
Lorenzo Moja - Università degli Studi di Milano

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Lorenzo Moja - Università degli Studi di Milano
Curriculum Vitae
Pasquale Lorenzo Moja
Nato a Milano il 15 maggio 1974
Milano, giugno 2015
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Carlo Pascal, 36
20133 Milano
Unità di epidemiologia clinica
IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi
Via Riccardo Galeazzi, 4
20161 Milano
Tel: +390250315097
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +390239014517
Fax: +39023559048
E-mail: [email protected]
Posizione attuale
2011 
Ricercatore, Università degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Scienze
Biomediche per la Salute
2012 
Responsabile dell’Unità di Epidemiologia Clinica presso l’IRCCS Istituto
Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milano
2015 
Funzionario (Technical Officer), Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità
Breve introduzione all’attività di ricerca
Lorenzo Moja si è laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano nel 2000.
Dopo la laurea ha conseguito un master in Revisioni Sistematiche, trascorrendo un periodo di formazione
alla ricerca nel contesto dell’Epidemiology Program di Ottawa, in Canada, città sede del comitato editoriale
del gruppo Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care (EPOC). Nel biennio di permanenza in
Canada (2003-2004), ha approfondito le sue competenze nel campo dell’epidemiologia clinica, delle
modalità di trasferimento del sapere dalla ricerca alla pratica medica, della ricerca sui servizi sanitari,
usando la metodologia della revisione sistematica e dei trial educativi per la formazione permanete dei
professionisti sanitari.
Nel 2004 si è specializzato in Igiene e Medicina Preventiva presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano. Nel
2014 ha conseguito il dottorato presso la Open University (D Phil), con una tesi sulle strategie di successo
per l’educazione continua in medicina (ECM).
La sua attività di ricerca si concentra su cinque filoni di indagine: la valutazione di efficacia di interventi
sanitari, prevalentemente attraverso la conduzione di revisioni sistematiche in diversi ambiti clinici
(medicina interna, cardiologia, oncologia, neurologia, ortopedia e riabilitazione, sanità pubblica); la
valutazione della qualità degli studi primari, in particolare studi clinici randomizzati; il reporting dei
risultati dei trial clinici e delle revisioni di letteratura; la valutazione di efficacia di interventi educativi e
organizzativi per migliorare le conoscenze e l’appropriatezza del comportamento dei professionisti sanitari;
la produzione di linee guida di pratica clinica attraverso metodi consensuali, quali il GRADE.
È membro del gruppo PRISMA - Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses e
del GRADE Working Group.
È deputy editor della rivista Internal and Emergency Medicine e programme editor di Dr Cochrane, un
prodotto per l’e-learning basato sulle revisioni sistematiche Cochrane con l’obiettivo di trasformare le
revisioni da complessi documenti di sintesi a format di apprendimento innovativi, che riproducono le
dinamiche di problem solving a cui sono sottoposti i professionisti sanitari nel contesto della pratica clinica
Percorso di studi
Maggio 2014
DPhil – Open University, UK
Affiliated Research Centre Programme: Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche
Mario Negri di Milano
Topic: E-learning Programs Based in High Quality Evidence to Transfer
Knowledge and to Improve Practice for Health Care Professionals
Supervisors: Prof. Alessandro Liberati, Dr. Jeremy Grimshaw
Support: Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research
Novembre 2004
Specializzazione in Igiene e Medicina Preventiva (durata 4 anni), Università
degli Studi di Milano.
Titolo della tesi: “Strutture di diagnosi e ricovero alternative per pazienti con
ictus cerebrale acuto: valutazione delle opportunità di un’analisi costi-efficacia
e costi-utilità affiancate al trial clinico PROSIT.”
[Alternative strategies for stroke care in Italy: exploring cost-effectiveness
and cost-utility analyses from a prospective, non-randomised, observational
study (PROSIT)]
Supervisor thesis: Prof. Vittorio Mapelli, Prof.ssa Livia Candelise
Supervisor medical activities: Prof. Francesco Auxilia
Aprile 2004
Post-graduate courses in “Epidemiology I” “Biostatistic I” “Economic
evaluation in Health Care” and “Quantitative Methods”, University of Ottawa,
Marzo 2002
Post-graduate course in “Evidence Based Medicine”, Università di Modena e
Reggio Emilia.
Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Liberati
Febbraio 2002
Master of Science (Medical School)
Systematic Reviews in Health Care, Università degli Studi di Milano
Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Liberati
Ottobre 2000
Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia, cum laude [110/110 cum laude], Università
degli Studi di Milano.
Titolo della tesi: Analisi della tipologia delle linee-guida adottate in un
ospedale di insegnamento e valutazione delle attitudini dei medici mediante
indagine questionario [Analysis of some variables concerning guidelines
adopted in a Hospital in Milan: quantity, quality and physicians’ attitude.
Which is the reciprocal influence of these factors?].
Supervisor: Prof. Francesco Auxilia
Esperienze professionali precedenti
2011 – 2012
Assistant Professor, Dipartimento di Salute Pubblica – Microbiologia –
Virologia, Università degli Studi di Milano
2008 - 2010
Deputy-Director, Italian Cochrane Centre
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri di Milano
2004 - 2008
Research fellow, Italian Cochrane Centre
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri di Milano
Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Liberati
Research Fellow, Cochrane Effective Practice and Organization of Care
Group, Institute of Population Health, University of Ottawa
Supervisor: Dr. Jeremy Grimshaw
Research assistant, Italian Cochrane Centre
Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri di Milano
Supervisor: Prof. Alessandro Liberati
Ordini professioniali
2001 - on
Ordine dei Medici di Milano (Iscrizione No. 37282)
Affiliazioni professionali
2001 - on
Membro di AREAS – Associazione per la Ricerca sull’Efficacia
dell’Assistenza Sanitaria
2003 - on
Charter Member of AREAS II - Associazione per la Ricerca sull’Efficacia
dell’Assistenza Sanitaria II
2009 - on
Membro di SItI – Società Italiana di Igiene, Medicina Preventiva e Sanità
Riconoscimenti e premi
Febbraio 2003
Progetto Professionalità – Fondazione Bancaria Monte di Lombardia – Merit
post-graduate scholarship (€ 26.000 / year)
Agosto 2002
“Thomas Chalmers” 2002 Award – 10° Cochrane Colloquium, Stavanger,
Norway (2 classified)
Ottobre 2001
“Dedalo 2001” Award - Panorama Sanità (1 classified, € 750)
Febbraio 2001
Ministry of Health Graduate Scholarship (€ 12.000 / year for four years)
2014 – 2017
Bando GR 2011-12 Giovani Ricercatori: GRADE - Dispute. Improving
appropriateness and transparency of processes to develop guidelines on
controversial clinical areas: evidence, values and context preferences to help
mitigate disputes and enhance the applicability of recommendations to
Principal Investigator: Lorenzo Moja
Sponsor: Ministero della Salute
ID Number: GR‐ 2011‐ 02348048
Amount: € 688.00,00
Date: Lenght: 36 months
2012 - 2013
Modello decisionale per l’adozione / modifica dell’offerta vaccinale nella
Regione Lombardia - Decision Support for Vaccination Policies: an Overview
of Systematic Reviews
Principal investigator: Lorenzo Moja
ID Number: to be assigned
Funding body: Lombardia Region
Amount: € 53.000,00
Date: December 2012
Length: 18 months
2011 - 2015
Bando 2009 Giovani Ricercatori: Effect on professional practice and health
care outcomes of computerized evidence‐based information system and
clinical decision support: a randomized controlled trial in orthopedics
Principal investigator: Lorenzo Moja
Funding body: Italian Ministry of Health
ID Number: GR‐2009‐160673
Amount: € 287.188,00 (50% of € 574.376,00)
Date: December 2011
Length: 48 months
Co-Funding body: Lombardia Region
ID Number: GR‐2009‐160673
Amount: € 287.188,00 (50% of € 574.376,00)
Date: December 2012
Length: 36 months
2011 – 2012
Dr Cochrane: developing online learning modules from Cochrane reviews.
Principal Investigator: Prof. Jeremy Grimshaw (Ottawa Hospital Research
Institute, Ottawa, Canada)
Co-investigator: Lorenzo Moja
Research Net ID: 119470
Funding body: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Amount: Can $ 100.000
Date: July 2011
Length: 12 months
2009 – 2010
Efficacy, toxicity, duration and modalities of administration of anti-HER2
agents in HER-2 positive breast cancer: a prospective systematic review.
