
DCNS Energies Marines Renouvelables

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DCNS Energies Marines Renouvelables
©DCNS SA 2012 - all rights reserved
Ports and Harbour – An innovation
powerhouse for ocean energy development
EMD 2015 – Athens
Jean-Charles BOULAT
EU & NATO Vice-president, DCNS
May 2015
A world leader in naval defence
©DCNS 2007 - all rights reserved / todos los derechos reservados / tous droits réservés
An innovative player in energy
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
DCNS in figures
in sales
in orders
(13.1 billions
euros in
order book)
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sales offices
Key figures 2013
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
Convinced that Ocean is planet’s future, we are inventing hightech solutions to sustainably secure and develop its potential
• A world leader in these activities:
 Naval defence
 Renewable marine energies
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 Surveying and sustainably developing the oceans’
• Developing a portfolio of activities evenly spreads in 2020
between naval defence and new markets
| March
| Corporate
4 4| May
Athens Communications
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One-third of sales in the energy sector
by the end of the decade
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
Marine Renewable Energies activities
Experience in naval defence
and the development of all four
key technologies for marine
renewable energy have made
DCNS a major player in the
 Group together and expand R&D
effort in Marine Renewable Energies
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- In line with government initiatives following
Grenelle de la Mer marine environment summit
- Set up MRE technology platform in liaison with
Brittany maritime cluster
 Invest in four key areas
- Tidal stream turbines
- Ocean thermal energy conversion
- Flotting offshore windfarms
- Wave energy
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
Marine infrastructures activities
DCNS applies its know-how and
technological expertise in the
marine infrastructure design and
operation to develop a full range of
benefits and services for energy
 Expertise in the design of naval bases in
France and abroad in the environment of
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- Official ceremony of industrial construction site
submarine to the Brazilian Navay with its partner
Develop and strengthen its offering in
service of the major players of electricity
- Construction of the new electricity power station at SaintPierre-et-Miquelon for EDF client
- Construction of the extension of the electricity power
station at Longoni (Mayotte) for EDF client
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
DCNS is investing in 4 of the main MREs
Tidal-current energy
A predictable
energy source
thanks to
tidal currents
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The densest
form of energy
an immense
Wave energy
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
Ocean thermal
energy conversion
A non-intermittent
source of energy,
with offshore or
onshore plants of
various power
Energy thanks to
the regularity and
power of
offshore winds
Wind energy
Delivery of turnkey MRE farms
2014: Summary and detailed
preliminary projects
2015-2017: From Engineering to
installation at sea
 WaveRoller wave power farm in the Bay
of Audierne (France)
 Tidal current power farm at Raz
Blanchard (France)
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 Wind turbine power farm at Groix
2017-2020: Development of highpower (300 MW) commercial tidal
current power farms
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
Floating wind turbines
Key points
Energy potential of 3,500 GW worldwide
Large-scale, offshore farms
Stronger and steadier winds
Facilitated installation and maintenance
Limitation of usage conflicts
Partnership with Alstom, developer of the largest offshore
wind turbine (Project Seareed)
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2014: Partnership agreement Alstom/DCNS
2017/18: Multi-megawatt demonstrator
2019/20: Multi-megawatt pilot farm
2022/23: First commercial turbine park
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC)
Key points
Centrale à terre
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Onshore plant
Offshore plant
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
Renewable base energy
High-power floating plants of up to 30 MW
Onshore plants of 5 to 10 MW, with the possibility of
adding air conditioning or water desalination, for example
2013 : Increase of the ETM range with onshore systems
2014 : Developpement of ETM key technologies (MARLIN
project), supported by the ADEME
2014: Announcement of launch of commercial project for
onshore OTEC plant of 5 MW
2014: Launch of commercial project for offshore OTEC
plant of 16 MW (NEMO project)
2015: Export deployment
2018: First offshore plant
Tidal-current energy
Key points
Predictable, long-term energy
No visual or noise impact
Worldwide potential of 115 GW
Ease of installation and maintenance (specific barge)
OpenHydro is a DCNS subsidiary, leader in the field of
tidal stream generators
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2014: Contract for a pilot plant in Canada, order for 2
new turbines for the Paimpol project
2015: Pilot farms in Canada and in France (Paimpol)
2017: 14MW pilot farm in the Raz Blanchard
2020: Commercial farms
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
Impact of Marine Renewable Energy Development
Like O&G, development of Blue
Growth activities such as MRE,
Aquaculture, Deep-sea Mining,
etc, will create specific needs
and requirements that will have
to be addressed both onshore
as offshore:
 Construction,
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 Maintenance,
 Logistic,
 Decommissioning,
 Etc…
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
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One example: Lerwick Harbour case and the impact of
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
DCNS’ ambition: Developing new infrastructures in
Cherbourg Port: Creating a Hub for Tidal Energy
Agreement with Ports Normands Associés
Localised jobs
Hub for:
 Industrial prime contractor
- Competencies in energy-farm engineering based on
DCNS’ historical know-how
 Equipment supplier
- OpenHydro marine turbine
- Ocean thermal energy conversion cold seawater lines
 Service provider
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- Installation
- Maintenance
Bringing back activities close to
the Sea
| May 2015 – EMD Athens
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