenzo Pietro 10 Maringo Fco Rosalia 10 Marino Giovanni 57 45 (Maro) Antonino 54 14 Marsala Maria 36 14 Martino Giuseppe 56 14 Salvatore 40 (Mandazzo) Calogero Uzo 41 39 7 Mandino Angela Mandino Gaetano Paolo 18 Martoiano Gppe 41 42 Martorana Doratia 15 Mandis____ Luigi (Manfie) Emanuele 7 (Marzullo) Goiv 54 (Mangiourli) (Militelle) 5 (Masilidi) (Michelangelo) 45 Maniaci Costantino 7 Manicchia Giuseppe 7 (Massiligi) Michelangelo 86 Matassa Giuseppe 11 Miosi Caterina Vincenzo 11 Filippo 14 Maurello Calogero 25 Francesco 14 Gaspare 23 Maria 14 Silvestro 23 Michele 14 Mazzara Francesca 18 Mazzarito Pasquale 9 (Misindino) Vincenzo Mistrella Antonino 28 7 Merlino Giuseppa 38 Mesi Calogero 40 Messina Fco 19 (Leogiamt) 7 Giocchino 20 Modica Alberto 43 Gius 22 Amore 39 Micele Gaspare 29 Domenico 51 (Micele) Giovanni 34 Moldina Lib. 45 Micelo Antonino 34 Mo____lettaro Giovanni 24 34 Monachella Gius. 47 34,34 (Monati) Pietro 56 Michele Naso 27 Monreale Pietro 47 Miciotto Diego 42 Montalbano Angelo 12 (Mifione) Giovanni 2 Francesco 41 Migliore Caterina 3 Giov. 31 Isabella 3 Vito 3 Vita 47 Milazzo Calogero 20 Vito 13 (Milazzo) (Filippo) 33 Giovanni Maria 3 Milione Mariano Beagio 14 Mistretta Beagio Montalbano Rosalia 6 7 11 Montana Sebastiano 50 (Montelbano) (Franc.) 56 87 (Montelbano) Michele 56 Giuseppe 25 (Montellaro) Maria 25 Lorenzo 18 Montoleone Fransesco 48 Mariano 49 Pantaleo 36 Morici Giuseppe 6 Morlettaro Antonino 26 Mustacchia Mattea (Morreale) Giuseppe 47 Napoli Giovanni Mariano 31 5,46,46 47 Gppe. Nunzio Mortellaro Antonino 26 Maria Moscarelli Angelo 52 Michele 5 Giuseppa 52 Vito 5 Moscarello Innocenzo Mouscarello Mario 52 8 Mule Angiolo 40 Antonino 12,13 5 27 Nastasi Commasi 38 Navarra Giovanna 22 Nicolo 17 Rosaria 20 Beaggia 25 Salvatore 19 Giovanni 40 Ugo 19 Maria Stella 48 Nicolosi Antonino 27 Michele 48 Niele Paolo 37 Salvatore 13 Nigliaccio Salv 37 Musarello Calogero 53 Ninfa Folisi 52 Muse Francesco 6 Nola Carmela 10 (Musinini) Beagio 6 (Nopi) ____ 56 L. Maria 6 Noto Gregorio 45 Mercurio 6 (Occhipinti) Antonina 12 Musso Antonino Giovanni 25,49 18 Salvatore 12 Simone 12 88 (Occhipinto) Calogero 11 (Pagano) Antonino 25 (Oglialoro) Giuseppe 44 Pagano Calogero Oliveri Calogero 38 Gerlando 25 Filippo 36 Giuseppe 23,23 Giuseppe 37 Mariano 23 Gppe 45 Pagoria Giorgio 54 Vita 37 Palanella Giovan 44 Vito 37,38 Palermo Antonina 14,22 23,23,23 (Onastelli) Gppe 4 Antonino 21 Onofrio Messina 21 Giuseppa 22 (Onorato) Giacomo 33 (Orlandi) Angela 7 Giu___ Ciro 7 Gppe 4 Francesco 7 Innoncenza 7 Orlando Beagia Palmeri Dom 47 31 6 Palmero (Orano) 20 Salvatore 12 Palmisani Pietro 57 (Ortale) Calogero 5 Palneirano Giov 54 Gppo 5 Palte Nicasio 43 Maria 5 Palunsano Giovanni 42 Rosa 5 Panzeca Vincenza 50 (Paccurso) Michele 55 Papa Salvatore 56 Pace Antonino 17 Papalivata Vito 45 Pace Cris 35 