Principal investigator: Roberto D’Amico (Cattedra di Statistica Medica,
Dipartimento Integrato di Oncologia ed Ematologia, Università di Modena e
Co-investigator: Lorenzo Moja
Length of time: 24 months
Funding body: AIFA – Italian Medicines Agency
Amount: € 60.000
Date: December 2008
2007 – 2009
ECCE Medici – Gestione piattaforma di E-learning basata sui contenuti
Clinical Evidence e attività di sperimentazione relative (soddisfazione e
efficacia nel trasferimento di conoscenze).
Co-holders: Prof. Alessandro Liberati (Dipartimento Integrato di Oncologiaed
Ematologia), Dott. Ivan Moschetti (Italian Cochrane Centre, Mario Negri
Institute for Pharmacological Research), Pietro Dri (Zadig Publisher).
ID Number: contratto LOTTO 1 ECCE Medici REP n. 02/2007 del 20/09/07
aggiudicazione del 26/07/07 prot. AIFA/78536/F.3
Funding body: AIFA – Italian Medicines Agency
Amount: € 716.000
Date: July 2007
Length: 30 months
2007 – 2009
Monitoring innovations in the field of anticancer drugs: an integrated model
of technology assessment (systematic reviews, production, implementation
and evaluation of clinical recommendations) based on the collaboration
among regions and between regions and national agencies (ASSR and AIFA)
of the Italian National Health Service.
Co-holders: Prof. Dino Amadori (Research Program Principal Investigator)
(Azienda USL di Forlì - "Morgagni-Pierantoni Hospital"), Carlo Zocchetti
(Regione Lombardia Direzione Generale Sanità), Gianni Lupieri (Agenzia
Regionale della Sanità, regione Friuli Venezia Giulia), Marina Cerbo (Agenzia
per i Servizi Sanitari Regionali di Roma), Antonio Addis (Agenzia Italiana del
Co-investigator: Lorenzo Moja
ID Number: Year 2006 prot. 01-RFPS-2006-5-341291
Length of time: 24 months
Funding body: Italian Ministry of Health
Amount: € 2.414.000
Date: Ottobre 2007
2007 – 2008
“Acquisizione dei diritti di traduzione; traduzione; stampa e spedizione;
aggiornamento on-line del volume Clinical Evidence n.6”. [Licence of
translation rights, translation and adaption, publication and distribution; online up date of the Italian Edition of Clinical Evidence VI edition]
Co-holders: Prof. Alessandro Liberati (Dipartimento di Scienze Igienistiche,
microbiologiche e biostatistiche, Università degli Studi di Modena e ReggioEmilia), Pietro Dri (Zadig Publisher).
Funding body: AIFA – Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco
Amount: € 776.040
Date: November 2007
Length: 8-months
2006 – 2007
Clinical Evidence Continuous Medical Education: randomised educational
trial of an e-learning program for transferring evidence based information in
primary care – ICEKUBE (Italian Clinical Evidence Knowledge Utilization
Behaviour Evaluation).
Co-holders: Prof. Alessandro Liberati (Dipartimento di Scienze Igienistiche,
microbiologiche e biostatistiche, Università degli Studi di Modena e ReggioEmilia), Pietro Dri (Zadig Publisher).
ID Number: prot. AIFA/IC/16405/F.3a del 15-2-2007 - prosecuzione:
contratto LOTTO 1 ECCE Medici REP n. 02/2007 del 20/09/07
Length of time: 24 months
Funding body: AIFA – Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco
Amount: € 96.000
Date: May 2006
2006 – 2007
COFIN Programma di ricerca interuniversitario - A USERS' GUIDE ON
DISCORDANT SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS: un programma di ricerca mirato
a mettere a punto uno strumento per la valutazione della validità scientifica e
riproducibilità delle revisioni sistematiche di letteratura e del loro impatto sulle
raccomandazioni per la pratica clinica (linee guida) in campo oncologico,
neurologico, cardiologico, odontoiatrico e di valutazione economica degli
interventi sanitari. [Interuniversity Research Programme – A USERS' GUIDE
ON DISCORDANT SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS: a research program aimed at
producing a practical tool to assess the validity and reliability of systematic
reviews and their impact on practice guidelines in oncology, neurology,
cardiology, oral health and economic evaluation of health care interventions].
Co-holders: Prof. Alessandro Liberati (Dipartimento Integrato di Oncologia ed
Ematologia, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Prof. Mario
Zavanone (Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche, Università degli Studi di
Milano), Dr. Giovanni Lodi (Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia,
Odontoiatria, Università degli Studi di Milano), Prof. Francesco Auxilia
(Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica, Microbiologia, Virologia, Università degli
Studi di Milano), Prof. Antonio Conti (Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Clinica,
Università degli Studi di Firenze), Prof. Gianni Virgili (Dipartimento di
Scienze Chirurgiche Oto-Neuro-Oftalmologiche, Università degli Studi di
Firenze), Dr. Roberto D’Amico (Dipartimento Integrato di Oncologia ed
Ematologia, Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia).
ID Number: Year 2006 - prot. 2006062298
Lenght of time: 24 months
Funding body: MIUR – Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
Amount: € 304,900
Date: March 2006.
2002 – 2004
Programma di ricerca interuniversitario - Valutazione della qualità degli studi
primari nelle revisioni sistematiche di letteratura: ricadute della loro
metodologia per l'insegnamento dell'Evidence Based Medicine.
[Interuniversity Research Programme – Quality assessment of primary studies
in systematic reviews: implications of their methodology for the teaching of
Evidence Based Medicine].
Co-holders: Prof. Alessandro Liberati (Dipartimento di Scienze Igienistiche,
microbiologiche e biostatistiche, Università degli Studi di Modena e ReggioEmilia), Prof.ssa Livia Candelise (Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche,
Università degli Studi di Milano), Prof. Luigi Sapelli (Specialità chirurgiche,
Scienze Radiologiche e Medico Forensi, Università degli Studi di Brescia),
Prof. Paolo Vineis (Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche ed Oncologia Umana,
Università degli Studi di Torino), Dott. Roberto D’Amico (Dipartimento di
Scienze Igienistiche, microbiologiche e biostatistiche, Università degli Studi di
Modena e Reggio-Emilia), Dott. Moschetti Ivan (Centro Cochrane Italiano).
ID Number: Year 2002 prot. 2002061749_001
Length of time: 24 months
Funding body: MIUR - Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della
Ricerca (COFIN)
Amount: € 116.000
Date: November 2002.
Traduzione e adattamento, progetto grafico, stampa distribuzione del volume
Clinical Evidence (III ed.).
[Translation and adaptation, graphical project, publication and distribution of
the Italian Edition of Clinical Evidence (III Edition)]
Co-holders: Alessandro Liberati (Italian Cochrane Centre), Pietro Dri (Zadig
Date: 2004, April
Length of time: 12 months
Funding body: Italian Ministry of Health
Amount: € 640.040,00
Progetto ECCE – Sperimentazione formazione a distanza attraverso
l’Educazione Continua in Medicina via internet basato sui contenuti di Clinical
[ECCE Project - Evidence based knowledge driven by Clinical Evidence
through an Italian continuing education program on the web: evaluation of
Co-holders: Alessandro Liberati (Italian Cochrane Centre)
Date: 2004, June
Length of time: 18 months
Funding body: Zadig Publisher
Amount: € 120.000,00
Traduzione e adattamento, progetto grafico, stampa distribuzione del volume
Clinical Evidence (II ed.).
[Translation and adaptation, graphical project, publication and distribution of
the Italian Edition of Clinical Evidence (II Edition)]
Co-holders: Alessandro Liberati (Italian Cochrane Centre)
Date: 2002, 28 May
Length of time: 11 months
Funding body: Italian Ministry of Health
Amount: € 1.953.735,20
Traduzione e adattamento, progetto grafico, stampa distribuzione del volume
Clinical Evidence.
[Translation and adaptation, graphical project, publication and distribution of
the Italian Edition of Clinical Evidence]
Co-holders: Alessandro Liberati (Italian Cochrane Centre)
Date: 2000, 21 December
Length of time: 10 months
Funding body: Ministero della Sanità – Dipartimento per la valutazione dei
medicinali e la farmacovigilanza
Amount: € 770.000
Impact of publications since 2003 (assessed October 2014)
Web of Science (Moja Lorenzo OR Moja Pasquale Lorenzo)
Number of indexed publications 70
Citations 688; without self-citations and PRISMA* citations 664
h-index: 12
Average citations per item: 9.83
* PRISMA is a reporting guideline for supporting authors and journals in the publication process of
systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
Google scholar (Lorenzo Moja GOOGLE Scholar Page)
Citations 17754
Citations without PRISMA: 1487
h-index: 19
i10-index: 24
Peer-reviewed journals
1. Monticone M, Cedraschi C, Ambrosini E, Rocca B, Fiorentini R, Restelli M, Gianola S, Ferrante
S, Zanoli G, Moja L. Cognitive-behavioural treatment for subacute and chronic neck pain.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 May 26;5:CD010664. [I.F. 5.939]
2. Liberati EG, Galuppo L, Gorli M, Maraldi M, Ruggiero F, Capobussi M, Banzi R, Kwag K,
Scaratti G, Nanni O, Ruggieri P, Polo Friz H, Cimminiello C, Bosio M, Mangia M, Moja L.
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of computerized decision support systems in Italian
hospitals: a grounded theory study. Recenti Prog Med. 2015 Apr;106(4):180-91.
3. Bonovas S, Moja L, Danese S. In the Presence of Conceptual Heterogeneity, Results of Network
Meta-analysis Comparing Therapies in Crohn's Disease Need to Be Interpreted With Caution.
Gastroenterology. 2015 Jun;148(7):1483-4. [I.F. 13.926]
4. Banzi R, Cusi C, Randazzo C, Sterzi R, Tedesco D, Moja L. Selective serotonin reuptake
inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) for the prevention
of tension-type headache in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015 May 1;5:CD011681.
[Epub ahead of print] [I.F. 5.939]
5. Danese S, Fiorino G, Mary JY, Lakatos PL, D'Haens G, Moja L, D'Hoore A, Panes J, Reinisch
W, Sandborn WJ, Travis SP, Vermeire S, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Colombel JF. Development of Red
Flags Index for Early Referral of Adults with Symptoms and Signs Suggestive of Crohn's Disease:
An IOIBD Initiative. J Crohns Colitis. 2015 Apr 23. pii: jjv067. [Epub ahead of print] [I.F. 3.562]
6. Moja L, Danese S, Fiorino G, Del Giovane C, Bonovas S. Systematic review with network metaanalysis: comparative efficacy and safety of budesonide and mesalazine (mesalamine) for Crohn's
disease. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2015 Jun;41(11):1055-65. [I.F. 5.478]
7. Liberati EG, Gorli M, Moja L, Galuppo L, Ripamonti S, Scaratti G. Exploring the practice of
patient centered care: The role of ethnography and reflexivity. Soc Sci Med. 2015 May;133:4552. [I.F. 2.558]
8. Agostini M, Moja L, Banzi R, Pistotti V, Tonin P, Venneri A, Turolla A. Telerehabilitation and
recovery of motor function: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Telemed Telecare. 2015
Jun;21(4):202-13.[I.F. 1.736]
9. Moja L, Kwag KH. Point of care information services: a platform for self-directed continuing
medical education for front line decision makers. Postgrad Med J. 2015 Feb;91(1072):83-91 [I.F.
10. Schünemann HJ, Moja L. Reviews: Rapid! Rapid! Rapid! …and systematic. Syst Rev. 2015 Jan
14;4:4. [I.F. 5.939]
11. Castellini G, Gianola S, Banzi R, Corbetta D, Gatti R, Sirtori V, Gluud C, Moja L. Constraintinduced movement therapy: trial sequential analysis applied to Cochrane collaboration systematic
review results. Trials. 2014 Dec 26;15:512. [I.F. 2.117]
12. González-Lorenzo M, Piatti A, Coppola L, Gramegna M, Demicheli V, Melegaro A, Tirani M,
Parmelli E, Auxilia F, Moja L; Vaccine Decision Group. Conceptual frameworks and key
dimensions to support coverage decisions for vaccines. Vaccine. 2015 Feb 25;33(9):1206-17 [I.F.
13. Lucenteforte E, Moja L, Pecoraro V, Conti AA, Conti A, Crudeli E, Galli A, Gensini GF, Minnelli
M, Mugelli A, Proietti R, Shtylla J, D'Amico R, Parmelli E, Virgili G. Discordances originated
by multiple meta-analyses on interventions for myocardial infarction: a systematic review. J Clin
Epidemiol. 2015 Mar;68(3):246-56. [I.F. 5.478]
14. Negri E, Zambelli A, Franchi M, Rossi M, Bonifazi M, Corrao G, Moja L, Zocchetti C, La
Vecchia C. Effectiveness of trastuzumab in first-line HER2+ metastatic breast cancer after failure
in adjuvant setting: a controlled cohort study. Oncologist. 2014 Dec;19(12):1209-15. [I.F. 4.540]
15. Moja L, Kwag KH, Lytras T, Bertizzolo L, Brandt L, Pecoraro V, Rigon G, Vaona A, Ruggiero
F, Mangia M, Iorio A, Kunnamo I, Bonovas S. Effectiveness of Computerized Decision Support
Systems Linked to Electronic Health Records: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Am J
Public Health. 2014 Oct 16:e1-e11. [I.F. 4.229]
16. Moja L, Lucenteforte E, Kwag KH, Bertele V, Campomori A, Chakravarthy U, D'Amico R,
Dickersin K, Kodjikian L, Lindsley K, Loke Y, Maguire M, Martin DF, Mugelli A, Mühlbauer
B, Püntmann I, Reeves B, Rogers C, Schmucker C, Subramanian ML, Virgili G. Systemic safety
of bevacizumab versus ranibizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev. 2014 9:CD011230. [I.F. 5.939]
17. Moja L, Liberati E, Galuppo L, Gorli M, Maraldi M, Nanni O, Rigon G, Ruggieri P, Ruggiero F,
Scaratti G, Vaona A, Kwag K. Barriers and facilitators to the uptake of computerized clinical
decision support systems in specialty hospitals: protocol for a qualitative cross-sectional study.
Implement Sci. 2014; 9(1):105. [I.F. 3.470]
18. Pecoraro V, Moja L, Dall'Olmo L, Cappellini G, Garattini S. Most appropriate animal models to
study the efficacy of statins: a systematic review. Eur J Clin Invest. 2014;44(9):848-71. [I.F.
19. Santesso N, Rader T, Nilsen ES, Glenton C, Rosenbaum S, Ciapponi A, Moja L, Pardo JP, Zhou
Q, Schünemann HJ. A summary to communicate evidence from systematic reviews to the public
improved understanding and accessibility of information: a randomized controlled trial. J Clin
Epidemiol. 2014:S0895-4356(14)00213-3. [I.F. 5.478]
20. Kasenda B, Schandelmaier S, Sun X, von Elm E, You J, Blümle A, Tomonaga Y, Saccilotto R,
Amstutz A, Bengough T, Meerpohl JJ, Stegert M, Olu KK, Tikkinen KA, Neumann I, CarrascoLabra A, Faulhaber M, Mulla SM, Mertz D, Akl EA, Bassler D, Busse JW, Ferreira-González I,
Lamontagne F, Nordmann A, Gloy V, Raatz H, Moja L, Rosenthal R, Ebrahim S, Vandvik PO,
Johnston BC, Walter MA, Burnand B, Schwenkglenks M, Hemkens LG, Bucher HC, Guyatt GH,
Briel M. Subgroup analyses in randomised controlled trials: cohort study on trial protocols and
journal publications. BMJ. 2014;349:g4539. [I.F. 16.378]
21. Rosenthal R, Kasenda B, Dell-Kuster S, von Elm E, You J, Blümle A, Tomonaga Y,
Saccilotto R, Amstutz A, Bengough T, Meerpohl JJ, Stegert M, Tikkinen KA, Neumann
I, Carrasco-Labra A, Faulhaber M, Mulla S, Mertz D, Akl EA, Bassler D, Busse JW,
Ferreira-González I, Lamontagne F, Nordmann A, Gloy V, Olu KK, Raatz H, Moja L,
Ebrahim S, Schandelmaier S, Sun X, Vandvik PO, Johnston BC, Walter MA, Burnand B,
Schwenkglenks M, Hemkens LG, Bucher HC, Guyatt GH, Briel M. Completion and
Publication Rates of Randomized Controlled Trials in Surgery: An Empirical Study.
Ann Surg. 2014. [Epub ahead of print] [I.F. 7.188]
22. Bonifazi M, Franchi M, Rossi M, Zambelli A, Moja L, Zambon A, Corrao G, La Vecchia C,
Zocchetti C, Negri E. Long term survival of HER2-positive early breast cancer treated
with trastuzumab-based adjuvant regimen: A large cohort study from clinical practice. Breast.