Pappolioto Vito 54 Gppe 35 Parante (Ignotoe) 47 Salv 20 (Pace) Francesco 36 Ignte. Gius. Parisi Calogera 46 21 89 Parisi Giroloma 13 Salvatore 18 Vincenzo 8 (Parlopiviso) Maria Piscitello Leonarda Michelangelo 44 54 Pizzolato Vinc. 20 26 Pizzoloto Antonino 20 54 (Plaia) Paolo 18 10 Plescia Calogero 31 52 Giuseppe Parrino Antonino Passafiume Fransco 31,31 (Passantini) Giov. 43 Pogano Michele 24 52 (Poiri) Ingnazio 40 Pollaci Maria 19 26 (Porretti) Giovanni 43 26 (Portera) Francesco 57 30 Portera Giuseppe Patti Salvatore Pecoraro Vito 6 Pennino Francesco Perrirone Anna Calogero 30,56 Perrone (Teresa) 4 Salvatore 30 8 Porterio Salvatore 56 8 (Praone) Giuseppe 52 Perruggia Santo Petrancosta Salv. Vincenzo 38 Prenopato Anna 8 13 Maria 8 48 Rosa 8 (Pettusa) Antonino (Piaccorie) Vinc. Piazza Angela 13 Prezzi Giuseppe 50 10 (Prieszo) Salvatore 55 24 Profitatte Alfonso 22 Provenza Andra 56 22 (Provenza) Ugo 30 18 Provenzano Giacchino 34 Antonina Nunzia 6 Piazzo Leonarda Pietro Girolamo Pietro (Mattesi) Pirroldato Vincenzo Pisciotta Alessio 35 Gius. 33 90 Pullo Vincenzo 29 Maria 33 (Pupora) Rosaria 43 Rigiuto Maria 22 Purpura Maria 50 (Rinella) Risella 48 Purpuro Domenico 43 (Rini) Meghetti G. 55 Pusateri Antonina 30 Rippo ____ 22 (Pusiarino) (Jov) Pietro 36 Riuzo Pietro 28 8 Rizzi Nicolo 29 38 Rizzo Filippo 45 47 Rizzo Pietro 37 47 Rizzotto Giuseppe 47 Rizzuto Antoni 30 47 Boldassare 33 41 Giuseppa 33 Quagliano Giov. Radosta Filippo Ragusa Antonino 7 Domenico Eleonora Francesco Giov. Roccaforte Frco 14 47 Rocco (Tusa) 17 41 Rofolo (Luca) 40 57 Romana Carmela 21 43 Romano Ant. 41,41 Gppe. Salvatore Uzo (Randazzo) ____ 9 Randazzo Antonin 33 Antonino 39 25 Girolamo 32 14 Giuseppe 5 20 (Giuseppe) 28 12 Pietro 56 Recca Giuseppe Reggio Francesco (Reoucco) Vincenzo Rer___tte Girolamo Restino Antonino 12 (Rondone) Nicolo 48 12 Roppollo Antonino 49 50 Roppolo Antonina 33 Restino Salvator Restivo Rosa Ribaudo Giuseppe 91 Roppolo Antonino 5 Sacco Giuseppe Epifanio 17 Francesco 33 Saccomario Giov. Geppa. 16 Saeli Santo 43 (Saficuza) Ant. 10 Leonardo 48,48 Rosario 4 Vincenzo 12 2 Placido 48 11 Rosaria 48 Sagona Vito 48 Rosalia Scatura 27 Saladino Ant. 30 (Tramonte) 34 Gesa Rosso Giuseppe 51 Giuseppe 34 Giuvanni 34 Gius. 32 (Rotolo) Beagio 28 Salamanca Gius 22 Rugesi Gppe. 38 Salamone Maria 53 Runfola Gandolfo 40 Saldino Ugo Runfolo Agostino 40 (Salemi) Leonardo 39 (Galside) 40 Salodino Rosalia 13 Giov. 40 Salsicia Calogero 15 Vinc. 40 Girolomo 4 4 15 Rupolo (Giovanna) 57 Salvaggio Rosario 46 Russo Francesca 42 (Salvato) Benedetto 15 Nicolo 42 Salvatora Calderara 29 Sabatino Giuseppo 52 (Leonardo) 30 Sabbella Cataldo 46 Rosario 30 Sabbella Domaniano 46 Sambrero Salvotore 10 Saccio Giovanni 16 (Sambuto) Alfonso 29 Natala 16 (Sampagsanri) (Gius) 50 92 Sampognaro Giuseppe 49 Sciauno Antonino Sandino