2014;(5):573-8. [I.F. 2.581]
23. Balduzzi S, Mantarro S, Guarneri V, Tagliabue L, Pistotti V, Moja L, D'Amico R. Trastuzumabcontaining regimens for metastatic breast cancer. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
2014;6:CD006242. [I.F. 5.939]
24. Moja L, Pecoraro V, Ciccolallo L, Dall'Olmo L, Virgili G, Garattini S. Flaws in animal studies
exploring statins and impact on meta-analysis. Eur J Clin Invest. 2014;44(6):597-612. [I.F. 2.834]
25. Danese S, Fiorino G, Peyrin-Biroulet L, Lucenteforte E, Virgili G, Moja L, Bonovas S. Biological
agents for moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis: a systematic review and network metaanalysis. Ann Intern Med. 2014;160(10):704-11. [I.F. 16.104]
26. Kasenda B, von Elm E, You J, Blümle A, Tomonaga Y, Saccilotto R, Amstutz A, Bengough T,
Meerpohl JJ, Stegert M, Tikkinen KA, Neumann I, Carrasco-Labra A, Faulhaber M, Mulla SM,
Mertz D, Akl EA, Bassler D, Busse JW, Ferreira-González I, Lamontagne F, Nordmann A, Gloy
V, Raatz H, Moja L, Rosenthal R, Ebrahim S, Schandelmaier S, Xin S, Vandvik PO, Johnston
BC, Walter MA, Burnand B, Schwenkglenks M, Hemkens LG, Bucher HC, Guyatt GH, Briel M.
Prevalence, characteristics, and publication of discontinued randomized trials. JAMA.
2014;311(10):1045-51. [I.F. 30.387]
27. Morici N, Moja L, Rosato V, Sacco A, Mafrici A, Klugmann S, D’Urbano M, La Vecchia C, De
Servi S, Savonitto S. Bridge with intravenous antiplatelet therapy during temporary withdrawal
of oral agents for surgical procedures: A systematic review. Internal and Emergency Medicine.
2014;9(2):225-35. [I.F. 2.345]
28. Prutsky GJ, Domecq JP, Erwin PJ, Briel M, Montori VM, Akl EA, Meerpohl JJ, Bassler D,
Schandelmaier S, Walter SD, Zhou Q, Coello PA, Moja L, Walter M, Thorlund K, Glasziou P,
Kunz R, Ferreira-Gonzalez I, Busse J, Sun X, Kristiansen A, Kasenda B, Qasim-Agha O, Pagano
G, Pardo-Hernandez H, Urrutia G, Murad MH, Guyatt G. Initiation and continuation of
randomized trials after the publication of a trial stopped early for benefit asking the same study
question: STOPIT-3 study design. Trials. 2013;14(1):335. [I.F. 2.117]
29. Gianola S, Pecoraro V, Lambiase S, Gatti R, Banfi G, Moja L. Efficacy of muscle exercise in
patients with muscular dystrophy: a systematic review showing a missed opportunity to improve
outcomes. PLoS One. 2013;8(6):e65414. [I.F. 3.534]
30. Bonifazi M, Franchi M, Rossi M, Moja L, Zambelli A, Zambon A, Corrao G, La Vecchia C,
Zocchetti C, Negri E. Trastuzumab-related cardiotoxicity in early breast cancer: a cohort study.
Oncologist. 2013;18(7):795-801. [I.F. 4.540]
31. Bonifazi M, Zuccatosta L, Trisolini R, Moja L, Gasparini S. Transbronchial needle aspiration: a
systematic review on predictors of a successful aspirate. Respiration. 2013;86(2):123-34. [I.F.
32. Gianola S, Gasparini M, Agostini M, Castellini G, Corbetta D, Gozzer P, Li LC, Sirtori V, Taricco
M, Tetzlaff JM, Turolla A, Moher D, Moja L. Survey of the reporting characteristics of systematic
reviews in rehabilitation. Physical Therapy. 2013;93(11):1456-66. [I.F. 3.245]
33. Proietti R, Pecoraro V, Di Biase L, Natale A, Santangeli P, Viecca M, Sagone A, Galli A, Moja
L, Tagliabue L. Remote magnetic with open-irrigated catheter vs. manual navigation for ablation
of atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Europace. 2013; 15(9):1241-8. [I.F.
34. Morici N, Moja L, Rosato V, Oreglia JA, Sacco A, De Marco F, Bruschi G, Klugmann S, La
Vecchia C, Savonitto S. Time from adenosine di-phosphate receptor antagonist discontinuation
to coronary bypass surgery in patients with acute coronary syndrome: Meta-analysis and metaregression. International Journal of Cardiology. 2013; 168(3):1955-64. [I.F. 6.175]
35. Rengo G, Pagano G, Squizzato A, Moja L, Femminella GD, de Lucia C, Komici K, Parisi V,
Savarese G, Ferrara N, Perrone-Filardi P, Leosco D. Oral anticoagulation therapy in heart failure
patients in sinus rhythm: a systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e52952.
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052952. [I.F. 3.534]
36. Moja L, Piatti A, Pecoraro V, Ricci C, Virgili G, Salanti G, Germagnoli L, Liberati A, Banfi G.
Timing matters in hip fracture surgery: patients operated within 48 hours have better outcomes.
A meta-analysis and meta-regression of over 190,000 patients. PLoS One. 2012;7(10):e46175.
[I.F. 4.092]
37. Arezzo A, Vettoretto N, Famiglietti F, Moja L, Morino M. Laparoendoscopic rendezvous reduces
perioperative morbidity and risk of pancreatitis. Surgical Endoscopy and other interventional
techniques. 2012;27(4):1055-60. [I.F. 3.427]
38. Moja L, Fernandez del Rio MP, Banzi R, Cusi C, D'Amico R, Liberati A, Lodi G, Lucenteforte
E, Minozzi S, Pecoraro V, Virgili G, Parmelli E. Multiple systematic reviews: methods for
assessing discordances of results. Internal and Emergency Medicine. 2012;7(6):563-8. [I.F.
39. Moja L, Tagliabue L, Balduzzi S, Parmelli E, Pistotti V, Guarneri V, D'Amico R. Trastuzumab
containing regimens for early breast cancer. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012,
Issue 4. Art. No.: CD006243. [I.F. 5.785]
40. Pelucchi C, Chatenoud L, Turati F, Galeone C, Moja L, Bach JF, La Vecchia C. Probiotics
supplementation during pregnancy or infancy for the prevention of atopic dermatitis: a metaanalysis. Epidemiology. 2012;23(3):402-14. [I.F. 5.738]
41. Colombo C, Moja L, Gonzalez-Lorenzo M, Liberati A, Mosconi P. Patient empowerment as a
component of health system reforms: rights, benefits and vested interests. Internal and Emergency
Medicine. 2012;7(2):183-7. [I.F. 2.345]
42. Bonifazi M, Rossi M, Moja L, Scigliano VD, Franchi M, La Vecchia C, Zocchetti C, Negri E.
Bevacizumab in clinical practice: prescribing appropriateness relative to national indications and
safety. Oncologist. 2012;17(1):117-24. [I.F. 4.095]
43. Squizzato A, Moja L, Ricci S, Gensini GF. Diagnosing acute stroke with magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) calls for caution: computed tomography (CT) is preferable for standard care.
Internal and Emergency Medicine. 2012;7(1):71-3. [I.F. 2.345]
44. Erba G, Moja L, Beghi E, Messina P, Pupillo E. Barriers toward epilepsy surgery. A survey
among practicing neurologists. Epilepsia. 2012; 53(1):35-43. [I.F. 3.909]
45. Banzi R, Cinquini M, Liberati A, Moschetti I, Pecoraro V, Tagliabue L, Moja L. Speed of
updating online evidence based point of care summaries: prospective cohort analysis. BMJ.
2011;343:d5856. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d5856. [I.F. 13.471]
46. Banzi R, Moja L, Pistotti V, Facchini A, Liberati A. Conceptual frameworks and empirical
approaches used to assess the impact of health research: an overview of reviews. Health Research
Policy and Systems. 2011; 9(1):26. [I.F. -]
47. Moja L, Banzi R. Navigators for medicine: evolution of online point-of-care evidence-based
services. International Journal of Clinical Practice. 2011; 65(1):6-11. [I.F. 2.309]
48. Parmelli E, Papini D, Moja L, Bandieri E, Belfiglio M, Ciccone G, De Palma R, Leoni M, Longo
G, Magrini N, Moschetti I, Liberati A. Updating clinical recommendations for breast, colorectal
and lung cancer treatments: an opportunity to improve methodology and clinical relevance.
Annals of Oncology. 2011; 22(1):188-94. [I.F. 6.452]
49. Corbetta D, Sirtori V, Moja L, Gatti R. Constraint-induced movement therapy in stroke patients:
systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal Physical Rehabilitation Medicine. 2010
Dec;46(4):537-44. [I.F. 2.246]
50. Banzi R, Liberati A, Moschetti I, Tagliabue L, Moja L. A review of online evidence-based
practice point-of-care information summary providers. Journal of Medical Internet Research.
2010; 12(3):e26. [I.F. 4.663]
51. Banzi R, Moja L, Pistotti V, Facchini A, Liberati A. Valutazione dell’impatto della ricerca
biomedica e sanitaria: revisione sistematica di letteratura. Politiche Sanitarie. 2010; 11(3): 22141.
52. Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) Research & Development Working Group. Feasibility and
challenges of independent research on drugs: the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) experience.
European Journal of Clinical Investigation 2010; 40(1):69-86. [I.F. 2.736]
53. Baldo P, Rupolo M, Compagnoni A, Lazzarini R, Bearz A, Cannizzaro R, Spazzapan S, Truccolo
I, Moja L. Interferon-alpha for maintenance of follicular lymphoma. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 1. Art. No.: CD004629. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004629. [I.F.
54. Moja L. Clinical trials: trial registration cannot alone transform scientific conduct. Nature
Urology 2009. 7(1):7-8. [I.F. 2.615 - Nature Reviews Urology was previously published as Nature
Clinical Practice Urology]
55. Amato B, Moja L, Panico S, Persico G, Rispoli C, Rocco N, Moschetti I. Shouldice technique
versus other open techniques for inguinal hernia repair. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews 2009, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD001543. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001543.pub3. [I.F.
56. Sirtori V, Corbetta D, Moja L, Gatti R. Constraint-induced movement therapy for upper
extremities in stroke patients. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 4. Art. No.:
CD004433. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD004433.pub2.[I.F. 5.653]
57. Liberati A, Altman DG, Tetzlaff J, Mulrow C, Gøtzsche P, et al. The Prisma Group (Moja L).
The PRISMA statement for reporting systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies that
evaluate health care interventions: Explanation and elaboration. Annals of Internal Medicine
2009, 151(4): w65-w94.[I.F. 16.225]
58. Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, The Prisma Group (Moja L). Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement. PLoS Medicine
2009, 6: e1000097. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed. e1000097.[I.F. 13.050]
59. Moja LP, Moschetti I, Nurbhai M, Compagnoni A, Liberati A, Grimshaw JM, Chan AW,
Dickersin K, Krleza-Jeric K, Sim I, Volmink J. Compliance of clinical trial registries with the
World Health Organization minimum data set: a survey. Trials 2009, 10:56. [I.F. 2.020]
60. Li LC, Moja L, Romero A, Sayre EC, Grimshaw JM. Nonrandomized quality improvement trials
might overstate the strength of causal inference of their findings. Journal of clinical epidemiology
2009. 62(9):959-66. [I.F. 2.956]
61. Moja L, Moschetti I, Cinquini M, Sala V, Compagnoni A, Duca P, Deligant C, Manfrini R, Clivio
L, Satolli A, Addis A, Grimshaw J, Dri P, Liberati A. Clinical Evidence Continuous Medical
Education: a randomised educational trial of an open access e-learning program for transferring
evidence-based information - ICEKUBE (Italian Clinical Evidence Knowledge Utilization
Behaviour Evaluation) - Study protocol. Implementation Science 2008, 3:37 doi:10.1186/17485908-3-37 [I.F. -]
62. De Andrea S, Montanari M, Moja L, Apolone G. Prevalence of undertreatment in cancer pain. A
review of published literature. Annals of Oncology 2008, 19(12): 1985-91
doi:10.1093/annonc/mdn419 [I.F. 4.935]
63. Moja L, Moschetti I, Liberati A, Manfrini R, Deligant C, Satolli R, Addis A, Martini N, Dri P.
Using Clinical Evidence in a national continuing medical education program in Italy. PLoS
Medicine 2007. 4(5): e113. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.0040113 [I.F. 12.601]
64. Moja PL, Castelli B, McCauley L, Grilli R, Auxilia F. Cochrane EPOC Group: closing the gap
between quality assurance and organization of care research and front line professionals. Annali
di Igiene 2005;17(6): 585-590. [I.F. -]
65. Moja PL, Cusi C, Sterzi RR, Canepari C. Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for
preventing migraine and tension-type headaches. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
2005, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD002919. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD002919.pub2. [I.F. -]
66. Moja LP, Telaro E, D'Amico R, Moschetti I, Coe L, Liberati A. Assessment of methodological
quality of primary studies by systematic reviews: results of the metaquality cross sectional study.
British Medical Journal 2005;330(7499):1053-1055. [I.F. 9.052]
67. Moja PL, Albanese E, Centurione E, Auxilia F. Communicating with patients: how good are our
pamphlets and other written materials? An evaluation of the quality of the written information
available to patients with asthma and diabetes in out-patients' clinics in Milan. Annali di Igiene
2004;16(3):509-17. [I.F. -]
68. Formoso G, Moja L, Nonino F, Dri P, Addis A, Martini N, Liberati A. Clinical Evidence: a
useful tool for promoting evidence based medicine? BMC Health Services Research 2003;3:24.
69. Moja PL, Lari C, Trisolini R, Auxilia F. Analysis of some variables concerning guidelines
adopted in a Hospital in Milan: quantity, quality and physicians’ attitude. Which is the reciprocal
influence of these factors? European Journal of Public Health 2003;13(2):146-51. [I.F.1.281]
1. Morici N, Moja L, Rosato V, Savonitto S. Reply to letter to the editor:
"adenosine di-phosphate receptor antagonist discontinuation management prior to
coronary artery surgery". Int J Cardiol. 2014 Mar 1;172(1):221-2. doi:
10.1016/j.ijcard.2013.12.199. Epub 2014 Jan 7.
2. Moja L, Banzi R, Tagliabue L. Review of "pull" point-of-care services. International Journal of
Medical Informatics. 2011; 80(8):604-5. [I.F. 2.244]
3. Banzi R, Liberati A, Moschetti I, Tagliabue L, Moja L. Review of Online Evidence-based Practice
Point-of-Care Information Summary Providers: Authors' Reply to the Response by the Publisher
of DynaMed. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2010; 12(3):e40. [I.F. 4.663]
4. Liberati A, Davoli M, Filippini G, Moja L. Comment to "Why are Cochrane hepato-biliary
reviews undervalued by physicians as an aid for clinical decision making?" Digestive and Liver
Disease 2010; 42(10):746 [I.F. 2.805]
5. Banzi R, Moschetti I, Moja L. Internet-based education for health professionals. JAMA 2009
301(6): 599-600. [I.F. 28.899]
6. Moja L, Moschetti I, D’Amico R. Outcome reporting bias in RCTs funded by the government: a
call for further investigations. Canadian Medical Association Journal 2005; 172(7): 857. [I.F.
Other reports, commissions, exhibitions and clinical vignettes
Moja L. Stridor at night. Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal. 2011; 6(1):
4-6 (Answers: 276).
Moja L. Chronic cough: a natural (and parental) disaster. Evidence-Based Child Health: A
Cochrane Review Journal. 2010; 5(4): 1552-1554 (Answers: 2007).
Moja L. Anxiety above the clouds. Evidence-Based Child Health: A Cochrane Review Journal.
2010; 5(3): 1192–1195 (Answers 1547).
Dall'olmo L, Moja L. Treatment for non-dysplastic Barrett's oesophagus: a well-informed,
demanding patient. Internal and Emergency Medicine 2010; 5(5):433-5 [I.F. 2.139]
Macura A, Abraha I, Kirkham J, Gensini GF, Moja L, Iorio A. Selective outcome reporting:
telling and detecting true lies. The state of the science. Internal and Emergency Medicine 2010;
5(2):151-5. [I.F. 2.139]
Sirtori V, Corbetta D, Moja L, Gatti R. Constraint-induced movement therapy for upper
extremities in patients with stroke. Stroke 2010;41:e57-e58. [I.F. 5.756]
Banzi R, Moja L, Liberati A, Gensini GF, Gusinu R, Conti AA. Measuring the impact of
evidence: the Cochrane systematic review of organised stroke care. Internal and Emergency
Medicine 2009; 4:507–510. [I.F. 2.371]
Virgili G, Conti AA, Moja L, Gensini GF, Gusinu R. Heterogeneity and meta-analyses: do study
results truly differ? Internal and Emergency Medicine 2009; 4:423–427. [I.F. 2.371]
Squizzato A, Moja L, Gensini GF, Gusinu R, Conti AA. Is thrombolisis for intermediate-risk
pulmonary embolism beneficial? The case of Emeritus Professor Crow. Internal and Emergency
Medicine 2009; 4:339-41. [I.F. 2.371]
10. Puljak L, Moja L, Gensini GF, Gusinu R, Conti AA. Commercial dressings for burns versus
sweet ancient remedy. Internal and Emergency Medicine 2009; 4(1):53-6. [I.F. 2.371]
11. Filippini G, Moja L, Liberati A, Gensini GF, Gusinu R, Conti AA. When drug companies select
what they want to publish patients are denied relevant therapeutic information. Internal and
Emergency Medicine 2008; 3(3):255-7.
12. Iorio A, Moja L, Liberati A, Gensini GF, Gusinu R, Conti AA. Selecting references that match
constructs: the difficult job of citing the parachute hyperbole. Internal and Emergency Medicine
2008; 3(2):151-4.