Nicolo 16 Scilabra Vil Antonino 27 Sanfilippo Ant. 30 (Scimeca) Rosa 44 Gppa. 9 30 Salv. 44 (Sannasardo) Giuseppe 50 Vito 44 Santangelo Aloisio 20 (Scinecca) Gppe. 37 Santo Lucia Stefano 29 Sciortino Calogera 39 (Sarisi) Salvatore 9 Sciridino Rosaria 16 34 Sciuvela Giuseppe 44 34 Scoletta Giuseppa 10 28 Scorsone Modesto 29 Scortino Giuseppe 12 (Scuieca) Onofrio 37 (Scuiececa) Salv. 37 Sartino Giuseppa Vito Sarullo Ball Z. (Saverino) (Francesco) 9 Saverino Gius. 33 (Scabora) Gppe. 4 Vito (Scaletta) Rosaria 51 Scandaliato Antonina 39 Francesco 39 Giuseppe 39 Scardino Andrea 39 Angela 48 Giocchino 32 Giovanni 33 Gppe. 37 Scuigiuliano Antonini 42 (Scurtino) (Giuseppe) 8 Scuva Rosa 3 Seddeli Concetta 43 Giuseppe 43 Segreto Giuseppe 29 (Semiceca) Filippo 52 (Semusco) Salvatore 50 (Senia) (Maria) 47 Serafino Antonino 12 Serio Vincenzo 35 14,33 Scarpinato Gius. 6 Scatola Filippo 56 Scaturso Epifano 41 93 (Shelbo) Salvatoro 32 Shittone Paolo 15 (Spallino) Liboria (Shivo) Antonina 31 Sparacino Maria (Shvoa) Vincenza 11 Spataro Francesco 29 2 (Spatu) Alessandro 48 Girolamo 2 Spedale Filippo 40 Maria 2 Spera Vincenzo 31 (Sicausi) Francesco Leonardo 51 29 2 (SiGrado) Salvatore 22 (Sperie) Giuseppo 54 Silvio Calogero 24 Speziala Maria 36 26 Spinelli Giacomo 29 Silvo Giovanni 24 Spinoso Giuseppe 46 Siragusa Giuseppa 40 Spoto Beagio Giocchino Mariano (Slipano) (___rittoni) 28 O Domenire (Stogsi) Rosario 8 8 30 34 Stefano Rosario 30 Vita 30 (S. Manetri) Salvatore 12 (Smeraglia) Alberta 29 (Sunseri) Salv. 30 Smeraglia Antonino 29 Sutera Antonina 21 Smeraglio Calogera 29 Giuseppe 3 (Sola) Salvatore 20 Rosa 3 (Solito) Giovanna 39 (Tamburella) (Santo) 41 Giuseppe 39 Taormina Gius. 47 Solito Giuseppe 21 Tarantolo Rocco 18 Sortino Lucia 34 Tarnabene Michele 10 Sortino Vincenzo 28 Taruntola Vinc. Spadafora Franceso 51 (Teresa) Ignazio Gppe 45 6 48 94 (Tommasano) Giusppe 4 Vicaro Giovanni 41 (Tortorici) Antonino 28 Vila Alfredo 44 Tortorici Santo 29 Villanello Antonina 44 Tramonte Caterina 17 Villeria Guarino 28 22 Villu Antonina 16 (Tramonte) Stefano 19 Vincenza (Lenna) 21 Trcutacosta Giuseppe 56 Portera 10 (Tretico) Pietro 15 Vincenzo Calogero 10 Triolo Giovanni 29 Michelina 10 (Troncale) Calogero 28 Resculo 35 Tuipanaro Francesco 37 Vincenzina 10 (Tunisa) Concetta 43 Vinci Pietro 6 Turnielo Margherita 17 Vincenzo 23 4 Virdone Giacchino 32 44 Viscardi Giuseppe 52 6 Visconte Gppe. 30 6 Viso Giuseppe 52 Maria (Tuscio) Gppe. Nunzio Urso Pernice Vaccaro Filippo Salvatore Vaconti Vincenzo 27 (Visoto) Concetta 55 Vantello Gppe. 44 Vito Bonanno 44 Vazzana Rosa 29 Cu___io 21 Venezia Maria 49 Lenna 21 Salvatore 57 Volpe Antonino 31 Vincenza 49 (Vucero) Baldassare 49 Verderaine Rosa 54 Zagone Nicasio 50 Verdura Salvatore 26 (Zambito) Giovi Vicari Gppe. 38 Zeddo Luigi 5 57 95 (Zia) Nicolo 19 (Zito) Salvatore 49