13. Banzi R, Moja L, Moschetti I, Liberati A, Gensini GF, Gusinu R, Conti AA. Rimonabant for
overweight and "metabolic syndrome": the attempt to supersize disease and risk by
pharmaceutical marketing. Internal and Emergency Medicine 2008; 3(1):53-6.
14. Moja L, Virgili G, Liberati A, Gusinu R, Gensini GF, Conti AA. Scales to climb borderline
personalities: when science goes nowhere. Internal and Emergency Medicine 2007; 2(4):315-7.
15. Moja L, Minozzi S, Liberati A, Gusinu R, Gensini GF. The drama of cancer pain: when the
research abandons patients and reason. Internal and Emergency Medicine 2007; 2(3):226-8.
16. Moja L, Moschetti I, Liberati A, Gensini GF, Gusinu R. Understanding systematic reviews: the
meta-analysis graph (also called 'forest plot'). Internal and Emergency Medicine 2007; 2(2):1402.
17. Moja L, Moschetti I, Liberati A, Gensini GF, Gusinu R. Systematic reviews highlight the
complex balance between good and harm from screening studies. Internal and Emergency
Medicine 2007; 2(1):57-59.
18. Liberati A, Moja L, Moschetti I. Quali prove di efficacia per quali decisioni? Neurological
Science 2006; 27:S1-S5. [I.F. 0.894]
19. Moja L, Moschetti I, Liberati A, Gensini GF. Renaissance of a res publica clinical research:
global access to trial registers. Internal and Emergency Medicine 2006; 1(4):310-311.
20. Liberati A, Moja L, Moschetti I, Gensini GF, Gusinu R. Human albumin solution for
resuscitation and volume expansion in critically ill patients. Internal and Emergency Medicine
2006; 1(3):243-245.
21. Liberati A, Moja LP, Moschetti I. The future of clinical research: why do we need an
ecological approach? Recenti progressi in medicina 2006; 97(11):604-610.
Non-refereed publications
Liberati E, Moja L. L’ospedale centrato sul paziente è ancora lontano. Ricerca e pratica 2014;
De Palma R, Liberati A, Papini D, Bandieri E, Belfiglio M, Ceccarelli M, Ciccone G, Leoni M,
Longo G, Magrini N, Moja LP, Moschetti I, Parmelli E, Roila F. La produzione di
raccomandazioni cliniche con il metodo GRADE: l’esperienza sui farmaci oncologici. Dossier
172-2009, Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale Regionale, Regione Emilia Romagna.
Moja L, et al. Il progetto ECCE - Clinical Evidence: i risultati di due anni di sperimentazione.
In: Bacchielli MP, Bellotti F, Biocca M, Cavallo M, Innorta M, et al. Per un Osservatorio
nazionale sulla qualità dell’Educazione continua in medicina. Dossier 170-2008, Agenzia
Sanitaria e Sociale Regionale, Regione Emilia Romagna.
Moja L. L’Ottawa Statement: principi per la registrazione degli studi clinici. Medicina Italia
2007; Novembre 1/07.
Deligant C, Di Giulio P, Dri P, Liberati A, Manfrini R, Moschetti I, Moja L, Satolli R. Il Progetto
ECCE tocca quota ottantamila: le esperienze di medici e infermieri in parallelo. Bollettino
d’Informazione sui Farmaci 2007; 1(XIV):3-7. [ECCE touches 80000 users: doctors and nurses
in parallel]
Deligant C, Dri P, Liberati A, Manfrini R, Moschetti I, Moja L, Satolli R. Il Progetto ECCE: i
risultati di un modello di formazione a distanza orientato sul caso clinico. Bollettino
d’Informazione sui Farmaci 2006; 1(XIII):10-18. [ECCE: results of one year experimental
project for distance learning using clinical vignettes]
Moschetti I, Moja L, Dri P, Manfrini R, Satolli R, Deligant C, Liberati A. La formazione
permanente in Italia, il possibile ruolo delle evidence based medicine: qualcosa si muove.
Clinical Evidence ed ECCE. Ricerca e pratica 2005; 21:188-198. [Continuing education in Italy,
evidence based medicine’s possible role: something is moving. Clinical evidence and ECCE].
Moja L, Moschetti I, Ballini L, Deligant C, Manfrini R, Satolli R, Dri P, Liberati A. Progetto
sperimentale ECCE per la formazione a distanza del medico. Bollettino d’Informazione sui
Farmaci 2005; 1(XII):13-19. [ECCE: an experimental project for distance medical education].
Moja L, Santesso N, Palmhoj C, Grimshaw J. Feeding tubes and cultural shift: strong causal
inference from weak study design. British Medical Journal [rapid response on internet]. 2004
10. Formoso G, Moja L, Nonino F, Dri P, Liberati A. Clinical Evidence: un utile supporto
informativo per i medici? I risultati di uno studio realizzato in dieci regioni italiane. Bollettino
d’Informazione sui Farmaci 2003; 3-4(X):138-142. [Clinical Evidence: a useful tool to improve
medical knowledge? Hints from the pilot distribution of Clinical Evidence in ten Italian regions].
11. Moja PL. Analisi di alcune variabili riguardanti le linee-guida adottate in un ospedale
universitario di Milano: valutazione del loro numero, della tipologia e qualità e
dell’atteggiamento dei medici. Quale influenza reciproca hanno questi fattori? Panorama della
Sanità 2002; 6:40-43. [Analysis of some variables concerning guidelines adopted in a Hospital
in Milan: quantity, quality and physicians’ attitude. Which is the reciprocal influence of these
12. Lunardelli M, Moja L. Un luogo di incontro per gli studenti di medicina. Medico Domani
(Periodico di informazione per gli studenti in medicina) 2000; 1(1):3.
Books and reviews
1. Moja L, Alessandrini I. Medicina narrative e medicina basata sulle evidenze. In: Marini MG,
Arreghini L, editors. Medicina narrativa per una sanità sostenibile. 2012 Lupetti – Editori di
comunicazione, pp.3-11 [ISBN: 978-88-8391-373-0].
2. Clinical Evidence edizione italiana, VI edizione. 2008 Zadig, Milano. [Italian translation and
adaptation of Clinical Evidence, BMJ Publishing Group, London].
3. Liberati A, Moja LP, Moschetti I. Evidence-based medicine: its contribution in the way we search,
appraise and apply scientific information to patient care. In: Candelise L, Hughes R, Liberati A,
Uitdehaag MJ, Warlow C, editors. Evidence-based neurology. Management of neurological
disorders. 2007 BMJ Books, pp.3-11 [ISBN: 978-0-7279-1811-6].
4. Clinical Evidence edizione italiana, V edizione. 2007 Zadig, Milano. [Italian translation and
adaptation of Clinical Evidence, BMJ Publishing Group, London].
5. Clinical Evidence edizione italiana, IV edizione. 2006 Zadig, Milano. [Italian translation and
adaptation of Clinical Evidence, BMJ Publishing Group, London].
6. D'Amico R, Moja L, Liberati A. La sintesi dei risultati della ricerca: revisioni e meta-analisi. In:
Faggiano F, Donato F, Barbone F, editors. Manuale di epidemiologia per la sanità pubblica.
Torino: Centro Scientifico Editore, 2005, pp.309-333. [Synthesizing results of research:
systematic reviews and meta-analyses].
7. Clinical Evidence edizione italiana, III edizione. 2005 Zadig, Milano. [Italian translation and
adaptation of Clinical Evidence, BMJ Publishing Group, London].
8. Candelise L, Moja PL. Qualità delle risorse e prestazioni sanitarie per la cura del paziente
ricoverato per ictus cerebrale acuto. In: Istituto Auxologico Italiano editor. Rapporto sull'ictus
Milano: Masson, 2004, pp.11-26. [Quality resources and health care services for acute stroke
9. Clinical Evidence edizione italiana, II edizione. 2003 Zadig, Milano. [Italian translation and
adaptation of Clinical Evidence, BMJ Publishing Group, London].
Moja L, Compagnoni A, Brambilla C, McGowan J, Nurbhai M, Pistotti V. Trastuzumab
containing regimens for metastatic breast cancer. (Protocol) Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews 2006, Issue 4. Art. No.: CD006242. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD006242.
Oral Presentations, papers posters presented at international meetings
1. Moja L, Ueffing E, Linklater S, Moayyedi P, Schaafsma ME, Tugwell P, Grimshaw J. ‘Dr
Cochrane’: an innovative approach to continuing medical education using Cochrane reviews. Oral
presentation at the 20th Cochrane Colloquium; 2012 Sept 30-Oct 3; Auckland, New Zealand,
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Supplement 2012: No.:CD201200. PG:15-16.
2. D'Amico R, Petracci E, Balduzzi S, Moja L, Miglio R. Bias associated with selective crossover
in randomised controlled trials. Poster presentation at the 20th Cochrane Colloquium; 2012 Sept
30-Oct 3; Auckland, New Zealand, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Supplement 2012:
PG:44 No.:CD201200. PG:137.
3. Moja L, Banzi R, Cinquini M, Moschetti I, Pecoraro V, Tagliabue L, Liberati A. Do Cochrane
reviews drive clinical decision-making at the point of care? Poster presentation at the 19th
Cochrane Colloquium; 2011 Oct 19-22; Madrid, Spain, Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, Supplement 2011: No.:CD000003. PG:173.
4. Colombo C, Pecoraro V, Banzi R, Moja L, Cima S, Mosconi P, Liberati A, Pistotti V, Spreading
Cochrane press releases to lay people and Italian journalists. Oral presentation at the 19th
Cochrane Colloquium; 2011 Oct 19-22; Madrid, Spain, Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, Supplement 2011: No.:CD000003. PG:36.
5. D'Amico R, Bonafede E, Balduzzi S, Longo G, Guarneri V, Piacentini F, Moja L, Liberati A.
Unplanned crossover in randomised controlled trials: consequences for efficacy and safety
outcomes. Poster presentation at the 19th Cochrane Colloquium; 2011 Oct 19-22; Madrid, Spain,
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Supplement 2011: No.:CD000003. PG:137.
6. Parmelli E, Banzi R, Fernandez Del Rio MDP, Minozzi S, Moja L, Pecoraro V, Liberati A. Using
AMSTAR to assess the methodological quality of systematic reviews: an external validation
study. Poster presentation at the 19th Cochrane Colloquium; 2011 Oct 19-22; Madrid, Spain,
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Supplement 2011: No.:CD000003. PG:139.
7. Banzi R, Liberati A, Cinquini M, Pecoraro V, Tagliabue L, Moschetti I, Moja L. Measuring
update ability of evidence-based practice online point-of-care information services. Abstracts of
the 18th Cochrane Colloquium, p.88. Keystone Colorado, 18-22 Ottobre 2010. Cochrane
No.:CD000001.DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD000002. (Poster).
8. Moja L, Banzi R, Tagliabue L, Moschetti I, Liberati A. Online evidence-based practice point of
care information summaries: a content evaluation cross-sectional study. Abstracts of the 17th
Cochrane Colloquium, p.15. Singapore, 11-14 October 2009. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews, Supplement 2009: 1-76. Art No.:CD000001.DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD000001. (Oral
9. Parmelli E, Fernandez del Rio MdP, Minozzi S, Lodi G, Virgili G, Cusi C, Banzi R, D’Amico R,
Liberati A, Moja L. Multiple and discordant systematic reviews in medical literature: an
epidemiological cross sectional study across medical fields. Abstracts of the 17th Cochrane
Colloquium, p.22. Singapore, 11-14 October 2009. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews,
Supplement 2009: 1-76. Art No.:CD000001.DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD000001. (Oral
10. Pecoraro V, Banzi R, Bidoli S, Cinquini M, Fernandez del Rio MdP, Moja L, Moschetti I,
Parmelli E, Pistotti V, Liberati A. Italian Cochrane Centre training and dissemination activities.
Abstracts of the 17th Cochrane Colloquium, p.30. Singapore, 11-14 October 2009. Cochrane
11. Sala V, Moja L, Moschetti I, Pistotti V, Banzi R, Parmelli E, Cinquini M, Liberati A. Italian
Cochrane Centre educational and dissemination activities. Abstracts of the 16th Cochrane
Colloquium, p.40. Freiburg, Germany, 3-7 October 2008. In: Z. Evid. Fortbild. Qual.
Gesundh.wesen (ZEFQ) 102(2008) S:1-106.
12. Cinquini M, Moja L, Moschetti I, Sala V, Torri V, Liberati A for the ICEKUBE Team. Predictors
of evidence-based knowledge in Italian doctors. Abstracts of the 16th Cochrane Colloquium, p.52.
Freiburg, Germany, 3-7 October 2008. In: Z. Evid. Fortbild. Qual. Gesundh.wesen (ZEFQ)
102(2008) S:1-106.
13. Colombo C, Moschetti I, Moja L, Mosconi P, Satolli R, Liberati A. The imperfect balance
between investment and payback from presenting Cochrane reviews to lay people: the
PartecipaSalute experience. Abstracts of the 15th Cochrane Colloquium, p.93-4. Sao Paolo, Brasil,
23-27 October 2007 (Oral Presentation).
14. Liberati A, Moja L, Moschetti I, Pardo J. Proposal for a continuing medical education e-learning
programme based on Cochrane systematic reviews (workshop). Abstracts of the 15th Cochrane
Colloquium, p.93-4. Sao Paolo, Brasil, 189-190 October 2007.
15. Moja L. Linking open access to practice: promoting Clinical Evidence in a National Continuing
Medical Education Program in Italy. Abstracts of the Berlin 5, p. 57. Padova, Italy, 19-21
September 2007.
16. Moschetti I, Moja L, Colombo C, Carra L, Satolli R, Mosconi P, Liberati A. How Cochrane
reviews can be used in a dissemination project: preliminary findings from the “PartecipaSalute”
project in Italy. Abstracts of the 14th Cochrane Colloquium, p.93. Dublin, Ireland, 23-26 October
17. Floriani I, Torri V, Rotmensz N, Martini N, de Rosa M, de Braud F, Moja L. Approaches to
interim analysis of randomized clinical trials in cancer: a survey from the Italian National
Monitoring Centre for Clinical Trials. Abstracts of the 14th Cochrane Colloquium, p.179. Dublin,
Ireland, 23-26 October 2006.
18. Reaume N, Moja PL, Nurbhai M, McGowan, O’Rourke K, Grimshaw J, Graham I. Cumulative
meta-analysis to determine key milestones in the Life Cycle of Evidence in Cancer Care (LIFE
CYCLE). Abstracts of the 13th Cochrane Colloquium, p.51. Melbourne, Australia, 22-26 October
2005 (Oral Presentation).
19. McGowan J, Nurbhai M, Reaume N, Moja PL, Graham I. Bibliometric analyses along cumulative
meta-analyses: the Life Cycle of Evidence in Cancer Care (LIFE CYCLE). Abstracts of the 13th
Cochrane Colloquium, p.95. Melbourne, Australia, 22-26 October 2005.
20. Moschetti I, Moja PL, Steven A, Ballini L, Liberati A. Transferability of evidence based
information driver by Clinical Evidence through an Italian continuing education programme on
the web: a qualitative study. Abstracts of the 13th Cochrane Colloquium, p.120. Melbourne,
Australia, 22-26 October 2005.
21. Li L, Moja PL, Romero A, Grimshaw J. Can we trust the conclusion in peer-review publications?
A review of quality improvement intervention studies. Abstracts of the 13th Cochrane
Colloquium, p.120. Melbourne, Australia, 22-26 October 2005.
22. Nurbhai M, Grimshaw J, Moja PL, Liberati A, Chan AW, Dickersin K, Krezla-Jeric K, Moher D.
Assessing the quality of information recorded on trial registries. Abstracts of the 13th Cochrane
Colloquium, p.165. Melbourne, Australia, 22-26 October 2005.
23. Li L, Moja PL, Romero A, Grimshaw J. “Do the conclusions look as good as they seem?” A
review of quality improvement intervention studies. Abstracts of the Fifth International Congress
on Peer Review and Biomedical Publication, p.47 Chicago, Illinois, 16-18 September 2005.
24. Nurbhai M, Moja PL, Grimshaw J, Liberati A, Dickersin K, Krleza-Jeric K, Moher D, Moschetti
I, Rennie D, Sim I. Assessing the quality of information recorded on trial registries. Abstracts of
the Fifth International Congress on Peer Review and Biomedical Publication, p.33. Chicago,
Illinois, 16-18 September 2005 (Oral Presentation)
25. Liberati A, Addis A, Moja L, Martini N, Pistotti V, Dri P. Disseminating information on the
effects of health care interventions: an Italian Ministry of Health project based on clinical
evidence and its implementation for continuing medical education (CME) programme. Abstracts
of the Second Health Technology Assessment International Conference, Italian Journal of Public
Health; p.215. Rome, Italy, 20-22 June 2005 (Oral Presentation).
26. Li L, Romero A, Moja PL, Grimshaw J. “Do the conclusions look as good as they seem?” A
review of quality improvement intervention studies. Abstracts of the 12th Cochrane Colloquium,
p.153. Ottawa, Canada, 2-6 October 2004.
27. Moja PL, Nurbhai M, Reaume N, Grimshaw J, Graham I, O’Rourke K, McGowan J. Cumulative
meta-analysis to determine key milestones in the Life Cycle of Evidence in Cancer Care (LIFE
CYCLE-ECC). Abstracts of the 12th Cochrane Colloquium, p.167. Ottawa, Canada, 2-6 October
28. Moja P, D’Amico R, Telaro E, Battaglia A, Bianco E, Calderan A, Colli A, Ferri M, Fraquelli M,
Girolami B, Marchioni E, Mezza E, Piccoli G, Vignatelli L, Monaco G, Morganti C, Franceschini
R, Bermond F, Cevoli S, Franzoso F, Ruggeri M, Joppi R, Minesso E, Lomolino G, Bellù R,
Liberati A (members of “Milano Master Course in Systematic Reviews”). Assessing the
methodological quality of primary studies in systematic reviews: improvements are needed within
and outside the Cochrane world. Abstracts of the 11th Cochrane Colloquium, p.8. Barcelona,
Spain, October 26-31, 2003 (Oral Presentation).
29. Formoso G, Moja PL, Bidoli S, Liberati A. Do doctors like evidence-based information and prefer
it to guidelines? Hints from the pilot distribution of Clinical Evidence (CE) within the Italian
National Health Service. Abstracts of the 11th Cochrane Colloquium, p.22. Barcelona, Spain,
October 26-31, 2003 (Oral Presentation).
30. Telaro E, D’Amico R, Moja P, Battaglia A, Bianco E, Calderan A, Colli A, Di Pietrantonj C, Ferri
M, Fraquelli M, Girolami B, Marchioni E, Mezza E, Piccoli G, Vignatelli L, Liberati A (members
of “Milano Master Course in Systematic Reviews”). Quality Assessment in Cochrane Reviews:
do we practice what we preach? Abstracts of the 10th Cochrane Colloquium, pp.35-36. Stavanger,
Norway, 31 July -3 Agosto 2002.
Oral presentations, papers or posters presented at Italian meetings (published)
1. Piatti A, Pecoraro V, Germagnoli L, Moja L, Banfi G. Gestione del cambiamento attraverso le
revisioni sistematiche come strumenti per orientare la pratica clinica: risultati preliminari di una
collaborazione tra l’IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi e il Centro Cochrane Italiano (CCI). Atti
del Convegno di Primavera dell’Associazione Italiana di Epidemiologia, pg. 36. Roma, 14-15
Maggio 2009.
2. Moja L, Moschetti I, Cinquini M, Sala V, Manfrini R, Deligant C, Dri R, Addis A, Liberati A.
Valutazione della bontà educativa dei casi clinici di ECCE, il programma di formazione a distanza
(FAD) basato sulle evidenze destinato ai medici italiani. Tutor 2008; 8(1-2): 78.
3. Moja L, Auxilia F. Il medico igienista e “ECCE” - le migliori prove di efficacia in un programma
di formazione a distanza nazionale. Atti della X Conferenza Nazionale di Sanità Pubblica, p.315.
Pisa, 14-16 Ottobre 2007. (Oral Presentation)
4. Costa E, Moja PL, Moschetti I, Nurbhai M, Grimshaw J, Rennie D, Liberati A. Valutare la qualità
delle informazioni raccolte nei registri dei protocolli dei trial. Atti del XXVI Congresso Nazionale
della SIFO, p.315. Catania, 19-22 Ottobre 2005.
5. Moja PL, Perenich D, Taddei A, Auxilia F. Istituto senza muri: comunicare attraverso
informazioni virtuali. Atti del 40° Congresso Nazionale della SitI, p.467. Cernobbio - Como,
2002. [Institute without wall: communications by virtual informations].
6. Albanese E, Centurione E, Moja PL, Auxilia F. Comunicazione medica scritta: costruiamo
informazioni di qualità per il paziente? Atti del 40° Congresso Nazionale della SitI, p.427.
Cernobbio - Como, 2002. [Quality management of medical information on leaflets].
7. Castaldi S, Ferrari M, Moja PL, Sabatino G, Auxilia F, Pagano A. La prevalenza del dolore nei
pazienti ospedalizzati: esperienza di una survey condotta in tre ospedali lombardi. Atti della VII
Conferenza Nazionale di Sanità Pubblica, p.297. Bari, 11-13 Ottobre 2001. [Assessing the
prevalence and severity of pain in three Italian hospitals].
8. Moja PL, Lari C, Spinello L, Trisolini R e Auxilia F. Studio preliminare della qualità delle lineeguida adottate ai fini dell’accreditamento istituzionale in un azienda ospedaliera milanese. Atti
del 39° Congresso Nazionale della SItI, p.500-502. Ferrara, 2000. [Quality of guidelines adopted
in a Hospital in Milan: preliminary results] (Oral Presentation).
Invited International Presentations
1. Moja L. Cochrane reviews and methodology. Excellence in Paediatrics. Florence, Italy, 3-6
December 2009.
2. Moja L. EBM and continuous medical education. International Cochrane Symposium,
Copenhagen, Denmark, 22 April 2009.
3. Moja L. EBM, continuous medical education and e-learning. Bahrain Ministry of Health,
Manama, Bahrain, 2 Agosto 2008.
4. Moja L. Linking open access to practice: promoting clinical evidence in a national continuing
medical education program in Italy. Berlin 5 Open Access: From practice to impact Consequence
of knowledge dissemination. Verona, Italy, 19-21 September 2007.
Invited National Presentations
1. FAD. Il Progetto ECCE. 2a Conferenza Nazionale GIMBE
Dall'Evidence-based Practice alla Clinical Governance. Bologna. 9 Febbraio 2007.
2. Sistemi di valutazione, competenze, organizzazione e conflitti di interesse nella formazione
continua in sanità. La qualità nella formazione continua in medicina. Bologna, Italy, 21-22 May
3. Cosa dicono e cosa non dicono le storie. Seminari dell’appropriatezza. Eccellenza. Fare di più o
fare meglio? Ospedale S. Croce, Cuneo. 23 October 2014.
Editorial responsibilities
Deputy-editor to the Internal and Emergency Medicine, Journal of the Italian Internal Medicine
Society, 2007 to present.
Peer review
Peer reviewer for:
BMC Medical Research Methodology
BMJ British Medical Journal
European Journal of Neurology
Internal and Emergency Medicine
JAMA Journal of American Medical Association
Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Group
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes
International Conference committees
Organizer of the International Scientific Program Committee for the International Clinical Trials’
Day Fourth Edition, ‘Disease and promotion of public awareness: the role of evidence from clinical
trials’, Milan, 20 May 2009.
Continental European Cochrane Entities Meeting (CECEM) of the Cochrane Collaboration, Milan,
Italy, 7-8 May 2008.
Member of the abstracts committee for the XVI Cochrane Colloquium, 'Evidence in the era of
globalisation', The Cochrane Collaboration, Freiburg, Germany, October 2008.
Organizer of the International Scientific Program Committee for the Continental European Cochrane
Entities Meeting (CECEM) of the Cochrane Collaboration, Milan, Italy, 7-8 May 2008.
Member of the Scientific Thomas C. Chalmers Award Committee for the XIII Cochrane Colloquium,
‘Corroboree’, The Cochrane Collaboration, Melbourne, Australia, 22-26 October 2005.
National Conference committees
Member of the Scientific Program Committee for the XII Riunione annuale network Cochrane
italiano, Milano, 29-30 novembre 2007: "La trasparenza nella produzione e disseminazione delle
informazioni scientifiche".
Member of the Scientific Program Committee for the XI Riunione annuale network Cochrane
italiano, Roma , 28 novembre 2006: "Aree di incertezza in medicina: come identificarle e promuovere
la ricerca necessaria".
Lecturer for MSc in:
Evidence-Based Medicine and Research Methodology in Health Care, Medical School, University of
Modena and Reggio-Emilia, 2007 – 2008.
Research Methodology, Medical School, University of Parma, 2008 - 2009.
Coordinamento Infermieristico, Medical School, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2006 – 2009
[Coordinatori di Unità Operativa e/o di Dipartimento per le professioni infermieristiche e ostetriche].
Promotion and governance of research in health care institutes, Faculty of Medicine, University of
Modena and Reggio-Emilia, 2009.
Course organizer and lecturer for Corso di Perfezionamento in:
Systematic reviews, meta-analyses and guidelines – Cochrane methodology, Medical School,
Università degli Studi di Milano, 2009 – 2010 and 2010 – 2011.
In addition, I have been involved in various other ad hoc teaching activities, for example:
Course organiser and faculty member for Systematic Reviews, Meta-Analyses and Guidelines course.
IRCCS Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milan, 2008 - 2009.
Course organiser and faculty member for One-day Cochrane Workshops, 2006 to present.
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